View Full Version : So is Harden washed?

04-07-2022, 10:39 PM
Been playing like complete crap lately

Im Still Ballin
04-07-2022, 10:40 PM
Once his hairline started going, his body started to fall apart. Father time has caught up to this Stripper-lovin' socialite.

04-07-2022, 10:50 PM
He has got no lift and is struggling physically.

He is shooting like ass atm but honestly theoretically that should be a fixable issue to some degree.

He just ain't the player he once was, simple facts. Not everyone can age like Lebron.

But he also doesn't have to be either. He just needs to create for the team and get us a shot when needed, hit threes at a respectable clip and hand the reigns to Jo and Tyrese.

He shouldn't have to score 30+ every game for the team to win.

Hopefully he can come back to camp next year healed up and in good shape. Contract wise I dunno what's gonna happen though.

04-07-2022, 10:53 PM
You guys love your TS% and all that stuff. He's still elite if you consider that. Plus he had 15 assists. I don't think he's close to being washed but I do think his best days are behind him. Not to mention he has to share the ball with another star that can create his own shot.

04-07-2022, 10:55 PM
Incredible Chris Paul was able to bring Durant's Warriors to the brink of elimination with the most overrated guard of all time as his running mate.

04-07-2022, 10:56 PM
You guys love your TS% and all that stuff. He's still elite if you consider that. Plus he had 15 assists. I don't think he's close to being washed but I do think his best days are behind him. Not to mention he has to share the ball with another star that can create his own shot.
I mean he's still good at manipulating the refs yes.

04-07-2022, 11:16 PM
Incredible Chris Paul was able to bring Durant's Warriors to the brink of elimination with the most overrated guard of all time as his running mate.

The weird thing is theres people that give Harden credit for that run as if he was the engine behind it.

Some people are just bad at knowing basketball tbh.

04-07-2022, 11:28 PM
He is struggling against real defense

04-07-2022, 11:44 PM
I think a lot of it has to do with the refs not respecting him. He isn't getting the calls that he use to.. which makes him less aggressive.

There were a bunch of positions from todays game that I feel he should have gotten to the foul line.. and I'm not even a Harden fan.

04-07-2022, 11:46 PM
What actually happened to Harden? He should be at his peak, meanwhile he has fallen off a cliff and playing considerably worse.

Im Still Ballin
04-07-2022, 11:50 PM
What actually happened to Harden? He should be at his peak, meanwhile he has fallen off a cliff and playing considerably worse.

His lifestyle of hitting the strip clubs has caught up to him. He's what, 33 or 34? The hairline is receding and the pot belly is growing.

His body is just hitting the wall.

04-07-2022, 11:52 PM
Once his hairline started going, his body started to fall apart. Father time has caught up to this Stripper-lovin' socialite.

Tbh I dont think youre wrong about this genuinely affecting his mentality. On some Samson shit fr fr.

He was already lazy and detached when his hairline was sharp, but he seemed to get even worse once the receding began.

Whatever the reason is, he just doesnt really care about anything basketball related. Hes been going thru the motions his whole career, but being fat and bald has accelerated his apathy.

04-08-2022, 12:11 AM
He never cared and it should have been obvious to anyone who watched him play. You can put up great stats but still not care about winning. Never at any point did he want anything other than to get out the game and head to the next party and strip club. He tried to lazy himself through the game and as one would expect has nothing to show for it. He's a basketball loser.

Don't think we'll be seeing Loney/Dr. Lemon or GOBB around to suck him off until next year.

04-08-2022, 05:43 AM
Lately? He hasn't been elite since 2020 :oldlol:

I have been trying to tell Philly fans that Harden is washed but they wouldn't listen

Spurs m8
04-08-2022, 05:57 AM
He never cared and it should have been obvious to anyone who watched him play. You can put up great stats but still not care about winning. Never at any point did he want anything other than to get out the game and head to the next party and strip club. He tried to lazy himself through the game and as one would expect has nothing to show for it. He's a basketball loser.

Don't think we'll be seeing Loney/Dr. Lemon or GOBB around to suck him off until next year.

This is so true.

Its a job to him...gives him money and perks...it's all he cares about

04-08-2022, 06:04 AM
What actually happened to Harden? He should be at his peak, meanwhile he has fallen off a cliff and playing considerably worse.

He doesn’t care about his fitness, eats anything and clearly drinks alcohol without moderation as well as partying after playoff games

04-08-2022, 08:36 AM
I'll have to wait and see what he does in the POs before I go all the way on this but he definitely looks washed and has looked this bad for months now.

This is why the Nets won the Harden trade. Philly is now in a position where they have to give Harden the max or risk losing him for nothing, and he might be a top 15-20 player in the league going forward, which is still good but not worth the money if you're trying to win.

04-08-2022, 08:41 AM
I'll have to wait and see what he does in the POs before I go all the way on this but he definitely looks washed and has looked this bad for months now.

This is why the Nets won the Harden trade. Philly is now in a position where they have to give Harden the max or risk losing him for nothing, and he might be a top 15-20 player in the league going forward, which is still good but not worth the money if you're trying to win.

So this means Joel is MVP?

04-08-2022, 08:46 AM
I'll have to wait and see what he does in the POs before I go all the way on this but he definitely looks washed and has looked this bad for months now.

This is why the Nets won the Harden trade. Philly is now in a position where they have to give Harden the max or risk losing him for nothing, and he might be a top 15-20 player in the league going forward, which is still good but not worth the money if you're trying to win.
That probably won't be necessary.

04-08-2022, 08:47 AM
So this means Joel is MVP?

I thought he was going to take because of the narratives and how much love he was getting mid-season but the media & players have been pushing way too hard for Jokic so I think he missed his chance, especially since Harden's stunk it up and cost them games. Sixers needed that #1 seed for him to win it IMO.

04-08-2022, 08:50 AM
That probably won't be necessary.

Perhaps not, but I don't want to get ahead of myself on this because we've seen players have down years before due to injuries. I did think he was just faking the hamstring injury to get out of BKN but it looks like he's actually compromised physically right now, or he might be taking it easy in the RS to not overdo it right before a Playoff run.

04-08-2022, 09:43 AM
His 2pt% is down sharply this year. Some of that might be the rules change. Could be age too.

Another factor could be that he wasn't able to get in good shape because of his hamstring.

04-08-2022, 09:45 AM
Hes been washed up since his last season at Houston. Complete fraud of a player.

04-08-2022, 10:40 AM
It's hard to say, but it's beyond weird that he goes from MVP level player and arguably the best regular season player in the league to someone who can't score with any efficiency and consistency over the course of like 2-3 seasons.

I think he wants to be the primary scorer and the team to revolve around him... AND have a massive supporting cast that could lead to a championship.

Im Still Ballin
04-08-2022, 10:53 AM
It's hard to say, but it's beyond weird that he goes from MVP level player and arguably the best regular season player in the league to someone who can't score with any efficiency and consistency over the course of like 2-3 seasons.

I think he wants to be the primary scorer and the team to revolve around him... AND have a massive supporting cast that could lead to a championship.

Sometimes it happens like that -- especially at his age. The pandemic would've probably exacerbated this.

04-08-2022, 12:37 PM
Been playing like complete crap lately

with 15 dimes last night.

Ok I understand hacking on Harden , but most people do not realize that this guy is an intelligent player.
Dishing out 15 dimes when his shot isn't falling should say something.
He has taken a back seat or maybe I should say riding shotgun with Joel.
He has beyond the arc shot, a drive, a floater , and is a pretty darn good distributor .
He looks for the rebound not like some shooting guards or PG's and has at times collect 10 + boards.

Only issue has been his defense over the years, and if Doc can get him to crank it up... I think he will hold his own during playoff time.

Guys, keep looking at Houston and Jersey , making him a liability on any team , get over it - that was history.

04-08-2022, 12:39 PM
His +- is still mostly positive despite not shooting well, which indicates he's having a positive impact at the court.

Perhaps Philly need to bolster their bench.

04-08-2022, 12:43 PM
harden for legoat. process complete.

04-08-2022, 12:44 PM
he is 32 years old , and has 3 more yeas left on his body.

Remember when Kyrie was sitting in the stands with his thumb in his ass , Harden was playing.... it is a long season before the playoffs.

And now each series is a best of of 7 series.
I was never in favor of it , until the semi finals and conference championship

04-08-2022, 02:23 PM
What actually happened to Harden? He should be at his peak, meanwhile he has fallen off a cliff and playing considerably worse.

its odd.

Is it all that injury against the Bucks last year?

Looks like it.

Cause he was in MVP talks when he joined Brooklyn.

Had them on a big win streak.

04-08-2022, 02:24 PM
I thought he was going to take because of the narratives and how much love he was getting mid-season but the media & players have been pushing way too hard for Jokic so I think he missed his chance, especially since Harden's stunk it up and cost them games. Sixers needed that #1 seed for him to win it IMO.


Which players have been pushing for Jokic?

Players have been openly pushing against Jokic.

It's been disgusting and blatantly racist.

04-08-2022, 03:46 PM

Which players have been pushing for Jokic?

Players have been openly pushing against Jokic.

It's been disgusting and blatantly racist.
Oh shut up you don’t give a shit about racism lmao

04-08-2022, 03:49 PM
Oh shut up you don’t give a shit about racism lmao

You don't, actually.

It's uncanny how you manage to flip that.

04-08-2022, 03:52 PM
You don't, actually.

It's uncanny how you manage to flip that.
I mean I care about actual racism not imagined racism. People aren’t being racist for picking someone else for MVP they’re just wrong. I doubt many players look at impact stats so none of them is going to see Jokic as the clear cut mvp unless they do that.

04-08-2022, 03:56 PM
You don't, actually.

It's uncanny how you manage to flip that.

He doesnt call out the (supposedly) black posters who race-troll, yet goes apoplectic when white ones do.

Whatever. He’s looking for someone to save so he can feel appreciated. It is awkward and frankly bigoted that he presumptuously assigns the need to be rescued onto blacks, but in the end this fantasy is the only thing he has going on.

Better to have to put up with these pansies than to be one. Count your blessings.

04-08-2022, 04:39 PM
I think Harden works best in a situation when he has complete carte blanche to score and dish as he sees fit( basically the entirety of his Houston career). Very much a rhythm-based player and he had to share the wealth with two other 27-30ppg guys in KD/Kyrie, now he's 2nd option to Embiid. But I don't think he's the same player he was when he was doing 36ppg just 3 seasons ago, which shows you how quickly shit changes. And even being 32, being that age now is different from that age 20 years ago. But he's not the most conditioned guy or some uber athlete so time is gaining on him. Different players age differently aided by other factors...

04-08-2022, 04:45 PM
I mean I care about actual racism not imagined racism. People aren’t being racist for picking someone else for MVP they’re just wrong. I doubt many players look at impact stats so none of them is going to see Jokic as the clear cut mvp unless they do that.

sure, a bunch of black players coming out to make a case against Jokic couldnt possibly be related to a bias for the black player.

04-08-2022, 04:50 PM
i'll have to see next year after he gets an offseason to heal. It's admittedly not looking good right now

04-08-2022, 04:54 PM
sure, a bunch of black players coming out to make a case against Jokic couldnt possibly be related to a bias for the black player.

Those particular guys could just be closer with Embiid and going to bat for their friend. And certainly it's possible some of them are simply biased.

Despite Rr3's motives for jumping in, unless you have more evidence than their skin color it actually is an unfair assumption and pointless accusation to make.

04-08-2022, 05:01 PM
Officiating changes (which were way overdue) really fu@ked over his extensive set of totally dishonest and misleading offensive moves. So many casual fans and fantasy stat junkies, who never played at a high level themselves, were really fooled by players like Harden.

It’s a shame because Harden’s shooting and ball handling are HOF level, and he could have developed an honest game that was still all-star level:

Indian guy
04-08-2022, 05:22 PM
Harden's game was based around his ridiculous quickness. Watch him circa 18-20 when he was the game's best scorer by a pretty decent margin. Nobody could stay in front of him.

2 hamstring injuries later he struggles getting by anyone. No surprise his game has fallen off a cliff.

04-08-2022, 06:02 PM

04-08-2022, 09:23 PM
sure, a bunch of black players coming out to make a case against Jokic couldnt possibly be related to a bias for the black player.
It could be but the onus is on you to prove it. Embiid is much more hyped by the media and players listen to the media too, so I think that’s more likely. You’re making unsubstantiated claims.

04-08-2022, 09:50 PM
Harden's game was based around his ridiculous quickness. Watch him circa 18-20 when he was the game's best scorer by a pretty decent margin. Nobody could stay in front of him.

2 hamstring injuries later he struggles getting by anyone. No surprise his game has fallen off a cliff.

one of the only actual knowledgeable and good posts in this thread :lol

04-08-2022, 09:52 PM
if you watch him from his last season in Houston, hell even when he got to Brooklyn he looked a lot more confident and explosive, after he suffered the hamstring injury + in addition to rule changes, it’s really no surprise he’s struggling on offense. i pray he’s not washed because he’s my all time favorite player, but this might be the start of his decline unfortunately. really wished he had stayed with the Nets, but it is what it is. he’ll most likely end up retiring ringless

04-08-2022, 10:09 PM
His game is too predictable.