View Full Version : Given recent events how many owners do you think secretly believe the same?

07-08-2022, 05:06 PM
None of them have the balls to say it but the Sterling line of thinking has to be pretty widespread right?

When asked "Do you know that you have a whole team that's black, that plays for you?" Sterling replied:
Do I know? I support them and give them food, and clothes, and cars, and houses. Who gives it to them? Does someone else give it to them? Who makes the game? Do I make the game, or do they make the game?


And I assume that given this boards general leanings and demographics….a lot of you find that a reasonable stance. But I’ll still ask.

For the price of 12 million dollars in the 80s….did Sterling earn the right to claim he makes the nba and personally fed, clothe, and housed all his employees as the machine he bought into feeds into itself?

If so……

Would you agree that your employer gave you your car that you pay for?

07-08-2022, 05:12 PM
The workers generate the labor value that they are entitled to. Owners simply manage the profit so this type of framing that they alone are responsible for housing and feeding their employees is inaccurate. I think most league executives buy into this myth to some extent, but probably only Sterling is stupid enough to think he's doing some heroic charity for these players.

07-08-2022, 05:33 PM
It's the fans and our attention that gives the league its revenue. No fans, no viewership, no pay. All the owners have to do is take their cut and divide the rest between players and staff.

Seems to me the cities should have always been the ones running the show from the start but then again that opens up a can of worms to all other types of problems.

07-08-2022, 05:46 PM
“Big Magic Johnson” what has he done? Can somebody tell me? What has he ever done??

07-08-2022, 05:53 PM
“Big Magic Johnson” what has he done? Can somebody tell me? What has he ever done??


07-08-2022, 06:24 PM

Full Court
07-08-2022, 06:28 PM

What is this socialist propaganda BS?

A better question is what's wrong with humans who despise the fact that other people have more than them?

07-08-2022, 06:49 PM
Chicken / Egg situation... but there is no product without the players. But also, without the infrastructure, the players aren't getting paid what they're getting paid.

But based on statistics of what more human beings are able to achieve or not achieve, the players are more important and more rare to the league as a whole than the league itself. More people could do what the NBA league office and the ownership does from a strategic/brain/thinking standpoint than there are people that are some combination of athletic/skilled/smart enough to play in the NBA.

However, one could also argue about how many people are really wealthy enough to straight up own an NBA team and were able to achieve that wealth without it getting handed to them, and there ARE way less of those people than have played in the league...

I tend to lean heavily on the players being more important overall in this situation, however.

Generally speaking, if you aren't producing for your employer in excess of what it costs for them to hire you, they will fire you. They have to be profiting off of hiring you. That doesn't mean they're being exploitative necessarily, but to have an employee in the first place, the employee has to be able to produce more than you pay them, otherwise there is no point in having the employee as it is just an unnecessary headache.

So no, the employer didn't "give" you anything other than perhaps opportunity and certainly not in the NBA's case.

In most cases for most employers around the world, the employer is far more important for the organization's success.

In the NBA, it is my strong opinion that is not the case.

This is an extremely nuanced and case by case discussion and anyone who gives a one or two line answer to your question is a stupid person, but typically, no, business owners are not "giving" anything to their employees altruistically, which is what he seemingly tried to pretend that's what was happening to some degree or entirely.

07-08-2022, 07:10 PM
. However, one could also argue about how many people are really wealthy enough to straight up own an NBA team and were able to achieve that wealth without it getting handed to them, and there ARE way less of those people than have played in the league...

You’d think so but maybe not.

Less than 4400 people have been in the nba.

There are 2700 billionaires right now. And as I pointed out it didn’t take a billionaire to buy into the nba till recently. People traded huge chunks of nba ownership for shit like parking garages back in the day. Assuming someone’s debt. Even the cash buys have been less than even sterlings for current owners. The pacers current owner bought the team for 4.5 million.

There may well be a lot more people with nba owner money than there have been nba players.

Really…how many thousands(millions?) of people must have had 5 million in our lifetimes?

07-08-2022, 07:34 PM
What is this socialist propaganda BS?

A better question is what's wrong with humans who despise the fact that other people have more than them?


07-08-2022, 08:43 PM
Sterling was always known as a racist ahole. He had a rep.

07-08-2022, 09:11 PM
What is this socialist propaganda BS?

A better question is what's wrong with humans who despise the fact that other people have more than them?

I agree with this post 100%

07-08-2022, 10:22 PM
None of them have the balls to say it but the Sterling line of thinking has to be pretty widespread right?

And I assume that given this boards general leanings and demographics….a lot of you find that a reasonable stance. But I’ll still ask.

For the price of 12 million dollars in the 80s….did Sterling earn the right to claim he makes the nba and personally fed, clothe, and housed all his employees as the machine he bought into feeds into itself?

If so……

Would you agree that your employer gave you your car that you pay for?

He's not talking about himself, but as a business owner.

He's not entirely correct but workers are just so replaceable compared to business owners that what he's saying is somewhat true.

07-09-2022, 04:40 AM
conservatives want to conserve the past

liberals want liberation from the past

the problem with liberals is most of them aren't liberal enough

the problem with conservatives is they are conservatives