View Full Version : If 3 greater than 2.....

05-27-2022, 10:46 PM
Why do coaches constantly double players in the mid and leave someone open for an easy 3? They do it all the time. Half the time it's not even a great scorer. Wouldn't a contested 2 be better than an open 3?

05-27-2022, 10:56 PM
Why do coaches constantly double players in the mid and leave someone open for an easy 3? They do it all the time. Half the time it's not even a great scorer. Wouldn't a contested 2 be better than an open 3?

Because 3 ball is still an inefficient shot.

If you are hitting 3 points. It's going to benefit your team. if you are bricking your 3 pointers, your coach is going to be mad at you. I am one of the best 3 points shooter in my town, but I still prefer a midrange and a tear drop shot if I ain't hitting my outside shot.

05-27-2022, 11:05 PM
Becausde 3 ball is still an inefficient shot. if you are hitting 3 points. It's going to benefit your team. if you are bricking your 3 pointers, your coach is going to be mad at you. I am one of the best 3 points shooter in my town, but I still prefer a midrange and a tear drop shot if I ain't hitting my shots.
It's terrible strategy and alot of coaches do it in this era. Why would you double what's often gonna be a contested 2 for an open 3. It makes zero sense.

05-28-2022, 12:08 AM
It's terrible strategy and alot of coaches do it in this era. Why would you double what's often gonna be a contested 2 for an open 3. It makes zero sense.

The absolute worse is when the defender defending a corner 3 leaves his man to double a guy driving. The corner 3 is the shortest and easiest 3. Yet every game you see it happen multiple times. I think corner 3’s are some of the most uncontested shots in the game :facepalm

05-28-2022, 08:59 AM
The absolute worse is when the defender defending a corner 3 leaves his man to double a guy driving. The corner 3 is the shortest and easiest 3. Yet every game you see it happen multiple times. I think corner 3’s are some of the most uncontested shots in the game :facepalm

Yeah that shit is annoying also. It's crazy because even at the u17 level I coach at we don't do that shit. Our kids know not to leave a good shooter on the perimeter and double someone in the mid or post. It's just bad basketball. So why do NBA players do it so much?

05-28-2022, 09:09 AM
Because not everyone is a good 3PT shooter. Most teams can't put 5 reliable shooters out there, which is why you see teams leaving guys like Derrick White or Draymond Green wide open. Even if they make their open shots, you're still able to play off them and make it much harder for the opposing team's superstar to get into their spots and get their offense going, so it's a strategy that most teams use in today's league.

05-28-2022, 09:22 AM
Is this one of those, "I know better than the coaches" or a, "I'm curious as to why this happens"?

05-28-2022, 09:51 AM
Is this one of those, "I know better than the coaches" or a, "I'm curious as to why this happens"?

It's just a simple question buddy. Why do coaches constantly leave good 3 point shooters open to double a player in the mid? If three is greater than 2 wouldn't you rather live with a contested 2 than an open 3?

05-28-2022, 09:52 AM
Because not everyone is a good 3PT shooter. Most teams can't put 5 reliable shooters out there, which is why you see teams leaving guys like Derrick White or Draymond Green wide open. Even if they make their open shots, you're still able to play off them and make it much harder for the opposing team's superstar to get into their spots and get their offense going, so it's a strategy that most teams use in today's league.

Yeah but it's not just guys like white and dray that's left open. Players are leaving the best shooters in the league open to double the mid.

05-28-2022, 10:01 AM
The only time I see a player purposely left open for a 3 is if they can't shoot. The 3 has never been defended like it is today, defenses take that shot seriously.

The reason why you see so many more open 3 point shots than mid-range shots is because defenders he usually help out if their teammate gets beaten off the dribble, which usually results in open 3's. And people usually spot up at 3 because it gives you better spacing (makes it harder for a defender to help as a defender, more ground to cover)

You see more doubles in the mid because they usually fear their penetration, not the actual mid-range shot itself. It's easier to double in that area because the offensive player has less space to work with.

05-28-2022, 11:05 AM
The only time I see a player purposely left open for a 3 is if they can't shoot. The 3 has never been defended like it is today, defenses take that shot seriously.

The reason why you see so many more open 3 point shots than mid-range shots is because defenders he usually help out if their teammate gets beaten off the dribble, which usually results in open 3's. And people usually spot up at 3 because it gives you better spacing (makes it harder for a defender to help as a defender, more ground to cover)

You see more doubles in the mid because they usually fear their penetration, not the actual mid-range shot itself. It's easier to double in that area because the offensive player has less space to work with.

Man you clearly aren't watching. It happens every game Multitude times a game. It happened numerous times last night.

05-28-2022, 11:31 AM
It's just a simple question buddy. Why do coaches constantly leave good 3 point shooters open to double a player in the mid? If three is greater than 2 wouldn't you rather live with a contested 2 than an open 3?

There's the plan and then there's the execution. Defenders can also get stuck in no man's land when they're indecisive. If a guy has a line drive to the bucket you'd rather leave your man in the corner and go help out. Is there a specific scenario you have in mind?

05-28-2022, 11:36 AM
I've wondered about this a lot. So many times ill see a guy sagging off his man slightly ready to play help defense on a slashing star and and basically give up a wide open 3. Id rather take my chances with the star taking a 2.

The only exception to it is if you're down a lot. At that point you can't let a star jab you out with 2s, and have to roll the dice on guys just missing 3s. Conversely if you're up by a lot the last thing you want to give up is 3s because if they get hot they can make up the deficit quickly. In that case you live with the 2s. The Mavs could make all the 2s they want... Only way they win is getting hot from 3. So that's what you have to take away.