View Full Version : Jogging late at night

07-24-2007, 03:30 PM
So I've just started going for runs pretty late into the night, after I get home from work, which is after midnight. I'm severely out of shape, and want to get back into the thick of things so that I *might* have a chance of making my University basketball team (although my hopes aren't all that high). I've done it 4 days in a row now, but I was talking to a friend, and he told me that the body shuts down a little before midnight, and it's not actually good for you to exercise past that time. That's the 'designated time' for sleep. He said the morning or evening is better.

I also heard from someone that you shouldn't exercise each and every day, and that it's better to do it every second day.

Anyone know if there's any truth to these two things?

07-24-2007, 03:32 PM
Your body has an internal clock. You jogging after midnight throws it out of wack. And it is by far a weird time to be jogging.

07-24-2007, 03:33 PM
Cardio everyday isnt bad at all.

07-24-2007, 03:34 PM
meh it's probably true, but I used to run long distances, +30km, starting at hours like 11 pm or 1 am (ironically enough I did this in Halifax). And I didn't die, so I can't see anything wrong with it.

As for exercising every day, I think that's fine, but you do need a break here and there, maybe only exercise 5/7 days a week or something

07-24-2007, 03:35 PM
I also run around midnight, and I don't really buy the internal clock thing making it awful thing.

And cardio everyday is no problem. I think the every second day thing is true for weights and such.

07-24-2007, 03:36 PM
Your body has an internal clock. You jogging after midnight throws it out of wack. And it is by far a weird time to be jogging.
But if I've been staying up until 1:00-1:30 for the past while anyways, wouldn't that affect my internal clock, and make it, I dunno, later? Or does that do anything?

Are early mornings better?

07-24-2007, 03:36 PM
he told me that the body shuts down a little before midnight, and it's not actually good for you to exercise past that time. That's the 'designated time' for sleep. He said the morning or evening is better.
For normal people maybe. Not if you adjust and change your schedule like I have. I don't think I've ever gone running in the daytime, ever. When the clock strikes midnight is when my body BEGINS its day. Mind too. I just kill time during the day. At night I'm a whirlwind of activity.

Whenever you feel the most energized is when you should run is what I think. But I'm no expert. It's probably not totally healthy to be a nightowl like me. If your cycle isn't horribly off whack like mine is you probably shouldn't pursue it. But if you're working until midnight it would seem as if you're not operating on a normal schedule anyway.

Where do you work / go to school?

07-24-2007, 03:38 PM
It just depends on when you're getting your sleep. If your body is accustomed to being awake till 2, it isn't a problem to run that late. If midnight is when you usually go to bed, it's more of an issue.

If you're young, though, your body will be able to adjust to the changed schedule. Just don't sleep immediately after running.

07-24-2007, 03:41 PM
meh it's probably true, but I used to run long distances, +30km, starting at hours like 11 pm or 1 am (ironically enough I did this in Halifax).
Screw inner city running. I'm out in the boonies. Sort of. :)

Where do you work / go to school?
Heh, Wendy's. :D

Just don't sleep immediately after running.
How come?

07-24-2007, 03:44 PM
Uhh, the OT Forum is thataway. ---->

07-24-2007, 03:45 PM
Uhh, the OT Forum is thataway. ---->
OMGZ, im SOOOOOOOOOO sry!!!!!!!!

07-24-2007, 03:46 PM
So I've just started going for runs pretty late into the night, after I get home from work, which is after midnight. I'm severely out of shape, and want to get back into the thick of things so that I *might* have a chance of making my University basketball team (although my hopes aren't all that high). I've done it 4 days in a row now, but I was talking to a friend, and he told me that the body shuts down a little before midnight, and it's not actually good for you to exercise past that time. That's the 'designated time' for sleep. He said the morning or evening is better.

I also heard from someone that you shouldn't exercise each and every day, and that it's better to do it every second day.

Anyone know if there's any truth to these two things?

I run 4 miles every other morning. It's best to run in the mornings on a relatively empty stomach. You'll lose weight much more quickly since your body is forced to tap into fat reserves as opposed to calories that are readily available during the day. You also get a better run, especially if you've had a good night's sleep, because you're refreshed and your body feels as if it can go longer and harder. When you run at the end of the day, your body may already feel a bit tired and you're less likely to go as far or go as fast as you would in the morning. It's not so much that your body shuts down, but that you've been awake and about for so long that it needs rest at the end of the day.

Depending on where you run, and how far, it's vital that you space out your running. You can do damage to your knees, ankles and calves if you run on hard surfaces like pavement too much. Give your joints and muscles a day to rest between runs... You can use that day to work on other muscle groups.

When you're starting off, give yourself about 2 days between runs... maybe for the first 2 or 3 times you hit the track...

Most important thing to do when you run in the mornings is to stretch. Because muscles and joints are relatively stiff in the mornings after waking up, you're more likely to pull or tweak something while running in the mornings. Make sure to stretch and walk for about 10 minutes before you start.

07-24-2007, 03:48 PM
How come?

It's not good for your body to go straight from physical exertion, where your heartbeat is raised and you're consuming alot of energy, to sleep, where your heartbeat is lowered and you're in conservation mode. It isn't usually easy to sleep right after working out either, for the same reason. You need to give your body time to cool down.

07-24-2007, 03:55 PM
depends on how your day is. If you wake up early in the morning usually then do a lot, then its probably better to run during more conventional hours. If you sleep in late like myself, go to work around 3-5 then get off and run, I dont see the harm.

07-24-2007, 03:58 PM
if you are out of shape, modify your diet first.

there is no instant panacea for being fat. Obesity can only be quelled through diet, persistent exercise, and patience.

07-24-2007, 03:58 PM
It's not good for your body to go straight from physical exertion, where your heartbeat is raised and you're consuming alot of energy, to sleep, where your heartbeat is lowered and you're in conservation mode. It isn't usually easy to sleep right after working out either, for the same reason. You need to give your body time to cool down.

The body does need a buffer. However, I think that the time between the ending of an exercise and a person's going to sleep would be sufficient. I'm assuming that people practice proper hygiene and shower and change after physical exertion (I hope I'm not assuming too much). That 20 or so minute buffer should be enough for a normal person's body to cool down enough before they go to sleep.

07-24-2007, 04:00 PM
It would be best to run right after you wake up in the morning, on an empty stomach(other than water).

07-24-2007, 04:02 PM
But if I've been staying up until 1:00-1:30 for the past while anyways, wouldn't that affect my internal clock, and make it, I dunno, later? Or does that do anything?

Are early mornings better?

You work at Wendy's? Best of luck... lol...

What time do you usually get up in the mornings?

It would be best to run right after you wake up in the morning, on an empty stomach(other than water).

Yup, water and maybe even some fruit juice to get your metabolism going a little bit.

07-24-2007, 04:05 PM
if you wanna get in good shape, stamina wise, the best cardio workout is HIIT, high intensity interval training. if you do it everyday for just a couple of minutes, you'll feel results quickly.

you can do this by running both on the treadmill or the track (also out in the free you will look ridiculous, though).

stationary bike.


basically any type of cardio exercise..

when i keep my stamina in basketball-type shape during off season i usually do either stationary bike or treadmill, and sometimes burpees.

for stationary bike: warm up a little, two minutes moderate tempo. then: 20 seconds high intensity, 10 seconds low intensity. do that 8 times, continuesly a total of four minutes. if you aren't in great shape, you will be ready to vomit after the first time doing this. when i mean high intensity, i mean give everything you got for 20 seconds. you may rise from the seat, if you find that's easier, BUT ALL YOU GOT.

for treadmill: same.. warm up a couple of minutes in jog-tempo ... there usually is a setting called "interval" or something similar. choose that, and it prompts you to select two speeds ... so when you're actually starting, you just press one button to toggle between speeds.

burpees... holy ****, these are tough ones ... same principle ... i can't really explain the exercise, so here.... there's a gif-animation .. this is a bit different from the other two.. do this exercise for 20 seconds, then a 10 second break .... again, 8 x = 4 minutes continuesly. you will have the shakes after this, if done properly. link to animation:


do one of these everyday and two weeks in, you will be in a lot better shape.

07-24-2007, 04:16 PM
if you wanna get in good shape, stamina wise, the best cardio workout is HIIT, high intensity interval training. if you do it everyday for just a couple of minutes, you'll feel results quickly.

you can do this by running both on the treadmill or the track (also out in the free you will look ridiculous, though).

stationary bike.


basically any type of cardio exercise..

when i keep my stamina in basketball-type shape during off season i usually do either stationary bike or treadmill, and sometimes burpees.

for stationary bike: warm up a little, two minutes moderate tempo. then: 20 seconds high intensity, 10 seconds low intensity. do that 8 times, continuesly a total of four minutes. if you aren't in great shape, you will be ready to vomit after the first time doing this. when i mean high intensity, i mean give everything you got for 20 seconds. you may rise from the seat, if you find that's easier, BUT ALL YOU GOT.

for treadmill: same.. warm up a couple of minutes in jog-tempo ... there usually is a setting called "interval" or something similar. choose that, and it prompts you to select two speeds ... so when you're actually starting, you just press one button to toggle between speeds.

burpees... holy ****, these are tough ones ... same principle ... i can't really explain the exercise, so here.... there's a gif-animation .. this is a bit different from the other two.. do this exercise for 20 seconds, then a 10 second break .... again, 8 x = 4 minutes continuesly. you will have the shakes after this, if done properly. link to animation:


do one of these everyday and two weeks in, you will be in a lot better shape.

truth... search HIIT on google and you can find a good schedule for it. its tough stuff though.

07-24-2007, 04:22 PM
Eurobum, those burpees seem like a cool exercise. I'm not into running. Something like burpees seem to be right up my alley and it seems to hit many body parts while give you an intense cardio workout. I'm gonna give these a try and probably puke....but hey, that means they're working right? :D

07-24-2007, 04:41 PM
Hey Maxfly, or anyone else that can answer.
I've had a couple episodes in my life when I was exercising on empty stomach (not morning tho) I turn very weak, couldn't stand or even sit, lips turn white and I be shaking. Low blood sugar is my guess. My question is should I not attempt to run right after waking up, with an empty stomach?

Miles and Miles
07-24-2007, 05:14 PM
I am an elite level Marathon runner.

Running every day isn't going to hurt you. What will hurt you is doing too much too fast. If you aren't used to running every day and jump from 0 to running every day then there will probably be some problems. I run every single day for years at a time sometimes twice per day up to 140 miles per week. But I didn't get to this point overnight. I also do probably 90% of my runs on pavement. When I do morning runs it's on an empty stomach but if you have time in the morning then I would eat a LITTLE something and then wait a half hour or so before running. Digestion doesn't take place while running so if you eat something RIGHT before running it's just going to slosh around in your stomach and could make you feel sick.

07-24-2007, 05:52 PM
meh it's probably true, but I used to run long distances, +30km, starting at hours like 11 pm or 1 am (ironically enough I did this in Halifax). And I didn't die, so I can't see anything wrong with it.

As for exercising every day, I think that's fine, but you do need a break here and there, maybe only exercise 5/7 days a week or something


1. When you used to be overweight, how many pounds overweight were you?

2. What did you do to lose weight? WHat did you eat and how did you exercise? How many cups of water a day ddi you drink?

3. How long did it take you to lose weight?

4. How long will it take for me to lose 75 lbs?

07-24-2007, 06:19 PM
1. Yeah, why would you run at midnight? Wake up an extra hour early rather than sleep an extra hour late.

2. The whole "work every other day" thing holds true only for strenth building or weight training or something like that. Cardio you can do it everyday if you want. But weight training or strenth building, rest a day.

07-24-2007, 06:40 PM

1. When you used to be overweight, how many pounds overweight were you?

2. What did you do to lose weight? WHat did you eat and how did you exercise? How many cups of water a day ddi you drink?

3. How long did it take you to lose weight?

4. How long will it take for me to lose 75 lbs?

I'm about to head out, so just quick replies:

1. I was 5'11" 225. take of that what you will

2. Exercised compulsively. Ran every morning before breakfast for 2+months, did basketball training in the afternoon for 1-2 hours, did pushups/sit-ups before bed, et cetera. Kept my diet the same except cut out soda/pop.

3. I lost 40 lbs in the first 2 months, then another 20-30 in the next 2 months (that last bit was the hardest to get off). Of course then I went about trying to add muscle because I had become too thin (6'0" 165lbs. Though now, 5 years later, I'm more like 180 with very low body fat).

4. I'd love to tell you that you could do it in 4 months like me, but it is all individual, could be more, could be less. Just remember to stick with it. I remember for the first 6 weeks I thought I hadn't seen any results, then all of a sudden I remember seeing myself in the mirror and it hit me that I was changing. That gave me such an enormous boost of confidence to go the rest of the way, and I'll never look back.

07-24-2007, 07:03 PM
SAT: Optional
SUN: Optional

and a perfect lowfat diet each day will help! Add some carb for energy.

07-24-2007, 07:08 PM
It's great that you're trying to get all these opinions and everything and take from them what you will, but keep in mind everyone is going to tell you something different because that is what has worked for them. The most important thing you can do when trying to get in shape and workout is listen to your body. If you find running at midnight is a detriment to how you function during the day then stop. Also, remember there's a difference between being tired/sore and being hurt. Don't stop running because it's hard to roll out of bed, but stop if there's a constant ache on a certain area. What I said is probably pretty obvious but a lot of times it gets overlooked by people trying to get back in shape.

Make It Rain
07-24-2007, 07:42 PM
I'm about to head out, so just quick replies:

1. I was 5'11" 225. take of that what you will

2. Exercised compulsively. Ran every morning before breakfast for 2+months, did basketball training in the afternoon for 1-2 hours, did pushups/sit-ups before bed, et cetera. Kept my diet the same except cut out soda/pop.

3. I lost 40 lbs in the first 2 months, then another 20-30 in the next 2 months (that last bit was the hardest to get off). Of course then I went about trying to add muscle because I had become too thin (6'0" 165lbs. Though now, 5 years later, I'm more like 180 with very low body fat).

4. I'd love to tell you that you could do it in 4 months like me, but it is all individual, could be more, could be less. Just remember to stick with it. I remember for the first 6 weeks I thought I hadn't seen any results, then all of a sudden I remember seeing myself in the mirror and it hit me that I was changing. That gave me such an enormous boost of confidence to go the rest of the way, and I'll never look back.
What did you do/eat to add the muscle once you were thin? Did you enter a into a strict regimen and eat only certain foods?

07-24-2007, 09:34 PM
But if I've been staying up until 1:00-1:30 for the past while anyways, wouldn't that affect my internal clock, and make it, I dunno, later? Or does that do anything?

Are early mornings better?

Rid - working nights for 30 years I know alittle bit about internal clocks.
Everyone is different , and when I got into long distance running , running late at night , I only did short runs. In my case I was more tired and charlie horses occurred in my hamstrings .
If you feel good , do your runs , but with my long distance runs I noticed about an hour later I felt up , and if your hitting the sack (unless your hitting a chick) I'd do it after your day started .
I'm helping a person rehab from a knee, and just like my running days I always had one day off a week from runs. So instead of 5 -10 mile run , I would jog a 2 miler. Pressing for hoop time , I'd hit some weights and watch the diet. IMO
good luck

07-24-2007, 10:00 PM
It's best to run in the mornings on a relatively empty stomach. You'll lose weight much more quickly since your body is forced to tap into fat reserves as opposed to calories that are readily available during the day. You also get a better run, especially if you've had a good night's sleep, because you're refreshed and your body feels as if it can go longer and harder.

I'm no expert on this stuff, but this is what I think I remember hearing from people who would know what they're talking about

07-24-2007, 10:25 PM
Everybody's body is different. Just because something works for somebody doesn't mean it'll work for you. Do what makes you happy. If running at midnight makes you happy and that's when you have time, then go ahead man, but everybody's body chemistry is different.

When somebody from say, England, comes out here to the West Coast for a little while. He's going to have jet lag. The timing is going to be different and it'll take a little while for him to adjust time and day-wise. Jet lag will mess with you and takes a toll on your body, so he'll do things differently than people on the West Coast who are used to the times.

Do what you do that makes you happy. If it works, then more power to you. Good luck man.

07-25-2007, 12:36 AM
if you are out of shape, modify your diet first.

there is no instant panacea for being fat. Obesity can only be quelled through diet, persistent exercise, and patience.Haha, I'm not fat. Far from it actually, I'm insanely skinny. 5'11/150 lbs. Virtually no muscle. Don't really care either, I've never cared much about building muscle in my opper body. I eat pretty poorly, I'll be the first to admit that, and I just have an extremely high metabolism.

I just want to increase my stanima so I can actually make it through a tryout at Uni without feeling like I'm going to collapse.

You work at Wendy's? Best of luck... lol...

What time do you usually get up in the mornings?
Haha, I know, I know. It was horrible to start too, I was eating their food virtually every day. I've only been there a few months now (and plan on leaving in about a month -- for when school starts), but I've started to veer away from the food lately. Not because I don't like it, but just because I've come to realize just how bad it is for me. Plus I don't like spending the money. Still hard though, because there are only so many options that come with homemade food to bring to a workplace with only a microwave to use.

I'm normally a late morning type of person, but I can get up whenever I want to, and I can start going to bed earlier (which I'll do).

Anyways, thanks for the help boys. Quite helpful. I think I'll probably stop the latenight runs, as they were making me pretty sore, and I was going to sleep pretty much right afterwards. I'll probably start going early morning on the empty stomach, like a few of you were saying.

Anyways, thanks a lot.:cheers:

07-25-2007, 01:17 AM
Hey Maxfly, or anyone else that can answer.
I've had a couple episodes in my life when I was exercising on empty stomach (not morning tho) I turn very weak, couldn't stand or even sit, lips turn white and I be shaking. Low blood sugar is my guess. My question is should I not attempt to run right after waking up, with an empty stomach?

Yeah, it sounds like an issue brought about by low blood sugar. It's best not to run after waking up with an empty stomach. Try to eat or drink something small... fruit juice generally does the trick... Apples and grapes are good too... try to stay away from bananas early in the morning. You don't want to exercise with your stomach completely empty and you do want to get something in you to kickstart your metabolism.

07-25-2007, 01:20 AM
hey maxfly why stay away from bananas? not questioning your reasoning at all actually i welcome your answer

07-25-2007, 01:28 AM
Wanna know how I know you're gay? You go jogging at night.

07-25-2007, 01:33 AM
Wanna know how I know you're gay? You go jogging at night.
Someone was bound to figure me out eventually. Good work detective.

07-25-2007, 01:42 AM
hey maxfly why stay away from bananas? not questioning your reasoning at all actually i welcome your answer

It may be a personal thing, but I've found that bananas leave me queasy after jogging more than 2 or so miles. I've heard others mention the same thing as well. I think the problem is that there isn't enough time between the time I have a snack in the mornings and the time I hit the track. Ironically, bananas are one of the best fruits a runner can eat before running because they are high in potassium and help to prevent cramps. They are also good for protein and fiber for post running recovery. It's recommended that you eat one about an hour before running, but if you don't have that kind of time, it's probably better to try apples, oranges, pears, grapes or just fruit juices. I think it's something about the digestion process of a banana that may leave a person a little queasy if they exercise too soon after eating one.

And generally, it's an exercise that requires a lot of movement and jostling of the body.

07-25-2007, 02:00 AM
Someone was bound to figure me out eventually. Good work detective.
Thank you sir, glad I could help.

07-25-2007, 02:10 AM
Running at night is dependent on your body clock.

Basically what is your normal routine? Are you a nightshift worker, in which case you probably wake up in the afternoon, so treat that as your "morning".

It doesnt really matter when you run, cardio is going to do you some good no matter what time it is, there are just optimal times to do it and times not to do it.

You should try to avoid exercise in general within 2 hours of sleep, exercise speeds the metabolism and produces all kinds of chemicals that are not good for sleep and will result in a restless sleep. So if you can try and avoid running within 2 hours of when you plan to sleep. This is the biggest one because a good sleep is more important than any exercise can be.

As for the best times. In the morning is a great time because it helps to wake you and give you an energy boost, be careful though because it will also cause you to be more drained than usual in the afternoon and you have to make sure you eat right in between or you will just end up spent in the afternoons. Assuming you run at 8am, you will want to have a meal at 7:30am, then at least 2 more about 2 hours apart before 1pm.

Running in the afternoon at 3 or so will give you a boost and also help the body prepare for sleep. By going for the run at this sort of time you will optimize the energy spike for the afternoon and you will begin to start feeling tired when you are headed for bed, or should giving you a nice sleep.

Morning and afternoons are the best times to run for someone who sleeps regular times(10pm to 7am). Adjust it for your equivalents to these times if you work nightshifts and the sort.

Other than that, mix it up, ride a bike sometimes(targets different muscles and is far better on the knees/ankles/hips), swim if you can and when running try and avoid hard surfaces and mix it up. High intensity is the way to go on any exercise though. If you are seriously unfit take it easy with about a 30 seconds at high(basically flat out) and 1m30s at about 60%(Jog). If you are fit enough do 1:1 or 1:2. Basically using the high intensity training you can get the same effect out of a 15 minute run as you would with a 30 minute run without the high intensity.

Enjoy whatever you do, only way you will stick to it.

07-25-2007, 03:41 AM
Hey, ridonks I think think that internal clock **** is BS. You run and you get in shape. I dont see how you running at midnight doesnt get you in shape.

Your internal clock is gonna get ****ed up b/c you are gonna be going to college so it doesnt matter.

And whoever told you that exercising everyday is stupid. Run every day. I am going to try and do that as soon as i get back from Asia.

Good luck on making the university team. I may try out for aTm club soccer.

07-25-2007, 04:42 AM
Personally, I can't go running in the morning on an empty stomach. After about 5k I'm completely out of fuel and have to walk the other 5k home.

Miles and Miles
07-25-2007, 10:45 AM
It may be a personal thing, but I've found that bananas leave me queasy after jogging more than 2 or so miles. I've heard others mention the same thing as well. I think the problem is that there isn't enough time between the time I have a snack in the mornings and the time I hit the track. Ironically, bananas are one of the best fruits a runner can eat before running because they are high in potassium and help to prevent cramps. They are also good for protein and fiber for post running recovery. It's recommended that you eat one about an hour before running, but if you don't have that kind of time, it's probably better to try apples, oranges, pears, grapes or just fruit juices. I think it's something about the digestion process of a banana that may leave a person a little queasy if they exercise too soon after eating one.

And generally, it's an exercise that requires a lot of movement and jostling of the body.

Bananas work for me. I can't eat oranges before running. Like previous posters have said everyone is different.

07-25-2007, 10:57 AM
i always work out at night... .never had a problem and its better to work out everyday (well for me it is) tho you can skip some days.. but i heard its not good going 48hr+ without exercise

07-25-2007, 11:28 AM
Oh yeah I forgot to mention... sleep straight 8-9 hours.

07-25-2007, 12:42 PM
And whoever told you that exercising everyday is stupid. Run every day. I am going to try and do that as soon as i get back from Asia.

It's completely dependent on where you run, but if you tend to run on pavement or concrete for more than a few miles per run, your ankles, calves and knees will need time to rest. Running too often on pavement for long periods can damage your joints or simply leave you perpetually sore. It's best to find other cardio exercises if you're looking to do cardio every day. Remember, like lifting weights, your muscles and joints need time to regenerate. Working out muscle groups that are already sore is both inefficient (you won't be able to exercise as well as you would want) and dangerous (you increase the chance of tearing, tweaking or pulling something).

07-25-2007, 12:54 PM
It's completely dependent on where you run, but if you tend to run on pavement or concrete for more than a few miles per run, your ankles, calves and knees will need time to rest. Running too often on pavement for long periods can damage your joints or simply leave you perpetually sore. It's best to find other cardio exercises if you're looking to do cardio every day. Remember, like lifting weights, your muscles and joints need time to regenerate. Working out muscle groups that are already sore is both inefficient (you won't be able to exercise as well as you would want) and dangerous (you increase the chance of tearing, tweaking or pulling something).


I went walking yesterday for awhile and after I fiinshed, my shins started hurting a little. Do you know why? I am trying to lose weight.

Miles and Miles
07-25-2007, 12:56 PM
It's completely dependent on where you run, but if you tend to run on pavement or concrete for more than a few miles per run, your ankles, calves and knees will need time to rest. Running too often on pavement for long periods can damage your joints or simply leave you perpetually sore. It's best to find other cardio exercises if you're looking to do cardio every day. Remember, like lifting weights, your muscles and joints need time to regenerate. Working out muscle groups that are already sore is both inefficient (you won't be able to exercise as well as you would want) and dangerous (you increase the chance of tearing, tweaking or pulling something).

YOU made need time to rest but this isn't true with everyone. People are different. I run 365 days per year and probably 350 of them on pavement.

07-25-2007, 01:11 PM
yeah, and you're not supposed to eat after 7-8pm too. i think it's fine. i don't go for that internal clock thing. but,if it's true, then mine is jacked up thanks to the shift i work.

07-25-2007, 01:12 PM
YOU made need time to rest but this isn't true with everyone. People are different. I run 365 days per year and probably 350 of them on pavement.

That may be YOU, but MOST people need to rest. In fact, it's generally recommended. If jogging 1460 miles a year and upwards works for you, so be it, but like lifting weights, it's recommeded you rest and allow your muscles and joints to rejuvenate. MOST people will only end up doing harm to themselves in the long run.

07-25-2007, 01:13 PM

I went walking yesterday for awhile and after I fiinshed, my shins started hurting a little. Do you know why? I am trying to lose weight.

How often do you walk Helige and were you on your feet for most of the day and walked late?

07-25-2007, 01:22 PM
if you guys want to lose weight.. jogging or just plain running won't help much.. unless you are going to run 5-10 miles a day, it doesn't burn much fat off if you are simply running..

what you need is interval cardio exercise... anything that increase your heartbeat will burn more fat after your workout.. sports such as basketball and soccer are perfect interval cardio sports because you rest for a few seconds, and it's back to sprint.. that's why you will never find one fat or even close to un-fit soccer player....

i always end my workout with interval cardio on treadmill machine or just running on track..

on treadmill:

1st .25 miles at 6.0 speed and 3.5 incline
2nd .25 miles at 6.5 speed and 4.0 incline
3rd .25 miles at 7.0 speed and 4.5 incline
4th .25 miles at 7.5 speed and 5.0 incline

then rest for a minute or two depending on how tired you get and then sprint:

60 second at 8.5 speed and 3.0 incline and walk at 3.2 speed for a minute
70 second at 9.0 speed and 3.0 incline and walk at 3.2 speed for a minute
80 second at 9.5 speed and 3.0 incline and walk at 3.2 speed for a minute
90 second at 9.5 speed and 3.0 incline and walk for a minute and stop

it's pretty intense to start, but you will get a good work... and if you are really hardcore, you can do 2 or 3 miles to start before the sprint..

try it.. it'll work.

07-25-2007, 02:03 PM
So I've just started going for runs pretty late into the night, after I get home from work, which is after midnight. I'm severely out of shape, and want to get back into the thick of things so that I *might* have a chance of making my University basketball team (although my hopes aren't all that high). I've done it 4 days in a row now, but I was talking to a friend, and he told me that the body shuts down a little before midnight, and it's not actually good for you to exercise past that time. That's the 'designated time' for sleep. He said the morning or evening is better.

I also heard from someone that you shouldn't exercise each and every day, and that it's better to do it every second day.

Anyone know if there's any truth to these two things?

i heard running in the morning is the best time of day for people to do that....but i dont feel comfortable running when theres people staring at me while driving by during the day...one time i was jogging at night, and this car passed by and the guy called me a fat @ss...i was like :wtf:

07-25-2007, 02:26 PM
i heard running in the morning is the best time of day for people to do that....but i dont feel comfortable running when theres people staring at me while driving by during the day...one time i was jogging at night, and this car passed by and the guy called me a fat @ss...i was like :wtf:

Have you tried a local park? I've never run in a residential area... the starting and stopping, waiting for traffic and weaving around people would annoy me. And as you mentioned, if you're the only one running, you tend to stand out, and it can be a distraction.

07-25-2007, 02:33 PM
Hawker's comment about club soccer brings up a tangent question that I have been wondering about: how hard is it to make your school's club bball team?

Miles and Miles
07-25-2007, 02:40 PM
That may be YOU, but MOST people need to rest. In fact, it's generally recommended. If jogging 1460 miles a year and upwards works for you, so be it, but like lifting weights, it's recommeded you rest and allow your muscles and joints to rejuvenate. MOST people will only end up doing harm to themselves in the long run.

I can give you thousands of people that don't need a rest after running on pavement one day. Anytime you want to compare running knowledge you let me know. :D

07-25-2007, 06:13 PM
How often do you walk Helige and were you on your feet for most of the day and walked late?

I don't walk that much. I just began really.

07-25-2007, 06:13 PM
if you guys want to lose weight.. jogging or just plain running won't help much.. unless you are going to run 5-10 miles a day, it doesn't burn much fat off if you are simply running..

what you need is interval cardio exercise... anything that increase your heartbeat will burn more fat after your workout.. sports such as basketball and soccer are perfect interval cardio sports because you rest for a few seconds, and it's back to sprint.. that's why you will never find one fat or even close to un-fit soccer player....

i always end my workout with interval cardio on treadmill machine or just running on track..

on treadmill:

1st .25 miles at 6.0 speed and 3.5 incline
2nd .25 miles at 6.5 speed and 4.0 incline
3rd .25 miles at 7.0 speed and 4.5 incline
4th .25 miles at 7.5 speed and 5.0 incline

then rest for a minute or two depending on how tired you get and then sprint:

60 second at 8.5 speed and 3.0 incline and walk at 3.2 speed for a minute
70 second at 9.0 speed and 3.0 incline and walk at 3.2 speed for a minute
80 second at 9.5 speed and 3.0 incline and walk at 3.2 speed for a minute
90 second at 9.5 speed and 3.0 incline and walk for a minute and stop

it's pretty intense to start, but you will get a good work... and if you are really hardcore, you can do 2 or 3 miles to start before the sprint..

try it.. it'll work.

Would you recommend this for someone who is just gettign started on losing weight?

07-25-2007, 07:37 PM
I work out when i feel like it but i make sure to at least get some form of cardio in. I feel a set schedule is too boring and i get tired of it easily so i mostly go on how im feeling at the moment.

07-25-2007, 09:32 PM
I don't walk that much. I just began really.

I wouldn't say that it's normal just for walking, but if you walked a good distance or at a quick pace, that could be the cause. I'd want to say that it's more likely that your legs were tired from being up and about all day if you were walking in the afternoon or evening. Try walking again and seeing how long it takes before you start feeling any pain or discomfort. Chances are that your legs have already become accustomed to the increased activity and that you won't feel anything after a few sessions of walking.

07-25-2007, 11:22 PM
Anyone know what's the FASTEST way to drop weight? Low-carb diet or low-calorie diet? I keep reading and hearing conflicting arguments.

Experts, please chime in. Thx

07-25-2007, 11:33 PM
I can give you thousands of people that don't need a rest after running on pavement one day. Anytime you want to compare running knowledge you let me know. :D

It's not really about one day... it's more about consistent running on pavement or concrete.

07-25-2007, 11:46 PM
Anyone know what's the FASTEST way to drop weight? Low-carb diet or low-calorie diet? I keep reading and hearing conflicting arguments.

Experts, please chime in. Thx
Smaller portions and more muscle. Studies are saying most people who go on diets regain much more than they lose because if you are neglecting certain types of nutrients like carbs or not eating enough you are going to mess up your metabolism. If you're not willing to do something for the rest of your life it won't have long term positive effects. The only real ways to lose and keep weight off are working out and not over-eating. If you want to lose weight fast do a lot of weights and abs as you can put on muscle fast like that. Muscle burns carbs even if you're not using them much.

07-25-2007, 11:54 PM
Smaller portions and more muscle. Studies are saying most people who go on diets regain much more than they lose because if you are neglecting certain types of nutrients like carbs or not eating enough you are going to mess up your metabolism. If you're not willing to do something for the rest of your life it won't have long term positive effects. The only real ways to lose and keep weight off are working out and not over-eating. If you want to lose weight fast do a lot of weights and abs as you can put on muscle fast like that. Muscle burns carbs even if you're not using them much.

Thanks, but I'm looking for the best solution SHORT TERM.

I'm looking to drop about 25 lbs as quickly as possible and based exclusively on DIET.....which is better for what I'm looking to do NOW. Low-carb or Low-calorie?

07-26-2007, 12:42 AM
Hawker's comment about club soccer brings up a tangent question that I have been wondering about: how hard is it to make your school's club bball team?
High school?

I tried out in grades 10 and 11. Grade 10 there was a mix-up and I missed the 2nd tryout, but I heard that the coach was *sort of* interested in me for the team. Never found out though, and the person who told me may very well have been lying (he tends to do that).

Grade 11 I just flat out didn't make it. Wasn't good enough, didn't have the stanima during tryouts, etc.

This past year I didn't try out, although looking at the team, I would've undoubdedly made the team. Me and my friends went for the JV team instead. They played the same amount of games as the varsity squad, but we could all be on the same team that way, and a bunch of us also played for a community team. The more basketball, the better.

It was pretty damn competitive my first two years, but this past one (ironically the only one I didn't try out for) was just plain weak. Team sucked all year. And even if I had've tried out and made it, I probably wouldn't have seen much PT.

07-26-2007, 01:05 AM
YOU made need time to rest but this isn't true with everyone. People are different. I run 365 days per year and probably 350 of them on pavement.

Studies show that running in general can have some negative affects long term wise. How long have you been doing this? Obviously some people might not ever have problems, personally I would and did.

07-26-2007, 01:11 AM
I ride a bike instead of run. Its not as good of cardio because of going down hills and coasting your heart rate will drop, but it is sooo much better on my ankles and knees. Plus its more fun to me. I ride a dirtbike but I like riding my moutian bike almost as much. Of course I have miles and miles of trails to ride on here in PA.

07-26-2007, 02:02 AM
Anyone know what's the FASTEST way to drop weight? Low-carb diet or low-calorie diet? I keep reading and hearing conflicting arguments.

In its simplest form to lose weight your body must be running at a calorie deficit. That is you must burn more calories throughout the day then you are eating. The most effective way to do this is to exercise as that will burn calories much faster than doing nothing. There are many sites you can look up that have calculators that can give you a rough idea of what your calorie break even point is.

The best way to lose weight though is to eat smaller meals more regularly. The 3 meals a day is a bad way to eat as you end up with large calorie stockpiles that the body just stores as fat.

Should be eating 6 meals a day fairly evenly spaced. You want to eat about 50% protein and 25/25 of carbs and fats. Fats are the part a lot of people avoid not knowing they are good for you. Obviously not the saturated stuff at Burger King, but things like Peanut butter and other nuts contatin essential fats that help the body lose weight. Protein is burnt quicker and less likely to store as fat and also turns to muscle much easier if you have it.

But basically, run your body at a calorie deficit, which is going to be hard if you wont exercise and also unhealthy. Basically if you try and lose weight without exercise your body is going to get weaker because you will lose muscle and fat and your body will go into starvation mode which is terribly unhealthy. You should just exercise and eat responsibly, by far the best way to lose weight.

07-26-2007, 09:33 AM
Thanks, but I'm looking for the best solution SHORT TERM.

I'm looking to drop about 25 lbs as quickly as possible and based exclusively on DIET.....which is better for what I'm looking to do NOW. Low-carb or Low-calorie?

Why do you want to lose 25 lbs as quickly as possible?

07-26-2007, 09:35 AM
I wouldn't say that it's normal just for walking, but if you walked a good distance or at a quick pace, that could be the cause. I'd want to say that it's more likely that your legs were tired from being up and about all day if you were walking in the afternoon or evening. Try walking again and seeing how long it takes before you start feeling any pain or discomfort. Chances are that your legs have already become accustomed to the increased activity and that you won't feel anything after a few sessions of walking.

Now my legs feel ok. Thanks for the info. I am abotu 80 lbs overeweight. WOuld you say it is healthy to run if you are that overweight? If so, how many pounds do you think I should lose before I start jogging and/or running?

07-26-2007, 10:21 AM
Why do you want to lose 25 lbs as quickly as possible?


07-26-2007, 10:23 AM
In its simplest form to lose weight your body must be running at a calorie deficit. That is you must burn more calories throughout the day then you are eating. The most effective way to do this is to exercise as that will burn calories much faster than doing nothing. There are many sites you can look up that have calculators that can give you a rough idea of what your calorie break even point is.

The best way to lose weight though is to eat smaller meals more regularly. The 3 meals a day is a bad way to eat as you end up with large calorie stockpiles that the body just stores as fat.

Should be eating 6 meals a day fairly evenly spaced. You want to eat about 50% protein and 25/25 of carbs and fats. Fats are the part a lot of people avoid not knowing they are good for you. Obviously not the saturated stuff at Burger King, but things like Peanut butter and other nuts contatin essential fats that help the body lose weight. Protein is burnt quicker and less likely to store as fat and also turns to muscle much easier if you have it.

But basically, run your body at a calorie deficit, which is going to be hard if you wont exercise and also unhealthy. Basically if you try and lose weight without exercise your body is going to get weaker because you will lose muscle and fat and your body will go into starvation mode which is terribly unhealthy. You should just exercise and eat responsibly, by far the best way to lose weight.

Thanks for the tip.

I decided to try the MASTER CLEANSER today for 10 days.

Gonna be hell but we'll see. :ohwell:

07-26-2007, 10:58 AM
Now my legs feel ok. Thanks for the info. I am abotu 80 lbs overeweight. WOuld you say it is healthy to run if you are that overweight? If so, how many pounds do you think I should lose before I start jogging and/or running?

I'd say that you should engage in other forms of cardio exercise before you start running. Running when you're too heavy would have adverse effects on your ankles and knees. Doing a lot of walking is a good start; walk long distances.

I'd also suggest that you join a few fitness/cardio classes at a local gym. You're main goal would be to get your body to start using up a lot of energy. This has three main benefits. Your body will start burning fat as it consistently runs out of readily available energy. As your body becomes accustomed to using up a lot of energy, it will stop storing food as fat, but rather, keep it readily available as glucose for your muscles to burn. Also, remaining active increases your metabolism, which allows you to burn more calories even when you are resting.

It's also vital that you eat properly. Don't starve yourself or skip meals, but do try to eat less and to eat healthier foods... salads, fruits, whole grains, cereals, fish, chicken (not fried, lol)... There are a certain amount of calories that your body burns on an average day, and it's different for everyone. It's determined by your lifestyle... how active you are, what and when you eat, how old you are... To lose weight, your goal should be to create a calorie deficit. You want to burn more calories on an average day than you eat. This forces your body to burn fat to make up the difference. The problem is that if you don't eat, your body goes into starvation/conservation mode and actually begins to store fat because it becomes accustomed to not getting consistent meals. When you eat small meals consistently, your body won't need to store fat because it realizes that it is fueled consistently and doesn't need to store for the future.

All in all, try to be active. Make it a part of your lifestyle... Walk when you can... Don't use the elevator or escalator if you can... use the stairs. When you get to a reasonable weight that won't have too many negative effects on you legs, then you can really start running hard.

I can't really give you a weight... it's really about your comfort level, and your comfort level will be different from others. I think you'll know though... eventually, you'll be able to gauge how much stress and activity your legs can take.

Miles and Miles
07-26-2007, 11:05 AM
Studies show that running in general can have some negative affects long term wise. How long have you been doing this? Obviously some people might not ever have problems, personally I would and did.

About 10 years. I average about 3700 miles per year. But I am a runner not a basketball player, so it's like comparing apples to oranges. I'm not saying this is the best weight loss plan or that everyone should do it. I am just saying to can't make general statements like "running everyday is bad for everyone". The best cardio is the one that you enjoy and will do everyday.

07-26-2007, 11:15 AM
Thanks, but I'm looking for the best solution SHORT TERM.

I'm looking to drop about 25 lbs as quickly as possible and based exclusively on DIET.....which is better for what I'm looking to do NOW. Low-carb or Low-calorie?

do you want to lose 25 pounds straight up? (fat + muscle + water)

or lose 25 pounds of fat?

if it's just the weight, then low calorie.

if you want just the fat... there's no short term solution to drop that. even if you cut calories and fat, and optimize muscle resistance and eating enough carbs for quick energy, you'll still need a minimum (optimal conditions) of 3-4 months to drop 25 pounds of fat

07-26-2007, 11:22 AM
i did that last summer and lost 40lbs in like 2 months. I was faster than ever and could pull off some solid dunks but as a big man i was too weak and got pushed around in the post. It ruined my whole season, didn't even get to play much. Since then i put on around 20lbs of muscle, and i'm looking to put on another 10-15 when i get healthy, hopefully before the season starts.

What ever you do throw in some weights and work on the strength. Also look to consume as much protein as possible. Stay away from bread and eat a lot of chicken.

07-26-2007, 12:46 PM
Thanks for the tip.

I decided to try the MASTER CLEANSER today for 10 days.

Gonna be hell but we'll see. :ohwell:

What is the MASTER CLEANSER???

07-26-2007, 12:49 PM
I'd say that you should engage in other forms of cardio exercise before you start running. Running when you're too heavy would have adverse effects on your ankles and knees. Doing a lot of walking is a good start; walk long distances.

I'd also suggest that you join a few fitness/cardio classes at a local gym. You're main goal would be to get your body to start using up a lot of energy. This has three main benefits. Your body will start burning fat as it consistently runs out of readily available energy. As your body becomes accustomed to using up a lot of energy, it will stop storing food as fat, but rather, keep it readily available as glucose for your muscles to burn. Also, remaining active increases your metabolism, which allows you to burn more calories even when you are resting.

It's also vital that you eat properly. Don't starve yourself or skip meals, but do try to eat less and to eat healthier foods... salads, fruits, whole grains, cereals, fish, chicken (not fried, lol)... There are a certain amount of calories that your body burns on an average day, and it's different for everyone. It's determined by your lifestyle... how active you are, what and when you eat, how old you are... To lose weight, your goal should be to create a calorie deficit. You want to burn more calories on an average day than you eat. This forces your body to burn fat to make up the difference. The problem is that if you don't eat, your body goes into starvation/conservation mode and actually begins to store fat because it becomes accustomed to not getting consistent meals. When you eat small meals consistently, your body won't need to store fat because it realizes that it is fueled consistently and doesn't need to store for the future.

All in all, try to be active. Make it a part of your lifestyle... Walk when you can... Don't use the elevator or escalator if you can... use the stairs. When you get to a reasonable weight that won't have too many negative effects on you legs, then you can really start running hard.

I can't really give you a weight... it's really about your comfort level, and your comfort level will be different from others. I think you'll know though... eventually, you'll be able to gauge how much stress and activity your legs can take.

Let's say for example for dinner if I had chilli and spaghetti or tacos; could I eat that as long as it is small portions, and still lose weight? Or, would you say eliminate it all together?

07-26-2007, 02:43 PM
want to lose weight fast?

1. Eat Clean (no fried food, no oily food, lots of fish and chicken, fruits but remember fruits have high sugar, oatmeal, etc.)

2. Weight lift - most people lift weight to get bigger, so they max out in weights but they do less rep. To get lean, you need to do more rep but don't max out in weight. Also always weight lift before cardio. It helps burn more fat.

2. HIIT - high intensity interval training. I posted a few pages back. Even if you are a beginner, you can still do some form of HIIT, just remember, any type of cardio exercise that increase heartrate at a interval will help you burn fat after your workout.

3. Core exercise - to get great looking abs, you need to to work on your core. There are plenty of available exercises on the web, search for them.

4. Give yourself a cheat day once a week. Maybe drink a beer or two, eat a slice a pizza, have some french fries. This is a mental approach, so that you don't get burned out from your workout. This is not a day to go all out but simply eat something that you'll enjoy.

5. Time. It takes time to lose weight, most people think that they can just lose 10 pounds within a week. That's neither healthy or recommended by anyone. And when they don't see results after a week or two, they give up. Funny thing is your body takes time to adjust to changes you make in your diet, your workout. But once it adjust to it, you'll see FAT melt faster than ice cream on a hot sunny day. (j/k, not that fast)

Be consistent, workout hard, and you'll definitely see results.

07-26-2007, 02:53 PM
Let's say for example for dinner if I had chilli and spaghetti or tacos; could I eat that as long as it is small portions, and still lose weight? Or, would you say eliminate it all together?

The Spaghetti can be healthy, but I'd stay away from the tacos and chilli all together, especially for dinner.

07-26-2007, 04:44 PM
What is the MASTER CLEANSER???

Drink consisting of pure lemon juice, organic maple syrup and cayenne pepper. Drink betwen 6-10 glases per day of this stuff along with water as needed.

At night, a herbal laxative tea is recommended to flush the toxins out of your system.

No food, gum, or drinks of any kind is permitted for the 10 days while you are "cleansing."

You will lose about 2-3 pounds per day while on the Master Cleanser.

A co-worker of mine lost 63 lbs in 21 days of cleansing. It works but it's hard as hell.

I'm gonna try it and see the results.

07-26-2007, 04:48 PM
Drink consisting of pure lemon juice, organic maple syrup and cayenne pepper. Drink betwen 6-10 glases per day of this stuff along with water as needed.

At night, a herbal laxative tea is recommended to flush the toxins out of your system.

No food, gum, or drinks of any kind is permitted for the 10 days while you are "cleansing."

You will lose about 2-3 pounds per day while on the Master Cleanser.

A co-worker of mine lost 63 lbs in 21 days of cleansing. It works but it's hard as hell.

I'm gonna try it and see the results.
Why not just not eat or drink anything except water for 10 days?

07-26-2007, 04:56 PM
What is the MASTER CLEANSER???

White Castle hamburgers.

07-26-2007, 06:35 PM
Drink consisting of pure lemon juice, organic maple syrup and cayenne pepper. Drink betwen 6-10 glases per day of this stuff along with water as needed.

At night, a herbal laxative tea is recommended to flush the toxins out of your system.

No food, gum, or drinks of any kind is permitted for the 10 days while you are "cleansing."

You will lose about 2-3 pounds per day while on the Master Cleanser.

A co-worker of mine lost 63 lbs in 21 days of cleansing. It works but it's hard as hell.

I'm gonna try it and see the results.

this is so unhealthy...

1. Once you start eating again, the weight will come back.. that is FOR SURE!

2. This is starvation diet. No protein or stored energy, aka carb. Your body will eventually breakdown after you use this so called Master Cleanser.

3. No exercise involved means even if you lose weight, you'll still look crappy because you have loose skins. And there is no way you can do any type of cardio or weight lifting with this diet because you have no energy whatsoever based on not eaing.

The best diet is having balance, having a plan and do it. Any gimmicks that guaranteed you lose weight fast is a GIMMICK. I can't tell you how many people think they can lose so many pounds in so many days just by not eating, and eventually they gain the weight back.

You have to eat healthy, eat clean, exercise - cardio and weight lift, and if you keep this plan you will eventually lose more weight than you believe.

07-26-2007, 07:05 PM
Live your life to the fullest. Eat, eat, chill. Ain't that American's dream. I love America! Except if you're poor like me, then we have a problem.

07-26-2007, 09:28 PM
Why not just not eat or drink anything except water for 10 days?

Maple Syrup (organic) + the lemon juice act as "food" that goes directly into your bloodstream.

I don't think it's healthy (or possible....for me at least) to just live off *h20* for 10 straight days.

This cleanse is supposed to give your digestive organs a break from breaking down solid foods and it's also supposed to eliminate toxins from your system.

Robin Quivers, David Blaine and Beyonce have tried the MC in the past with great success.

There's lots of info on the web regarding this, including support/message forums.

Gonna start tomorrow (Friday). Wish me luck!!! :ohwell:

07-26-2007, 09:32 PM
this is so unhealthy...

1. Once you start eating again, the weight will come back.. that is FOR SURE!

2. This is starvation diet. No protein or stored energy, aka carb. Your body will eventually breakdown after you use this so called Master Cleanser.

3. No exercise involved means even if you lose weight, you'll still look crappy because you have loose skins. And there is no way you can do any type of cardio or weight lifting with this diet because you have no energy whatsoever based on not eaing.

The best diet is having balance, having a plan and do it. Any gimmicks that guaranteed you lose weight fast is a GIMMICK. I can't tell you how many people think they can lose so many pounds in so many days just by not eating, and eventually they gain the weight back.

You have to eat healthy, eat clean, exercise - cardio and weight lift, and if you keep this plan you will eventually lose more weight than you believe.

The Maple Syrup has 53g of sugar aka carbs per 1/4 cup. Total calories consumed per day is roughly around 600 (so it's not really "starvation").

I know a few people who have tried this and they ALL felt better (mentally and physically) afterwards. The 1st few days suck really bad because your body is trying to eliminate all the toxins and crap out of you. Then you start to feel and sleep better. Also more focused as well.

The MC is not a "gimmick." It has been around for many, many years and endorsed by some doctors.

07-26-2007, 11:44 PM
i also have a question...ive been running (on the treadmill) almost everymorning, about 5 or 6 times a week on average, for about the last month. And in the mornings, before i eat, i also do pushups and situps. I want to lose some fat. Ive noticed that my weights hasnt changed much at all, but i feel and look a bit slimmer. Could this be because I have been loosing a little fat and gaining muscle, from doing pushups and situps? Its annoying not to see much results after a month. Another reason this could be is because I drink quite a bit :rollingeyes: ... i know thats extremely bad if you want to lose weight, I've started to cut down a little. Could this be another reason? When it comes to eating, im relatively good, i dont drink pop (or drink beer, for that). Anyone have any recommendations?

07-26-2007, 11:48 PM
Drink consisting of pure lemon juice, organic maple syrup and cayenne pepper. Drink betwen 6-10 glases per day of this stuff along with water as needed.

At night, a herbal laxative tea is recommended to flush the toxins out of your system.

No food, gum, or drinks of any kind is permitted for the 10 days while you are "cleansing."

You will lose about 2-3 pounds per day while on the Master Cleanser.

A co-worker of mine lost 63 lbs in 21 days of cleansing. It works but it's hard as hell.

I'm gonna try it and see the results.
that is sooooo UNHEALTHY...

07-27-2007, 01:24 AM
that is sooooo UNHEALTHY...

Carrying an extra 63 pounds is even unhealthier.

07-27-2007, 07:18 AM
i also have a question...ive been running (on the treadmill) almost everymorning, about 5 or 6 times a week on average, for about the last month. And in the mornings, before i eat, i also do pushups and situps. I want to lose some fat. Ive noticed that my weights hasnt changed much at all, but i feel and look a bit slimmer. Could this be because I have been loosing a little fat and gaining muscle, from doing pushups and situps? Its annoying not to see much results after a month. Another reason this could be is because I drink quite a bit :rollingeyes: ... i know thats extremely bad if you want to lose weight, I've started to cut down a little. Could this be another reason? When it comes to eating, im relatively good, i dont drink pop (or drink beer, for that). Anyone have any recommendations?

Could be muscle, but I'd want to say that it's probably the drinking. Have you changed your diet since you began running, and how much do you run when you get on the treadmill?

07-27-2007, 07:45 AM
Could be muscle, but I'd want to say that it's probably the drinking. Have you changed your diet since you began running, and how much do you run when you get on the treadmill?
as for diet, i havent changed it much....i dont eat very unhealthy...im normally pretty good...i eat twice a day...no fast food or anything like that, at lunch i normally eat a sanwich (with no mayo) and for dinner i have like grilled fish, and some pasta and always with water (no juice or pop). As for the treamill, i run for 30 mins, and its at a pretty good speed, not joggable, im going to check my heart rate tomorrow to see what its at

07-27-2007, 08:47 AM
Carrying an extra 63 pounds is even unhealthier.

No its not. you should only be losing/gaining a max of 2 pounds per week.

07-27-2007, 08:50 AM
as for diet, i havent changed it much....i dont eat very unhealthy...im normally pretty good...i eat twice a day...no fast food or anything like that, at lunch i normally eat a sanwich (with no mayo) and for dinner i have like grilled fish, and some pasta and always with water (no juice or pop). As for the treamill, i run for 30 mins, and its at a pretty good speed, not joggable, im going to check my heart rate tomorrow to see what its at

That actually sounds very good. You know, it could just be your body. Everyone's body reacts to exercise differently. It could be that it just takes you longer to lose weight. Whatever you do, don't get discouraged. It sounds like your diet is relatively good and you're exercising enough. Keep doing what you're doing and I'm certain that you will start to see results eventually. A beer now and then isn't bad, but if you can cut that out and focus on drinking water, it would be even better. Also, in the mornings, try having a small meal of fruit and water. It will get your metabolism going for the day and you will end up burning more calories throughout the day, even when you aren't exercising.

Probably the last thing... try working at increasing the amount of time you spend on the teadmill without decreasing your speed, or try increasing your speed without decreasing your time if there are time constraints on your day. You can get used to an exercise and your body will become very efficient in burning fuel to maintain that activity. It's good to push yourself a little... Jog an extra two minutes... an extra quarter mile... see if you can steadily increase your pace and/or time. That will definitely help in seeing results more quickly because in the long run, you'll end up running longer or faster, burning more calories per exercise session.

07-27-2007, 08:50 AM
as for diet, i havent changed it much....i dont eat very unhealthy...im normally pretty good...i eat twice a day...no fast food or anything like that, at lunch i normally eat a sanwich (with no mayo) and for dinner i have like grilled fish, and some pasta and always with water (no juice or pop). As for the treamill, i run for 30 mins, and its at a pretty good speed, not joggable, im going to check my heart rate tomorrow to see what its at

That actually sounds very good. You know, it could just be your body. Everyone's body reacts to exercise differently. It could be that it just takes you longer to lose weight. Whatever you do, don't get discouraged. It sounds like your diet is relatively good and you're exercising enough. Keep doing what you're doing and I'm certain that you will start to see results eventually. A beer now and then isn't bad, but if you can cut that out and focus on drinking water, it would be even better. Also, in the mornings, try having a small meal of fruit and water. It will get your metabolism going for the day and you will end up burning more calories throughout the day, even when you aren't exercising.

Probably the last thing... try working at increasing the amount of time you spend on the treadmill without decreasing your speed, or try increasing your speed without decreasing your time if there are time constraints on your day. You can get used to an exercise and your body will become very efficient in burning fuel to maintain that activity. It's good to push yourself a little... Jog an extra two minutes... an extra quarter mile... see if you can steadily increase your pace and/or time. That will definitely help in seeing results more quickly because in the long run, you'll end up running longer or faster, burning more calories per exercise session.

07-27-2007, 09:11 AM
The Spaghetti can be healthy, but I'd stay away from the tacos and chilli all together, especially for dinner.

Not even if I eat a small portion of tacos and chilli? Is it still possible to lose weight if I do that?

For exercise, I have been walking around the apartments for an hour a day. Is that good? What else would you recommend?

07-27-2007, 09:17 AM
want to lose weight fast?

1. Eat Clean (no fried food, no oily food, lots of fish and chicken, fruits but remember fruits have high sugar, oatmeal, etc.)

2. Weight lift - most people lift weight to get bigger, so they max out in weights but they do less rep. To get lean, you need to do more rep but don't max out in weight. Also always weight lift before cardio. It helps burn more fat.

2. HIIT - high intensity interval training. I posted a few pages back. Even if you are a beginner, you can still do some form of HIIT, just remember, any type of cardio exercise that increase heartrate at a interval will help you burn fat after your workout.

3. Core exercise - to get great looking abs, you need to to work on your core. There are plenty of available exercises on the web, search for them.

4. Give yourself a cheat day once a week. Maybe drink a beer or two, eat a slice a pizza, have some french fries. This is a mental approach, so that you don't get burned out from your workout. This is not a day to go all out but simply eat something that you'll enjoy.

5. Time. It takes time to lose weight, most people think that they can just lose 10 pounds within a week. That's neither healthy or recommended by anyone. And when they don't see results after a week or two, they give up. Funny thing is your body takes time to adjust to changes you make in your diet, your workout. But once it adjust to it, you'll see FAT melt faster than ice cream on a hot sunny day. (j/k, not that fast)

Be consistent, workout hard, and you'll definitely see results.

What forms of HIIT can a beginner do? I am still too overeight to start running, so I don't know what I could do.

Regarding eating habits, if you just control your portions can you still eat fried food?

Also, how many cups of water should someone drink?

07-27-2007, 09:18 AM
Drink consisting of pure lemon juice, organic maple syrup and cayenne pepper. Drink betwen 6-10 glases per day of this stuff along with water as needed.

At night, a herbal laxative tea is recommended to flush the toxins out of your system.

No food, gum, or drinks of any kind is permitted for the 10 days while you are "cleansing."

You will lose about 2-3 pounds per day while on the Master Cleanser.

A co-worker of mine lost 63 lbs in 21 days of cleansing. It works but it's hard as hell.

I'm gonna try it and see the results.

What are you going to do after the 10 days are up? Still try to lose weight?

07-27-2007, 09:33 AM
fried food aren't clean food...

clean food are usually food in their natural state form.. meaning you don't fried it, or cook with too much oil, butter, etc.

like i said before, give yourself a cheat day once a week or once every 10 days.. so if you like fries, have an order of fries every 10 days or so.. but don't over eat..

for beginners on HIIT.. it depends on how well in shape you are.. if you are in pretty bad shape, i would suggest just running on the treadmill at a interval pace.. so 6.0 speed for a minute, and then hit 7.0 speed for a minute, and keep going back and forth until you can't handle it any more...

definitely for beginner, mix in some good weight lift session before cardio, this will maximize fat loss..

as for not eating and going with maple syrup, tea.. i'm just not convinced that it will work...

it's a lose lbs quick solution because your simply not eating, but in the overall scheme of things, losing weight that quickly usually means gaining those weight back quickly too...

make a habit of eat clean, eat lots of meal but w/ portion control, EXERCISE, workout hard, and make a commitment to stay with this plan... it's a lot easier than just drinking maple syrup and tea everyday.. TRUST ME.. and it's a LOT healthier, you will feel better about yourself..

07-27-2007, 10:13 AM
fried food aren't clean food...

clean food are usually food in their natural state form.. meaning you don't fried it, or cook with too much oil, butter, etc.

like i said before, give yourself a cheat day once a week or once every 10 days.. so if you like fries, have an order of fries every 10 days or so.. but don't over eat..

for beginners on HIIT.. it depends on how well in shape you are.. if you are in pretty bad shape, i would suggest just running on the treadmill at a interval pace.. so 6.0 speed for a minute, and then hit 7.0 speed for a minute, and keep going back and forth until you can't handle it any more...

definitely for beginner, mix in some good weight lift session before cardio, this will maximize fat loss..

as for not eating and going with maple syrup, tea.. i'm just not convinced that it will work...

it's a lose lbs quick solution because your simply not eating, but in the overall scheme of things, losing weight that quickly usually means gaining those weight back quickly too...

make a habit of eat clean, eat lots of meal but w/ portion control, EXERCISE, workout hard, and make a commitment to stay with this plan... it's a lot easier than just drinking maple syrup and tea everyday.. TRUST ME.. and it's a LOT healthier, you will feel better about yourself..

How many cups of water would you recommend someone drink per day?

07-27-2007, 10:18 AM
I haven't actually gained or lost much weight over the past 2 years (12-14 years old) when I was twelve I was 74.4 kg, now I'm 14 and I'm still around 73-75 kg. Is that normal, considering I should be going through puberty?

07-27-2007, 11:06 AM
What are you going to do after the 10 days are up? Still try to lose weight?

Probably not since I would have dropped at least 20 lbs in those 10 days.

I'm just gonna start eating heathier afterwards (after having my system flushed/cleaned out).

Believe it or not.....the Master Cleanser is very popular and many people have tried it before.

07-27-2007, 01:06 PM
How many cups of water would you recommend someone drink per day?

i would say around 2-3 liters a day... you want to stay hydrated.. and i recommend drinking gatorade after a workout, it helps..

stay away from drinks with high fructose such as sodas, juices (unless they are 100% juice, but don't replace juice for water)..

07-27-2007, 01:21 PM
i would say around 2-3 liters a day... you want to stay hydrated.. and i recommend drinking gatorade after a workout, it helps..

stay away from drinks with high fructose such as sodas, juices (unless they are 100% juice, but don't replace juice for water)..

Is meatloaf healthy?

07-27-2007, 01:28 PM
Is meatloaf healthy?

Heilige, I am going to PM you a bunch of links for you to gauge how much you need to eat, what you need to eat, and how much you should exercise

07-27-2007, 01:36 PM
well.. i don't eat mealoaf.

simply put, most athletes eat chicken and fish as their primary source of meat.. beef, pork, lamb all contain high levels of fat, and thus if eaten too much, it's not good for you.

you should checkout menshealth.com or search on the web for a clean eating meals.. there are a lot of suggestions out there, mix n match to what you feel will get through your hunger...

07-27-2007, 04:24 PM
well.. i don't eat mealoaf.

simply put, most athletes eat chicken and fish as their primary source of meat.. beef, pork, lamb all contain high levels of fat, and thus if eaten too much, it's not good for you.

you should checkout menshealth.com or search on the web for a clean eating meals.. there are a lot of suggestions out there, mix n match to what you feel will get through your hunger...

Are you an athlete? If so, what sport do you play?

How long in your life have you been physically active?

07-27-2007, 05:35 PM
Are you an athlete? If so, what sport do you play?

How long in your life have you been physically active?


07-27-2007, 06:51 PM

What's funny?

07-29-2007, 03:51 PM
Heilige, I am going to PM you a bunch of links for you to gauge how much you need to eat, what you need to eat, and how much you should exercise


Poseidon, how is the weight loss going?

07-29-2007, 07:10 PM
I'm pretty educated on how to excercise and such. I've picked up a few pointers from this thread, but I barely ever knew much about diet. I know whats bad to eat, but I can't put together a good diet for myself. If any has links to help me for my diet I'd appreciate it. I've looked around google and stuff, but ****, who has the time to make a whole recipe?

07-29-2007, 07:15 PM
man what so hard
drink milk in the morning
play ball in the afternoon
smash a girl at night
drink some gatorade after smashing


and you GOOD!:mad:

07-29-2007, 07:23 PM
man what so hard
drink milk in the morning
play ball in the afternoon
smash a girl at night
drink some gatorade after smashing


and you GOOD!:mad:

Easy to tell that you are most definitely the smartest one on this forum.

08-07-2007, 02:36 PM

How did the Master Cleanser go?

08-07-2007, 06:34 PM
Prolly great. He really might have lost all the pounds he looked for. It just wasnt all fat. Any form of low calorie diet degenerates your muscles since the body gets the needed energy from there.

What will happen now is the following: He will add on all that weight plus a little extra, unless he has a permanent change of diet. But if he had had that permanent change, he would not have needed that crash diet at all.

Burning fat as fast as possible in a healthy way with long term succes demands:

- Regular weight training
That has 3 effects mainly. 1st, you use up calories, so you can get into a calorie deficit easier. 2nd, you build muscle, which adds to the calories you burn without any extra activity.
3rd, your muscles will be depleted of carbs (=glycogen) providing quick energy. That means a cardio workout right after the weight training is more effective in burning fat. Since the muscles cant get too much energy (=ATP which is Adenosin-Tri-Phosphate) from carbs, they have to get into fat burning mode faster and burn more fat overall. (Remember, thats not all true. It truly cant get into fat bruning mode any faster, since all 3 forms of generating energy run parallel)

- Regular cardio
Mostly not all that high intensity interval stuff. That will give you specialized stamina for different sports, depending on the intervals you use. To burn fat, running at the aerobic/anaerobic border heart rate (which for most untrainined people is around 140 bpm) for a time of at least 30-40 minutes is most effective. You both train you muscle to be in fat burning mode faster and use more fat in longer activities, and you are at a intensity level, which has your muscles in fat burning mode, not in carb burning mode.

Healthy diet
Asfew saturated fats as possible. No tacos, burgers, fries, pizzas etc. Good fats include, but not exclusively, fish, nuts, olive oil, milk, etc.
A good amount of protein especially in combination with your weight training to help muscle growth and thus increase calorie use. Especially good is low-fat curd cheese., which basically is only protein. Eating carbs is no sin either. Just refrain from quickly digested carbs. No soda, no chocolate, no sweets, no white bread. Basically nothing that contains glycogen (sugar) that will go directly into your blood and will be transformed to and stored as fat, if not used up immediately. Rice and noodles are okay.
Overall, you should maintain a healthy balance. 50% carbs, 25% protein and 25% fat should be okay, but people will give you different values on that anyway, so that should just be a guideline how your diet could look.

08-07-2007, 08:11 PM
We run 20 100's everyday in football, so no it's not bad to run on consecutive days.

08-07-2007, 08:52 PM
It's completely dependent on where you run, but if you tend to run on pavement or concrete for more than a few miles per run, your ankles, calves and knees will need time to rest. Running too often on pavement for long periods can damage your joints or simply leave you perpetually sore. It's best to find other cardio exercises if you're looking to do cardio every day. Remember, like lifting weights, your muscles and joints need time to regenerate. Working out muscle groups that are already sore is both inefficient (you won't be able to exercise as well as you would want) and dangerous (you increase the chance of tearing, tweaking or pulling something).

Ya, but that never happens to me. I dont see how skipping a day of running will help you. IF you wear the right shoes and stretch properly then you wont get sore.

08-07-2007, 09:02 PM
you guys should try distance swimming. That sh&t gets exhausting. You won't get built, but you really build up your endurance and improve your tone. Also, there is almost no risk of injury since all your joints are supported by the water

08-08-2007, 01:53 PM
Probably not since I would have dropped at least 20 lbs in those 10 days.

I'm just gonna start eating heathier afterwards (after having my system flushed/cleaned out).

Believe it or not.....the Master Cleanser is very popular and many people have tried it before.

So, how did it go?

Inspector Rick
08-08-2007, 05:51 PM
I tried the Master Cleanse roughly a year ago and I got great results. I dunno how or why, but it seems like I've jumpstarted my metabolism. I'll have a month of eating complete garbage. Fast food, pizza, chinese, chips, vasts amounts of booze, whatever I please and I'll still be losing weight for that month. Not much mind you, but its progress in the right direcetion.

About a year and a half ago I weighed in at 243, as of yesterday I'm 204. I'm aiming for 180-185. I'm 6' and with a body frame resembling Lebron, so I'm a big dude and I think no matter what I do my body wont allow me to be under 180.

08-10-2007, 01:37 PM
I tried the Master Cleanse roughly a year ago and I got great results. I dunno how or why, but it seems like I've jumpstarted my metabolism. I'll have a month of eating complete garbage. Fast food, pizza, chinese, chips, vasts amounts of booze, whatever I please and I'll still be losing weight for that month. Not much mind you, but its progress in the right direcetion.

About a year and a half ago I weighed in at 243, as of yesterday I'm 204. I'm aiming for 180-185. I'm 6' and with a body frame resembling Lebron, so I'm a big dude and I think no matter what I do my body wont allow me to be under 180.

For how long did you try the Master Cleanser?

05-27-2009, 03:24 AM
I've been running at night and in the morn. working out every other day. It's legit running at night. I live out in the woods so I'll see maybe one car but I take 3 nights one on the head two in the hands and one extra in a bag on my back. might also throw a knife or maybe a .22 in my bag plus my phone and some water. that is if I go for longer runs. right now I've just been doing about 3 miles a little more but nothing to big.

Night runs are sweet though. so much more adrenaline when you can't see anything.

05-27-2009, 04:48 AM
I do run at night, but not where I can't see anything. Don't you twist your ankle a lot, running at night in the woods?

Two days ago I went and it was perfect. The biggest thunderstorm we've had in years was going on, the temperature was right in between that sweet spot where it isn't cold or hot, the rain was pouring down and the scenery was literally this:

05-27-2009, 08:17 PM
i started running at night as well around 11 at night

only 2 miles but its still provides for a good sweat get back home and do some pushups and crunches

05-27-2009, 08:29 PM
don't get kidnapped and raped

05-27-2009, 09:36 PM
I think it's best to exercise in the morning, since that way your metabolism is up for the rest of the day. Still, if the only way you can stay motivated is to do it at night, by all means, keep on doing it.

EDIT Wow, didn't check the date of the first post... EDIT

05-29-2009, 01:11 AM
I do run at night, but not where I can't see anything. Don't you twist your ankle a lot, running at night in the woods?

Two days ago I went and it was perfect. The biggest thunderstorm we've had in years was going on, the temperature was right in between that sweet spot where it isn't cold or hot, the rain was pouring down and the scenery was literally this:
nice... yeah i actually ran last night and then this morning and then i worked out and played basketball... so I'm going to rest until tom night. my calfs are aching ahaha

as far as getting better cardio as in can run longer better wind and such. does HIIT work as good as long runs?

Inspector Rick
05-29-2009, 03:21 AM
Wow, I just read this entire thread thinking it was a current thread, but nope, I see my post from 2007 at the top of the page LOL.

I was at 204 back then and I was hoping to reach the 180-185 range. Well I did reach my goal a few months back, but its STILL not good enough. Gym tomorrow morning!