View Full Version : Silver really is serious about creating an in season tournament.

06-23-2022, 11:06 PM
And he doesn’t care that you think it’s stupid and players won’t initially care. He thinks that long term it will be a beloved tradition:

. “If we did make modifications in the schedule, we’d always ensure that every team played each other at least once,” Silver said. “I think that’s critically important. Everybody wants to see, even if it’s a cross-country trip, that wherever that player is on that team that plays in the other conference, they should have the opportunity to see that player at least once.”He wants to create new traditions, but that takes time; the more accurate indicator of success will likely be TV revenue.
“And then the question is, will that create some additional fan interest? If there’s some games that have particular interest during the course of the season, and guys feel they’re playing set for something?” Silver said.
“And lastly, I’ll say I recognize that [if] we do that, it’s not going to be an overnight success. Because the obvious question, whether it’s from the players or for the fans will be, ‘What? Why should we think this is meaningful? Playing in-season tournaments?’ My response is going to be, ‘I get that.’ But I think we can create new traditions, obviously, things change over time. And so that's something I'm very focused on right now.”

Right now I’m against it but the plan in sounded stupid too and none of us miss any of those games now and it will probably stay forever.

I just don’t get how you make anyone playing care. Stars are gonna have to be heavily incentivized not to just sit it out for rest.

They are gonna have to work In some kinda charity or something to make it a bad look to refuse.

06-23-2022, 11:11 PM
And I figure this is as good a place as any to play the looks like game which Adam is such a popular subject of. For example….

Adam Silver looks like a fake laundry detergent commercial scientist sternly shaking his head with disapproval at the competitions stain fighting power.

Or my favorite….”Adam silver looks like a wisp of smoke”.

There are hundreds of these just waiting for you on Twitter and Reddit if you want a laugh.

Hes maybe the best subject to use.

06-23-2022, 11:13 PM
I hate him so much. He can’t stop meddling with a product that was already good when he inherited it. Can’t wait till he’s gone.

06-23-2022, 11:14 PM
Forget even from the players perspective, how the fck are fans supposed to remotely care about this :lol Do they expect after 75 years of not having it, that suddenly dropping this tournament in the middle of the season is going to have anything at stake for fans? That if their team wins, there's going to be some big celebration and championship merchandise purchased?

Say what you want about the play in, at least that has playoff implications at stake. This is just absolutely meaningless, and I don't think any amount of time that passes will make it seem any different.

06-23-2022, 11:14 PM

06-23-2022, 11:16 PM
Forget even from the players perspective, how the fck are fans supposed to remotely care about this :lol Do they expect after 75 years of not having it, that suddenly dropping this tournament in the middle of the season is going to have anything at stake for fans? That if their team wins, there's going to be some big celebration and championship merchandise purchased?

Say what you want about the play in, at least that has playoff implications at stake. This is just absolutely meaningless, and I don't think any amount of time that passes will make it seem any different.

I think he’s looking at it like soccer tournaments that don’t have real “Stakes” but people will riot over the results of. Of course he’s forgetting that nba fans aren’t a tenth as dedicated as soccer fans. You need college football level buy in for his plan to work.

06-23-2022, 11:24 PM
He's right. It will be a great addition in time. This is a tried and true model in soccer.

He can even invite some overseas teams to play every year. The possibilities are endless.

06-23-2022, 11:30 PM
I think what people are forgetting is...this tournament would likely be replacing meaningless regular season games in January. Like...who'd not much rather watch a tournament?

06-23-2022, 11:48 PM
The soccer comparisons feel incongruent to me. For instance the Premiere League plays a 38 game schedule, which is a far cry from 82 games. It’s a lot easier to fit mid season tournaments without exhausting players.

Moreover club cups in Europe allow teams that dont normally play in the same league to face each other. In the NBA, we already see all the teams play each other.

Lastly, the NBA has a much more individualist culture. Soccer has big stars but it’s not really part of the culture for them to act above the team. NBA culture is different, and stars who dont feel like playing simply wont.

I have a very hard time imagining it being a quality product, altho at the same time I dont at all have a hard time imagining there being enough of an audience who would watch it anyway.

06-23-2022, 11:50 PM
He's right. It will be a great addition in time. This is a tried and true model in soccer.

He can even invite some overseas teams to play every year. The possibilities are endless.

It works in soccer because there are 5+ divisions competing for a trophy. It provides a method for the teams in the lower leagues to play the top sides. It has been that way since the inception.

Like others have said. No stakes. No reason to go for it. No lower level leagues trying to nab a trophy off the top teams. No one actually cares, and will not care, because like Kblaze said, it is a different dynamic to soccer.

Is this dude close to done? He has literally put in ideas that have broken what Stern did well to build up. The play in tournament thing is the worst thing ever. Now this? At least the next guy that takes over his spot can literally just abolish the two shit things he would have put in place and look like a hero.

06-23-2022, 11:51 PM
And he doesn’t care that you think it’s stupid and players won’t initially care. He thinks that long term it will be a beloved tradition:

Right now I’m against it but the plan in sounded stupid too and none of us miss any of those games now and it will probably stay forever.

I just don’t get how you make anyone playing care. Stars are gonna have to be heavily incentivized not to just sit it out for rest.

They are gonna have to work In some kinda charity or something to make it a bad look to refuse.

It would just be another kind of championship. Racing, golf, soccer, any open circuit sport etc. But just like in those sports it will only have as much value as is applied to it by fans and players. I'm not in favor of it but I see where they're coming from. Their research is probably telling them that players are increasingly resorting to resting, coasting and outright ignoring the regular season. Eventually fans will start ignoring the games too. The regular season is where the lion's share of the sports revenue comes from. This is one of their ideas to try and retain interest in the mid season. I don't like it but I don't have a better alternative.

06-23-2022, 11:52 PM
It works in soccer because there are 5+ divisions competing for a trophy. It provides a method for the teams in the lower leagues to play the top sides. It has been that way since the inception.

Like others have said. No stakes. No reason to go for it. No lower level leagues trying to nab a trophy off the top teams. No one actually cares, and will not care, because like Kblaze said, it is a different dynamic to soccer.

Is this dude close to done? He has literally put in ideas that have broken what Stern did well to build up. The play in tournament thing is the worst thing ever. Now this? At least the next guy that takes over his spot can literally just abolish the two shit things he would have put in place and look like a hero.
:applause: :applause: :applause:

06-24-2022, 12:04 AM
It works in soccer because there are 5+ divisions competing for a trophy. It provides a method for the teams in the lower leagues to play the top sides. It has been that way since the inception.

Like others have said. No stakes. No reason to go for it. No lower level leagues trying to nab a trophy off the top teams. No one actually cares, and will not care, because like Kblaze said, it is a different dynamic to soccer.

Is this dude close to done? He has literally put in ideas that have broken what Stern did well to build up. The play in tournament thing is the worst thing ever. Now this? At least the next guy that takes over his spot can literally just abolish the two shit things he would have put in place and look like a hero.

I guess everyone will just have to agree to disagree. I think people will care. At least much more than a meaningless January regular season game.

And in time, it will be a tradition. Just like the slam dunk contest or 3 pt contest.

06-24-2022, 01:47 AM
Just frickin put more stock into who gets the regular season best record. Pay the players million dollar bonuses for accomplishing that. Tell your media heads to hype up players and teams who have the most regular season best records of all time and not just championships. You don’t need an “in season tournament” when the whole season can be one.

Spurs m8
06-24-2022, 01:48 AM
There's already too many games...but I understand it's all about money

Spurs m8
06-24-2022, 01:49 AM
This reminds me...we had an in season tournament in the Oz league a couple of seasons ago....no one cared, it was shit and I'm glad it didn't come back for a second time

06-24-2022, 02:13 AM
If it's best NBA teams vs best Euroleague teams I'd watch it.

If it's just NBA teams, how is it different from regular season games?

06-24-2022, 02:35 AM
It works in soccer because there are 5+ divisions competing for a trophy. It provides a method for the teams in the lower leagues to play the top sides. It has been that way since the inception.

Like others have said. No stakes. No reason to go for it. No lower level leagues trying to nab a trophy off the top teams. No one actually cares, and will not care, because like Kblaze said, it is a different dynamic to soccer.

Is this dude close to done? He has literally put in ideas that have broken what Stern did well to build up. The play in tournament thing is the worst thing ever. Now this? At least the next guy that takes over his spot can literally just abolish the two shit things he would have put in place and look like a hero.

it works for basketball aswell, atleast here in europe

Spurs m8
06-24-2022, 03:07 AM
If it's best NBA teams vs best Euroleague teams I'd watch it.

If it's just NBA teams, how is it different from regular season games?

That would be sick

06-24-2022, 03:08 AM
Instead of being inspired by European soccer in a way that would actually make NBA basketball more entertaining, such as fewer in-game commercial breaks, or the refs allowing the offensive player to carry on with the fast-break after a defender commits an intentional "take" foul to stop him and only calling the foul on the defender after the offensive player makes the basket, he gets inspired in the least-fan friendly but most revenue-friendly way possible. What a moron. :facepalm

06-24-2022, 04:23 AM
Ha I don't disagree with you but your last sentence nailed it

06-24-2022, 04:50 AM
I think a mid season tournament would be okay if they reduced the number of regular season games played and the total number of games of the regular season and mid season would equate to 82 games. Then any stats gained in the mid season would still count towards season totals.

The motivation to this tournament would remain playing for home court advantage, extra $$$ and perhaps even guaranteed lottery pick top 10-15 range so Top teams still have a shot at a decent pick without taking away from the lottery teams.

06-24-2022, 05:00 AM
I think a mid season tournament would be okay if they reduced the number of regular season games played and the total number of games of the regular season and mid season would equate to 82 games. Then any stats gained in the mid season would still count towards season totals.

The motivation to this tournament would remain playing for home court advantage, extra $$$ and perhaps even guaranteed lottery pick top 10-15 range so Top teams still have a shot at a decent pick without taking away from the lottery teams.

If they play for home court in this tournament, what is the point of regular season?

06-24-2022, 05:52 AM
If they play for home court in this tournament, what is the point of regular season?

I should have explained it better. I meant wins and losses in the mid season should still count towards regular season total and a combined 82 games. And keep a separate tally for the mid season.

07-12-2022, 05:25 PM
So a 23-24 in season tournament is getting pushed now. News about the governors meeting:


In other news….

Take fouls on the break will now be free throws and the ball back which should eliminate that.

The play in is also permanent now.

07-12-2022, 05:26 PM
I don’t know what they think they can do about the warriors salary. If they wanna pay all that tax how do you stop them? The union won’t allow a real hard cap.

07-12-2022, 05:32 PM
I literally completely forgot they’re called governors now lol. I don’t think I’ve heard that be implemented in any other sport.

07-12-2022, 05:35 PM
I literally completely forgot they’re called governors now lol. I don’t think I’ve heard that be implemented in any other sport.


07-12-2022, 05:40 PM
I literally completely forgot they’re called governors now lol. I don’t think I’ve heard that be implemented in any other sport.

It will be eventually, because by 2030 you will own nothing and be happy. Ofc you cant very well be calling billionaires ‘owners’ at that point, lest you begin to wonder why they can own things and you cant.

As the league with the youngest and wokest audience, it makes sense for the NBA to lead the way in this transition.

07-12-2022, 09:57 PM
I am not a fan of pro football / but could you imagine a Super bowl torne' at thanksgiving ??

Silver has to be like past commish's to push the boundary and determine if it may work , to generate money.

Problem is some of these ideas really become more commercialized than good representation.

07-13-2022, 05:50 AM

07-13-2022, 09:23 AM
today he is lowering the age limit which I believe is a mistake ...

Many guys 19-22 have kid bodies , and need to develop

If done we will lose more athletes than gain a better league.

07-13-2022, 12:50 PM

07-13-2022, 01:05 PM
Silver is atrocious and he is so close to getting me to stop watching with his constant meddling. **** this guy and I can’t wait till he’s out of office.

07-13-2022, 03:21 PM
What's the point? We already have a playoffs :confusedshrug: Just an excuse to hand out more trophies? We already introduced Summer League rings and the ECF and WCF MVPs within the last year :facepalm:

07-13-2022, 03:37 PM
People have made the comparison to soccer, and these kinds of tournaments may very well work for that sport and it’s fans, but it’s painfully obvious Silver and co just do not understand their audience on this one.

You can’t just implement a tournament like this midseason when you’ve had the playoffs in place for 75 years. No other American sports league has a tournament in place like this either, it’s a completely foreign concept for American fans.

We’ve seen teams and players not even get much credit for winning their conference on here, now the league thinks fans are going to put ANY stock into this tournament? FOH :lol

07-13-2022, 03:55 PM
. People have made the comparison to soccer, and these kinds of tournaments may very well work for that sport and it’s fans, but it’s painfully obvious Silver and co just do not understand their audience on this one.

Are we his intended audience though?

Or maybe with expansion in the works to spread the incoming revenue and prevent 90 million for one season Supermax deals they plan a European division which is being targeted to host the mid season tournament with a concept those fans are used to.

They say they want a single location final four. Where?

Gotta be like Vegas…or…London? Paris? Madrid?

Why not? Stern said like 15 years ago it was the long term plan to enter that market. Lay some ground work.

07-13-2022, 04:17 PM
Unless they award the winning team some substantial reward, these teams and players are frankly going to have zero incentive to try to win this tournament, esp if it has no bearing on W-L record or playoff seeding.

Why would you risk injury to your players, not to mention a potential 12 hour flight each way if you’re a west coast team going to Europe, if there’s zero incentive for you to do so?

The league already has an epidemic of teams and players load managing, barring the aforementioned significant reward for winning, I’m not ashamed to admit I’d tank the tournament for extra rest for my team, esp if I have guys made of glass like Kawhi & AD.

They’d have to do something like give the winner HCA throughout the playoffs.

07-13-2022, 04:40 PM
They’ll definitely have to come up with motivation. For the team maybe the winner gets lottery balls equal to finishing 10th or so so they get a sure lottery pick in addition to their normal pick. For the players though?

Its gotta be money or like….eligibility for something. Some kinda contract incentive teams can live with. You can’t just make the whole winning roster Supermax eligible(not that they’d all get it) or give out no trade clauses. The teams wouldn’t allow it.

Shy of straight money I don’t know what you do for the players and the stars don’t even need the money.

07-13-2022, 05:56 PM
I'd rather see the 16 teams that didn't make the playoffs compete for the draft picks so that you don't have tanking and the same sorry ass teams collecting picks season after season. Let Rookies come in and have a chance at being stars.

07-13-2022, 06:11 PM
Silver is atrocious and he is so close to getting me to stop watching with his constant meddling. **** this guy and I can’t wait till he’s out of office.

No he’s not, you have absolutely nothing else to do with your life :lol

07-13-2022, 06:14 PM
I'd rather see the 16 teams that didn't make the playoffs compete for the draft picks so that you don't have tanking and the same sorry ass teams collecting picks season after season. Let Rookies come in and have a chance at being stars.

Players dont give a shit about draft picks, thats just another guy who might come in and take minutes and future salary away from them.

Players compete for money, and some of them also wanna win a title. But thats it.

They dont give a shit about whether the franchise gets ping pong balls :lol

07-13-2022, 06:47 PM
I'd rather see the 16 teams that didn't make the playoffs compete for the draft picks so that you don't have tanking and the same sorry ass teams collecting picks season after season. Let Rookies come in and have a chance at being stars.
This makes the midseason tourney look like a brilliant idea. Do you actually think fans are gonna watch lottery teams play for draft picks :oldlol:

07-13-2022, 07:14 PM
What exactly is the point of a midseason tournament supposed to be? What does the winner get?

07-13-2022, 07:17 PM
What exactly is the point of a midseason tournament supposed to be? What does the winner get?

Lebron’s dick in a box.

07-13-2022, 11:58 PM
I don't like the idea of draft picks, too far down the line and who wants to help find their replacement - the only thing worth competing for is playoff position or more money.

Thinking about it if they're going to go this route might as well break the league up into four divisions and let the teams battle for the top 4 seeds in each division. Not well thought out but neither is the NBA.

04-01-2023, 07:06 AM
It’s officially decided. The in season tournament is in the new CBA.

04-01-2023, 07:22 AM
These mother****ers are hell bent on ruining shit

whats the purpose of the tourney? what can be gained?

04-01-2023, 07:24 AM
He's right. It will be a great addition in time. This is a tried and true model in soccer.

He can even invite some overseas teams to play every year. The possibilities are endless.

this guy plays contrarian in the most slimy way ever :oldlol:

04-01-2023, 07:26 AM
lmao the tournament has nothing to do with the season

there is 0 incentive

its just, a new tournament... :oldlol:

this is so hilarious. how can you be this out of touch

04-01-2023, 08:08 AM
People have made the comparison to soccer, and these kinds of tournaments may very well work for that sport and it’s fans, but it’s painfully obvious Silver and co just do not understand their audience on this one.

You can’t just implement a tournament like this midseason when you’ve had the playoffs in place for 75 years. No other American sports league has a tournament in place like this either, it’s a completely foreign concept for American fans.

We’ve seen teams and players not even get much credit for winning their conference on here, now the league thinks fans are going to put ANY stock into this tournament? FOH :lol

Are we his intended audience though?

Or maybe with expansion in the works to spread the incoming revenue and prevent 90 million for one season Supermax deals they plan a European division which is being targeted to host the mid season tournament with a concept those fans are used to.

They say they want a single location final four. Where?

Gotta be like Vegas…or…London? Paris? Madrid?

Why not? Stern said like 15 years ago it was the long term plan to enter that market. Lay some ground work.

It's not an audience or market problem.

Soccer/club football in SA and Europe operates totally different than the NBA.

He wants a midseason tournee playing the same teams that play all regular season long against each other.

Club football in Europe has its national leagues and their cups and the pan european leages/cups.

In order to qualify for the Champion's, Europa or Conference league you have to either play well in your domestic league or win the domestic cup. Basically the europe wide cups are what any team and player aims at.

What does this mid season tournament grant the teams that they'd ultimately want comparable to participating and winning the champions league? Just playing some useless games won't do the trick.

04-01-2023, 08:48 AM
Aren’t all games useless until we attach arbitrary value to the winners over time? I’d imagine the plan is long term. And they have to tie it into the all star break don’t they?

A big like…2 week festival of events and a tournament. I’m sure there’s a plan to make it feel major…that probably won’t take up til a generation of fans reach adulthood who don’t remember anything else.

04-01-2023, 09:03 AM
Aren’t all games useless until we attach arbitrary value to the winners over time? I’d imagine the plan is long term. And they have to tie it into the all star break don’t they?

A big like…2 week festival of events and a tournament. I’m sure there’s a plan to make it feel major…that probably won’t take up til a generation of fans reach adulthood who don’t remember anything else.

Yes, but the NBA already has a title.

And since this tournament will NEVER under ANY CIRCUMSTANCE top that title, it just seems useless.

People dont have time for a 2nd title / winner which is arbitrary.

The NBA championship isnt arbitrary. Its the best team.

So whats this one for? Its nothing. Its just money and ignorance perpetuating.

Players wont wanna waste additional effort to an already cramped an over the top long season.

04-01-2023, 09:26 AM
You’d be surprised how much of that could have been said of the first superbowl(which left 30000 seats unsold and was blacked out). Game didn’t even “count”. It was after the nfl season was over and a champion declared. Just a hyped exhibition.

There is no real significance to anything in sports. Things matter as much as we are conditioned to value them by the people presenting it. We won’t know for 10-15 years how much this matters.

One thing we do know…. Current players won’t care much.

04-01-2023, 09:29 AM
You’d be surprised how much of that could have been said of the first superbowl(which left 30000 seats unsold and was blacked out). Game didn’t even “count”. It was after the nfl season was over and a champion declared. Just a hyped exhibition.

There is no real significance to anything in sports. Things matter as much as we are conditioned to value them by the people presenting it. We won’t know for 10-15 years how much this matters.

One thing we do know…. Current players won’t care much.

It was also after the season.

So it was just 1 more game that people then felt made more sense as format to end the season on.

Of course there is significance. Significance comes from sense and justice. We watch and we want to know and find out who is the best. In the NBA we have a format that does a good job of evaluating that.

This tournament isnt an extension or change to how that is done like the Super Bowl was / became, but something entirely else of no meaning.

04-01-2023, 09:40 AM
None of it has meaning….

The people in charge just tell you the rules by which they decide who is best.

If Cousy(first union president) agreed to a mid season tournament in 1953 you’d have decades of random highlights and storylines to make it seem significant. ESPN graphics on how likely it is the mid season winner would be champion at the end.

You’d have grown up on clips of Jordan scoring 66 vs Showtime in the 88 mid season classic finals. These things matter or don’t matter based on history and conditioning not anything “real”.

The league tells you what’s “real”. and eventually that’s the way it goes. In 50 years we will barely remember a world before the play in or the mid season spectacular or whatever bullshit they name what will essentially be a modified all star break.

I guess anything is better than that last all star game though.

04-01-2023, 11:43 AM
None of it has meaning….

The people in charge just tell you the rules by which they decide who is best.

If Cousy(first union president) agreed to a mid season tournament in 1953 you’d have decades of random highlights and storylines to make it seem significant. ESPN graphics on how likely it is the mid season winner would be champion at the end.

You’d have grown up on clips of Jordan scoring 66 vs Showtime in the 88 mid season classic finals. These things matter or don’t matter based on history and conditioning not anything “real”.

The league tells you what’s “real”. and eventually that’s the way it goes. In 50 years we will barely remember a world before the play in or the mid season spectacular or whatever bullshit they name what will essentially be a modified all star break.

I guess anything is better than that last all star game though.

What you say is in a way true. But the league doesn't think 50 years. They plan ahead a few years. If this doesn't become a success within 5 years they might scratch it again. The times when ideas didn't have to be financial successes within a few years at worst are long gone.

04-01-2023, 11:44 AM
None of it has meaning…..


Whats the point of the NBA Championship?

04-01-2023, 12:12 PM

Whats the point of the NBA Championship?

Winning it. Just like the winning the tournament would be. Blaze point has some truth. Winning a championship in the 40s early 50s had no value within the american society. Just look at Mikan's AT ranking on most lists. Even now that the championship is well established his hold no merit.

Things gain value over time or they are forgotten.

04-01-2023, 02:06 PM
So which will hold more weight over time? If you're a mid-season champion but lose the NBA Championship, what are you? What did you accomplish? Are we comparing that across eras?

It's not about what the fans think, it's about what teams think. If teams sit their stars for these mid-season tournaments to rest them for the playoffs, then that's all the answer we need.

04-01-2023, 02:22 PM
It’s really going to come down to the owners. If the owners come up with his big thing and they’re trying to get Apple and Amazon to bid on exclusive rights to it, do you think they let all the players sit out? There’s a board of governors. Owners had to sit down and approve this by a vote and then get the players union to agree. I’m sure they have something in place to try to make it seem like it matters. We’ll just have to wait and see.

I’m not into the idea, but like I said, the first Super Bowl couldn’t even be seen locally because of a black out. It was literally an exhibition like when the ABA champions would play the NBA teams. Long-term the significance comes from how the league chooses to market and value it.

None of it has any intrinsic value. It’s all just what you’re conditioned to care about by tradition.

04-01-2023, 03:16 PM
This makes the midseason tourney look like a brilliant idea. Do you actually think fans are gonna watch lottery teams play for draft picks :oldlol:

Well we are near the end of the season and let's take a look at what 16 teams would be in the tournament

(1) - Raptors
(8) - (Bye)

(4) - Wizards
(5) - Magic

(3) - Jazz
(6) - Spurs

(2) - Thunder
(7) - Pistons

(2) - Bulls
(7) - Rockets

(3) - Mavericks
(6) - Hornets

(4) - Pacers
(5) - Trailblazers

(1) - Timberwolves
(8) - (Bye)

Rd 1 might not be great but
Rd 2...Timberwolves vs Trailblazers, Mavericks vs Bulls, Thunder vs Jazz, Wizards vs Raptors
Rd 3 Trailblazers vs Mavericks, Jazz vs Raptors
Rd 4 Mavericks vs Raptors

1. Toronto gets Wembanyama
2. Dallas get Brandon Miller
3. Portland get Scoot Henderson
4. Jazz get Amen Thompson
5. Wizards get Jarace Walker
6. Bulls get Ausur Thompson
7. Thunder
8. Timberwolves
9. Hornets
10. Spurs
11. Pacers
12. Magic
13. Pistons
14. Rockets

Better than ping pong balls in my opinion you could see top prospects go to teams that could actually make the playoffs in the next year.

04-01-2023, 03:19 PM
It’s really going to come down to the owners. If the owners come up with his big thing and they’re trying to get Apple and Amazon to bid on exclusive rights to it, do you think they let all the players sit out? There’s a board of governors. Owners had to sit down and approve this by a vote and then get the players union to agree. I’m sure they have something in place to try to make it seem like it matters. We’ll just have to wait and see.

I’m not into the idea, but like I said, the first Super Bowl couldn’t even be seen locally because of a black out. It was literally an exhibition like when the ABA champions would play the NBA teams. Long-term the significance comes from how the league chooses to market and value it.

None of it has any intrinsic value. It’s all just what you’re conditioned to care about by tradition.
Reading up on Super Bowl I, it sounds like both teams took the game very seriously, the Packers wanted to establish NFL dominance, the Chiefs wanted to show the AFL's teams belonged, and it was watched by over 50 million people.

This tournament is unprecedented in American sports, like I said earlier, no American league has a midseason tournament, it's always gone regular season then postseason. Even if the league had this tournament since the beginning, I really don't think fans would take it that seriously if the playoffs were always considered the format that determines the champion.

You see how dismissive fans are about virtually every other aspect of the season that's not the championship. The all-star game gets criticized (and rightfully so), what you do in the regular season doesn't matter (look at the 73 win Warriors, or Jokic when he doesn't win the title this year), hell even winning your conference is dismissed as insignificant. So if these current aspects of the season that have been there forever aren't even embraced by fans as important, I would be very confident the midseason tournament would meet the same fate.

Adding it in 75 years into the leagues existence? Nobody is taking that shit seriously :lol

04-01-2023, 04:50 PM
Quick note…the first Super Bowl aired on both cbs and abc at the same time since they had rights to the nfl and afl respectively and couldn’t decide who would air it. Meaning it was on 2 of the 3 channels that existed at the same time. The ratings were pretty much whoever had a tv on. That said….

.Adding it in 75 years into the leagues existence? Nobody is taking that shit seriously :lol

They just announced that the winning team gets half a million….for each player. The winning team splits like 7-8 million dollars.

That….might do it.

04-01-2023, 04:53 PM
Ok so…it’s the regular season slightly modified. Already existing games are just gonna be called the tournament and there will be a final four set and the two teams in the final will just play 83 games instead of 82….

The NBA in-season tournament will feature all 30 teams and culminate with one champion. Each team will play a number of pool-play games that determine the eight teams that advance to a single-elimination tournament. The Final Four will be held at a neutral site. Las Vegas is in discussions (https://www.espn.com/nba/story/_/id/36025332/nba-nbpa-agree-new-7-year-collective-bargaining-agreement) to host Final Four, ESPN reports.Matchups that have already been implemented as part of the regular-season schedule will count as pool-play games. Even the single-game elimination contests will count toward the regular-season schedule. The two teams that reach the in-season tournament championship game will end up playing 83 games for the season.
Because all of the games count for the regular season, there will be no break for the in-season tournament. When the eight teams move on to the single-game elimination part of the tournament, the other 22 NBA teams will continue (https://twitter.com/ShamsCharania/status/1568325423456522242?s=20&t=Hul3laP3HRt-93wzwAldnw) to play regular-season games.
Every team will have 80 games (https://twitter.com/ShamsCharania/status/1598081295275511809?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5 Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1598081295275511809%7Ctwgr% 5E95f3957957ff79873c3fce732a2bfa2c5b4495e7%7Ctwcon %5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.sportingnews.com%2Fus%2F nba%2Fnews%2Fnba-in-season-tournament-regular-season%2Fcn3fenkdydgijf189tjlaigg) on their initial regular-season schedule, according to The Athletic’s Shams Charania. Once the knockout round is set, the league will determine the rest of the schedule

04-01-2023, 04:54 PM
So they found a way to pay a winning team half a million each with no extra break and a max of one extra game. No wonder the players signed off.

hold this L
04-01-2023, 05:03 PM
Silver like every **** dweeb sports leader wants to bleed players dry. It's the same garbage in football (soccer). Players, managers, FO have consistently complained about there being too many games for the human body to deal with. What do they do? Add more games for the Euros, add more games for the World Cup, add more games for the Champions League, created a stupid ass international tourney noone cares for as an inbetween when there isn't a tourney.. or and they want to change the WC and do it every two years.

This is just to make money, and the dweeb looking alien is presenting as some sort of tradition.

04-01-2023, 05:46 PM
So they found a way to pay a winning team half a million each with no extra break and a max of one extra game. No wonder the players signed off.
Well, that was the only way you were going to get the players to care about it :lol Otherwise, probably lots of load managing to avoid having to play an additional game.

I still don't think fans will ever embrace it.

04-01-2023, 10:05 PM
This is actually happening?

How many people actually wanted this? There comes a point when the tradition of the game should Trump any extra bit of money you can profit from doing something like this.

04-02-2023, 01:25 AM
This guy Silver is evil ass skeletor and just wants to be greedy. I guess that's what would make him as successful as that nfl commissioner scumbag that no one likes :rolleyes:

04-02-2023, 01:41 AM
It will be a truly amazing day when Silver is no longer commissioner. The damage he has done to the NBA is disgraceful.

04-02-2023, 02:16 AM
It’s really going to come down to the owners. If the owners come up with his big thing and they’re trying to get Apple and Amazon to bid on exclusive rights to it, do you think they let all the players sit out? There’s a board of governors. Owners had to sit down and approve this by a vote and then get the players union to agree. I’m sure they have something in place to try to make it seem like it matters. We’ll just have to wait and see.

I’m not into the idea, but like I said, the first Super Bowl couldn’t even be seen locally because of a black out. It was literally an exhibition like when the ABA champions would play the NBA teams. Long-term the significance comes from how the league chooses to market and value it.

None of it has any intrinsic value. It’s all just what you’re conditioned to care about by tradition.

Very myopic view imo. The first NFL game was in 1920. The first Super Bowl game was in the 60's (1967 ish I believe). 40 year difference. Less than 15 years after that the Super Bowl was a main event. That's because it was still relatively fresh.

The first NBA game was in the 40's. The first NBA Finals game was in the 40's.

It's easy to see why people aren't "conditioned" for anything you're just comparing apples to oranges. Nobody will care about this midseason tournament for as long as the NBA Finals is around because that will always be the standard

04-02-2023, 02:27 AM
I don’t understand why everyone is against it. I think the middle ground they found is brilliant, make some regular season games count twice as much by having them mean something in the tourney. It’s no longer just a regular mediocre Tuesday night game , it’s now a do or die to clinch a spot in the mid season tourney. Raise the stakes, and in time legacy and classic moments will have been created. If a team wins both mid season and the finals they will seem even more dominant, etc.

It’s all positive. What’s the downside?

04-02-2023, 02:33 AM
I don’t understand why everyone is against it. I think the middle ground they found is brilliant, make some regular season games count twice as much by having them mean something in the tourney. It’s no longer just a regular mediocre Tuesday night game , it’s now a do or die to clinch a spot in the mid season tourney. Raise the stakes, and in time legacy and classic moments will have been created. If a team wins both mid season and the finals they will seem even more dominant, etc.

It’s all positive. What’s the downside?

Jeff get off of this account.

Secondly no one is going to care. What if a team wins the mid-season tourney but loses in the first round of the playoffs (when games really matter) was it a successful season? The play-in was a far better idea than this.

04-02-2023, 02:42 AM
The play in was a great idea. And I think this is a good idea as well.

If a team wins the mid season tourney but loses in the playoffs then we will make fun of them, like when the Mavs lost to the 8th seeded warriors . It’s just another thing that’s going to be part of the nba landscape .

Who knows what this mid season tourney can grow into 4/5 years down the line? And what’s the down side? It fizzles out and dies like the shortened 3point line or the best of 5 first round series.