View Full Version : Imagine Houston's surprise...

07-15-2022, 04:53 PM
when they got Pippen...

"Wow.. this guy sucks".. :yaohappy:


Ultimately, sidekick champions like Pippen are among the most overrated players ever because they play at a Wiggins caliber but the winning spotlight and ring count inflates them much higher.

07-15-2022, 07:19 PM
Imagine pippen playing his career with a ball dominator like LeBron….

Does he even make one all star game?

07-15-2022, 07:21 PM
Imagine pippen playing his career with a ball dominator like LeBron….

Does he even make one all star game?

He'd be like Harvey Grant - Horace's higher-producing brother - no one ever heard of him

Wait... maybe Pippen has a twin brother in the NBA that we never heard of

It's too bad because I just saw a YouTube video titled:

"MJ and Pippen put on a show and win Game 1 of the 93' Finals"

The problem is that Jordan's 93' Finals is arguably the goat performance, so to lump Pippen in there reduces Jordan.. It doesn't give proper credit to Jordan's goat performance and implies that it was 1a/1b when Jordan literally doubled Pippen's average in that series

07-15-2022, 08:05 PM
Imagine washington’s surprise when MJ couldn’t even make the playoffs

07-15-2022, 08:15 PM
Imagine washington’s surprise when MJ couldn’t even make the playoffs

Pippen won 55 and 59 games without Jordan.

07-15-2022, 09:54 PM
Pippen won 55 and 59 games without Jordan.

88' Jordan averaged 35/6/6 and dpoy but bad brand of ball (rookie team) resulted in 50 wins.

94' Pippen averaged 22.8 ppg but 3-peat brand and chemistry yielded 55 wins.

So the 94' Bulls won via chemistry and 3-peat brand of ball, not talent

Once the no pressure/honeymoon period ended in the 94' Playoffs, the Bulls were borderline lottery in 95' before MJ returned..

So Pippen destroyed a 3-peat dynasty to borderline lottery in less than 18 months

07-15-2022, 10:00 PM
Imagine washington’s surprise when MJ couldn’t even make the playoffs

Oh dont do em that dirty Goat

07-15-2022, 10:10 PM
Pippen's defense >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Barkley's offense.

07-15-2022, 10:52 PM
Pippen's defense >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Barkley's offense.

So why didn't they win because Barkley & Hakeem held up their end on offense and you're claiming that Pippen was great defensively.

So something doesn't add up and it's obviously that individual defense means little compared to dominant offense that is the foundation of a team.. No one would choose a defender like Dray or Pippen over an all-time dominant offensive player like Barkley, Giannis, Lebron, etc

07-16-2022, 01:29 AM
Imagine washington’s surprise when MJ couldn’t even make the playoffs

Low blow.

07-16-2022, 08:20 AM
That was a brutal season to watch. Old fat Barkley would back down his defender for 20 seconds. Pippen didn't like Barkley I think and just kinda sulked through the season.

07-16-2022, 04:50 PM
That was a brutal season to watch. Old fat Barkley would back down his defender for 20 seconds. Pippen didn't like Barkley I think and just kinda sulked through the season.

Pippen averaged 18 on 32% in the 99' playoffs

07-16-2022, 04:59 PM
Pippen won 55 and 59 games without Jordan.

07-16-2022, 05:09 PM
Pippen won 55

Without a 3-peat system, Jordan's 35/6/6 + dpoy won 50 games in 1988

With a 3-peat system, Pippen's garbage 22/8/5 won 55

After the no pressure & honeymoon period ended in the 94' Playoffs, the Bulls were borderline lottery in 95' before MJ returned.. So Pippen destroyed a 3-peat dynasty to borderline lottery in less than 18 months.

Pippen won 59

As 7th option

So you're just lying

Only 1st options matter and "count"

07-16-2022, 05:25 PM
16 playoffs in a row > 8/9 playoffs in a row :kobe:

07-16-2022, 05:30 PM
16 playoffs in a row > 8/9 playoffs in a row :kobe:

How about FMVP... Who leads that count

And no one knocks Lebron's 2007 Finals because he was facing maximum defensive attention (carrying scoring load) - except lebron NEVER defeated maximum defensive attention (never carried scoring load in Finals).. He always needed an elite 1st option at sidekick to nearly match his Finals scoring.. So Lebron can't defeat maximum defensive attention, while MJ did so for 6 titles, aka goat

07-16-2022, 05:32 PM

07-16-2022, 05:34 PM

No, that's what you did

We were talking about Pippen's Houston days and how he was a 14 ppg dunker that couldn't score outside the triangle....

And you come along talking about 14 straight playoffs, which guys like Stockton surely beat and many more... :facepalm:

Hey Yo
07-16-2022, 05:40 PM
Pippen averaged 18 on 32% in the 99' playoffs

What did MJ avg. In the 99 playoffs?

07-16-2022, 05:47 PM
What did MJ avg. In the 99 playoffs?

He would've been FMVP again if he played

But Pippen selfishly sat out for half the 98' season, which soured grapes and killed any chance of reconciliation with management to bring everyone back.

Btw, Duncan is tailor-made for Jordan's athleticism - I recommend that you re-watch highlights from Jordan's 2 games against Duncan in 98' (one of those he won without Pippen)

Hey Yo
07-16-2022, 06:00 PM
He would've been FMVP again if he played

But Pippen selfishly sat out for half the 98' season, which soured grapes and killed any chance of reconciliation with management to bring everyone back.

Btw, Duncan is tailor-made for Jordan's athleticism - I recommend that you re-watch highlights from Jordan's 2 games against Duncan in 98' (one of those he won without Pippen)

Where would he have signed cause the reason he quit again was due to mental exhaustion after only 3yrs. Plus Chicago had zero chance of defending their title.

07-16-2022, 07:28 PM
No, that's what you did

We were talking about Pippen's Houston days and how he was a 14 ppg dunker that couldn't score outside the triangle....

And you come along talking about 14 straight playoffs, which guys like Stockton surely beat and many more... :facepalm:
5.2 apg > 4.7 apg :whatever:

07-16-2022, 07:37 PM
5.2 apg > 4.7 apg :whatever:

Wade averaged 4.7 rpg

5.4 apg

5.4 > 5.2

So Lebron needed more passing help because Kyrie, Westbrook and Rondo averaged more apg than Pippen too (MJ also averaged more)

07-16-2022, 09:17 PM
59 wins > 40 wins