View Full Version : An hour of “First player to bust your ass” stories.

06-24-2022, 08:16 AM

Among the best “On in the background” sports videos available. You hear Nick Vanexel in a number of them. Best bet is to hit the “Intro” button at the start and it gives you a drop down playlist to find any player you want.

Tnt really should sign those two for nothing but that segment. It’s annoying how some players act like the question is a shocker though when they ask 300 people before them.

Some lf the arrogant guys make it difficult too. Arenas. I don’t think Patrick Beverly wanted to acknowledge anyone ever got him. Guys like that. But most are good stories.

Cuttino Mobley thought Terrell Brandon was gonna get him cut after a single game.

06-24-2022, 08:20 AM
Zach Randolph talking about PJ Brown teaching him about grown man strength and how he could do absolutely nothing with him is funny for some reason. Not that I disagree:


It’s just funny hearing Zach talking about someone that way. He doesn’t seem the type to get pushed around but those old vets….

06-24-2022, 08:58 AM

Among the best “On in the background” sports videos available. You hear Nick Vanexel in a number of them. Best bet is to hit the “Intro” button at the start and it gives you a drop down playlist to find any player you want.

Tnt really should sign those two for nothing but that segment. It’s annoying how some players act like the question is a shocker though when they ask 300 people before them.

Some lf the arrogant guys make it difficult too. Arenas. I don’t think Patrick Beverly wanted to acknowledge anyone ever got him. Guys like that. But most are good stories.

Cuttino Mobley thought Terrell Brandon was gonna get him cut after a single game.

I had a full post response to your thread that I deleted by accident, was sending out a contract to a client at the same time working in the same browser and had to open and refresh and **** its gone now.

was saying that I love these interviews, "the first ones to bust your ass" is a hilarious and genius question, and the reason I like these interviews is because NBA players always give honest takes when they're chilling with their homies and not the media. and its funny because the players themselves literally think the exact way we think as fans that know the game.

even players that annoy me - like matt barnes fake goon self - gotta give credit where its due because of those interviews and because players obviously get along well with him and stephen jackson

dray is right when he says the new media is this podcast format. just actual conversations and getting the straight take, right from the source.

who would know the NBA better than actual NBA players? :oldlol:

Zach Randolph talking about PJ Brown teaching him about grown man strength and how he could do absolutely nothing with him is funny for some reason. Not that I disagree:


It’s just funny hearing Zach talking about someone that way. He doesn’t seem the type to get pushed around but those old vets….

06-24-2022, 09:50 AM
If Randolph’s story was about a guy who’s name he couldn’t recall who dunked on him 4 times in a row would ISH have simply imploded?

06-24-2022, 09:53 AM
If Randolph’s story was about a guy who’s name he couldn’t recall who dunked on him 4 times in a row would ISH have simply imploded?


06-24-2022, 12:55 PM
If Randolph’s story was about a guy who’s name he couldn’t recall who dunked on him 4 times in a row would ISH have simply imploded?


06-25-2022, 12:33 AM
Why did I just watch this entire video? But anyways, it was cool to hear some names that were repeated, including stars such as Barkley, Grant Hill, and KJ. I had heard Shawn Kemp tell a version of that Larry Bird story a few times before. (BTW... Did anyone see how huge he has gotten? He threw the first pitch out at a Mariners baseball game last week and had to be at least 300 lbs. I knew he had blown up late in his career with the Magic, but he's much bigger now.)

Anyways, Rip Hamilton's name came up a couple of times too. I couldn't imagine chasing him around like that. It was refreshing to hear a few non superstar names repeated such as Cassell, Brandon Jennings, and Holiday. I remember that Jennings 55 pt game vividly, as people were basically thinking he was going to be ROY after that.

I may have rephrased the question when asking it to legends such as Big O and Dr. J. If Big O had actually provided a name, I'm wondering if Q Rich or Miles would have recognized it if it would have been anybody other than West or Baylor.