View Full Version : Ratings are UP since LeLoser is out..

05-19-2022, 04:54 PM
no one wants to see crab dribbling and stiff arms.

in fact, LeLoser is responsible for 2 of the 3 lowest rated finals in the NBA.

LeLoser also lost to the Dodgers, in ratings, when they both won during the bubble.

05-19-2022, 05:11 PM
That's cool. Wait .... you had to edit that brilliant post? What did you change?

Full Court
05-19-2022, 05:22 PM
Not surprised. Curry's the biggest draw in the NBA, regardless of what you think of him and despite what the media tries to push.

05-19-2022, 08:02 PM
The average person thinks LeTiny is a cringe loser..

05-19-2022, 08:22 PM
Not surprised. Curry's the biggest draw in the NBA, regardless of what you think of him and despite what the media tries to push.


Spurs m8
05-19-2022, 08:46 PM
What's new lol

People like to watch entertaining players

They also like real sport on the court, not the GM office

The league will be booming once he retires

Cold soul
05-19-2022, 09:16 PM
I mean majority of fans have Lebron fatigue I can't blame them even I'm a little tired of Lebron.

05-19-2022, 09:27 PM
Probably the most interesting season in a LONG while

There is so much competition this year, no clear best team

Full Court
05-19-2022, 09:42 PM
Probably the most interesting season in a LONG while

There is so much competition this year, no clear best team

True. Overall, it's the most competitive post season that I can remember.