View Full Version : Ukrainian Boxer Holds Nazi Flag While Accepting Medal

06-17-2022, 02:38 PM

The left media forced to admit that Ukraine has a Nazi problem. "Does Ukraine have a Nazi problem? Yes, but it's a long story."




I just think it's so funny and kind of sad how those on the left are so easily manipulated, and willing to go along with whatever narrative the media coordinates.

I mean hey, the people behind Joe Biden needed a way to transfer 50 billion dollars to the military industrial complex. You kind of have to dupe the people for that.

06-17-2022, 03:06 PM
Ukrainian nation building efforts have centered on the banderite nazi ideology. This ideology permeates this fake nation/country. That is why most esteemed observers have called on it to be extinguished once and for all.

06-17-2022, 03:10 PM
In Ukraine its socially acceptable to be a Nazi and to discriminate against LBGT people, and yet you have all these liberal fakkits on social media with their Ukrainian flag waiving. :roll: The irony.

Lakers Legend#32
06-17-2022, 03:19 PM
MAGA Unity

06-17-2022, 04:37 PM
this isn't a left problem. every member of congress that has voted for these billions in weapons to ukraine have been arming a neo nazi group called the azof battalion for months now. we've sent TWELVE fuc*ing packages of arms to ukraine now. at this point, this proxy war with russia just a way to make the military industrial complex richer. they're cashing in off this shit. i'd bet we don't even want this war to end lol.

06-17-2022, 05:30 PM
this isn't a left problem. every member of congress that has voted for these billions in weapons to ukraine have been arming a neo nazi group called the azof battalion for months now. we've sent TWELVE fuc*ing packages of arms to ukraine now. at this point, this proxy war with russia just a way to make the military industrial complex richer. they're cashing in off this shit. i'd bet we don't even want this war to end lol.

The vast majority, probably over 90% of all politicians are psychopaths AND actors. They are in it for themselves and will follow any cause for themselves. They are expert liars who sold themselves, else they would not be in their position. So when talking about the left we are talking about the people who the media is currently manipulating. The people who are virtue signaling and following the narrative to the T, thus allowing the people who are benefiting from this to do so. The Bladedf's the Off the Court, Satan RRR3 types.

06-17-2022, 05:59 PM
The vast majority, probably over 90% of all politicians are psychopaths AND actors. They are in it for themselves and will follow any cause for themselves. They are expert liars who sold themselves, else they would not be in their position. So when talking about the left we are talking about the people who the media is currently manipulating. The people who are virtue signaling and following the narrative to the T, thus allowing the people who are benefiting from this to do so. The Bladedf's the Off the Court, Satan RRR3 types.

i really don't think whatever any voters' opinions are in regard to arming ukraine has any effect on a senator's decision to vote for these bills. this proxy war is creating big time profits for the military industrial complex, who of which senators on both sides of the aisle are indebted to. again, the fact that libtards support ukraine does not have any effect on whether or not we continue arming them. it's all $.

Off the Court
06-17-2022, 06:43 PM
this isn't a left problem. every member of congress that has voted for these billions in weapons to ukraine have been arming a neo nazi group called the azof battalion for months now. we've sent TWELVE fuc*ing packages of arms to ukraine now. at this point, this proxy war with russia just a way to make the military industrial complex richer. they're cashing in off this shit. i'd bet we don't even want this war to end lol.
It's more than money. The longer this war drags out the weaker Russia becomes which further solidifies the US as a dominant world power.

Also while there is a far right issue in Ukraine it is hardly what that nation is. Zelensky is Jewish. There are thousands of women and children affected who do not align with Nazism. The only way the invasion is justified would be if the Ukraine is trying act on nazism in some way. But they aren't.

06-17-2022, 08:23 PM
i really don't think whatever any voters' opinions are in regard to arming ukraine has any effect on a senator's decision to vote for these bills. this proxy war is creating big time profits for the military industrial complex, who of which senators on both sides of the aisle are indebted to. again, the fact that libtards support ukraine does not have any effect on whether or not we continue arming them. it's all $.

The point is not for the people to convince the politicians. What the people want doesn't matter, but making them believe a narrative pushes things along, makes it much easier, and also makes it much easier to get the particular politicians back in office. Imagine an alternative universe where rather than a simplistic good versus evil narrative, where Putin out of the blue just decided to invade Ukraine, shocking everyone, the media reported the actual history with NATO and all the parties involved, and how so many people, for the last 15+ years, have been predicting that this was going to be the final outcome. And instead of what you're seeing now with the left you actually had people harassing the politicians, with the politicians having to do mental gymnastics on why they're using tens of billions of taxpayer money to send weapons to Ukraine, on a "war" that the US and everybody involved knows that Ukraine is going to lose. Thus prolonging it with more Ukrainian deaths. Imagine if the media didn't come with BS narratives about the Ghost of Kyiv and that Russian is getting hammered, and we just need to send Ukraine more weapons and they're going to win.

Imagine how much less profitable the vaccines would have been without that libtard support. Which is a term that I've never used before, but I'm using now because I'm responding to the term you used.

Without that media and narrative support things would be a lot harder. You wouldn't have Blade so blood thirsty for Russian blood, and long range missiles that can reach Russian civilians, because he believes it's a simplistic fight of good versus evil. And the Russian people are evil.

The purpose of threads like these is not to exposed politicians, but for people to connect the dots on how the entire media lies. And if the people behind the scene wanted WW3, at this current point in time, the libtards can easily facilitate that, thus killing us all. So the better educated they are, the better it would be for all of us.

These people who just blindly follow what the media tells them are very dangerous people, because they're so useful for those who just need a small portion of the population to go along with an agenda. They're going to end up getting all of us killed. And that's a VERY real possibility.

06-17-2022, 08:27 PM
It's more than money. The longer this war drags out the weaker Russia becomes which further solidifies the US as a dominant world power.

Also while there is a far right issue in Ukraine it is hardly what that nation is. Zelensky is Jewish. There are thousands of women and children affected who do not align with Nazism. The only way the invasion is justified would be if the Ukraine is trying act on nazism in some way. But they aren't.

Russia's main objective is to get back the land they once had. That's it. They are not invading Ukraine to get rid of Nazism. OP is a moron who fell for Russian propaganda saying that Ukraine is filled with Nazis. Jstern and Zenmaster are essentially Russian bots peddling Russian propaganda.

06-17-2022, 09:33 PM
The media went from talking about Ukraine's Nazi problem, before the war. To then not a single mention about the Nazi's in Ukraine. To, "It's just Russian disinformation." And, "Nazi's in Ukraine has all the hallmarks of Russian disinformation." Or, "It's just 'classic' Russian disinformation."

It's the third time I used the term, because it's so fresh in my mind. But thanks to CNN the libtards went from, "There are no Nazi's in Ukraine, that's just Russian disinformation." "How could there be Nazi's when Zelensky is Jewish?" To, "They are not all Nazi's, it's just some of them."

Ukraine is so open minded and accepting of people that it's ok to freely walk around with a Nazi tattoo and Nazi flags. That girl holding up a Nazi flag for the world just shows how accepting the people of Ukraine are.

Russia's main objective is to get back the land they once had. That's it. They are not invading Ukraine to get rid of Nazism. OP is a moron who fell for Russian propaganda saying that Ukraine is filled with Nazis. Jstern and Zenmaster are essentially Russian bots peddling Russian propaganda.

Again, you're so misinformed because you only read CNN headlines, that you can only communicate in narratives that you're told. It's not a secret as to why Russia is running this operation in Ukraine, because it's been known, predicted for over 15 years. And it's not because of Nazi's. I'm not going to think it's because of Nazi's because I will actually get curious about what's going on and get a sense as to what's been happening the past 33 years.

06-17-2022, 10:04 PM
ish also has a Nazi problem.

06-18-2022, 05:06 AM
Russia's main objective is to get back the land they once had. That's it. They are not invading Ukraine to get rid of Nazism. OP is a moron who fell for Russian propaganda saying that Ukraine is filled with Nazis. Jstern and Zenmaster are essentially Russian bots peddling Russian propaganda.

Shut the **** up you limp dick loser. This war is causing famine around the poor parts of the world and people are literally dying because of it.
Every single piece of heavy Ukrainian equipment from their own stockpile is in use right now, which means that the war would have already ended if it wasn't for western intervention.

Every day the war keeps.going, essential protein and fat products especially will become more expensive.
Your argument for it all being good is that Russia will become weaker, well what that going to do for your life in the future? You think there'll be a new war after where they get fully taken out?

All we've done is remove Russian natural resources from the western market, setting it up so there's less of everything and causing suffering. None of it prevented Ukraine getting destroyed and no one is removing Putin in Russia.

My last girlfriend was Ukrainian and I've had more to do with that country than you ever will. She was anti vax as well, like two thirds of that country btw.

You spread literal disinformation yourself while accusing others with a difference of opinion of doing the same, filthy loser.

06-18-2022, 05:39 AM
Holy shit. What a meltdown. :oldlol:

06-18-2022, 06:05 AM
Holy shit. What a meltdown. :oldlol:


Patrick Chewing
06-18-2022, 12:19 PM
So by supporting "the current thing" which in this instance is Ukraine, all those supporters of "the current thing" are essentially supporting Nazism.

Birds of a feather...

06-18-2022, 02:46 PM
Shut the **** up you limp dick loser. This war is causing famine around the poor parts of the world and people are literally dying because of it.
Every single piece of heavy Ukrainian equipment from their own stockpile is in use right now, which means that the war would have already ended if it wasn't for western intervention.

Every day the war keeps.going, essential protein and fat products especially will become more expensive.
Your argument for it all being good is that Russia will become weaker, well what that going to do for your life in the future? You think there'll be a new war after where they get fully taken out?

All we've done is remove Russian natural resources from the western market, setting it up so there's less of everything and causing suffering. None of it prevented Ukraine getting destroyed and no one is removing Putin in Russia.

My last girlfriend was Ukrainian and I've had more to do with that country than you ever will. She was anti vax as well, like two thirds of that country btw.

You spread literal disinformation yourself while accusing others with a difference of opinion of doing the same, filthy loser.

OK, Russian bot. So we should let Russia take back whatever territory they want to have from the Soviet days even if it's now a separate democratic nation. Great idea.

06-18-2022, 03:33 PM
Speaking of Ukrainian flags.


Dublin Pride has created a new LGBT flag that also celebrates Ukraine, advertising an upcoming gay pride parade sponsored by the Irish government (https://miamistandard.news/2022/06/01/dublin-pride-flies-lgbt-ukraine-flag-for-parade-sponsored-by-irish-government/).


New Flag Just Dropped: European Capital Adds Ukrainian Colours to Pride (https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2022/06/02/new-flag-just-dropped-european-capital-adds-ukrainian-colours-to-pride/)

They just need to add the A3ob Nazi symbol.

06-18-2022, 06:21 PM
just to let it be known where i stand personally, i support the ukrainian people and their plight. these people's lives have been upended and ripped to shreds.

06-18-2022, 09:35 PM
So by supporting "the current thing" which in this instance is Ukraine, all those supporters of "the current thing" are essentially supporting Nazism.

Birds of a feather...

You're an idiot.

06-18-2022, 09:42 PM
What do the modern Ukrainian NAZIs like? Do they still hate Jews? Or do they just take the original Nazi philosophy but without its more racist components?

06-21-2022, 01:00 PM
OK, Russian bot. So we should let Russia take back whatever territory they want to have from the Soviet days even if it's now a separate democratic nation. Great idea.

You really don't have any kind of big picture view do you?
You talk about this as if Putin just woke up one day and said hey, I want the territory back that was part of the Soviet Union..
Are you really that retarded that you can't see that this is a war between the US and Russia, with Ukraine being the current physical battlefield?
We were trying to take Ukraine, make it part of Ameican imperialism through Nato, Russia decided to fight for it.

All of yours, OTC, Jasper and others dumbass post over the last months about how Russia is losing or weakening in one way or another, you guys were just spreading US propaganda - made up shit.

Here's the latest update from Nato secretary and it's just like I said it would become many months ago, a conflict manifested for the long term, killing tons of people around the world through famine and lowering the quality of life for people like you and me.
Sadly, by now your brain has even conditioned to support this indefinitely and there's no turning back for you.

The West must prepare to continue supporting Ukraine in a war lasting for years, Nato's chief has warned.

Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said the costs of war were high, but the price of letting Moscow achieve its military goals was even greater.

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has also warned of a longer-term conflict.

And in a stark warning, the newly appointed head of the British Army said the UK and allies needed to be capable of winning a ground war with Russia.

Mr Stoltenberg and Mr Johnson said sending more weapons would make a victory for Ukraine more likely.

"We must prepare for the fact that it could take years. We must not let up in supporting Ukraine," the Nato chief said in an interview with German newspaper Bild.

"Even if the costs are high, not only for military support, also because of rising energy and food prices."


Patrick Chewing
06-21-2022, 01:58 PM
Speaking of Ukrainian flags.


Dublin Pride has created a new LGBT flag that also celebrates Ukraine, advertising an upcoming gay pride parade sponsored by the Irish government (https://miamistandard.news/2022/06/01/dublin-pride-flies-lgbt-ukraine-flag-for-parade-sponsored-by-irish-government/).


New Flag Just Dropped: European Capital Adds Ukrainian Colours to Pride (https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2022/06/02/new-flag-just-dropped-european-capital-adds-ukrainian-colours-to-pride/)

They just need to add the A3ob Nazi symbol.

Every time I see these flags I go into full Hillary mode...


06-21-2022, 02:00 PM
You don't have to defend Russia 24/7. You were defending Russia before they even went into Ukraine. You have been cheerleading Russia for multiple years. Why don't you just move to Russia?

People knew Russia would eventually win, but Ukraine did hold its own for muuuuch longer than anyone expected & still is holding.

06-21-2022, 02:38 PM
You don't have to defend Russia 24/7. You were defending Russia before they even went into Ukraine. You have been cheerleading Russia for multiple years. Why don't you just move to Russia?

People knew Russia would eventually win, but Ukraine did hold its own for muuuuch longer than anyone expected & still is holding.

I cheerlead for peace instead of conflict, but nice troll job.

Why are you talking about the conflict in past tense like it's over though? Read the quote from the head Nato spokesperson above you retarded ****.

06-21-2022, 02:42 PM
Here's a guy extreme like you bladed, but on the other side of the spectrum and apparently he lives in Ukraine. I pray you're both wrong, him in what he thinks/claims is going to happen, and you for hoping what you want to have happen.


06-21-2022, 07:39 PM
I always find it fu**ing hilarious when people from other countries bitch about racism in the United States when we are light years ahead of every country.

If a black guy walks around China or Ukraine people will shit their pants.

The U.S. is such a melting pot (especially if you live in Sunny California like me) that you can literally see 20 races just walking into a Target. In most other Countries around the world they are highly concentrated with very particular races. Shit is just hilarious.

06-21-2022, 07:55 PM
I cheerlead for peace instead of conflict, but nice troll job.

Why are you talking about the conflict in past tense like it's over though? Read the quote from the head Nato spokesperson above you retarded ****.

Ukraine saying they won't join NATO was not going to stop the attack. Putin had the invasion planned months ahead of time, amassing tens of thousands of troops for war. He was making absurd demands that had no chance of passing (1. never accept Ukraine into NATO, 2. pull back NATO from Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, 3. Ukraine to permanently give up Donbas & Crimea claims, 4. stop US missile deployment into Europe). You make it sound like #1 was all Putin ever demanded for peace. Only a Russian shill would say #1 was all Putin wanted, and he would have pulled back. He even went into a rant in one of his early February speeches on how Ukraine belongs to Russia and it was taken from them. He wanted it back in the hands of Russia. That reason has nothing to do with NATO.

It's not over yet ofc (hence "still is holding". I don't think Ukraine can hold forever even with Western assistance. I don't think Ukraine has enough troops to fight years as the article states.

06-21-2022, 08:05 PM
You really don't have any kind of big picture view do you?
You talk about this as if Putin just woke up one day and said hey, I want the territory back that was part of the Soviet Union..
Are you really that retarded that you can't see that this is a war between the US and Russia, with Ukraine being the current physical battlefield?
We were trying to take Ukraine, make it part of Ameican imperialism through Nato, Russia decided to fight for it.

All of yours, OTC, Jasper and others dumbass post over the last months about how Russia is losing or weakening in one way or another, you guys were just spreading US propaganda - made up shit.

Here's the latest update from Nato secretary and it's just like I said it would become many months ago, a conflict manifested for the long term, killing tons of people around the world through famine and lowering the quality of life for people like you and me.
Sadly, by now your brain has even conditioned to support this indefinitely and there's no turning back for you.


I first started noticing Blade around August of last year, and it was like, "Omg, this mother ****er is an asshole." He was repeating all of Joe Biden's and CNN's talking points to the T. I thought he was consciously trolling. But then I realized, noticed, that he seems to be a little bit mentally ill. I won't say a lot, but a little mentally ill. And so I always take that into account and so find him less annoying.

So I understand your frustration, and I'm glad that you see him as a dumb ass, have disdain for him, so that you could put him in his place. Hopefully he'll learn from it. I'm so accepting of the mental illness that I end up just letting him repeat what CNN and MSNBC told him, with very little motivation to correct him. And it's not good to let anyone who says the things he says have zero resistance.

06-22-2022, 02:36 PM
Ukraine saying they won't join NATO was not going to stop the attack. Putin had the invasion planned months ahead of time, amassing tens of thousands of troops for war. He was making absurd demands that had no chance of passing (1. never accept Ukraine into NATO, 2. pull back NATO from Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, 3. Ukraine to permanently give up Donbas & Crimea claims, 4. stop US missile deployment into Europe). You make it sound like #1 was all Putin ever demanded for peace. Only a Russian shill would say #1 was all Putin wanted, and he would have pulled back. He even went into a rant in one of his early February speeches on how Ukraine belongs to Russia and it was taken from them. He wanted it back in the hands of Russia. That reason has nothing to do with NATO.

It's not over yet ofc (hence "still is holding". I don't think Ukraine can hold forever even with Western assistance. I don't think Ukraine has enough troops to fight years as the article states.

You're right that empty words wouldn't have made a difference, only action would.

You're talking about months? Obviously Putin spent time setting up his troops, because he was planning to attack.
But this shit goes back more than a decade, like I said, you have zero sense of the big picture. This is about naval access to hot water and US missiles in Ukraine.
It went away during Trump because he didn't give a shit about Ukraine, but old foreign policies came back with Biden and a new push was made for Ukraine to join.

This isn't a real anything goes war as you imagine it either. If it was, Kyiv would have been bombed senseless, instead Ben Stiller is doing photo ops walking about in the city. But since you haven't read anyone questioning that little weird thing on CNN or in The Atlantic, the thought about why that is, sn't a question that your brain can comprehend, because your brain is nothing but a blank canvass for US politicians to paint on.

And **** your fake ass hypocrisy, why don't you want the people and countries responsible for bombing Libya and putting millions of people there on the run to be held responsible? In fact you've expressed the exact opposite by going so far as to VOTE for them to lead the country.

06-23-2022, 04:40 AM
ish also has a Nazi problem.

Yeah... no doubt there are tons of Ukrainian sympathizers around here

Patrick Chewing
06-23-2022, 04:50 AM
Yeah... no doubt there are tons of Ukrainian sympathizers around here


06-23-2022, 04:53 AM
But this shit goes back more than a decade, like I said, you have zero sense of the big picture. This is about naval access to hot water and US missiles in Ukraine.

Its also about the violent coup that the CIA/MI6/Mossad did in 2014 to overthrow Ukraines democratically elected pro Russia govt.

It went away during Trump because he didn't give a shit about Ukraine, but old foreign policies came back with Biden and a new push was made for Ukraine to join.

It didnt entirely go away during Trump. One of Trumps impeachment attempts was for the crime of asking Zelensky to look into the shady shit that the Biden family had been doing over there.

This isn't a real anything goes war as you imagine it either. If it was, Kyiv would have been bombed senseless, instead Ben Stiller is doing photo ops walking about in the city. But since you haven't read anyone questioning that little weird thing on CNN or in The Atlantic, the thought about why that is, sn't a question that your brain can comprehend, because your brain is nothing but a blank canvass for US politicians to paint on.

No kidding. If Russia wanted to completely flatten cities like "Keeev" and "Lviv", they could have very easily done that... instead they have been focusing on neutralizing/destroying Ukraines armed forces and capturing the pro-Russia Donbas areas where ethnic russian civilians have been murdered and terrorized by Ukrainian Nazis ever since the coup. So far a grand total of ~4.5k civilian deaths have been reported in Ukraine, many of these deaths being Ukrainians killing their own civilians in the Donbas... I dare anyone to cite a major US invasion with only ~4.5k civilian deaths in the first 4 months.

06-23-2022, 11:22 AM
Yeah... no doubt there are tons of Ukrainian sympathizers around here

Yes because all Ukrainians are Nazis. :facepalm

Seeing Patrick LowIQing think that was some kind of ownage as opposed to a simple display of ignorance wasn't surprising. :oldlol:

Patrick Chewing. What a dumbass! :roll:

06-23-2022, 11:26 AM
Yes because all Ukrainians are Nazis. :facepalm
Yeah its not all of them... just the pro US ones like AZOV who seem to proudly wear Nazi insignias and disbanded because western artillery is projected to it thieircamp n 3 days.

06-24-2022, 05:37 PM
Can't blame them considering the soviet union committed a longer and more effective mass genocide/raping of eastern europe than any NSDAP members could have dreamed of in their wet dreams. but of course hollywood can't fit that into their movies just like how they don't want to acknowledge that china has camps operating as we speak.

of course the micropenis communist apologists and "alt-right" controlled opposition have a problem the ukrainians being the bulwark against it all happening again.

06-25-2022, 06:45 AM
ish also has a Nazi problem.
Yeah for real. Wish Jeff would do some pest control.

06-25-2022, 06:47 AM
Yes because all Ukrainians are Nazis. :facepalm

Seeing Patrick LowIQing think that was some kind of ownage as opposed to a simple display of ignorance wasn't surprising. :oldlol:

Patrick Chewing. What a dumbass! :roll:
Nanners isn’t much smarter, just has a better vocabulary. Instead of listening to everything Tucker says like Chewing, he listens to everything Jimmy Dore says. As you can see there isn’t much difference at this point.

10-22-2022, 11:17 PM
Ukrainian paratroopers singing "Our Father is Bandera..."

"Bandera was the leader of Ukraine's Nazi organization and murdered over 100,000 people..."


But to Blade these Ukrainian paratroopers are just spreading Putin propaganda.

10-23-2022, 11:19 AM
It is very difficult for most people to understand: In this conflict, the Ukrainians aren't the "good guys". The United States isn't the good guy. The Russians are not the aggressors. The Russians have done as much as they can to minimize civilian damage. There are full-blown Nazis who are part of the Ukrainian government and form whole divisions of the Ukrainian military. The Ukrainians have been killing ethnic Russians for years and years and the West simply ignored it. US taxpayers are now funding and cheering for Nazis.

The bad guys lose in the end. NATO and the EU are crumbling as we speak. The US and Britain have resorted to terrorism; Blowing up the Nord Stream Pipeline (US), Truck Bombing the bridge to Crimea (Great Britain), attempting to blow up the Turkish pipeline......Pitiful and disgraceful.

Meanwhile Russia gathers friends: Saudi Arabia, China, India, Turkey, Iran and so forth. (Saudi Arabia and Iran both being friends with Russia is quite remarkable).