View Full Version : The cops at Uvalde literally stood outside and refused to go in...

05-26-2022, 11:54 AM
...after the shooter and even stopped parents from helping their kids.


lol this won't help the police hate we've been seeing :lol

Off the Court
05-26-2022, 12:22 PM
Hard to watch parents in complete trauma like that damn. :(

I'm reading all sorts of stuff, it is hard to know what is real and what is disinformation.

Apparently there were two officers on site that exchanged fire with the shooter but couldn't prevent him from going in. They followed him in and were able to lock him into a classroom. Then the police called for backup SWAT and waited for 40 minutes while the shooter killed every kid in the classroom.

That is gut wrenching if true. If you are a police officer you have to open the door and go in there.

05-26-2022, 12:36 PM
Sounds like cowards to me.. They have body armor on & training but lack the guts. Instead giving him 40 freaking minutes to execute every kid/teacher :facepalm

05-26-2022, 12:49 PM
Too bad off the court and bladefd weren’t there.

They would have for sure done something.


05-26-2022, 12:57 PM
That's sad. Can't imagine that feeling of helplessness.. being held back from going to your kids.. as they're being massacred.

05-26-2022, 01:05 PM
Too bad off the court and bladefd weren’t there.

They would have for sure done something.


I bet if their kids were in there, they actually would have done something.

You on the other hand will never have kids, so there's no need to wonder if you would have done something.

05-26-2022, 01:08 PM
despicable. I would give up my life to save a kid. That is so messed up. If i die, one less bullet on a child.

05-26-2022, 01:11 PM
I bet if their kids were in there, they actually would have done something.

You on the other hand will never have kids, so there's no need to wonder if you would have done something.

Go back to China bro. You’re autistic.

Patrick Chewing
05-26-2022, 01:13 PM
Too bad off the court and bladefd weren’t there.

They would have for sure done something.


blade would have got his wheelchair stuck coming in through the front door. He would have been an easy target for the shooter.

Off the Court
05-26-2022, 01:15 PM
I'm going in if I'm a cop, its the reason you signed up.

I bet the cops on site there though were either very old near retirement age or the variety of cop that is overweight and out of shape. That's what I am picturing anyway because that's usually who gets placed in front of schools. The type of cop that only knows how to call for backup. Highly doubt it was two young in shape officers.

05-26-2022, 01:15 PM
I'm going in if I'm a cop, its the reason you signed up.

I bet the cops on site there though were either very old near retirement age or the variety of cop that is overweight and out of shape. That's what I am picturing anyway because that's usually who gets placed in front of schools. The type of cop that only knows how to call for backup. Highly doubt it was two young in shape officers.


05-26-2022, 01:18 PM
Then the police called for backup SWAT and waited for 40 minutes while the shooter killed every kid in the classroom.

If that's true that's easily the worst case of police conduct I've personally heard about.

05-26-2022, 01:18 PM
You need to organize a bum rush. **** those cops man. Get 15-20 dudes and bum rush the door. If you die, it will be one less bullet on a kid.

Off the Court
05-26-2022, 01:24 PM
If that's true that's easily the worst case of police conduct I've personally heard about.

There are all sorts of takes floating around. It's really hard to distinguish what is real and what is misinformation. And it's hard to put things into context or make sense of the situation and how it unfolded.

But I want to make it clear that any take I posted in here could easily be misinformation.

It's one of the things that sucks about social media, everything gets twisted in a hundred different directions by a million different people.

Patrick Chewing
05-26-2022, 01:36 PM
The same shit happened in Parkland. There was an officer there and his ass was probably close to retirement and he's on video staying outside the school calling for back-up while that Cruz kid was inside blasting kids away.

05-26-2022, 03:49 PM
Go back to China bro. You’re autistic.

Aww poor lil baby can't think of his own come backs. :oldlol:

05-26-2022, 03:55 PM

05-26-2022, 03:57 PM
Aww poor lil baby can't think of his own come backs. :oldlol:


Off the Court
05-26-2022, 04:37 PM
So there was one "guard" and then one "armed resource officer"? sounds like.

Gunman engaged both in gunfire and then locked himself into a classroom.

The guard called police who took 40-60 min to arrive.

Police went into the locked classroom and exchanged shots and killed the gunman.

School had recently doubled its security and doors are usually locked but were unlocked because there was an award ceremony the door happened to be unlocked.

You could hear the trembling in that officers voice when asked how long it took. He knows that is completely unacceptable. "Point is we were there" :rolleyes:

05-26-2022, 05:21 PM

Your obssession with penises is very unhealthy. Does yours even work? Or did it fall off with lack of activity?

05-26-2022, 05:56 PM
Your obssession with penises is very unhealthy. Does yours even work? Or did it fall off with lack of activity?

You got a small one bro. It’s okay. Come to some acceptance.

Long Duck Dong
05-26-2022, 06:18 PM
The same shit happened in Parkland. There was an officer there and his ass was probably close to retirement and he's on video staying outside the school calling for back-up while that Cruz kid was inside blasting kids away.

Not a good look for the cops today

Bring a fist, a knife or a bat to a gunfight. They'll shoot you on site if they feel the least bit threatened.

Start killing little children? Call for backup and wait for a supervisor. Bring a gun to a gun fight? Hell nah

05-26-2022, 07:15 PM
Not a good look for the cops today

Bring a fist, a knife or a bat to a gunfight. They'll shoot you on site if they feel the least bit threatened.

Start killing little children? Call for backup and wait for a supervisor. Bring a gun to a gun fight? Hell nah

Yeah, I mean we would all love every cop to be a paradigm of valor, but in reality these guys are human. Some do sign up because theyre compelled by a sense of duty, others probably just figured it’s a steady paycheck, and they meet the qualifications, etc etc. They arent all there to be role models and rescuers, there are a variety of motivations across the group as a whole.

It’s always disappointing to hear of the ones who act dishonorably, but at the end of the day theyre just other humans. We all want them to live up to some high expectation above and beyond us normal humans, but that isnt reasonable. Most people here would react similarly in that situation. The few who wouldnt are the exception. So it is with police. It doesnt make sense to expect differently.

Unless we can create fearless officers who maintain impeccable ethics in a lab, we’re always going to get what human nature suggests we will, which is a mixed bag.

05-26-2022, 07:27 PM
You got a small one bro. It’s okay. Come to some acceptance.

Depends what you mean by small man. As long as it gives my lady a climax every time, and gives me kids that all that matters.

Your immature autistic mind will never comprehend the use of a *****. Do you even know its purpose? Or do you think it's just a hose to let pee out?

05-26-2022, 07:39 PM
So there was one "guard" and then one "armed resource officer"? sounds like.

Gunman engaged both in gunfire and then locked himself into a classroom.

The guard called police who took 40-60 min to arrive.

Police went into the locked classroom and exchanged shots and killed the gunman.

School had recently doubled its security and doors are usually locked but were unlocked because there was an award ceremony the door happened to be unlocked.

You could hear the trembling in that officers voice when asked how long it took. He knows that is completely unacceptable. "Point is we were there" :rolleyes:

It's possible that shooter knew that ahead of time and planned accordingly.

But I don't understand why it took other police 40mins to arrive... That's nuts :facepalm

05-26-2022, 07:49 PM
Depends what you mean by small man. As long as it gives my lady a climax every time, and gives me kids that all that matters.

Your immature autistic mind will never comprehend the use of a *****. Do you even know its purpose? Or do you think it's just a hose to let pee out?


Feel better little bro.

05-26-2022, 08:03 PM
I bet if their kids were in there, they actually would have done something.

You on the other hand will never have kids, so there's no need to wonder if you would have done something.

05-26-2022, 11:41 PM
I bet if their kids were in there, they actually would have done something.

You on the other hand will never have kids, so there's no need to wonder if you would have done something.

Damn. He got roasted.

05-27-2022, 12:10 AM
Damn. He got roasted.

They don't intend to provide any useful insights on this message board anyway. :ohwell:

05-27-2022, 10:29 AM
Cops are instruments of state violence they do nothing to actually protect people.

05-27-2022, 10:31 AM
Cops are instruments of state violence they do nothing to actually protect people.

EXACTLY... the path to a safer society is for people to take their safety into their own hands and buy more guns

05-27-2022, 10:32 AM
Cops are instruments of state violence they do nothing to actually protect people.

I agree with you. This was a mandated fbi staged shooting to build the narrative prior to election since we kinda forgot about roe v wade, the grocery store shooting, and monkeypox

What narrative would it build if the heroic cop with a .223 goes in and kills the shooter without having mass causaulties? Democrats wouldnt like that at all

Off the Court
05-27-2022, 11:02 AM
And here comes the tin foil.

Going to be fun times for these parents when the retard legion hounds them for being Gov actors.

Nothing out there is real, it's all staged for our votes. Oh but our votes aren't real either so that's weird.

05-27-2022, 11:18 AM
EXACTLY... the path to a safer society is for people to take their safety into their own hands and buy more guns
Yes, unironically. Cops bad, anarchist community defense good.

05-27-2022, 11:19 AM
Duhhhhhhhh Alex Jones told me it was fake duhhhh

05-27-2022, 11:22 AM
Yes, unironically. Cops bad, anarchist community defense good.

Nah actually I am wrong.

American citizens should definitely give up all their guns... the only people who should be allowed to carry a firearm in america are people like the useless cops who refused to do their job in Uvalde

05-27-2022, 12:53 PM
These cops along with any supervisors that gave orders not to go in the school should be charged with dereliction of duty.

05-27-2022, 01:41 PM
I can't even imagine being a parent to one of those kids who had their life taken from them... especially knowing there is a minute chance they or one of the parents could have done something to spare lives.

Off the Court
05-27-2022, 02:26 PM
From what I am reading many of the dead kids were unrecognizable and they needed DNA just to figure out who died. One of the bodies is still not identified.

I don't think many people really understand what a high powered rifle does, they can completely rip limbs off, blow heads off, ect. They do extreme damage.

Just disgusting to think about that with children.

05-27-2022, 05:23 PM
I bet if their kids were in there, they actually would have done something.

You on the other hand will never have kids, so there's no need to wonder if you would have done something.


05-27-2022, 06:37 PM
The way to keep your kids safe is not sending them to public school. It’s your responsibility to watch and teach your kids.

05-27-2022, 07:58 PM
I bet if their kids were in there, they actually would have done something.

Oh they did. The officers who had children inside the school went in and rescued them, made sure their own kids were safe. THEN they started macing or tasing any other parent who tried to do the same.

I read that the perp was eventually taken down by two officer on a Border Patrol Tactical Team. They arrived late to the scene, and were ordered not to enter the school. They waited a around for a few minutes, realized that the two of them were the only people at the scene who were in uniform and also actually had balls, so they charged in and killed the perp. All those officers outside, a SWAT team that Uvalde has spent literally millions of dollars training and equipping, and none of them did jack. If those Border Patrol agents hadn't shown up the cops would probably still be waiting.

05-28-2022, 04:30 PM
I bet if their kids were in there, they actually would have done something.

You on the other hand will never have kids, so there's no need to wonder if you would have done something.


05-28-2022, 04:59 PM
I didn't watch any videos or anything of this happening, but if the cops were blocking the parents from going in while gunshots are going off in the school...I cannot imagine.

05-28-2022, 05:25 PM
I bet if their kids were in there, they actually would have done something.

You on the other hand will never have kids, so there's no need to wonder if you would have done something.



05-28-2022, 07:33 PM
People can’t see it can they?

They didn’t enter because they had no way to get in, they didn’t have anything to smash the door down with. If they bumrushed a locked door every single one of them was going to be shot and killed before they could get through

The only way they had in was the key. Sad but true. The real problem is the drastic underfunding of any area that isn’t occupied by the corporate elite. Police can’t even get the most basic of equipment.

Of course Biden and co won’t want to admit that so collectively are controlling the narrative and blaming the cops. Too bad everyone is buying it so easily . It means the real problem will continue to fester

05-28-2022, 09:48 PM
People can’t see it can they?

They didn’t enter because they had no way to get in, they didn’t have anything to smash the door down with. If they bumrushed a locked door every single one of them was going to be shot and killed before they could get through

The only way they had in was the key. Sad but true. The real problem is the drastic underfunding of any area that isn’t occupied by the corporate elite. Police can’t even get the most basic of equipment.

Of course Biden and co won’t want to admit that so collectively are controlling the narrative and blaming the cops. Too bad everyone is buying it so easily . It means the real problem will continue to fester

It’s a trip how these situations always come down to gun control or the cops need “moar help”. The police state always wins.

05-29-2022, 03:37 AM
People can’t see it can they?

They didn’t enter because they had no way to get in, they didn’t have anything to smash the door down with. If they bumrushed a locked door every single one of them was going to be shot and killed before they could get through

The only way they had in was the key. Sad but true. The real problem is the drastic underfunding of any area that isn’t occupied by the corporate elite. Police can’t even get the most basic of equipment.

Of course Biden and co won’t want to admit that so collectively are controlling the narrative and blaming the cops. Too bad everyone is buying it so easily . It means the real problem will continue to fester


why does the uvalde police department need more funding? they had a SWAT team sitting outside.

has to be a troll post.

anyhow, if you have at least 10 officers outside, you don't need to wait for tactical. form 2x5 man teams and enter. most of these officers have the required training to enter and clear rooms. border patrol came in for the save while the SWAT team stood idle.

Long Duck Dong
05-29-2022, 11:33 AM
I don't think many people really understand what a high powered rifle does, they can completely rip limbs off, blow heads off, ect. They do extreme damage.

Yeah. They're guns. What's your point? A round from that rusty 30-06 deer rifle sitting above Uncle Henry's fireplace will do way more damage than an AR-15 round. The old double barrel shottie filled with buckshot underneath Ma's bed will do even more damage than that at in home engagements.

Gun control guys tend to be chronically ignorant about the function of firearms so keep it simple champ. Stick to magazine capacity. The way "high powered rifle" is used by people who are ignorant about guns is a joke. All centerfire rifle rounds are "powerful" (rimfire are mostly.22s), the round the AR-15 uses is one of the weakest centerfire rifle calibers available.

Long Duck Dong
05-29-2022, 11:40 AM
People can’t see it can they?

They didn’t enter because they had no way to get in, they didn’t have anything to smash the door down with. If they bumrushed a locked door every single one of them was going to be shot and killed before they could get through

The only way they had in was the key. Sad but true. The real problem is the drastic underfunding of any area that isn’t occupied by the corporate elite. Police can’t even get the most basic of equipment.

Of course Biden and co won’t want to admit that so collectively are controlling the narrative and blaming the cops. Too bad everyone is buying it so easily . It means the real problem will continue to fester

I haven't been keeping up with all the latest updates so correct me if I'm wrong but didn't the feds tell the local police who were stopping them from entering the building to fvck off and went in any way? The feds on scene couldn't take the parents cries and pleas for the police to do something any longer and went in and killed the guy. The local police dropped the ball in every way possible

05-29-2022, 11:43 AM

why does the uvalde police department need more funding? they had a SWAT team sitting outside.

has to be a troll post.

anyhow, if you have at least 10 officers outside, you don't need to wait for tactical. form 2x5 man teams and enter. most of these officers have the required training to enter and clear rooms. border patrol came in for the save while the SWAT team stood idle.


05-29-2022, 05:27 PM

lol @ a female on swat, ye no

Long Duck Dong
05-29-2022, 06:46 PM
lol @ a female on swat, ye no

I have a feeling, just like y'all that this SWAT team is a joke but you really never know. I've met some females that are tack drivers with a rifle. I've also known some guys that have come out of the military and look every bit the part of a battle hardned soldier who I wouldn't trust in the slightest with a weapon in their hand. That includes one of my high school buddies. Went to the marines, 6'3, muscular with chiseled features. Dude looked like a warrior. We went out to the range one day when he was back on leave. Homeboy was muzzle sweeping everyone and drilled the scope of my rifle into his eye because he didn't shoulder it right. We had to take his ass to the emergency room. :oldlol:

05-30-2022, 02:15 AM
I haven't been keeping up with all the latest updates so correct me if I'm wrong but didn't the feds tell the local police who were stopping them from entering the building to fvck off and went in any way? The feds on scene couldn't take the parents cries and pleas for the police to do something any longer and went in and killed the guy. The local police dropped the ball in every way possible

Yep, had the police acted earlier, they could have saved lives. The real heros are those two border agents.

Lakers Legend#32
05-30-2022, 02:19 AM
"The only thing stopping a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun."

The death of another Republican talking point.

05-30-2022, 11:22 AM

05-31-2022, 02:00 AM
People can’t see it can they?

They didn’t enter because they had no way to get in, they didn’t have anything to smash the door down with. If they bumrushed a locked door every single one of them was going to be shot and killed before they could get through

The only way they had in was the key. Sad but true. The real problem is the drastic underfunding of any area that isn’t occupied by the corporate elite. Police can’t even get the most basic of equipment.

Of course Biden and co won’t want to admit that so collectively are controlling the narrative and blaming the cops. Too bad everyone is buying it so easily . It means the real problem will continue to fester

If the police were sitting outside waiting for the key, how exactly did the border patrol guy get into the room?

05-31-2022, 11:53 AM

From America?

05-31-2022, 11:56 AM
From America?

absolutely... mexico is part of america