View Full Version : Record for unanimous first team picks in a row is 4. 3 others have 3 straight.

05-26-2022, 08:59 AM
Giannis just set the record. 4 years straight he was a unanimous first team pick. The people with 3 are Jordan, Lebron, and Harden.

Makes me wonder who broke up peoples runs.

Lebron almost got it 8 years in a row. He was one vote shy of unanimous in both 14 and 16 and 2 votes shy in 12 but got every single vote otherwise from 09-16. A lot of people got random first team votes those years so it’s hard to narrow it down.

Jordan we don’t have the counts for but I’d imagine there was a year someone took maybe Magic and Drexler from 87-91 because I can’t imagine anyone else taking a spot after that. He should have had 7 in a row probably but the 63 win blazers season may have given someone an excuse to go Magic/Drexler.

I assume Shaq lost votes in 03 when he was hurt a bit. Maybe to Ben Wallace….

But Shaq not having 3 straight means someone took another center from 2000-02 which is probably the most insane vote ever.

Some just have to be spite votes like how Barkley got the most first place mvp votes in 90 but lost because a few left him totally off their ballots to swing it away from him. Similar thing happened to Shaq in 05. He was totally off a ballot or two and way down on others and it made sure Nash won. He lost by 34 and second place votes counted as 7 so getting second on the low or totally left off ballots likely wins it for him. Personally I thought Dirk should have gotten way more votes but that’s for another day….

Some of it just seems real personal. Leaving prime Jordan off or Shaq in 00-02 with no other great centers. Lebron in 12 in what I’m sure was 11 finals backlash.

Just some assholes out there.

05-26-2022, 09:07 AM
You would’ve never guessed Jordan or LeBron never had more than 3 consecutive seasons of unanimous selections. Aside from his stellar play, I’m going to assume a big reason Giannis broke the record is his competition at forward (LeBron/Durant/Kawhi) have missed a ridiculous amount of games over the last 4 years.

05-26-2022, 09:17 AM
the world is full of assholes


05-26-2022, 09:57 AM
leaving shaq off the ballot in 05 isn't insane whether or not nash should have won

05-26-2022, 10:24 AM
Insane Or not the motivation is usually clear in those kinda votes(leaving a close second off entirely). Guys believe their pick should win so bad that instead of doing what’s asked…ranking 1-5…they are only seriously ranking one and the rest is to ensure an outcome they desire.

There is no way people thought Chuck was 6th or 7th in 90 they just didn’t like him and loved Magic. It happens. You can argue Shaq was 6th or 8th or whatever most valuable in 05 but it’s unlikely to be a coincidence when the people saying it are strongly in the Nash camp and really want him to win. It’s more about Nash and Shaq than about Dirk or Duncan.

05-26-2022, 10:31 AM
I don't think the original intention of 82 regular season games and the playoff was ever about ensuring individuals could stay at peak shape continuously

05-26-2022, 11:39 AM
Insane Or not the motivation is usually clear in those kinda votes(leaving a close second off entirely). Guys believe their pick should win so bad that instead of doing what’s asked…ranking 1-5…they are only seriously ranking one and the rest is to ensure an outcome they desire.

There is no way people thought Chuck was 6th or 7th in 90 they just didn’t like him and loved Magic. It happens. You can argue Shaq was 6th or 8th or whatever most valuable in 05 but it’s unlikely to be a coincidence when the people saying it are strongly in the Nash camp and really want him to win. It’s more about Nash and Shaq than about Dirk or Duncan.

you could be right but i don't know who voted for who and why so i can't really say

i can imagine people thinking barkley wasn't top 5 in 90

the "advanced stats" that didn't exist back then would say he was probably top 5

but solely traditional way of looking at it not necessarily

05-26-2022, 03:05 PM
At least 6 and maybe 7 guys had mvp numbers that year all of them legends so it isn’t impossible to argue he wasn’t top 5 but I never heard anyone say it around that time. There were 92 voters and Magic won mvp with only 27 first place votes to Barkleys 38. It was known what happened. People left him off entirely to make sure he didn’t win. Even other mvp voters have spoken on it. Guys just didn’t like him. It happens.

05-26-2022, 04:17 PM
At least 6 and maybe 7 guys had mvp numbers that year all of them legends so it isn’t impossible to argue he wasn’t top 5 but I never heard anyone say it around that time. There were 92 voters and Magic won mvp with only 27 first place votes to Barkleys 38. It was known what happened. People left him off entirely to make sure he didn’t win. Even other mvp voters have spoken on it. Guys just didn’t like him. It happens.

you had jordan who easily could've won the award

then magic who won it

then karl malone who had a career high in ppg (6 more than barkley) and had already made the all defensive team before

then you have robinson and hakeem who were both all nba and all defense that year

there's 5

then ewing who made his only all nba 1st team that year and got 1 first place vote for mvp

prime/peak stockton

bird still doing bird things but at a lower level and boston only winning 1 less game than philly

that's 8 it wouldn't be nuts to pick over barkely

then you have tom chambers who's team had a better record than barkley's and averaged 2 more ppg than barkely

drexler and buck williams getting votes for portland probably because portland had a better record than philly

dumars and thomas getting votes for detroit again because detroit had a better record than philly

05-26-2022, 04:28 PM
As I said regardless of what reasons there might have been we already know what the reasons were. Actual writers from the time who spoke to others about it have gone into it. Wilbon from PTI for one. Biased since they’re old friends but I don’t think he was outright lying. A lot of media people just didn’t want to see Charles win. Getting the most first place votes by a mile but losing is hard to do without voters being completely against your win and not just ranking the candidates.

05-26-2022, 04:54 PM
What’s the point of having second, third, fourth, and fifth place votes? Lol. Why not just straight up one vote for MVP and cut the bullshit?

05-26-2022, 06:01 PM
As I said regardless of what reasons there might have been we already know what the reasons were. Actual writers from the time who spoke to others about it have gone into it. Wilbon from PTI for one. Biased since they’re old friends but I don’t think he was outright lying. A lot of media people just didn’t want to see Charles win. Getting the most first place votes by a mile but losing is hard to do without voters being completely against your win and not just ranking the candidates.

so you cite one admittedly biased source

people do lie even ones you wouldn't expect

as i said you might be right but it's difficult to determine these things especially more than 30 years after the fact

and i gave a rational or "rational" explanation for why the dudes who got votes got them

i'd say the burden of proof is on you to demonstrate this so called widespread hatred for the prince of pizza

05-26-2022, 07:55 PM
Burden of proof? There is one group of people making those decisions. One of them who knows dozens of others has directly spoken on it. You’re the one talking 30 years after the fact reading stats. The people at the time talked about it. It’s been talked about for 30 years and the same conclusion is drawn now and then.

You not being able to accept it isn’t my issue to fix. Writers hold grudges and make votes personal. All sorts of people have been snubbed on purpose to make a point.

Like I said someone didn’t even have Jordan in his prime all nba first team. But I need to prove personal things impact the vote?

Its the same all across sports. Writers have been jackasses forever. These are some of the same people who didn’t vote Willie Mays, Babe Ruth, or Hank Aaron into the hall of fame unanimously.

Some are jerks. They rig votes. Some of them are on record talking about the others doing petty shit like that. Neither they nor I need to prove it to you.

05-26-2022, 08:33 PM
Burden of proof? There is one group of people making those decisions. One of them who knows dozens of others has directly spoken on it. You’re the one talking 30 years after the fact reading stats. The people at the time talked about it. It’s been talked about for 30 years and the same conclusion is drawn now and then.

You not being able to accept it isn’t my issue to fix. Writers hold grudges and make votes personal. All sorts of people have been snubbed on purpose to make a point.

Like I said someone didn’t even have Jordan in his prime all nba first team. But I need to prove personal things impact the vote?

Its the same all across sports. Writers have been jackasses forever. These are some of the same people who didn’t vote Willie Mays, Babe Ruth, or Hank Aaron into the hall of fame unanimously.

Some are jerks. They rig votes. Some of them are on record talking about the others doing petty shit like that. Neither they nor I need to prove it to you.

let's assume some are jerks and jerk decisions have been made

it doesn't follow that every decision you disagree with or don't understand has jerk motivations when there are more charitable theories as i gave

if you start a thread and then someone asks for proof and you say you don't have to give it that's a sign of weakness in your argument

but whatever this is just a silly message board but you seem very concerned about these "nefarious plots" against shaq and chuck and whoever else

05-26-2022, 09:05 PM
barkley won a mvp a few years later

did all the jerks die and were replaced by non jerks? was there divine intervention and all the jerks changed their ways?

the real story here is barkley probably had no business getting all those first place votes anyway so who cares

05-26-2022, 10:15 PM
if you start a thread and then someone asks for proof and you say you don't have to give it that's a sign of weakness in your argument

For one…you’re arguing. I’m pointing out weird things with full knowledge none of it can be factually proven. What would proof even be when you don’t care about people who actually voted and know voters have pointed out about personal issues weighing in? What do you want a written confession from 30 people admitting it? Proof not existing has no bearing on if things happened. Only if you personally believe them. And I don’t care what you believe beyond generally wanting to talk to other fans. You thinking writers don’t do petty things like this means nothing to me. Actual voters have told us otherwise and shown that it crosses all sports.

05-26-2022, 10:32 PM
Oh and that same year 3 writers left Jordan completely off which raised eyebrows:

. The most incredible aspect of the official tally was that three voters omitted Jordan from their five-name ballot.''For anyone to leave him off the ballot entirely is outrageous and embarrassing for the panel,'' said veteran NBA writer Jan Hubbard of Newsday. ''We`re not talking Lithuanian independence here, but you have to be responsible.''
In Detroit, Jordan said: ''I guess I can understand an anti-Jordan sentiment. There are going to be some rotten apples in every barrel. Three rotten apples.''.

I’m sure they legitimately just didn’t think Jordan was top 5 though. Couldn’t just be idiots letting non basketball issues weigh in.

05-26-2022, 11:51 PM
For one…you’re arguing. I’m pointing out weird things with full knowledge none of it can be factually proven. What would proof even be when you don’t care about people who actually voted and know voters have pointed out about personal issues weighing in? What do you want a written confession from 30 people admitting it? Proof not existing has no bearing on if things happened. Only if you personally believe them. And I don’t care what you believe beyond generally wanting to talk to other fans. You thinking writers don’t do petty things like this means nothing to me. Actual voters have told us otherwise and shown that it crosses all sports.

i want something more than hearsay and so should any non gullible person when it comes to anything

05-26-2022, 11:53 PM
I guess this is what happens when the best player in the world is non-polarizing

05-26-2022, 11:53 PM
Oh and that same year 3 writers left Jordan completely off which raised eyebrows:

I’m sure they legitimately just didn’t think Jordan was top 5 though. Couldn’t just be idiots letting non basketball issues weigh in.

perhaps they have some kind of big man philosophy and went with ewing robinson olajuwon barkley malone

05-26-2022, 11:56 PM
Who tf stole a vote from Bron in 2014?

KD made the first team too, so besides him who was worthy of a first team vote?

Blake? LMA? Love? PG?

Why are some salaries determined by these yahoos?

05-27-2022, 05:25 AM
i want something more than hearsay and so should any non gullible person when it comes to anything

There is no proof of the vast majority of things that ever happened. Yet everything that ever happened….happened. Just comes down to what’s reasonable to believe. And sportswriters holding grudges and manipulating outcomes is not only believable but a known fact that does not require your acceptance to be true.

05-27-2022, 02:39 PM
There is no proof of the vast majority of things that ever happened. Yet everything that ever happened….happened. Just comes down to what’s reasonable to believe. And sportswriters holding grudges and manipulating outcomes is not only believable but a known fact that does not require your acceptance to be true.


or it's a convenient excuse trotted out whenever someone's guy doesn't win like with embiid this year

wah they just don't like him

give me a break

05-27-2022, 03:36 PM
perhaps the crybabies already understand how stupid they will look if and likely when embiid wins an mvp within the next few years assuming health

05-27-2022, 03:39 PM
or it's a conscious strategy to bitch and moan until you manipulate people into feeling sorry for you then you get handed an award you may not deserve

05-27-2022, 03:52 PM
embiid is an unlikeable bitch but a great player

05-27-2022, 04:42 PM
bridges complained his way onto the all defensive first team and dpoy finalist list

smart complained his way to winning the dpoy

suck gobert's d

05-27-2022, 05:30 PM
the best defenders in the league are gobert and draymond

that's the way it was the way it is and the way it will be

05-27-2022, 06:28 PM
thybulle is the best defensive guard in the league

if anyone can't handle it because he's half white and australian that's your problem

05-27-2022, 07:47 PM
elena delle donne is the goat shooter

05-27-2022, 09:53 PM
say what you will if it's negative you probably don't know what you're talking about


05-28-2022, 08:52 AM

or it's a convenient excuse trotted out whenever someone's guy doesn't win like with embiid this year

wah they just don't like him

give me a break

In the same article the Jordan quote is from a writer admits to ranking Barkley first and then asking for his ballot back after something he said about Mike Gminski. He and others have said they or others they knew did not vote for Barkley because of personality. You don’t have to accept the facts for them to be true. You finding it unlikely just suggest to me you aren’t old enough to remember anything about that time. Charles went from one of the most disliked players by the media in Philly to one of the most liked after the dream team rehabbed his image and he started praising his much better teammates and being more fun and less prickly in Phoenix.

We watched it happen. He went from everything you read being hate to all of it being fun Sir Charles stories. In Philly he had a run where he stopped giving reporters real answers after they took a “Wife beater” comment wrong and blew it up so he had to apologize to women. He was playing the Marshawn Lynch game and giving them bare minimum answers once he found out how little he could say and not get fined. This was for months:

. Barkley appears. "You-all ready for the statement? Here goes: We didn't play well. They played well, and I give them credit. We did the best we could. That's it. Happy holidays."Latecomers get the same treatment: Barkley repeats his statement, verbatim. One reporter, in a last-ditch try, asks another set of questions as Barkley grabs some deodorant.
"We didn't play well. {He sprays under the left arm.} They played well, and I give them credit. {Sprays under the right.} We did the best we could {He fans the foggy mist.}"

Beef over that, several fan incidents, and legal problems.

Here he is being named Idiot of the Year by a Chicago MVP voter who mentioned not one word about basketball:

. The clear favorite for Idiot of the Year honors is professional basketball player Charles Barkley of the Philadelphia 76ers.Barkley has proved himself to be stupider than any politician, actor, rock star or any other public person. And no, this has nothing to do with his highly publicized incident of last weekend, when he was arrested in Milwaukee for allegedly breaking the nose of a citizen named James R. McCarthy in a post-midnight street brawl.
Barkley`s arrest was almost to be expected; things like that tend to happen to him.

Last April, also in Milwaukee, he was fined $109 on a disorderly conduct charge after tossing cups of Gatorade on fans during a game at the Bradley Center. A week before that, Barkley had been suspended for a game and fined $1,000 for spitting at fans (his sputum landed on a young girl) during a game against the New Jersey Nets. That was part of a total of $39,000 in NBA fines levied against Barkley last season.

But that`s not what qualifies Barkley for Idiot of the Year. If those were his only offenses, they would merit merely a shrug. Such behavior is what he is known for. (He is also the man who charged that if his team kept one white player on its 12-man roster this season, that would be an indication of deep racism. Not against whites-against blacks. He is scheduled to represent the U.S. in the Olympic Games this summer; like the other members of our Olympic basketball team, Barkley is not precisely an amateur-his annual salary for playing basketball in Philadelphia is $3.2 million.)

So what has Barkley done to merit being named Idiot of the Year?
He has charged-apparently with a straight face-that he was misquoted in his new autobiography.

Apparently Barkley is too dim to understand the uproarious humor of this. An autobiography, of course, is a person`s own account of his or her life. It appears in the person`s own words, under the person`s own byline.
When Barkley`s new autobiography was published last week-the book is called ''Outrageous!''-newspapers reported that in the book Barkley said some unflattering things about some of his teammates, and about the owner of his team.
Barkley-again, there was no hint that he had a clue as to how hilarious this was-said that he must have been misquoted.

The writers and reporters did not like him and he did not like them. Many took it personal and refused to vote for him for non basketball reasons and everyone knew about the Barkley/media problems back then and media who spoke on it would explain why.

You coming out 30 years later acting like it’s some big mystery why guys would manipulate the outcome against him is ridiculous. There were writers back then who would write stories saying they didn’t **** with him and why. And the reasons were never basketball.

He wasn’t liked. Later…he was. That’s the truth even if you can’t accept it. A lot of us lived it.

05-28-2022, 10:58 AM
In the same article the Jordan quote is from a writer admits to ranking Barkley first and then asking for his ballot back after something he said about Mike Gminski. He and others have said they or others they knew did not vote for Barkley because of personality. You don’t have to accept the facts for them to be true. You finding it unlikely just suggest to me you aren’t old enough to remember anything about that time. Charles went from one of the most disliked players by the media in Philly to one of the most liked after the dream team rehabbed his image and he started praising his much better teammates and being more fun and less prickly in Phoenix.

We watched it happen. He went from everything you read being hate to all of it being fun Sir Charles stories. In Philly he had a run where he stopped giving reporters real answers after they took a “Wife beater” comment wrong and blew it up so he had to apologize to women. He was playing the Marshawn Lynch game and giving them bare minimum answers once he found out how little he could say and not get fined. This was for months:

Beef over that, several fan incidents, and legal problems.

Here he is being named Idiot of the Year by a Chicago MVP voter who mentioned not one word about basketball:

The writers and reporters did not like him and he did not like them. Many took it personal and refused to vote for him for non basketball reasons and everyone knew about the Barkley/media problems back then and media who spoke on it would explain why.

You coming out 30 years later acting like it’s some big mystery why guys would manipulate the outcome against him is ridiculous. There were writers back then who would write stories saying they didn’t **** with him and why. And the reasons were never basketball.

He wasn’t liked. Later…he was. That’s the truth even if you can’t accept it. A lot of us lived it.

you're either lying or have bad reading comprehension neither of which bodes well for your credibility

powell said he voted for barkely 1st and that the gminski incident was in the playoffs so his vote didn't change because it's a regular season award

the gminski incident is also a legitimate basketball issue if someone thinks barkley is potentially destroying team chemistry

i am old enough to remember the original dream team

i lived through it

i know barkley was a jerk back then

so are you as far as i can tell