View Full Version : If prime healthy Penny, Grant Hill, and Leonard were all on one team….

08-04-2022, 11:09 AM
….could you add 2 current starters and 3 current reserves(who all play 15 minutes or more) and result in a team you are confident would NOT win it all?

Who among starters would you pick to make that team not work?

You going for bad D? Shooting? A center who can’t switch?

Give me the starters you feel could doom such a lineups potential.

If you’re feeling frisky I’ll take the backups too. But I know that’s a bit of work.

Ill settle for starters.

How do you make a team with Leonard/Hill/Penny not win by adding two full or near full time starters playing a reasonable position(so no making Capela play point or anything).

Doom that team with 2 starters. Give me the starting lineup as you see it. You could play a couple of those guys in 3-4 positions depending on how you wanna build. Let me see how you ensure failure.


*extra credit if you ruin it without resorting to Westbrook who I know many of you leap to immediately*

08-04-2022, 11:15 AM
2011 LeBron and Festus Ezeli

Oubre, Melo, Jamal Crawford

08-04-2022, 11:19 AM
Harden and Irving

08-04-2022, 11:20 AM
2011 LeBron and Festus Ezeli

Oubre, Melo, Jamal Crawford

Not appropriate.

Lets keep things respectful please.