View Full Version : Has Tinder made cold approaching chicks obsolete?

05-10-2022, 04:17 PM
I started going hard on Tinder 2 months ago and I banged 4 chicks in just over a month from the last week of March till now. 2 out of 4 pretty good looking too. And I've got about 10 more phone numbers currently from Tinder and hotter girls than the last batch too. I hope at least 3-4 dates and 1-2 lays from that.

I don't drink anymore so I don't game chicks in bars and clubs much like in my 20's. I've been doing a bit of day game recently but it's **** hard. I need 10+ numbers to get 1 date and to get 10 numbers I gotta be in state and shit when I talk to them. Might take hours pounding the pavement at a mall or on the street. On Tinder 10 phone numbers in a week is very doable and I can sit on the couch, swipe and send a few texts. And funny enough fewer numbers flake too. I think I can get 3-4 dates from 10 phone numbers online compared to maybe 1 date for 10 phone numbers from in meeting them in person.

Now boys, the caveat is that these Tinder girls aren't long-term relationship material. One of them which is the hottest one admitted to me she boinked several guys she met from the app since Feb! :lol

05-10-2022, 06:50 PM
Dont you have to pay for tinder now? I aint no trick

05-10-2022, 09:53 PM
If it works for you, go for it. It doesnt work for most.

Ive completely changed it up. Not paying for tinder.

Ive been working to be where Im at today for years.

Im at a point where I can go up to anyone, anytime. Its so ****ing free'ing. There is no more anxiety.

I didnt even try today and I got 4 chicks' insta's. Walking up to girl groups n shit.

I got 5 on saturday and had a date with one today. These are all dimes, mind you.

I love the cold approach.

Nothing feels more 'real'.

05-10-2022, 10:02 PM
Its actually completely different.

Think about it this way.

Whenever you approach a girl, you have a match. You and her are there, you can speak, she listens, vice versa. You can send your texts, only in real.

On tinder, for the average man, it takes hundreds of swipes for a match, and even more matches for a match turning into a convo, and even more for one convo to end up in a date.

The percentages are extremely low. The average male has a 0.8% swipe success rate on tinder.

05-10-2022, 10:28 PM
You can find girlfriend material on there if you look for it.

If you're looking for sex and a quickie you'll get that instead.

05-11-2022, 04:05 AM
Tinder is a breeding ground for low.self esteem woman to fill their egos. You're doing them a service. You're just a number just like they are to you. Only you are fishing. They are shooting fish in a barrel.

05-11-2022, 05:35 AM
well, you probably have to be in a still position to get a hand job and/or blow job. I'm not even sure if you are allowed to speak or text when the act occurs.

in reality, you're really just actively tucking it in, and pulling it out.

what am I? girl scout cookies

what we're trying to do? being at the right place, at the right time, with the right people.

05-11-2022, 02:07 PM
If it works for you, go for it. It doesnt work for most.

Ive completely changed it up. Not paying for tinder.

Ive been working to be where Im at today for years.

Im at a point where I can go up to anyone, anytime. Its so ****ing free'ing. There is no more anxiety.

I didnt even try today and I got 4 chicks' insta's. Walking up to girl groups n shit.

I got 5 on saturday and had a date with one today. These are all dimes, mind you.

I love the cold approach.

Nothing feels more 'real'.

Its actually completely different.

Think about it this way.

Whenever you approach a girl, you have a match. You and her are there, you can speak, she listens, vice versa. You can send your texts, only in real.

On tinder, for the average man, it takes hundreds of swipes for a match, and even more matches for a match turning into a convo, and even more for one convo to end up in a date.

The percentages are extremely low. The average male has a 0.8% swipe success rate on tinder.

How old are you bro? Where do you game? Malls? Nightclubs?

If you're an average male you're **** either way bro. Average dudes aren't hooking up with girls they meet on the street or in the club either. If you're so fearless approaching you are definitely WAY ABOVE an average guy...

I never go for IG always for the phone number. I find that most halfway good-looking girls have so many thirsty dudes DMing them that you just become one of her orbiters. On the other hand, there is way fewer dudes texting her. IG can work if you have a sick IG with ton of high status travel pics etc. but I don't.

With day game, you are also looking at super low %'s though. What % of hot girls that you see do you actually approach? What % of the ones you approach stick around to talk for a minute? What % of those who talk give you their number/IG? What % of those that give their number/IG come out on a date? Many dudes on Reddit are posting they Day Game Reports and they are getting like 1 date per 100 cold approaches. And doing a hundred approaches is easily hours of work. From Tinder the last two months I got 10 dates from 77 matches. The time investment disparity is night and day.

05-11-2022, 03:38 PM
How old are you bro? Where do you game? Malls? Nightclubs?

If you're an average male you're **** either way bro. Average dudes aren't hooking up with girls they meet on the street or in the club either. If you're so fearless approaching you are definitely WAY ABOVE an average guy...

I never go for IG always for the phone number. I find that most halfway good-looking girls have so many thirsty dudes DMing them that you just become one of her orbiters. On the other hand, there is way fewer dudes texting her. IG can work if you have a sick IG with ton of high status travel pics etc. but I don't.

With day game, you are also looking at super low %'s though. What % of hot girls that you see do you actually approach? What % of the ones you approach stick around to talk for a minute? What % of those who talk give you their number/IG? What % of those that give their number/IG come out on a date? Many dudes on Reddit are posting they Day Game Reports and they are getting like 1 date per 100 cold approaches. And doing a hundred approaches is easily hours of work. From Tinder the last two months I got 10 dates from 77 matches. The time investment disparity is night and day.

Where do I GAME?

The streets bro.

I do all this in broad daylight.

I‘m 25.

There is no more anxiety significantly holding me back.

I know that its rare. Even good looking guys (and Im not a model or anything) dont have this. I was out with a friend a couple days ago and kept chatting up girls while we strolled and he was like damn I gotta do it once also...

But what do you mean way above an "average guy" ? in looks or mentality/confidence? if its the latter then yea, the former not necessarily. I'm tall and white, i got some nice arms and probably look pretty fit. Nothing crazy though.

I literally approach every single attractive girl at this point.

Every one.

On some occasions I've changed to the other side of the street to approach her.

And I get the insta 90% of the time, pretty much.

I try to make at least a tiny conversation of it.

Yesterday night I had a rare instance where the chick just continued walking, but I actually saw her dancing couple hours before at an event kind of thing and said that, and then she stopped and laughed, said she normally doesn‘t respond to such things fearing creeps.

But normally girls just stop and are flattered.

They love compliments and attention, as long as you do it tastefully.

Everything is much more normal once you talk, than when you just gawk like they're some alien.

1 date per 100 cold approaches, they must not be very good.

I might do a YouTube channel for this, but it's gonna be in German.

I also do stand-up by the way, so I do have good confidence, if that makes you understand it more.

05-11-2022, 04:50 PM
Where do I GAME?

The streets bro.

I do all this in broad daylight.

I‘m 25.

There is no more anxiety significantly holding me back.

I know that its rare. Even good looking guys (and Im not a model or anything) dont have this. I was out with a friend a couple days ago and kept chatting up girls while we strolled and he was like damn I gotta do it once also...

But what do you mean way above an "average guy" ? in looks or mentality/confidence? if its the latter then yea, the former not necessarily. I'm tall and white, i got some nice arms and probably look pretty fit. Nothing crazy though.

I literally approach every single attractive girl at this point.

Every one.

On some occasions I've changed to the other side of the street to approach her.

And I get the insta 90% of the time, pretty much.

I try to make at least a tiny conversation of it.

Yesterday night I had a rare instance where the chick just continued walking, but I actually saw her dancing couple hours before at an event kind of thing and said that, and then she stopped and laughed, said she normally doesn‘t respond to such things fearing creeps.

But normally girls just stop and are flattered.

They love compliments and attention, as long as you do it tastefully.

Everything is much more normal once you talk, than when you just gawk like they're some alien.

1 date per 100 cold approaches, they must not be very good.

I might do a YouTube channel for this, but it's gonna be in German.

I also do stand-up by the way, so I do have good confidence, if that makes you understand it more.

I applaud you bro. You must have really paid your dues to get to the point of very little anxiety. It's a tough road of self-doubt and building yourself up as a man. I've probably made thousands of approaches in my life and I've collected hundreds of phone numbers and I still have anxiety sometimes. I'm 34 by the way. I started being scared to approach, then I could approach after a few beers then I could approach completely sober. But it took time... years... and I still would rank myself as intermediate in day game approaching.

Tall, white, fit and great confidence/mentality isn't average. I'd venture you're in the top 5% of guys easily. The average guy is 5'9'', slightly overweight and scared shitless to approach a girl unless drunk/high. Is that guy gonna have better than 1 date in 100 street approaches assuming he even has the balls to approach 100 times? Maybe not...

Does 0.8% match rate on Tinder look bad considering that? I don't think it does. If he does 1000 swipes in a week, an average guy will get 8 matches. Let's say 1-2 good looking girls. In a month that's 5-10 good looking girls. He can get 1 date out of that. It's not bad.

05-11-2022, 05:13 PM
Not at all. Online dating is trash for actually finding a relationship.

My basic rule of thumb is to approach women who show interest. Who cold approaches anymore? It's horrible and not worth it. Maybe I'm lucky because most chicks like how I look, so I get signals.

05-11-2022, 07:16 PM
I applaud you bro. You must have really paid your dues to get to the point of very little anxiety. It's a tough road of self-doubt and building yourself up as a man. I've probably made thousands of approaches in my life and I've collected hundreds of phone numbers and I still have anxiety sometimes. I'm 34 by the way. I started being scared to approach, then I could approach after a few beers then I could approach completely sober. But it took time... years... and I still would rank myself as intermediate in day game approaching.

Oh yes.

I had the urge to speak to and really approach girls since forever.

As I'm sure many do.

What you end up doing is just look, acknowledge the beauty, and move on.... and you work in very circumstantial circles, or none at all and go exclusively over apps, or luck with colleagues, friends of friends, etc.

You don't do that because you love it that way, but because you don't dare to do more.

If someone is good to go with the cold approach, he obviously has a much bigger market.

The whole market, in fact.

It hasn't always been this way.

Much like you, I had phases.

I got this dime's insta once and I was like damn, I got it now...I got this. And then it went again, shortly after. Much a day form thing.

I needed to see a girl twice for me to muster up the courage/preparation to approach her, telling myself this next time is it... and even then sometimes I would buckle.

Usually you completely forget about the approach. You see a girl, you think she could be hot, she comes closer, yes she is hot (wow! *drool), whoops, she's passed you...
"why didn't you say something?!" <mind

A little over a year ago I still had some terrible approaches where I definitely wouldn't even have given myself the number/insta.

Women simply immediately catch onto your insecurity. If you are secure, it comforts them, they are secure.

It can be a little annoying because I wanna stay on edge and almost force myself to speak to women every day, so it can happen I throw myself at girls I don't even find hot or would wanna make the effort of texting for.

Tall, white, fit and great confidence/mentality isn't average. I'd venture you're in the top 5% of guys easily. The average guy is 5'9'', slightly overweight and scared shitless to approach a girl unless drunk/high. Is that guy gonna have better than 1 date in 100 street approaches assuming he even has the balls to approach 100 times? Maybe not...

Does 0.8% match rate on Tinder look bad considering that? I don't think it does. If he does 1000 swipes in a week, an average guy will get 8 matches. Let's say 1-2 good looking girls. In a month that's 5-10 good looking girls. He can get 1 date out of that. It's not bad.

I guess for those guys tinder makes sense?

But what would suit them better, is if they get to the level of making halfway competent approaches..

of course in their current sterile state, not much would come out of it. But it never will if they rot away on tinder.

Now thats not you.

I assume you look pretty decent and/or can text well, if you've hooked up that frequently with the app.

05-11-2022, 07:20 PM
Not at all. Online dating is trash for actually finding a relationship.

My basic rule of thumb is to approach women who show interest. Who cold approaches anymore? It's horrible and not worth it. Maybe I'm lucky because most chicks like how I look, so I get signals.


Easily the most rewarding and real interactions there are.

Nothing better than making an acquintance out of a stranger you find attractive.

Not at all. Online dating is trash for actually finding a relationship.

My basic rule of thumb is to approach women who show interest. Who cold approaches anymore? It's horrible and not worth it. Maybe I'm lucky because most chicks like how I look, so I get signals.

Read that as "most chicks I like like how I look",

in that case, probably an illusion.

People tend to tell themselves "it works fine because most girls I like luckily like me/give me signals", but thats just because girls showing you affection become more attractive/sympathetic to you. If other girls you hadnt previously considered would wink at you n stuff, then you (not necessarily you per se) would be up for them also.

05-11-2022, 10:18 PM
Oh yes.

I had the urge to speak to and really approach girls since forever.

As I'm sure many do.

What you end up doing is just look, acknowledge the beauty, and move on.... and you work in very circumstantial circles, or none at all and go exclusively over apps, or luck with colleagues, friends of friends, etc.

You don't do that because you love it that way, but because you don't dare to do more.

If someone is good to go with the cold approach, he obviously has a much bigger market.

The whole market, in fact.

It hasn't always been this way.

Much like you, I had phases.

I got this dime's insta once and I was like damn, I got it now...I got this. And then it went again, shortly after. Much a day form thing.

I needed to see a girl twice for me to muster up the courage/preparation to approach her, telling myself this next time is it... and even then sometimes I would buckle.

Usually you completely forget about the approach. You see a girl, you think she could be hot, she comes closer, yes she is hot (wow! *drool), whoops, she's passed you...
"why didn't you say something?!" <mind

A little over a year ago I still had some terrible approaches where I definitely wouldn't even have given myself the number/insta.

Women simply immediately catch onto your insecurity. If you are secure, it comforts them, they are secure.

It can be a little annoying because I wanna stay on edge and almost force myself to speak to women every day, so it can happen I throw myself at girls I don't even find hot or would wanna make the effort of texting for.

I guess for those guys tinder makes sense?

But what would suit them better, is if they get to the level of making halfway competent approaches..

of course in their current sterile state, not much would come out of it. But it never will if they rot away on tinder.

Now thats not you.

I assume you look pretty decent and/or can text well, if you've hooked up that frequently with the app.

Everything you say makes sense and I agree with.

My notion wasn't that day approaches aren't worth it. Quite on the contrary. Like you said approaching women gives you freedom and access to the entire market. However these days I can get a nice decent trickle of matches on Tinder and it's just easier. Less time and energy invested per date per lay or however you wanna quantify it.

In terms of my looks I've been told I'm good looking. I'm 6 feet, pretty fit, and dress better than most guys. I wear a lot of nice designer shit and chicks compliment me on my style sometimes lol With that said I'm not using professional photos on Tinder and I'm far from being Brad Pitt.

I see cold approaching more as a habit than a skill. Talking to women all the time like every day is crucial because at some point you see a hot chick and you automatically open her before your mind has a chance to paralyze you. For example, a few weeks ago I opened this stunning Japanese girl in the mall and in a very spontaneous way. I saw her and opened within 2 seconds. I asked her out for coffee right on the spot, she was really into it and and even though I kind of ****ed it up later, the approach was great and I'm proud of that. When I see a girl if my mind starts thinking "Oh she's got earbuds in." or "She is walking kind of fast." or whatever else I will probably do a very weak approach or talk myself out of approaching altogether. That's why staying on the edge as you call it is important. See the target and approach right away. What killed the warrior? Hesitation...

05-12-2022, 01:06 AM
If it works for you, go for it. It doesnt work for most.

Ive completely changed it up. Not paying for tinder.

Ive been working to be where Im at today for years.

Im at a point where I can go up to anyone, anytime. Its so ****ing free'ing. There is no more anxiety.

I didnt even try today and I got 4 chicks' insta's. Walking up to girl groups n shit.

I got 5 on saturday and had a date with one today. These are all dimes, mind you.

I love the cold approach.

Nothing feels more 'real'.

I believe you i just dont trust your definition of dimes. Nikkas be saying the most mediocre b1tches is dimes these days.

05-12-2022, 06:50 AM
Everything you say makes sense and I agree with.

My notion wasn't that day approaches aren't worth it. Quite on the contrary. Like you said approaching women gives you freedom and access to the entire market. However these days I can get a nice decent trickle of matches on Tinder and it's just easier. Less time and energy invested per date per lay or however you wanna quantify it.

In terms of my looks I've been told I'm good looking. I'm 6 feet, pretty fit, and dress better than most guys. I wear a lot of nice designer shit and chicks compliment me on my style sometimes lol With that said I'm not using professional photos on Tinder and I'm far from being Brad Pitt.

I see cold approaching more as a habit than a skill. Talking to women all the time like every day is crucial because at some point you see a hot chick and you automatically open her before your mind has a chance to paralyze you. For example, a few weeks ago I opened this stunning Japanese girl in the mall and in a very spontaneous way. I saw her and opened within 2 seconds. I asked her out for coffee right on the spot, she was really into it and and even though I kind of ****ed it up later, the approach was great and I'm proud of that. When I see a girl if my mind starts thinking "Oh she's got earbuds in." or "She is walking kind of fast." or whatever else I will probably do a very weak approach or talk myself out of approaching altogether. That's why staying on the edge as you call it is important. See the target and approach right away. What killed the warrior? Hesitation...

Thats a very good point. Now that you mention it, I dont feel that anymore. Being struck right when you wanna walk up. The most I get if its early in the day is my heart beat raise but nothing too serious, I'll walk up and its gone.

And yeah, just doing it is good. Putting yourself out there. Also foreign chicks are easier^^

earbuds, fast walking, dont matter. Only thing that leaves me a little unsure is when they're on the phone :lol but cmon, cant pass up a woman you like because theyre on the phone.

I believe you i just dont trust your definition of dimes. Nikkas be saying the most mediocre b1tches is dimes these days.

True but I'm being serious here. Like these are desired girls. Trust me. No holding back. One was walking around a very known spot here in Berlin and I saw people's heads turning for her. She was white/blonde, fit, slim, yet big ass and chest, young... like #1 pornstar shit if she would be, for comparison sake. I waited for my moment and approached her.

I'm not saying I'm some kind of playboy. It didn't end up in anything.

But as I said, you just gotta put yourself out there. Live with no regrets. Me and this chick were on the subway for a couple stations, talked and laughed, we got out and she damn near told me where she lived, then she hugged me for really no reason, and once we texted on insta she ghosted the convo after one message of hers.

Sometimes you'll have these experiences. Girls often dont really know what they want. Shortly after she posted a story with a template that was like "when your love language is physical touch but your toxic trait is avoidance" I was like yea i noticed that shit :lol

05-12-2022, 11:16 AM
im lucky i found a great girlfriend. sweetest girl ever, hot af, smart af. i met her back in november and my cousin reminded me "remember what you told back then when we were at the airbnb? you said she'd be your girlfriend". he doubted me too, shit, i doubted me :oldlol:

05-12-2022, 12:29 PM
I don't know how I'd survive in today's dating pool. I met my wife organically over 25 years ago. I'm lucky to be with her because the woman today seem to lack morals and self respect. Online gives women power over those traits. Hard to find a woman like my wife

05-12-2022, 05:08 PM

Easily the most rewarding and real interactions there are.

Nothing better than making an acquintance out of a stranger you find attractive.

Read that as "most chicks I like like how I look",

in that case, probably an illusion.

People tend to tell themselves "it works fine because most girls I like luckily like me/give me signals", but thats just because girls showing you affection become more attractive/sympathetic to you. If other girls you hadnt previously considered would wink at you n stuff, then you (not necessarily you per se) would be up for them also.

I don't understand your points? my point is girls who actually give signals are interested, duh. Cold approaching is approaching someone who gives zero signals. I'm a a handsome dude and get more attention than any average guy would.

05-12-2022, 07:48 PM
I don't understand your points? my point is girls who actually give signals are interested, duh. Cold approaching is approaching someone who gives zero signals. I'm a a handsome dude and get more attention than any average guy would.

props, i guess :cheers:

cold approaching isnt just for zero signals, its for girls who might not have seen / noticed you.

everyone is game.

it opens up your possibilities.


on a semi related note, just started speaking with this girl in the subway (she was with her friend), we got out and it turns out we are damn near neighbors lmao.

05-12-2022, 10:09 PM

This is the guy giving advice about picking up girls:yaohappy:

05-12-2022, 10:12 PM
This is the guy giving advice about picking up girls:yaohappy:

Sounds like a cool dude. That was genuinely funny

05-12-2022, 10:24 PM
Sounds like a cool dude. That was genuinely funny

Monotone limp wristed dudes with no conviction are the coolest!

05-12-2022, 11:23 PM
Everywhere i go hoes say im fine so i dont use tinder and would never pay for it. But always remember dont trust hoes they say they love you when you know they dont and they wishy washy as hell

05-13-2022, 06:56 AM
Sounds like a cool dude. That was genuinely funny

you come here and the beers are set ya hear me? :cheers:

we can go hit some bars or watch harden playoff clips :pimp:

05-13-2022, 11:33 AM
you come here and the beers are set ya hear me? :cheers:

we can go hit some bars or watch harden playoff clips :pimp:


You have some serious talent bro. "You know fonzworth... whatever the **** your name is called.. " and then proceed to tell him to leave his house in a charming way. That was a very smooth and classy roast. I can definitely see you doing stand up, you're a natural.

I'll let you know when I'm in the area my boy :pimp:

05-13-2022, 02:09 PM
ArbitraryWater definitely knows what he's talking about when it comes to picking up chicks. His mentality is spot on. He and I disagree on a lot of sports topics, basically root for different players but he's a cool dude and pretty smart too.

05-13-2022, 03:37 PM
I hate online hookups because I have been catfished so many times.

Luckily as a university student I am in a environment where I don't even have to use dating apps

I feel like it's easier to pickup girls irl than on dating apps, unless you're really good looking you're not going to get matched up with anyone besides the odd desperate chubby girl or a 7/10 here and there

They're girls that I have pulled on nights out that would instantly swipe left on my profile on Tinder

05-13-2022, 03:41 PM
Tough past 24 hours for little Fonzy :oldlol:

05-13-2022, 05:02 PM
Last time I hit on a girl while single she sat down next to me in public and I started talking to her soon after.

8 years later she's my fiance.

I prefer in person interaction than text messaging back and forth over apps.

05-14-2022, 05:38 AM
no, but it's where you go to transfer your nightmare to others so you can have a sweet dream

05-14-2022, 12:14 PM
women still appreciate cold approaching

05-14-2022, 05:32 PM

You have some serious talent bro. "You know fonzworth... whatever the **** your name is called.. " and then proceed to tell him to leave his house in a charming way. That was a very smooth and classy roast. I can definitely see you doing stand up, you're a natural.

I'll let you know when I'm in the area my boy :pimp:

I didn't even need over an hour to come up with it :rockon:

ArbitraryWater definitely knows what he's talking about when it comes to picking up chicks. His mentality is spot on. He and I disagree on a lot of sports topics, basically root for different players but he's a cool dude and pretty smart too.

thanks man, appreciate it. same to you.

I forgot what the other basketball forum was/is called, but do you remember that we did a LeBron/Bird debate there?

Like they hosted these debates and 1 poster would take 1 side and then have like a week to come up with the argument.

05-14-2022, 06:52 PM
I didn't even need over an hour to come up with it :rockon:

thanks man, appreciate it. same to you.

I forgot what the other basketball forum was/is called, but do you remember that we did a LeBron/Bird debate there?

Like they hosted these debates and 1 poster would take 1 side and then have like a week to come up with the argument.

It was Hoops-Nation brother! Only the best forum ever... I beat you in that debate. :rockon:

We also used to collect playoff boxscores from old NBA games from newspapers before nbastats.net incorporated a bunch of them. Then B-Ref bought it from them after. There was a lot of amazing quality discussion on there. I stayed in touch with a few dudes from there like Tony Hoops the owner of that place plus Darko_M and Vinocelles. It turns out Darko's from Kumanovo which is where a lot of my mom's side of the family is from. Vino is just in Belgium working as a sports journalist now and also has a banking gig. Super successful guy...

05-15-2022, 11:56 AM
You can find girlfriend material on there if you look for it.

If you're looking for sex and a quickie you'll get that instead.

05-15-2022, 01:44 PM
It was Hoops-Nation brother! Only the best forum ever... I beat you in that debate. :rockon:

We also used to collect playoff boxscores from old NBA games from newspapers before nbastats.net incorporated a bunch of them. Then B-Ref bought it from them after. There was a lot of amazing quality discussion on there. I stayed in touch with a few dudes from there like Tony Hoops the owner of that place plus Darko_M and Vinocelles. It turns out Darko's from Kumanovo which is where a lot of my mom's side of the family is from. Vino is just in Belgium working as a sports journalist now and also has a banking gig. Super successful guy...

Hoops-nation yes, I remembered the name randomly before falling asleep last night.

Yeah you beat me.

I was a noob back then.

I was probably like 18 I guess.

I merely posted stats I think.

Nice stats and informative ones that should support LeBron, but your write-up was different level.

I remember Tony Hoops. Others don't ring a bell but honestly I'd be a sports journalist too if it paid the bills.

05-15-2022, 02:47 PM
Hoops-nation yes, I remembered the name randomly before falling asleep last night.

Yeah you beat me.

I was a noob back then.

I was probably like 18 I guess.

I merely posted stats I think.

Nice stats and informative ones that should support LeBron, but your write-up was different level.

I remember Tony Hoops. Others don't ring a bell but honestly I'd be a sports journalist too if it paid the bills.

No excuses bruh :lol

Just kidding. Yea you were a baby. I was probably 25 or something, same age as you now.

05-15-2022, 02:56 PM
on a semi related note, just started speaking with this girl in the subway (she was with her friend), we got out and it turns out we are damn near neighbors lmao.

Sounds like a cool dude. That was genuinely funny

Mr. Fonzloth is a lonely loser that lives in Alaska.

How TF could he ever even see a girl, let alone approach her. He has zero chance.

05-15-2022, 02:57 PM
Tough past 24 hours for little Fonzy :oldlol:

:lol He's down baaaaad :lol The ISH *** dumpster. Everyone gets a turn to fill him up :lol

05-17-2022, 05:09 AM
I’ve been doing(trying ,it’s very hard stop start stop start ) cold approach for 6-7 years,learning when rsd was around. Owen, julien, Jeffy .it will give you the best highs of your life and make you question your self worth over and over if you haven’t mastered it (and I havent)

You guys in here talking about percentages and stats are never gonna get it if your focus like that. it’s a numbers game get over it end of story .You got 1 out of 100 in 3months ? You win because guess what that’s more than every guy you’ll ever meet

The guys on Reddit? Dude who cares most of them are lying anyways. You know how many guys are going ballls to the wall ass to the grass and putting in the work? Give me that stat because those guys that are putting in the work and not complaining are getting tail and not on here trying to brag about percentages

05-17-2022, 09:05 AM
I’ve been doing(trying ,it’s very hard stop start stop start ) cold approach for 6-7 years,learning when rsd was around. Owen, julien, Jeffy .it will give you the best highs of your life and make you question your self worth over and over if you haven’t mastered it (and I havent)

You guys in here talking about percentages and stats are never gonna get it if your focus like that. it’s a numbers game get over it end of story .You got 1 out of 100 in 3months ? You win because guess what that’s more than every guy you’ll ever meet

The guys on Reddit? Dude who cares most of them are lying anyways. You know how many guys are going ballls to the wall ass to the grass and putting in the work? Give me that stat because those guys that are putting in the work and not complaining are getting tail and not on here trying to brag about percentages

1 in 100 what?

05-17-2022, 01:46 PM
I’ve been doing(trying ,it’s very hard stop start stop start ) cold approach for 6-7 years,learning when rsd was around. Owen, julien, Jeffy .it will give you the best highs of your life and make you question your self worth over and over if you haven’t mastered it (and I havent)

You guys in here talking about percentages and stats are never gonna get it if your focus like that. it’s a numbers game get over it end of story .You got 1 out of 100 in 3months ? You win because guess what that’s more than every guy you’ll ever meet

The guys on Reddit? Dude who cares most of them are lying anyways. You know how many guys are going ballls to the wall ass to the grass and putting in the work? Give me that stat because those guys that are putting in the work and not complaining are getting tail and not on here trying to brag about percentages

Good post. It's always a numbers game. But there is something to be said about effort to reward ratio. I made this thread because I began to notice that I pull girls more easily with less effort from Tinder and Bumble than I do from approaching these days. And the discussion was simply about which method was more efficient so we cited some numbers.

05-20-2022, 03:42 PM
Arbitrary way is the best when youre good looking. I do it and it works almost everytime except when the girl is tryna play dumb and act like she dont know im good looking. I prefer to stay away from girls mostly because i try to avoid sexual immorality. You practice that you cant inherit the kingdom of god

05-25-2022, 01:57 AM
im lucky i found a great girlfriend. sweetest girl ever, hot af, smart af. i met her back in november and my cousin reminded me "remember what you told back then when we were at the airbnb? you said she'd be your girlfriend". he doubted me too, shit, i doubted me :oldlol:

welp, she broke up with me on monday. i'm a damn idiot, had it real good too :facepalm

05-25-2022, 06:22 AM
welp, she broke up with me on monday. i'm a damn idiot, had it real good too :facepalm


what happened? why are you the idiot?

05-25-2022, 09:12 AM
welp, she broke up with me on monday. i'm a damn idiot, had it real good too :facepalm


05-25-2022, 09:38 AM
Installed bumble out of curiosity put 2 pics in with zero info on my profile to see what that would get. 80 percent have swiped right but no messages.

May actually put in a complete profile, but Id have to care more first

05-25-2022, 09:44 AM

Where do you live ? Europe ??

Number one fear most guys have is the anxiety , you hit on it , get passed it and its a home run.

05-25-2022, 10:19 AM
Where do you live ? Europe ??

Number one fear most guys have is the anxiety , you hit on it , get passed it and its a home run.

why do you think thats relevant?

but yes, germany.

05-25-2022, 09:38 PM
lmao@anyone believing AW

05-26-2022, 06:27 AM

That honestly makes me feel so sorry for you.

That you find that inconceivable.

05-26-2022, 09:03 PM

what happened? why are you the idiot?

i got drunk at her sisters party. she didn't like my behaviour. to be fair, half the aunts there and uncles were drunk and making a mess but i was the one to spear head everything so they're pinning it on me. her dad was a drunk that hit her mom, so she told me from date 1 that she would not tolerate that. i didn't strike anyone but she was really pissed. for sure i thought she'd cool down after a couple days and forgive me...nope. even went back today with flowers and she took the flowers and invited me in, but the convo didn't go anywhere, she's asking me to respect her decision. although her mom thinks she's being too unforgiving. i'm hoping maybe in a week or 2 i'm going to give it another run at trying to get her to forgive me. but who knows, she's not the type to get mad and stay mad. she also isn't hearing my side of the story. just keeps telling me she's made up her mind. the worst part is my aunts began claiming she's with me only for my money and then a huge gossip went around that night that i was telling everyone she was with me for my money. total lie. but she won't listen to me. so i can't even defend myself to that.

i had just met all her family and friends at that party too. had made a lot of progress up to that party. and i threw it away in an instant. best girl i dated to date, was the all around package of smarts and beauty. alcoholism is a bitch tho.

05-26-2022, 10:05 PM
i got drunk at her sisters party. she didn't like my behaviour. to be fair, half the aunts there and uncles were drunk and making a mess but i was the one to spear head everything so they're pinning it on me. her dad was a drunk that hit her mom, so she told me from date 1 that she would not tolerate that. i didn't strike anyone but she was really pissed. for sure i thought she'd cool down after a couple days and forgive me...nope. even went back today with flowers and she took the flowers and invited me in, but the convo didn't go anywhere, she's asking me to respect her decision. although her mom thinks she's being too unforgiving. i'm hoping maybe in a week or 2 i'm going to give it another run at trying to get her to forgive me. but who knows, she's not the type to get mad and stay mad. she also isn't hearing my side of the story. just keeps telling me she's made up her mind. the worst part is my aunts began claiming she's with me only for my money and then a huge gossip went around that night that i was telling everyone she was with me for my money. total lie. but she won't listen to me. so i can't even defend myself to that.

i had just met all her family and friends at that party too. had made a lot of progress up to that party. and i threw it away in an instant. best girl i dated to date, was the all around package of smarts and beauty. alcoholism is a bitch tho.

yawn idk why you're pinning that on you for

like I get it you feel like you missed out on something good, who doesn't in these cases.. but unless you started throwing elbows and tossing tables around, for her to just ghost you right out of the relationship when her own family is doing the same thing is controlling.

anyway, it seems like anything breaks anything these days. One dude I know, his sister broke up with the guy she was seeing because he didn't open the car door or something trivial ( I don't remember what the exact situation was, but it was like leaving a gallon of milk out of the fridge over the night type of thing )

speaking of milk, I had a chick walk out of my place because I made a comment about some milk she left on the counter

05-27-2022, 07:37 AM
i got drunk at her sisters party. she didn't like my behaviour. to be fair, half the aunts there and uncles were drunk and making a mess but i was the one to spear head everything so they're pinning it on me. her dad was a drunk that hit her mom, so she told me from date 1 that she would not tolerate that. i didn't strike anyone but she was really pissed. for sure i thought she'd cool down after a couple days and forgive me...nope. even went back today with flowers and she took the flowers and invited me in, but the convo didn't go anywhere, she's asking me to respect her decision. although her mom thinks she's being too unforgiving. i'm hoping maybe in a week or 2 i'm going to give it another run at trying to get her to forgive me. but who knows, she's not the type to get mad and stay mad. she also isn't hearing my side of the story. just keeps telling me she's made up her mind. the worst part is my aunts began claiming she's with me only for my money and then a huge gossip went around that night that i was telling everyone she was with me for my money. total lie. but she won't listen to me. so i can't even defend myself to that.

i had just met all her family and friends at that party too. had made a lot of progress up to that party. and i threw it away in an instant. best girl i dated to date, was the all around package of smarts and beauty. alcoholism is a bitch tho.

damn, thats a tough one.

i know this because you wanna keep your pride and make her feel like she's missing out, like make her miss you.. if she wants it, then okay, im gone bitch.

on the other hand, the girl is a keeper and you know its rare to get with one like that :lol

05-27-2022, 05:17 PM
I started using Bumble now too in addition to Tinder. The quality of women is better and also women message first on Bumble so generally fewer contacts but so far I got 4 girls' numbers and got them off the app and 3 of them seem like potential gf material. Very educated, very polite, don't drink/smoke/party. I've had Covid for 2 weeks so I expected some of my old Tinder leads to go cold but most are still good. I feel like that's another big advantage of online game. Sometimes you can legit forget about a girl or if she doesn't reply, message her again a month later and if she's still single go out with her then. In real life when I get a girl's number in a bar or street it goes cold fast. If I haven't gotten her out on a date within 3-4 days it rarely ever works out. It's weird but if a girl can see your pics on a dating app you feel like less of a stranger to her than if you met her on the street for 5 minutes. Anyways I can see more value in IG closes now. Assuming she adds ArbitraryWater on IG and he has a cool profile and posts regularly, he can stay fresh in her mind for more than a few days. Better than a phone number for day game? Maybe. I can see the argument. Anyways with Bumble you also don't need Premium. I'm using the free version.

As for highwey don't stress it bro. If this girl is willing to leave you because you got drunk and you've been together since November then she isn't as nice as advertised. I know it ****en hurts brother. I broke up with my girl of 5 years in September last year after she started mistreating me. I was in a funk for legit 6 months but you come out of it stronger. Try to get her back by owning up to your mistakes but if she's not willing to make the past the past then she isn't that good of a girl. A real keeper will support you through thick and thin especially if you're being real and owning up to your mistakes which you are.

05-30-2022, 05:04 PM
It’s not obsolete.

Had great success with a cold approach last night.

The success also carried into this morning.

Long Duck Dong
05-30-2022, 05:48 PM
i got drunk at her sisters party. she didn't like my behaviour. to be fair, half the aunts there and uncles were drunk and making a mess but i was the one to spear head everything so they're pinning it on me. her dad was a drunk that hit her mom, so she told me from date 1 that she would not tolerate that. i didn't strike anyone but she was really pissed. for sure i thought she'd cool down after a couple days and forgive me...nope. even went back today with flowers and she took the flowers and invited me in, but the convo didn't go anywhere, she's asking me to respect her decision. although her mom thinks she's being too unforgiving. i'm hoping maybe in a week or 2 i'm going to give it another run at trying to get her to forgive me. but who knows, she's not the type to get mad and stay mad. she also isn't hearing my side of the story. just keeps telling me she's made up her mind. the worst part is my aunts began claiming she's with me only for my money and then a huge gossip went around that night that i was telling everyone she was with me for my money. total lie. but she won't listen to me. so i can't even defend myself to that.

i had just met all her family and friends at that party too. had made a lot of progress up to that party. and i threw it away in an instant. best girl i dated to date, was the all around package of smarts and beauty. alcoholism is a bitch tho.

It's over man. Walk away while your dignity is still intact. Can't say I've always done this in the past though. How long were you guys together?

Maybe you'll see her around one day.


05-30-2022, 06:42 PM
It’s not obsolete.

Had great success with a cold approach last night.

The success also carried into this morning.

You big-dick bastard you :lol Slayin'

Long Duck Dong
05-30-2022, 06:53 PM
It’s not obsolete.

Had great success with a cold approach last night.

The success also carried into this morning.

We can't all be movie stars and croon like George Michael though. Hooking up isn't as care free for everyone. Especially for most of the people on this forum....

05-30-2022, 08:18 PM
I guess.

All it really takes is a bit of charm. Single girls are used to spending time with their uninteresting female friends, theyre all low key dying to hang out with a funny/interesting guy. All you have to do is not give off creep vibes and most of em are eager to give you the green light.

Long Duck Dong
05-30-2022, 08:42 PM
I guess.

All it really takes is a bit of charm. Single girls are used to spending time with their uninteresting female friends, theyre all low key dying to hang out with a funny/interesting guy. All you have to do is not give off creep vibes and most of em are eager to give you the green light.

Half of the OTC just collectively sighed

05-30-2022, 10:19 PM
I guess.

All it really takes is a bit of charm. Single girls are used to spending time with their uninteresting female friends, theyre all low key dying to hang out with a funny/interesting guy. All you have to do is not give off creep vibes and most of em are eager to give you the green light.


Have some charisma, take a shower and don't be a creep and you're already well ahead of most.

05-30-2022, 11:21 PM
Half of the OTC just collectively sighed

Starface is correct, it's not that hard hooking up with chicks.

05-30-2022, 11:42 PM

Starface is correct, it's not that hard hooking up with chicks.


05-30-2022, 11:42 PM


Hot 4 Cousin Love. Volume 3 :lol

05-30-2022, 11:45 PM

Have some charisma, take a shower and don't be a creep and you're already well ahead of most.

You also have to leave the house




Happy Memorial Day!


05-31-2022, 05:56 PM
You also have to leave the house




Happy Memorial Day!



05-31-2022, 06:07 PM
You got the welfare druggie stalking you so hard, slick. :milton

05-31-2022, 06:26 PM
You got the welfare druggie stalking you so hard, slick. :milton

He's in love with me but I don't swing that way. I hate to hurt his feelings but he's clearly coming out of the closet.

05-31-2022, 06:41 PM
You got the welfare druggie stalking you so hard, slick. :milton

Nice incel shut in support group you got going on there.

Good luck guys! :lol

05-31-2022, 06:50 PM
Meltdown lmao

Spurs m8
06-01-2022, 07:11 AM

Have some charisma, take a shower and don't be a creep and you're already well ahead of most.

Wow, way to set the bar low and have no idea, you stupid fvcking incel

We all know you're a virgin, this post confirms it.

Ffs hhahahahaha

Have a shower boys, you'll be killing it

My god :roll::roll::roll:

06-01-2022, 07:38 AM
The poster above me literally pretended to have a wife and kids a couple months ago. :oldlol:

06-01-2022, 01:36 PM
Wow, way to set the bar low and have no idea, you stupid fvcking incel

We all know you're a virgin, this post confirms it.

Ffs hhahahahaha

Have a shower boys, you'll be killing it

My god :roll::roll::roll:

The guy spends social holidays and weekends posting on ish, he was a confirmed incel a long time ago:lol

06-01-2022, 10:59 PM
The poster above me literally pretended to have a wife and kids a couple months ago. :oldlol:

:roll: That's some sad shit right there. Probably lives in a motel 6 apartment like WarriorFan or an igloo/hut like Mr. Alaskan Mutt

Sad state of affairs :lol

06-02-2022, 12:51 PM
people need to focus less on distractions and delusions like "picking up girls" and need to focus on more self-development aka real life

anyone who even uses words like cold-approaching is already flirting with being a loser for life

06-02-2022, 01:44 PM
people need to focus less on distractions and delusions like "picking up girls" and need to focus on more self-development aka real life

anyone who even uses words like cold-approaching is already flirting with being a loser for life


when you see an attractive woman who's energy/aura catches you, do you dare to approach her?

thats all this is.

thanks for telling us you dont, i guess :lol

destractions and delusions such as mating, i cant...

06-02-2022, 02:03 PM

when you see an attractive woman who's energy/aura catches you, do you dare to approach her?

thats all this is.

thanks for telling us you dont, i guess :lol

destractions and delusions such as mating, i cant...

Im turned off by pickup culture because it's funny to me and I know it's all confusion. boys leading boys. it just sounds stupid to me. I slept with a lot of attractive women in my 20's racked up a body count and now that I'm in my 30s I realize that I never got shit out of it. Im being a hypocrite because I still do it but Im still going to laugh at people who put chasing ***** on a pedestal.

thats literally the point I was making. if people focus on the things that actually matter in real life - important things like self-development - trivial things like talking to women is easy. I need to work on it every day because the last thing I want to do even this second is sit down and actually work - which is why I'm talking to retards on a message board even right now.

06-05-2022, 04:06 PM
people need to focus less on distractions and delusions like "picking up girls" and need to focus on more self-development aka real life

anyone who even uses words like cold-approaching is already flirting with being a loser for life

This is a smart confident man right here.

06-05-2022, 07:48 PM
Im turned off by pickup culture because it's funny to me and I know it's all confusion. boys leading boys. it just sounds stupid to me. I slept with a lot of attractive women in my 20's racked up a body count and now that I'm in my 30s I realize that I never got shit out of it. Im being a hypocrite because I still do it but Im still going to laugh at people who put chasing ***** on a pedestal.

thats literally the point I was making. if people focus on the things that actually matter in real life - important things like self-development - trivial things like talking to women is easy. I need to work on it every day because the last thing I want to do even this second is sit down and actually work - which is why I'm talking to retards on a message board even right now.

i dont think anyone here puts ***** on a pedestal.

people just tryna ****.

or widen their horizon and have a complete pool of women they could date.

thats all we're talking about here.

its easy for you to say you dont miss it or anything, you HAD IT (apparently, I believe you of course)... how do some people feel that dont get *****?

they could be helped big time by the confidence of approaching chicks.

trivial things like talking to women is easy?

my man, you dont know most of the population it seems. there's millions of lost men out there, that would never dare to approach a woman.

06-05-2022, 07:49 PM
As for the OP, Tinder has not made cold approaching obsolete, but it depends on what you're after.

It's really hard to gauge someone's true personality until you meet in person. Sometimes they seem feisty in digital chats and then reserved in person, and vice-versa.

06-05-2022, 09:27 PM
As for the OP, Tinder has not made cold approaching obsolete, but it depends on what you're after.

It's really hard to gauge someone's true personality until you meet in person. Sometimes they seem feisty in digital chats and then reserved in person, and vice-versa.

This is true. People often pretend to be something else than what they truly are. Men especially.

06-06-2022, 12:47 PM
This is true. People often pretend to be something else than what they truly are. Men especially.

Men will say anything for sex. Especially on an online platform

06-06-2022, 01:39 PM
As for the OP, Tinder has not made cold approaching obsolete, but it depends on what you're after.

It's really hard to gauge someone's true personality until you meet in person. Sometimes they seem feisty in digital chats and then reserved in person, and vice-versa.

Yea but that's true for chicks you stop on the street too. You don't know squat about them! Although I will say one disadvantage of online dating is that some girls fudge their pics so when you see them in person you get disappointed sometimes.

06-06-2022, 10:59 PM
Yea but that's true for chicks you stop on the street too. You don't know squat about them! Although I will say one disadvantage of online dating is that some girls fudge their pics so when you see them in person you get disappointed sometimes.

For sure, I'm just saying it's a lot easier to gauge someone's personality in person versus a Tinder chat.

As for fudging pics, yes that happens for sure haha Although sometimes, every now and then they look even better in person.

06-06-2022, 11:21 PM
The poster above me literally pretended to have a wife and kids a couple months ago. :oldlol:

Spurs m8 lied about this?

He made a big deal about raising his retard kid and was a family man.

06-06-2022, 11:32 PM
Spurs m8 lied about this?

He made a big deal about raising his retard kid and was a family man.


06-06-2022, 11:44 PM
If what satan says is true than Spurs m8 is an even bigger loser than I could have ever imagined. Like gimp level.

Satan, bring forth the evidence.

06-07-2022, 01:40 PM
For sure, I'm just saying it's a lot easier to gauge someone's personality in person versus a Tinder chat.

As for fudging pics, yes that happens for sure haha Although sometimes, every now and then they look even better in person.

Look better in person? Yea that sometimes happens with girls who dress conservatively. There was one chick who looked super conservative but when I started chatting with her I realized she's wild as hell. I invited her out for drinks and she wore a super sexy dress. She looked way better than her pics. Still this is way more rare than girls who look worse in person.

Doomsday Dallas
06-11-2022, 08:44 AM
when you see an attractive woman who's energy/aura catches you, do you dare to approach her?

thats all this is.

and this is actually a good question.

06-11-2022, 01:17 PM
and this is actually a good question.

Used to be sure yes, these days is it really worth the hassle is what goes through my mind.

Getting a number for me has been relatively easy through my life, but something changed that catches you off guard. Over time it's gotten harder and harder to get somewhere with that number. In the late 2000s it was pretty much a deal set in stone once you got the number. In early 2010s it started to get more difficult but only slightly, more just annoying shit like not answering texts for no good reason. It got worse over time, despite the fact that I got better. More money, more muscle, more time to do stuff. All the stuff that should be bonuses didn't end up paying dividends. Sometimes you'll get chicks that steal your name off a check you cashed at a grocery store to look you up on Facebook like this one girl did. But that type of stuff isn't really skill and I would say has more to do with luck and circumstance than anything.

These days, getting a number is trivial. It's like the very first door of a 50 story tower. I see guys that have a lot more than me in many aspects absolutely struggle for no real reason other than women want a damn Bugatti and 2 mansions. All while sitting on their fat asses playing with their phone all day wondering why their maid hasn't shown up yet. I know a guy that flew a damn helicopter into the formula 1 race in Miami. He don't even bother anymore, and I'm kinda sorta going back to what I was like in my high school days...
Basically, let them come to you or just leave it alone. Your life will be just fine either way. I guess peer pressure made me start chasing chicks, but it's funny because I was way more successful just ignoring them.

06-11-2022, 03:15 PM
caught 8 instas today.

dont even know what to do with them all anymore.

but when im outside now this is like a complex...

its a little annoying.

3-4 promising chicks in there tho. lets see.

06-12-2022, 01:38 AM
You can find girlfriend material on there if you look for it.

If you're looking for sex and a quickie you'll get that instead.

First and probably last time ill fully agree with you

06-12-2022, 08:13 PM
caught 8 instas today.

dont even know what to do with them all anymore.

but when im outside now this is like a complex...

its a little annoying.

3-4 promising chicks in there tho. lets see.

so i went back out late at night to go to the gym and got 3 more. 11, i'll do a short recap of how these 11 are looking like. this isnt the most promising badge, but just to show you how it goes.

1 - didnt end up texting cause it would never amount to anything of any kind. we vibe way different
1 - didnt end up texting cause she has a bf, even has public pics with him. she did tell me this but said i could follow anyway...
1 - didnt end up texting, cute asian, seems like more of a relationship type, didnt yet feel like putting in the effort for that here, too many others to text.
1 - had a nice convo with her, but she seems completely uninterested which i didnt really expect. maybe one of those lazy texters but i doubt it
1 - good convo so far, looks like it should end in a date
1 - the odd one. always one like this. seemed excited/interested on sight, hasnt even texted back. gave me her insta, saw i had no internet and so was worried i might lose it, even said "wait wait, i can follow you!", followed me, i later followed back, now hasnt even answered. super bad bitch from ukraine. slim athletic with big tiddies.
1 - gym chick, short and fun convo at the gym, hasnt answered.
1 - hasnt replied or even "seen" the msg. approached her while she was out with her mom lol. think she's only on vacay here. bit of a barbie type chick with the fake lips but great booty / body.
1 - could end up in something, not sure it. few texts. super bad bitch. small one with a phat phat ass and tits too. she was out with 6 guys. many of which were a lil drunk. they all complimented me lol
1 - abroad chick here with 2 girlfriends until thursday. we met and hooked up tonight. 10/10. super cutie with huge tits
1 - will probably end in a date at least. slim busty blonde, good spirit here, could be someone i might even see this week.

06-12-2022, 08:21 PM
so i went back out late at night to go to the gym and got 3 more. 11, i'll do a short recap of how these 11 are looking like. this isnt the most promising badge, but just to show you how it goes.

1 - didnt end up texting cause it would never amount to anything of any kind. we vibe way different
1 - didnt end up texting cause she has a bf, even has public pics with him. she did tell me this but said i could follow anyway...
1 - didnt end up texting, cute asian, seems like more of a relationship type, didnt yet feel like putting in the effort for that here, too many others to text.
1 - had a nice convo with her, but she seems completely uninterested which i didnt really expect. maybe one of those lazy texters but i doubt it
1 - good convo so far, looks like it should end in a date
1 - the odd one. always one like this. seemed excited/interested on sight, hasnt even texted back. gave me her insta, saw i had no internet and so was worried i might lose it, even said "wait wait, i can follow you!", followed me, i later followed back, now hasnt even answered. super bad bitch from ukraine. slim athletic with big tiddies.
1 - gym chick, short and fun convo at the gym, hasnt answered.
1 - hasnt replied or even "seen" the msg. approached her while she was out with her mom lol. think she's only on vacay here. bit of a barbie type chick with the fake lips but great booty / body.
1 - could end up in something, not sure it. few texts. super bad bitch. small one with a phat phat ass and tits too. she was out with 6 guys. many of which were a lil drunk. they all complimented me lol
1 - abroad chick here with 2 girlfriends until thursday. we met and hooked up tonight. 10/10. super cutie with huge tits
1 - will probably end in a date at least. slim busty blonde, good spirit here, could be someone i might even see this week.

Do you only f wit blondes lol? Get you a redbone dawg cant go wrong with that, my prefered skin color is caramel

06-12-2022, 09:00 PM
Do you only f wit blondes lol? Get you a redbone dawg cant go wrong with that, my prefered skin color is caramel



06-13-2022, 07:17 AM
Do you only f wit blondes lol? Get you a redbone dawg cant go wrong with that, my prefered skin color is caramel

Oh no its only a couple blondes in there.. or do you mean as in white girls? most are white, a couple turkish/arab whites. normally be much more latinas/blacks.

there was one bad af exotic brown skinned girl, curly hair, slim, tits all out sat night... didnt get close to her insta tho. had 2 friends with her and one of them was bugging hard.

06-15-2022, 01:43 PM
I went on a day game rampage yesterday, ArbitraryWater style. There weren't that many hot chicks so I only made like 7-8 approaches and got 1 close. I'm definitely gonna continue approaching girls in real life and so should everyone here.

Question for ArbitraryWater... do you have any tips for staying in sets? These days I find that if a girl isn't super interested to talk I just eject too early. How do you make yourself maintain the interaction until you get a close or at least a firm rejection? I half-ass a lot of approaches if that makes sense. That's something I need to work on.

By the way I got another lay from Bumble. :lol And met one girl who is actually serious GF material so will pursue that and see where it goes.

06-15-2022, 04:48 PM
caught 8 instas today.

dont even know what to do with them all anymore.

but when im outside now this is like a complex...

its a little annoying.

3-4 promising chicks in there tho. lets see.

Kinda miss being single.

The thrill of the hunt is underrated.

You're manufacturing organic releases of dopamine instead of that tinder/insta instant gratification bullshit micro dopamine hits

Good sheet

06-16-2022, 09:28 AM
I went on a day game rampage yesterday, ArbitraryWater style. There weren't that many hot chicks so I only made like 7-8 approaches and got 1 close. I'm definitely gonna continue approaching girls in real life and so should everyone here.

Question for ArbitraryWater... do you have any tips for staying in sets? These days I find that if a girl isn't super interested to talk I just eject too early. How do you make yourself maintain the interaction until you get a close or at least a firm rejection? I half-ass a lot of approaches if that makes sense. That's something I need to work on.

By the way I got another lay from Bumble. :lol And met one girl who is actually serious GF material so will pursue that and see where it goes.

I just continue talking...

usually I'm assuming that means you're walking as you talk?

I continue walking with them. If she seriously waves me off, then its done of course. if i sense hesistancy, i'll continue trying... if she has some boss bitch attitude i wont really bother anymore.

But I usually get to asking about insta fairly quick.

If she says something about dont know, doesnt have insta, etc. i continue try for other avenues.

2 days ago I walked with this girl for like 200 meters lol. She didnt have insta or any social media (apparently of course, but she seemed authentic) but also didnt give a very firm rejection...she was 23, quite small, beautiful, and had big tits... eastern euro or something. could have been serbian. she didnt mind me walking along with her. she just said by the end (we entered a mall) that she would meet her parents here and they might kill me if they saw me.

yesterday another small-ish cutie, she was middle eastern or turkish, she thought long n hard about giving me her whatsapp cause she said she never does that (and doesnt have social media). i said so how can a man meet you? she then told me the restaurant she works in and i forgot the name of it :rolleyes:

im using an app again as well now and have showed what i do (my profession), which is giving me a lot of matches.

when someone isnt showing much attention in text though, i wont ever bother. fight ya battles. not worth trying to win that over via text.

06-16-2022, 09:30 AM
Kinda miss being single.

The thrill of the hunt is underrated.

You're manufacturing organic releases of dopamine instead of that tinder/insta instant gratification bullshit micro dopamine hits

Good sheet

exactly :applause:

but if you got someone, you're good :cheers:

06-16-2022, 01:40 PM
I just continue talking...

usually I'm assuming that means you're walking as you talk?

I continue walking with them. If she seriously waves me off, then its done of course. if i sense hesistancy, i'll continue trying... if she has some boss bitch attitude i wont really bother anymore.

But I usually get to asking about insta fairly quick.

If she says something about dont know, doesnt have insta, etc. i continue try for other avenues.

2 days ago I walked with this girl for like 200 meters lol. She didnt have insta or any social media (apparently of course, but she seemed authentic) but also didnt give a very firm rejection...she was 23, quite small, beautiful, and had big tits... eastern euro or something. could have been serbian. she didnt mind me walking along with her. she just said by the end (we entered a mall) that she would meet her parents here and they might kill me if they saw me.

yesterday another small-ish cutie, she was middle eastern or turkish, she thought long n hard about giving me her whatsapp cause she said she never does that (and doesnt have social media). i said so how can a man meet you? she then told me the restaurant she works in and i forgot the name of it :rolleyes:

im using an app again as well now and have showed what i do (my profession), which is giving me a lot of matches.

when someone isnt showing much attention in text though, i wont ever bother. fight ya battles. not worth trying to win that over via text.

Yea man I just gotta be more persistent when day gaming, simple as that. I'm losing some potential leads over this and quality girls too.

As for texting yea I 100% agree.. no point working hard. If a girl isn't into you, there is nothing you can text to win her over. If a girl is flaky or won't commit to a date, I'll often text like "Listen babe, I really am genuinely interested in seeing you but if you're not down, that's cool." Sometimes it's surprising that quite a few of the flaky chicks will reply and be like "No no no I really want to. If you're free we can grab a coffee tonight." If a girl is playing games or on the fence sometimes showing her you're willing to walk away can pull her towards you. Most times she won't even reply but who gives a **** and you save a bunch of time.

Serbian eh? I'm a Serb and I haven't slept with a single Serbian girl. No joke! :lol I know we have a lot of hotties but I guess I've always been around them so for me they are nothing special. I like blondes from Northern Europe (UK, Sweden, Germany etc.) but my fave are Latinas and Asians. I'm gonna take a trip to Miami soon to meet more Latinas. We barely have any here in Toronto. And they are the absolute hottest IMO...

06-16-2022, 01:51 PM
By the way you got 1 lay from 11 IG's with one or two more sort of still possible. I find that around 1/10 phone numbers end up with me sleeping with the girl on average. I wonder if you can maintain that 1/11 ratio over a bigger sample size. If so it would be very impressive to me because getting IG is much easier than a phone number. Girls love followers/attention on social media... LOL. You must have a very strong profile with super photos which get girls hooked. I find that even married girls will give out IG because there is no risk. With a phone number, it's riskier to give out because I could call her when her husband is around or something! :lol

06-16-2022, 05:00 PM
By the way you got 1 lay from 11 IG's with one or two more sort of still possible. I find that around 1/10 phone numbers end up with me sleeping with the girl on average. I wonder if you can maintain that 1/11 ratio over a bigger sample size. If so it would be very impressive to me because getting IG is much easier than a phone number. Girls love followers/attention on social media... LOL. You must have a very strong profile with super photos which get girls hooked. I find that even married girls will give out IG because there is no risk. With a phone number, it's riskier to give out because I could call her when her husband is around or something! :lol

This sounds exhausting lol. Not only do you need 1000s of words between these women now you have to have a super detailed profile that exudes “alpha male” fvxking cut to the chase boys… save time ask if these women want to fvck straight up and move on.

06-16-2022, 05:11 PM
Dating nowadays seems more complicated than back in my day.

06-16-2022, 05:26 PM
Yea man I just gotta be more persistent when day gaming, simple as that. I'm losing some potential leads over this and quality girls too.

As for texting yea I 100% agree.. no point working hard. If a girl isn't into you, there is nothing you can text to win her over. If a girl is flaky or won't commit to a date, I'll often text like "Listen babe, I really am genuinely interested in seeing you but if you're not down, that's cool." Sometimes it's surprising that quite a few of the flaky chicks will reply and be like "No no no I really want to. If you're free we can grab a coffee tonight." If a girl is playing games or on the fence sometimes showing her you're willing to walk away can pull her towards you. Most times she won't even reply but who gives a **** and you save a bunch of time.

Serbian eh? I'm a Serb and I haven't slept with a single Serbian girl. No joke! :lol I know we have a lot of hotties but I guess I've always been around them so for me they are nothing special. I like blondes from Northern Europe (UK, Sweden, Germany etc.) but my fave are Latinas and Asians. I'm gonna take a trip to Miami soon to meet more Latinas. We barely have any here in Toronto. And they are the absolute hottest IMO...

I like that.

I'll use it.

Yea it usually is like that, right.

What you're accustomed to seing every day doesn't thrill you (relatively speaking).

But most of the chicks I've been with actually have not been German lol. So I'm still gunning for them.

And Latinas are probably the best, yes.

By the way you got 1 lay from 11 IG's with one or two more sort of still possible. I find that around 1/10 phone numbers end up with me sleeping with the girl on average. I wonder if you can maintain that 1/11 ratio over a bigger sample size. If so it would be very impressive to me because getting IG is much easier than a phone number. Girls love followers/attention on social media... LOL. You must have a very strong profile with super photos which get girls hooked. I find that even married girls will give out IG because there is no risk. With a phone number, it's riskier to give out because I could call her when her husband is around or something! :lol

I wanna get a 10% ratio done in terms of getting a lay out of a number. Thats a good aim.

But tbh my profile isnt overly special.

No super photos at all, but I do have a couple clips of doing stand-up.

So people say do see I'm open, confident, maybe even funny..

06-16-2022, 05:27 PM
This sounds exhausting lol. Not only do you need 1000s of words between these women now you have to have a super detailed profile that exudes “alpha male” fvxking cut to the chase boys… save time ask if these women want to fvck straight up and move on.

I wouldnt say its exactly like that,

but your social media/IG is like your portfolio nowadays.

And many of the hot chicks will sadly gravitate more towards you if you seem hip/cool/popular.

So having IG is pretty much a must.

Dating nowadays seems more complicated than back in my day.

It must be.

06-16-2022, 06:07 PM
I wouldnt say its exactly like that,

but your social media/IG is like your portfolio nowadays.

And many of the hot chicks will sadly gravitate more towards you if you seem hip/cool/popular.

So having IG is pretty much a must.

It must be.

You should try without Instagram…. You are basically giving them home court advantage for an entire playoff series

06-16-2022, 06:33 PM
You should try without Instagram…. You are basically giving them home court advantage for an entire playoff series

without instagram?

you mean as in going for the number?

Sure, but most will say no to that...

i'd rather keep the convo smooth than going from "no" to "what about insta", i guess.

i just tried dankok's method there.

2 convo's were stalling a little, i probably would have left them alone but instead i just cut to the chase and asked them about next week.

lets see.

i'll prob try the same on 2 other convo's tomorrow.

06-16-2022, 07:33 PM
Dating nowadays seems more complicated than back in my day.

wtf you talking about "back in my day"... arent you like early 20s?

06-16-2022, 11:13 PM
wtf you talking about "back in my day"... arent you like early 20s?

He has fu**ed his cousin so many times his mind is rotting.

06-17-2022, 02:03 AM
He has fu**ed his cousin so many times his mind is rotting.


06-17-2022, 09:15 AM
wtf you talking about "back in my day"... arent you like early 20s?

Look at my join date...I saw prime MJ in real time.

06-17-2022, 09:16 AM
He has fu**ed his cousin so many times his mind is rotting.

This doesn't even make sense and of course your demonic gay lover finds it "funny" :sleeping

06-17-2022, 10:41 AM
without instagram?

you mean as in going for the number?

Sure, but most will say no to that...

i'd rather keep the convo smooth than going from "no" to "what about insta", i guess.

i just tried dankok's method there.

2 convo's were stalling a little, i probably would have left them alone but instead i just cut to the chase and asked them about next week.

lets see.

i'll prob try the same on 2 other convo's tomorrow.

IG is definitely way easier to get. I would venture that 80-90% of all girls I approach are willing to exchange IG but maybe 20-30% will give me their number. On one hand, IG gives you a chance to contact the girl again but it's also gonna lead to lower lay rates so to speak because the quality of leads is poor. Some girls use IG for marketing, married girls like followers too etc. A number is a higher investment for a girl and so the ones that give their number are probably more interested to meet up. You have less leads but stronger leads. I prefer that because messaging a gazillion girls takes too much time but to each their own. I would rather screen them out in 5 minutes then spend much longer DMing only to find that I'm wasting time. But the better your IG the more the IG strategy becomes viable and some point could even be more optimal. You're a random boring dude on the street but when she sees photos from 37 countries and a lot of your cool friends and shit she could actually become more likely to go out with you. But I'm not that guy so I prefer to get her number.

06-17-2022, 01:19 PM
I'll never get an instagram, so it's phone numbers or nothing.

06-18-2022, 06:33 AM
IG is definitely way easier to get. I would venture that 80-90% of all girls I approach are willing to exchange IG but maybe 20-30% will give me their number. On one hand, IG gives you a chance to contact the girl again but it's also gonna lead to lower lay rates so to speak because the quality of leads is poor. Some girls use IG for marketing, married girls like followers too etc. A number is a higher investment for a girl and so the ones that give their number are probably more interested to meet up. You have less leads but stronger leads. I prefer that because messaging a gazillion girls takes too much time but to each their own. I would rather screen them out in 5 minutes then spend much longer DMing only to find that I'm wasting time. But the better your IG the more the IG strategy becomes viable and some point could even be more optimal. You're a random boring dude on the street but when she sees photos from 37 countries and a lot of your cool friends and shit she could actually become more likely to go out with you. But I'm not that guy so I prefer to get her number.

Personally I've just never had anyone give me their Insta that was in a relationship, except the one chick that explicitly said so.

But I definitely get it.

Which is why yesterday when this brazilian baddie flat out asked me which I'd prefer between Insta and WhatsApp, I chose WA.

06-18-2022, 06:52 AM
So yesterday was probably my most active day yet :lol

First I was out around evening (still very sunny, bright and lively) by myself before meeting some friends, and I grabbed around 7 insta's/numbers. I live around a highly frequented / popular area of Berlin (Kudamm).

Then again around midnight with a friend and we did it together and I grabbed even more that time.

And these were quality gets. The convo's were more genuine/natural than the last dig I wrote about.

Which is why from the first prowl everyone already responded in good spirit except 1 chick. 1 chick already liking all my stuff, sending voicenotes, another was like i waited for you to write you are so cute.. potential :grin

The 2nd patch I haven't texted yet. It's truly a little overwhelming lol.

My buddy got absolutely 0 numbers lol.

He doesnt have IG for some reason and he is a little new at this. Still a little too anxious/nervous. Most girls gave him the "I got a bf". When we approached several together, I always got to the point quicker so I always chose the baddie we approached them for :lol

But what I really wanna talk about is the epidemic of jealous, ****-blocking *****...

every single pretty girl must have 1 gf that is there to tell you to go away or pull her away :lol

I probably approached like 25 chicks total yesterday, and got like 15.

There was one brown dime where the convo was civil and somewhat nice even and the blonde gf was like "dont you see she doesnt want it"... the exact same thing by a dark haired gf of another dime and the dime just continued talking to me and gave me her insta :lol

that incident was also the only time i had a hating ass dude in the area who was like "can you go away" i said "who tf are you" and then he and his mates went away a couple meters to have a smoke or smthing. It was good that I had my friend with me there. mother****er felt threatened baha.

nah but im telling you magic can happen on these nights.

the way connections and hook-ups create themselves if you go for it. thats what being human is truly about in a broader sense.

06-18-2022, 12:41 PM
So yesterday was probably my most active day yet :lol

First I was out around evening (still very sunny, bright and lively) by myself before meeting some friends, and I grabbed around 7 insta's/numbers. I live around a highly frequented / popular area of Berlin (Kudamm).

Then again around midnight with a friend and we did it together and I grabbed even more that time.

And these were quality gets. The convo's were more genuine/natural than the last dig I wrote about.

Which is why from the first prowl everyone already responded in good spirit except 1 chick. 1 chick already liking all my stuff, sending voicenotes, another was like i waited for you to write you are so cute.. potential :grin

The 2nd patch I haven't texted yet. It's truly a little overwhelming lol.

My buddy got absolutely 0 numbers lol.

He doesnt have IG for some reason and he is a little new at this. Still a little too anxious/nervous. Most girls gave him the "I got a bf". When we approached several together, I always got to the point quicker so I always chose the baddie we approached them for :lol

But what I really wanna talk about is the epidemic of jealous, ****-blocking *****...

every single pretty girl must have 1 gf that is there to tell you to go away or pull her away :lol

I probably approached like 25 chicks total yesterday, and got like 15.

There was one brown dime where the convo was civil and somewhat nice even and the blonde gf was like "dont you see she doesnt want it"... the exact same thing by a dark haired gf of another dime and the dime just continued talking to me and gave me her insta :lol

that incident was also the only time i had a hating ass dude in the area who was like "can you go away" i said "who tf are you" and then he and his mates went away a couple meters to have a smoke or smthing. It was good that I had my friend with me there. mother****er felt threatened baha.

nah but im telling you magic can happen on these nights.

the way connections and hook-ups create themselves if you go for it. thats what being human is truly about in a broader sense.

Kok-blockers are a bigger problem in night game. During the day, I can always find a ton of girls on the street or in the mall walking alone that I almost never approach groups. It's just not worth the headache. On the other hand I have banged a lot of girls from bars and nightclubs in my 20's and most of those girls were with their friends so you can overcome kok-blocks. A few of those nights I even went out alone and still pried a girl from her group. I did spend thousands upon thousands of dollars every year on partying though and used to drink way too much like an idiot. Not gonna do that anymore at 34! In fact I basically abstain from alcohol now which is another reason why I do mostly online and day game now. And even when I night game these days it's sober night game.

06-18-2022, 05:08 PM
Men will say anything for sex. Especially on an online platform

No doubt. I used to.

06-21-2022, 11:35 AM
and this is actually a good question.

no it isnt.

approaching women is the easiest thing in the world. it doesnt matter how attractive they are.

sure - its hard if you're young or if you're insecure.

Charlie Sheen
06-21-2022, 01:40 PM
If the first thing a guy is communicating to a female is that he wants to have sex, it is not surprising that person finds Tinder a more favorable environment.

Doomsday Dallas
06-22-2022, 12:26 AM
no it isnt.

approaching women is the easiest thing in the world. it doesnt matter how attractive they are.

sure - its hard if you're young or if you're insecure.

It's hard if you're young????? That's when it's easiest.

I'm old as f*ck now... and sober.

I wouldn't have the first clue about asking a random woman out at my sober age of 40+ even though I have years upon years of experience in approaching women.

What do single people my age do? They call up an old ex or they just date somebody they work with (or have gotten to know through a friend)... or try their luck on the internet.

What they don't do is approach some random woman and ask them if they'd like to meet up sometime simply because they look good. That's what young people do.

The only way you can approach girls in your old age... is if you have just a little backstory. Boyfriend? Divorced? Kids? Do you prefer white meat or dark meat? Am I old enough to be your father?

if you don't have any back story... you're probably just going to embarrass yourself, unless you're a complete bad@ss in your old age, which sadly, I've lost a step.

Anyways... here was my situation a few weeks ago:

was getting my eyes/vision checked, woman at the front desk looked like my type, had no ring, and we're completely alone as she was getting all the paper work in order for me.

what the f*ck am I going to say? "Hey, uhmmm, I don't even know you're name, but I noticed you don't have a ring on, are you single?" .... I think that would be rather awkward, and could come off as creepy.

I didn't say or do a damn thing... but I do have to go back up there again, maybe I have more of a game plan next time... and if she's not up there whenever I go back, maybe I ask one her coworkers some questions and get more info about her.

I did notice she started to stretch as we were talking about the bill.... which could be a sign she was putting her body on display for me (or just craving attention)... or she may have just been stretching. Hard to know for sure.


Doomsday Dallas
06-22-2022, 12:29 AM

I don't want you to be the guy in the PG-13 movie everyone's really hoping makes it happen. I want you to be like the guy in the rated R movie, you know, the guy you're not sure whether or not you like yet.

I think at my age... depending on the woman... you have to go back to the PG-13 style.

06-22-2022, 12:38 AM
It's hard if you're young????? That's when it's easiest.

I'm old as f*ck now... and sober.

I wouldn't have the first clue about asking a random woman out at my sober age of 40+ even though I have years upon years of experience in approaching women.

What do single people my age do? They call up an old ex or they just date somebody they work with (or have gotten to know through a friend)... or try their luck on the internet.

What they don't do is approach some random woman and ask them if they'd like to meet up sometime simply because they look good. That's what young people do.

The only way you can approach girls in your old age... is if you have just a little backstory. Boyfriend? Divorced? Kids? Do you prefer white meat or dark meat? Am I old enough to be your father?

if you don't have any back story... you're probably just going to embarrass yourself, unless you're a complete bad@ss in your old age, which sadly, I've lost a step.

Anyways... here was my situation a few weeks ago:

was getting my eyes/vision checked, woman at the front desk looked like my type, had no ring, and we're completely alone as she was getting all the paper work in order for me.

what the f*ck am I going to say? "Hey, uhmmm, I don't even know you're name, but I noticed you don't have a ring on, are you single?" .... I think that would be rather awkward, and could come off as creepy.

I didn't say or do a damn thing... but I do have to go back up there again, maybe I have more of a game plan next time... and if she's not up there whenever I go back, maybe I ask one her coworkers some questions and get more info about her.

I did notice she started to stretch as we were talking about the bill.... which could be a sign she was putting her body on display for me (or just craving attention)... or she may have just been stretching. Hard to know for sure.


ehh you're not going to believe me anyways. really wont get much out of proving anything on a message board anyways. Ive had threesomes with very attractive girls, women hitting on me all the time, get women looking at me all the time when Im out, you name it

I dont even capitalize on these opportunities because Im so focused on other things in my life and I think they can sense that. they can tell when you really dont give a ****.

and Im not particularly attractive looking and I barely lift but still stay in good shape. Im just very confident.

I treat the off the court lounge a little bit differently than the main board - I actually try to give good advice.

06-22-2022, 12:44 AM
if you're militant about the way that you take care of yourself, you're going to attract women.

I eat VERY clean and sprint regularly to keep my testosterone up, and always dress well and smell nice. a nice cologne nearly at all times.

always a nice watch and nice shoes. and I smile a lot.

people respond to your energy. that's all it is.

06-22-2022, 12:47 AM
the words that you say dont matter. its all about presenting the fact that you value yourself.

Doomsday Dallas
06-22-2022, 01:35 AM
anyone who even uses words like cold-approaching is already flirting with being a loser for life

btw... I did lmao when I read that comment.

I may have to go in for the cold-approach one of these days here in my old age... but it's not the same game as it use to be...

not even close. People get old.

When you're young you can walk up to a woman and tell her straight up "damn, you look good, can I call you sometime"... and half the time all you had to do was ask. That's all you had to do: ask.

I mean basically you're asking a woman out before you even know anything about her on the cold-approach, or immediately upon meeting her. Not many situations will happen where you have to do this once you're old, but as I just described, it did happen recently as I was getting my eyes checked.

But if you're young, that behavior is excusable. Woman of all ages find it excusable... and any random decent looking dude can probably get away with that from ages 15 to 38, just like your regular athlete's sports age.

Get older... things are get a little more complex. Not everybody can go out there like Tom Brady at age 45 and win on the cold-approach no problem. Most athletes retire in their 30's, and that's probably when most men retire from the cold-approach as well.

Most of us ain't gonna be approaching a God damn thing in our 40s... in a lot of ways... it becomes a lost art for single folks the older we get.

Doomsday Dallas
06-22-2022, 02:36 AM
ehh you're not going to believe me anyways. really wont get much out of proving anything on a message board anyways. Ive had threesomes with very attractive girls, women hitting on me all the time, get women looking at me all the time when Im out, you name it

I dont even capitalize on these opportunities because Im so focused on other things in my life and I think they can sense that. they can tell when you really dont give a ****.

and Im not particularly attractive looking and I barely lift but still stay in good shape. Im just very confident.

I treat the off the court lounge a little bit differently than the main board - I actually try to give good advice.

if you're militant about the way that you take care of yourself, you're going to attract women.

I eat VERY clean and sprint regularly to keep my testosterone up, and always dress well and smell nice. a nice cologne nearly at all times.

always a nice watch and nice shoes. and I smile a lot.

people respond to your energy. that's all it is.


as for me... I'd put myself much higher than 62%... maybe go as high as 90% on some days... other days 70%.

Don't get me wrong... I've had my days where women make the approach. Doesn't happen as much anymore, and that's all due to age.

But I appreciate the advice. Makes sense.

06-22-2022, 08:35 AM
no it isnt.

approaching women is the easiest thing in the world. it doesnt matter how attractive they are.

sure - its hard if you're young or if you're insecure.

you really have no clue how many men are without sex out there right? there are at best 5% of men who regularly approach women

06-22-2022, 08:35 AM
if you're militant about the way that you take care of yourself, you're going to attract women.

I eat VERY clean and sprint regularly to keep my testosterone up, and always dress well and smell nice. a nice cologne nearly at all times.

always a nice watch and nice shoes. and I smile a lot.

people respond to your energy. that's all it is.

i cringed tbh

06-22-2022, 09:11 AM
i cringed tbh

you shouldnt cringe. you should sit down and take notes.

Im teaching you about life son. you would learn a lot from me.

06-22-2022, 09:24 AM
eating well and exercising and building a great career would solve 99% of the modern man's problems

most men cant get women because they arent men.

women are biologically wired to sense your level of self-esteem.

I've fed, clothed, sheltered, myself, covered my own transportation, everything - since the age of 18.

it wasnt easy.

never had parents, they were good people that passed away young due to coincidence, nor did I ever have family to help me, the only person who's ever helped me is a sister who's similar to me in age only a few years older than me. she's a very good person.

and I've always lived an honorable life. I know kids that I grew up with that got shot multiple times, that went to prison, that got murdered, that used to run BnE's like it was their job, etc etc. these are my friends. and I was always the guy that did things honorably and I never backed down and I was never a coward. never broke and entered into someone's home once even though my friends did it all the time - I knew better. they all caught charges for it too.

I was the man.

that's the source of my self-esteem.

I'm very close with my sister and now that I'm the man - a 32-year old man in my absolute prime - I do nice things for her all the time just out of appreciation and love. just sent her some money to take of herself - and she makes 6-figures as well and is a medical professional and built her own career from nothing as well.

I guarantee she wouldn't even give any of these virgins a second look if they tried approaching her.

06-22-2022, 09:27 AM
you really have no clue how many men are without sex out there right? there are at best 5% of men who regularly approach women

if you and me were interested in the same woman, I would just take her from you and you would accept it.

06-22-2022, 09:28 AM
now its time to get back to work.

06-22-2022, 11:51 PM


for sure bro. stay positive and god bless.

06-23-2022, 03:53 AM
I am past the pickup phase of my life... but if I had to guess, I would predict that Tinder has made cold approaching even more effective - since there are far fewer men who are doing it (less competition), while women still love it because they crave attention and flattery (which is why so many of them use the dating apps in the first place).