View Full Version : Why is 3ball’s public enemy #1 not Shaq?

06-15-2022, 12:23 PM
Is it because he has no real way to discredit Shaq in order to prop up Kobe?

06-15-2022, 01:05 PM
Because 3ball enjoys attention. If people cared about Shaq right now as much as Lebron, he would make threads about him. He would prefer being mocked to getting ignored.

06-15-2022, 01:21 PM
Shaq is like Lebron - a predictable, 1-dimensional brand of ball, which yields many upset losses or sweep losses

Shaq's brief time with Kobe was the only bright spot of his career - it saved Shaq from being a career loser

Ultimately, the triangle only won with MJ or his clone (Kobe)

06-15-2022, 01:58 PM
Good question, his peak was probably more dominant than MJ's.

3ball like to talk about "max defensive attention", but no player gathered more defensive attention from the 80s-00s than Shaq did.

06-15-2022, 02:40 PM
Shaq is like Lebron - a predictable, 1-dimensional brand of ball, which yields many upset losses or sweep losses

Shaq's brief time with Kobe was the only bright spot of his career - it saved Shaq from being a career loser

Ultimately, the triangle only won with MJ or his clone (Kobe)

Shaq 'defeated maximum defensive attention' a number of times during that 3peat. Isn't that one of your 3autobot-isms? Well let's check the running tally...

New additions in bold...

Wiggins>Pippen ( who didn't see this one coming?)
Poor reading comprehension
05 Hughes
89 Pippen
09 Mo
95 finals Horry
Criteria :confusedshrug:
Curry is most overrated ever....I mean top 5 GOAT
Giannis is Pippen-level bum.... I mean top 10 GOAT
I have I N T E G R I T Y
Brand of Ball
Organic chips
Talent-based winning
Weak jumpshooting
Beginner format
Defeating maximum defensive attention
https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BZGQwMDQyZGQtMWI5ZC00ZjgyLWE3Y2MtMjZjZjQ4MDk4ZD NkXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNzU1NzE3NTg@._V1_QL75_UX500_CR0, 47,500,281_.jpg

Yup, there it is.

06-15-2022, 04:04 PM
Shaq 'defeated maximum defensive attention' a number of times during that 3peat. Isn't that one of your 3autobot-isms? Well let's check the running tally...

New additions in bold...

Wiggins>Pippen ( who didn't see this one coming?)
Poor reading comprehension
05 Hughes
89 Pippen
09 Mo
95 finals Horry
Criteria :confusedshrug:
Curry is most overrated ever....I mean top 5 GOAT
Giannis is Pippen-level bum.... I mean top 10 GOAT
I have I N T E G R I T Y
Brand of Ball
Organic chips
Talent-based winning
Weak jumpshooting
Beginner format
Defeating maximum defensive attention
https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BZGQwMDQyZGQtMWI5ZC00ZjgyLWE3Y2MtMjZjZjQ4MDk4ZD NkXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNzU1NzE3NTg@._V1_QL75_UX500_CR0, 47,500,281_.jpg

Yup, there it is.
He’s legitimately out of his mind. Stark, raving mad.

06-15-2022, 05:09 PM
Shaq was a great off ball player too. His gravity off ball under the basket was just as crazy as Curry’s is out at the 3 point line. Shaq and Steph on the same team would beat anyone. A way better duo then Kobe and Shaq.

06-15-2022, 05:28 PM
Kobe had a better career without Shaq than Shaq did w/o Kobe, and Shaq had more opportunities than KB and should have won more than 4 if he really was better.

Shaq got swept out of the POs almost every year before KB grew into his superstar role, and he had good teams around him prior to that.

06-15-2022, 05:28 PM
kobe fangirls online have had an obsessive hatred for lebron since he took what should have been kobe's 'best player in the league' seasons for himself. they've always been weird as fk though. pretty sure more than a few of them had like a weird sexual attraction to kobe in their teens. anyway. lebron stole kobe's mvp years, then had a much better career/legacy, even won a ring in la in year two lol. i'm surprised they still post but i guess it's the hate driving em.

06-15-2022, 05:30 PM
Kobe had a better career without Shaq than Shaq did w/o Kobe, and Shaq had more opportunities than KB and should have won more than 4 if he really was better.

Shaq got swept out of the POs almost every year before KB grew into his superstar role, and he had good teams around him prior to that.


06-15-2022, 09:27 PM
Shaq is like Lebron - a predictable, 1-dimensional brand of ball, which yields many upset losses or sweep losses

Shaq's brief time with Kobe was the only bright spot of his career - it saved Shaq from being a career loser

Ultimately, the triangle only won with MJ or his clone (Kobe)
3 fmvps > 2 fmvps

06-15-2022, 09:36 PM
Kobe had a better career without Shaq than Shaq did w/o Kobe, and Shaq had more opportunities than KB and should have won more than 4 if he really was better.

Shaq got swept out of the POs almost every year before KB grew into his superstar role, and he had good teams around him prior to that.
That's just patently false. Let's say Shaq's prime was roughly 94-05 and Kobe's was 01-13, that leaves 4 prime seasons Shaq played without Kobe and 9 that Kobe played without Shaq. So sure, you could argue Shaq's teams were better than Kobe's their seasons apart, but Kobe had over double the amount of prime seasons apart than Shaq did.

06-15-2022, 09:45 PM
Kobe had a better career without Shaq than Shaq did w/o Kobe, and Shaq had more opportunities than KB and should have won more than 4 if he really was better.

Shaq got swept out of the POs almost every year before KB grew into his superstar role, and he had good teams around him prior to that.

This is a classic Kobe stan response...it's so ridiculous. Yeah, just let's ignore eight years of Shaq's career...

Ultimately, Shaq and Kobe are on the same tier of "GOAT" rankings. Very different players/mentalities, but neither of them have an OBVIOUS case over the other. If anything, Shaq has the edge over Kobe when it comes to playoff performance.

06-15-2022, 09:52 PM
This is a classic Kobe stan response...it's so ridiculous. Yeah, just let's ignore eight years of Shaq's career...

Ultimately, Shaq and Kobe are on the same tier of "GOAT" rankings. Very different players/mentalities, but neither of them have an OBVIOUS case over the other. If anything, Shaq has the edge over Kobe when it comes to playoff performance.
I don't wanna use the word "obvious", but I think Shaq has a clear case over Kobe all time

More FMVP's
Literally tiers better in the Finals
Better advanced metrics
Consensus better peak
Should've been the first unanimous league MVP, while a lot of people think CP3 should've been MVP in '08

Kobe has slightly better longevity and won more titles without Shaq than Shaq did without him, but imo those don't supersede Shaq's advantages.

06-15-2022, 09:57 PM
I don't wanna use the word "obvious", but I think Shaq has a clear case over Kobe all time

More FMVP's
Literally tiers better in the Finals
Better advanced metrics
Consensus better peak

Kobe has slightly better longevity and won more titles without Shaq than Shaq did without him, but imo those don't supersede Shaq's advantages.
He also missed the playoffs only twice in his career compared to kobe's five (2013 saw his team made it without him in the last minute tho).

06-16-2022, 09:15 AM
Kobe had a better career without Shaq than Shaq did w/o Kobe, and Shaq had more opportunities than KB and should have won more than 4 if he really was better.

Shaq got swept out of the POs almost every year before KB grew into his superstar role, and he had good teams around him prior to that.

Shaq beat MJ in the playoffs when Kobe was a child.

07-13-2022, 01:21 AM
3ball has no defense against Shaq

07-13-2022, 10:07 AM
Cause Shaq knows how to play basketball?

Lebron can’t play basketball to save his life.

Crab dribble. Travel. Flopping etc lol

07-13-2022, 11:16 AM
Cause Shaq knows how to play basketball?

Lebron can’t play basketball to save his life.

Crab dribble. Travel. Flopping etc lol

so the guy who cant play basketball is most likely to finish nr1 in points??

07-13-2022, 12:50 PM
Shaq is like Lebron - a predictable, 1-dimensional brand of ball, which yields many upset losses or sweep losses

Shaq's brief time with Kobe was the only bright spot of his career - it saved Shaq from being a career loser

Ultimately, the triangle only won with MJ or his clone (Kobe)

Shut the **** up you stupid bitch

07-13-2022, 04:48 PM
so the guy who cant play basketball is most likely to finish nr1 in points??

Bruh you don't know Basketball...the way to play basketball is to waddle down the floor weighing 400 lbs backing up on players while guys that can dribble and run...save time for you. Then when people get sick of your sh#t you just move over to the next great guard.

Also ripping on Shaq doesn't get you attention