View Full Version : As much as I love Michael Jordan, I was giving buckets to Michael Jordan"

06-15-2022, 08:17 AM
So says Reggie Miller who made between 2 and 5 field goals in 5 different games of their sole playoff matchup with a low of 2 and a high of 9. But whatever. This is his context on the subject of how the dynasty Bulls might guard the warriors:

Michael Jordan (https://www.sportskeeda.com/player/michael-jordan) and Reggie Miller (https://www.sportskeeda.com/player/reggie-miller) had some great battles during their careers. Miller knows all about Jordan and the Chicago Bulls (https://www.sportskeeda.com/team/chicago-bulls). He recently compared MJ and Scottie Pippen as defenders and how they would fare against Steph Curry (https://www.sportskeeda.com/player/stephen-curry).

In a recent appearance on "The Dan Patrick Show," Miller was asked who would give Steph the biggest problems between Scottie and Jordan. The Indiana Pacers legend chose Pippen because of his length, which would disrupt Curry and the Golden State Warriors' offense.

"I would go with Scottie because if you go back in those series where he won twice against Utah," Miller said. "It was his defense on John Stockton, right? They were going to take the point guard out. This series versus us in the conference finals, Phil Jackson said, 'Take Mark Jackson out.'

"He goes to the head of the snake. If you can take him out, that's going to disrupt the rest of their offense. I think they would put Scottie on Curry and have that length really disrupt him."

Dan Patrick then followed it up by asking Reggie Miller if Michael Jordan would be upset that he picked Scottie Pippen.
Miller then explained how he could score at times against Jordan. The Hall of Famer pointed out "His Airness" would focus more on scoring than chasing around Steph Curry throughout the game.

"As much as I love Michael Jordan, I was giving buckets to Michael Jordan," Miller said. "He's a great defender. ... Unbelievable defender, but you've got to be committed. Michael's job was great defensively, but offensively, that's where he was going to do most of his damage.

"He wouldn't be that committed to taking out and you see how much Curry runs? That's me, so there's no way he was going to be able to commit to doing that running all day."

The “Head of the snake “ remark I’m sure is in reference to when Pippen destroyed their offense by taking Mark Jackson out of the series:

"I wanted to play Jackson," Pippen said. "He's the guy who makes the team click. I wanted him to have to work."

Jackson was so frustrated that he finished with seven turnovers. And while his overall line was impressive -- 12 points, seven rebounds, six assists -- he didn't record one assist over the final 28 minutes, 10 seconds.

"Obviously, that hurt us offensively," Indiana coach Larry Bird said. "This is the first time this year I have seen a player get on a point guard and not really foul him, but get his hands in there and dig out the ball. Next game we need to do a better job of getting Mark open going down the court."

Reggie Miller (16 points) played passively and made just two field goals in the second half. Rik Smits, so effective against New York, was never able to get low-post position and had just three points and one field goal in the second half.
Miller's and Smits' struggles were spurred by Pippen, who plotted the strategy with Jordan and Ron Harper before the game. Pippen would guard Mark Jackson, Harper would chase Miller and Jordan would defend Chris Mullin (1-for-4, two points). The three presented the plan to Phil Jackson, who gladly accepted.
So intent was Pippen on the defensive end that he took just one shot in the second half. But the sacrifices made by the seven-time All-NBA defensive forward, who can effectively guard three positions, was a major reason the Bulls won the series opener.
"I knew at the beginning of the game that, sooner or later, my pressure was going to take its toll on him," Pippen said. "I could sense the frustration setting in."

Based on that example I suppose Pippen could be on the initiators, Harper on Curry, and Jordan on the shooter(Klay) but in his prime that playmaker would be Draymond more so than Steph so it’s not really a 1-1 comparison.

I’d imagine Jordan guards curry quite a bit but he’d have to be more willing to step out and react to threes than he sometimes was early in his career before it was a normal weapon as some shooters could take advantage of him primarily guarding against the drive, ignoring shooters, or overplaying and giving up looks:




As Rex Chapman demonstrated there when he scored I think 39 and beat the 72 win Bulls.

But in a league of shooters I’d imagine he’d figure it out and adjust in about 15 minutes.

Whatever though. Reggie had provided you some fuel so….burn away.

How do you ​think the Bulls guard the Warriors matchup wise?

06-15-2022, 08:38 AM
if my memory is correct the bulls used harper on stockton too

harper was better than some people may remember or realize or want to admit

stockton played better in 97 against chicago though perhaps partially because he was coming off an injury in 98

anyway i guess it's fairly obvious you put pippen on durant rodman on draymond harper on curry jordan on klay

06-15-2022, 10:45 AM
Personally I fully agree with what Reggie is saying: Jordan just wasnt that guy and Reg was always servin him up that work.

It was really all about Pippen for those Bulls teams. He clamped up opponents night after night while also facilitating on offense and letting others get the shine.

I mean 1 for 9 says what it says. Theres really no other way to look at it. It says what it says.

06-15-2022, 11:03 AM
Nobody in league history can chase Steph all over the court all game long and maintain their same level of offensive efficiency and commitment, so it's not exactly anything controversial. Only an irrational fanboy would say otherwise.

06-15-2022, 11:12 AM
Pippen never guarded Stockton and the only point guards that he ever defended as the primary defender was Mark Jackson (the slowest PG ever) and Penny (who torched him).

Otoh, Jordan guarded point guards as the primary defender all the time, including Isiah, Tim Hardaway, Magic, Payton and Strickland.

And Reggie's numbers are horrible against MJ - literally atrocious - it's the same thing for other shooters like Majerle, Starks, Drexler - all these guys were locked down by Michael and he held his man to 35-43% shooting in nearly every series of his career..

Ultimately, Reggie Miller has been talking to Dan Patrick for decades and after a while it's natural to start to stretch and change the truth.

And it's dumb to think that since MJ lost track of Rex Chapman in a single regular season game, it means he couldn't keep up with today's shooters - we're talking 1 game out of thousands where MJ is the goat defender... There's no one in history that is better-suited to guard Curry than MJ.. Not even Delly

06-15-2022, 11:17 AM

06-15-2022, 11:22 AM
Personally I fully agree with what Reggie is saying: Jordan just wasnt that guy and Reg was always servin him up that work.

It was really all about Pippen for those Bulls teams. He clamped up opponents night after night while also facilitating on offense and letting others get the shine.

I mean 1 for 9 says what it says. Theres really no other way to look at it. It says what it says.




Peep Reggie bullying Mike here, just throwing his ass right in the trash and then burying a dagger game winner in his grill.

Imagine what LeBron would do to MJ if he got in his way. Mike would get straight punked no cap.

06-15-2022, 11:44 AM
So says Reggie Miller who made between 2 and 5 field goals in 5 different games of their sole playoff matchup with a low of 2 and a high of 9. But whatever. This is his context on the subject of how the dynasty Bulls might guard the warriors:

The “Head of the snake “ remark I’m sure is in reference to when Pippen destroyed their offense by taking Mark Jackson out of the series:

Based on that example I suppose Pippen could be on the initiators, Harper on Curry, and Jordan on the shooter(Klay) but in his prime that playmaker would be Draymond more so than Steph so it’s not really a 1-1 comparison.

I’d imagine Jordan guards curry quite a bit but he’d have to be more willing to step out and react to threes than he sometimes was early in his career before it was a normal weapon as some shooters could take advantage of him primarily guarding against the drive, ignoring shooters, or overplaying and giving up looks:




As Rex Chapman demonstrated there when he scored I think 39 and beat the 72 win Bulls.

But in a league of shooters I’d imagine he’d figure it out and adjust in about 15 minutes.

Whatever though. Reggie had provided you some fuel so….burn away.

How do you ​think the Bulls guard the Warriors matchup wise?

You think Jordan is putting 10 years of gambling on defense aside in just 15 minutes?

06-15-2022, 11:49 AM



Peep Reggie bullying Mike here, just throwing his ass right in the trash and then burying a dagger game winner in his grill.

Imagine what LeBron would do to MJ if he got in his way. Mike would get straight punked no cap.

If Kelly Oubre can do this to Lebron....


Then how the hell would Lebron handle fouls like this and keep it moving?


It's impossible

Therefore we know that Lebron would be a passive facilitator back then and not a big scorer

06-15-2022, 11:57 AM
So says Reggie Miller who made between 2 and 5 field goals in 5 different games of their sole playoff matchup with a low of 2 and a high of 9. But whatever.

Giving Mike buckets he said... Get off the gas, Reggie :lol

Curry would be tough to defend though. Without handcheck and having to chase a souped up Reggie Miller (that's an understatement) would be tough for anyone.

06-15-2022, 11:57 AM
Nobody in league history can chase Steph all over the court all game long and maintain their same level of offensive efficiency and commitment, so it's not exactly anything controversial. Only an irrational fanboy would say otherwise.

Why? Because you assume so?

You realize Curry runs all over the court chasing himself and still played high activity defense for years right? And Curry doesn’t come off as a god-level motor guy historically, to me anyway.

Jordan wouldn’t be able to guard Curry better than say, the best ever like Tony Allen, or somebody Jordan gets assumed as being as good as- because he flat out was not as good at defense as a TA, or LeBron with the help defense angle he took on it in the 2016 finalsZ

Jordan was a mindless gambler in most defensive instances I have ever seen of him.

Even his #1 most well known defense play was a gamble on the baseline.

LeBron’s was a god level transition defense play, Tony Allen’s was this for me personally :


And what came before is more telling than the contest. God level screen navigation. Strong enough to bully through screens, quick enough to dodge them altogether.

Jordan was not a physical defender, overly smart one, overly quick on ball. Wasn’t some positioning god as a help defender like Andre Roberson or somebody.

All his athleticism played into 2K style steal button spam defense. He basically sucked in his athletic prime. I would say Jordan is gonna be an average defender on most teams ever as far as impact. Maybe a decent one(not even close to elite) on a team that builds a scheme around his strengths and weaknesses like Chicago did, but never a good one against a team like GS where you have to be disciplined 50-60 times a game, and there’s no defensive gimmick for defending them.

06-15-2022, 12:13 PM
Who in history is better equipped to guard Curry than MJ?

They call him black cat for his quickness

35-year Jordan locked Miller down in the 98' ECF and held Drexler, Magic, Isiah, Majerle or Starks to 35-43% shooting as the primary defender

06-15-2022, 12:19 PM
So says Reggie Miller who made between 2 and 5 field goals in 5 different games of their sole playoff matchup with a low of 2 and a high of 9. But whatever. This is his context on the subject of how the dynasty Bulls might guard the warriors:

The “Head of the snake “ remark I’m sure is in reference to when Pippen destroyed their offense by taking Mark Jackson out of the series:

Based on that example I suppose Pippen could be on the initiators, Harper on Curry, and Jordan on the shooter(Klay) but in his prime that playmaker would be Draymond more so than Steph so it’s not really a 1-1 comparison.

I’d imagine Jordan guards curry quite a bit but he’d have to be more willing to step out and react to threes than he sometimes was early in his career before it was a normal weapon as some shooters could take advantage of him primarily guarding against the drive, ignoring shooters, or overplaying and giving up looks:

As Rex Chapman demonstrated there when he scored I think 39 and beat the 72 win Bulls.

But in a league of shooters I’d imagine he’d figure it out and adjust in about 15 minutes.

Whatever though. Reggie had provided you some fuel so….burn away.

How do you ​think the Bulls guard the Warriors matchup wise?

Rodman would neutralize Draymond.


06-15-2022, 12:19 PM
You realize Curry runs all over the court chasing himself and still played high activity defense for years right? And Curry doesn’t come off as a god-level motor guy historically, to me anyway.

Curry does have extremely elite endurance. If there was a way to measure distance covered in the game between elite off ball players like Reggie, curry, ray etc. we would see they covered a ton more ground than lazy ball dominator like say Harden who stand relatively still and dribble a ton. It takes way more effort and endurance to be an off ball player than a lazy ball dominator.

06-15-2022, 12:31 PM
pippen was key to disrupting the flow of utah's offense which was run through stockton because it probably had to be

rodman perhaps being more useful than hornacek which the hall of fame status would tell you is the case was a non trivial factor as well

the bulls lucked out getting kukoc in the 2nd round

if utah could've lucked out and picked up undrafted bo outlaw either as a rookie or as a free agent in 98 utah would've had a better chance

because most of those dudes utah was bringing off the bench kind of sucked

clearly jordan had to be great but it's deeper than that

06-15-2022, 12:40 PM
Curry does have extremely elite endurance. If there was a way to measure distance covered in the game between elite off ball players like Reggie, curry, ray etc. we would see they covered a ton more ground than lazy ball dominator like say Harden who stand relatively still and dribble a ton. It takes way more effort and endurance to be an off ball player than a lazy ball dominator.

They track it. You would be surprised by some of the names I think:


And of course you’d post the ultimate Reggie vs MJ example. Super famous highlight that was only his second shot of the night while he scored I think 8 points and they stayed in it off interior dominance.

06-15-2022, 12:47 PM
Bulls should be very unfamiliar with the 3 point heavy offense teams nowadays ran. It's not something you can just learn to defend in a matter of days.

I'd say the Warriors would get open shot after open shots after open shots. It's up to them to make em.

Plus this: http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showthread.php?504171-So-apparently-Gary-Payton-II-is-a-better-defender-than-his-dad

06-15-2022, 01:07 PM
They track it. You would be surprised by some of the names I think:


And of course you’d post the ultimate Reggie vs MJ example. Super famous highlight that was only his second shot of the night while he scored I think 8 points and they stayed in it off interior dominance.

Surprised there's no Memphis guys on the front page there given they led the league in transition scoring. Lots of quick back and forth.

06-15-2022, 01:16 PM
pippen was key to disrupting the flow of utah's offense which was run through stockton because it probably had to be

rodman perhaps being more useful than hornacek which the hall of fame status would tell you is the case was a non trivial factor as well

the bulls lucked out getting kukoc in the 2nd round

if utah could've lucked out and picked up undrafted bo outlaw either as a rookie or as a free agent in 98 utah would've had a better chance

because most of those dudes utah was bringing off the bench kind of sucked

clearly jordan had to be great but it's deeper than that

Jordan and Harper guarded Stockton - Pippen literally never did

And the Jazz probably had the better brand of ball but they were the only Finals opponent that had less talent than the Bulls.. Every other opponent had more scoring options and better-ranked defense (Lakers, Blazers, Suns, Sonics)... edit: the Sonics and Suns ranked 1 spot behind the Bulls defensively

06-15-2022, 01:56 PM
Jordan and Harper guarded Stockton - Pippen literally never did

And the Jazz probably had the better brand of ball but they were the only Finals opponent that had less talent than the Bulls.. Every other opponent had more scoring options and better-ranked defense (Lakers, Blazers, Suns, Sonics)... edit: the Sonics and Suns ranked 1 spot behind the Bulls defensively

it's been 24-25 years so i'd have to go watch again which i probably won't but the news reports online say pippen was all over the court defensively

probably because he could afford to be because utah had some truly mediocre and scrub players out there

some of which you can see in youtube highlights of jordan defense on stockton which often you can see is a team effort to stop him

greg foster was probably one of the worst players in nba history which is mildly amusing when you think about it yet started game 1 and 2 in 98 for utah

not to mention the refs more or less handed chicago game 6 in 98 with some astonishingly bad calls

i know you don't like pippen or anyone on the bulls besides jordan so i won't bother arguing about all the other teams chicago beat

06-15-2022, 02:13 PM
Personally I fully agree with what Reggie is saying: Jordan just wasnt that guy and Reg was always servin him up that work.

It was really all about Pippen for those Bulls teams. He clamped up opponents night after night while also facilitating on offense and letting others get the shine.

I mean 1 for 9 says what it says. Theres really no other way to look at it. It says what it says.

We're all shocked you said this.

06-15-2022, 02:20 PM
Impossible to have this conversation on this website, but MJ's footspeed and lateral quickness was better than Scotties, he would have been the better man defender for him in a vacuum. The problem is chasing Steph all over the court is going to drain energy for the other side, even for a guy like MJ who had a great motor. The best way for MJ to attack Steph wouldn't be to try and both shut him down while winning the scoring matchup, he needs to take Klay out of the game so that Steph is more out on an island offensively( of course, this is for the Warriors team without KD. With KD there's simply too much firepower). And under 90's rules, be physical with him( that's how the 2016 Cavs outlasted the Warriors). In this era though? The offensive player has too many advantages. It wouldn't even be about which guy is best equipped to individually D up anyone, but the overall approach to team defense as a whole.

06-15-2022, 02:32 PM
it's been 24-25 years so i'd have to go watch again which i probably won't but the news reports online say pippen was all over the court defensively

probably because he could afford to be because utah had some truly mediocre and scrub players out there

some of which you can see in youtube highlights of jordan defense on stockton which often you can see is a team effort to stop him

greg foster was probably one of the worst players in nba history which is mildly amusing when you think about it yet started game 1 and 2 in 98 for utah

not to mention the refs more or less handed chicago game 6 in 98 with some astonishingly bad calls

i know you don't like pippen or anyone on the bulls besides jordan so i won't bother arguing about all the other teams chicago beat

he's "literally" full of shit. there's a quote from sloan talking about how much pippen's defense disrupted the jazz offense in the finals. i've posted it before to 3tard and he just ignores it and repeats the same dumb shit over and over.

06-15-2022, 02:34 PM

Spamming the most tired, meritless and irrelevant "1-9 "insult, and failing to address any fact. :facepalm

06-15-2022, 02:43 PM
Impossible to have this conversation on this website, but MJ's footspeed and lateral quickness was better than Scotties, he would have been the better man defender for him in a vacuum. The problem is chasing Steph all over the court is going to drain energy for the other side, even for a guy like MJ who had a great motor. The best way for MJ to attack Steph wouldn't be to try and both shut him down while winning the scoring matchup, he needs to take Klay out of the game so that Steph is more out on an island offensively( of course, this is for the Warriors team without KD. With KD there's simply too much firepower). And under 90's rules, be physical with him( that's how the 2016 Cavs outlasted the Warriors). In this era though? The offensive player has too many advantages. It wouldn't even be about which guy is best equipped to individually D up anyone, but the overall approach to team defense as a whole.

All very true and excellent insight. I do wonder if under the 90s rules, Dennis Rodman, particularly his 1996 version, could have combined with Pippen to harass Kevin Durant. before he got too old, Rodman was a very underrated man-to-man defender, as well as a great post defender. Under 90's rules, I actually somewhat like the Bulls chances against the Warriors with MJ on Klay, (and at times on Curry) Harper on Curry, Pippen/Rodman on Durant, Rodman/Longley on Green.

Everyone talks about how the Bulls would stop the Warriors, but I can see the Bulls exploiting a lot of these matchups on offense as well. I think they would slow down both Curry and Durant, maybe not a whole lot, but enough to make a key difference.

06-15-2022, 02:49 PM
Why? Because you assume so?

You realize Curry runs all over the court chasing himself and still played high activity defense for years right? And Curry doesn’t come off as a god-level motor guy historically, to me anyway.

Jordan wouldn’t be able to guard Curry better than say, the best ever like Tony Allen, or somebody Jordan gets assumed as being as good as- because he flat out was not as good at defense as a TA, or LeBron with the help defense angle he took on it in the 2016 finalsZ

Jordan was a mindless gambler in most defensive instances I have ever seen of him.

Even his #1 most well known defense play was a gamble on the baseline.

LeBron’s was a god level transition defense play, Tony Allen’s was this for me personally :


And what came before is more telling than the contest. God level screen navigation. Strong enough to bully through screens, quick enough to dodge them altogether.

Jordan was not a physical defender, overly smart one, overly quick on ball. Wasn’t some positioning god as a help defender like Andre Roberson or somebody.

All his athleticism played into 2K style steal button spam defense. He basically sucked in his athletic prime. I would say Jordan is gonna be an average defender on most teams ever as far as impact. Maybe a decent one(not even close to elite) on a team that builds a scheme around his strengths and weaknesses like Chicago did, but never a good one against a team like GS where you have to be disciplined 50-60 times a game, and there’s no defensive gimmick for defending them.

Nice one! ISH used to have a single thread for the top most stupid comments to be placed in for all posterity. Do we still have such a thread? This needs to be in it.

06-15-2022, 03:25 PM
he's "literally" full of shit. there's a quote from sloan talking about how much pippen's defense disrupted the jazz offense in the finals. i've posted it before to 3tard and he just ignores it and repeats the same dumb shit over and over.

basically both coaches and various players said pippen was a "one-man wrecking crew" on defense against utah

which is an exaggeration but still a big compliment

if i tried correcting people online every time they say something questionable i'd never do anything else

06-15-2022, 04:39 PM
So says Reggie Miller who made between 2 and 5 field goals in 5 different games of their sole playoff matchup with a low of 2 and a high of 9. But whatever. This is his context on the subject of how the dynasty Bulls might guard the warriors:

The “Head of the snake “ remark I’m sure is in reference to when Pippen destroyed their offense by taking Mark Jackson out of the series:

Based on that example I suppose Pippen could be on the initiators, Harper on Curry, and Jordan on the shooter(Klay) but in his prime that playmaker would be Draymond more so than Steph so it’s not really a 1-1 comparison.

I’d imagine Jordan guards curry quite a bit but he’d have to be more willing to step out and react to threes than he sometimes was early in his career before it was a normal weapon as some shooters could take advantage of him primarily guarding against the drive, ignoring shooters, or overplaying and giving up looks:




As Rex Chapman demonstrated there when he scored I think 39 and beat the 72 win Bulls.

But in a league of shooters I’d imagine he’d figure it out and adjust in about 15 minutes.

Whatever though. Reggie had provided you some fuel so….burn away.

How do you ​think the Bulls guard the Warriors matchup wise?

I believe Reggie is basically saying what BJ said about MJ to Rex Chapman (starting at 35sec mark)


06-15-2022, 04:40 PM
MJ held him to 0 pts and 1 FGA in the 4th quarter of a Game 7 as the primary defender. Buckets doe.

06-15-2022, 04:42 PM
MJ held him to 0 pts and 1 FGA in the 4th quarter of a Game 7 as the primary defender. Buckets doe.

Reggie seems like one of those guys where if you really focus on stopping him you can do it. But you can’t get caught napping.

06-15-2022, 05:12 PM
All very true and excellent insight. I do wonder if under the 90s rules, Dennis Rodman, particularly his 1996 version, could have combined with Pippen to harass Kevin Durant. before he got too old, Rodman was a very underrated man-to-man defender, as well as a great post defender. Under 90's rules, I actually somewhat like the Bulls chances against the Warriors with MJ on Klay, (and at times on Curry) Harper on Curry, Pippen/Rodman on Durant, Rodman/Longley on Green.

Everyone talks about how the Bulls would stop the Warriors, but I can see the Bulls exploiting a lot of these matchups on offense as well. I think they would slow down both Curry and Durant, maybe not a whole lot, but enough to make a key difference.

They may have done spot duty, but Rodman was definitely a different animal in 91 athletically in terms of perimeter defense. The thing is, the current rules have neutered defenders of that ilk from even playing like they did before. You can throw all the great perimeter defenders back then in that pot. Steph and KD though do present unique challenges; nobody from the 90s shot like Steph ( well in history, period) PLUS his handles, and nobody KD's size was anywhere that level of shooter combined with his agility and handles( carries like a mutha, but that's the rules :confusedshrug:). Ability to handle all the switching and close out on the shooters is key, to that end I think the better team to actually defend the Warriors were the first 3peat Bulls with peak MJ/Pippen/Grant. Horace was athletic and nimble enough to not be a liability, and MJ/Scottie were in their athletic primes and probably less liable to compromise their offense chasing the key Warriors around.

06-15-2022, 06:16 PM
Jordan wouldnt play like Jordan if he had the task of guarding Miller/Curry for the whole game/series. Thats why they had to use Harper or Pippen to conserve his energy although purely on defensive ability Jordan was the best equipped to guard those type of players.

Not sure why it is an issue because anybody who saw the Bulls play knew how they handled certain players/matchups.

06-15-2022, 07:30 PM
reggie was a demon

scrawny dude with a big mouth and a big heart

06-15-2022, 07:41 PM
Pippen never guarded Stockton and the only point guards that he ever defended as the primary defender was Mark Jackson (the slowest PG ever) and Penny (who torched him).

Otoh, Jordan guarded point guards as the primary defender all the time, including Isiah, Tim Hardaway, Magic, Payton and Strickland.

And Reggie's numbers are horrible against MJ - literally atrocious - it's the same thing for other shooters like Majerle, Starks, Drexler - all these guys were locked down by Michael and he held his man to 35-43% shooting in nearly every series of his career..

Ultimately, Reggie Miller has been talking to Dan Patrick for decades and after a while it's natural to start to stretch and change the truth.

And it's dumb to think that since MJ lost track of Rex Chapman in a single regular season game, it means he couldn't keep up with today's shooters - we're talking 1 game out of thousands where MJ is the goat defender... There's no one in history that is better-suited to guard Curry than MJ.. Not even Delly

When Rod Strickland, one of the best penetrating PGs and most underrated guards ever was abusing the Bulls off the bounce (Harper, Kerr, Brown, and Pippen) they put Jordan on him and basically took him out the series. While still being a 30 ppg scorer.

Same thing happened when Grant Hill was abusing Scottie off the bounce. Pippen tremendously struggled against players with creative handle and moves with the ball.

Yes, Scottie annoyed Mark Jackson, a table setting PG, who was chubby and slow and had no creativity with his handle to create for himself and others. He guarded Stockton a game or two, and John was essentially a PG akin to Mark Jackson, just with more quickness and speed and a better jumper. Better defender too but that had nothing to do with what Scottie was dealing with.

06-15-2022, 07:52 PM

When Rod Strickland, one of the best penetrating PGs and most underrated guards ever was abusing the Bulls off the bounce (Harper, Kerr, Brown, and Pippen) they put Jordan on him and basically took him out the series. While still being a 30 ppg scorer.

Same thing happened when Grant Hill was abusing Scottie off the bounce. Pippen tremendously struggled against players with creative handle and moves with the ball.

Yes, Scottie annoyed Mark Jackson, a table setting PG, who was chubby and slow and had no creativity with his handle to create for himself and others. He guarded Stockton a game or two, and John was essentially a PG akin to Mark Jackson, just with more quickness and speed and a better jumper. Better defender too but that had nothing to do with what Scottie was dealing with.

strickland and jackson weren't half the player stockton was


06-15-2022, 08:27 PM
strickland and jackson weren't half the player stockton was


This dude doesn’t get it. As an aside

Stockton career - 13/3/11
Strickland career - 13/4/7
Jackson career - 10/4/8

Stockton was tremendously durable, good defender and a great table setter PG and open jump shot shooter. He was a manage the game QB at the PG position.

He was NOT ever a take over the game type talent. Ever. Hell a white PG of his own era was better as a more dynamic take over the game scoring and passing talent. His name was Mark Price.

Price career - 15/3/7
KJ career - 18/3/9
Hardaway - 18/3/8

THESE are the forgotten take over the game scoring and facilitating PGs of that era.

06-15-2022, 08:33 PM
This dude doesn’t get it.



06-15-2022, 08:37 PM
MJ held him to 0 pts and 1 FGA in the 4th quarter of a Game 7 as the primary defender. Buckets doe.
Do you think reggie miller is a better player than klay thompson?

06-15-2022, 08:46 PM
This dude doesn’t get it. As an aside

Stockton career - 13/3/11
Strickland career - 13/4/7
Jackson career - 10/4/8

Stockton was tremendously durable, good defender and a great table setter PG and open jump shot shooter. He was a manage the game QB at the PG position.

He was NOT ever a take over the game type talent. Ever. Hell a white PG of his own era was better as a more dynamic take over the game scoring and passing talent. His name was Mark Price.

Price career - 15/3/7
KJ career - 18/3/9
Hardaway - 18/3/8

THESE are the forgotten take over the game scoring and facilitating PGs of that era.



somebody wake me up when gary payton says any of those guys are harder to guard than jordan like he said about stockton

06-15-2022, 08:51 PM
somebody wake me up when gary payton says any of those guys are harder to guard than jordan like he said about stockton

i didn't post that to suggest strickland was better than stockton. more so to laugh at the thought of mj shutting him down defensively. dude got torched by quick guards for years.

06-15-2022, 09:06 PM
i didn't post that to suggest strickland was better than stockton. more so to laugh at the thought of mj shutting him down defensively. dude got torched by quick guards for years.

jordan was a better defender than lebron

deal with it

06-15-2022, 09:08 PM
i didn't post that to suggest strickland was better than stockton. more so to laugh at the thought of mj shutting him down defensively. dude got torched by quick guards for years.

06-15-2022, 09:17 PM
I think Jordan was way more capable of guarding PG's than we give credit for. He had the foot speed, lateral quickness and monstrous size hands with excellent timing and defensive reads.

You can say what you want about the Iverson crossover but MJ recovered well, stayed in front and still manged to put up a good contest on the shot itself. Yeah it's only one play but a good example to show he was right there for guarding smaller/quicker players.

06-15-2022, 09:24 PM
jordan was a better defender than lebron

deal with it

two completely clueless posts in a row. go for three, window licker.

06-15-2022, 09:26 PM
I think Jordan was way more capable of guarding PG's than we give credit for. He had the foot speed, lateral quickness and monstrous size hands with excellent timing and defensive reads.

You can say what you want about the Iverson crossover but MJ recovered well, stayed in front and still manged to put up a good contest on the shot itself. Yeah it's only one play but a good example to show he was right there for guarding smaller/quicker players.


they're so in denial lol.

06-15-2022, 09:36 PM
two completely clueless posts in a row. go for three, window licker.

the only window lickers are jealous low basketball iq streetballers who insinuate guys who aren't even in the hall of fame or more often than not were negatives on d are worth mentioning in the same breath with stockton

06-15-2022, 09:40 PM

they're so in denial lol.

And?... I could create a highlight video of Thabo Sefolosha cashing triples for 3 minutes doesn't mean he was a great 3 point shooter or even decent.

06-15-2022, 09:47 PM
Yeah it's only one play


06-15-2022, 10:16 PM




06-16-2022, 12:35 AM
Personally I fully agree with what Reggie is saying: Jordan just wasnt that guy and Reg was always servin him up that work.

It was really all about Pippen for those Bulls teams. He clamped up opponents night after night while also facilitating on offense and letting others get the shine.

I mean 1 for 9 says what it says. Theres really no other way to look at it. It says what it says.

It says what it says...... hint hint.... a newbie batting boston by himself... what a shocker

06-16-2022, 04:36 AM
All the Bulls' opponents star perimeter players were giving buckets to jordon. It was The Great Scott Pippen they had problems with.

06-16-2022, 05:47 AM
Jordan wouldnt play like Jordan if he had the task of guarding Miller/Curry for the whole game/series. Thats why they had to use Harper or Pippen to conserve his energy although purely on defensive ability Jordan was the best equipped to guard those type of players.

Not sure why it is an issue because anybody who saw the Bulls play knew how they handled certain players/matchups.

That's what role players are for. Jordan could guard him as well as any player in the league though.

Do you think reggie miller is a better player than klay thompson?

As geat as Klay is as a shooter, he could never get to the FT line like Reggie (while playing in an era where it's much easier to do so) and his scoring efficiency is much lower as well. Reggie was constantly around or even well above 60%TS, even led the league in that category twice as a 20-23 ppg scorer. Klay is a better defender so there's an argument to be made, but I think offensively Reggie is clearly the better player as he did more than Klay and sustained that level of play for 12-13 years. Klay's peak is 3.3 FTA while Reggie got to the line almost 8 times a game in his best seasons.

I don't think Klay would have been better than Reggie in the 90s or early 2000s, I do think Reggie could have been better with today's spacing and rules that favor the offensive player, Reggie was also one of the best foul baiters/floppers in the game so he would fit right into today's league.