View Full Version : Miles Bridges arrested for felony domestic violence.

06-30-2022, 07:46 AM
Was about to get paid too.

Real Men Wear Green
06-30-2022, 08:19 AM
He still will be just going to catch a suspension first there is a difference between how teams treat a past prime player with these problems and an ascending player with these problems. Different league but look at DeShawn Watson vs. Ray Rice.

Unless he caused some serious injuries.

But if he "just" slapped someone around and especially if the victim doesn't want to prosecute him there will be a little criticism and then everyone will move on.

Hopefully no one takes this as me condoning domestic violence. I don't. Just discussing the odds of him getting paid.

06-30-2022, 08:55 AM
I know it’s wrong but living around Charlotte had me imagining their crazy announcers yelling “Hum diddly dee!” after a particularly explosive backhand.

06-30-2022, 09:07 AM
Bridges has an anger management issues.

06-30-2022, 09:11 AM
First he wants to be a rapper, now this.

06-30-2022, 12:23 PM
Is it time to start asking if domestic violence laws are racist?

06-30-2022, 12:23 PM
Bridges should quit basketball and focus on what’s important to him: becoming a gangsta rapper.

He’s got the corny rhymes, he drinks lean and now he assaults women. -the talent is there, he’s got all the makings of a rap superstar.

Patrick Chewing
06-30-2022, 01:26 PM
These bitches just be egging us on until they get bitch slapped and thrown across the room. Then they wanna call the cops.

07-01-2022, 07:13 AM
These bitches just be egging us on until they get bitch slapped and thrown across the room. Then they wanna call the cops.

This sounds stupid as hell.

Anyway... what a piece of shit Bridges is. Just saw the pics and the report. I used to love watching the dude play.

07-01-2022, 07:37 AM
These bitches just be egging us on until they get bitch slapped and thrown across the room. Then they wanna call the cops.

Not engaging in pathetic drama with them is an option, you stupid ****.

Im Still Ballin
07-01-2022, 07:49 AM
These bitches just be egging us on until they get bitch slapped and thrown across the room. Then they wanna call the cops.


07-01-2022, 07:51 AM
These bitches just be egging us on until they get bitch slapped and thrown across the room. Then they wanna call the cops.


07-01-2022, 10:37 AM
These bitches just be egging us on until they get bitch slapped and thrown across the room. Then they wanna call the cops.

This is true in a lot of cases. DV laws are wild. When things start getting crazy it’s up to the dudes to get themselves the hell out of there. Walking out the door and blocking their number is way more devastating to them then smacking them around and prolonging the drama. You won’t even get arrested either.

Patrick Chewing
07-01-2022, 10:54 AM
Not engaging in pathetic drama with them is an option, you stupid ****.

Spoken like a single man.

07-01-2022, 12:07 PM
These bitches just be egging us on until they get bitch slapped and thrown across the room. Then they wanna call the cops.

You spitting pure ignorance, each case is different. In this case there is no excuse for a 6'6" man to strangle and beat up his wife in front of thier kids. Now he put his career in jeopardy and embarrased his family and his fans.

https://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/nba/wife-of-charlotte-hornets-player-miles-bridges-shares-photos-of-alleged-assault/ar-AAZ4CRV? (https://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/nba/wife-of-charlotte-hornets-player-miles-bridges-shares-photos-of-alleged-assault/ar-AAZ4CRV?ocid=msedgntp&cvid=4bfa66c7b36041e7989368d6d82e6cae)ocid=msedgnt p&cvid=4bfa66c7b36041e7989368d6d82e6cae

07-01-2022, 12:25 PM
These bitches just be egging us on until they get bitch slapped and thrown across the room. Then they wanna call the cops.
Chewing confirmed woman abuser. What a disgusting coward.

07-01-2022, 12:57 PM
He should never see an NBA court again

07-01-2022, 01:02 PM
He still will be just going to catch a suspension first there is a difference between how teams treat a past prime player with these problems and an ascending player with these problems. Different league but look at DeShawn Watson vs. Ray Rice.

Unless he caused some serious injuries.

But if he "just" slapped someone around and especially if the victim doesn't want to prosecute him there will be a little criticism and then everyone will move on.

Hopefully no one takes this as me condoning domestic violence. I don't. Just discussing the odds of him getting paid.

It's bad, real bad. He beat her the **** up and choke her until she passed out in front of her kids.
https://twitter.com/TheNBACentral/status/1542723880619581440?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5 Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1542723880619581440%7Ctwgr% 5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fs9e.github.io%2Fiframe%2Ftwi tter.min.html1542723880619581440

Assault by strangulation, brain concussion, closed fracture of nasal bone, contusion of rib, multiple bruises, strain of neck muscle...

Then you have low life's on this board like patrickhewing who say the dumbest shit like sometimes women deserve to be slapped:oldlol:

07-01-2022, 01:33 PM
He still will be just going to catch a suspension first there is a difference between how teams treat a past prime player with these problems and an ascending player with these problems. Different league but look at DeShawn Watson vs. Ray Rice.

Unless he caused some serious injuries.

But if he "just" slapped someone around and especially if the victim doesn't want to prosecute him there will be a little criticism and then everyone will move on.

Hopefully no one takes this as me condoning domestic violence. I don't. Just discussing the odds of him getting paid.

With Ray Rice there was video and the NFL didn't really do a whole lot until that came out. If there was video of Watson trying to hump his masseuse's face, the discussion would be more about how many years he'd doing in prison versus any suspension that the NFL may hand out.

Video makes a huge difference but also we're in a different era where DV is far less tolerated. Bridges will still get paid by someone but I'm guessing there will be far fewer teams interested in guaranteeing hundreds of millions to a wife-beater.

07-01-2022, 02:56 PM
With Ray Rice there was video and the NFL didn't really do a whole lot until that came out. If there was video of Watson trying to hump his masseuse's face, the discussion would be more about how many years he'd doing in prison versus any suspension that the NFL may hand out.

Video makes a huge difference but also we're in a different era where DV is far less tolerated. Bridges will still get paid by someone but I'm guessing there will be far fewer teams interested in guaranteeing hundreds of millions to a wife-beater.

You really think a team is going to pick up Bridges after he broke his wife's nose and wrist? He has major legal issues to contend with and his wife let everything out of the bag.

07-01-2022, 02:58 PM
Must have caught her completely off guard too, they've only been together for six years and it was probably the first time anything like this happened.

Reminds me of poor Kate Faber, who realized she didnt wanna be having sex right at the moment Kobe was about to ejaculate.

You gotta have a lot of sympathy for these unfortunate souls who are so innocent and naive they simply don't know what they're getting into until the moment they decide they dont wanna be into it anymore.

You cant really hold someone responsible for that.

Patrick Chewing
07-01-2022, 03:24 PM
Chewing confirmed woman abuser. What a disgusting coward.

I don't condone it you imbecile. I'm just saying, women like to chirp a lot and they know how to push a man over the edge. And his wife looks like ghetto trash with those fake eyelashes and shit so you know she's probably hood. And women know that a man can't hit them, so they go the extra mile and get all up in your face and antagonize the hell out of you. When you leave the nest one of these days, you'll know first hand.