View Full Version : The Nuggets owner who also owns the Rams, Arsenal, an nhl team, and Rhode Island…..

06-06-2022, 07:33 PM
….(well not actually Rhode Island but more land than the state occupies)? The brother of his wife who is even richer than he is because they’re both the children of the founder of Walmart…..he’s buying the Broncos for 4.5 billion or so.

Thats 5 sports teams(not counting small ones you don’t care about) in the family.

In the words of the late great George Carlin….”It’s a big club…and you ain’t in it”.

Every time I feel like I’m making some progress the true wealth gets in the news to put me in my place. I’m still happy I can have my little 190 dollar dinners once or twice a week though. **** them. Not gonna hurt my feelings. Much….

06-06-2022, 07:48 PM
the multi season 30 per club



06-06-2022, 07:52 PM
I wonder why they bother doing advanced stats for guys they didn’t record all the stats in the formula for. I don’t know what Wilts blocks, steals, turnovers, and offensive rebounds would do but I’m sure it wouldn’t stay the same.

06-06-2022, 08:29 PM
basketball reference came up with a way to estimate it for wilt's time

nothing's perfect

the 300 ws48 club is even more exclusive



06-06-2022, 09:12 PM
better than adding up mvps and rings because then russell is goat which nobody in their right mind believes

06-06-2022, 10:05 PM
the multi season 10 bpm club and how many years they did it

jordan 7
lebron 5
giannis 3
jokic 2
paul 2

so what have we learned boys and girls

the slow fat white guy that can't jump onto the curb as stephen a. smith put it is in rare territory

06-06-2022, 11:09 PM
stephen a. smith and nick wright are two of the biggest basketball shysters i've seen

06-06-2022, 11:09 PM
perhaps they think it's their mission to keep the public dumb

06-06-2022, 11:48 PM
jokic smashed the single season raptor plus minus record this year which goes back to 77

even if you take away 2 points from his defensive plus minus which is perhaps reasonable

he still edges out lebron for #1 since 77

06-07-2022, 01:34 AM
bball index rates only giannis and lebron as having better seasons since 2010 than jokic this year

did we just witness a top 5 player of all time

maybe but we wouldn't know or care

06-07-2022, 01:43 AM
espn has rpm stats that go back to 97

jokic broke the record this year

but this is steve nash all over again

no it's not

06-07-2022, 02:03 AM
but jokic is not a great defender

was magic johnson

i won't hold my breath waiting for an answer on that one

but jokic has won no chips

did jokic ever play with anyone half as good as kareem or will he in the foreseeable future

won't be holding my breath again

06-07-2022, 02:19 AM
anyone ever wonder why you can't access espn's rpm stats when you go to their nba stats page

you used to be able to do that

i have to google it to find the page

kblaze is a conspiracy guy

maybe he can tell me if espn is trying to hide something

06-07-2022, 03:40 AM
22 years ago kg left bird off his all time team starters and backups because "he's cool but larry didn't play too much defense"

but adrian dantley and george gervin did in his mind despite bird making 3 all defense teams

he picked both as potential backup sfs after putting pippen as the starter

but the players know the game

you sure about that

jordan picked james worthy over bird for his all time starting 5

i rest my case for now

06-07-2022, 08:55 AM
….(well not actually Rhode Island but more land than the state occupies)? The brother of his wife who is even richer than he is because they’re both the children of the founder of Walmart…..he’s buying the Broncos for 4.5 billion or so.

Thats 5 sports teams(not counting small ones you don’t care about) in the family.

In the words of the late great George Carlin….”It’s a big club…and you ain’t in it”.

Every time I feel like I’m making some progress the true wealth gets in the news to put me in my place. I’m still happy I can have my little 190 dollar dinners once or twice a week though. **** them. Not gonna hurt my feelings. Much….

One thing I've notice about the human condition is if you don't have gratitude you don't have a happy life. I have a roof over my head, a car, my hobbies, a gf that I can get sex from anytime I want, food to eat everyday, and job flexibility where I can take time off when I need it go the lake or go camping, hiking, etc. Someone might look at my life like a billionaire club owner compared to what they have.

King Baron
06-07-2022, 09:04 AM
….(well not actually Rhode Island but more land than the state occupies)? The brother of his wife who is even richer than he is because they’re both the children of the founder of Walmart…..he’s buying the Broncos for 4.5 billion or so.

Thats 5 sports teams(not counting small ones you don’t care about) in the family.

In the words of the late great George Carlin….”It’s a big club…and you ain’t in it”.

Every time I feel like I’m making some progress the true wealth gets in the news to put me in my place. I’m still happy I can have my little 190 dollar dinners once or twice a week though. **** them. Not gonna hurt my feelings. Much….

Didn't know you were a George Carlin fan Kblaze. He's my favorite standup comic of all time. The undisputed GOAT.