View Full Version : I would like to ask you a question. You personally not everyone else.

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07-21-2022, 10:47 AM
If you post anything at all in this topic I will do so. If you’re in the minority who I know well enough from your time here to wonder what you think about a particular basketball issue it will be about that. If you’re the majority? The nameless faceless ghouls who haunt these places largely silent from the shadows? Your question will likely be more generic. It may not even be about basketball.

If you don’t wish to participate simply do not post. I will respond with a question to every single person who does so much as post a period in this topic. I don’t care if your response is nothing more than laughing at someone else’s reply about how stupid this idea is if you reply to this topic I am going to ask you a question.

Answer or don’t. I’m asking. Too many of you are complete mysteries to me for us to all be here for years.

Some of you will later get questions even if you don’t respond. Those will be strictly basketball because I just have questions topics don’t allow me to ask without a derail.

If you’re as bored as I am right now….. bring it on.

07-21-2022, 10:56 AM
Warriorfan - Are you? Are you a fan of the team or a fan of Steph Curry. For the record I’m not saying it’s like…wrong. Most of my fellow Bulls fans in the 90s were Jordan fans. That’s just sports. So I’m just asking. When say…Klay…gets hot. Are you internally annoyed because hes playing well? It kinda feels that way but I’d genuinely like to know if it’s so. Do you root for the entire team to play well or is your ideal outcome of a game everyone being shit but Steph pulling it out in the end through his brilliance?

07-21-2022, 10:58 AM
kblaze - Did you have sex with a former female poster who used to post on ISH? I could have sworn I read it somewhere around here.

07-21-2022, 10:59 AM
Am I supposed to ask you a question?

07-21-2022, 11:00 AM
Dmavs - two questions…..

You can have any center in Mavs history back in their primes for 5 years at no pay to help win this team a title. Who do you take?


Are any IPA beers objectively good tasting or are their fans just looking to prove they like beer more than everyone else?

07-21-2022, 11:09 AM
kblaze - Did you have sex with a former female poster who used to post on ISH? I could have sworn I read it somewhere around here.

I will answer that question with a story I will have to tell that will take too long to do it while I’m driving. Short answer….I was involved with someone who migrated here from the original ish off court lounge but was never a “real” ish poster. I was also good friends with a female ish poster who is now dead but it was not a physical thing. Got lucky at a long stoplight there but it’s still a longer story….

Your question coming up at the next red light.

07-21-2022, 11:10 AM
Am I supposed to ask you a question?

No. A simple “Ok.” Or “Shoot” or something will do. Or what you did. Your question is also coming.

07-21-2022, 11:10 AM
Are you or are you not Yinka Dare?

07-21-2022, 11:14 AM
Stopped for a minute.

1987_Lakers (http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/member.php?11996-1987_Lakers)

You aren’t old enough to remember the 87 lakers are you? I feel like I remember you being a child of the 90s. So…who was your first favorite team and first favorite player?

I feel you’re too old to be a Lebron fan from your early years and I also feel like you aren’t a Kobe guy.

Who was your first favorite? From whom did your fanhood sprout?

07-21-2022, 11:18 AM
Fkari - I feel like I have no idea what you think about anything despite also feeling like I see your avatar all the time. Who are you a fan of? I feel like I can only remember you not liking people while also not really identifying you as a hater of anyone in particular.

07-21-2022, 11:26 AM
Are you or are you not Yinka Dare?

No. He is one of the few online basketball video guys who predates me. As for you….

Your choice of name suggests to me you might have an interesting take on a subject or two if I knew which one to bring up but I don’t. So….

Should I see Nope or that Brad Pitt bullet train movie first?

What is the best sauce to dip chicken tenders in?

Who is your favorite player who ever played for the Knicks?

07-21-2022, 11:27 AM
Stopped for a minute.

1987_Lakers (http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/member.php?11996-1987_Lakers)

You aren’t old enough to remember the 87 lakers are you? I feel like I remember you being a child of the 90s. So…who was your first favorite team and first favorite player?

I feel you’re too old to be a Lebron fan from your early years and I also feel like you aren’t a Kobe guy.

Who was your first favorite? From whom did your fanhood sprout?

My first memory of watching basketball was when I was like 8 when the Spurs won a title in '99. My older brother was a Lakers fan so I guess I followed him. The next year I remember watching the Lakers and just how dominant Shaq was, he was by far my favorite player. To me it seemed like everytime he got the ball inside it was an automatic basket, also remember watching game 7 vs Portland that year and couldn't believe they came back and won, I was ecstatic. I actually did like Kobe too, just think he gets overrated at times by casuals. I try to be as objective as possible when I talk serious so when people see me post something negative about Kobe they think I'm not a Laker fan. I've always loved history in general. When I was a teen, like around 2004, NBA.com ran a greatest team ever tournament and the '87 Lakers ended up winning it, I did some research on that team, learned all the players and ordered some '87 Finals games on Ebay and became a fan of them, hence the username.

But I'll admit most of my Kobe bashing recently was to troll and upset Kenny. The last time he got banned because he went on a racist Jew tirade was actually caused by me because I kept posting Kobe's Finals numbers which led him to have a mental breakdown.

07-21-2022, 11:36 AM
No. He is one of the few online basketball video guys who predates me. As for you….

Your choice of name suggests to me you might have an interesting take on a subject or two if I knew which one to bring up but I don’t. So….

Should I see Nope or that Brad Pitt bullet train movie first?

What is the best sauce to dip chicken tenders in?

Who is your favorite player who ever played for the Knicks?

Bullet Train, better theatre experience

BBQ sauce, it's the most consistent

Bernard King

Good thread and appreciate the mixes back in the day :pimp:

07-21-2022, 11:53 AM
Warriorfan - Are you? Are you a fan of the team or a fan of Steph Curry. For the record I’m not saying it’s like…wrong. Most of my fellow Bulls fans in the 90s were Jordan fans. That’s just sports. So I’m just asking. When say…Klay…gets hot. Are you internally annoyed because hes playing well? It kinda feels that way but I’d genuinely like to know if it’s so. Do you root for the entire team to play well or is your ideal outcome of a game everyone being shit but Steph pulling it out in the end through his brilliance?

I’m both obviously, like any Warriors fan. Steph pulled us out of the dark ages. He’s the real deal.

As for the upset if someone other than Curry is going off? That’s pretty absurd. Im a sports fan and I just want to see my teams win. It’s pretty simple and kind of silly when you think about it but that’s all it is really.

Rooting for star’s teammates to do poor is pretty insane, to be honest I don’t think I’ve ever even heard of anything like that before the trolling around here. That is pretty out there. :lol

I have bugged some friends of mine being critical of Klay, Draymond, and some other guys at times when they have disappeared in big games or been slumping in general. While I’m a fan and give our guys the benefit of the doubt in most situations I still keep it real. Just because I like a player or they are on the team doesn’t mean I’m going to be intellectually dishonest about things. It’s not a bad thing as a fan to be critical at times while giving credit when it’s due.

07-21-2022, 11:53 AM
My first memory of watching basketball was when I was like 8 when the Spurs won a title in '99. My older brother was a Lakers fan so I guess I followed him. The next year I remember watching the Lakers and just how dominant Shaq was, he was by far my favorite player. To me it seemed like everytime he got the ball inside it was an automatic basket, also remember watching game 7 vs Portland that year and couldn't believe they came back and won, I was ecstatic. I actually did like Kobe too, just think he gets overrated at times by casuals. I try to be as objective as possible when I talk serious so when people see me post something negative about Kobe they think I'm not a Laker fan. I've always loved history in general. When I was a teen, like around 2004, NBA.com ran a greatest team ever tournament and the '87 Lakers ended up winning it, I did some research on that team, learned all the players and ordered some '87 Finals games on Ebay and became a fan of them, hence the username.

But I'll admit most of my Kobe bashing recently was to troll and upset Kenny. The last time he got banned because he went on a racist Jew tirade was actually caused by me because I kept posting Kobe's Finals numbers which led him to have a mental breakdown.

So you actually are a laker fan. I really didn’t know but for whatever reason I always used to mix you up with Imkobe so I was just all thrown off. I do get trolling some of the weirdo obsessed types we have here but I think I’ve cooled on that for reasons related to your first question.

The good female friend I had here? She was a pistons fan named Ashley who got trolled hard. Partially her own doing. She started by posting pics of some cute female piston fan from Detroit she claimed to be but after years on my companion ish board where everyone kinda got to know each other she admitted to faking her life and being an overweight North Carolinian girl. I’m not breaking any confidences. This was widely known I at the time. She was very open about it and her desire to get in shape and all that. And she did. She got to where she could run marathons and shit. Total turnaround. On the outside at least. But internally she was always depressed and took everything personal. Even online shit.

She would call me upset about shit in life and online. She’s getting legit cyber bullied here and other places. She may or may not have been a victim of date rape by some Michigan State basketball players. She told me about it but I never say the names because it’s a ****ed it rumor to spread with a source who was known to lie before. She had family issues, lifetime weight problems, a handicapped brother she took care of…just…a lot.

And she was open about it online and got ripped for it.

I myself stopped answering when she’d call. I don’t blame myself for her suicide of course but it did help me see posters as real humans. It’s one reason I eventually stopped ****ing with Stalker and tried to see the human in him. He talked about getting banned once and how it’s wrong for people who have no outlet in life to lose their online outlets and it actually got to me.

I wasn’t even the one who banned him but it was one of those things….it made me think of her. Even trolls and weird posters are real people and some of the super obsessed ones have to have real problems too.

I had another poster here tell me on an Xbox live chat he thought I was a bit of a bully to some people and it got to me too. I’m from a time of just snapping on people. My friends and I do it. You might think we hate each other but those are my brothers. But you do it on here people take it serious at times and I almost never want them to.

It’s all jokes till one side takes it serious. I’d legit buy 3ball a beer and hang if we happened to be in the same area. He’s probably just a regular guy just acting weird online for whatever reason.

I just think back to her situation at times when dealing with people who get laughed at on here. They are actual humans. I try to see them that way. But the really dig in ones just don’t have it in them to act normal even when pressed. I’m getting better at ignoring them.

07-21-2022, 11:55 AM
I'm down...ask away.

07-21-2022, 11:59 AM
I’m both obviously, like any Warriors fan. Steph pulled us out of the dark ages. He’s the real deal.

As for the upset if someone other than Curry is going off? That’s pretty absurd. Im a sports fan and I just want to see my teams win. It’s pretty simple and kind of silly when you think about it but that’s all it is really.

Rooting for star’s teammates to do poor is pretty insane, to be honest I don’t think I’ve ever even heard of anything like that before the trolling around here. That is pretty out there. :lol

I have bugged some friends of mine being critical of Klay, Draymond, and some other guys at times when they have disappeared in big games or been slumping in general. While I’m a fan and give our guys the benefit of the doubt in most situations I still keep it real. Just because I like a player or they are on the team doesn’t mean I’m going to be intellectually dishonest about things. It’s not a bad thing as a fan to be critical at times while giving credit when it’s due.

Understood. I hope you can see why it’s hard to tell at times. I’m sure you noticed that most guys biggest haters on here are the fans of a teams best player. 3ball and Pippen. You often with Klay and Dray. The Lebron nuts talking about Kyrie and Wade. The Kobe fans hating on Pau. That’s just modern sports at times.

It’s like guys aren’t as good as they are….they’re as good ad their teammate aren’t…if that makes sense.

And to be clear it started well before you . Like I said a lot of bulls fans in the 90s were Jordan fans.

Ive just not been that way personally. I hate the player first fans at lot of the time. Not always. But some get so out of line. We had a Dirk fan years ago who hated everyone who ever played for the mavs and it was just weird.

You aren’t on that level which is why I felt a need to ask. It just often feels like you can’t wait for someone to have a bad game so Steph can appear to save the day. I understand that may not actually be the case.

07-21-2022, 12:02 PM
I'm down...ask away.

Which “This is the savior” Knicks point let you down most?

Marbury? Lin? Rod Strickland? Mark Jackson? Steve Francis? Kemba? What point did you have the most hope for only to have it dashed?

Assuming you’re a Knicks fan of course. I feel like you are but if not I have another question.

07-21-2022, 12:10 PM
Which “This is the savior” Knicks point let you down most?

Marbury? Lin? Rod Strickland? Mark Jackson? Steve Francis? Kemba? What point did you have the most hope for only to have it dashed?

Assuming you’re a Knicks fan of course. I feel like you are but if not I have another question.

That's a great question. I would have to go back to the mid 90s when the Knicks had brought in Larry Johnson and Allan Houston. I had high hopes for them then and it seemed like the Knicks were making moves to really be a strong contender. Of course, it didn't turn out that way.

That was - for all intents and purposes - supposed to be a great trio with Patrick Ewing. The hype was immense back then and we did win 57 games, but then....PJ Brown...smh.

As for the others, then Lin wasn't much a hope for me. We were awful back then. Francis was past his prime, so I knew it wouldn't have worked out.

Marbury was interesting. I wasn't high on Marbury since his interview with Hannah Storm back with the Timberwolves when he claimed he could go out and score 35 points a game, and couldn't make it work with KG of all players (who was as unselfish as they come). So needless to say, I didn't think his addition would have amounted to anything.

07-21-2022, 12:10 PM
Why not.

07-21-2022, 12:12 PM
I do remember thinking they would be a problem with Larry Johnson before it was clear he wasn’t Larry Johnson anymore. I clowned the **** outta some Knick fans I knew back then when Tim Hardaway ran wild one playoff and looked like the Point God vs you guys. Good times.

07-21-2022, 12:19 PM
Why not.

2 questions.

1. I am forever curating the menu for my friends eventual strip club he’s gonna open and have decided to do something unusual with a wing flavor. I ordered some Lime pepper seasoning and some orange pepper as well. The lime tastes better on its own since I think it has a bunch of msg but Orange Pepper wings just sound exotic. Would you order that if you saw it on the bar food menu at a strip club?

Im also waiting for an order of something called “Slut dust” im told is amazing on fries. Made by a place called slutty vegan you may know of in Atlanta.


With no real memory if you talking Hawks ball still I ask….

If you could add one retired Hawk from history to the current team who is it?

Mutombo to see if he pulls a Gobert and makes them decent on D by himself?

Nique for the excitement defense be damned?

Steve Smith for versatility?

Joe Johnson for who would probably be a nasty point power forward today?

Trust Pistol Pete these days?


07-21-2022, 12:31 PM
That's a great question. I would have to go back to the mid 90s when the Knicks had brought in Larry Johnson and Allan Houston. I had high hopes for them then and it seemed like the Knicks were making moves to really be a strong contender. Of course, it didn't turn out that way.

That was - for all intents and purposes - supposed to be a great trio with Patrick Ewing. The hype was immense back then and we did win 57 games, but then....PJ Brown...smh.

As for the others, then Lin wasn't much a hope for me. We were awful back then. Francis was past his prime, so I knew it wouldn't have worked out.

Marbury was interesting. I wasn't high on Marbury since his interview with Hannah Storm back with the Timberwolves when he claimed he could go out and score 35 points a game, and couldn't make it work with KG of all players (who was as unselfish as they come). So needless to say, I didn't think his addition would have amounted to anything.

A lot of people bring up 1993-95 for the Knicks, but 1997 was so earth shattering. We didn't have LJ and Starks in game 7 while Miami didn't have PJ Brown. We would have won that series. I doubt we beat Chicago but that was such a solid team when you think about it...Ewing, Houston, LJ, Oakley, and Starks off the bench. What we really needed was a playmaker and the Knicks could have really been a dominant team.

07-21-2022, 12:39 PM
A lot of people bring up 1993-95 for the Knicks, but 1997 was so earth shattering. We didn't have LJ and Starks in game 7 while Miami didn't have PJ Brown. We would have won that series. I doubt we beat Chicago but that was such a solid team when you think about it...Ewing, Houston, LJ, Oakley, and Starks off the bench. What we really needed was a playmaker and the Knicks could have really been a dominant team.

What you needed was for Timmy to not turn into LSU Pistol Pete and put the entire city of New York in the sleeper hold on national tv:



That 5 minutes or so he went crazy might have been my lifetime peak punchable moment. Someone should have taken a swing at me. I was unbearable.

07-21-2022, 12:39 PM
Question for KBaldo8855

Does it bother you that your screen name is missing the extra 8 and 5?

Also, do you remember my real name?

Kind regards,


07-21-2022, 12:45 PM
Not really. I was on one of my random month or two long absences when ish moved from ezboard to here and my original name was taken by some troll so I just altered it.

No I don’t remember your real name.

I do often wonder if you get online on Xbox because occasionally I’ll be on there and see Shaft pop up. Suns once a while back. I never see you.

As for your question….

Would you rather be given a gift card that will allow a lifetime of free pepsi products anywhere on earth(no more than 3 at a time of any single drink or product) or a visa gift card that always has exactly 6 dollars on it and can be used 2 times a day but goes inactive after 5 years?

07-21-2022, 12:45 PM

07-21-2022, 12:51 PM

You mentioned once that you started lifting during the pandemic. Maybe that you started back. Not sure. Did you stick with it?

What you benching these days? Assuming you even do old school shit like that. Half the people I see in gyms now are doing more modern core strength and flexibility things than maxing out like we used to.

Im soft as hell relative to my prime
but I still seem stronger than most I see in the gym. Probably because of it those differences in style.

07-21-2022, 12:52 PM
2 questions.

1. I am forever curating the menu for my friends eventual strip club he’s gonna open and have decided to do something unusual with a wing flavor. I ordered some Lime pepper seasoning and some orange pepper as well. The lime tastes better on its own since I think it has a bunch of msg but Orange Pepper wings just sound exotic. Would you order that if you saw it on the bar food menu at a strip club?

Im also waiting for an order of something called “Slut dust” im told is amazing on fries. Made by a place called slutty vegan you may know of in Atlanta.


With no real memory if you talking Hawks ball still I ask….

If you could add one retired Hawk from history to the current team who is it?

Mutombo to see if he pulls a Gobert and makes them decent on D by himself?

Nique for the excitement defense be damned?

Steve Smith for versatility?

Joe Johnson for who would probably be a nasty point power forward today?

Trust Pistol Pete these days?


1. Depends on what the other flavors are. If orange pepper was the place's specialty and there weren't other choices I'd happily order it and maybe even be excited for it's uniqueness. But if it's that vs standard hot then it's going to lose for me. In general I'm not as big of a fan of dry rubs.

2. Almost certainly Mutombo. He alone makes the Hawks a contender in the east. Pretty much solves every issue that we have other than Trae not knowing and/or wanting to play off ball despite having the quickness, skills, and intelligence to be amazing like that.

A second option would be bring back Nique and trade Trae for interior defense and picks. I'm at work and don't have time to truly look but I'm sure a decent haul could be had there. Murray, Nique, Hunter, Collins, and Capela with Bogi and defensive on the bench.

07-21-2022, 12:56 PM
What you needed was for Timmy to not turn into LSU Pistol Pete and put the entire city of New York in the sleeper hold on national tv:



That 5 minutes or so he went crazy might have been my lifetime peak punchable moment. Someone should have taken a swing at me. I was unbearable.

Bro, why you gotta do me like that? There's a reason you NEVER see me discuss the Knicks on ISH. Why man, just why?

07-21-2022, 12:58 PM
You mentioned once that you started lifting during the pandemic. Maybe that you started back. Not sure. Did you stick with it?

What you benching these days? Assuming you even do old school shit like that. Half the people I see in gyms now are doing more modern core strength and flexibility things than maxing out like we used to.

Im soft as hell relative to my prime
but I still seem stronger than most I see in the gym. Probably because of it those differences in style.
Honestly I made ok progress the first 6 months or so during the pandemic but after that suffered from ****-around-itis

Was skipping days, sometimes weeks, months at a time, not sticking to a strict diet, not putting in maximum effort or following a program, etc.

I started a 5/3/1 program this summer and it’s been great. Hit a 225 bench, 315 squat, and 405 deadlift. Not really impressive numbers overall but for someone who weighed 135 at 5’11” coming out of college and absolutely none of that weight being muscle, I’m pretty proud.

07-21-2022, 01:03 PM
Fkari - I feel like I have no idea what you think about anything despite also feeling like I see your avatar all the time. Who are you a fan of? I feel like I can only remember you not liking people while also not really identifying you as a hater of anyone in particular.

I definitely don't hate any player. Not really a fan of any player. Though there are some players today that I find particularly fascinating because of their playstyle like Jokic, Porzingis and Curry. I was never into the whole athlete worship or sports hero culture. Ditto regarding teams and homerism. Is it really so rare for someone to like the sport above a player or team?

That being said, I don't like what the modern game has become. It's not for me. But I respect it and understand that it is played more efficiently than ever before. It's why I find myself drifting away from basketball for years now. And with no team to keep me anchored I'll probably be done with the NBA soon.

07-21-2022, 01:17 PM
I will answer that question with a story I will have to tell that will take too long to do it while I’m driving. Short answer….I was involved with someone who migrated here from the original ish off court lounge but was never a “real” ish poster. I was also good friends with a female ish poster who is now dead but it was not a physical thing. Got lucky at a long stoplight there but it’s still a longer story….

Your question coming up at the next red light.

was it that nash4eva chick?

07-21-2022, 01:19 PM
Question for KBaldo8855

Does it bother you that your screen name is missing the extra 8 and 5?

Also, do you remember my real name?

Kind regards,



07-21-2022, 01:39 PM
Warriorfan - Are you? Are you a fan of the team or a fan of Steph Curry. For the record I’m not saying it’s like…wrong. Most of my fellow Bulls fans in the 90s were Jordan fans. That’s just sports. So I’m just asking. When say…Klay…gets hot. Are you internally annoyed because hes playing well? It kinda feels that way but I’d genuinely like to know if it’s so. Do you root for the entire team to play well or is your ideal outcome of a game everyone being shit but Steph pulling it out in the end through his brilliance?

I was a Bulls fan BEFORE MJ, Ok I'm not that ancient haha, or maybe I am :cry: Anyways, grade school everyone is either a Celtics or Lakers fan, personally I loved Magic so I sided with the Lakers but I was always a hometown team fan so I asked my mom for a Bulls hoodie in the early 80s and I clearly remember my neighborhood friends and classmates giving me shit for it, lol. My first fave Bull was Reggie Theus but they are really fuzzy memories, also remember hearing about Artis Gilmore, but I do remember Dave Corzine, Quinten Daly and cokehead Orlando Woolridge...I realize most Bulls fans, especially those outside of Chicago, became fans because of MJ.

07-21-2022, 01:43 PM
was it that nash4eva chick?

Her name was Pistonsfan something. Maybe Pistonsfan54 or something like that. And she had another name I don’t remember that she also used on MSU sports boards where she would get clowned a bit. She was cool with me. She didn’t talk about improving she went out and jogged till she could run marathons. Lost all the weight. Was a great swimmer. Had a kid and all….

I thought she was fine so I lost touch then saw online she was dead and her Facebook page acknowledged her suicide.

07-21-2022, 01:53 PM
highwhey -

For someone who I see post so much I feel like I don’t know shit about you. I see pics posted and back and forths but you know how these places are. Don’t know what’s true or false and just a joke. I feel like I remember a story on you getting a hooker years ago but I don’t remember it clear enough to be sure.
my unrelated question is this….

It’s the 2023 nba finals. Between games 3 and 4. Suns are up 2-1 on the Bucks.

If you walked out of a bar at 2am and see a scuffle in the parking lot that ends when a tall guy pulls a gun and shoots the other guy before turning and seeing a witness(a solo female) who he also shoots….

He glances your way and you see it’s Devin Booker. He sees you and your first thought is you must be next….but sirens in the distance break the silence and he runs off.

You hear about the shooting and the cops have no leads. On tv you see Steve Nash offering a 10K reward for any info on the shooter…as it turns out the solo female is the daughter of a friend of his. He’s begging Phoenix for help.

Do you turn in Booker for the reward?

If so…do you wait till after the finals?

07-21-2022, 01:55 PM
Bro, why you gotta do me like that? There's a reason you NEVER see me discuss the Knicks on ISH. Why man, just why?

It was honestly one of the best sports days of my life. Knick fans were talking big shit in the 90s as you know. Seeing them get taken apart buy Timmy when I had fans telling me they’re able to knock off the Bulls? I wish I could have that quarter browned in a pan so I could deglaze it and make a nice gravy to dip my sandwich in. I wanna taste that moment again.

07-21-2022, 01:58 PM
Honestly I made ok progress the first 6 months or so during the pandemic but after that suffered from ****-around-itis

Was skipping days, sometimes weeks, months at a time, not sticking to a strict diet, not putting in maximum effort or following a program, etc.

I started a 5/3/1 program this summer and it’s been great. Hit a 225 bench, 315 squat, and 405 deadlift. Not really impressive numbers overall but for someone who weighed 135 at 5’11” coming out of college and absolutely none of that weight being muscle, I’m pretty proud.

Those numbers are great to start that size. I could never squat much more than that even though my leg press was great. It was a confidence issue. I never felt safe or sturdy with the bar in that position. Leg press 3 Shaqs but couldn’t squat offseason Embiid.

07-21-2022, 02:05 PM
. .

07-21-2022, 02:05 PM
How good was a peak Latrell Sprewell?

07-21-2022, 02:15 PM
was it that nash4eva chick?

I remember her, think she talked about also being sexually assaulted.


I'm guessing thats her in the avatar.

07-21-2022, 02:20 PM
Not really. I was on one of my random month or two long absences when ish moved from ezboard to here and my original name was taken by some troll so I just altered it.

No I don’t remember your real name.

I do often wonder if you get online on Xbox because occasionally I’ll be on there and see Shaft pop up. Suns once a while back. I never see you.

As for your question….

Would you rather be given a gift card that will allow a lifetime of free pepsi products anywhere on earth(no more than 3 at a time of any single drink or product) or a visa gift card that always has exactly 6 dollars on it and can be used 2 times a day but goes inactive after 5 years?

The ladder. That's a value of 22K roughly that can be spent on anything.

I retired my Xbox after you guys iced me out Isiah to MJ style in 2K. Took my talents to the PlayStation.

Real Men Wear Green
07-21-2022, 02:23 PM
I am an open book that you would fall asleep attempting to read.

07-21-2022, 02:35 PM
It was honestly one of the best sports days of my life. Knick fans were talking big shit in the 90s as you know. Seeing them get taken apart buy Timmy when I had fans telling me they’re able to knock off the Bulls? I wish I could have that quarter browned in a pan so I could deglaze it and make a nice gravy to dip my sandwich in. I wanna taste that moment again.

That 3rd quarter was painful. I remember looking at my father like damn we can't stop this guy. Smh.

07-21-2022, 02:41 PM

My old username was geeWiz15, if that helps.

Question for you: Why ISH? Why 25 years just hanging around here? Why not NBA Twitter? Why not the Ringer? nba redddit? a blog? a podcast?

It reminds me someone sticking around in a run-down part of town, sitting on the porch, talking to whoever else is still around. Even though he could just pick up and move to Houston or someplace like everyone else is doing.

You know, I don't post really, but this is still where I go. Even though the conversation has mostly moved elsewhere (mainly Twitter). And I wanted to be an NBA writer once, but I'm glad I never pursued it because when it's your job, it becomes your job, you know what I'm saying?

Is it something like that with you? Is this just a question that doesn't interest you at all? But it's like: why? There are only about 4 or 5 regular posters these days that I'll even read.

07-21-2022, 03:01 PM
I am an open book that you would fall asleep attempting to read.

Be that as it may…..

Jeff wins the powerball and decides he’s done with ISH but as a parting gift he’s throwing a massive party for everyone in…I don’t know…Miami. He flys everyone out and there are 438 total ish posters. Pretty much everyone active. Name tags for identification and all that.

He pulls us aside and says the forum brings in about 42K a year in ad revenue and he’s willing to turn it over to us to own and collect the passive income if we feel like it…under one condition.

It turns out that over the last few years a poster was secretly Jake Paul(let’s say it’s DraynKlay). He learned this himself only hours ago. Jake wants in on the ownership split 3 ways. He wants a massive viral moment to get people talking and joining “his” forum increasing ad revenue so he sets up a series of poster grudge match fights as the undercard for his fight vs Conor so there’s a good crowd.

He wants you to fight 3ball with 20K on the line. 30 days to train. You refuse because it’s frankly…stupid. He says ok…how about this.

We only announce your fight. You will never have to compete honestly. But here’s what’s gotta happen….

You come to the ring and a little act must play out. The bell rings. You approach him and both of you go into a corner and he does this exact move:


You must pretend to be knocked out cold and 3ball is declared winner.

You both get 30K for the sham and he gets an absurd viral knockout to put into his highlight packages.

No real harm done. Just shame.

You get 30k. 1/3rd ownership of the ad rights to a now much more popular forum…and never speak of the truth. Not to your friends or family even.

You get off the cage roundhouse kicked in the head by 3ball…are “knocked out” and the world sees it. You get the money. Your family clowns you I assume. The world and ish clowns you for sure. You have to come back and post as part of the conditions.

Is such a farce worth 30K and part ownership of a Paul brothers forum and all it’s related ad revenue?

07-21-2022, 03:07 PM
. .

Would you agree to let me unwrap and place on your outstretched tongue a single Hersheys kiss once a week at a time of my choosing with no warning when I arrive for unlimited free cooking oil, mead(honeywine), Puma shoes, oil changes, and chinese food from anywhere you like for the duration of the agreement? To be clear....I can bang on your door at 3am and you have to get up and come extend your tongue for me to place a piece of candy on it. I could show up at your job...same deal. I could come to your wedding...my choice. Would I? Who knows. You would like to assume I wouldnt be a dick about it. But who knows why im even offering? Perhaps my role is fulfilling someone elses hypothetical...so its up to them when I come. You dont know either way. Take the deal? Its a few seconds of mild annoyance a week for thousands of dollars of not that useful goods and services.

07-21-2022, 03:18 PM
How good was a peak Latrell Sprewell?

He was better than Alan Houston or Cuttino Mobley…he was…better than Steve Smith….

Joe Johnson level maybe?

As for you….

Would you take and use as your primary means of transportation a 2019 Jaguar XJ:


under the following conditions?

It has no Bluetooth only an internal MP3 player with 3 songs loaded...that could never be removed or added to...and you would have to play on rotation at 50% of max volume every time you drive it. You cant turn it down...or off...you turn the car on the music starts...you cant play the radio...or your own music. Or wear head phones with something else playing. These 3 songs play on loop...and you cant immediately sell the car or use a different car as your primary mode of transportation. These are the songs:





constant 50% volume rotation. You arent allowed to explain the situation to anyone riding with you. You have to just...let them assume youre crazy. If you remove the radio or any element of the sound system the car wont start.
Do you take the car and use it for at least 10 years? Lets say at 10 years you can sell it to anyone you can get to buy it. You pay only insurance for the 10 years then can sell it if you want. But can’t tell anyone why you won’t change from those 3 songs.

Do you take the deal?

07-21-2022, 03:30 PM
He was better than Alan Houston or Cuttino Mobley…he was…better than Steve Smith….

Joe Johnson level maybe?

As for you….

Would you take and use as your primary means of transportation a 2019 Jaguar XJ:


under the following conditions?

It has no Bluetooth only an internal MP3 player with 3 songs loaded...that could never be removed or added to...and you would have to play on rotation at 50% of max volume every time you drive it. You cant turn it down...or off...you turn the car on the music starts...you cant play the radio...or your own music. Or wear head phones with something else playing. These 3 songs play on loop...and you cant immediately sell the car or use a different car as your primary mode of transportation. These are the songs:





constant 50% volume rotation. You arent allowed to explain the situation to anyone riding with you. You have to just...let them assume youre crazy. If you remove the radio or any element of the sound system the car wont start.
Do you take the car and use it for at least 10 years? Lets say at 10 years you can sell it to anyone you can get to buy it. You pay only insurance for the 10 years then can sell it if you want. But can’t tell anyone why you won’t change from those 3 songs.

Do you take the deal?
My head just exploded reading that scenario. No I wouldn't take it, not because of the music but because I have to keep it for 10 years.

07-21-2022, 03:31 PM

My old username was geeWiz15, if that helps.

Question for you: Why ISH? Why 25 years just hanging around here? Why not NBA Twitter? Why not the Ringer? nba redddit? a blog? a podcast?

It reminds me someone sticking around in a run-down part of town, sitting on the porch, talking to whoever else is still around. Even though he could just pick up and move to Houston or someplace like everyone else is doing.

You know, I don't post really, but this is still where I go. Even though the conversation has mostly moved elsewhere (mainly Twitter). And I wanted to be an NBA writer once, but I'm glad I never pursued it because when it's your job, it becomes your job, you know what I'm saying?

Is it something like that with you? Is this just a question that doesn't interest you at all? But it's like: why? There are only about 4 or 5 regular posters these days that I'll even read.

It does help. I remember you clearly. You had to be like 16 back then and running up on 30 now which is crazy.

As for why….I don’t know really. I’m not much into social media beyond news. I think it’s just habit at this point. I’ve been asked to be a guest on podcasts….people used to contact me to write articles for their sites. I’m really just tossing shit out off the top of my head that I’d obsess over if I didn’t get out. And I have my friends around less often than I used to so I can’t just say it to them.

Ill stumble over something that makes me think and before you know it I’m down a rabbit hole looking at clips from the 78 Nuggets about to make a topic on Dan Issell. I can’t give you a good reason. I readily admit it’s a waste of time. But time is what I have these days. I don’t work beyond looking for a rental property now and then. I travel. What else am I gonna do in a car or on a train for hours?

As for you…..

The wizards have been between “meh” and garbage all your life and for like 10 years before it. They will be “meh” for some time to come.

How much if at all do you still care?

07-21-2022, 03:33 PM
My head just exploded reading that scenario. No I wouldn't take it, not because of the music but because I have to keep it for 10 years.

If you don’t mind hearing the same songs and having your friends think you’re insane it’s a pretty good deal I’d say. The music would be the main reason I couldn’t do it.

07-21-2022, 03:36 PM
I know that question wasn't meant for me, but that scenario would for real be a deal breaker for me :lol I live in NYC so I don't even use a car, but if I were forced to drive one to get around, listening to the same 3 songs on an endless loop like that would legit drive me insane. That would be a no from me dawg.

07-21-2022, 03:40 PM
I know that question wasn't meant for me, but that scenario would for real be a deal breaker for me :lol I live in NYC so I don't even use a car, but if I were forced to drive one to get around, listening to the same 3 songs on an endless loop like that would legit drive me insane. That would be a no from me dawg.

Fellow NY'er! I'm in NYC as well. How are you a Lakers fan? Originally from LA?

07-21-2022, 03:46 PM
I know that question wasn't meant for me, but that scenario would for real be a deal breaker for me :lol I live in NYC so I don't even use a car, but if I were forced to drive one to get around, listening to the same 3 songs on an endless loop like that would legit drive me insane. That would be a no from me dawg.
I know people who listen to the same songs all the time. Me I'm a music connoisseur so it'd bother me a little but that's still not the deal breaker.
Also, what about phone calls. You didn't mention that. If I get a call that is connected to my ride. Hell, I'll talk in the phone the entire car ride lol.

07-21-2022, 03:57 PM
The wizards have been between “meh” and garbage all your life and for like 10 years before it. They will be “meh” for some time to come.

How much if at all do you still care?
Most teams are never seriously good. We had a couple good 2-3 year periods with Arenas and then again with Wall. We were competitive-ish. Also-rans with Phase 1 Lebron... a Pierce game winner that got called back... Wall's game winner on the Celtics. It's not that we're not amazing; it's not even that I know we won't be amazing in the near future. I think a fan of the Indiana Pacers should be happy with his lot. It's fine. I'm not a title or bust guy.

I think what's been really disappointing is that I don't like watching the teams we put out. I talked myself into Gilbert Arenas back in the day because I was young and he was at least somewhat relevant but... I didn't actually like the way he played. I liked Butler and Daniels. I liked when we had Bogdanovic for a year. Paul Pierce was my first favorite player so it was fun when he was here. And honestly that's... it. I never really liked Wall, I don't care for Beal. I just don't like our players. There is no player on the current roster I enjoy.

There are probably 80 players every year that I really care about, and have elaborate opinions about. I really liked Brandon Bass. Brent Barry, and Jon. I like the Plumlees. I like a lot of players for a lot of reasons. And we never sign them! After a while, I just start watching other teams. And with this Beal contract, I might be in my 40s before we're interesting.

07-21-2022, 03:58 PM
Entertaining thread. Where would you rank prime Penny in today's NBA?

07-21-2022, 04:00 PM

Real Men Wear Green
07-21-2022, 04:43 PM
Be that as it may…..

Jeff wins the powerball and decides he’s done with ISH but as a parting gift he’s throwing a massive party for everyone in…I don’t know…Miami. He flys everyone out and there are 438 total ish posters. Pretty much everyone active. Name tags for identification and all that.

He pulls us aside and says the forum brings in about 42K a year in ad revenue and he’s willing to turn it over to us to own and collect the passive income if we feel like it…under one condition.

It turns out that over the last few years a poster was secretly Jake Paul(let’s say it’s DraynKlay). He learned this himself only hours ago. Jake wants in on the ownership split 3 ways. He wants a massive viral moment to get people talking and joining “his” forum increasing ad revenue so he sets up a series of poster grudge match fights as the undercard for his fight vs Conor so there’s a good crowd.

He wants you to fight 3ball with 20K on the line. 30 days to train. You refuse because it’s frankly…stupid. He says ok…how about this.

We only announce your fight. You will never have to compete honestly. But here’s what’s gotta happen….

You come to the ring and a little act must play out. The bell rings. You approach him and both of you go into a corner and he does this exact move:


You must pretend to be knocked out cold and 3ball is declared winner.

You both get 30K for the sham and he gets an absurd viral knockout to put into his highlight packages.

No real harm done. Just shame.

You get 30k. 1/3rd ownership of the ad rights to a now much more popular forum…and never speak of the truth. Not to your friends or family even.

You get off the cage roundhouse kicked in the head by 3ball…are “knocked out” and the world sees it. You get the money. Your family clowns you I assume. The world and ish clowns you for sure. You have to come back and post as part of the conditions.

Is such a farce worth 30K and part ownership of a Paul brothers forum and all it’s related ad revenue?

If I can really start getting rid of people then I would be OK with that. If we are moderating the same way then no.

07-21-2022, 05:30 PM
Entertaining thread. Where would you rank prime Penny in today's NBA?

Rank is hard but I think I’d take Penny over say….Harden of a few years ago and I know he wouldn’t be that productive. I think he’d be a serious floor raiser though. A 24/11/9 type who makes a shit team respectable or a good team great. North of Jimmy Butler south of Giannis. Top 10 but not top 5 I guess. I’ll ask yours when I get out of this traffic.

07-21-2022, 05:41 PM
Penny is kinda strange where you have this natural flash to him but he also had this TD nature about him where he didn't focus on the stats and played for the team.

A fully healthy career with an added unknown piece next to him, who knows, a few chips could have been had and we all know what that does to a players legacy.

Full Court
07-21-2022, 05:55 PM
I'll play. This is a cool thread. Whatcha got?

07-21-2022, 07:05 PM
Good post, cavsftw here if you aren't familiar

07-21-2022, 07:52 PM
highwhey -

For someone who I see post so much I feel like I don’t know shit about you. I see pics posted and back and forths but you know how these places are. Don’t know what’s true or false and just a joke. I feel like I remember a story on you getting a hooker years ago but I don’t remember it clear enough to be sure.
my unrelated question is this….

It’s the 2023 nba finals. Between games 3 and 4. Suns are up 2-1 on the Bucks.

If you walked out of a bar at 2am and see a scuffle in the parking lot that ends when a tall guy pulls a gun and shoots the other guy before turning and seeing a witness(a solo female) who he also shoots….

He glances your way and you see it’s Devin Booker. He sees you and your first thought is you must be next….but sirens in the distance break the silence and he runs off.

You hear about the shooting and the cops have no leads. On tv you see Steve Nash offering a 10K reward for any info on the shooter…as it turns out the solo female is the daughter of a friend of his. He’s begging Phoenix for help.

Do you turn in Booker for the reward?

If so…do you wait till after the finals?

that's a tough one.

pre-recovery highwhey would have waited to turn booker in after the finals, possibly looked into betting the under for the following suns season total wins, then turn in booker.

now i'd call in and turn him in asap, might strap up in case he sends goons. but i wouldn't even collect the reward, wouldn't seem right to collect money to do the right thing.

07-21-2022, 08:42 PM
Would you agree to let me unwrap and place on your outstretched tongue a single Hersheys kiss once a week at a time of my choosing with no warning when I arrive for unlimited free cooking oil, mead(honeywine), Puma shoes, oil changes, and chinese food from anywhere you like for the duration of the agreement? To be clear....I can bang on your door at 3am and you have to get up and come extend your tongue for me to place a piece of candy on it. I could show up at your job...same deal. I could come to your wedding...my choice. Would I? Who knows. You would like to assume I wouldnt be a dick about it. But who knows why im even offering? Perhaps my role is fulfilling someone elses hypothetical...so its up to them when I come. You dont know either way. Take the deal? Its a few seconds of mild annoyance a week for thousands of dollars of not that useful goods and services.


07-21-2022, 09:50 PM
Just realized I missed this one:

I was a Bulls fan BEFORE MJ, Ok I'm not that ancient haha, or maybe I am :cry: Anyways, grade school everyone is either a Celtics or Lakers fan, personally I loved Magic so I sided with the Lakers but I was always a hometown team fan so I asked my mom for a Bulls hoodie in the early 80s and I clearly remember my neighborhood friends and classmates giving me shit for it, lol. My first fave Bull was Reggie Theus but they are really fuzzy memories, also remember hearing about Artis Gilmore, but I do remember Dave Corzine, Quinten Daly and cokehead Orlando Woolridge...I realize most Bulls fans, especially those outside of Chicago, became fans because of MJ..

I also predate Jordan(barely). My first favorite player was Dailey. Then Jordan and Gervin.

I have a truly absurd question in my
back pocket I intended to do next but I don’t feel like fleshing it out right now. I gotta upload pics and make a whole scenario up with movie references and all and it’s late by my current soft standards so I’ll puss out and give you an easy one…..

1988 Jordan vs 2010 Rose in a vertical competition. 3 one step verticals measured.

Who has the higher average?

07-21-2022, 10:07 PM

Back in order now I think.

Let’s say the nba scraps it’s CBA contract rules and we are back in the Wild West days.

Youre the gm of the mavs and Cuban leaves these issues up to you.

The Knicks and Lakers have a bidding war for Luka that has pushed the Knicks offer sheet to 15 years 855 million. It’s an average of 55 million a year. Sounds insane I know but in this actual world we live in…it wouldn’t be a top 6 salary in 2026. Even KAT will be making 62 million that year. Dame 65. So he’s actually coming cheaper than he could. He brings you the Knicks offer and you’re prepared to match.

His agent storms in and claims the Lakers beat it by offering him a portion of the arenas nightly parking and the gate which would push their deal to 15 for 950 million if they continue selling out. He says the only way they aren’t calling back and saying he agrees in 3 minutes is if you get Cuban on the phone to authorize the first billion dollar deal. He wants 16 years 1 billion dollars. Roughly 62 million a season which may well be less than the going rate in time…unless the bubble bursts. You lock him up till age 39. And you have to agree to a player option after 10 years.

Do you say yes or lose Luka to the Lakers?

07-21-2022, 10:21 PM

Well. Since you do what your title suggests and lurk this site I have no idea what to ask you. Let me just figure out who I’m dealing with.

Where you from?

Who is your team?

Sesame chicken or teriyaki chicken?

Dr pepper or wild cherry pepsi?

Your life is on the line…could you make 14 of 20 free throws with no warm up right this second?

07-21-2022, 10:30 PM
I'll play. This is a cool thread. Whatcha got?

Let’s say you have a pair of twins next year. One boy one girl.

You are given a choice….

The girl can grow up to be two time ncaa champion and player of the year in basketball before a 14 year 9 title wnba career where she goes down as the undisputed GOAT with career earnings of 6 million. She retired and joined inside the nba when Draymond retires from tv and they need a new panelist.


Your son makes the nba as a g league walk on but only lasts 6 seasons and starts a total of 29 games for Orlando before going to have a middle of the road career in the second tier league in Italy. Career earnings 8.3 million but he has a good lead on a coaching gig opening up to be an assistant at Duke and he can probably get it.

In both situations the other sibling works their entire career at a used car lot working their way up to assistant manager with a lower middle class salary.

Which do you choose?

The goat female daughter or the “Oh I remember him….” son who barely made it but made more money and can to be a coach?

07-21-2022, 10:35 PM
Good post, cavsftw here if you aren't familiar

I remember him but did not know about the new name. Seems a lot of people do that for whatever reason….


Kyries handles or Ray Allen’s shooting.

Which ranks higher in the respective categories all time?

Full Court
07-21-2022, 10:37 PM
Let’s say you have a pair of twins next year. One boy one girl.

You are given a choice….

The girl can grow up to be two time ncaa champion and player of the year in basketball before a 14 year 9 title wnba career where she goes down as the undisputed GOAT with career earnings of 6 million. She retired and joined inside the nba when Draymond retires from tv and they need a new panelist.


Your son makes the nba as a g league walk on but only lasts 6 seasons and starts a total of 29 games for Orlando before going to have a middle of the road career in the second tier league in Italy. Career earnings 8.3 million but he has a good lead on a coaching gig opening up to be an assistant at Duke and he can probably get it.

In both situations the other sibling works their entire career at a used car lot working their way up to assistant manager with a lower middle class salary.

Which do you choose?

The goat female daughter or the “Oh I remember him….” son who barely made it but made more money and can to be a coach?

I'd choose having the son who barely made it.

The reason is that fame ruins a lot of people. Not everyone of course, but he'd be set for life and wouldn't have to deal with life under a media microscope.

On the other hand, if my daughter was the WNBA GOAT, she'd be dealing with drama for decades - on social media and everywhere else. Maybe she'd be just fine, but if I had the choice, I wouldn't roll the dice.

07-21-2022, 10:41 PM
that's a tough one.

pre-recovery highwhey would have waited to turn booker in after the finals, possibly looked into betting the under for the following suns season total wins, then turn in booker.

now i'd call in and turn him in asap, might strap up in case he sends goons. but i wouldn't even collect the reward, wouldn't seem right to collect money to do the right thing.

Finding a place already doing over/unders for the next season before snitching is downright diabolical. That’s the kind of thoughtful/evil response I’m after. I think the temptation would be too strong not to take advantage and you’d snitch but not in a timely fashion. Or maybe I’m just thinking of myself.

07-21-2022, 10:50 PM
K biz. Who was your favorite player growing up and why?

07-21-2022, 11:11 PM
Not counting Bulls for obvious reasons…..

My favorite player was probably Magic…. Bird is who I knew was best…though I mostly emulated Doctor J who(being a stupid kid) I didn’t even respect. But I had big hands too and could half ass palm it so I loved waving it around doing Doc moves. It was different then. You didn’t see everyone as often. I saw a whole lot of the central division. Bulls, Pistons, and Bucks. I had a family friend who made the nba in the 70s and he kinda imprinted his opinions on me early. I respected who he respected. Other than Elvin Hayes that is. He thought Elvin Hayes and Kareem were pretty much the same level and I didn’t get it. I didn’t argue…what could I say? He actually played them. But I didn’t buy it.

07-21-2022, 11:24 PM
Kobe, Wade, KD, Curry, Kawhi

Throwing aside resume & accolades, talking strictly on court performance and ability, how are you ranking these 5 from best to worst.

07-21-2022, 11:49 PM
I won’t say there isn’t an answer…I could give you an answer…and I will. I’d just have no faith in it being an answer I’d reproduce on another day.

Kobe is probably the best total basketball player of the 5 and being behind the rest on D I suppose makes Curry the worst. But at the same time…if I swap 09 Wade for 16 or 17 Steph I don’t believe the team would improve. One of those problems created by everyone after a certain point yielding similar results. Like Jordan is probably the best ever. But it’s not like if you swap him with 15 Steph they win 77 games.

They win the title but they won it anyway so what’s the tangible difference?

People shine in their time in their way. And no particular time is “right” to judge by. 2022 is no more valid than 2001. Or 1977. Who plays the best is too much an issue of the league in question and how you adjust to it than individual ability at that level.

I guess I’d do it by total well rounded ability then and go Kobe first…maybe Wade second with KD and Leonard lacking a bit in the handles and playmaking while Wade was a good defender himself….Curry almost a 3B with the other two but far enough behind in defense and physical ability I guess he comes in last but at the same time….

None of them make any team he’s been on in 7-8 years any better. So what does it mean?

The skill areas would go Steph and Kobe at the top. Physical traits it’s peak Wade and Kobe with Leonard next and Curry at the bottom. It all factors in and like I said which is most effective depends on the situation you play them.

I can’t say for sure any of them were more effective in their time than Steph in his. He’s in a league that neutered defense enough for his lacking there to not matter much. A league that makes defense near illegal? Everyone is closer to the norm. The other guy is gonna light you up anyway and in a race to 120 the guy with firepower wins.

For 2022….Peak Steph might be the most effective of all of them.

Talking just basketball? Throw out the league…the year…hell the country. Just some guys playing the sport? So I need you to have all basketball skills and the physical ability to implement them?


and I can live with it. Kobe had the total package other than being a dick to people. And Wade in 9 and 10 was probably just as good as Kobe or Lebron.

Playing with pond scum in your prime doesn’t make you worse. It just makes you more forgettable because your play doesn’t matter to anyone.

07-21-2022, 11:57 PM
I’m already annoyed and second guessing.

Is Kobe a better defender than Steph by more than Steph is a better shooter?

Probably yes right? Bad/ok depending on the year vs ok to elite…

Kobe was a good shooter…Steph is the goat.

Is there a bigger difference between good and best or between “Meh…” and great?

Too many ways to look at it.

07-22-2022, 12:00 AM
Who's the Nicolas Cage of the NBA?

07-22-2022, 12:39 AM
Back in order now I think.

Let’s say the nba scraps it’s CBA contract rules and we are back in the Wild West days.

Youre the gm of the mavs and Cuban leaves these issues up to you.

The Knicks and Lakers have a bidding war for Luka that has pushed the Knicks offer sheet to 15 years 855 million. It’s an average of 55 million a year. Sounds insane I know but in this actual world we live in…it wouldn’t be a top 6 salary in 2026. Even KAT will be making 62 million that year. Dame 65. So he’s actually coming cheaper than he could. He brings you the Knicks offer and you’re prepared to match.

His agent storms in and claims the Lakers beat it by offering him a portion of the arenas nightly parking and the gate which would push their deal to 15 for 950 million if they continue selling out. He says the only way they aren’t calling back and saying he agrees in 3 minutes is if you get Cuban on the phone to authorize the first billion dollar deal. He wants 16 years 1 billion dollars. Roughly 62 million a season which may well be less than the going rate in time…unless the bubble bursts. You lock him up till age 39. And you have to agree to a player option after 10 years.

Do you say yes or lose Luka to the Lakers?

Oh yeah, we pay Luka without thinking twice. By the middle of the deal he may be underpaid. Not only that but he'll put asses in seats and as the Mavs GM I don't have a ton of confidence we could sign another franchise guy in free agency after losing Luka. That said I'm a guy that throws up in my mouth a bit whenever I see some of the names commanding 60 mil a year now days. Really has to suck being a 90s legend watching these guys make your whole contract amount in a single season....

07-22-2022, 01:12 AM
Dmavs - two questions…..

You can have any center in Mavs history back in their primes for 5 years at no pay to help win this team a title. Who do you take?


Are any IPA beers objectively good tasting or are their fans just looking to prove they like beer more than everyone else?

1. Obvious answer would be Dirk as he played center in 04...and maybe enough in 02 to be counted. If I can't take him...probably Tyson although I'd like to see how Tarp would do in the modern game. Prime Tyson would be just about perfect for this team though imo.

2. Unfortunately I don't drink so I wouldn't know. From the outside looking in...seems like a lot of people that like to talk about beer more than actually drinking it.

07-22-2022, 03:09 AM
Ever thought about visiting Australia?

07-22-2022, 08:20 AM
Who's the Nicolas Cage of the NBA?

I’ve not yet decided how to define that so I will get back to you. While I ponder…you consider this….


You aware of that creature? It’s a Jinn/Genie from a horror(comedy to me) film series called Wishmaster. He usually takes this form:


Doing a little 4th wall breaking to let us know he’s about to do something nefarious. Bit of a “Got em….” because his gimmick is this….

he is released every movie and has to get people to make wishes.
The person who let him out...he gives 3 legit/fair wishes...after which he and his race are freed from hell to take over the Earth.
But everyone else who asks him for a wish...he twists their words/corrupts it into something terrible....and he gets their soul.
Ho asked him to be beautiful forever...he turned her into a statue. He once got himself arrested because he needed 300 souls for...some reason. He knew prison would get him a lot of people who wanted shit. One dude told him he wanted to go right through the bars and get out. He gave the camera a funny look...and the guy was crushed through the bars and emerged on the otherside as bloody pulp. Amusing/awful movies. He once went to vegas...wish capitol of the world.

Anyway...he screws with your wishes to make them terrible.
And he at times is dealing with people who see him **** others over...and then try to word their wish in such a way as to beat him and really get what they want. It rarely works out.

But he is at times outsmarted. The guy who released him once wished...that he had never been born. Which the genie granted...and made it so the genie was never released by said guy...who now never existed. Then the world went back to the way it was. So he can be beat.

Knowing what he is....

Would you even try it? If so...what would you wish for?

You would have to be really specific.

I think once a guy who knew his nature asked for a million bucks to appear....right in front of him...

But it turns out the genie just beamed him some marked money the FBI had planted in some crime ring so dude got arrested once he started spending it. But it almost worked out but eventually he was ****ed.

Let’s say he appears before you and gives you two wishes. One has to be basketball related. The other is up to you.

Do you even try him?

If so…

How do you beat the genie? What do you wish for?

07-22-2022, 08:26 AM
Such terrible movies but with endless potential if they have good writing….


07-22-2022, 09:11 AM
Can I have a go?

07-22-2022, 09:32 AM
I’ve not yet decided how to define that so I will get back to you. While I ponder…you consider this….


You aware of that creature? It’s a Jinn/Genie from a horror(comedy to me) film series called Wishmaster. He usually takes this form:


Doing a little 4th wall breaking to let us know he’s about to do something nefarious. Bit of a “Got em….” because his gimmick is this….

he is released every movie and has to get people to make wishes.
The person who let him out...he gives 3 legit/fair wishes...after which he and his race are freed from hell to take over the Earth.
But everyone else who asks him for a wish...he twists their words/corrupts it into something terrible....and he gets their soul.
Ho asked him to be beautiful forever...he turned her into a statue. He once got himself arrested because he needed 300 souls for...some reason. He knew prison would get him a lot of people who wanted shit. One dude told him he wanted to go right through the bars and get out. He gave the camera a funny look...and the guy was crushed through the bars and emerged on the otherside as bloody pulp. Amusing/awful movies. He once went to vegas...wish capitol of the world.

Anyway...he screws with your wishes to make them terrible.
And he at times is dealing with people who see him **** others over...and then try to word their wish in such a way as to beat him and really get what they want. It rarely works out.

But he is at times outsmarted. The guy who released him once wished...that he had never been born. Which the genie granted...and made it so the genie was never released by said guy...who now never existed. Then the world went back to the way it was. So he can be beat.

Knowing what he is....

Would you even try it? If so...what would you wish for?

You would have to be really specific.

I think once a guy who knew his nature asked for a million bucks to appear....right in front of him...

But it turns out the genie just beamed him some marked money the FBI had planted in some crime ring so dude got arrested once he started spending it. But it almost worked out but eventually he was ****ed.

Let’s say he appears before you and gives you two wishes. One has to be basketball related. The other is up to you.

Do you even try him?

If so…

How do you beat the genie? What do you wish for?
No I don’t try it lol. I would never **** with shit like that I’ve seen too many horror movies :lol

07-22-2022, 09:43 AM
I got one for you kblaze. How useful do you think would a 'pacified' Bill Laimbeer be in the modern game? Back in the day he was the best three point shooter as a center. But his biggest value came from being a brute and getting opponents shook with aggressiveness and intimidation. Seeing that he would have to cut that down today due to strict rules, would he have a big impact on the game? Im actually not even sure if he would even be able to keep himself under control.

07-22-2022, 09:44 AM
Lmao, I wouldn't have thought anybody else would have even heard of those Wishmaster movies, let alone seen them, I saw the first one, probably won't be checking out the sequels anytime soon though :lol To me, it's not worth the risk. You know no matter what you say, he's gonna find a way to twist your words into having some fcked up shit take place, like when a guy asks him for $1 million, only to have his mother die in a plane crash and getting the money through her insurance policy.

The only way I could see it working is if you add that you don't want anybody to suffer or die as a result of the wish, but there's no telling what kind of havoc could still unfold if you did that.

I was thinking of some ways he would do this to NBA players & fans

LeBron's first season in Miami: I hope he has an unforgettable Finals

2016 Warriors: I hope they make history in the Finals

Kobe in 2004: I hope Shaq finally doesn't win FMVP

07-22-2022, 09:51 AM

Andris Biedrens (with longer career) or Jeff Foster?

Linas Kleiza or Francisco Garcia?

20 quick points off the bench, Marcus Thornton or Rudy Fernandez?

07-22-2022, 09:53 AM
No I don’t try it lol. I would never **** with shit like that I’ve seen too many horror movies :lol

Id never be able to resist. It’s both an intellectual challenge and the opportunity to change the world for the better or be selfish and change my own fortunes. If I declined I’d spend weeks obsessing about how I could have worded a wish to leave him no room to **** with me. You’re right about how horror movies usually go…but…they almost always defeat the creature too. You just have to be the one left standing.

07-22-2022, 10:04 AM
first time I read through a whole thread in a long time.... well done Kblaze.

If you want to ask me a bball question - go ahead , that is why I am on ISH since 2005

07-22-2022, 10:20 AM
wow this is actually was great read, so thanks for that.

07-22-2022, 10:46 AM
I remember him but did not know about the new name. Seems a lot of people do that for whatever reason….


Kyries handles or Ray Allen’s shooting.

Which ranks higher in the respective categories all time?
Ahhhh probably recency bias but Kyrie's handle blows my mind, where as Ray Allen's shooting did not (but Steph Curry's does, so it is possible to have that effect with shooting too). People might be able to rank him just as high in their minds though because Kyrie's got arguably the best handle in the game right now but when Ray Allen played people could argue he was the best shooter at his time just the same. But Kyrie's got that wow factor so I'm going with him. I think Kyrie's handle is GOAT tier personally, and I don't know that I'd say the same about Ray Allen's jumper. I have a bit of bias on "shooters" though... I'm far more impressed by shot creators than I am by shot makers. Not that Ray Allen didn't do both, he did, but I didn't see enough shot creation to match his excellent shot making to push him into that "wow" factor for me but then again I never followed his career as closely as I've followed Kyrie's so I could be ignorant about what he was doing when he was at his best.

I've got one for you as I've heard you mention you followed the game or were aware of it since the 70's is that correct? Have you seen any of Bob Lanier? Face up 290lb big with quickness and smooth moves that could resemble a guard in iso (albeit not from 3 point range). One could argue ahead of his time, but he was never put into a category with a guy like Jabbar as far as who anyone back in that era would prefer to start a team with. My question is, in today's format of the game do you think a big with Lanier's skillset is more valuable than he was in his day? Does he get bumped further up the draft than a dinosaur back to the basket big like Kareem - in the format of today's game? Or is Kareem still the no brainer to a modern scout in your opinion.

07-22-2022, 11:08 AM
Who's the Nicolas Cage of the NBA?

Carmelo Anthony? Was once the "it" guy then became a forgotten joke.

07-22-2022, 11:30 AM
Lmao, I wouldn't have thought anybody else would have even heard of those Wishmaster movies, let alone seen them, I saw the first one, probably won't be checking out the sequels anytime soon though :lol To me, it's not worth the risk. You know no matter what you say, he's gonna find a way to twist your words into having some fcked up shit take place, like when a guy asks him for $1 million, only to have his mother die in a plane crash and getting the money through her insurance policy.

The only way I could see it working is if you add that you don't want anybody to suffer or die as a result of the wish, but there's no telling what kind of havoc could still unfold if you did that.

I was thinking of some ways he would do this to NBA players & fans

LeBron's first season in Miami: I hope he has an unforgettable Finals

2016 Warriors: I hope they make history in the Finals

Kobe in 2004: I hope Shaq finally doesn't win FMVP

Same! Wonder how many bad movie fans we have here. The ones so bad/corny they are comical although that was far from the writers original intent.

07-22-2022, 11:51 AM
Same! Wonder how many bad movie fans we have here. The ones so bad/corny they are comical although that was far from the writers original intent.
Troll 2 is a must see bad movie

07-22-2022, 12:35 PM
Ever thought about visiting Australia?

Yes but not often. And when I do something Tony Soprano said always comes to mind:

”Looks like Sarasota. After a what…20 hour flight?”

then I just plan for somewhere tropical in the Americas.

Do you eat vegemite? Maramite? May have spelled those wrong but I’ve always wanted to try them.

I find myself wondering who you are a fan of down there. I know 3 Australians online. 2 laker fans and a Celtic fan. I figure that’s who they had access to in the 80s so maybe you are a bulls fan of the 90s? Laker fan from early 2000s? Spurs?

07-22-2022, 12:43 PM
Can I have a go?

What should I do in Boston? Sell me on visiting. I’ve hit up much of the us the last couple years but I’ve not been north of Philly in a long time. I don’t even know what goes on in Boston other than gritty crime dramas.

Where should I eat? Where should I stay? Be aware…everything people tell me about places goes into a file I use when I get there. If you suggest something I will probably really end up doing it. This is a portion of my Miami file:

Burboun steak

Drunken dragon speakeasy date

Playa Miami


Boulud Sud Miami

Yardbird - chicken and waffles


Labamba salsa

11th st diner southbeach

Prime Italian garlic bread

Kings dining and entertainment

hellenic republic Coral Springs chicken and waffles

Cafe monerano

Prime italian

Kendall ale house fried honey mustard wings

Lincoln’s beard brewery

Lincoln road south beach walking shopping

Help me get a Boston file ready. I’ll decide to go on a whim eventually.

07-22-2022, 12:45 PM
That question was kinda self serving so I’ll give you a second….

Antione Walker. You old enough to remember him? If so….

Better or worse today? He’d obviously be more accepted for his gunning and point forward game but that doesn’t mean he’d be…more effective. I feel like he could be a weird point center like a no D Draymond with a lot more scoring.

07-22-2022, 12:50 PM
Id never be able to resist. It’s both an intellectual challenge and the opportunity to change the world for the better or be selfish and change my own fortunes. If I declined I’d spend weeks obsessing about how I could have worded a wish to leave him no room to **** with me. You’re right about how horror movies usually go…but…they almost always defeat the creature too. You just have to be the one left standing.
Yeah I would just personally be extremely cautious about things like that. Still waiting on my questions answer lol

07-22-2022, 12:50 PM
I got one for you kblaze. How useful do you think would a 'pacified' Bill Laimbeer be in the modern game? Back in the day he was the best three point shooter as a center. But his biggest value came from being a brute and getting opponents shook with aggressiveness and intimidation. Seeing that he would have to cut that down today due to strict rules, would he have a big impact on the game? Im actually not even sure if he would even be able to keep himself under control.

The defense would be a problem. Too slow of foot even though his shooting could get him on the floor. He could play but he’d be a serious liability vs a lot of teams. He could help with Jokics physicality and make him defend outside on the other end. A few traditional bigs like that justify his PT but then comes small ball and he moves like his shoes are concrete.

07-22-2022, 12:51 PM
hit me

07-22-2022, 12:53 PM
Yeah I would just personally be extremely cautious about things like that. Still waiting on my questions answer lol

I was walking through Costco earlier working on a whole game plan for the Wishmaster so I know I’d go at him.

And I still don’t know how I wanna go at your question. Cage could be like…personality wise…talent…potential…cult following. I’ll give you an answer though.

07-22-2022, 12:54 PM
Which “This is the savior” Knicks point let you down most?

Marbury? Lin? Rod Strickland? Mark Jackson? Steve Francis? Kemba? What point did you have the most hope for only to have it dashed?

Assuming you’re a Knicks fan of course. I feel like you are but if not I have another question.

I can take a shot at this one, The '89 team had two local PG's I played against in Mark Jackson and Stickland so I had feelings for that team. And a year when Starks was the point.

07-22-2022, 09:46 PM

You actually in or around Chicago or just a Rose fan? My follow up question depends on that answer.

07-22-2022, 09:58 PM

Andris Biedrens (with longer career) or Jeff Foster?

Linas Kleiza or Francisco Garcia?

20 quick points off the bench, Marcus Thornton or Rudy Fernandez?



Rudy. Rudy by a lot. I miss that guy.

I feel like I remember you being a Spurs fan. I spent time in San Antonio recently and could use some additions to my file but I won’t go that route again. Instead I ask….

Derek Anderson. A lot was made about his injury possibly costing the spurs a title and at the time it was felt he could have been Duncan’s sidekick the way Tony and Manu became. How seriously did you take him as a potential star assuming you remember that era.

07-22-2022, 10:01 PM
I was walking through Costco earlier working on a whole game plan for the Wishmaster so I know I’d go at him.

And I still don’t know how I wanna go at your question. Cage could be like…personality wise…talent…potential…cult following. I’ll give you an answer though.

I was thinking of a nic cage nba player briefly and I couldn’t quite come up with one. Nic cage for me is a guy who gets bagged on as not being a quality top tier movie star, however he gets thrown into, or throws himself into, a lot of real shit movies and he can manage to make them at least watchable somehow. I would pick a player who gets criticized for not being a tier 1 guy, yet has had a lot of not so great situations where he managed to at least make a somewhat watchable product out of it.

07-22-2022, 10:17 PM
Getting back to the Nick Cage question….

Way I see him? Peaked early and relied on being a different style that rubbed many wrong who saw him as a joke even while he really seems to grab a small portion of fans who think he’s a god.

Gilbert Arenas? But he didn’t have the longevity even as a joke. I really can’t think of anyone. I’m stumped.

07-22-2022, 10:19 PM
I was thinking of a nic cage nba player briefly and I couldn’t quite come up with one. Nic cage for me is a guy who gets bagged on as not being a quality top tier movie star, however he gets thrown into, or throws himself into, a lot of real shit movies and he can manage to make them at least watchable somehow. I would pick a player who gets criticized for not being a tier 1 guy, yet has had a lot of not so great situations where he managed to at least make a somewhat watchable product out of it.

I didn’t even see this before my post. Apparently I sat here and thought for 16 minutes without an answer.

07-22-2022, 10:26 PM
first time I read through a whole thread in a long time.... well done Kblaze.

If you want to ask me a bball question - go ahead , that is why I am on ISH since 2005

I feel you may be the oldest of the ish old head committee so let me ask questions I can’t ask everyone.

Better player? Earl Monroe or Dave Bing?

Which overlooked bucks great would be best today? Sidney Moncrief or Marques Johnson?

07-22-2022, 10:27 PM
wow this is actually was great read, so thanks for that.

I can’t remember a specific reason but I feel like you are a wizards fan. Did I pull that out of thin air?

07-22-2022, 10:31 PM
hit me

Would you trade Luka for the prime version of any other player born in Europe+any additional European who never made an all star team? Plenty of options.

You could get Dirk and Kukoc.

I had to add the second guy because I don’t think you would trade Luka straight up for any other European.

07-22-2022, 10:33 PM
I can take a shot at this one, The '89 team had two local PG's I played against in Mark Jackson and Stickland so I had feelings for that team. And a year when Starks was the point.

Are you aware of the new showtime series on NY point guards? If not…


Kevin Durants production team is behind it. I’m gonna watch it for sure.

07-22-2022, 10:41 PM
sure, i got nothing to do after getting covid

07-22-2022, 10:48 PM
First time? I huge number of people around me have come down with it lately. New variant or whatever I guess. Luckily it doesn’t seem people get sick anymore. Not at the same rate at least. We’ve probably all had it 4 times by now and worked up some resistance.


I’ll ask this just due to your avatar.

Centers. American born traditional centers. Is that all over? Are Embiid, Jokic, and the other internationals the only thing keeping the position in power at all? Is the only thing keeping local centers in production needing someone to slow the occasional foreign star big?

07-22-2022, 11:00 PM
Getting back to the Nick Cage question….

Way I see him? Peaked early and relied on being a different style that rubbed many wrong who saw him as a joke even while he really seems to grab a small portion of fans who think he’s a god.

Gilbert Arenas? But he didn’t have the longevity even as a joke. I really can’t think of anyone. I’m stumped.
I mean Gilbert has mainly been considered a joke since the gun incident and his decline and awful contract. So it fits.

07-22-2022, 11:30 PM
First time? I huge number of people around me have come down with it lately. New variant or whatever I guess. Luckily it doesn’t seem people get sick anymore. Not at the same rate at least. We’ve probably all had it 4 times by now and worked up some resistance.


I’ll ask this just due to your avatar.

Centers. American born traditional centers. Is that all over? Are Embiid, Jokic, and the other internationals the only thing keeping the position in power at all? Is the only thing keeping local centers in production needing someone to slow the occasional foreign star big?

Yep 1st time. I’ll say yes about the American center but not too confident about it. Just takes a couple of guys to change that

07-22-2022, 11:50 PM


Rudy. Rudy by a lot. I miss that guy.

I feel like I remember you being a Spurs fan. I spent time in San Antonio recently and could use some additions to my file but I won’t go that route again. Instead I ask….

Derek Anderson. A lot was made about his injury possibly costing the spurs a title and at the time it was felt he could have been Duncan’s sidekick the way Tony and Manu became. How seriously did you take him as a potential star assuming you remember that era.

Didn't watch then. I didn't start paying any significant attention to the NBA until around 2004. Got into following the Spurs closely several years after that. More of a general NBA fan and always have been.

I don't live in Texas but I did travel there to see the Spurs play 5 years ago. Even made a thread asking if anyone wanted to see a game while I was there but no bites. Saw an away game for them in Brooklyn as well a few years ago.

Oh and...


07-22-2022, 11:52 PM
I was thinking of a nic cage nba player briefly and I couldn’t quite come up with one. Nic cage for me is a guy who gets bagged on as not being a quality top tier movie star, however he gets thrown into, or throws himself into, a lot of real shit movies and he can manage to make them at least watchable somehow. I would pick a player who gets criticized for not being a tier 1 guy, yet has had a lot of not so great situations where he managed to at least make a somewhat watchable product out of it.

07-22-2022, 11:56 PM

Yeah. Flawed but still talented in his own way. Entertaining and a good floor raiser. That works pretty well.

Getting back to the Nick Cage question….

Way I see him? Peaked early and relied on being a different style that rubbed many wrong who saw him as a joke even while he really seems to grab a small portion of fans who think he’s a god.

Gilbert Arenas? But he didn’t have the longevity even as a joke. I really can’t think of anyone. I’m stumped.

That is a good one as well. Not a top tier number 1 guy really but does a good job as posing as one while making it fun to watch while doing it.

07-23-2022, 01:46 AM
Westbrook was considered tier 1. Even if you want to argue he shouldn’t have been, he factually was considered in that tier. Arenas would fit better as he was never considered tier 1 iirc. Arenas is also just more weird which would IMO further fit. Westbrook’s fashion choices are weird but he seems like a pretty normal person.

07-23-2022, 02:29 AM
Westbrook was considered tier 1. Even if you want to argue he shouldn’t have been, he factually was considered in that tier. Arenas would fit better as he was never considered tier 1 iirc. Arenas is also just more weird which would IMO further fit. Westbrook’s fashion choices are weird but he seems like a pretty normal person.

They are both good. Who is more Nick cage in your opinion. Westbrook or Arenas?

07-23-2022, 03:44 AM
Yes but not often. And when I do something Tony Soprano said always comes to mind:

”Looks like Sarasota. After a what…20 hour flight?”

then I just plan for somewhere tropical in the Americas.

Do you eat vegemite? Maramite? May have spelled those wrong but I’ve always wanted to try them.

I find myself wondering who you are a fan of down there. I know 3 Australians online. 2 laker fans and a Celtic fan. I figure that’s who they had access to in the 80s so maybe you are a bulls fan of the 90s? Laker fan from early 2000s? Spurs?

Vegemite is an acquired taste . For me it's horrible but others love it.
Started watching ball around 1990 we only had one game a week on tv and it was mainly bulls so became a bulls fan . Used to have arguments with some of the older guys as most were Bird or magic. Still support the bulls but just enjoy good basketball these days no matter who is playing. It's easy enough to cheer for a team no matter the game to make it more fun

07-23-2022, 03:52 AM
They are both good. Who is more Nick cage in your opinion. Westbrook or Arenas?

Maybe Westbrook. Nick used to be the main star back in the day. He was pretty big around the con air days

07-23-2022, 05:37 AM
Getting back to the Nick Cage question….

Way I see him? Peaked early and relied on being a different style that rubbed many wrong who saw him as a joke even while he really seems to grab a small portion of fans who think he’s a god.

Gilbert Arenas? But he didn’t have the longevity even as a joke. I really can’t think of anyone. I’m stumped.

Cage is Durant.

Had early success and made a name for himself(OKC/Leaving Las Vegas), joined blockbuster productions and became successful, but it didn't help his legacy and people still talk about what would've happened if he stayed on his original path. Now he joins weird projects that fail despite his well known name.

Blaze I'll ask you a question first: Any chance you can make a hq version of the 98 Lakers vid?

07-23-2022, 05:51 AM
Cage is Durant.

Had early success and made a name for himself(OKC/Leaving Las Vegas), joined blockbuster productions and became successful, but it didn't help his legacy and people still talk about what would've happened if he stayed on his original path. Now he joins weird projects that fail despite his well known name.

Blaze I'll ask you a question first: Any chance you can make a hq version of the 98 Lakers vid?

Not too bad of a choice tbh

07-23-2022, 07:23 AM
I feel you may be the oldest of the ish old head committee so let me ask questions I can’t ask everyone.

Better player? Earl Monroe or Dave Bing?

Which overlooked bucks great would be best today? Sidney Moncrief or Marques Johnson?

Monroe : back then Earl the Pearl was like a god , so when he came to NY they knew a chip was in the making. Once again the old question can Clyde and Monroe share the ball? ... it was like a mind melt and they were awesome. Dave Bing IMO was a pure PG that was similar to Deron Williams , when the defense gave his teammates nothing he took the shot.

Which Buck great would be best : Oscar Robertson ( his game was strictly based on what the defense gave him. In todays game if he was at his peak (ie. Cinn) he would easily be 16, 14 dimes and 10 board PG !!!!!!!!!!!

Between the two players prancing prince and UCLA Marques : I have to take Marques because his game was smooth as hell , and in this era with less contact he would look like Chris Middleton with less sweat.... Marques was a hell of an athlete and would probably generate 25/10 averages.

Thank you for asking.

07-23-2022, 12:51 PM
Are you aware of the new showtime series on NY point guards? If not…


Kevin Durants production team is behind it. I’m gonna watch it for sure.

Wow Thanks! 4 ever in Gratitude.

The great era of NYC (Peaarl Washington, Mark Jackson, Kenny Smith, and shooting guards Chris Mullin and Vern Fleming) coincided with the breakout of early hip hop. Great times for NYC.

elementally morale
07-23-2022, 03:01 PM
I just want to say this is a great thread. It made me post something after having been in read-only mode for like... forever.

07-24-2022, 11:44 AM
I can’t remember a specific reason but I feel like you are a wizards fan. Did I pull that out of thin air?

ups.. i do not know this team in euroleague? i just watch nba couse i like basketball, i do not support any team

07-24-2022, 01:10 PM
Cage is Durant.

Had early success and made a name for himself(OKC/Leaving Las Vegas), joined blockbuster productions and became successful, but it didn't help his legacy and people still talk about what would've happened if he stayed on his original path. Now he joins weird projects that fail despite his well known name.

Blaze I'll ask you a question first: Any chance you can make a hq version of the 98 Lakers vid?

I could make much better versions of all those videos now that everything is available in HD. They were in low res back then(that was probably 2008) because everyone had slow internet and YouTube “hd” was still like 360p. It took ages to download shit when I started so I kept file sizes small. I can do all that much better these days I just stopped because I don’t think they’re needed anymore.

When I started there were like 3 of us and I had to pay for data to upload shit people here downloaded and spread across the internet. There was no streaming or anything. It was pre YouTube and people had never seen most of what I was doing.

These days there is footage on most stars if you want to find it. It’s not so much educational anymore as shit people make for Facebook and Twitter likes. Which is fine. But almost everyone is covered now. I did like 200 players back when the only people with footage online were Jordan and Kobe types. Less need for it now and bough I do occasionally want to highlight someone.


Spending as much time traveling as I do now I’m always on the hunt for music I can add to my extensive playlists that depend on my mood. So…I ask you(and anyone reading this for this question)….

Name a few of your most recently played songs on Spotify or apple or whatever you use.

Whatever it is will probably fit into one of my lists.

Ill give you a basketball one too though.

Since you mentioned that video….

Eddie Jones or NVE? Who would make the best addition to a modern big 4? Neither are franchise players but would make good third and 4th options. Which do you take for this era?

07-24-2022, 01:16 PM
I just want to say this is a great thread. It made me post something after having been in read-only mode for like... forever.

I was about to say I’ve not seen you in forever.

Has your abandonment on ish mirrored an abandonment of the nba? You one of the older(by ish standards) fans who are turned off by todays game or do you appreciate the changes?

07-24-2022, 01:23 PM
ups.. i do not know this team in euroleague? i just watch nba couse i like basketball, i do not support any team

Fair enough. And easy to understand from a European. I watch a little euro league myself but assume you see a lot more for obvious reasons. What team would you suggest I try to watch this year?

07-24-2022, 01:48 PM
I'm easily taking Jones over Van Exel. He could give you an efficient 17-20 a game, shot the 3 well, and was arguably the best perimeter defender in the league in his prime.

I think he'd be a much greater asset to a contending team than Van Exel would.

07-24-2022, 01:58 PM
Eddie had some stiff handle at times but I guess it isn’t stopping Jaylen. He dribbled off his foot twice a game in the playoffs.

Nick with modern rules would be interesting but…defense.

07-24-2022, 01:59 PM
Maybe Westbrook. Nick used to be the main star back in the day. He was pretty big around the con air days

nice avatar bro. ultra instict goku is my goat

07-24-2022, 02:12 PM
nice avatar bro. ultra instict goku is my goat

Jiren was terribly fleshed out and kinda too strong to be taken serious but still…he should have won.

07-24-2022, 02:18 PM
Jiren was terribly fleshed out and kinda too strong to be taken serious but still…he should have won.

yeah i wish we could have a little more background on jiren. his character is definitely overpowered but i think at that scale of fighting, the plot required someone like that.

although i've seen excerpts from the ongoing manga comic and it looks like beerus is a lot stronger than they led us to believe, so i don't even know if jiren is that OP compared to the new upcoming villains. supposedly there's a 2nd season getting ready to air anytime now.

07-24-2022, 02:58 PM
I kinda wish some of the movie characters were explored again. Like the guy from the Tree of might that looked exactly like Goku. Terlus or something like that. There are more Saiyans out there. I guess the multiverse element covers that though. They always have other universes so they can never run out of new threats they don’t have to explain away as just having been asleep for the whole saga or something lame like that.

07-24-2022, 03:04 PM
I could make much better versions of all those videos now that everything is available in HD. They were in low res back then(that was probably 2008) because everyone had slow internet and YouTube “hd” was still like 360p. It took ages to download shit when I started so I kept file sizes small. I can do all that much better these days I just stopped because I don’t think they’re needed anymore.

When I started there were like 3 of us and I had to pay for data to upload shit people here downloaded and spread across the internet. There was no streaming or anything. It was pre YouTube and people had never seen most of what I was doing.

These days there is footage on most stars if you want to find it. It’s not so much educational anymore as shit people make for Facebook and Twitter likes. Which is fine. But almost everyone is covered now. I did like 200 players back when the only people with footage online were Jordan and Kobe types. Less need for it now and bough I do occasionally want to highlight someone.

If you ever find the time it would be great. These older videos have something about them newer ones can't deliver. Maybe as you said newer ones are made for certain audiences.


Spending as much time traveling as I do now I’m always on the hunt for music I can add to my extensive playlists that depend on my mood. So…I ask you(and anyone reading this for this question)….

Name a few of your most recently played songs on Spotify or apple or whatever you use.

Whatever it is will probably fit into one of my lists.

Usually I listen to older stuff, but the most recent addidition in a doubled sense of the word is "The Claypool Lennon Delirium". Blood and Rockets blew me away. Basically what the Beatles might've sound like if someone teleported them to 2015.

Ill give you a basketball one too though.

Since you mentioned that video….

Eddie Jones or NVE? Who would make the best addition to a modern big 4? Neither are franchise players but would make good third and 4th options. Which do you take for this era?

I always liked EJ more than NVE, but for his sake I would love to see Van Exel in this league. It was totally uncommon for point guards to randomaly pull up from 3. Now it's totally fine. I think he would love it. Both were respectable - not very good or great - from range and I think EJ would fit better into most contending teams, but NVE would be absolute fun to watch and imo has an higher upside in this league rn.

07-24-2022, 03:19 PM
It would be fun to see this guy with the looser dribbling rules with 88 screens a game at 25 feet:


07-24-2022, 03:26 PM
Listened to the song you mentioned. This one:


I can work with that. He does sound like his dad assuming the singer is who I think it is. I’m just trying to decide if it goes in my “rainy night” playlist or the straight forward rock one. It justifies a deeper dive for sure.

07-24-2022, 03:44 PM
It would be fun to see this guy with the looser dribbling rules with 88 screens a game at 25 feet:


Loved his "I don't give a shit" style, but it also killed his chances to stay at the Lakers. I think that's what eventually would make EJ the better pick for a Big 4.

Listened to the song you mentioned. This one:


I can work with that. He does sound like his dad assuming the singer is who I think it is. I’m just trying to decide if it goes in my “rainy night” playlist or the straight forward rock one. It justifies a deeper dive for sure.

Yeah, it Sean Lennon singing. I guess John's vocal genes have to be the most dominant ever.

Another recently discovered band for me is Triumph, older hard rock band bordering on NWoBHM. I'm pretty lost when I have to give musical suggestions to be honest, my tastes are just to weird. I enjoy Dean Martin as much as progressive death metal as I enjoy classic soul or raggae and anything in between.

07-25-2022, 08:40 AM
Clifton is Geewhiz15? Hahahaha

I don’t get why folks change names and keep it under the wraps. Unless I’m one of the few who didn’t know and/or yoy revealed this before? Disregard. But some of the folks here who are regulars under new names weird me out. I can’t imagine me ever changing my name to EmbiidPlz, Cheesesteak22, PhillyHoagie. Kblaze will forever be Kblaze. Even if there’s random numbers behind it or not. Some of y’all are strange when I found out who you are.

My name is my name - Marlo

07-25-2022, 09:53 AM
Marlo would have been smarter to play it like the Greeks.


Had I been foolish/desperate enough to follow some of my people into that life ****** would have to call me Lord Finesse or some shit.

Youre not about to speak my government name on a wire. I was always too paranoid to be a serious criminal. I peaked as an up the street ass criminal. Im not about to be referenced in a Gibbs verse.

07-25-2022, 09:57 AM
Forgot a question…..


Hershey Park. My girl wants to go before fall. Wants to stay in a room in the park and I feel like that’s probably a waste. That’s Disney world shit not hershey park shit. Is that place more than a one day trip?

07-25-2022, 10:25 AM
Forgot a question…..


Hershey Park. My girl wants to go before fall. Wants to stay in a room in the park and I feel like that’s probably a waste. That’s Disney world shit not hershey park shit. Is that place more than a one day trip?

It’s a one day trip. Unless you plan on going to Chocolate world. Then 2 tops. If she plans on going that as well then room for a day. You can do park and when u checkout next day hit up Chocolage world then leave. But Hershey park is one day.

07-25-2022, 10:36 AM
Thats what I thought but she talking 3 days. I’m thinking one day then on to Philly for an overrated ass tourist cheesesteak. She just thinks it’s huge because she went as a kid and was too small to ride most of the rides. Been waiting to go back and I’ve enabled her to do dumb shit like that on a whim. I have some friends in Allentown which I assume isn’t too far so it won’t be a total loss.

07-25-2022, 11:34 AM
Thats what I thought but she talking 3 days. I’m thinking one day then on to Philly for an overrated ass tourist cheesesteak. She just thinks it’s huge because she went as a kid and was too small to ride most of the rides. Been waiting to go back and I’ve enabled her to do dumb shit like that on a whim. I have some friends in Allentown which I assume isn’t too far so it won’t be a total loss.

3 days is overkill. Hershey ain’t Disney. 3 days there better be a beach/boardwalk involved lol

Allentown is about 1hr away from Hershey and Philly.

And if you head to Philly for a cheesesteak go down south Philly to Gooie Louie’s. Cop a cheesesteak and hoagie. Not hero, not sub. None of that nonsense. Get your a real deal hoagie. I don’t know what kind of meat (pause) you eat. Cop an Italian hoagie and whatever else y’all want. Y’all can split the 2 hoagies they are huge (pause). Location wise near I95. Do not go to genos or pats. South street has ishkibbibles on 4th and South. The tourist spots aren’t far from the places I’m mentioning. Not sure what kind of sight seeing you plan on doing. You got downtown independence area (liberty bell and all that colonial history sh*t). You got penns landing/olde city. And cheesesteak place I’m recommending is not far from there. Talkin 5mins tops.

But if you come here cheesesteak, hoagie, soft pretzel, water ice. Those things need to be purchased or it’s a fail visiting Philly.

Do not get cheeze wiz either on cheesesteak. American cheese.

07-25-2022, 11:53 AM
Ill add all that to my Philly list. My man in Allentown told me mikes cheese steak and roast pork but I’m probably gonna pick one and go. I always eat a places main…tourist thing. But she is one of those “Eat the same thing” people who wants chick fila 3 times a week. I did love the chaps pit beef in Baltimore. I went to the one in a strip club parking lot. They got me for like 45 dollars for 2-3 sandwiches and some cheese fries.

07-25-2022, 11:57 AM
Ill add all that to my Philly list. My man in Allentown told me mikes cheese steak and roast pork but I’m probably gonna pick one and go. I always eat a places main…tourist thing. But she is one of those “Eat the same thing” people who wants chick fila 3 times a week. I did love the chaps pit beef in Baltimore. I went to the one in a strip club parking lot. They got me for like 45 dollars for 2-3 sandwiches and some cheese fries.

I’ll treat for the food (cheesesteaks and hoagies). And yeah gotta eat a cities main meals for sure. Wear ya Herb Williams jersey hahaha

07-25-2022, 02:30 PM
That ****ing jersey is in a bando some Mexicans later bought. I was living so wild back then. Had come back to one of the hoods of my youth and we would be 7-10 deep in there half the time on 2k or madden in my midlife super single mode. That house was only empty when Ma came to stay and she kept everyone away other than the now in Allentown friend she was cool with.

People were running trains, growing weed, fighting in the yard, and hanging out at all hours at that house back then yet somehow the impression I gave off was always Uncle Phil. I’ve moved 5 times since then but nowhere has the memories of that place. I did learn why you can’t be a success and go back home of course but it was a good run while my whole life was falling apart.

****** broke in and stole the very 360 I used to teach all you the Sabonis maneuver.

07-25-2022, 11:12 PM

You're on a cruise enjoying life when suddenly a military helicopter approaches and lands on the cruise ship. A man walks out, takes control of the ship and assesses the ship and chooses YOU.

He says the world's population as we know it has been destroyed, wiping out everyone and we need to rebuild the human population. He finds four women on the ship, giving you four options of cheeks to clap and rebuild humanity:

•Addison Rae
•Heidi Klum
•Adriana Lima

Who do you choose?

07-25-2022, 11:14 PM
If you post anything at all in this topic I will do so. If you’re in the minority who I know well enough from your time here to wonder what you think about a particular basketball issue it will be about that. If you’re the majority? The nameless faceless ghouls who haunt these places largely silent from the shadows? Your question will likely be more generic. It may not even be about basketball.

If you don’t wish to participate simply do not post. I will respond with a question to every single person who does so much as post a period in this topic. I don’t care if your response is nothing more than laughing at someone else’s reply about how stupid this idea is if you reply to this topic I am going to ask you a question.

Answer or don’t. I’m asking. Too many of you are complete mysteries to me for us to all be here for years.

Some of you will later get questions even if you don’t respond. Those will be strictly basketball because I just have questions topics don’t allow me to ask without a derail.

If you’re as bored as I am right now….. bring it on.

Why do you think Bitcoin is the best investment? Honest question.

07-25-2022, 11:19 PM

You're on a cruise enjoying life when suddenly a military helicopter approaches and lands on the cruise ship. A man walks out, takes control of the ship and assesses the ship and chooses YOU.

He says the world's population as we know it has been destroyed, wiping out everyone and we need to rebuild the human population. He finds four women on the ship, giving you four options of cheeks to clap and rebuild humanity:

•Addison Rae
•Heidi Klum
•Adriana Lima

Who do you choose?
We need more details. Is this the current version of them, or are they all in their prime? If it's the former, Addison Rae is 21 and the rest are in their 40's, so just biologically speaking she would be the logical choice.

Also, the flaw with this question is, unless you're allowed to procreate with more than one woman, the only way for the human race to continue through the next generation would be through incest, since if all human life is wiped out, the only people around would be your children.

07-25-2022, 11:47 PM
We need more details. Is this the current version of them, or are they all in their prime? If it's the former, Addison Rae is 21 and the rest are in their 40's, so just biologically speaking she would be the logical choice.

Also, the flaw with this question is, unless you're allowed to procreate with more than one woman, the only way for the human race to continue through the next generation would be through incest, since if all human life is wiped out, the only people around would be your children.

i couldn't care less about rebuilding the population

i'd just live out the rest of my days nutting in them and they can get abortions

07-26-2022, 12:25 PM

You're on a cruise enjoying life when suddenly a military helicopter approaches and lands on the cruise ship. A man walks out, takes control of the ship and assesses the ship and chooses YOU.

He says the world's population as we know it has been destroyed, wiping out everyone and we need to rebuild the human population. He finds four women on the ship, giving you four options of cheeks to clap and rebuild humanity:

•Addison Rae
•Heidi Klum
•Adriana Lima

Who do you choose?

I gave this considerable thought since this morning and am just now answering as I wait for lunch….

Klum is out. She’s gotta be 50ish just for as long as I’ve been aware of her and having been Seals wife and he’s probably 60. She’s too old for this conversation even if she isn’t too old to be attractive(as I assume she still is).

Lima is probably also in her 40s since she’s been out a whole. We did what we called a “Ho draft” around here in probably 2003 and she was a high draft pick so she can’t be less than really late 30s. In her say she was bad as **** and probably still is but….still.

Beyonce is probably near 40 herself…but she seems fun to hang around.

Ages aside she would be my pick with Lima a clooopppse second and arguably more attractive but at this point in my life I can’t stand being around women who don’t vibe with me for lack of a better word. Fine is no longer enough.

I don’t know who the other girl is but I googled. She’s obviously cute and the right age for this question and being non black I suppose helps our offspring get to the south park future of light brown hybrids with great genetic diversity since that’s an issue rebuilding humanity….

If it’s for my enjoyment and entertainment Beyoncé is the pick, Lima is second since she is(or at least was) objective drop dead gorgeous even if I’m not sure of her command of English, other girl is third for better age to have children, and Klum is last. Comfortably last. Though it’s entirely due to age.

07-26-2022, 12:32 PM
Having looked up some of the old(13-15 years ago) ho draft lineups…man. We would all be cancelled if we ever got famous:

*there were pictures but I’m not doing all that work*

From one of my favorite posters DG who only Gobb and Carbine from this topic would remember:

Head coach:

Personal trainer:

Starting 5
The faces: Freida Pinto, Kristin Kreuk, Elisha Cuthbert, Rosario Dawson, Lyndsy Fonseca

6th ho: Instant offense, all-around skills........brings whatever I need on any given day. My Ginobili "would start for anyone else....":
Jamie Chung

Hustler, live body off the bench: Ines Sainz

Designated 3-point shooter/does one thing well, but the best in the business at it:
Lisa Ann

Unlimited potential, already has all the tools. Could be a future HOF'er. Kobe as a rookie:
Demi Lovato

Project, possible diamond in the rough: Arianna Brown

07-26-2022, 12:36 PM
Another team:

Starting Line up:

Megan Fox - Franchise Ho


Jessica Alba - The number 2 Ho

Minka Kelly - Spirit Lifting Ho

Emanuelle Chriqui + Malin Akerman (Team Chemistry Boost!)


Angelina Jolie - 6th Ho/Veteran Ho and official Mentwhore to Megan Fox

Keeley Hazell - Big Tits Specialist

Kristen Bell - The Cute Ho

Gina Carano - Hoenforcer

Autumn Reeser - Bench Warming Ho


Strength And Hoditioning Coach:

Jamie Eason

Team Mascot:
Pedo Bear

A lot of his team fell off. Carano especially.

07-26-2022, 12:38 PM

07-26-2022, 12:40 PM
I think I already asked Shooter a question though I’ll go back to check for sure. Assuming I’m right for now…

Why do you think Bitcoin is the best investment? Honest question.

I don’t. The best investment to me has always been real estate. My pro crypto stance is just as an option. I’d never go all in on anything.

07-26-2022, 12:50 PM

I was in Augusta Georgia a week or two ago looking for an infamous painting I found in their flea market once(a painting of all time nba greats that had Rondo as one of the 5 featured players) and after failing to find it went to checkers. I was met by this:


A fully automatic speech recognition system to order. I was shocked by how well it worked but was still disgusted. Do you have a problem with our eventual robot overlords taking that particular job? I knew they outsourced them to call centers at times but to go full robot? You never go full robot.

07-26-2022, 01:02 PM

I was in Augusta Georgia a week or two ago looking for an infamous painting I found in their flea market once(a painting of all time nba greats that had Rondo as one of the 5 featured players) and after failing to find it went to checkers. I was met by this:


A fully automatic speech recognition system to order. I was shocked by how well it worked but was still disgusted. Do you have a problem with our eventual robot overlords taking that particular job? I knew they outsourced them to call centers at times but to go full robot? You never go full robot.

I don't like it but it is where we are headed. There is really nothing we can do once robot AI smart enough to continue eliminating low wage labor.

I want human interaction as a human. I don't want to talk to a robot during trouble shooting.

But robots cost less money. Home depot is basically a bunch of self check lineups with 1 or 2 people running around making sure its ok.

In the end. **** it. Adapt and see what happens. Don't be stuck in the past. Embrace change.

07-26-2022, 01:03 PM
I think I already asked Shooter a question though I’ll go back to check for sure. Assuming I’m right for now…

I don’t. The best investment to me has always been real estate. My pro crypto stance is just as an option. I’d never go all in on anything.

Real estate nice. That is what I do as well. I own a bunch of multi family.

How about you if you don't care to share.

07-26-2022, 01:15 PM
I have several homes my problem is that I put family in them at little or no profit. It’s why my net worth would be so much higher than my liquid.

If I wanted to be a dick I could get rid of them all for some real money but I don’t currently need it. I got another 3/2 with my girlfriend in September and we are looking at a couple more but she’s got ideas for houses she’s wanna live in not to maximize profit.

She wants to rent out the 3/2 we are in now and get a 5/3 and put in this absurd pool with a red bottom and show her whole ass.

Ive never done multi family but it’s probably the move. In the past I’ve literally just gone through neighborhoods and called to buy homes I saw for sale. Never work with a contractor or realtor or anything. First little house I bought when I moved back near my old neighborhood my friend and I literally found it taking his daughter on a walk and I bought it that week.

Ive never done it as I should.

Im making the moves to get in with a guy from Chase i was introduced to I just have to have 150K in an account to get access to his best rates. It’s probably time I stop making handshake deals and going it alone it’s just what I’m used to.

I don’t claim to be a pro. I just couldn’t believe how cheap houses were when I started looking into it after the collapse.

07-26-2022, 01:47 PM

Your avatar put me in a pistons state of mind.

That team is 85 years old. Older than the nba.

I feel like they are fairly prestigious but thinking about it…..

Would an all Pistons all time second team be particularly good?

They have like 2.5 superstars in 85 years. Isiah, Hill, and then Lanier, Ben, Bing, Dumars, Stackhouse, and I guess Kiki and Dave D fighting for the other spot.

I feel like they should have more great great players to be so old. But then I think of the Kings who in a similar time have had Oscar, Lucas, Mitch, Webber, and like….Otis Birdsong if he was there? Reggie Theus? Peja? Cousins?

The Pacers haven’t had that much either.

The Pacers all time team would have Brad Miller on its back end wouldn’t it?

Depends how much credit you give the ABA.

Its amazing how some teams can go so many decades without really figuring out how to get a major star.

My question is this….

Eliminating everyone before about 1980 so we don’t have to assume what anyone would be in a world they never existed in….

Is any teams history bad enough that their all time team might not win a title in this league? Who would be the worst other than the recent expansion teams(bobcats, Memphis, and Raptors)?

Yes I realize that’s a lot of thinking to do but feel free to give me your first thought and I’ll do the legwork.

07-26-2022, 03:15 PM
Your avatar put me in a pistons state of mind.

That team is 85 years old. Older than the nba.

I feel like they are fairly prestigious but thinking about it…..

Would an all Pistons all time second team be particularly good?

They have like 2.5 superstars in 85 years. Isiah, Hill, and then Lanier, Ben, Bing, Dumars, Stackhouse, and I guess Kiki and Dave D fighting for the other spot.

I feel like they should have more great great players to be so old. But then I think of the Kings who in a similar time have had Oscar, Lucas, Mitch, Webber, and like….Otis Birdsong if he was there? Reggie Theus? Peja? Cousins?

The Pacers haven’t had that much either.

The Pacers all time team would have Brad Miller on its back end wouldn’t it?

Depends how much credit you give the ABA.

Its amazing how some teams can go so many decades without really figuring out how to get a major star.

My question is this….

Eliminating everyone before about 1980 so we don’t have to assume what anyone would be in a world they never existed in….

Is any teams history bad enough that their all time team might not win a title in this league? Who would be the worst other than the recent expansion teams(bobcats, Memphis, and Raptors)?

Yes I realize that’s a lot of thinking to do but feel free to give me your first thought and I’ll do the legwork.

Not dankok8, but as one of the other Pistons posters here, I'd like to take a run at your first, unofficial question.

An all-time Pistons 2nd team would be quite good. You're right that the franchise doesn't boast many superstars. In fact, the franchise only had 6 star players prior to the 80's. Lanier, Bing, Gene Shue, George Yardley, Bailey Howell, Dave DeBusschere. But from the 80's on, there have been many star/great players. Plenty to round out a very competitive 2nd team.

The All-Pistons first team (staying true to positions) would be:

5- Lanier
4- Bailey Howell
3- Grant Hill
2- Dumars
1- Isiah

This leaves the following players available for the All-2nd team:

5- Laimbeer, Ben Wallace
4- Rodman, Rasheed Wallace, Dave DeBusschere
3- Rodman, Adrian Dantley, Mark Agguire, George Yardley, Tayshawn Prince
2- Gene Shue, Rip Hamilton, Vinnie Johnson
1- Dave Bing, Chauncey Billups

The 2nd team and 3rd team are dangerous.

07-26-2022, 07:20 PM
I'll bite. Ask away. :cheers:

07-26-2022, 08:08 PM
I gave this considerable thought since this morning and am just now answering as I wait for lunch….

Klum is out. She’s gotta be 50ish just for as long as I’ve been aware of her and having been Seals wife and he’s probably 60. She’s too old for this conversation even if she isn’t too old to be attractive(as I assume she still is).

Lima is probably also in her 40s since she’s been out a whole. We did what we called a “Ho draft” around here in probably 2003 and she was a high draft pick so she can’t be less than really late 30s. In her say she was bad as **** and probably still is but….still.

Beyonce is probably near 40 herself…but she seems fun to hang around.

Ages aside she would be my pick with Lima a clooopppse second and arguably more attractive but at this point in my life I can’t stand being around women who don’t vibe with me for lack of a better word. Fine is no longer enough.

I don’t know who the other girl is but I googled. She’s obviously cute and the right age for this question and being non black I suppose helps our offspring get to the south park future of light brown hybrids with great genetic diversity since that’s an issue rebuilding humanity….

If it’s for my enjoyment and entertainment Beyoncé is the pick, Lima is second since she is(or at least was) objective drop dead gorgeous even if I’m not sure of her command of English, other girl is third for better age to have children, and Klum is last. Comfortably last. Though it’s entirely due to age.

another ho draft or something similar is a good idea

if i was inclined to reproduce and was concerned about looks/age/diversity

karlie kloss
lais ribeiro
adut akech
liu wen

would be a formidable 4 among other combos

07-26-2022, 10:56 PM
Your avatar put me in a pistons state of mind.

That team is 85 years old. Older than the nba.

I feel like they are fairly prestigious but thinking about it…..

Would an all Pistons all time second team be particularly good?

They have like 2.5 superstars in 85 years. Isiah, Hill, and then Lanier, Ben, Bing, Dumars, Stackhouse, and I guess Kiki and Dave D fighting for the other spot.

I feel like they should have more great great players to be so old. But then I think of the Kings who in a similar time have had Oscar, Lucas, Mitch, Webber, and like….Otis Birdsong if he was there? Reggie Theus? Peja? Cousins?

The Pacers haven’t had that much either.

The Pacers all time team would have Brad Miller on its back end wouldn’t it?

Depends how much credit you give the ABA.

Its amazing how some teams can go so many decades without really figuring out how to get a major star.

My question is this….

Eliminating everyone before about 1980 so we don’t have to assume what anyone would be in a world they never existed in….

Is any teams history bad enough that their all time team might not win a title in this league? Who would be the worst other than the recent expansion teams(bobcats, Memphis, and Raptors)?

Yes I realize that’s a lot of thinking to do but feel free to give me your first thought and I’ll do the legwork.

I think the Mavs are also a team with not that much all-time talent. They've got Dirk, Luka and then a bunch of merely good players. Their all-time team would most probably win a title but not a slam dunk. The Nuggets are also bad since 1980. Alex English, Kiki, Melo... that's a lot of scoring SF's. You might have guys like Andre Miller, Camby, JR Smith etc. filling out their team. Ohh they did have Mutombo for a short stretch there.

The worst though? Probably the Pacers. Other than Reggie and Paul George, there is probably no other HOFer in Pacers history since around the merger when the joined from the ABA. I could see their all-time team fail to win a ring. Not saying they would but it could happen. Their early 2000's team was formidable on defense but with today's rules they wouldn't be nearly as good. Give them Paul George and they legit still might not win a title.

07-26-2022, 11:27 PM
The worst all time teams


07-26-2022, 11:55 PM
The worst all time teams


nikola jokic
kevin garnett
paul george
reggie miller
chauncey billups

look out

07-27-2022, 12:50 AM
We need more details. Is this the current version of them, or are they all in their prime? If it's the former, Addison Rae is 21 and the rest are in their 40's, so just biologically speaking she would be the logical choice.

Also, the flaw with this question is, unless you're allowed to procreate with more than one woman, the only way for the human race to continue through the next generation would be through incest, since if all human life is wiped out, the only people around would be your children.

Imagine all in their prime

I think I already asked Shooter a question though I’ll go back to check for sure. Assuming I’m right for now...

Never got one yet--shoot!

07-27-2022, 04:55 AM
Honestly I made ok progress the first 6 months or so during the pandemic but after that suffered from ****-around-itis

Was skipping days, sometimes weeks, months at a time, not sticking to a strict diet, not putting in maximum effort or following a program, etc.

I started a 5/3/1 program this summer and it’s been great. Hit a 225 bench, 315 squat, and 405 deadlift. Not really impressive numbers overall but for someone who weighed 135 at 5’11” coming out of college and absolutely none of that weight being muscle, I’m pretty proud.

Don't sell yourself short. Those are very good numbers for someone of your body frame, particularly deadlifting. 405 lbs is no joke. Your three lifts are a hell of a lot stronger than the average man in America. And I've been weightlifting actively for 30 years so I know.

07-27-2022, 08:08 AM
question for OP, who's you favorite player? and why

Charlie Sheen
07-27-2022, 09:26 AM

I don't think there's very much in my library that would be fresh or new to you, but this one might be. If I remember correctly, I discovered this song on an episode of Ray Donovan.

07-27-2022, 01:26 PM
Not dankok8, but as one of the other Pistons posters here, I'd like to take a run at your first, unofficial question.

An all-time Pistons 2nd team would be quite good. You're right that the franchise doesn't boast many superstars. In fact, the franchise only had 6 star players prior to the 80's. Lanier, Bing, Gene Shue, George Yardley, Bailey Howell, Dave DeBusschere. But from the 80's on, there have been many star/great players. Plenty to round out a very competitive 2nd team.

The All-Pistons first team (staying true to positions) would be:

5- Lanier
4- Bailey Howell
3- Grant Hill
2- Dumars
1- Isiah

This leaves the following players available for the All-2nd team:

5- Laimbeer, Ben Wallace
4- Rodman, Rasheed Wallace, Dave DeBusschere
3- Rodman, Adrian Dantley, Mark Agguire, George Yardley, Tayshawn Prince
2- Gene Shue, Rip Hamilton, Vinnie Johnson
1- Dave Bing, Chauncey Billups

The 2nd team and 3rd team are dangerous.

By the way I'm not really a Pistons fan. I'm a Raptors fan but I just love Ben Wallace and the 2000's Pistons.

07-27-2022, 02:29 PM
Imagine all in their prime

Never got one yet--shoot!

Then I suppose you’re front of the line. Ok….

Let’s say Addison Rae has a publicist who uses a service to track her online mentions and that brings her here. She shows it to Addison who finds it funny and creates an account to say who she is and jokingly make the case for herself being the pick. Naturally nobody believes it’s her but she posts an Instagram with her holding a sign saying hello to ISH. Naturally this sausage fest of virginity and involuntary celibacy goes crazy clit riding but she eventually takes a liking to you. Weeks of talk leads her to fall for you eventually culminates in her offering to fly you out for an island retreat weekend.

She gets you to her suite in St.Barts having bought the entire top floor. She tells you she has a secret to tell you that she never felt close enough to anyone to share since an unpleasant situation in 10th grade.

She starts to strip and...her dick pops out. Kinda a dick. Its a dick no doubt...but like....3.8 inches long while erect(and it is). You jump and she begs you to let her explain. Youre hoping for an "Oversized clit" discussion but no.....its a fully functional dick.

She is one of the .8% of people born with both organs who has both of them functional. The dick has no balls though. It just works like a dick. she is fully able to have children. THe dick is just there and can in fact be easily removed with no complications. She is in no other way a man. At all. Hormones. Fully female. No adams apple. She is womanly as ****...with a tiny dick. Not a transitional man. She’s what society used to call a hermaphrodite but probably isn’t allowed to call one now. She currently and always has seen herself as female but her parents wanted to let her make that call as an adult and she wanted to wait before getting it removed because…well….

She wants you to suck it for her before she has it removed. If you do that she gets it removed in the morning and will be with you for the rest of her life should you want that. She tells you that shes always wanted someone to blow her but was so ashamed and afraid to let people see it since the time in High school she showed her boyfriend and he told people. She had to get him arrested when he tried to pull off her pants to prove it to the school who thought he was lying and had taken to bullying him for it.

All she wants is a good long sensual blowjob on her 3.9 inch dick. Then its gone with nothing to show for it but a borderline invisible scar. She doesnt need to **** you. Refuses to let you get a girl to do it since

1. Shes not gay and her [Ladies man]wang is hugafied by a man...and not by a lady[movie reference you don’t get]

2. She is only comfortable showing it to someone she loves.

Would you....knowing nobody would find out....give her her first blowjob....to get her fully female and child bearing form forever?

07-27-2022, 02:34 PM

Please don’t tell me you’d do that Blaze

07-27-2022, 02:40 PM
I have thoughts but I’d rather not poison the well before he answers.

07-27-2022, 03:14 PM
I'll bite. Ask away. :cheers:

I feel like I remember you being an old enough fan to ask this question but if I’m wrong let me know and I’ll give you something more modern….

1996 to 2000.

Heat + prime KD(let’s say it’s 14-17 KD healthy)

Jazz + prime Dirk(let’s say it’s roughly 07-11 Dirk level).

Does either team take a ring from the Bulls and if so…how many do the Bulls win?

Do they play each other in the finals most years? Or would they both still find a way to lose?

07-27-2022, 03:25 PM
So you actually are a laker fan. I really didn’t know but for whatever reason I always used to mix you up with Imkobe so I was just all thrown off. I do get trolling some of the weirdo obsessed types we have here but I think I’ve cooled on that for reasons related to your first question.

The good female friend I had here? She was a pistons fan named Ashley who got trolled hard. Partially her own doing. She started by posting pics of some cute female piston fan from Detroit she claimed to be but after years on my companion ish board where everyone kinda got to know each other she admitted to faking her life and being an overweight North Carolinian girl. I’m not breaking any confidences. This was widely known I at the time. She was very open about it and her desire to get in shape and all that. And she did. She got to where she could run marathons and shit. Total turnaround. On the outside at least. But internally she was always depressed and took everything personal. Even online shit.

She would call me upset about shit in life and online. She’s getting legit cyber bullied here and other places. She may or may not have been a victim of date rape by some Michigan State basketball players. She told me about it but I never say the names because it’s a ****ed it rumor to spread with a source who was known to lie before. She had family issues, lifetime weight problems, a handicapped brother she took care of…just…a lot.

And she was open about it online and got ripped for it.

I myself stopped answering when she’d call. I don’t blame myself for her suicide of course but it did help me see posters as real humans. It’s one reason I eventually stopped ****ing with Stalker and tried to see the human in him. He talked about getting banned once and how it’s wrong for people who have no outlet in life to lose their online outlets and it actually got to me.

I wasn’t even the one who banned him but it was one of those things….it made me think of her. Even trolls and weird posters are real people and some of the super obsessed ones have to have real problems too.

I had another poster here tell me on an Xbox live chat he thought I was a bit of a bully to some people and it got to me too. I’m from a time of just snapping on people. My friends and I do it. You might think we hate each other but those are my brothers. But you do it on here people take it serious at times and I almost never want them to.

It’s all jokes till one side takes it serious. I’d legit buy 3ball a beer and hang if we happened to be in the same area. He’s probably just a regular guy just acting weird online for whatever reason.

I just think back to her situation at times when dealing with people who get laughed at on here. They are actual humans. I try to see them that way. But the really dig in ones just don’t have it in them to act normal even when pressed. I’m getting better at ignoring them.

Wow, that's some real shit right there. I always thought you were kinda egotistical and condescending. Maybe you were and this event changed your perspective? But I do empathize with you and with this female poster. I love your new perspective

07-27-2022, 03:55 PM
I most certainly am egotistical in my behavior and I think almost everyone here is but here just as in real life I’m happy to admit it while other people also think they’re always right and argue like it but seem to have a problem when they think that’s what I’m doing. This place is full of people having the same argument for months or years at a time. Often about shit nobody can prove. People will bring up some shit you said in 2015 to have a whole new argument when you went 200 posts with them then. People come here and fight…they think they’re right and others are wrong. So why not just say so? Most of us think we’re always right. I’m just happy to say so. We all act like it though.

Far as being condescending I think some of that is just the impersonal nature of this. If you could hear me speak you wouldn’t take me so serious.

Both that and my outward ego are probably remnants of my teen years when I flat out manufactured a false personality trying to beat my natural shyness. My current personality is the result of a “Fake it till you make it” campaign of false confidence run wild. Some honest self evaluation about my lack of prospects or ability to fit into certain groups that concluded with the problem being….I was a *****.

I want this girl. This guy objectively no more attractive than me has her…I can barely get her to speak. Turns out he wasn’t a ***** and just went for it. My bitch ass trying to decide what to say and worried about being embarrassed.

I took a plunge and just forced myself to speak my mind. To interrupt other peoples conversations if they seemed interesting instead of wishing I were involved. Through pure fraud I made myself the asshole you see me as and people seem to love it or hate me. But nobody doesn’t notice me.

Ive played the part so long I’m not even sure if I actually am confident or if I’m just in too deep to be the little bitch I may actually be on the inside. But I’m also not afraid to say so. I’ll evaluate myself in a second and admit to the faults I see and do so publicly.

It just so happens….we rarely touch on subjects that would make me seem open to being wrong and learning. We talk basketball mostly. And I know most of the people here don’t care about it the way I have. I drive points into the ground and beat dead horses mostly to let people know why I think what I think so there’s no misunderstanding. Not necessarily because I think I’m smarter…but usually because I think I think it through better because I usually care more.

Now….do I think I’m smarter?

Maybe. Like I said…I’m not entirely sure if my ego is real or not. But I’m sure it’s served me well even if it’s just a cloak around a bitch.

07-28-2022, 12:23 AM
Then I suppose you’re front of the line. Ok….

Let’s say Addison Rae has a publicist who uses a service to track her online mentions and that brings her here. She shows it to Addison who finds it funny and creates an account to say who she is and jokingly make the case for herself being the pick. Naturally nobody believes it’s her but she posts an Instagram with her holding a sign saying hello to ISH. Naturally this sausage fest of virginity and involuntary celibacy goes crazy clit riding but she eventually takes a liking to you. Weeks of talk leads her to fall for you eventually culminates in her offering to fly you out for an island retreat weekend.

She gets you to her suite in St.Barts having bought the entire top floor. She tells you she has a secret to tell you that she never felt close enough to anyone to share since an unpleasant situation in 10th grade.

She starts to strip and...her dick pops out. Kinda a dick. Its a dick no doubt...but like....3.8 inches long while erect(and it is). You jump and she begs you to let her explain. Youre hoping for an "Oversized clit" discussion but no.....its a fully functional dick.

She is one of the .8% of people born with both organs who has both of them functional. The dick has no balls though. It just works like a dick. she is fully able to have children. THe dick is just there and can in fact be easily removed with no complications. She is in no other way a man. At all. Hormones. Fully female. No adams apple. She is womanly as ****...with a tiny dick. Not a transitional man. She’s what society used to call a hermaphrodite but probably isn’t allowed to call one now. She currently and always has seen herself as female but her parents wanted to let her make that call as an adult and she wanted to wait before getting it removed because…well….

She wants you to suck it for her before she has it removed. If you do that she gets it removed in the morning and will be with you for the rest of her life should you want that. She tells you that shes always wanted someone to blow her but was so ashamed and afraid to let people see it since the time in High school she showed her boyfriend and he told people. She had to get him arrested when he tried to pull off her pants to prove it to the school who thought he was lying and had taken to bullying him for it.

All she wants is a good long sensual blowjob on her 3.9 inch dick. Then its gone with nothing to show for it but a borderline invisible scar. She doesnt need to **** you. Refuses to let you get a girl to do it since

1. Shes not gay and her [Ladies man]wang is hugafied by a man...and not by a lady[movie reference you don’t get]

2. She is only comfortable showing it to someone she loves.

Would you....knowing nobody would find out....give her her first blowjob....to get her fully female and child bearing form forever?

Fu**ing Kblaze


Gay if you do, gay if you don't :lol

07-28-2022, 04:55 AM
yeah i wish we could have a little more background on jiren. his character is definitely overpowered but i think at that scale of fighting, the plot required someone like that.

although i've seen excerpts from the ongoing manga comic and it looks like beerus is a lot stronger than they led us to believe, so i don't even know if jiren is that OP compared to the new upcoming villains. supposedly there's a 2nd season getting ready to air anytime now.

Thanks. I did it as a joke to show gohan I'm his dad. And yep felt jiren was a bit over powered but checked some manga and as dragonball does not so much anymore
Gotta end with a zeno fight surely. And good is the new God.lol so help us all

07-28-2022, 06:20 AM
I feel like I remember you being an old enough fan to ask this question but if I’m wrong let me know and I’ll give you something more modern….

1996 to 2000.

Heat + prime KD(let’s say it’s 14-17 KD healthy)

Jazz + prime Dirk(let’s say it’s roughly 07-11 Dirk level).

Does either team take a ring from the Bulls and if so…how many do the Bulls win?

Do they play each other in the finals most years? Or would they both still find a way to lose?

Holy sh*t! I was scrolling through looking to see if you had responded to me, and when I saw the question to Shooter, I thought "Oh no, KBlaze is on a kink porn fix". Thought I might get a similar one, and started mentally preparing myself for my answer. :lol Then I saw this and realized he's going to keep it above board with me with just a normal basketball question.

You are correct, I am a senior citizen of ISH in every respect, 48 years old, still weightlifting/running 4-5 times a week, playing ball whenever I can, and working my ass off with two great kids who light up my life. And speaking of working my ass off, it is a incredibly busy day today at work, so I will get back to you with a thoughtful response ASAP. Great thread, btw. :rockon:

07-28-2022, 08:45 AM
Thanks. I did it as a joke to show gohan I'm his dad. And yep felt jiren was a bit over powered but checked some manga and as dragonball does not so much anymore
Gotta end with a zeno fight surely. And good is the new God.lol so help us all

Who wins a fight to the death? Frieza if he had Vegetas work ethic his entire life or Kid Buu if he absorbed Jiren?

07-28-2022, 09:15 AM
Beast Gohan is the most powerful character once again according to Akira Toriyama


07-29-2022, 11:59 AM
I have no idea what to ask you. I wanted to go philippines related but I think that’s cheap. I’ll have to give it some thought.

08-02-2022, 11:02 AM

I don't think there's very much in my library that would be fresh or new to you, but this one might be. If I remember correctly, I discovered this song on an episode of Ray Donovan.

9 seconds in I love that song.

08-02-2022, 11:03 AM
9 seconds in I love that song.

Not so much after 39 seconds.

08-02-2022, 11:05 AM
question for OP, who's you favorite player? and why

Bulls fan so…Jordan, Pippen, Rose, Noah, and Rodman probably in that order but that’s too easy…non bull….

To watch?

Might be Bird with Magic, Iverson, older clever Kobe, and Duncan also in contention.

Bird is probably the player I have the most respect and admiration as far as how he played and carried himself.

Actually I think the AI vote may have been because I was just watching him destroy Stockton(who made him work for it) and remembering how fun he was. He wouldn’t make my all time list with those others just off personal enjoyment.

Magic and Bird are the easy top 2.

08-02-2022, 06:04 PM
Clifton is Geewhiz15? Hahahaha

I don’t get why folks change names and keep it under the wraps. Unless I’m one of the few who didn’t know and/or yoy revealed this before? Disregard. But some of the folks here who are regulars under new names weird me out. I can’t imagine me ever changing my name to EmbiidPlz, Cheesesteak22, PhillyHoagie. Kblaze will forever be Kblaze. Even if there’s random numbers behind it or not. Some of y’all are strange when I found out who you are.
No real reason. I left for a while, came back, thought I'd engage without the baggage of my old username. But the result turned out to be that no one really engaged with me at all because I'm unknown and don't have time to post very much any more.

Sometimes I wonder what my life would be like if I'd grown up on Twitter rather than ISH and it's ... harrowing. There's still a bit of the spazz in me but it's been pretty successfully buried in real life. But then I come back on here and kind of regress. It's weird.

BTW it wasn't a "secret" exactly, I've identified myself a few times here and there.

09-15-2022, 08:43 PM
Beast Gohan is the most powerful character once again according to Akira Toriyama


With you suddenly making like 16 topics a day I finally have a question for you….

In my experience nba fans from far away have a single event or two that made them fans of a single player or team. I assume that’s Lebron for you. What was that moment if there was one? And if not…what did it? How did you end up an nba fan?

09-16-2022, 07:10 AM
Sup :pimp:

09-16-2022, 09:35 AM
I'm bored so ask away.

09-16-2022, 09:54 AM
How do we get Jeff Lyncher to resign?

09-16-2022, 10:04 AM
I'm bored so ask away.

Moses Malone in late 70s form is dropped into the league with the original having been removed from history so nobody knows who or what he is. He’s just a project drafted second round by the Magic. He’s in 1979 mvp form on day one.

Would the league even realize it and allow his play style the minutes for him to become a star? Could a decent midrange hustle/heart based rebounding god get the touches today to be an mvp through sheer force of will and garbage buckets?

09-16-2022, 10:05 AM
Sup :pimp:

Hey first let me get some clarity. I intended to ask you questions about Phoenix because I travel the country a lot and it is the biggest city outside Los Angeles that I’ve never properly visited. But your avatar has me wondering if perhaps you aren’t a Phoenix based poster so I’ll wait to be sure.

09-16-2022, 10:07 AM
How do we get Jeff Lyncher to resign?

Ive not heard from him in what must be a year. I wonder at times how much of his personal income is from this board or if it’s slowly draining him and is always on the verge of a shutdown. I probably should have asked when he was a regular poster back in the day.

09-16-2022, 10:25 AM
Hey first let me get some clarity. I intended to ask you questions about Phoenix because I travel the country a lot and it is the biggest city outside Los Angeles that I’ve never properly visited. But your avatar has me wondering if perhaps you aren’t a Phoenix based poster so I’ll wait to be sure.
La Grande Orange is probably the best breakfast spot in Phoenix. Also has a lot of hot chicks. Try their blueberry scone. Phoenix itself doesn’t have the best tourist spots. But its close. Grand canyon is 4hrs away. Horseshoe bend and antelope canyon are 4.5hrs away as well. Scottsdale old town is the club scene with hot milfs. Tempe os where all the college girls are at but i assume someone your age will be annoyed by 20 year old college chicks. They’re really not all that. Maestros is a great steakhouse. Backyard taco has the best tacos. In all honesty, I wouldn’t travel here lol.

09-16-2022, 10:27 AM
Ive not heard from him in what must be a year. I wonder at times how much of his personal income is from this board or if it’s slowly draining him and is always on the verge of a shutdown. I probably should have asked when he was a regular poster back in the day.
He once got really pissed off at me and said his server rental costs in a month exceed my shitty house’s rental costs. Not that i live in a shithole but he insinuated i did. He was very rude about it. All i said was he had mice powering his servers lol.

09-16-2022, 10:51 AM
Moses Malone in late 70s form is dropped into the league with the original having been removed from history so nobody knows who or what he is. He’s just a project drafted second round by the Magic. He’s in 1979 mvp form on day one.

Would the league even realize it and allow his play style the minutes for him to become a star? Could a decent midrange hustle/heart based rebounding god get the touches today to be an mvp through sheer force of will and garbage buckets?

Interesting question in that I have said Moses is my favorite player but did you just randomly choose the Magic for the team he plays for or did you know I live in Orlando? I actually work 1 block from the Amway Center, was late this morning because they had some semi blocking traffic trying to back into one of their garages.

Moses would definitely look out of place but how would today's NBA center do against him? If there's a place in today's NBA for a non-three point shooting Gobert there'd definitely be a place in the league for that Moses. But, playing a 1970's/80's style is probably not going to win MVP unless he's averaging 30 and 20 (He averaged 31 ppg in '81). In today's game where a team's main priority is the 3-point shots it's doubtful he's getting the touches to do that. If Embiid is struggling to get an MVP I think Big Mo would as well. The same could said of Kareem. Those guys were perfect for their era. He'd still gobble up rebounds, score 15-20 ppg, not good enough for MVP though.

09-16-2022, 11:46 AM
Hey first let me get some clarity. I intended to ask you questions about Phoenix because I travel the country a lot and it is the biggest city outside Los Angeles that I’ve never properly visited. But your avatar has me wondering if perhaps you aren’t a Phoenix based poster so I’ll wait to be sure.

Lol I'm not. 'Phoenix' was a name I chose when I retired an older account, so the name in this context is moreso about the new account 'rising' from the old one. Kind of dumb but I suck at usernames. :confusedshrug::confusedshrug:

I'm from Bermuda FWIW but have spent time in the UK( Manchester and Leeds).

09-16-2022, 12:19 PM
La Grande Orange is probably the best breakfast spot in Phoenix. Also has a lot of hot chicks. Try their blueberry scone. Phoenix itself doesn’t have the best tourist spots. But its close. Grand canyon is 4hrs away. Horseshoe bend and antelope canyon are 4.5hrs away as well. Scottsdale old town is the club scene with hot milfs. Tempe os where all the college girls are at but i assume someone your age will be annoyed by 20 year old college chicks. They’re really not all that. Maestros is a great steakhouse. Backyard taco has the best tacos. In all honesty, I wouldn’t travel here lol.

Ill add those things to my list. I have a notepad file on most major cities of places to eat or have a good time. And your “I wouldn’t travel here” thing is surprisingly common when I ask people about their city. People from places never like them…except New Yorkers. Most tell me they used to be much nicer back in the day.

I was surprised check into a hotel in Miami and being told by the front desk guy(he had my id) that my town was his favorite place in America. This guy is on south beach Miami in a 5 star hotel right off the water and telling me how cool downtown Greenville South Carolina is. For the record it’s always named in top 10 downtowns in America despite you never having heard of it but…still. This guy is from Miami but likes Greenville more.

People just get used to where they’re from I guess. I never go downtown but people visiting stay asking me what to do and where to go. I’m sure Phoenix is nice when it isn’t 115 degrees. I’ll let you know what I think of it. I don’t know when because I do things on a whim but I’ll get there soon.

09-16-2022, 12:35 PM
Ill add those things to my list. I have a notepad file on most major cities of places to eat or have a good time. And your “I wouldn’t travel here” thing is surprisingly common when I ask people about their city. People from places never like them…except New Yorkers. Most tell me they used to be much nicer back in the day.

I was surprised check into a hotel in Miami and being told by the front desk guy(he had my id) that my town was his favorite place in America. This guy is on south beach Miami in a 5 star hotel right off the water and telling me how cool downtown Greenville South Carolina is. For the record it’s always named in top 10 downtowns in America despite you never having heard of it but…still. This guy is from Miami but likes Greenville more.

People just get used to where they’re from I guess. I never go downtown but people visiting stay asking me what to do and where to go. I’m sure Phoenix is nice when it isn’t 115 degrees. I’ll let you know what I think of it. I don’t know when because I do things on a whim but I’ll get there soon.

fair point...

sedona is worth visiting as well, beautiful hikes.

and i'll meet you for breakfast if you come. i don't do bars or clubs since i'm sober.

09-17-2022, 08:38 AM
Favorite Skybox basketball card of all time ?

09-17-2022, 08:39 AM
How do we get Jeff Lyncher to resign?
Who's jeff lenchiner?

Full Court
09-17-2022, 10:50 AM
Who's jeff lenchiner?

:roll: ^What a dingus.

09-17-2022, 02:54 PM
:roll: ^What a dingus.

Watch Full Court make the thread about his feelings here

Last post!

Full Court
09-17-2022, 04:09 PM
Watch Full Court make the thread about his feelings here

Last post!

You sound like a triggered, weeping Bronie. :lol

Imagine that.

09-17-2022, 05:58 PM
Watch Full Court make the thread about his feelings here

Last post!

Full Court
09-17-2022, 06:40 PM

What a weeping dingus. :lol

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia.giphy.com%2Fmedia%2F12Z4v34 UXpOxR6%2Fgiphy.gif&f=1&nofb=1

09-17-2022, 08:38 PM

Lol, it's already begun.


Last post!

Full Court
09-17-2022, 08:45 PM
https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia1.giphy.com%2Fmedia%2F3oKIPp pJDEGFYAMNvW%2F200.gif%3Fcid%3D790b7611qwgpae53mic t5ibc303mrprwoytjjcgevipkvcqv%26rid%3D200.gif&f=1&nofb=1

Beta Bronie. :lol

09-17-2022, 10:44 PM
Lol, it's already begun.


Last post!
So true lmao.

09-17-2022, 11:27 PM
So true lmao.

She's so triggered she'll hijack blaze's thread.

Example: last post!

Full Court
09-18-2022, 07:51 AM
Absolutely no way this beta male is not autistic^

No wonder he gets so upset at Axe getting ethered all the time. It's affinity for his fellow autistic Bronie. :confusedshrug:

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia1.giphy.com%2Fmedia%2F3oKIPp pJDEGFYAMNvW%2F200.gif%3Fcid%3D790b7611qwgpae53mic t5ibc303mrprwoytjjcgevipkvcqv%26rid%3D200.gif&f=1&nofb=1

09-18-2022, 10:57 AM
Who has the last post? Not Full Court lololol

Full Court
09-18-2022, 12:18 PM
https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP. Ye_kXC9Bs_wBD__e0XzoswHaF2%26pid%3DApi&f=1

09-18-2022, 12:33 PM
Sorry, no last post for you! Lolol

09-18-2022, 03:06 PM
She's so triggered she'll hijack blaze's thread.

Example: last post!
Our pet jizzrag is always doing the same shitty thing even in other threads everyday but nobody is trying to support it anymore. :confusedshrug:

Poor lonely braindead scum. :oldlol:

Full Court
09-18-2022, 05:25 PM
Sorry, no last post for you! Lolol

Our pet jizzrag is always doing the same shitty thing even in other threads everyday but nobody is trying to support it anymore. :confusedshrug:

Poor lonely braindead scum. :oldlol:

Bark, Bronie bitches.

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia1.giphy.com%2Fmedia%2F3oKIPp pJDEGFYAMNvW%2F200.gif%3Fcid%3D790b7611qwgpae53mic t5ibc303mrprwoytjjcgevipkvcqv%26rid%3D200.gif&f=1&nofb=1

09-18-2022, 05:32 PM
Our pet jizzrag is always doing the same shitty thing even in other threads everyday but nobody is trying to support it anymore. :confusedshrug:

Poor lonely braindead scum. :oldlol:

She's even hijack Blaze's thread because she would rather look like a sorry jacksass as long as she gets last post!

Full Court
09-18-2022, 05:38 PM
She's even hijack Blaze's thread because she would rather look like a sorry jacksass as long as she gets last post!

Bark some more, bitch.

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia1.giphy.com%2Fmedia%2F3oKIPp pJDEGFYAMNvW%2F200.gif%3Fcid%3D790b7611qwgpae53mic t5ibc303mrprwoytjjcgevipkvcqv%26rid%3D200.gif&f=1&nofb=1

09-18-2022, 05:43 PM
Last post!

09-18-2022, 06:23 PM

09-18-2022, 06:46 PM

You struck me as a married young or forever bachelor type who might become a lizard skinned gold necklace wearing beach bum ****ing young women type. So tell me…ever settle down?

09-18-2022, 06:48 PM
And Hateraid and full court you two need to make a decision. You need to both stop that shit from spreading to multiple topics or just have me flip a coin to see which of you goes till the season starts back. Can’t be spamming back and forth for no reason forever like kids.

09-18-2022, 06:52 PM
And Hateraid and full court you two need to make a decision. You need to both stop that shit from spreading to multiple topics or just have me flip a coin to see which of you goes till the season starts back. Can’t be spamming back and forth for no reason forever like kids.

I'm just exposing the kid for his insecurities.

You know me blaze. I can be civil and rational. You think if I got banned this kid would stop? He's a target amongst multiple posters and he has self awareness problems. I think you know the right move

09-18-2022, 06:56 PM
Youre not exposing anything. You’re just trolling back and forth and nobody normal cares either way who wins or what it’s about. You’ve been here 20 years like me. You can’t be less than 35. I know you have better things to do with your time.

09-18-2022, 06:57 PM
You will know just from the response. I'm talking to you rationally. The kid will likely not focus on the topic and direct his attention towards me. There you should find your answer

09-18-2022, 06:57 PM
You struck me as a married young or forever bachelor type who might become a lizard skinned gold necklace wearing beach bum ****ing young women type. So tell me…ever settle down?

did not settle down. definitely gravitating toward the other option these days. in the US right now. ayo roodz lol

09-18-2022, 06:57 PM
Youre not exposing anything. You’re just trolling back and forth and nobody normal cares either way who wins or what it’s about. You’ve been here 20 years like me. You can’t be less than 35. I know you have better things to do with your time.


Full Court
09-18-2022, 07:34 PM
Youre not exposing anything. You’re just trolling back and forth and nobody normal cares either way who wins or what it’s about. You’ve been here 20 years like me. You can’t be less than 35. I know you have better things to do with your time.

hateraid is the one following me around in multiple threads, not the other way around. :confusedshrug:

It's his own fault he's a complete dingus.

09-18-2022, 07:40 PM
did not settle down. definitely gravitating toward the other option these days. in the US right now. ayo roodz lol

What part of the country? You must be 30ish by now which feels weird to me.

09-18-2022, 08:14 PM
And Hateraid and full court you two need to make a decision. You need to both stop that shit from spreading to multiple topics or just have me flip a coin to see which of you goes till the season starts back. Can’t be spamming back and forth for no reason forever like kids.

kblaze putting the hammer down.

09-18-2022, 09:21 PM
Allow.me to present the evidence...

Last post

Full Court
09-18-2022, 09:28 PM
Some of these Bronies are literally unhinged. :roll:

09-18-2022, 09:53 PM
You will know just from the response. I'm talking to you rationally. The kid will likely not focus on the topic and direct his attention towards me. There you should find your answer
This is accurate af. I just asked highwhey who jeff lenchiner/lencher was in some previous pages itt and there goes the forum jizzrag melting down again like a lunatic. :confusedshrug:

Full Court
09-18-2022, 10:10 PM
Some of these Bronies are literally unhinged. :roll:

Case in point. :roll:

09-18-2022, 11:27 PM
This is accurate af. I just asked highwhey who jeff lenchiner/lencher was in some previous pages itt and there goes the forum jizzrag melting down again like a lunatic. :confusedshrug:

Full Court on Full display

09-19-2022, 01:04 AM
Jesus, Kblaze, you put as much effort into these posts as you did in your videos.

Also, whatever happened to Steve? Dude used to act out as a moderator. Was he really not just a Jeff alt? Or his nephew?

Cheers, Loot

Full Court
09-19-2022, 01:38 AM
Full Court on Full display

^Case in point again.

09-19-2022, 02:49 AM
Full Court on Full display


09-19-2022, 03:57 AM


Pretty much

Full Court
09-19-2022, 08:04 AM
Pretty much



These clowns were warned. They're either too dumb to figure it out or they're just tempting fate. :lol

09-19-2022, 09:42 AM

Full Court
09-19-2022, 10:20 AM
This was a really cool and original thread. It's a shame people like the moron above me has to try to ruin it.

Some people are just stuck on stupid. :confusedshrug:

09-19-2022, 12:07 PM
Says the guy who literally will hijack every thread in order to get the last post?

Full Court
09-19-2022, 02:02 PM
Says the guy who literally will hijack every thread in order to get the last post?

Yep, keep digging yourself deeper in a hole. Everyone who is literate can go back up and see who hijacked the thread.

Moron. :lol