View Full Version : Went on date with someone from Tinder and I was convinced she was interested but

05-02-2022, 11:43 PM
Not the case after I paid for dinner

we met at a Pizza restaurant and had a good time during dinner and then walked to the park afterwards and spent more time talking the rain.we ended up sitting in the park and continued talking. We discussed past relationships and she complimented on my hair. At the end she called an uber home and the guy stopped in the middle of the street causing all the cars behind him to beep their horns. That forced her to get inside the car quickly and we didnt get to hug. She send a text saying "sorry I was nervous about the traffic so I had to get in the car, call me later" And I responded I will.

So I arrived home around 7pm and called her about 10:45pm and the Bish didnt answer which was shocking. So then I was like....." maybe she fell asleep." So I went to bed not knowing if she made it home safely or not and woke up this morning to no text at all. Sent her at 5pm this evening and no response. So how the hell can I rush and go on another date after what seemed to be like strong interest from her and then get home and no communication? That was the first time I been complimented on a date in about 5 years. I dont know what else to do? Im done with dating

05-03-2022, 12:11 AM
way too over eager. and planning food on the first meet up is a big no in today's world. calling them is also a big no unless you haven't met them yet or you're basically dating. shoulda text and waited a day or 2. only meet for coffee and talk for half an hour then plan something for another day. that way you don't waste time and money cause women make up their mind on whether they're gonna **** you or not within the first 2 minutes just based on your looks and attitude. it's pointless to even stress or try with them. you already won or lost right away. then text her randomly and see if she's down to hang out. don't even say for what. let her decide what she wants. she will say drinks/dinner/movie at your place depending on her speed. then get alcohol involved right away. start all situations with drinks or shots. it eases the tension.

then make sure to sit down first and see where she sits. if she sits far away she thinks you're lame or she's nervous so offer shots of tequila and try to unlock her ****. if she sits next to you then she wants to bang. just take it slow and just get drunk. when she's wrecked you either do the leg test with your hand and if she moves your hand as you go towards he **** give her more booze and wait it out.. then bring her for a massage test and if she lifts her ass when you go to her lower back you rip her pants off

05-03-2022, 12:19 AM
way too over eager. and planning food on the first meet up is a big no in today's world. calling them is also a big no unless you haven't met them yet or you're basically dating. shoulda text and waited a day or 2. only meet for coffee and talk for half an hour then plan something for another day. that way you don't waste time and money cause women make up their mind on whether they're gonna **** you or not within the first 2 minutes just based on your looks and attitude. it's pointless to even stress or try with them. you already won or lost right away. then text her randomly and see if she's down to hang out. don't even say for what. let her decide what she wants. she will say drinks/dinner/movie at your place depending on her speed. then get alcohol involved right away. start all situations with drinks or shots. it eases the tension.

then make sure to sit down first and see where she sits. if she sits far away she thinks you're lame or she's nervous so offer shots of tequila and try to unlock her ****. if she sits next to you then she wants to bang. just take it slow and just get drunk. when she's wrecked you either do the leg test with your hand and if she moves your hand as you go towards he **** give her more booze and wait it out.. then bring her for a massage test and if she lifts her ass when you go to her lower back you rip her pants off

Show me your hairline

05-03-2022, 12:52 AM
The movie drive in always seemed to work for me in the past, but I'm a good looking guy so maybe it's easier for me compared to other guys.

You have to make her comfortable with you, once that happens begin to flirt, that always seems to work.

Don't be "too" nice, that comes off as boring. I have a friend who's not bad looking at all and he has the worst luck with girls because he is boring. One of the nicest guys I've ever met though.

05-03-2022, 12:56 AM
She probably went on another date right after. It's Tinder after all

On to the next. You need to realize with every connection you make that female probably has 20+.

05-03-2022, 01:18 AM
She probably went on another date right after. It's Tinder after all

On to the next. You need to realize with every connection you make that female probably has 20+.

Didnt think someone would sit in the rain with you for over an hour if they wasnt interested.

05-03-2022, 01:48 AM
Show me your hairline


05-03-2022, 02:15 AM
Just forget about it. She'll contact you when she's ready/if she wants to. It's all a stupid game. Don't be an idiot.

05-03-2022, 03:27 AM
Didnt think someone would sit in the rain with you for over an hour if they wasnt interested.

Women on Tinder are typically low self esteem boy chasers. They collect men and trim the heard when the one they are exactly looking for comes along.

05-03-2022, 03:50 AM
She probably liked you at the moment but realized afterwards you don't meet her criteria. Rather than waste your time, she did you a favor. I've ghosted people like that before.

05-03-2022, 08:25 AM
Show me your hairline

you admitted you're balding too dummy. and I'm at least near 40 so I can get away with it. you're 30 lmao

05-03-2022, 08:45 AM
you admitted you're balding too dummy. and I'm at least near 40 so I can get away with it. you're 30 lmao

No wonder you always wear ugly ass baseball caps as a 40 year old. :roll:

05-03-2022, 09:00 AM
No wonder you always wear ugly ass baseball caps as a 40 year old. :roll:

yea cause I was losing my hair at 30 like you

and no wonder you haven't posted a pic other than that one from 2 years ago that you admitted was already outdated and now you won't post a new one. that's your "hat"


luckily for me I was still able to get women. you however have never posted a single pic with one

05-03-2022, 09:02 AM
The last time I wore an ugly basketball cap was when I was a teenager.

No wonder women don't want to date you. You still wear basketball caps like a teenager with small lips.

Stop wearing them, shave your head if you have to. I still have plenty of hair so I don't shave it. But when the time comes I will shave it. I am muscular enough so not having hair won't matter.

Learn from me.

05-03-2022, 09:07 AM
The last time I wore an ugly basketball cap was when I was a teenager.

No wonder women don't want to date you. You still wear basketball caps like a teenager with small lips.

I dated women from highschool to age 36. covid is why people don't meet up much anymore. you however never once got with a girl. if you did you woulda posted it on your 1987 handle

05-03-2022, 09:15 AM
What kind of excuse is covid? lmfao.

I bet you gained like 30 lbs during Covid and became self conscious of yourself.

05-03-2022, 09:41 AM
What kind of excuse is covid? lmfao.

I bet you gained like 30 lbs during Covid and became self conscious of yourself.

ya that's why I made a thread about it and lost 30 pounds after the mandates were lifted lol. I just posted a thread with me dancing and posing to show off my shredded manly physique

05-03-2022, 10:28 AM
Then go on a date?

My 300 lb balding friend is getting laid.

05-03-2022, 10:49 AM
Then go on a date?

My 300 lb balding friend is getting laid.

people here are all liberal and still wear masks. it's why I made the conversion van thread to travel to a southern style province with simpler folk

05-03-2022, 02:17 PM
I dated women from highschool to age 36. covid is why people don't meet up much anymore. you however never once got with a girl. if you did you woulda posted it on your 1987 handle

Just last night some girl who is a fvck buddy wanted to meet up but I was already falling asleep and ignored her. Getting laid is not some amazing feat

The fact that you haven't gotten laid in 2 years and blame Covid for it is quite comical.

05-03-2022, 03:04 PM
Better to stay single at this point. She probably had 15 dudes inside her before and after the date

05-03-2022, 03:19 PM
Move on. Women don't want a respectful nice guy all the time. They need someone to challenge them usually.

05-03-2022, 03:25 PM
Just last night some girl who is a fvck buddy wanted to meet up but I was already falling asleep and ignored her. Getting laid is not some amazing feat

The fact that you haven't gotten laid in 2 years and blame Covid for it is quite comical.

says the guy who's never taken a picture with a girl

05-03-2022, 11:23 PM
She responded today and this was her text

""Hey sorry I went to my moms yesterday and was there late. I just got done work I need to eat something Im super cranky lol Thanks again for dinner and drinks yesterday"

05-04-2022, 10:38 AM
says the guy who's never taken a picture with a girl

Not everyone here is looking for attention. Unlike you, who always needs to be the center of attention because your parents ignored you growing up.

05-04-2022, 11:51 AM
Not everyone here is looking for attention. Unlike you, who always needs to be the center of attention because your parents ignored you growing up.

but you posted a pic of your apartment in a jealous angry tirade thread so you obviously are. and you posted a pic of yourself before so there would be no need to hide. we all know what you look like. but you have no pics with women cause you've spent every waking moment of your life on a message board cause it's been your job for the past 15+ years cause Jeff actually has a life

05-04-2022, 12:33 PM
but you posted a pic of your apartment in a jealous angry tirade thread so you obviously are. and you posted a pic of yourself before so there would be no need to hide. we all know what you look like. but you have no pics with women cause you've spent every waking moment of your life on a message board cause it's been your job for the past 15+ years cause Jeff actually has a life

I've posted a pic of myself, but never the place I'm living in.

Keep thinking I'm other posters. You also thought I was TheCorporation, but kblaze banned him and his alts, Why am I still here?

Whoever this Steve guy is, he did a number on you.

05-04-2022, 12:39 PM
people here are all liberal and still wear masks. it's why I made the conversion van thread to travel to a southern style province with simpler folk

LOL you can't talk to liberals? I am as capitalist / conservative as they come and I can talk to liberals easily.

They're fine people. Possibly whenever you open your mouth and say stupid shit it turns them off. Say less stupid shit and liberal girls will like you.

I would never move to a town or place with "simpler folk", wtf is that, interacting with dumber people?

05-04-2022, 12:40 PM
She responded today and this was her text

""Hey sorry I went to my moms yesterday and was there late. I just got done work I need to eat something Im super cranky lol Thanks again for dinner and drinks yesterday"

Yeah move on.

05-04-2022, 01:21 PM
Yeah move on.


That's a woman who is not really interested, buddy.

05-04-2022, 01:23 PM
I've posted a pic of myself, but never the place I'm living in.

Keep thinking I'm other posters. You also thought I was TheCorporation, but kblaze banned him and his alts, Why am I still here?

Whoever this Steve guy is, he did a number on you.

you posted your apartment under your 8ball account

05-04-2022, 01:29 PM
you posted your apartment under your 8ball account

I thought I was TheCoproation as well?

05-04-2022, 01:33 PM
I thought I was TheCoproation as well?

you are.. and just post a picture with a girl once. its been 15+ years. unless you're a closeted individual which would explain your obsession with me and my lips. i know you can do it. its easy... i got a few still saved on my phone


05-04-2022, 01:57 PM

Damn dude. From that to not even getting laid in 2 years. What happened?

05-04-2022, 02:04 PM
Damn dude. From that to not even getting laid in 2 years. What happened?

I'm desensitized and old. I told you I need pills now cause I'm tired of sex. I'm just trying to find a normal person to settle down with and I can't find anyone that isn't some vaxxcuck mask wearing liberal baby killer

05-04-2022, 02:15 PM
I'm desensitized and old. I told you I need pills now cause I'm tired of sex. I'm just trying to find a normal person to settle down with and I can't find anyone that isn't some vaxxcuck mask wearing liberal baby killer

You're desensitized because you keep looking at porn videos on efukkt

05-04-2022, 02:20 PM
You're desensitized because you keep looking at porn videos on efukkt

I like bdsm. it's kinky.. most women aren't into domination. and you wouldn't understand cause you never got any women. it's like having 12 slices of left over 2 for 1 large pizza. after a day or 2 you get sick of it and want something else. you never even tasted pizza. you just have fantasies about hotdogs from other men on the internet

05-04-2022, 03:35 PM
I'm desensitized and old. I told you I need pills now cause I'm tired of sex. I'm just trying to find a normal person to settle down with and I can't find anyone that isn't some vaxxcuck mask wearing liberal baby killer

Like I said. Women don't see you as stable and normal. Fix that and you will get dates and better women.

The type of girl you want is going to demand a lot more than what you currently offer as a mate. People normally end up with exactly what they bring to the table.

05-04-2022, 04:01 PM
Like I said. Women don't see you as stable and normal. Fix that and you will get dates and better women.

The type of girl you want is going to demand a lot more than what you currently offer as a mate. People normally end up with exactly what they bring to the table.

a guy who's spent every waking moment on a message board for 15 years cycling through 500 alts giving advice on how to find good women

you've never once posted a pic with one. I've posted many. I'm the one who should be giving you advice

1. log off

2. hit the gym

3. stop living through another man's accomplishments

4. have more confidence in yourself to at least be able to post pics/videos/voice clips for complete strangers. because if that gives you anxiety then talking to a woman in real life will be next to impossible

5. stop worrying what others think about you

6. find a new religion because your orthodox Jewish family will never accept your homosexuality

05-04-2022, 04:54 PM
Your constant need to know what someone looks like, what they do for a living, post pictures of where they live and who they date means you are insecure about yourself and it is obvious to everyone here. You can't call yourself an alpha male if you keep thinking you are one while doing the opposite.

I am not insecure about myself so I don't seek out looking to affirm myself to anyone. I am wealthy, successful and can retire right now if I want to, I also live in a beautiful place with my girlfriend. I am also younger than you are.

The only time I posted picture of my place was to get DABIGSALSHISHA humiliated and banned and I succeeded on that.

05-04-2022, 05:35 PM
Your constant need to know what someone looks like, what they do for a living, post pictures of where they live and who they date means you are insecure about yourself and it is obvious to everyone here. You can't call yourself an alpha male if you keep thinking you are one while doing the opposite.

I am not insecure about myself so I don't seek out looking to affirm myself to anyone. I am wealthy, successful and can retire right now if I want to, I also live in a beautiful place with my girlfriend. I am also younger than you are.

The only time I posted picture of my place was to get DABIGSALSHISHA humiliated and banned and I succeeded on that.

I already know what you look like. you're a racoon eyed 5'8 scruffy bearded jew. and you posted a picture of your apartment cause your ego got hurt. so it's absurd that you would act like your pride would take a hit being forced to prove you're a heterosexual. I have no reason to believe you're not gay because you obsess more over my lips and appearance than any female.

stop saying you live with a chick if you're not willing to show evidence of it. otherwise why say it. I don't believe you because a woman would never let someone play on a message board all day. you're a complete fraud

05-04-2022, 06:03 PM
The only person that ever said I was Jewish is Kenny. :lol

I was once called an honorary jew one time because I am money hungry and good at making it.

You really think I would be a bachelor living in a place like that? Take those pictures of my place, show it 50 females you know and ask them if the guy that lives there is single, all 50 of them would tell you otherwise.

05-04-2022, 06:05 PM
The only person that ever said I was Jewish is Kenny. :lol

failed lawyer. failed jew

I know. you told me you were a mutt with a bunch of mixed backgrounds. part native. part jewish. part African

100% virgin incel that can't prove he ever touched a girl

05-04-2022, 06:15 PM
Lmfao I am part African now. :roll:

Failed jew! Hahahhahahahhahaha

I am proud to be Steve with a 1987_Lakers account.

05-04-2022, 06:17 PM
Lmfao I am part African now. :roll:

Failed jew! Hahahhahahahhahaha

Steve is an African, native and Jew? Steve is quite an interesting fella. I am proud to be Steve with a 1987_Lakers account.

I saw your ancestry dna report card remember

05-04-2022, 06:42 PM
She probably went on another date right after. It's Tinder after all

On to the next. You need to realize with every connection you make that female probably has 20+.

we met and I rolled her on her shag.
Average night

05-04-2022, 09:13 PM
Like I said. Women don't see you as stable and normal. Fix that and you will get dates and better women.

The type of girl you want is going to demand a lot more than what you currently offer as a mate. People normally end up with exactly what they bring to the table.


05-04-2022, 10:26 PM
Bro, dont take it too hard...

this shit happens.

It may happen to females too, but women can definitely be very mysterious/avoiding in how they start disappearing and ghosting you out of nowhere...

when you've talked to as many girls as i have, getting numbers on numbers, you wouldnt believe how often girls make a good impression, laugh smile during convo, and sooner than later disappear or get passive in convo's...

i had a girl i met which gave me her insta, she told me which gym she went to, as we parted ways she damn near told me where she lived and even went in for a hug, for no real reason...

this was a dime.

one message of her in and she started ghosting the conversation.

i later saw her posting something in a story about how avoidance is a toxic trait of her which sucks because she needs physical touch or some female quote bs like that. but at least she's self aware.

you never know.

we're just different.

05-04-2022, 10:31 PM

That's a woman who is not really interested, buddy.

well obviously, he's more so interested in the psychology of it.

of being at peace. coming to grips with it.

its harsh, for sure.

05-04-2022, 11:14 PM

it's one thing to chicken out of posting a pic with a girl. but giving yourself an imaginary rep point is just full on cringe. please get laid one time in your life steve

05-05-2022, 02:29 AM
well obviously, he's more so interested in the psychology of it.

of being at peace. coming to grips with it.

its harsh, for sure.

What makes it harsh?

05-05-2022, 02:33 AM

That's a woman who is not really interested, buddy.

What's crazy is this was the most positive feedback I have received on a date in 3 years. She complimented my hair and eyes and shoes and told me to call her while we were on the way home. So you can see how I have no interest in going on any more dates until August lol It definitely felt like interest in her presence but like you said that text message just didnt scream I want to see you again

05-05-2022, 06:26 AM
What makes it harsh?

what you mean?

she ghosted you after a date?

you dont feel hard done by?

or wats the point of this thread?

05-05-2022, 09:56 AM
What makes it harsh?

good point - this is life.
I read a survey once , stating that 20 seconds you know if its the one or not.
That would tell me NEVER EVER sweat it.

It just takes time OP. (keep trying)

05-05-2022, 01:24 PM
What's crazy is this was the most positive feedback I have received on a date in 3 years. She complimented my hair and eyes and shoes and told me to call her while we were on the way home. So you can see how I have no interest in going on any more dates until August lol It definitely felt like interest in her presence but like you said that text message just didnt scream I want to see you again

Women are very good actors. It could be a bunch of things...she's not over an ex, she's talking to multiple guys at the same time etc. Both those things are very common.

05-06-2022, 03:28 PM
We are different

Woman are scientifically wired different then men

Attention to them is all they need for them to be happy ,as men we need sex(our currency is sex,there’s is attention)

Validation/attention is there lifeblood

theyre also hypergamus,always want the bigger better thing even if they’re married ,they don’t care,they’re wired that way from caveman tribe times.

theyre literally attracted to wealth and status(along with looks/personality,that’s why looks don’t matter to them as much as us)

They can like you one second in time and the next minute the don’t care because they live off there emotions .

Move on

It’s a numbers game, most woman aren’t gonna be attracted to you , but if you try alot you’ll get one even if you’re average .and by try I mean approach in person(99.9%of guys don’t) ,tinder is a waste of time with how many guys are on it…you have no shot

05-07-2022, 07:51 PM
The biggest thing you can do is carry yourself well and have a confidence. That will automatically bump you higher on the attractiveness scale by one or two points. Most women crave attention from men that are masculine that know how to take care of themselves because in their mind it shows them how you can take care of them. Don't be the nice guy all the time. It's boring, it's a turnoff it shows you're no fun.

05-08-2022, 01:22 AM
This is spot on

And if they're on Tinder the majority of them have low self esteem. The more matches they get the more their confidence builds.
The relationship chasers are far and few. They're usually snatched up early and likely organically