View Full Version : Easiest three-point fix: extend the above-the-break line to 25 feet

Im Still Ballin
06-05-2022, 01:20 AM
The three-point line was originally 25 feet when it was first introduced to the ABL in 1961. They also decided to modify the line and shorten it in the corners to 22 feet. You can read about it below in the quoted section.

Most of the 'ugly' three-pointers in the NBA are taken from above the break. These are the off-the-dribble, high pick-and-roll shots that perimeter players can get easily. The corner threes typically come from a defensive breakdown, which is good basketball.

By extending the three-point line at the top, you'll decrease the value of those shots. These are the numbers from the JxmyHighroller video:

21 Feet: 37.1%
22 Feet: 36.8%
23 Feet: 35.8%
24 Feet: 35.4%
25 Feet: 33.9%
26 Feet: 31.9%
27 Feet: 28.9%

I'm not sure how accurate these numbers are, but I'd imagine we'd see a 1-2% decrease in above-the-break three-pointers. This would 'nerf' them subtly, encouraging other, more traditional avenues of shot selection.

Over the last 20 years, NBA players have averaged 1.05 points per above-the-break 3 and 1.16 points per corner 3

At the direction of Abe Saperstein, the American Basketball League (ABL) became the first basketball league to institute the rule in 1961. As commissioner of the new league, Saperstein wanted to add excitement to the game and distinguish the league from the bigger NBA. He hoped the three-pointer would become basketball's equivalent of the home run. “We must have a weapon,” Saperstein said, “and this is ours.”

To determine the distance the new shot line should be from the basket, Saperstein and longtime DePaul University coach Ray Meyer went onto a court one day with tape and selected 25 feet as the right length.

“They just arbitrarily drew lines,” his son Jerry Saperstein said. “There’s really no scientific basis. Just two Hall of Fame coaches getting together and saying: ‘Where would we like to see the line?’”

Not long after, in June 1961, Saperstein was traveling when the other seven ABL owners voted 4-3 to officially shorten the line, to 22 feet. Saperstein, who had significant power in the league as owner of the popular Globetrotters, disagreed with this and simply ignored the ruling.

Games continued with the 25 feet (7.62 m) shot. Saperstein eventually acknowledged there was one problem with the 25-foot arc and solved it by adding a 22-foot line in the corners. “It made for interesting possibilities,” he wrote

06-05-2022, 01:47 AM
The easiest fix to the three point “problem” is to get rid of the three point line altogether. If guys want to shoot 23-27 foot shots, knock yourself out, it’s still just worth two points. That will bring offenses in closer to the basket, will make defenders more effective which in turn will require smarter basketball to be played and probably lead to lower scoring games, player point averages etc. which is the exact opposite of what the league wants. The league wants running up and down, 40-50 3 point shots a game by each team and scores always over 100. The league is selling entertainment, not chess matches, the more scoring, the further out guys can shoot, the more open/higher scoring the games are. Which means more eyeballs/revenue.

Im Still Ballin
06-05-2022, 01:51 AM
The easiest fix to the three point “problem” is to get rid of the three point line altogether. If guys want to shoot 23-27 foot shots, knock yourself out, it’s still just worth two points. That will bring offenses in closer to the basket, will make defenders more effective which in turn will require smarter basketball to be played and probably lead to lower scoring games, player point averages etc. which is the exact opposite of what the league wants. The league wants running up and down, 40-50 3 point shots a game by each team and scores always over 100. The league is selling entertainment, not chess matches, the more scoring, the further out guys can shoot, the more open/higher scoring the games are. Which means more eyeballs/revenue.

Missing the point, bro. It's about ensuring balance; it's like a video game with an OP strategy. Three-point shooting and its effects on overall team offense is good for the game. I just think there needs to be a patch that nerfs it a little.

06-05-2022, 02:58 AM
The easiest fix to the three point “problem” is to get rid of the three point line altogether. If guys want to shoot 23-27 foot shots, knock yourself out, it’s still just worth two points. That will bring offenses in closer to the basket, will make defenders more effective which in turn will require smarter basketball to be played and probably lead to lower scoring games, player point averages etc. which is the exact opposite of what the league wants. The league wants running up and down, 40-50 3 point shots a game by each team and scores always over 100. The league is selling entertainment, not chess matches, the more scoring, the further out guys can shoot, the more open/higher scoring the games are. Which means more eyeballs/revenue.

I'd like a to watch a basketball organization without a 3 point shot. I'm not 100% sure it would be better but i would like to see how it would look like.

06-05-2022, 06:27 PM
Make every shot worth 3 points that would fix it

Spurs m8
06-05-2022, 07:04 PM
I'm more of a fan of dunk is also worth 3

06-05-2022, 07:07 PM
The easiest fix to the three point “problem” is to get rid of the three point line altogether. If guys want to shoot 23-27 foot shots, knock yourself out, it’s still just worth two points. That will bring offenses in closer to the basket, will make defenders more effective which in turn will require smarter basketball to be played and probably lead to lower scoring games, player point averages etc. which is the exact opposite of what the league wants. The league wants running up and down, 40-50 3 point shots a game by each team and scores always over 100. The league is selling entertainment, not chess matches, the more scoring, the further out guys can shoot, the more open/higher scoring the games are. Which means more eyeballs/revenue.

This would relegate Curry to Rec-league level, so I'm all for it

Actually crazy that a players entire legacy is predicated on a line and an extra point. Take it away, and that player is no longer NBA caliber. This highlights how one-dimensional curry is.