View Full Version : Interesting quote from "The Jordan Rules"

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Full Court
07-15-2022, 04:21 PM
This from Sam Smith's 2020 Introduction to his 1992 book The Jordan Rules:

There have been players with comparable skills to Jordan's, but there has never been anyone that combined them with his unbreakable spirit and seminal competitiveness. He outwitted people as much as he outplayed them.

He captures something there that you can't see in the stats, and people today don't understand if they did watch basketball in those days. Jordan had a presence on the court that dominated the game. Very few other superstars came close to matching it. Lebron never had it. Kobe never had it. Magic never had it. You could say Bird had it. Shaq had it for a short while. Players like Wilt....I don't know, because I wasn't watching basketball back when they played.

07-15-2022, 04:32 PM
This unbreakable spirit had to retire 3x. 1x because of mental fatigue, another because a little midget called Krauss bullied Jordan too much.

3rd time because he wasn't even an all-nba player anymore.

Jordan was also 1-9 without Pippen.

07-15-2022, 04:36 PM
That quote actually applies to Bron 100%.

Never before have we seen someone play 19 seasons, average 25ppg minimum for 18 of those seasons, 18 all nba teams.

Little did that author know he would be actually describing a player that was still 8 years old at the time the book was written. Fate.

07-15-2022, 04:52 PM
“I don’t know if I could have survived in this Twitter time, where you don’t have the privacy that you would want,” he told Cigar Aficionado’s Marvin Shanken last year. “And what seems to be very innocent can always be misinterpreted.”


Full Court
07-15-2022, 04:58 PM
That quote actually applies to Bron 100%.

Never before have we seen someone play 19 seasons, average 25ppg minimum for 18 of those seasons, 18 all nba teams.

Little did that author know he would be actually describing a player that was still 8 years old at the time the book was written. Fate.

You just keep showing off your low IQ. No intelligent person in his right mind would apply that quote to Bronie, the chronic loser. When did MJ ever have a series like Bronie did in 2011? Hint: never. The guy doesn't even have the mental fortitude to make clutch free throws.

Nice try. Try harder next time.


Furthermore, if you were literate, you would have read in the OP that it was in the 2020 introduction to the 1992 book. He wrote it 2 years ago, genius.

07-15-2022, 05:02 PM
That quote actually applies to Bron 100%.

Never before have we seen someone play 19 seasons, average 25ppg minimum for 18 of those seasons, 18 all nba teams.

Little did that author know he would be actually describing a player that was still 8 years old at the time the book was written. Fate.



07-15-2022, 05:06 PM

Full Court
07-15-2022, 05:07 PM

How did I know this thread was going to trigger the weeping dingus? :roll:

07-15-2022, 05:09 PM
“I don’t know if I could have survived in this Twitter time, where you don’t have the privacy that you would want,” he told Cigar Aficionado’s Marvin Shanken last year. “And what seems to be very innocent can always be misinterpreted.”

The casual braindead op seems to be unaware that his dad killer actually begged for stern's help in 1990. That's why the flagrant foul was implemented into the league bt. Stupid thread. Just another futile attempt to make people forget that he's been posting solely about lebron here most of the time.

Full Court
07-15-2022, 05:10 PM
The casual braindead op seems to be unaware that his dad killer actually begged for stern's help in 1990. That's why the flagrant foul was implemented into the league bt. Stupid thread. Just another futile attempt to make people forget that he's been posting solely about lebron here most of the time.

"Bu-bu-bu-but he MURDERED his FATHER. [weeps uncontrollaby]"

What a pathetic dingus. :lol This clown has zero understanding of basketball.

07-15-2022, 05:12 PM
https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSPZ27NHcDZ4_Q64hhup7SK28xRmwz1g UwKPA&usqp=CAU

07-15-2022, 05:13 PM
“I don’t know if I could have survived in this Twitter time, where you don’t have the privacy that you would want,” he told Cigar Aficionado’s Marvin Shanken last year. “And what seems to be very innocent can always be misinterpreted.”


Unbreakable spirit!

07-15-2022, 05:14 PM
You just keep showing off your low IQ. No intelligent person in his right mind would apply that quote to Bronie, the chronic loser. When did MJ ever have a series like Bronie did in 2011? Hint: never. The guy doesn't even have the mental fortitude to make clutch free throws.

Nice try. Try harder next time.


Furthermore, if you were literate, you would have read in the OP that it was in the 2020 introduction to the 1992 book. He wrote it 2 years ago, genius.

Meltdown in your own thread.

07-15-2022, 05:17 PM
Meltdown in your own thread.
Isn't 2020 also the same year that fat orange man folded in the most recent elections? Damn.

07-15-2022, 05:22 PM
Isn't 2020 also the same year that fat orange man folded in the most recent elections? Damn.

Trump lost by 7 million votes to an old boring democrat that at most gets 200 people to show up to Biden rallies.

Humiliating defeat.

Trump never got over it and is still butt hurt about it.

07-15-2022, 05:26 PM
Trump lost by 7 million votes to an old boring democrat that at most gets 200 people to show up to Biden rallies.

Humiliating defeat.

Trump never got over it and is still butt hurt about it.
True. Also in 2020 op was nowhere to be found here in ish. :lol

07-15-2022, 05:30 PM
What was also in the book was that the Bulls wanted to sign Danny Ainge in the '90 offseason because he was one of the few players who would tell MJ to **** off and not pass it to him if he was playing outside the Triangle.

07-15-2022, 05:35 PM
The aura you're speaking about is one of the best reasons to be an nba fan, to watch a guy at the level where he puts it all together, Mj did it for a good stretch but he was far from the only one. Just in my time watching Dream did it for 94 and 95, Shaq during the 3peat. I thought Kobe reached it in 08 although he didn't win the chip. Lebron did it for a stretch between 2012- 2018 maybe even beyond. I'm sure Bird and Magic had their moments amongst others.

Full Court
07-15-2022, 05:37 PM
Meltdown in your own thread.

You sound butthurt because you got completely destroyed. You clearly have no leg to stand on. But then again, debate isn't your strong suit. :lol

You just keep losing over and over. Much like your hero Bronie. :roll:

Full Court
07-15-2022, 05:39 PM
Isn't 2020 also the same year that fat orange man folded in the most recent elections? Damn.

2020 is the year you created your account here. And since then, you've made over 26,000 weepy, low-IQ posts.



07-15-2022, 06:00 PM
Mental (approach and tactical) is what separates the superstars. You could never break Jordan's spirit on the court. He'd look for every edge and weakness he could find. Like a predator. No stat will ever encapsulate that intangible.

07-15-2022, 06:01 PM
Imagine being a beta cuck weeping about a mere post count. Looks like that's supposed to make you butthurt now. Oh and at least most of them aren't dedicated or shackled to a certain player and posters here. :sleeping

Full Court
07-15-2022, 06:15 PM
Imagine being a beta cuck weeping about a mere post count. Looks like that's supposed to make you butthurt now. Oh and at least most of them aren't dedicated or shackled to a certain player and posters here. :sleeping

You sound like a blubbering Bronie. Someone as confused and hormonally imbalanced as you should get gender identity counselling. :lol

07-15-2022, 06:54 PM
Mental (approach and tactical) is what separates the superstars. You could never break Jordan's spirit on the court. He'd look for every edge and weakness he could find. Like a predator. No stat will ever encapsulate that intangible.

Most notably Detroit broke his spirit, he quit in a game agaisnt them. And I'd say Orlando did the same in 95 if you saw his face walking off the court. We're all too old for these bedtime stories and after school specials fellas. Mj was the absolute legend of our time, but he had a ton of things work in his favor image wise.

07-15-2022, 06:57 PM
Oh i'm very sorry. Not every poster you encounter here is an extreme homosexual with daily excruciating periods like you are, op. :confusedshrug:

07-15-2022, 07:18 PM
That quote actually applies to Bron 100%.

Never before have we seen someone play 19 seasons, average 25ppg minimum for 18 of those seasons, 18 all nba teams.

Little did that author know he would be actually describing a player that was still 8 years old at the time the book was written. Fate.

Also got swept multiple times in the Finals, dat unbreakable spirit tho :lol

07-15-2022, 07:27 PM
Most notably Detroit broke his spirit, he quit in a game agaisnt them. And I'd say Orlando did the same in 95 if you saw his face walking off the court. We're all too old for these bedtime stories and after school specials fellas. Mj was the absolute legend of our time, but he had a ton of things work in his favor image wise.

You probably never played sports, so you can't relate. Jordan's own coaches and peers have said the same thing. His quench for competition was abnormal. Having a bad game vs Detroit and a few mishaps vs Orlando didn't break him. MJ came back stronger and defeated both those teams. No "fairytales" there lol. That's just a fact.

07-15-2022, 07:30 PM
You probably never played sports, so you can't relate. Jordan's own coaches and peers have said the same thing. His quench for competition was abnormal. Having a bad game vs Detroit and a few mishaps vs Orlando didn't break him. MJ came back stronger and defeated both those teams. No "fairytales" there lol. That's just a fact.
Well, he did but that only happened when scottie pippen was already playing with him.

07-15-2022, 07:32 PM
Well, he did but that only happened when scottie pippen was already playing with him.

Jordan didn't do it alone. Nobody does.

07-15-2022, 07:34 PM
Jordan didn't do it alone. Nobody does.
Then why is it that he's the only one to get huge credit for his team's success in the 90s, in fact one that even made the playoffs completely without him almost 30 years ago?

07-15-2022, 07:39 PM
Then why is it that he's the only one to get huge credit for his team's success in the 90s, in fact one that even made the playoffs completely without him almost 30 years ago?

You're asking the wrong guy. I don't follow narratives. Those kind of hot takes sound like the ones ESPN build for LeBron :oldlol:

07-15-2022, 07:43 PM
You're asking the wrong guy. I don't follow narratives. Those kind of hot takes sound like the ones ESPN build for LeBron :oldlol:
Eh... but you said he can't do it alone tho, so.. :ohwell:

07-15-2022, 07:49 PM
Eh... but you said he can't do it alone tho, so.. :ohwell:

Right. So what does one have to do with the other? :confusedshrug:

07-15-2022, 07:50 PM
Most notably Detroit broke his spirit, he quit in a game agaisnt them. And I'd say Orlando did the same in 95 if you saw his face walking off the court. We're all too old for these bedtime stories and after school specials fellas. Mj was the absolute legend of our time, but he had a ton of things work in his favor image wise.

Uhh both teams you mentioned MJ and the Bulls came back the following year and eviscerated both squads with sweeps, but yeah he's defeated :applause:

Full Court
07-15-2022, 09:18 PM
:roll: Axey-dingus is in yet another full meltdown. All it took was a quote from the intro of a book. :lol

It's not even a challenge anymore.

Hey, Dingus.


Full Court
07-15-2022, 09:20 PM
Uhh both teams you mentioned MJ and the Bulls came back the following year and eviscerated both squads with sweeps, but yeah he's defeated :applause:

Exactly. He had the last word against the Pistons when he destroyed them in the '91 playoffs and they infamously stormed off the court in a hissy fit. The Pistons never recovered from that. Jordan, on the other hand, went on to win the championship and then five more.

07-15-2022, 09:48 PM

07-15-2022, 09:54 PM
Uhh both teams you mentioned MJ and the Bulls came back the following year and eviscerated both squads with sweeps, but yeah he's defeated :applause:
With the help of the flagrant foul implementation into the league. But our dearest braindead op, a true narcissist for lebron and his fans, will never acknowledge it because he obviously lacks brain cells to do so. :yaohappy:

07-15-2022, 10:04 PM
With the help of the flagrant foul implementation into the league. But our dearest braindead op, a true narcissist for lebron and his fans, will never acknowledge it because he obviously lacks brain cells to do so. :yaohappy:

Translation: wwwaaaahhhh wwwaaahhhh

I would never give any credit to Jordan or Curry

Wwwaahhhh :roll:

This sh#t is hilarious.

07-15-2022, 10:04 PM
Slutty on a rage again because i hurt his boyfriend. Poor thing. :ohwell:

07-15-2022, 10:14 PM
Mental (approach and tactical) is what separates the superstars. You could never break Jordan's spirit on the court. He'd look for every edge and weakness he could find. Like a predator. No stat will ever encapsulate that intangible.

You're asking the wrong guy. I don't follow narratives. Those kind of hot takes sound like the ones ESPN build for LeBron :oldlol:

lol retard alert

07-15-2022, 10:17 PM
hurrr, mj got the last word vs isiah by beating a cripple who missed half the season with an injury.

Full Court
07-15-2022, 10:20 PM
Bronies in damage control. And Axe being a complete dingus as usual.


The truth really does hurt. :lol

07-15-2022, 10:24 PM
durrr, the 1-3 vs isiah last word, hurrr.

Full Court
07-15-2022, 10:26 PM
durrr, the 1-3 vs isiah last word, hurrr.

Man this low IQ Bronie is still shook 20 years after the guy retired.

Do you even understand what "the last word" means?

Lol. The sheer dumbness of these Bronies never ceases to amaze me.

07-15-2022, 10:28 PM
what's funny is their childhood hero is still mad they shit down his throat 3 years in a row. lol mfer writing chapters about em in his fluff piece documentary.


Full Court
07-15-2022, 10:29 PM
what's funny is their childhood hero is still mad they shit down his throat 3 years in a row. lol mfer writing chapters about em in his fluff piece documentary.


A Bronie who's butthurt because MJ is still the consensus GOAT 21 years into Lebron's career. :lol

And water is wet.

07-15-2022, 10:31 PM
tardboy spam quoting me typing about hurt feelings. lol so embarrassingly stupid. i'll let axe fk with this rere.

Full Court
07-15-2022, 10:33 PM
tardboy spam quoting me typing about hurt feelings. lol so embarrassingly stupid. i'll let axe fk with this rere.

Are you extra butthurt since your hero led a superteam to the lottery this year?



07-15-2022, 10:40 PM
Op's thread sucks balls. Not him coping even harder could debunk his dad killer's stainmark below in the past. :confusedshrug:


Oh and it looks like a jizzrag too just like him. 💩💩💩

07-15-2022, 10:41 PM
Slutty on a rage again because i hurt his boyfriend. Poor thing. :ohwell:

The fact you need to have the last word in just shows how bothered you are.

Carry on. :lol

07-15-2022, 10:43 PM
You must be describing your redneck jizzrag boyfriend op, who only does so for the sake of inhaling more copium. Truly desperate af, durr. ;)

07-15-2022, 10:55 PM
lol retard alert

Yeah Jordan is A.I. with no feelings or emotion :oldlol: Good one dumbass. How's it feel being unable to talk hoops without a calculator?

07-15-2022, 11:04 PM
With the help of the flagrant foul implementation into the league. But our dearest braindead op, a true narcissist for lebron and his fans, will never acknowledge it because he obviously lacks brain cells to do so. :yaohappy:

A correction was due my friend and even then the game was still massively physical to what it is today and regardless players with the intention to create harm had to be addressed. They have admitted that the game plan was hurt Jordan. That's how good he was. Teams had to play to the lowest demonantor which you Bronies should be quite familiar with but are too stupid to realize.

Sorry, I wanted to be nice but you guys suck too much

07-15-2022, 11:04 PM
Hoes mad

Full Court
07-15-2022, 11:16 PM
You must be describing your redneck jizzrag boyfriend op, who only does so for the sake of inhaling more copium. Truly desperate af, durr. ;)

Axe: "Boooo hooooooooooooooooooooooo I HATE Full Court and I HATE Michael Jordan and I HATE Breitbart!! Boooooo boooooooooooooooooooo!"


What a blubbering dingus. Your hero is a loser like you. Get over it. :lol

07-15-2022, 11:53 PM
https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT3t2RXWiEFdFj6BKE59MvbHDe7lxBAb duRzw&usqp=CAU
Are u ok?

07-15-2022, 11:54 PM
An interesting quote that MJ authorized. How interesting

Full Court
07-16-2022, 12:05 AM
An interesting quote that MJ authorized. How interesting

You're just showing your ignorance. Sam Smith is hardly someone that looks to Jordan for "authorization." When the book first came out it was very controversial because it painted a picture of Jordan that the public had never seen. A negative picture. And apparently Jordan was pretty butthurt about the book for a while. He didn't talk to Smith for a long time after the book came out.

Full Court
07-16-2022, 12:06 AM

07-16-2022, 12:42 AM
A correction was due my friend and even then the game was still massively physical to what it is today and regardless players with the intention to create harm had to be addressed. They have admitted that the game plan was hurt Jordan. That's how good he was. Teams had to play to the lowest demonantor which you Bronies should be quite familiar with but are too stupid to realize.

Sorry, I wanted to be nice but you guys suck too much

Damn. Another poster calling out Axe's BULL$h!t.


07-16-2022, 12:51 AM


07-16-2022, 12:59 AM
check out this massively physical playoff gm between duh bulls and pistons under the new flag foul rules.


07-16-2022, 01:00 AM
check out this massively physical playoff gm between duh bulls and pistons under the new flag foul rules.


JR the Gent
3 years ago
This video should be called: "How the Bulls finally beat the Bad Boy Pistons" David Stern's Flagrant foul rules.

10 months ago
When old heads talk like MJ won in the Clothesline League show them this ������

moomoo hakim
2 years ago
After Jordan cried to the league they changed the rules..

07-16-2022, 01:47 AM
An interesting quote that MJ authorized. How interesting

Clearly this child has no idea what he’s talking about. Get out of here, Zoomer.

07-16-2022, 03:04 AM
You probably never played sports, so you can't relate. Jordan's own coaches and peers have said the same thing. His quench for competition was abnormal. Having a bad game vs Detroit and a few mishaps vs Orlando didn't break him. MJ came back stronger and defeated both those teams. No "fairytales" there lol. That's just a fact.

Project much bro? We all know what he did after, that's not what is up for discussion. That wasn't a bad game vs Detroit, that was a statement in the biggest game of his career to that point. Orlando made him start a whole new training regimen with s
Pippen and Harper and caused them to bring in Rodman, the enemy. Extraordinary measures.

07-16-2022, 03:06 AM
Uhh both teams you mentioned MJ and the Bulls came back the following year and eviscerated both squads with sweeps, but yeah he's defeated :applause:

Same as above, we know what happened after, but we're discussing what caused those measures to come about.

07-16-2022, 08:08 AM
MJ had that Jimmy Butler mentality, just with double the ability. Beat everyone in sight and then retired. Then got bored, came back, and again beat everyone in sight. Greatest of all time. Bronies keep fuming. And Axe still doesn't know what narcissism is. Classic dingus.

07-16-2022, 08:14 AM
Coming from a weird ass retard who still simps for a bust like derrick rose. 'Muh nostalgia'. :oldlol:

Full Court
07-16-2022, 09:27 AM
Axe is basically a man [allegedly] with the mentality of a teenage girl on her period. Or in other words, a weeping dingus.

No surprise that then that he adores Bronie, a mentally weak loser like himself. :lol

07-16-2022, 09:54 AM
Hurr, bringing up 'period' just reminds me of your recent catastrophic meltdowns below.


Pot. Kettle. Black. :hammerhead:

07-16-2022, 09:54 AM
Project much bro? We all know what he did after, that's not what is up for discussion. That wasn't a bad game vs Detroit, that was a statement in the biggest game of his career to that point. Orlando made him start a whole new training regimen with s
Pippen and Harper and caused them to bring in Rodman, the enemy. Extraordinary measures.

hurrr, not organic, durrr

07-16-2022, 10:06 AM

I love how you troll OP so easily. Lol

I didn't realize how much he rages when you post

07-16-2022, 10:34 AM
Another thread inflating Jordan's past and the Jordaneers come to exaggerate it.
Only the Pistons implemented "The Jordan Rules" which was really to funnel Jordan to the hoop and the bigs would physically impose on him. Basically trolling him and getting him off his game. The media ate it up and sold it to the fans. Jordan cried to the league which tightened up the rules about fouls.

But here come the Jordaneers talking how he was this ungodly character who single handedly dominated a whole era by himself with no acknowledgment of his flaws. Same story, different thread.

07-16-2022, 12:37 PM
Project much bro? We all know what he did after, that's not what is up for discussion. That wasn't a bad game vs Detroit, that was a statement in the biggest game of his career to that point. Orlando made him start a whole new training regimen with s
Pippen and Harper and caused them to bring in Rodman, the enemy. Extraordinary measures.

Wrong again.

Jordan's physical weight regiment was designed for baseball, then he was playing basketball.. a change had to be done. It's really quite simple.

And yes the Bulls needed a frontcourt player in a time where Rodman was damn near out of the league. It wasn't a special signing in the time but they made it special with how they made it work.

You seem to be an older fella and yet you know nothing about this time frame. Crazy.

07-16-2022, 01:14 PM
check out this massively physical playoff gm between duh bulls and pistons under the new flag foul rules.



07-16-2022, 01:16 PM

he clearly hit him in the face. and no one is pretending this era is no blood no foul anyway like the 90s tards do so completely irrelevant.

Full Court
07-16-2022, 01:27 PM
Another thread inflating Jordan's past and the Jordaneers come to exaggerate it.
Only the Pistons implemented "The Jordan Rules" which was really to funnel Jordan to the hoop and the bigs would physically impose on him. Basically trolling him and getting him off his game. The media ate it up and sold it to the fans. Jordan cried to the league which tightened up the rules about fouls.

But here come the Jordaneers talking how he was this ungodly character who single handedly dominated a whole era by himself with no acknowledgment of his flaws. Same story, different thread.

Ahhhh, now I've got the other dingus brother in my thread. :lol

How do you feel about Jordan being the consensus GOAT even after 21 years of your hero Bronie trying to catch him?



Full Court
07-16-2022, 01:27 PM
he clearly hit him in the face. and no one is pretending this era is no blood no foul anyway like the 90s tards do so completely irrelevant.

What is relevant is that it clearly demonstrations how Bronie is a mentally weak, flopping *****.

Truth hurts.


07-16-2022, 02:07 PM
What is relevant is that it clearly demonstrations how Bronie is a mentally weak, flopping *****.

Truth hurts.


still better than like everyone but 1-2 guys in history. The jordan stans on here can say he's fringe top 10 in every other thread but that is a complete fringe opinion(way more fringe than saying lebron>jordan). I havent seen one convincing argument for putting him fringe top 10

07-16-2022, 02:28 PM
The casual braindead op seems to be unaware that his dad killer actually begged for stern's help in 1990. That's why the flagrant foul was implemented into the league bt. Stupid thread. Just another futile attempt to make people forget that he's been posting solely about lebron here most of the time.

I don't know if his actions led to his father's death (it wouldn't surprise me if it did, but we may never know), but I agree with the rest. MJ and Phil whined to the league, and what really helped was the beginning of NBC's time as the television carrier of the NBA. They carried the Bulls as much as anyone. That is why I would have asterisks on all the titles won during the NBA on NBC Era except for the 94-95 Rockets titles and the 99 Spurs title.

Before Game 4 of the 91 ECF, Jordan basically said that he was glad that "dirty basketball" was coming to an end. If it wasn't for the Pistons, the Bulls don't become what they were. What a joke.

Full Court
07-16-2022, 03:33 PM
still better than like everyone but 1-2 guys in history. The jordan stans on here can say he's fringe top 10 in every other thread but that is a complete fringe opinion(way more fringe than saying lebron>jordan). I havent seen one convincing argument for putting him fringe top 10

A "convincing" argument is completely subjective, and I don't expect to convince you one way or the other, and that's cool, but for me personally, the reason I rank him in the 7-9 range is because of his epic failures, e.g. 2011. Those multiple epic choke jobs keep him from being top 5 in my book. If it weren't for that, his other accomplishments would make him top 5 for sure.

07-16-2022, 03:39 PM
A "convincing" argument is completely subjective, and I don't expect to convince you one way or the other, and that's cool, but for me personally, the reason I rank him in the 7-9 range is because of his epic failures, e.g. 2011. Those multiple epic choke jobs keep him from being top 5 in my book. If it weren't for that, his other accomplishments would make him top 5 for sure.

That is one choke job not multiple and exactly what I mean. if you’re going make a claim, give some evidence. Ik of 10 ofc but I’m not considering 07 as legacy affecting. It’s not logical for 2 series to move him from top 5 to 7-9 when maybe 2 all time greats have less than 2 of these “epic chokejobs”.

Edit: there’s also the contradiction that an overall good season will move guys down in all time rankings. They should at worse be treated like mjs wizards years, they don’t affect him legacy at all. You’re saying if we took out 10, 11 lebron would be top 5. How does that make sense when 10 is one of his best regular seasons ever.

What most people I’ve seen do is just punish the guys overall season greatly for the playoffs and just compare what guys have done overall season by season. 10 lebron isn’t even in the top 5 lebron seasons prime wise, 11 lebron is considered maybe the worst season of his prime because of the finals

07-16-2022, 03:46 PM
That is one choke job not multiple and exactly what I mean. if you’re going make a claim, give some evidence. Ik of 10 ofc but I’m not considering 07 as legacy affecting. It’s not logical for 2 series to move him from top 5 to 7-9 when maybe 2 all time greats have less than 2 of these “epic chokejobs”.

Edit: there’s also the contradiction that an overall good season will move guys down in all time rankings. They should at worse be treated like mjs wizards years, they don’t affect him legacy at all. You’re saying if we took out 10, 11 lebron would be top 5. How does that make sense when 10 is one of his best regular seasons ever.

What most people I’ve seen do is just punish the guys overall season greatly for the playoffs and just compare what guys have done overall season by season. 10 lebron isn’t even in the top 5 lebron seasons prime wise, 11 lebron is considered maybe the worst season of his prime because of the finals
Can we get that LeBron MJ comp thread you floated in the other thread? Want to see them mald when you make good arguments lol

07-16-2022, 03:54 PM
Can we get that LeBron MJ comp thread you floated in the other thread? Want to see them mald when you make good arguments lol

Assuming you mean the Kobe lebron thread. That was just to show you can only be nuanced to a certain extent. Half the board would not be happy if mj vs lebron got compared, many of the same people who wonder why lebron Stans get defensive when kobe gets brought up. This is even though mj lebron is clearly closer imo than lebron kobe. Also I would have a tough time making good arguments; the better ones I mostly be stealing from realgm and Ben Taylor. Realgm may be full of bron Stans but they know how to argue lol

07-16-2022, 04:11 PM
Assuming you mean the Kobe lebron thread. That was just to show you can only be nuanced to a certain extent. Half the board would not be happy if mj vs lebron got compared, many of the same people who wonder why lebron Stans get defensive when kobe gets brought up. This is even though mj lebron is clearly closer imo than lebron kobe. Also I would have a tough time making good arguments; the better ones I mostly be stealing from realgm and Ben Taylor. Realgm may be full of bron Stans but they know how to argue lol
Who cares if butthurt MJ stans get mad lol? They definitely won’t be able to refute any of those arguments from Ben Taylor and co very well they’re far too stupid.

07-16-2022, 04:22 PM
Who cares if butthurt MJ stans get mad lol? They definitely won’t be able to refute any of those arguments from Ben Taylor and co very well they’re far too stupid.

I’m not afraid of them not liking it haha. I don’t really believe lebron>mj and not quite rdy to go full troll mode here yet

07-16-2022, 04:28 PM
still better than like everyone but 1-2 guys in history.
Get a single Lebron stan to admit this and then you can complain about MJ stans putting him low on their lists.

Personally I believe hes cemented 2nd best player ever. but thats not enough for these mongoloids.

07-16-2022, 04:38 PM
Get a single Lebron stan to admit this and then you can complain about MJ stans putting him low on their lists.

Personally I believe hes cemented 2nd best player ever. but thats not enough for these mongoloids.
I rank LeBron second, and I bet you’d call me a stan. Stop making up people to get mad at.

Full Court
07-16-2022, 04:44 PM
That is one choke job not multiple and exactly what I mean. if you’re going make a claim, give some evidence. Ik of 10 ofc but I’m not considering 07 as legacy affecting. It’s not logical for 2 series to move him from top 5 to 7-9 when maybe 2 all time greats have less than 2 of these “epic chokejobs”.

Edit: there’s also the contradiction that an overall good season will move guys down in all time rankings. They should at worse be treated like mjs wizards years, they don’t affect him legacy at all. You’re saying if we took out 10, 11 lebron would be top 5. How does that make sense when 10 is one of his best regular seasons ever.

What most people I’ve seen do is just punish the guys overall season greatly for the playoffs and just compare what guys have done overall season by season. 10 lebron isn’t even in the top 5 lebron seasons prime wise, 11 lebron is considered maybe the worst season of his prime because of the finals

Regardless of how well you do in the regular season, if you're the main guy on your team, and you choke away a finals series, it dings your legacy. That's the way it works.

And 2011 wasn't his only epic choke job, just his worst one.

But you can rank him wherever you want. I'll never understand why people get so upset how other people rank players. You can have Kyle Kuzma as the GOAT, and it doesn't affect my life.

07-16-2022, 04:50 PM
I rank LeBron second, and I bet you’d call me a stan. Stop making up people to get mad at.

If you shit on Jordan constantly, then yeah youre a stan. Why would anyone shit on Jordan if not to prop up their guy against him?

07-16-2022, 11:10 PM
A "convincing" argument is completely subjective, and I don't expect to convince you one way or the other, and that's cool, but for me personally, the reason I rank him in the 7-9 range is because of his epic failures, e.g. 2011. Those multiple epic choke jobs keep him from being top 5 in my book. If it weren't for that, his other accomplishments would make him top 5 for sure.

Funny you use the word subjective when you are the furthest thing away

07-16-2022, 11:13 PM
Ahhhh, now I've got the other dingus brother in my thread. :lol

How do you feel about Jordan being the consensus GOAT even after 21 years of your hero Bronie trying to catch him?



Typical Jordaneer response. Calling everyone a Bronie

I can easily argue its been 21 years and you can't let go of the fact maybe he isn't? And that people who can be subjective aren't Bronies? I mean look at it from a third person. You are way to emotionally attached to this idea that it consumes you on the daily. A lifeless zombie reliving the same day over and over. It's as sad as it gets.

07-16-2022, 11:14 PM
If you shit on Jordan constantly, then yeah youre a stan. Why would anyone shit on Jordan if not to prop up their guy against him?
When do I shit on Jordan when I'm not talking to 3ball? Stop making up shit you retarded Rose ranter.

07-17-2022, 01:12 AM
Wrong again.

Jordan's physical weight regiment was designed for baseball, then he was playing basketball.. a change had to be done. It's really quite simple.

And yes the Bulls needed a frontcourt player in a time where Rodman was damn near out of the league. It wasn't a special signing in the time but they made it special with how they made it work.

You seem to be an older fella and yet you know nothing about this time frame. Crazy.

Guess you never heard of the breakfast club, or how 96 was meant to be a revenge campaign. And you're crazy if you don't think the Rodman acquisition was a big deal, it absolutely was.

07-17-2022, 01:44 AM
Guess you never heard of the breakfast club, or how 96 was meant to be a revenge campaign. And you're crazy if you don't think the Rodman acquisition was a big deal, it absolutely was.

Lol, all it took was Will Purdue to get Rodman, some big deal...the Spurs were desperate to get rid of him, he was a suicidal headcase on his way out of the NBA...stop making up shit. Rodman became a bid deal AFTER the way he meshed with the team, his signing wasn't seen as a big deal when it happened, he was pretty much irrelevant by then...:facepalm

07-17-2022, 02:55 AM
Guess you never heard of the breakfast club, or how 96 was meant to be a revenge campaign. And you're crazy if you don't think the Rodman acquisition was a big deal, it absolutely was.

You said defeated, the breakfast club is anything but defeated. It's actually one of the most resilient things in sports ever.

And for Rodamn, TheMan already addressed that. It's just the simple truth man.

07-17-2022, 03:00 AM
You said defeated, the breakfast club is anything but defeated. It's actually one of the most resilient things in sports ever.

And for Rodamn, TheMan already addressed that. It's just the simple truth man.

Regardless of how well you do in the regular season, if you're the main guy on your team, and you choke away a finals series, it dings your legacy. That's the way it works.

And 2011 wasn't his only epic choke job, just his worst one.

But you can rank him wherever you want. I'll never understand why people get so upset how other people rank players. You can have Kyle Kuzma as the GOAT, and it doesn't affect my life.

Yea he has pretty much 2 and choking away a playoff series is close to choking away a final series. You say that, then why do you and other feel the need to respond to most lebron is GOAT threads(usually from a troll too).

07-17-2022, 04:37 AM
Funny you use the word subjective when you are the furthest thing away


Full Court
07-17-2022, 08:31 AM
Typical Jordaneer response. Calling everyone a Bronie

I can easily argue its been 21 years and you can't let go of the fact maybe he isn't? And that people who can be subjective aren't Bronies? I mean look at it from a third person. You are way to emotionally attached to this idea that it consumes you on the daily. A lifeless zombie reliving the same day over and over. It's as sad as it gets.

You get upset easily. Yep, you're definitely a Bronie. Must suck to have a loser for a hero, huh?


Full Court
07-17-2022, 08:32 AM
Lol, all it took was Will Purdue to get Rodman, some big deal...the Spurs were desperate to get rid of him, he was a suicidal headcase on his way out of the NBA...stop making up shit. Rodman became a bid deal AFTER the way he meshed with the team, his signing wasn't seen as a big deal when it happened, he was pretty much irrelevant by then...:facepalm

From what I recall, the Rodman acquisition generated a lot of buzz when it happened. It was a pretty big deal, at least in Chicago.

Hey Yo
07-17-2022, 09:42 AM
Uhh both teams you mentioned MJ and the Bulls came back the following year and eviscerated both squads with sweeps, but yeah he's defeated :applause:

Jordan quit against Detroit in the 89 ECF. The next year he lost again to Detroit.

Yes, after losing to the Magic in 95.... MJ came back the following year and won, but obviously didn't have the same team that lost the year before. Some guy named Rodman stepped in which allowed MJ some redemption.

LOL @ thinking MJ eviscerated them.

Hey Yo
07-17-2022, 09:56 AM
Wrong again.

Jordan's physical weight regiment was designed for baseball, then he was playing basketball.. a change had to be done. It's really quite simple.

And yes the Bulls needed a frontcourt player in a time where Rodman was damn near out of the league. It wasn't a special signing in the time but they made it special with how they made it work.

You seem to be an older fella and yet you know nothing about this time frame. Crazy.
Rodman was almost out of the league after 1995?

The same Rodman who was All-NBA 3rd team and 1st team All-defensive that year, who also just collected his 4th consecutive rebounding title??

Almost out of the league ..... :oldlol:

Hey Yo
07-17-2022, 09:58 AM
Lol, all it took was Will Purdue to get Rodman, some big deal...the Spurs were desperate to get rid of him, he was a suicidal headcase on his way out of the NBA...stop making up shit. Rodman became a bid deal AFTER the way he meshed with the team, his signing wasn't seen as a big deal when it happened, he was pretty much irrelevant by then...:facepalm

Another dumb fukk who thinks Rodman's days were numbered in the NBA

07-17-2022, 11:16 AM
Jordan quit against Detroit in the 89 ECF. The next year he lost again to Detroit.

Yes, after losing to the Magic in 95.... MJ came back the following year and won, but obviously didn't have the same team that lost the year before. Some guy named Rodman stepped in which allowed MJ some redemption.

LOL @ thinking MJ eviscerated them.

How did Jordan quit against Detroit exactly?

Hey Yo
07-17-2022, 11:29 AM
How did Jordan quit against Detroit exactly?

He refused to shoot the ball in game 5....the biggest game of his career at that time.

07-17-2022, 12:20 PM
Lol, all it took was Will Purdue to get Rodman, some big deal...the Spurs were desperate to get rid of him, he was a suicidal headcase on his way out of the NBA...stop making up shit. Rodman became a bid deal AFTER the way he meshed with the team, his signing wasn't seen as a big deal when it happened, he was pretty much irrelevant by then...:facepalm
Yeah because now with hind sight being 20/20 a guy even half as eccentric as Rodman never saw the Spurs locker room again. it's no secret Pop is one of the greatest coaches ever but he only deals with a certain type of player in his program and he was the Gm at the time. He was traded for Perdue, and he was a headcase, but he was also the nba's leading rebounder for like the 4th or 5th straight season and coming off an all nba 3rd team and defensive 1st team selection as well.....irrelevant? @ 17 boards a game? Lol. Why do guys try so damn hard to downplay MJ's cast? Sometimes I wonder if you guys were actually there, or too young to remember and faking it till you make it.

You said defeated, the breakfast club is anything but defeated. It's actually one of the most resilient things in sports ever.

And for Rodamn, TheMan already addressed that. It's just the simple truth man.
He definitely was defeafed,, shit I and millions of Jordan stans lost with him that year, you just had to be there. And The Man addressed it quite terribly, I wouldn't hitch my horse to that wagon if I were you. I mean ffs today I learned that you're irrelevant the summer after you lead the league with 17 rpg and make all nba and all defensive teams lol. Incredible.

07-17-2022, 12:56 PM
He refused to shoot the ball in game 5....the biggest game of his career at that time.


“Michael scores 46 points, and people say he’s not sharing enough of the offense. Now he takes eight shots and you tell him he’s the highest-priced decoy in the game.

“Is that fair?”

Jordan sure didn’t think so.

He made a conscious effort, he said, to involve his teammates in the offense, what with the Pistons putting everybody but their trainer on him when he touched the ball.

“Why should I take the shots if they’re double-teaming me, triple-teaming me, sometimes even putting four guys on me?” Jordan asked. “Didn’t we still get good shots?”

Yes, Michael.

“Well, did we hit ‘em?”

No, Michael.

“That’s the whole story,” Jordan said. “We gotta hit ‘em.”

Held to 18 points--10 on free throws--Jordan was virtually no scoring factor in the game, although he did account for more than half (nine) of Chicago’s assists.

Detroit’s defense just keeps wearing Air Jordan and the Jordanaires down, bit by bit. The Bulls got only 80 points in Game 4. This time they got only 85, and were outshot by the Pistons by a ridiculously lopsided 80-59--the 59 shots an all-time playoff low by any NBA team.

Jordan didn't "quit" against the Pistons in Game 5. The entire gameplan was to get everyone else involved because the Pistons were wearing him down by double/triple teaming him every time he touched the ball. Hence why he had 9 assists that game and was looking to pass instead of score. Whether you think that was a good decision or not by the team, that's not what quitting is.

"Quitting" is what Lebron did in 2010 when he found out his mom was getting pipped by his team mate and was done with the team and ready to move on. Or in 2018 after JR made that stupid mistake and was so upset that he broke his own hand in frustration and again, was done with the team and ready to move on.

07-17-2022, 01:16 PM
No one's critiquing Rodmans ability as a basketball player, it was his attitude and mental makeup that was the problem and GMs around the league made it abundantly clear they wanted nothing to do with him.

It was a gamble at the time (even when its trading Purdue, sadly) and the Bulls FO felt it was worth taking that risk because they had the leadership infrastructure already in place to take that gamble, ie; Jordan, Pip and Phil Jackson.

07-17-2022, 02:41 PM
You get upset easily. Yep, you're definitely a Bronie. Must suck to have a loser for a hero, huh?


Nope, not a Bronie. Lebron is a leftist goof to me. But it definitely does suck to be riding the dick of a guy who's career ended 21 years ago and a cry baby leftist ring chaser surpassed him. So much so this consumes your daily life. You visit this site more that your own family. Sad, sad life

Full Court
07-17-2022, 04:48 PM
Nope, not a Bronie. Lebron is a leftist goof to me. But it definitely does suck to be riding the dick of a guy who's career ended 21 years ago and a cry baby leftist ring chaser surpassed him. So much so this consumes your daily life. You visit this site more that your own family. Sad, sad life

So cry about it. :lol

Bronie or not, you come off as a triggered snowflake. Get a grip, man.

07-17-2022, 04:52 PM
Nope, not a Bronie. Lebron is a leftist goof to me. But it definitely does suck to be riding the dick of a guy who's career ended 21 years ago and a cry baby leftist ring chaser surpassed him. So much so this consumes your daily life. You visit this site more that your own family. Sad, sad life

In what way has Lebron surpassed Jordan? Peak to play. Career to career. Explain, go...

Full Court
07-17-2022, 04:55 PM
In what way has Lebron surpassed Jordan? Peak to play. Career to career. Explain, go...

"Uh-uh-uh-uh....he's got LONGEVITY STATS!!!!!"



07-17-2022, 05:24 PM
No one's critiquing Rodmans ability as a basketball player, it was his attitude and mental makeup that was the problem and GMs around the league made it abundantly clear they wanted nothing to do with him.

It was a gamble at the time (even when its trading Purdue, sadly) and the Bulls FO felt it was worth taking that risk because they had the leadership infrastructure already in place to take that gamble, ie; Jordan, Pip and Phil Jackson.

See and here's the problem, what are you actually defending here? No one, certainly not I, stated it wasn't a gamble or that Rodman wasn't somehow a problem leading into this trade. That much is well known and documented by us who watched it unfold and by the books. I'm refuting the fact that it was definitely a big deal and these other little off brand comments are just playing ring around the rosey to avoid that fact.

Hey Yo
07-17-2022, 07:12 PM

Jordan didn't "quit" against the Pistons in Game 5. The entire gameplan was to get everyone else involved because the Pistons were wearing him down by double/triple teaming him every time he touched the ball. Hence why he had 9 assists that game and was looking to pass instead of score. Whether you think that was a good decision or not by the team, that's not what quitting is.

"Quitting" is what Lebron did in 2010 when he found out his mom was getting pipped by his team mate and was done with the team and ready to move on. Or in 2018 after JR made that stupid mistake and was so upset that he broke his own hand in frustration and again, was done with the team and ready to move on.
He avg. like 23-24fga the first 4gms. Detroit wasnt double and triple teaming him those 4gms? Then in game 6 he got the same FGA as the first 4gms. Notice in the article how MJ throws his teammates under the bus saying they didn't make their shots, then saying if they did, we would have won the game even though Chicago was only down by 1 after 3 quarters?

Considering Thomas and Laimbeer barely played the 4th, Mike still only took 2fga. He was pissed cause coach wanted him to pass more so he basically said 'I'll show him' and decided to play half assed that night.... in the biggest game in franchise history. Guarantee you the gameplan wasn't for him to only take 8fga.

Dude quit before the game even started.

07-17-2022, 10:47 PM
So cry about it. :lol

Bronie or not, you come off as a triggered snowflake. Get a grip, man.

Says the guy who spends more time crying about Lebron than actually having a life?

07-17-2022, 10:47 PM
In what way has Lebron surpassed Jordan? Peak to play. Career to career. Explain, go...

Like a civil discussion can be had with a Jordaneer

Full Court
07-17-2022, 10:57 PM
Says the guy who spends more time crying about Lebron than actually having a life?

Welp, I'm going to keep on calling a spade a spade, so I guess you'll keep on getting upset by it.

Sucks to be you. :confusedshrug:

07-17-2022, 11:09 PM
Like a civil discussion can be had with a Jordaneer

I wouldn't call myself a Jordaneer more so an individual who is is interested in the truth and seeing as I have been obsessed with the sport since I was a kid I feel like I may know some things.

Full Court
07-17-2022, 11:11 PM
I wouldn't call myself a Jordaneer more so an individual who is is interested in the truth and seeing as I have been obsessed with the sport since I was a kid I feel like I may know some things.

Anyone who has Jordan ranked above Bronie, people like hateraid just try to label as a "jordaneer" or a "jordan extremist." They're really not intelligent people.

07-18-2022, 02:09 AM
Anyone who has Jordan ranked above Bronie, people like hateraid just try to label as a "jordaneer" or a "jordan extremist." They're really not intelligent people.

I couldn't care less what people rank Jordan. It's people like you who argue it like it's some definitive unarguable statement I can't stand. The worst fanbase in sports

07-18-2022, 02:10 AM
I wouldn't call myself a Jordaneer more so an individual who is is interested in the truth and seeing as I have been obsessed with the sport since I was a kid I feel like I may know some things.

So if someone with a rational objective take could you take that?

07-18-2022, 10:38 AM
I couldn't care less what people rank Jordan. It's people like you who argue it like it's some definitive unarguable statement I can't stand. The worst fanbase in sports

Quoted for truth. That's it right there. That shit.

07-18-2022, 11:18 AM
So if someone with a rational objective take could you take that?

It depends if we agree on what rational means.

You seem to think I am here to protect Jordan as the #1 guy when I don't really care where he ranks. I hope we see hundreds of players surpass MJ's career because I love watching greatness but so far that hasn't happened and in my opinion it's not even close.

07-18-2022, 11:57 AM
It depends if we agree on what rational means.

You seem to think I am here to protect Jordan as the #1 guy when I don't really care where he ranks. I hope we see hundreds of players surpass MJ's career because I love watching greatness but so far that hasn't happened and in my opinion it's not even close.

Bolded tells the story. Because we are all apparently qualified to be the final word on how well someone has done for themselves lol. I'm completely on the other side of the fence from you on this. I'm not convinced 100% who the goat is because there's too many factors involved but I know it's a pretty close conversation. I mean it's been raging near a decade now.

07-18-2022, 12:23 PM
Bolded tells the story. Because we are all apparently qualified to be the final word on how well someone has done for themselves lol. I'm completely on the other side of the fence from you on this. I'm not convinced 100% who the goat is because there's too many factors involved but I know it's a pretty close conversation. I mean it's been raging near a decade now.

See the same way you can identify the factors that separate a player like Kobe from Bruce Bowen, I feel you can do the same with Jordan versus Lebron the only difference is the margins are slimmer.

If someone is unable to see those details that's on them.

07-18-2022, 04:23 PM
See the same way you can identify the factors that separate a player like Kobe from Bruce Bowen, I feel you can do the same with Jordan versus Lebron the only difference is the margins are slimmer.

If someone is unable to see those details that's on them.

So no, a rational conversation can't be had because you're already set in your mindset.

07-18-2022, 04:24 PM
Bolded tells the story. Because we are all apparently qualified to be the final word on how well someone has done for themselves lol. I'm completely on the other side of the fence from you on this. I'm not convinced 100% who the goat is because there's too many factors involved but I know it's a pretty close conversation. I mean it's been raging near a decade now.

Exactly. Trying to appear objective when it's completely the opposite

07-18-2022, 05:12 PM
So no, a rational conversation can't be had because you're already set in your mindset.

You can hold a firm position while being open to reasonable discussion.

07-18-2022, 05:38 PM
You can hold a firm position while being open to reasonable discussion.

Holding a firm opinion, and I stress opinion is one thing. Presenting an opinion as facts is another.

07-18-2022, 05:45 PM
Holding a firm opinion, and I stress opinion is one thing. Presenting an opinion as facts is another.

That is part of the fun for me. Drawing a hardline in the sand and sticking to it.

If we're going to be a wishy washy with our opinions then why even bother. Sure things could be this way or they could be that way. **** that. Say its this and hold position until proven otherwise. This is supposed to be fun, after all...

Full Court
07-18-2022, 05:58 PM
I couldn't care less what people rank Jordan. It's people like you who argue it like it's some definitive unarguable statement I can't stand. The worst fanbase in sports

Obviously you do care, or you wouldn't get upset about it. Jordan is the GOAT by overwhelming majority opinion. You can get over it, or you can keep on crying about it. I couldn't care less which one you do.

07-18-2022, 06:58 PM
Obviously you do care, or you wouldn't get upset about it. Jordan is the GOAT by overwhelming majority opinion. You can get over it, or you can keep on crying about it. I couldn't care less which one you do.

Typical Jordaneer response. The mold of exactly what I speak of. Low IQ comeback

Full Court
07-18-2022, 07:21 PM
Typical Jordaneer response. The mold of exactly what I speak of. Low IQ comeback

I guess your choice is to keep crying about it. :lol

And you try to say you're NOT a Bronie???? Ok. :roll:

07-18-2022, 07:27 PM
Typical Jordaneer response. The mold of exactly what I speak of. Low IQ comeback

You're just as bad, or worse than the "Jordaneers" you whine and cry about...if someone says LeBron is the GOAT, he's being unbiased and honest, if someone says MJ is the GOAT, even if that person says he has no dog in this fight, then he's just a Jordaneer in your opinion. GTFOH :oldlol: You're a Bran Stan, just admit it, you'd be more respected if you admitted that than trying to fool people into thinking you're an unbiased fan of the game but you ain't fooling anyone, bro.

07-18-2022, 07:36 PM
That is part of the fun for me. Drawing a hardline in the sand and sticking to it.

If we're going to be a wishy washy with our opinions then why even bother. Sure things could be this way or they could be that way. **** that. Say its this and hold position until proven otherwise. This is supposed to be fun, after all...

Holding a position is one thing. Presenting as facts and not being able to identify it is not fun. It's no different debating abortion with a left leaning Karen. I mean, they validate their opinions as facts as well.

07-18-2022, 07:39 PM
You're just as bad, or worse than the "Jordaneers" you whine and cry about...if someone says LeBron is the GOAT, he's being unbiased and honest, if someone says MJ is the GOAT, even if that person says he has no dog in this fight, then he's just a Jordaneer in your opinion. GTFOH :oldlol: You're a Bran Stan, just admit it, you'd be more respected if you admitted that than trying to fool people into thinking you're an unbiased fan of the game but you ain't fooling anyone, bro.

I've never never defended a Lebronite or Lebron in my life or ever made a case for him. I have a different GOAT. I just don't bother calling out Lebronites as I don't see them as close minded. They troll, but at least can be reasonable. Jordaneers assume that if you don't suck Jordan's dick you are on Team Lebron. Just like you did. Same sweeping assumption

07-18-2022, 07:40 PM
I guess your choice is to keep crying about it. :lol

And you try to say you're NOT a Bronie???? Ok. :roll:

Typical Jordaneer response. Low IQ

07-18-2022, 08:19 PM
I've never never defended a Lebronite or Lebron in my life or ever made a case for him. I have a different GOAT. I just don't bother calling out Lebronites as I don't see them as close minded. They troll, but at least can be reasonable. Jordaneers assume that if you don't suck Jordan's dick you are on Team Lebron. Just like you did. Same sweeping assumption

So lemme get this straight, Lebronites are the only reasonable side... And the excuse is that they are only trolling? And if pips dont agree that Lebron is the GOAT?

Fact is we can say the exact same thing and apply it to the Jordan stans.

And youre supposedly neutral? :roll:

07-18-2022, 08:24 PM
So lemme get this straight, Lebronites are the only reasonable side... And the excuse is that they are only trolling? And if pips dont agree that Lebron is the GOAT?

Fact is we can say the exact same thing and apply it to the Jordan stans.

And youre supposedly neutral? :roll:

They troll, but not stupid. They know they get a rise out of the Jordaneers. On conversations outside the topic are normal. Jordaneers are too insecure to see the wool pulled over their eyes and because irrational. Just like OP.

07-18-2022, 08:26 PM
They troll, but not stupid. They know they get a rise out of the Jordaneers. On conversations outside the topic are normal. Jordaneers are too insecure to see the wool pulled over their eyes and because irrational. Just like OP.

When did Shooter, Elitepower32, theGoatest, and1allday post normal conversations outside the topic?

07-18-2022, 08:28 PM
When did Shooter, Elitepower32, theGoatest, and1allday post normal conversations outside the topic?

You can't see they are intentionally trying to get a rise?Unlike 3ball and OP who actually believe in their own shit?

07-18-2022, 08:30 PM
You can't see they are intentionally trying to get a rise?Unlike 3ball and OP who actually believe in their own shit?

You didnt answer the question.

When did they contribute anything of worth to this forum?

Oh theres also angry Johnny32 if you want to go to the "actually believe their own sh!t" argument.

07-18-2022, 08:32 PM
You didnt answer the question.

When did they contribute anything of worth to this forum?

Oh theres also angry Johnny32 if you want to go to the "actually believe their own sh!t" argument.

They are trolling you...hard. look at you reacting. Lol. They got you dancing like their puppet.

Don't get mad at me, purely observation

07-18-2022, 08:34 PM
They are trolling you...hard. look at you reacting. Lol. They got you dancing like their puppet.

Don't get mad at me, purely observation

Oh i know they are trolling. They also believe most of what they post. We could just reverse that apply your double standard to Jordan stans.

07-18-2022, 08:35 PM
Oh i know they are trolling. They also believe most of what they post. We could just reverse that apply your double standard to Jordan stans.

You think so? Lol, they really got you fooled.

07-18-2022, 08:36 PM
Jordaneers are the lefty Karen's and the Lebronites are the Milo's. Toying with them.

07-18-2022, 08:38 PM
You think so? Lol, they really got you fooled.

Even if was true, what is their meaningful contribution to this forum?

07-18-2022, 08:42 PM
Even if was true, what is their meaningful contribution to this forum?

3 people don't match up to your sweeping assumptions. But even they contribute outside of this topic on hand. Jordaneers OTOH the majority can't focus outside of defending Jordan or downplaying Lebron.

But keep getting worked up! It just validates what I'm saying.

07-18-2022, 08:48 PM
3 people don't match up to your sweeping assumptions. But even they contribute outside of this topic on hand. Jordaneers OTOH the majority can't focus outside of defending Jordan or downplaying Lebron.

But keep getting worked up! It just validates what I'm saying.

If having a proper discussion with you means getting worked up only shows your unapologetic bias.

You keep talking about contribution, what have they contributed exactly?

07-18-2022, 09:01 PM
They troll, but not stupid. They know they get a rise out of the Jordaneers. On conversations outside the topic are normal. Jordaneers are too insecure to see the wool pulled over their eyes and because irrational. Just like OP.

You are delusional and a complete hypocrite. I can't wait for your next objective take :oldlol:

07-18-2022, 09:06 PM
Jordaneers are the lefty Karen's and the Lebronites are the Milo's. Toying with them.

You're out of your damn mind, Jordan fans are older so obviously more conservative, LeBron stans stan a lefty SJW cringey Hillary Clinton supporter, if anyone is a lefty Karen, it's Bran stans, lol. Even when you apply politics to your takes, they are so damn awful :roll:

07-18-2022, 09:08 PM
They are trolling you...hard. look at you reacting. Lol. They got you dancing like their puppet.

Don't get mad at me, purely observation

Wow, if you can't tell MJ fans are trolling when we call LeBron a fringe top 10, then you're being trolled the fukk out too :roll: We got you on skates, homey :oldlol:

07-18-2022, 09:16 PM
Wow, if you can't tell MJ fans are trolling when we call LeBron a fringe top 10, then you're being trolled the fukk out too :roll: We got you on skates, homey :oldlol:

Hateraid and Axe have the same mental flaw.

It only works one way.

Full Court
07-18-2022, 10:22 PM
Man, I didn't realize what an idiot hateraid was. I guess he's been under the radar.

But he is a certified, grade A, bona fide idiot. Typical Bronie, that is.

07-19-2022, 04:18 AM
Wow, if you can't tell MJ fans are trolling when we call LeBron a fringe top 10, then you're being trolled the fukk out too :roll: We got you on skates, homey :oldlol:

Who's skating? The jordaneers getting worked up? Lol. Think about it homie

07-19-2022, 05:34 AM
Seems like hateraid has effortlessly obliterated the jordaneers.

Good stuff.

The way these guys get so defensive about something so meaningless is absurd. Most of them don't even use logic, you can't reason with them anyway. Acting like a mid range jump shot is the be all and end all. At least 3ball used to try to back his shit up before he started routinely lying. I'm probably older than the average poster and can honestly say it's all been said already. The only thing that changes are the goal posts moving as LeBron's career progresses. It started decades ago. It's pathetic, you insecure petty weirdos.


Fans of other players are not like you guys. They couldn't care less what other people think. Do you understand? Quite frankly fans of other players should not have to put up with being harassed by you low IQ degenerates. Now fans of other players are sticking with the LeBron guys because they are sick of it too.

Makes me wonder if Jordan stans are more drawn to his basketball greatness or his notoriously assholeish personality.

07-19-2022, 05:35 AM
Now one of these idiots I have on ignore will probably quote me as usual. Probably something along the lines of "bUt YoU dEfEnD bRaN!", completely missing my point.

You can't make up how terrible in general these people are. Not sure how they live with themselves.

07-19-2022, 06:03 AM
Seems like hateraid has effortlessly obliterated the jordaneers.

Good stuff.

The way these guys get so defensive about something so meaningless is absurd. Most of them don't even use logic, you can't reason with them anyway. Acting like a mid range jump shot is the be all and end all. At least 3ball used to try to back his shit up before he started routinely lying. I'm probably older than the average poster and can honestly say it's all been said already. The only thing that changes are the goal posts moving as LeBron's career progresses. It started decades ago. It's pathetic, you insecure petty weirdos.


Fans of other players are not like you guys. They couldn't care less what other people think. Do you understand? Quite frankly fans of other players should not have to put up with being harassed by you low IQ degenerates. Now fans of other players are sticking with the LeBron guys because they are sick of it too.

Makes me wonder if Jordan stans are more drawn to his basketball greatness or his notoriously assholeish personality.


07-19-2022, 06:04 AM
Who's skating? The jordaneers getting worked up? Lol. Think about it homie

Look at how many times you posted in this thread...yep, you got all worked up :lol

07-19-2022, 06:11 AM
Salty bron stans absolutely fuming right now


Full Court
07-19-2022, 06:46 AM
Now one of these idiots I have on ignore will probably quote me as usual. Probably something along the lines of "bUt YoU dEfEnD bRaN!", completely missing my point.

You can't make up how terrible in general these people are. Not sure how they live with themselves.

Translation: "Waahhhhhhhhhhhhh wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I can't handle people criticizing my hero!"


What a pathetic snowflake. :lol

07-19-2022, 07:07 AM
Now one of these idiots I have on ignore will probably quote me as usual. Probably something along the lines of "bUt YoU dEfEnD bRaN!", completely missing my point.

You can't make up how terrible in general these people are. Not sure how they live with themselves.
Lol two obsessive jordies keep on saying that they don't care about lebron or his fans, that they're not mad about him or his fans. But once you take a look at their posting histories they mostly involve just talking about that one player and his fanbase on a daily basis despite completely disliking him in general. While their very own hero otoh? Not very much. One of them even keeps on saying that this is pretty much a 'dead forum anyway' yet is mostly shackled to posters who don't hate lebron themselves.

And if jordan is the true 'consensus goat' in this league, then they wouldn't spend a lot of their time here whining about his nemesis and his fans. However i think the vile doesn't apply to mj fans who have been here for a very long time now (like TheMan, coach and the likes) but rather those two certain guilty trolls above who take this shit to extreme levels while they're not even more than a year-old posters yet itb. Tbh there's nothing wrong if they never like the guy at all. But their obsessiveness in doing so... It's just totally preposterous. Plus they love to lie a lot. They've been doing their lousy shticks with impunity for a long time now. Like what hateraid said, they're literal zombies. Super nazi-like to be accurate. If there's only a way to subdue them online for the sake of having peace lmao. :lol

07-19-2022, 08:55 AM
Translation: "Waahhhhhhhhhhhhh wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I can't handle people criticizing my hero!"


What a pathetic snowflake. :lol

What's ironic is most Lebron fans, stans or otherwise acknowledge his faults. Meanwhile, when it comes to Mj stans? We are basically unable to critique him in even the most minor way. Usually involves some disclaimer like he could do it if he wanted to. Lol. I've tried it a ton of times, challenge any Mj fan to give you something bad about Mj and proceed to be entertained. Let's see an honest reply to this....

07-19-2022, 11:01 AM
Seems like hateraid has effortlessly obliterated the jordaneers.

Good stuff.

The way these guys get so defensive about something so meaningless is absurd. Most of them don't even use logic, you can't reason with them anyway. Acting like a mid range jump shot is the be all and end all. At least 3ball used to try to back his shit up before he started routinely lying. I'm probably older than the average poster and can honestly say it's all been said already. The only thing that changes are the goal posts moving as LeBron's career progresses. It started decades ago. It's pathetic, you insecure petty weirdos.


Fans of other players are not like you guys. They couldn't care less what other people think. Do you understand? Quite frankly fans of other players should not have to put up with being harassed by you low IQ degenerates. Now fans of other players are sticking with the LeBron guys because they are sick of it too.

Makes me wonder if Jordan stans are more drawn to his basketball greatness or his notoriously assholeish personality.

You want to lecture us while your in other threads posting videos of people with birth defects to make some kind of lame joke. You honestly suck as a human but go ahead and explain why we are the problem...

Hey Yo
07-19-2022, 11:24 AM
You're out of your damn mind, Jordan fans are older so obviously more conservative, LeBron stans stan a lefty SJW cringey Hillary Clinton supporter, if anyone is a lefty Karen, it's Bran stans, lol. Even when you apply politics to your takes, they are so damn awful :roll:

dumb assumptions are dumb

07-19-2022, 11:55 AM
dumb assumptions are dumb

It's ok to admit your mancrush is a cringey libtard buddy :cheers:

07-19-2022, 12:48 PM
Look at how many times you posted in this thread...yep, you got all worked up :lol

Look who's responding?

07-19-2022, 12:52 PM
You're out of your damn mind, Jordan fans are older so obviously more conservative, LeBron stans stan a lefty SJW cringey Hillary Clinton supporter, if anyone is a lefty Karen, it's Bran stans, lol. Even when you apply politics to your takes, they are so damn awful :roll:

Is it really the wrong take?

Jordaneers use opinions as definitive and force feed their agendas. They chastise you if you don't conform. (Lefty Karen)

Lebronites love to troll said Jordaneers to get a reaction, despite some even agreeing with them. (Milos)

Of course you the Karen won't see this. Think about it. If I don't conform to your opinion you automatically call me a Bron Stan. You're a Karen buddy.

07-19-2022, 07:33 PM
Is it really the wrong take?

Jordaneers use opinions as definitive and force feed their agendas. They chastise you if you don't conform. (Lefty Karen)

Lebronites love to troll said Jordaneers to get a reaction, despite some even agreeing with them. (Milos)

Of course you the Karen won't see this. Think about it. If I don't conform to your opinion you automatically call me a Bron Stan. You're a Karen buddy.

I don't care who you think is the GOAT, that's your opinion and I never cared to ask you. What I do take you to task on is why you complain about MJ fans but not about Bran stans, even when they make shitty thread after shitty thread attacking MJ and the 90s. 3ba11 is basically the only MJ stan spamming this board but you have at least a dozen alts by Simon (aka Wheels) creating shit threads with an obvious agenda behind them. You never complain about that, why? Because you're a Bronsexual, just admit you jabroni.

07-19-2022, 07:42 PM
Is it really the wrong take?

Jordaneers use opinions as definitive and force feed their agendas. They chastise you if you don't conform. (Lefty Karen)

Lebronites love to troll said Jordaneers to get a reaction, despite some even agreeing with them. (Milos)

Of course you the Karen won't see this. Think about it. If I don't conform to your opinion you automatically call me a Bron Stan. You're a Karen buddy.

lol they don't even know it is the best part.

07-19-2022, 08:35 PM
lol they don't even know it is the best part.

Hi rage kid.

07-19-2022, 08:46 PM
I don't care who you think is the GOAT, that's your opinion and I never cared to ask you. What I do take you to task on is why you complain about MJ fans but not about Bran stans, even when they make shitty thread after shitty thread attacking MJ and the 90s. 3ba11 is basically the only MJ stan spamming this board but you have at least a dozen alts by Simon (aka Wheels) creating shit threads with an obvious agenda behind them. You never complain about that, why? Because you're a Bronsexual, just admit you jabroni.

Typical Jordaneer assuming everyone who doesn't agree with them label as a Bran Stan. Way to validate me

The point flew over your head. Bronies trolling you hard and you guys bite all the time.

07-19-2022, 08:47 PM
lol they don't even know it is the best part.

Funny, he points out how many responses I have yet he's so inclined to respond to every post I make. Triggered Jordaneer

07-19-2022, 08:49 PM
Funny, he points out how many responses I have yet he's so inclined to respond to every post I make. Triggered Jordaneer

Why are you crimininalizing the fact hes replying to you? This is a public forum if I'm not mistaken.

07-19-2022, 09:00 PM
Typical Jordaneer assuming everyone who doesn't agree with them label as a Bran Stan. Way to validate me

The point flew over your head. Bronies trolling you hard and you guys bite all the time.

It's hilarious you really think most MJ fans legit think LeBron is a fringe top 10 GOAT :oldlol: I'm guessing you still have no idea you're getting trolled...

Curry is now in my top 10, gotta move LBJ down to 11.

Full Court
07-19-2022, 09:17 PM
Is it really the wrong take?

Jordaneers use opinions as definitive and force feed their agendas. They chastise you if you don't conform. (Lefty Karen)

Lebronites love to troll said Jordaneers to get a reaction, despite some even agreeing with them. (Milos)

Of course you the Karen won't see this. Think about it. If I don't conform to your opinion you automatically call me a Bron Stan. You're a Karen buddy.

Dude, you are so lost. Look at the Bronie Bunch on here - 8ball, Axe, Shooter, Mr. Woke, etc. - they're all a bunch of left wing loonies. If you're not a lefty, then you're the exception.

I would say FultzNationRISE is also an exception, but I suspect he's not actually a Bronie.

Full Court
07-19-2022, 09:19 PM
Lol two obsessive jordies keep on saying that they don't care about lebron or his fans, that they're not mad about him or his fans. But once you take a look at their posting histories they mostly involve just talking about that one player and his fanbase on a daily basis despite completely disliking him in general. While their very own hero otoh? Not very much. One of them even keeps on saying that this is pretty much a 'dead forum anyway' yet is mostly shackled to posters who don't hate lebron themselves.

And if jordan is the true 'consensus goat' in this league, then they wouldn't spend a lot of their time here whining about his nemesis and his fans. However i think the vile doesn't apply to mj fans who have been here for a very long time now (like TheMan, coach and the likes) but rather those two certain guilty trolls above who take this shit to extreme levels while they're not even more than a year-old posters yet itb. Tbh there's nothing wrong if they never like the guy at all. But their obsessiveness in doing so... It's just totally preposterous. Plus they love to lie a lot. They've been doing their lousy shticks with impunity for a long time now. Like what hateraid said, they're literal zombies. Super nazi-like to be accurate. If there's only a way to subdue them online for the sake of having peace lmao. :lol

^Cliff notes:

Waaahhhhhhhhhhh wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I hate Jordan and I can't stand the fact that some people rank him #1!


07-19-2022, 09:21 PM
Dude, you are so lost. Look at the Bronie Bunch on here - 8ball, Axe, Shooter, Mr. Woke, etc. - they're all a bunch of left wing loonies. If you're not a lefty, then you're the exception.

I would say FultzNationRISE is also an exception, but I suspect he's not actually a Bronie.

Add Satan, RRR3, AlternativeAcc to the purple haired neckbearded LeBron libtards

Full Court
07-19-2022, 09:22 PM
Add Satan, RRR3, AlternativeAcc to the purple haired neckbearded LeBron libtards

Exactly. I wasn't going to try to list all of them.

07-19-2022, 10:16 PM
Exactly. I wasn't going to try to list all of them.

The Bronies outnumber any other fanbase in this forum alts included.

Yet somehow theyre excused.

Go figure.:facepalm

07-19-2022, 10:43 PM
You want to lecture us while your in other threads posting videos of people with birth defects to make some kind of lame joke. You honestly suck as a human but go ahead and explain why we are the problem...

I already did.

lmao@idiots getting mad over a video that was aimed to go viral meanwhile every second poster on here calls everyone else retards and no one cares.


07-19-2022, 10:46 PM
I already did.

lmao@idiots getting mad over a video that was aimed to go viral meanwhile every second poster on here calls everyone else retards and no one cares.


Why would anyone care if theyre called a retard here? This is the internet. Not real life.

07-20-2022, 04:40 AM
Why are you crimininalizing the fact hes replying to you? This is a public forum if I'm not mistaken.

Because he said I'm replying too much in this thread? Research irony

07-20-2022, 04:44 AM
The Bronies outnumber any other fanbase in this forum alts included.

Yet somehow theyre excused.

Go figure.:facepalm

The Bronies are the current generation of posters. They are toying with the pat their prime generation. Do you not see.how the.internet works? Jordaneers Karen to the T

07-20-2022, 04:54 AM
The Bronies are the current generation of posters. They are toying with the pat their prime generation. Do you not see.how the.internet works? Jordaneers Karen to the T

You havent answered my previous question, what have they contributed to this forum? Aside from lowering its overall quality?

07-20-2022, 04:55 AM
Because he said I'm replying too much in this thread? Research irony

Because you can do it he can't. Ok buddy.

07-20-2022, 08:43 AM
You havent answered my previous question, what have they contributed to this forum? Aside from lowering its overall quality?

Why don't you start by being the change you want to see. Ignore bullshit, that's the challenge here but topics no one respond to die quickly. And I get what hateraid is saying because Bron trolls are pretty transparently obvious. Meanwhile other stans are near religious in their beliefs here. I'd hope normal adults can see the difference.

07-20-2022, 10:04 AM
Why don't you start by being the change you want to see. Ignore bullshit, that's the challenge here but topics no one respond to die quickly. And I get what hateraid is saying because Bron trolls are pretty transparently obvious. Meanwhile other stans are near religious in their beliefs here. I'd hope normal adults can see the difference.

Who said I want changes? :oldlol:

Do you want to help hateraid with my question?

Or are you also gonna deflect?

07-20-2022, 11:03 AM
Who said I want changes? :oldlol:

Do you want to help hateraid with my question?

Or are you also gonna deflect?

I wasn't really interested in your question, same as trolling. They add the same thing any player trolls add to forum. Drive topics when nothing is going on and make people like you mad lol. Some of us engage with trolls as a guilty pleasure, some Ignore them, some join them. Typical forum fare.

07-20-2022, 11:07 AM
I wasn't really interested in your question, same as trolling. They add the same thing any player trolls add to forum. Drive topics when nothing is going on and make people like you mad lol. Some of us engage with trolls as a guilty pleasure, some Ignore them, some join them. Typical forum fare.

Who said I was mad?
You assume too much, your @$$crack is showing.

If thats your weak justification, the Jordan stans also do that :oldlol:

07-20-2022, 01:23 PM
I wasn't really interested in your question, same as trolling. They add the same thing any player trolls add to forum. Drive topics when nothing is going on and make people like you mad lol. Some of us engage with trolls as a guilty pleasure, some Ignore them, some join them. Typical forum fare.
Lol just ignore her. She loves slippery slope fallacies and will never properly address whatever you're trying to say here. As long as you're not a lebron hater, forget about arguing and reasoning with her. That's just how ridiculously narcissistic she is for lebron and his fans. :lol

07-20-2022, 01:30 PM
You havent answered my previous question, what have they contributed to this forum? Aside from lowering its overall quality?

I'd take every Bronie you accuse of lowering the quality of this board over you. So all of them. You bring zero value.

07-20-2022, 01:32 PM
Why don't you start by being the change you want to see. Ignore bullshit, that's the challenge here but topics no one respond to die quickly. And I get what hateraid is saying because Bron trolls are pretty transparently obvious. Meanwhile other stans are near religious in their beliefs here. I'd hope normal adults can see the difference.

Who is this guy to think his question deserves answering? Lol. Like he brings any value anyways. He doesn't get the point of my insight yet feels his questions deserves an answer. What a tool

07-20-2022, 01:34 PM
Who said I want changes? :oldlol:

Do you want to help hateraid with my question?

Or are you also gonna deflect?


Full Court
07-20-2022, 06:09 PM
I'd take every Bronie you accuse of lowering the quality of this board over you. So all of them. You bring zero value.

And this guy tries to tell us he's NOT a Bronie??? :roll:

Ok, hoseraid.

And water is dry.

And Axe is intelligent.

07-20-2022, 07:52 PM
And this guy tries to tell us he's NOT a Bronie??? :roll:

Ok, hoseraid.

And water is dry.

And Axe is intelligent.

It's hilarious the fact I'm not a Bronie it hurts you lol

Full Court
07-20-2022, 08:13 PM
It's hilarious the fact I'm not a Bronie it hurts you lol

You're dumb.

I think it would be great for people not to be Bronies.

You, however, clearly are one, but you don't have the balls to admit it. :confusedshrug:

I'm going to call a spade a spade.

07-20-2022, 08:16 PM
You're dumb.

I think it would be great for people not to be Bronies.

You, however, clearly are one, but you don't have the balls to admit it. :confusedshrug:

I'm going to call a spade a spade.

Kinda like Axe.

Quacks like a Bronie
Talks like a Bronie
Moves like a Bronie
Always sides with Bronies

Obviously not a Bronie.

Yup, that checks out nicely :oldlol:

07-20-2022, 08:17 PM
This unbreakable spirit had to retire 3x. 1x because of mental fatigue, another because a little midget called Krauss bullied Jordan too much.

3rd time because he wasn't even an all-nba player anymore.

Jordan was also 1-9 without Pippen.

Thread cliffs above. Jordan quit the nba 3x.

I see this thread is still on going yet nobody has been able to refute me.

I will declare victory in thread and move on.

Full Court
07-20-2022, 08:17 PM
Thread cliffs above.

I see this thread is still on going yet nobody has been able to refute me.

I will declare victory in thread and move on.

Some posts are just too idiotic to respond to.

But feel free to move on, 8Pauper. :lol

07-20-2022, 08:22 PM
I'd take every Bronie you accuse of lowering the quality of this board over you. So all of them. You bring zero value.

Actually Ive discussed proper basketball several times. Compare that to the trolls who never did it once aka Shooter, Elitepower, etc.

You wanna wager your user id?

If I show you Ive discussed proper basketball here several times, you have to delete your account.


07-20-2022, 08:52 PM
I'd take every Bronie you accuse of lowering the quality of this board over you. So all of them. You bring zero value.


Dude is SO damn boring. He brings nothing. Just moves the goal posts and demands absolutely pointless answers so he can advance the goal posts to the next position. Absolutely pointless reading anything he says. I put him on ignore months ago because he's an idiot.

07-20-2022, 08:58 PM

Dude is SO damn boring. He brings nothing. Just moves the goal posts and demands absolutely pointless answers so he can advance the goal posts to the next position. Absolutely pointless reading anything he says. I put him on ignore months ago because he's an idiot.

For everyone else not a Bronie,

Translation: I really couldnt give straight answers to his questions because he would continually dismantle my arguments. So I just put him on ignore to save face.

07-20-2022, 09:02 PM
I'd take every Bronie you accuse of lowering the quality of this board over you. So all of them. You bring zero value.

Objective 2006 poster with the hard hitting truth.

Full Court
07-20-2022, 09:37 PM
For everyone else not a Bronie,

Translation: I really couldnt give straight answers to his questions because he would continually dismantle my arguments. So I just put him on ignore to save face.

Yeah, Beezleblubber is a very fragile individual. As beta as it is to get so triggered that you block somebody, it's probably healthier for him in the long run than to be like Axe and continuously rage.

07-20-2022, 09:58 PM
Yeah, Beezleblubber is a very fragile individual. As beta as it is to get so triggered that you block somebody, it's probably healthier for him in the long run than to be like Axe and continuously rage.


07-21-2022, 12:20 AM
You're dumb.

I think it would be great for people not to be Bronies.

You, however, clearly are one, but you don't have the balls to admit it. :confusedshrug:

I'm going to call a spade a spade.

So misinformed. Not even the Bronies would call me a Bronie. So hilarious you're so bothered by this. :roll:

07-21-2022, 12:21 AM
Objective 2006 poster with the hard hitting truth.

But the Jordaneers call us Bronies. Lol

07-21-2022, 12:21 AM
Always hilarious to me when people think if you don’t obsessively hate LeBron that means you stan him.

07-21-2022, 12:47 AM
Actually Ive discussed proper basketball several times. Compare that to the trolls who never did it once aka Shooter, Elitepower, etc.

You wanna wager your user id?

If I show you Ive discussed proper basketball here several times, you have to delete your account.


But the Jordaneers call us Bronies. Lol

Hey hater, your balls shrunk or what?

07-21-2022, 02:41 AM
Hey hater, your balls shrunk or what?

ANSWER ME! :roll:

07-21-2022, 02:42 AM
Always hilarious to me when people think if you don’t obsessively hate LeBron that means you stan him.

Or if you don't slurp MJ you're a Bronie. This thread reeks of it

07-21-2022, 04:49 AM
ANSWER ME! :roll:
Deflection as per usual.

Couldnt even stand by his own claim.


Full Court
07-21-2022, 06:59 AM
Or if you don't slurp MJ you're a Bronie. This thread reeks of it

If you get upset by people ranking MJ above Lebron...

You're most definitely a Bronie.

07-21-2022, 07:08 AM
If you get upset by people ranking MJ above Lebron...

You're most definitely a Bronie.

And what are you called if you get upset when someone ranks Lebron over Mj?

07-21-2022, 07:10 AM
And what are you called if you get upset when someone ranks Lebron over Mj?
A jordie. :lol

07-21-2022, 12:16 PM
Deflection as per usual.

Couldnt even stand by his own claim.


07-21-2022, 12:17 PM
If you get upset by people ranking MJ above Lebron...

You're most definitely a Bronie.

I have a player I rank over both of then

Puts a little monkey wrench in your theory eh?

It still hurts you that I'm not a Bronie :roll:

07-21-2022, 12:18 PM
And what are you called if you get upset when someone ranks Lebron over Mj?

Funny, this guy validates everything I'm saying yet he takes the bait every single time :roll:

07-21-2022, 12:20 PM
A jordie. :lol

They hate being called Jordaneers. I'd stick to that

07-21-2022, 12:21 PM
I love how I can extend this thread to 15 pages of the Jordaneers scrambling to get a non Bron fan to conform. I like how I can just pull my strings and these puppets dance for me lolol

07-21-2022, 12:31 PM
I love how I can extend this thread to 15 pages of the Jordaneers scrambling to get a non Bron fan to conform. I like how I can just pull my strings and these puppets dance for me lolol

Bro you have five posts in a row, get a grip :roll:

07-21-2022, 12:51 PM
Bro you have five posts in a row, get a grip :roll:


Full Court
07-21-2022, 05:51 PM
I have a player I rank over both of then

Puts a little monkey wrench in your theory eh?

It still hurts you that I'm not a Bronie :roll:

Oh you're DEFINITELY a Bronie. :lol

07-21-2022, 06:41 PM
I have a player I rank over both of then

Puts a little monkey wrench in your theory eh?

It still hurts you that I'm not a Bronie :roll:
Yet you're still a bronie, despite not making threads about him like what the braindead op did (http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showthread.php?505908-Lebron-by-the-Numbers) just earlier. :yaohappy:

07-21-2022, 08:34 PM
Yet you're still a bronie, despite not making threads about him like what the braindead op did (http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showthread.php?505908-Lebron-by-the-Numbers) just earlier. :yaohappy:

OP so triggered I'm not a Bronie he's fixated on me trying to convince himself I am. Lol, what a real life loser

07-21-2022, 08:36 PM
OP so triggered I'm not a Bronie he's fixated on me trying to convince himself I am. Lol, what a real life loser
But it's all our fault we are betas. How miserable LeGod is too. Yet it didn't stop the poor braindead op from whining about us a lot because of his derangement syndrome. :cry:

07-21-2022, 08:44 PM
Whats goin on here boyz?

Full Court
07-21-2022, 09:35 PM
OP so triggered I'm not a Bronie he's fixated on me trying to convince himself I am. Lol, what a real life loser

What can I say? This guy^ is a clear-cut, dyed in the wool Bronie. :confusedshrug:

Full Court
07-21-2022, 09:35 PM
But it's all our fault we are betas. How miserable LeGod is too. Yet it didn't stop the poor braindead op from whining about us a lot because of his derangement syndrome. :cry:

And this dingus is most DEFINITELY a Bronie.

And a beta.

07-21-2022, 10:06 PM
Whats goin on here boyz?

hateraid STILL denying he's a Bronsexual even when he's been outed :confusedshrug:

07-21-2022, 10:57 PM
after school day, petty breitbart homeworks, copium aspiration, apparent insomnia, nazi zombification and other related stuff per night, just imagine having to deal with betas like lebron and non-hating lebron posters itb afterwards everyday. even knowing the fact that he can never get rid of them all.

must be mentally challenging and exhausting for someone who's shown to be truly obssessed and braindead like op i assume. :ohwell:

07-22-2022, 01:22 AM
hateraid STILL denying he's a Bronsexual even when he's been outed :confusedshrug:

Again the Jordaneer thinks anyone who doesn't slurp MJ like they do then they must be a Bronsexual. The ignorance is bliss.

Do me a favor, find a Lebron praise thread I've created and I'll leave the board for good . You too Fool Court.
Fund proof and I'll leave

Lol, these guys still triggered

07-22-2022, 01:22 AM
after school day, petty breitbart homeworks, copium aspiration, apparent insomnia, nazi zombification and other related stuff per night, just imagine having to deal with betas like lebron and non-hating lebron posters itb afterwards everyday. even knowing the fact that he can never get rid of them all.

must be mentally challenging and exhausting for someone who's shown to be truly obssessed and braindead like op i assume. :ohwell:

I dint even give a shit about Bron yet it pains him I don't confirm. Lolol

Full Court
07-22-2022, 06:50 AM
Again the Jordaneer thinks anyone who doesn't slurp MJ like they do then they must be a Bronsexual. The ignorance is bliss.

Do me a favor, find a Lebron praise thread I've created and I'll leave the board for good . You too Fool Court.
Fund proof and I'll leave

Lol, these guys still triggered

Yet you go into a meltdown when Lebron gets criticized.

Sounds like a Bronie to me.

Full Court
07-22-2022, 06:52 AM
after school day, petty breitbart homeworks, copium aspiration, apparent insomnia, nazi zombification and other related stuff per night, just imagine having to deal with betas like lebron and non-hating lebron posters itb afterwards everyday. even knowing the fact that he can never get rid of them all.

must be mentally challenging and exhausting for someone who's shown to be truly obssessed and braindead like op i assume. :ohwell:


https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fgiffiles.alphacoders.com%2F118%2F 118865.gif&f=1&nofb=1

07-22-2022, 09:04 AM
Yet you go into a meltdown when Lebron gets criticized.

Sounds like a Bronie to me.

Doesn't hurt me when Lebron is criticized. I've criticized him in this very thread. Hurts I'm not a Bronie eh? Hurts so much I've made you carry it on for 16 pages :roll:

Dance my puppet!!

Subron sux! 4-10! LeLottery!! :roll:

07-22-2022, 11:35 AM
Doesn't hurt me when Lebron is criticized. I've criticized him in this very thread. Hurts I'm not a Bronie eh? Hurts so much I've made you carry it on for 16 pages :roll:

Dance my puppet!!

Subron sux! 4-10! LeLottery!! :roll:

Proof of concept, you got too many miles out of these guys already.

07-22-2022, 12:55 PM
Proof of concept, you got too many miles out of these guys already.

I'm getting these guys going in circles trying to convince everyone I'm a Bronie. Lol. Jordaneers are so easy to toy with

I'm not even a Bronie and I can get these guys triggered way to easily lol.

07-22-2022, 12:59 PM
Doesn't hurt me when Lebron is criticized. I've criticized him in this very thread. Hurts I'm not a Bronie eh? Hurts so much I've made you carry it on for 16 pages :roll:

Dance my puppet!!

Subron sux! 4-10! LeLottery!! :roll:

Like what i said before you can post even with just a mere emoji or smiley and the braindead op would still react to it as long as he feels it's trying to mock him. That's how autistic he really is.

Full Court
07-22-2022, 07:03 PM
I'm getting these guys going in circles trying to convince everyone I'm a Bronie. Lol. Jordaneers are so easy to toy with

I'm not even a Bronie and I can get these guys triggered way to easily lol.

^Confirmed Bronie 100%.


Full Court
07-22-2022, 07:05 PM

Like what i said before you can post even with just a mere emoji or smiley and the braindead op would still react to it as long as he feels it's trying to mock him. That's how autistic he really is.

Pythagoras hit the nail right on the head.

Asquared + Bsquared = Csquared

Autistic Axe + Beta Bronie = Crying Casual

Truth hurts. :lol

07-22-2022, 07:28 PM
Proof of concept, you got too many miles out of these guys already.
I second that notion.

Full Court
07-22-2022, 08:31 PM
https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse3.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP. Ye_kXC9Bs_wBD__e0XzoswHaF2%26pid%3DApi&f=1

07-24-2022, 05:53 PM

Like what i said before you can post even with just a mere emoji or smiley and the braindead op would still react to it as long as he feels it's trying to mock him. That's how autistic he really is.

Let's test it

OP :roll:

Full Court
07-24-2022, 08:21 PM
Let's test it

OP :roll:

Hi, hoseraid the Phony Bronie.


07-24-2022, 08:36 PM

Like what i said before you can post even with just a mere emoji or smiley and the braindead op would still react to it as long as he feels it's trying to mock him. That's how autistic he really is.

Yup, autism confirmed

07-24-2022, 08:37 PM
Yup, autism confirmed

Full Court
07-24-2022, 09:16 PM
Yup, autism confirmed

^Butthurt Bronie. :lol