View Full Version : JA Morant on Michael Jordan

07-11-2022, 08:13 AM
https://scontent-hkt1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/293188719_7728107860564877_8346888346232198714_n.j pg?_nc_cat=110&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=y5rxoWHEP4oAX_W4Z9e&_nc_ht=scontent-hkt1-1.xx&oh=00_AT-jVxgU3IwS4KXYrUZcYilXqUfs3J-vcEgmjmJgB2V2XQ&oe=62D03988

Ja Morant on Michael Jordan:
"I wish I played in his generation."
"I would've cooked him too. Nobody got more confidence than 12. I'm never going to say nobody going to beat me 1-on-1."

07-11-2022, 08:19 AM
Quote means nothing. It omits context such as tone of voice and body language. Indeed, read further than the headline and he admits that he would get his ass beat. "I'm never going to say nobody going to beat me 1-on-1" is his way of admitting that he would get his ass beat and he's too proud and too immature to vocalize it.

BTW, Ja Morant is a cheating piece of shit that carries the ball arguably more than any other player in league history. Athletically off the charts all time great... incredibly overrated basketball player, however.

07-11-2022, 09:06 AM
He cant shoot, he always attacks to the rim.

So, any rim protector could beat him on 1 vs 1.

For example, Javale Mcgee...

07-11-2022, 09:29 AM
He isn't quicker, he isn't stronger, he isn't taller, he isn't as athletic, he's not as skilled, he's not as talented, and he can't defend lol

07-11-2022, 10:10 AM
Scott Burrell famously had Jordan on game point one on one and Ron Harper acting as ref called him for a travel and gave the ball to Jordan who then went on to win. When pressed to keep playing another day(after a Jordan win for the record) he refused and said “You just want to tell your kids you beat me one on one. What do I tell my kids? I beat Scott Burrell? Big deal. They’ll slap the hell outta me”.

If Scott Burrell can get it 6-6 and compete enough that he could feel a win was within reach we really calling Ja winning a game utterly ridiculous? They’re all nba players.

Who on that level thinks they can’t win one on one?

We have rookies coming in saying Lebron has to prove to them he’s actually better than they are. That’s the mentality of a competitor.

07-11-2022, 10:16 AM
Yes... 1 game... shit happens. That goes without saying. Nobody is saying that if they played 100 times that Morant wouldn't get some Ws.

But if they played 100 times, you think Jordan isn't winning the majority of those games comfortably? Especially if it were some type of serious competition?

Of course he would. And you know that, and I know you agree. Let's not do the semantics of "he can get a game" because as we all know, the best player doesn't always win. Shit happens. In most cases it is only over extremely extremely extremely large sample sizes that we can get a good feel for where someone is at.

You wouldn't need 100 games though.. put Jordan up against Morant 1 on 1 let's say 5 times and nationally televise it and get everyone to agree that it's really important, and Jordan is eating his lunch.

And Morant knows this too... he essentially admitted as much.

07-11-2022, 10:55 AM
1 on 1 is not the same as 5 on 5. I see nothing wrong here with what Ja said. Feel free to disagree with what he said. But the idea him beating MJ isn’t blasphemous to say.

And ja admitted to him being confident. Not losing. MJ is not considered the goat because people think he’s the best 1 v 1 player of all time.

07-11-2022, 11:10 AM
I was a low level D1 player but I still beat a bench-warming NBA player 2 of 9 games that we played 1-on-1

So Ja could beat MJ once in a while too

07-11-2022, 11:28 AM
Yes... 1 game... shit happens. That goes without saying. Nobody is saying that if they played 100 times that Morant wouldn't get some Ws.

But if they played 100 times, you think Jordan isn't winning the majority of those games comfortably? Especially if it were some type of serious competition?

Of course he would. And you know that, and I know you agree. Let's not do the semantics of "he can get a game" because as we all know, the best player doesn't always win. Shit happens. In most cases it is only over extremely extremely extremely large sample sizes that we can get a good feel for where someone is at.

You wouldn't need 100 games though.. put Jordan up against Morant 1 on 1 let's say 5 times and nationally televise it and get everyone to agree that it's really important, and Jordan is eating his lunch.

And Morant knows this too... he essentially admitted as much.

You do love to make a simple statement into a thought exercise don’t you? Not that it’s a problem. I enjoy a good tangent myself I just don’t think we need a whole “If it’s a national televised ppv best of 5” crazy unrealistic thing.

Its a superstar player saying he could beat anyone one on one. It’s not really objectionable or worth a whole thing. It’s certainly not admitting he thinks he’d get his ass beat.

Much worse players than Ja can and do take all timers one on one and I doubt they go in thinking they can’t.

I bet Michael Beasley could take the entire hall of fame though him saying it would ruffle feathers.

07-11-2022, 11:43 AM
You do love to make a simple statement into a thought exercise don’t you? Not that it’s a problem. I enjoy a good tangent myself I just don’t think we need a whole “If it’s a national televised ppv best of 5” crazy unrealistic thing.

Its a superstar player saying he could beat anyone one on one. It’s not really objectionable or worth a whole thing. It’s certainly not admitting he thinks he’d get his ass beat.

Much worse players than Ja can and do take all timers one on one and I doubt they go in thinking they can’t.

I bet Michael Beasley could take the entire hall of fame though him saying it would ruffle feathers.

Yeah but we do because if they're dicking around in practice it's an entirely different thing and entirely different mindset.

Life is full of nuance. I mean absolutely packed to the brim full of nuance.

He non verbally admitted that he wouldn't win. I mean watch the interview and read the body language and tone of voice. He's saying without saying that he's too proud to admit it out loud. Immaturity, so what, we've all been there. He's a kid. Somewhere from like 70-90% of communication is non verbal. Watch the clip.


07-11-2022, 11:52 AM
BTW, if I played any of these guys 100,000,000,000 games in a row, statistically I am bound to win 1 in which I just get hot and don't miss. That's just probability... I mean I CAN beat anyone in history. So what?

Yes, a ridiculous extreme, but the point remains. The point being... shit happens.

The best player, the best team, the best whatever... doesn't always win. Things don't always go as they should. Shit happens.

07-11-2022, 11:56 AM
If they’re dicking around in practice?

What was the last nba level one on one that wasn’t dicking around in practice?

The Doctor J/Kareem ppv? The tourney that ended in Gary Payton losing to(I think) Bo Kimble in maybe 91?

Its all dicking around in practice. I don’t think he was floating a comic book fan style dream matchup on neutral territory, 2 months prep, no morals and no innocent bystanders Thor vs Green Lantern thing.

Hes just talking an informal game which other than a few gambling situations is probably all he’s ever played.

I know he took the lords name in vain and I join you in old guy outrage I’m just saying he’s not being entirely irrational to think it and I’m ok with it from someone of his caliber. Especially knowing the kind of ****ing around not real basketball situation almost every 1 on 1 game is played in.

If Jordan has to play to clear his gambling debts or prevent a cnn walkthrough of a Nike sweatshop during a cool grey 11 deadline push I assume in a make it take it situation he’d post him up 11 times in a row.

07-11-2022, 11:58 AM

You know damn good and well in these hypotheticals when people lay them out there, and in this case... it's not from Ja saying... you know, if we were both just kinda lackadaisically messing around in a gym, I would beat him.

You know damn good and well the implication is that at my best I'm going to beat him at his best... or that... on my average, I'm going to beat him on his average. Something along those lines. Come on.

And that's right... if the situation was serious, Jordan would just bully his ass and swish it in his face over and over.

07-11-2022, 11:59 AM
BTW, if I played any of these guys 100,000,000,000 games in a row, statistically I am bound to win 1 in which I just get hot and don't miss. That's just probability... I mean I CAN beat anyone in history. So what?

Yes, a ridiculous extreme, but the point remains. The point being... shit happens.

The best player, the best team, the best whatever... doesn't always win. Things don't always go as they should. Shit happens.

Under your circumstances? Like real serious need to win situation you vs MJ/Him J/fadeaway perfect? Vs Mr.With the third pick I made the earth sick?

Nah. I don’t think you win the 1 in 100 billion. Not if we only count basketball endings.

If one of the games ends in his spontaneous combustion would you could that as a W for you?

If so…ok.

07-11-2022, 12:02 PM
Under your circumstances? Like real serious need to win situation you vs MJ/Him J/fadeaway perfect? Vs Mr.With the third pick I made the earth sick?

Nah. I don’t think you win the 1 in 100 billion. Not if we only count basketball endings.

If one of the games ends in his spontaneous combustion would you could that as a W for you?

If so…ok.

Yeah but the thing 1 in 100,000,000,000... they're bound to have an off game, I'm bound to have an on one. I don't think you are truly appreciating the gravity of that number, despite the fact that I clearly suck ass compared to any of these guys.

You don't think I could run off 11 shots in a row in 100,000,000,000 tries? Agree to disagree. Well, at least when I was still playing, anyways.

07-11-2022, 12:02 PM
Scott Burrell famously had Jordan on game point one on one and Ron Harper acting as ref called him for a travel and gave the ball to Jordan who then went on to win. When pressed to keep playing another day(after a Jordan win for the record) he refused and said “You just want to tell your kids you beat me one on one. What do I tell my kids? I beat Scott Burrell? Big deal. They’ll slap the hell outta me”.

If Scott Burrell can get it 6-6 and compete enough that he could feel a win was within reach we really calling Ja winning a game utterly ridiculous? They’re all nba players.

Who on that level thinks they can’t win one on one?

We have rookies coming in saying Lebron has to prove to them he’s actually better than they are. That’s the mentality of a competitor.
Scott Burrell was of similar size to Jordan. Jordan has a huge size advantage on Ja that matter a lot in 1v1. Ja is getting posted up to oblivion.

07-11-2022, 12:03 PM
BTW, if I played any of these guys 100,000,000,000 games in a row, statistically I am bound to win 1 in which I just get hot and don't miss. That's just probability... I mean I CAN beat anyone in history. So what?

Yes, a ridiculous extreme, but the point remains. The point being... shit happens.

The best player, the best team, the best whatever... doesn't always win. Things don't always go as they should. Shit happens.
You could play an NBA player infinite times and you wouldn’t score a point. Unless you’re secretly a former NBA player but I doubt it.

07-11-2022, 12:07 PM
You could play an NBA player infinite times and you wouldn’t score a point. Unless you’re secretly a former NBA player but I doubt it.

I'm not athletic at all but I assure you I could score on any player in NBA history given an infinite number of attempts. So could you for that matter or anyone else here. You don't appreciate the word infinity.

Also, I'm 6'8". It would happen a ****load sooner than infinity. Much closer to numbers that you're comfortable with.

07-11-2022, 12:20 PM
Yeah but the thing 1 in 100,000,000,000... they're bound to have an off game, I'm bound to have an on one. I don't think you are truly appreciating the gravity of that number, despite the fact that I clearly suck ass compared to any of these guys.

You don't think I could run off 11 shots in a row in 100,000,000,000 tries? Agree to disagree. Well, at least when I was still playing, anyways.

Nah. That’s one of those things that despite someone possibly doing the math and finding what they think the odds are…it still wouldn’t happen in practice.

Like the odds of someone tripping over a critically endangered snow leopard forcing them to accidentally fire a cocked a BB gun during a thunderstorm and the Bb being hit mid flight by lightning bolt.

Maybe a powerful enough super computer could put a number on the chances of that happening if you moved to snow leopard territory and had a bb gun in your home but even if they did…..

It still wouldn’t happen even if you, the earth, and the leopards lived till the death of the universe as it collapsed in on itself.

The number game would never result in a positive outcome.

07-11-2022, 12:23 PM
Nah. That’s one of those things that despite someone possibly doing the math and finding what they think the odds are…it still wouldn’t happen in practice.

Like the odds of someone tripping over a critically endangered snow leopard forcing them to accidentally fire a cocked a BB gun during a thunderstorm and the Bb being hit mid flight by lightning bolt.

Maybe a powerful enough super computer could put a number on the chances of that happening if you moved to snow leopard territory and had a bb gun in your home but even if they did…..

It still wouldn’t happen even if you, the earth, and the leopards lived till the death of the universe as it collapsed in on itself.

The number game would never result in a positive outcome.

:roll: :roll:

That's only MILDLY insulting. Hahaha.

The huge difference being of course that the conditions surrounding the snow leopard are far likely to even be in the same physical location/circumstances to begin with to even BEGIN an attempt of what you're speaking about whereas the basketball situation is much more pragmatic for obvious reasons.

I think you guys just don't appreciate how big these numbers are.

07-11-2022, 12:24 PM
You could play an NBA player infinite times and you wouldn’t score a point. Unless you’re secretly a former NBA player but I doubt it.

any nba player? lol bs. earl boykins was killing everyone at a pickup gm at east mich but multiple people scored on him, including myself.

07-11-2022, 12:30 PM
any nba player? lol bs. earl boykins was killing everyone at a pickup gm at east mich but multiple people scored on him, including myself.

That's nothing. I dunked on Zach Randolph. Multiple times. And his brother.

07-11-2022, 01:00 PM
Beasley cooks active nba players in 1 on 1’s. People who hooped know the difference. Those who don’t act like MJ is the end game boss of a video game. He’s not.

I'm not athletic at all but I assure you I could score on any player in NBA history given an infinite number of attempts. So could you for that matter or anyone else here. You don't appreciate the word infinity.

Also, I'm 6'8". It would happen a ****load sooner than infinity. Much closer to numbers that you're comfortable with.

So you’re 6’8 unathletic. Never hooped but sure do know who can and can not win in 1 v 1’s (all based on a 5 on 5 game). Why do you continue to speak with such conviction on things you really have no clue on? You’re wasted attributes.

07-11-2022, 01:01 PM
:roll: :roll:

That's only MILDLY insulting. Hahaha.

The huge difference being of course that the conditions surrounding the snow leopard are far likely to even be in the same physical location/circumstances to begin with to even BEGIN an attempt of what you're speaking about whereas the basketball situation is much more pragmatic for obvious reasons.

I think you guys just don't appreciate how big these numbers are.

No I get what you mean. I’m just saying some things are so unlikely that the “odds” are pure fantasy and even if you had infinite chances it wouldn’t happen in reality…even if you could live for infinite years. You see the movie Everything, everywhere, all at once? Came out this year. Utterly absurd yet good multiverse movie on how everything happens in one of the infinite universes. There was a universe where humans evolved hot dog fingers. It’s funny as a thought experiment but the odds are at times beyond even what we think of as infinite. Some things definitely will not happen in this universe or the 36 that follow it.

I don’t care how many zeroes are behind the number that represents the odds it simply will not happen ever. Yea you or I could make a shot on nba players. Luck exists.

But we are talking a situation where prime Jordan plays current you…and on the line is the release of a 7 year old malnourished Indonesian girl dying at her station sewing together a pair of Jordans on hidden camera.

He is giving it all he’s got. Could you make a wild floater? Sure. A quick lucky hook? Sure.

Will it happen 11 times in a row before he gets the ball and cooks all the flavor out of you like an IHOP line cook who gets an already well done steak sent back for not being done enough?

Nah. The odds of that aren’t even astronomical. They are beyond the snow leopard trip BB gun lightning strike. That’s past the chances that 3ball will ever make 4 consecutive topics of new content worth reading. It will NOT happen no matter how long we wait.

Sometimes the odds are just for show.

07-11-2022, 01:17 PM
Scott Burrell was of similar size to Jordan. Jordan has a huge size advantage on Ja that matter a lot in 1v1. Ja is getting posted up to oblivion.

There’s no hell defense in 1 v 1. There’s no rim protector to help you getting bear off the dribble. It’s hilarious reading these comments. If this was an isolated topic of MJ Vs Scott Burrell in a 1 v 1 who wins? You’re sitting here laughing saying MJ cooks him. No contest. What the hell scott Burrell? More laughs. You hear that Burrell competed vs MJ in a 1 v 1? It was lopsided or laughs? Now it’s oh that’s because Burrell is the same size as MJ. If someone chimes in how a smaller guard had a close game vs MJ? You would chime in with “well that’s because he got the ball first probably. MJ wouldn’t let Ja see the ball. Just back him down. Ball game. Yea that’s the ticket.”.

You dudes just be saying anything lol

07-11-2022, 01:23 PM
No I get what you mean. I’m just saying some things are so unlikely that the “odds” are pure fantasy and even if you had infinite chances it wouldn’t happen in reality…even if you could live for infinite years. You see the movie Everything, everywhere, all at once? Came out this year. Utterly absurd yet good multiverse movie on how everything happens in one of the infinite universes. There was a universe where humans evolved hot dog fingers. It’s funny as a thought experiment but the odds are at times beyond even what we think of as infinite. Some things definitely will not happen in this universe or the 36 that follow it.

I don’t care how many zeroes are behind the number that represents the odds it simply will not happen ever. Yea you or I could make a shot on nba players. Luck exists.

But we are talking a situation where prime Jordan plays current you…and on the line is the release of a 7 year old malnourished Indonesian girl dying at her station sewing together a pair of Jordans on hidden camera.

He is giving it all he’s got. Could you make a wild floater? Sure. A quick lucky hook? Sure.

Will it happen 11 times in a row before he gets the ball and cooks all the flavor out of you like an IHOP line cook who gets an already well done steak sent back for not being done enough?

Nah. The odds of that aren’t even astronomical. They are beyond the snow leopard trip BB gun lightning strike. That’s past the chances that 3ball will ever make 4 consecutive topics of new content worth reading. It will NOT happen no matter how long we wait.

Sometimes the odds are just for show.

It’s mind boggling to me. A mofo just pulls random astronomical odds out his ass to give himself a chance to run off 11 straight on Mike. Jesus Christ people bash players for having confidence in themselves then the confidence they have to say that shyt we supposed to overlook? Like no. You have zero odds of ever running off 11 straight on MJ. Don’t care how many zero’s behind the try. People here are full of themselves. The irony tho we are in a thread reading people scold Ja in his prime saying he could beat MJ in a 1 v 1. A pro athlete who eats sleeps shyts ball? Who has done it at the highest level in big moments against great players. A guy with a nasty first step who is explosive. He’s buggin.

But give me 1 billions tries there will come a point odds will be in me favor to run off 11 straight on Mike. What am I reading here man hahaha

07-11-2022, 01:26 PM
That's part of the OCD makeup needed to excel at this level. Ja would have been a punk if he said oh man Jordan would whoop my ass 1 on 1. He said what you'd expect any pro athlete to say, especially the elites.

07-11-2022, 01:29 PM
Beasley cooks active nba players in 1 on 1’s. People who hooped know the difference. Those who don’t act like MJ is the end game boss of a video game. He’s not.

Ok I don't give a **** about Michael Beasley and I never claimed MJ was the best 1 on 1 player ever, but thanks for putting words in my mouth.

So you’re 6’8 unathletic. Never hooped but sure do know who can and can not win in 1 v 1’s (all based on a 5 on 5 game). Why do you continue to speak with such conviction on things you really have no clue on? You’re wasted attributes.

It's time to let go of appealing to authority. The "they're a player so they know and you're not a player so you don't" argument has been disproven too many times to count. Just because someone could play does not mean they can analyze the game properly. Robert Horry just recently said that Hakeem was 20 times better than Duncan, as the most recent stupid and extremely false example of things players say and think.

Wasted attributes? Because what I'm 6'8" and therefore I should have been in the league?

You do realize there are 450 NBA roster spots, right?

Let's break this down so hopefully you can understand, in a couple of different ways.

I am taller than like 99.98% or another way of looking at it is 1 in 5000. Somewhere thereabouts. That means that there are 72,000 people 6'8" and above walking around in the United States alone. That means in a world of let's call it 8 billion people, there are 1.6 million people 6'8" or above.

I guess they should all be in the NBA or they're "wasted attributes" right?

Let's break this down further... 1.6 million divided by 450 = 1 in 3,555 people from this group are good enough for the NBA.

And that's just assuming the NBA were people 6'8" and above, which clearly is not true, as there are many many many great players shorter than 6'8".

You're posting bullshit nonsense and insulting me for no real reason while displaying your 12 year old world view yelling about how stupid I am when, in reality...

07-11-2022, 01:35 PM
No I get what you mean. I’m just saying some things are so unlikely that the “odds” are pure fantasy and even if you had infinite chances it wouldn’t happen in reality…even if you could live for infinite years. You see the movie Everything, everywhere, all at once? Came out this year. Utterly absurd yet good multiverse movie on how everything happens in one of the infinite universes. There was a universe where humans evolved hot dog fingers. It’s funny as a thought experiment but the odds are at times beyond even what we think of as infinite. Some things definitely will not happen in this universe or the 36 that follow it.

I don’t care how many zeroes are behind the number that represents the odds it simply will not happen ever. Yea you or I could make a shot on nba players. Luck exists.

But we are talking a situation where prime Jordan plays current you…and on the line is the release of a 7 year old malnourished Indonesian girl dying at her station sewing together a pair of Jordans on hidden camera.

He is giving it all he’s got. Could you make a wild floater? Sure. A quick lucky hook? Sure.

Will it happen 11 times in a row before he gets the ball and cooks all the flavor out of you like an IHOP line cook who gets an already well done steak sent back for not being done enough?

Nah. The odds of that aren’t even astronomical. They are beyond the snow leopard trip BB gun lightning strike. That’s past the chances that 3ball will ever make 4 consecutive topics of new content worth reading. It will NOT happen no matter how long we wait.

Sometimes the odds are just for show.

No, now you've crossed over into the line of "false" and it's no longer speculation and a flippant and fun thought experiment.

You clearly don't appreciate how big the concept and reality of infinity truly is.

07-11-2022, 01:38 PM
That's part of the OCD makeup needed to excel at this level. Ja would have been a punk if he said oh man Jordan would whoop my ass 1 on 1. He said what you'd expect any pro athlete to say, especially the elites.

He could say... "I don't know how that would go but I like my chances" or something to that effect rather than crossing over into delusional territory of saying he would "cook" a guy who was probably the best NBA player that ever played the game and certainly also one of the 5 or 10 best 1 on 1 players ever.

07-11-2022, 01:39 PM
I'm not athletic at all but I assure you I could score on any player in NBA history given an infinite number of attempts. So could you for that matter or anyone else here. You don't appreciate the word infinity.

Also, I'm 6'8". It would happen a ****load sooner than infinity. Much closer to numbers that you're comfortable with.
Scoring once is a lot different than winning a 1v1 which is what you said. Also no you could not score against peak athletic LeBron James. You couldn’t even get a shot off unless you didn’t dribble tbh and even then you’d get block. This would happen to you against every player but the fact that you said you could score on any player ever made me use a hyperbolic example.

07-11-2022, 01:43 PM
Scoring once is a lot different than winning a 1v1 which is what you said. Also no you could not score against peak athletic LeBron James. You couldn’t even get a shot off unless you didn’t dribble tbh.

Again, the concept of infinity is lost. You're the one that said I could not score against an NBA player given infinity chances. But yes, the concept of winning actually remains the same given infinity chances. It's infinity. It's going to happen.

If space is truly infinite as we think it is and the multiverse is a real concept, essentially everything can and will happen.

There is a universe out there where someone who is virtually identical to you in every way is having a threesome with peak Pam Anderson and Jessica Alba. Sounds ridiculous, but it's true.

07-11-2022, 01:48 PM
Again, the concept of infinity is lost. You're the one that said I could not score against an NBA player given infinity chances. But yes, the concept of winning actually remains the same given infinity chances. It's infinity. It's going to happen.

If space is truly infinite as we think it is and the multiverse is a real concept, essentially everything can and will happen.

There is a universe out there where someone who is virtually identical to you in every way is having a threesome with peak Pam Anderson and Jessica Alba. Sounds ridiculous, but it's true.
Not everything is possible you’ve been watching too much Dr. Strange

07-11-2022, 01:50 PM
Ok I don't give a **** about Michael Beasley and I never claimed MJ was the best 1 on 1 player ever, but thanks for putting words in my mouth.

It's time to let go of appealing to authority. The "they're a player so they know and you're not a player so you don't" argument has been disproven too many times to count. Just because someone could play does not mean they can analyze the game properly. Robert Horry just recently said that Hakeem was 20 times better than Duncan, as the most recent stupid and extremely false example of things players say and think.

Wasted attributes? Because what I'm 6'8" and therefore I should have been in the league?

You do realize there are 450 NBA roster spots, right?

Let's break this down so hopefully you can understand, in a couple of different ways.

I am taller than like 99.98% or another way of looking at it is 1 in 5000. Somewhere thereabouts. That means that there are 72,000 people 6'8" and above walking around in the United States alone. That means in a world of let's call it 8 billion people, there are 1.6 million people 6'8" or above.

I guess they should all be in the NBA or they're "wasted attributes" right?

Let's break this down further... 1.6 million divided by 450 = 1 in 3,555 people from this group are good enough for the NBA.

And that's just assuming the NBA were people 6'8" and above, which clearly is not true, as there are many many many great players shorter than 6'8".

You're posting bullshit nonsense and insulting me for no real reason while displaying your 12 year old world view yelling about how stupid I am when, in reality...

Where is I put words in your mouth? You’re not the only bozo here that acts like what Ja said was a sin. And of course you don’t care about Beasley. You fail to realize the point made is 1 v 1 is a different game than 5 on 5. I feel like you and others lack that understanding.

Anyway people who didn’t play sports can speak on sports. But there are nuances of the game that only people who played would understand. And that stuff can be learned by people who initially don’t understand it. Reading your posts I feel you don’t understand that which is why I challenged you. Because you’re speaking from a place where I can clearly see you don’t get a 1 v1. You can talk actual team games because you watched games. How often have you watched 1 v1? How often have you experienced them just from a sideline point of view? Gilbert once said he would cook MJ in a 1v1. But a prime MJ? He has no shot. That’s Gilbert showing respect. And I don’t take Gilbert words as law to say he can’t beat or compete vs a prime MJ in a 1 on 1. That’s his opinion. I’ve personally seen Gilbert cook in 1 on 1’s with no more than 3 dribbles. So your whole authority take falls on deaf ears. That ain’t it. But you tried it.

Anyway, you love tossing random numbers out there. Let’s keep it short and sweet. You’re 6’8 and UNATHLETIC! How is that remotely possible? Who said you had to be in the Nba. Plenty of sports to choose from. I’m floored how you are not only tall but unathletic. Out of the 1.6 million 6’8 and taller dudes? How many are unathletic? That’s WASTED ATTRIBUTES. Do you even have any combat skills Napoleon Dynamite? That’s shyt is wild to me. Sorry not sorry.

07-11-2022, 01:54 PM
Again, the concept of infinity is lost. You're the one that said I could not score against an NBA player given infinity chances. But yes, the concept of winning actually remains the same given infinity chances. It's infinity. It's going to happen.

If space is truly infinite as we think it is and the multiverse is a real concept, essentially everything can and will happen.

There is a universe out there where someone who is virtually identical to you in every way is having a threesome with peak Pam Anderson and Jessica Alba. Sounds ridiculous, but it's true.

What in the hell? Hahahaha

07-11-2022, 02:11 PM
Where is I put words in your mouth? You’re not the only bozo here that acts like what Ja said was a sin. And of course you don’t care about Beasley. You fail to realize the point made is 1 v 1 is a different game than 5 on 5. I feel like you and others lack that understanding.

Great, I'm glad you feel that way.

Anyway people who didn’t play sports can speak on sports. But there are nuances of the game that only people who played would understand. And that stuff can be learned by people who initially don’t understand it. Reading your posts I feel you don’t understand that which is why I challenged you. Because you’re speaking from a place where I can clearly see you don’t get a 1 v1. You can talk actual team games because you watched games. How often have you watched 1 v1? How often have you experienced them just from a sideline point of view? Gilbert once said he would cook MJ in a 1v1. But a prime MJ? He has no shot. That’s Gilbert showing respect. And I don’t take Gilbert words as law to say he can’t beat or compete vs a prime MJ in a 1 on 1. That’s his opinion. I’ve personally seen Gilbert cook in 1 on 1’s with no more than 3 dribbles. So your whole authority take falls on deaf ears. That ain’t it. But you tried it.

lol. How often have you watched 1 v 1 among all time great NBA players? Oh right, never?

For what it's worth, I've got Durant or Hakeem at the top of my 1 on 1 list ever.

Anyway, you love tossing random numbers out there. Let’s keep it short and sweet. You’re 6’8 and UNATHLETIC! How is that remotely possible? Who said you had to be in the Nba. Plenty of sports to choose from. I’m floored how you are not only tall but unathletic. Out of the 1.6 million 6’8 and taller dudes? How many are unathletic? That’s WASTED ATTRIBUTES. Do you even have any combat skills Napoleon Dynamite? That’s shyt is wild to me. Sorry not sorry.

This really hammers home how clueless on this subject you really are. You do of course realize the taller someone gets the less likely they are to be athletic, never mind pro level athletic, right? No? You don't get that?

You don't understand why Kevin Durant is the only guy his height in league history that could handle the ball like he can?

You do also realize that athleticism isn't developed, right? To an extent, some of it is, yes, but that is a very small percentage of it comparatively speaking... you are largely birthed with it. Very similar to your height. Your genetics determine your floor and your ceiling for athleticism.

Or do you just think that athleticism is a reflection of how hard someone worked and that none of this is innate?

Are you serious? Is this some elaborate troll that I'm missing?

07-11-2022, 02:15 PM
What in the hell? Hahahaha

Exactly. Absolutely no concept of infinity.

07-11-2022, 02:45 PM
No, now you've crossed over into the line of "false" and it's no longer speculation and a flippant and fun thought experiment.

You clearly don't appreciate how big the concept and reality of infinity truly is.

Oh no I have always been interested in the concept of infinity both timewise and wishing I could understand there being something outside they supposedly infinite universe for it to be expanding into which would of course mean the universe has a physical boundary which means it isnt infinite. I’m not going against your concept of endless opportunity I’m saying you would suffer infinite defeat. You would try forever and fail forever stopped only by the eventual collapse of our universe and even if you could somehow put that off so we don’t have to take this into needing you to be recreated and start over….you’d simply keep failing forever.

Some things simply will not happen. They just will will have infinite unrealized opportunity.

07-11-2022, 02:50 PM
Oh no I have always been interested in the concept of infinity both timewise and wishing I could understand there being something outside they supposedly infinite universe for it to be expanding into which would of course mean the universe has a physical boundary which means it isnt infinite. I’m not going against your concept of endless opportunity I’m saying you would suffer infinite defeat. You would try forever and fail forever stopped only by the eventual collapse of our universe and even if you could somehow put that off so we don’t have to take this into needing you to be recreated and start over….you’d simply keep failing forever.

Some things simply will not happen. They just will will have infinite unrealized opportunity.

Well, that's not how infinity works though, at least in concept. Not only will everything happen, but it already is happening and already has. I would score an infinite number of victories and an infinite number of losses. The frequency of losses would be exponentially higher but nevertheless, infinity is infinity.

No all time great player is infinitely great nor is every all time bad player infinitely bad... there are deviations, if only for a day, if only for a half hour, if only for 5 minutes, if only for 2 minutes. And given an infinite number of opportunities for these two paths to intersect, they will. Indeed, they already have.

07-11-2022, 03:13 PM
Well, that's not how infinity works though, at least in concept. Not only will everything happen, but it already is happening and already has. I would score an infinite number of victories and an infinite number of losses. The frequency of losses would be exponentially higher but nevertheless, infinity is infinity.

No all time great player is infinitely great nor is every all time bad player infinitely bad... there are deviations, if only for a day, if only for a half hour, if only for 5 minutes, if only for 2 minutes. And given an infinite number of opportunities for these two paths to intersect, they will. Indeed, they already have.

The “At least in concept” part is where you run into the problem. You are relying on a world where you are right because you must be. Once you go into everything is true mustn’t there also exist a world where science has discovered that infinity is a false concept born only of our previous lack of understanding? Doesn’t everything existing require the existence of a world where we have realized things are finite and the concepts from this world are false?

By leaning on concepts which can’t be proven you kinda dismiss the more likely reality that we have no ****ing idea what the universe or time even are and our small minds have no ability explain any of it.

What I’m telling you is….

If you believe a world exists where due to sheer unfathomable odds you…after taking over the earth to gain the resources to develop both immortality and time travel….used it to bring prime Jordan to you where you can play forever……and you eventually have a game where he is going all out but loses 0-5000 to you(you’re immortal why go to 11?) ……

If you believe that world exists? You’re wrong.

07-11-2022, 03:22 PM
Yeah well now we've moved from first to 11 to... me winning 5000 to 0. Ok, well, infinity is infinity. It still exists... an infinite number of times.

Or you're telling me you both don't believe in infinity AND don't believe in God. Interesting.

We know for a 'fact' as much as people can ever truly 'know' anything, anyways, that the big bang happened. So... either someone/thing or some natural force caused this.

If God exists in the way that we think about God, you're right. God would be the infinite and that's it. If God doesn't exist, existence itself is infinite, even if our particular universe may not be... or is your contention that this all spawned out of nothingness and there's nothing else out there and will all fade away back to nothingness only for nothing to ever exist ever again? lol.

07-11-2022, 03:26 PM
Ja is cocky and an ethug on twitter (check out some of beefs with fans :oldlol:), but not mad at him for saying this. Cook might be a stretch although WINNING is the correct mindset.

07-11-2022, 03:41 PM
When your entire view relies on everything happening the number you win by doesn’t matter. There must exist a universe where you live 800 million years and score on prime Jordan every 15 seconds from the moment of your birth until you end the game 600 million years from now having won trillions of points to nothing.

This is where the theory has a key component you ignore. The theory is everything that can happen will happen m given infinite chances.

What do you do with the things that can’t happen then?

They don’t count. It still has to play by the laws of physics and space/time. There ARE things the infinite universe theory accepts cannot happen.

And I’m telling you there comes a point of unlikely where something simply will not happen. It will just result in infinite failure as the “could” never materializes due to absurd conditions.

07-11-2022, 03:45 PM
“Theoretically an inchworm could strangle a polar bear to death”-slowgon

07-11-2022, 04:21 PM
He could say... "I don't know how that would go but I like my chances" or something to that effect rather than crossing over into delusional territory of saying he would "cook" a guy who was probably the best NBA player that ever played the game and certainly also one of the 5 or 10 best 1 on 1 players ever.

I guess, I mean all these things are viewed in hindsight. I'm not especially surprised a 22 year old didn't have a more measured reply in the moment.

07-11-2022, 05:48 PM
Exactly. Absolutely no concept of infinity.

6’8, not athletic and a virgin. How socially awkward are you? This is not how we talk at the barbershop my guy.

Full Court
07-11-2022, 07:09 PM
I'm a big Morant fan, but how in the world does he think he's going to defend Jordan?

Probably just being confident though, and I guess that's a good attitude to have.

07-11-2022, 07:17 PM

07-11-2022, 07:21 PM
Id imagine Ja would respond that he had 46 on great shooting and won and Demar took 29 shots to score 28 points. I don’t assume he’d go in relying on stops to win him one on one matchups.

07-11-2022, 07:26 PM
if we are being honest jordan's getting cooked by a lot of these quick shoot first pgs. how many pgs in his era even looked to score first like they do now? back then their role was more to run the offense with a few exceptions.

07-11-2022, 07:57 PM
I'm a big Morant fan, but how in the world does he think he's going to defend Jordan?

Probably just being confident though, and I guess that's a good attitude to have.

Ja is not saying he will COOK MJ because he s some defensive savant. In fact people who talk about winning, not losing 1 v 1 do not do so thinking about playing defense. The logic is you can’t stop me from scoring.

If I posed a 1 v 1 with Wiggins vs Kyrie? You’re not asking “how is Kyrie gonna defend Wiggins.”.

07-11-2022, 08:07 PM
if we are being honest jordan's getting cooked by a lot of these quick shoot first pgs. how many pgs in his era even looked to score first like they do now? back then their role was more to run the offense with a few exceptions.

MJ was a great defender. To just assume he gets cooked is moronic. In fact there is no officiating nor rules on how one plays defense in a 1 v 1.

07-11-2022, 09:29 PM
Yeah well now we've moved from first to 11 to... me winning 5000 to 0. Ok, well, infinity is infinity. It still exists... an infinite number of times.

Or you're telling me you both don't believe in infinity AND don't believe in God. Interesting.

We know for a 'fact' as much as people can ever truly 'know' anything, anyways, that the big bang happened. So... either someone/thing or some natural force caused this.

If God exists in the way that we think about God, you're right. God would be the infinite and that's it. If God doesn't exist, existence itself is infinite, even if our particular universe may not be... or is your contention that this all spawned out of nothingness and there's nothing else out there and will all fade away back to nothingness only for nothing to ever exist ever again? lol.

i wasn’t gonna interject into whatever schizo babble that you’re doing here, but you honestly have zero clue what you’re talking about whatsoever :lol please cut it out

07-11-2022, 09:30 PM
Ja would break Mikey's ankles and give him nightmare flashbacks of investment banker John Rogers cooking him. No doubt about it.

07-11-2022, 09:32 PM
Not everything is possible you’ve been watching too much Dr. Strange

there’s essentially little to no reason to even posit a multi universe, it’s literally just a mental *********ion hypothetical exercise with the honorific science tag stamped on it, so it doesn’t seem inane to even think about

all this over a ja and MJ 1v1 :lol

07-11-2022, 09:33 PM
MJ was a great defender. To just assume he gets cooked is moronic. In fact there is no officiating nor rules on how one plays defense in a 1 v 1.

go away freak.

Full Court
07-11-2022, 10:45 PM
Ja is not saying he will COOK MJ because he s some defensive savant. In fact people who talk about winning, not losing 1 v 1 do not do so thinking about playing defense. The logic is you can’t stop me from scoring.

If I posed a 1 v 1 with Wiggins vs Kyrie? You’re not asking “how is Kyrie gonna defend Wiggins.”.

But if you're talking a 1 on 1 matchup where one guy is an elite defender and one guy has below average man-to-man defense, it absolutely matters. Jordan gets anything he wants, anywhere he wants. Morant could only hope to match, really.

It's like if you put anyone at all against prime Shaq one on one. The question wouldn't be whether they could score on Shaq or not. That wouldn't even matter. How are they going to stop Shaq from scoring?

07-12-2022, 12:55 PM
Damn... :oldlol:
Ja must've analyzed footage of CEO John Rogers and said to himself "I think I can be as good as this guy". :roll:

07-12-2022, 02:06 PM
Ja would break Mikey's ankles and give him nightmare flashbacks of investment banker John Rogers cooking him. No doubt about it.

Ja is not even that skilled, he can't even get to the basket without carrying the ball and he has no jump shot. He is weak and can't take contact, I would take Kevin Johnson, Latrell Sprewell or Marburry over Ja.

07-12-2022, 09:58 PM
https://scontent-hkt1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/293188719_7728107860564877_8346888346232198714_n.j pg?_nc_cat=110&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=y5rxoWHEP4oAX_W4Z9e&_nc_ht=scontent-hkt1-1.xx&oh=00_AT-jVxgU3IwS4KXYrUZcYilXqUfs3J-vcEgmjmJgB2V2XQ&oe=62D03988

Ja Morant on Michael Jordan:
"I wish I played in his generation."
"I would've cooked him too. Nobody got more confidence than 12. I'm never going to say nobody going to beat me 1-on-1."

best joke of the day ....lmfao

07-12-2022, 10:14 PM
if we are being honest jordan's getting cooked by a lot of these quick shoot first pgs. how many pgs in his era even looked to score first like they do now? back then their role was more to run the offense with a few exceptions.


07-12-2022, 10:24 PM
Ja would break Mikey's ankles and give him nightmare flashbacks of investment banker John Rogers cooking him. No doubt about it.
Casuals are actually clueless as to who he is.

07-12-2022, 10:26 PM
In 1 on 1, size matters a lot. Esp if the rule is scorer's ball.

I'd bet Robert Williams would cook MJ 1 on 1, given some time to practice.

07-12-2022, 11:10 PM
I was a low level D1 player but I still beat a bench-warming NBA player 2 of 9 games that we played 1-on-1

So Ja could beat MJ once in a while too


07-12-2022, 11:36 PM
In 1 on 1, size matters a lot. Esp if the rule is scorer's ball.

I'd bet Robert Williams would cook MJ 1 on 1, given some time to practice.

It's hard and tiring guarding bigger and stronger players.

Lot's of bigger decent NBA guys could just back down Jordan one on one over and over and beat him.

Most of the posters here are couch potatoes tho, so they wouldnt know.

07-12-2022, 11:50 PM
Casuals are actually clueless as to who he is.

Or maybe casuals didn't even care at all

07-12-2022, 11:53 PM
Or maybe casuals didn't even care at all
That's why they're not that bright in basketball discussions.

07-12-2022, 11:57 PM
That's why they're not that bright in basketball discussions.

Does knowing who CEO Rogers name constitutes "bright" in basketball discussions?

07-13-2022, 12:04 AM
If people are to be aware and open-minded, then yes.

To be aware of what? Do i have to know who the F LeBron's sperm donor in order to have bright basketball discussions?

07-13-2022, 12:07 AM
To be aware of what? Do i have to know who the F LeBron's sperm donor in order to have bright basketball discussions?
All of a sudden, kong (lebron) is on your goddamn mind even if he isn't the topic itt. What a buffoon. :lol

07-13-2022, 12:11 AM
All of a sudden, kong (lebron) is on your goddamn mind even if he isn't the topic itt. What a buffoon. :lol

Ok snowflake

07-13-2022, 12:23 AM
Ok snowflake


07-13-2022, 01:03 AM
Ok snowflake
You are, not us.