View Full Version : Russian judge sentences WNBA Griner to 9yrs in prison

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Hey Yo
08-04-2022, 11:44 AM
For her drug possession arrest.

Xiao Yao You
08-04-2022, 11:47 AM
but she packed her drugs by mistake! :facepalm

08-04-2022, 12:00 PM
So weird how outraged some people are about a Russian weed arrest when there are dozens of thousands of people in jail in America on weed charges. A country trading an arms dealer for a basketball player while they incarcerate their own citizens for the same crimes they don’t intend to free them for is pretty amazing.

Real Men Wear Green
08-04-2022, 12:05 PM
They want a prisoner exchange right? This is a way to apply pressure

08-04-2022, 12:08 PM
They want a prisoner exchange right? This is a way to apply pressure


08-04-2022, 12:10 PM
I think most Americans want her to serve her sentence.

08-04-2022, 12:11 PM
They want a prisoner exchange right? This is a way to apply pressure

Russia probably won't do s--- as long as we keep supporting Ukraine.

08-04-2022, 12:12 PM
I think most Americans want her to serve her sentence.

She hates America, kneels for the National Anthem, she's about to find out how good she really had it.

08-04-2022, 12:15 PM
So weird how outraged some people are about a Russian weed arrest when there are dozens of thousands of people in jail in America on weed charges. A country trading an arms dealer for a basketball player while they incarcerate their own citizens for the same crimes they don’t intend to free them for is pretty amazing.
They should be outraged about both.

08-04-2022, 12:18 PM
She hates America, kneels for the National Anthem, she's about to find out how good she really had it.

Kneeling for or not wanting to hear the national anthem isn’t exactly the same as hatred for a country.

Im sure many millions of people in history have not supported the actions, government, or leadership of their country without hating the people, places, and concepts that make it up.

You can hate how your country is run or how it behaves without hating it.

08-04-2022, 12:23 PM
Kneeling for or not wanting to hear the national anthem isn’t exactly the same as hatred for a country.

Im sure many millions of people in history have not supported the actions, government, or leadership of their country without hating the people, places, and concepts that make it up.

You can hate how your country is run or how it behaves without hating it.

Based on her actions, it appears she believes the popular ideology that America is an inherently racist country that needs to be torn down and rebuilt to eliminate "white power". Seems like she hates it to me.

08-04-2022, 12:25 PM
She hates America, kneels for the National Anthem, she's about to find out how good she really had it.

I don't think she hates America. It's just a TON of Americans are ignorant and live in a bubble. She's just one of them.

08-04-2022, 12:31 PM
So weird how outraged some people are about a Russian weed arrest when there are dozens of thousands of people in jail in America on weed charges. A country trading an arms dealer for a basketball player while they incarcerate their own citizens for the same crimes they don’t intend to free them for is pretty amazing.

No one is sentenced to prison for possessing that amount of weed in the US.

08-04-2022, 12:33 PM
Based on her actions, it appears she believes the popular ideology that America is an inherently racist country that needs to be torn down and rebuilt to eliminate "white power". Seems like she hates it to me.

If you’re the type to make a desire to eliminate “white power” the same as eliminating America I imagine it would seem like that to you.

America is America regardless. America is places and people. It isn’t being torn down and rebuilt even if you somehow could eliminate its original built in racism and sexism…which obviously you can’t do in retrospect.

If she could actually accomplish whatever it is you think she wants the result would still be America. America was America with a fraction of the land, vastly different laws, government mandated second class citizens(women), not acknowledging that I’m a human and so on.

An America that somehow eliminated “white power” would be less different from its current version than the original version is to its current. And we still call both of them “America”.

08-04-2022, 12:40 PM
If you’re the type to make a desire to eliminate “white power” the same as eliminating America I imagine it would seem like that to you.

America is America regardless. America is places and people. It isn’t being torn down and rebuilt even if you somehow could eliminate its original built in racism and sexism…which obviously you can’t do in retrospect.

If she could actually accomplish whatever it is you think she wants the result would still be America. America was America with a fraction of the land, vastly different laws, government mandated second class citizens(women), not acknowledging that I’m a human and so on.

An America that somehow eliminated “white power” would be less different from its current version than the original version is to its current. And we still call both of them “America”.

You're confusing ideology with places/people. You can hate America for what you believe it's predominant ideology is rooted in (institutions and founding documents rooted in white supremacy). In the context of our current state, when someone is kneeling for the National Anthem they typically believe that ideology and hate this version of what they believe America is.

08-04-2022, 12:42 PM
No one is sentenced to prison for possessing that amount of weed in the US.

Like 50 people are currently in jail for life on non violent weed charges. How much they had doesn’t change what it is.

One guy got out after serving 31 years of a 90 year sentence for a weed operation they made into a Rico situation without a single charge of violence.

Ive personally grown weed. If I were dumb enough to get caught I’d have done a bit of time in this country with nobody giving a shit. I watched my cousin go to jail after 6 cop cars showed up to a traffic stop like they had Bin Laden and all they found was an ounce he had for personal use. Right near my house. I’m out there in bedroom shoes watching him get put in the car over weed after rolling a stop sign and getting searched.

It happens. Every day. People go to jail for weed in this country.

And it isn’t on the news as some outrage and we damn sure don’t free arms dealers or get the president on the phone due to media pressure.

Free her. Fine.

And free the ones we can free from our own prisons too.

If you didn’t hurt anyone being in jail over weed is a waste of life and money.

08-04-2022, 12:52 PM
So weird how outraged some people are about a Russian weed arrest when there are dozens of thousands of people in jail in America on weed charges. A country trading an arms dealer for a basketball player while they incarcerate their own citizens for the same crimes they don’t intend to free them for is pretty amazing.

I agree, let that Griner dude rot in a Russian gulag...

Patrick Chewing
08-04-2022, 12:53 PM
She'll be freed on January 20, 2025.

08-04-2022, 01:00 PM
No one is sentenced to prison for possessing that amount of weed in the US.

She's not in the U.S. and she's not being illegally detained. She broke Russian law.

08-04-2022, 01:03 PM
You're confusing ideology with places/people. You can hate America for what you believe it's predominant ideology is rooted in (institutions and founding documents rooted in white supremacy). In the context of our current state, when someone is kneeling for the National Anthem they typically believe that ideology and hate this version of what they believe America is.

Lets say you’re conservative. I don’t know it but it’s just an exercise. You visit a friend who moved to California. You’re on a giant beautiful lake drinking great local wines with good friends who share your basic values and going to a nice dinner after. At the dinner Nancy Pelosi and Newome show up to speak in the square the restaurant is in and when introduced the Cali state song is played(whatever it is…it should be “California love”). She’s being honored by Gavin for…whatever…in a town she’s from. You’re asked to stand and show respect.

If you don’t want to…do you hate the state of California or do you not want to show support for how California is run at large and the people running it?

Do you have to hate the state to hate its politics?

And if you think you do hate the state…but you don’t hate the physical location or the people in general many of whom you love….what are you hating at all?

The concept of California? You might hate its current politics and some of the people responsible for it but I would not say that means you hate the state itself.

08-04-2022, 01:07 PM
This bitch is just an opportunist. Plays the race and gay card in America to gain sympathy and a pay day. Then goes to russia to play basketball for more money when she already has significant endorsements in america playing that race and gay card.

**** her. Let her rot in jail

Real Men Wear Green
08-04-2022, 01:11 PM
This bitch is just an opportunist. Plays the race and gay card in America to gain sympathy and a pay day. Then goes to russia to play basketball for more money when she already has significant endorsements in america playing that race and gay card.

**** her. Let her rot in jail

Yeah how dare she go out and try to make money at her profession. What an awful person.

08-04-2022, 01:40 PM
I agree, let that Griner dude rot in a Russian gulag...

Most sensible post on here.

Maybe don't break a country's laws. Why does she deserve even an iota of sympathy? **** her

08-04-2022, 01:45 PM
I’m still mystified how WNBA athletes not only make money playing over there, but supposedly a significant chunk more. Russia is quite a bit poorer than the US, on top of which their views on both women and homosexuality tend to be more suppressive.

People in the US dont pay any attention to women’s basketball, who the hell is watching it over in Russia? And where is the money coming from to pay them to do something presumably almost nobody over there cares about?? And why??

Very puzzling tbh.

08-04-2022, 01:49 PM
Most sensible post on here.

Maybe don't break a country's laws. Why does she deserve even an iota of sympathy? **** her

Do you acknowledge that unjust laws and punishments can exist even when the people imposing them have every right to do it?

Or do you believe all laws and resulting punishments are justice?

If it’s the first….

Do you not have sympathy for injustice even when it’s avoidable?

Is injustice not enough to feel sympathy or do you not acknowledge injustice can exist in a legal system?

08-04-2022, 02:18 PM
Do you acknowledge that unjust laws and punishments can exist even when the people imposing them have every right to do it?

Or do you believe all laws and resulting punishments are justice?

If it’s the first….

Do you not have sympathy for injustice even when it’s avoidable?

Is injustice not enough to feel sympathy or do you not acknowledge injustice can exist in a legal system?
No use arguing with these people. They want a totalitarian police state.

08-04-2022, 02:26 PM
No use arguing with these people. They want a totalitarian police state.

Youre the exact same, you just happen to have a different set of priorities you want a totalitarian police state to enforce.

08-04-2022, 02:28 PM
Youre the exact same, you just happen to have a different set of priorities you want a totalitarian police state to enforce.
Anarchists famous fans of police states. **** off nazi

08-04-2022, 02:35 PM
No use arguing with these people. They want a totalitarian police state.

Says the literal communist :facepalm

08-04-2022, 02:38 PM
pretty sure martin luther king would support griner

08-04-2022, 02:38 PM
Says the literal communist :facepalm
Anarchocommunists don’t want a state you idiot. You’re thinking of Marxist-Leninists who are morons who revised Marxism for their own political agendas. But of course you’re too stupid to know the difference.

08-04-2022, 02:39 PM
pretty sure martin luther king would support griner
Anyone with a conscience would support Griner. But a huge chunk of this board are literal fascists because the admin does absolutely nothing about it.

08-04-2022, 02:48 PM
Anyone with a conscience would support Griner. But a huge chunk of this board are literal fascists because the admin does absolutely nothing about it.

my point is that there is a national holiday named after him but there is a tendency to forget what he did and was striving for

08-04-2022, 02:52 PM
my point is that there is a national holiday named after him but there is a tendency to forget what he did and was striving for
Oh yeah. Most people don’t know he was a socialist these days. Many people also pretend they would have liked him now when they would have hated him back then.

08-04-2022, 02:55 PM
Anarchocommunists don’t want a state you idiot. You’re thinking of Marxist-Leninists who are morons who revised Marxism for their own political agendas. But of course you’re too stupid to know the difference.

LMAO @ pretending to be an anarchist and acting like youre all into the nuances.

This is like the only shit you can hang your hat on. A cope for the fact youre a soft, weak scrub with nothing to be proud of.

It's painful to even watch someone so desperately resort to it as a way of feeling relevant.

This is what people do when their existence is pain.

08-04-2022, 02:56 PM
So weird how outraged some people are about a Russian weed arrest when there are dozens of thousands of people in jail in America on weed charges. A country trading an arms dealer for a basketball player while they incarcerate their own citizens for the same crimes they don’t intend to free them for is pretty amazing.

Bada Bing Bada Boom

08-04-2022, 02:57 PM
This message is hidden because FultzNationRISE is on your ignore list.

Enjoy melting down and writing essays about me I never read, fash boy :lol

08-04-2022, 03:02 PM
This message is hidden because FultzNationRISE is on your ignore list.

Enjoy melting down and writing essays about me I never read, fash boy :lol

You're a grown man calling everyone who disagrees with you a Nazi.

Your lack of self awareness or lack of concern for what an enormously lame, effeminate, impossibly dorky loser you are is astonishing. You consistently double down on it, as if somehow you think it's a badge of honor.


08-04-2022, 03:05 PM
Lets say you’re conservative. I don’t know it but it’s just an exercise. You visit a friend who moved to California. You’re on a giant beautiful lake drinking great local wines with good friends who share your basic values and going to a nice dinner after. At the dinner Nancy Pelosi and Newome show up to speak in the square the restaurant is in and when introduced the Cali state song is played(whatever it is…it should be “California love”). She’s being honored by Gavin for…whatever…in a town she’s from. You’re asked to stand and show respect.

If you don’t want to…do you hate the state of California or do you not want to show support for how California is run at large and the people running it?

Do you have to hate the state to hate its politics?

And if you think you do hate the state…but you don’t hate the physical location or the people in general many of whom you love….what are you hating at all?

The concept of California? You might hate its current politics and some of the people responsible for it but I would not say that means you hate the state itself.
You kind of answered the question for yourself.

Griner hates America, not necessarily the land or the people itself, but the ideology the nation was founded on. If she holds to the views of those who began kneeling to protest the anthem in the first place, she believes the nation was founded on racism and white supremacy and because of that, our institutions are poisoned by systemic racism. Because our nation's (according to this view) institutions are poisoned, it is believed that they need to be torn down and built back up in this new ideology's light.

08-04-2022, 03:08 PM
You kind of answered the question for yourself.

Griner hates America, not necessarily the land or the people itself, but the ideology the nation was founded on. If she holds to the views of those who began kneeling to protest the anthem in the first place, she believes the nation was founded on racism and white supremacy and because of that, our institutions are poisoned by systemic racism. Because our nation's (according to this view) institutions are poisoned, it is believed that they need to be torn down and built back up in this new ideology's light.

In reality theyre going to be torn down and built back up to the benefit of billionaires. Ofc telling every woke loser they're a victim and convincing them to believe billionaires have the solutions is a brilliant sales pitch. We can see it working on plebs like rmwg and rrr3 in real time.

Dumb sheep will go waltzing right into the slaughter house.

08-04-2022, 03:13 PM
In reality theyre going to be torn down and built back up to the benefit of billionaires. Ofc telling every woke loser they're a victim and convincing them to believe billionaires have the solutions is a brilliant sales pitch. We can see it working on plebs like rmwg and rrr3 in real time.

Dumb sheep will go waltzing right into the slaughter house.

Pretty much.

08-04-2022, 03:14 PM
Love having that melty lil fascist on ignore he’s absolutely boiling fingers itching desperate for my attention :lol

08-04-2022, 03:14 PM
You're a grown man calling everyone who disagrees with you a Nazi.

Your lack of self awareness or lack of concern for what an enormously lame, effeminate, impossibly dorky loser you are is astonishing. You consistently double down on it, as if somehow you think it's a badge of honor.

I picture RR3 like a homeless man with a tic yelling “fascists!” At anyone he comes across

08-04-2022, 03:17 PM
Oh yeah. Most people don’t know he was a socialist these days. Many people also pretend they would have liked him now when they would have hated him back then.


a man who was imprisoned multiple times for resisting the status quo would sympathize with the violated today

08-04-2022, 03:18 PM
Love having that melty lil fascist on ignore he’s absolutely boiling fingers itching desperate for my attention :lol

First of all you definitely did not put me on ignore, secondly I dgaf about your attention, I want you to stop being satisfied with being a below average specimen and simply ruining things for other normal men out of spite.

Just... improve yourself. Stop selfishly trying to make society into a circus freakshow just to accommodate your lack of merit and masculinity. Go to the gym, learn a few skills, attempt to meet a woman and lose your virginity.

Stop making society pay for the fact youre a complacent loser.

08-04-2022, 03:19 PM
And stop talking to yourself on different accounts :facepalm

08-04-2022, 03:22 PM
Starface is having a psychotic meltdown I put him on ignore :lol

He just doesn’t know what to do without getting me to pay attention to him.

08-04-2022, 03:30 PM
Absolute cringe.

08-04-2022, 03:37 PM
Anarchocommunists don’t want a state you idiot. You’re thinking of Marxist-Leninists who are morons who revised Marxism for their own political agendas. But of course you’re too stupid to know the difference.

This guy is so stupid. He wants free shit and anarchy. But he also expects no state. So how does it work? Go back to hunting with bows and arrows?

08-04-2022, 03:41 PM
On. A. Leash.

08-04-2022, 03:45 PM
Rr3 just wants to be attached to a label that’s all. When you don’t work or have hobbies you have a lot of free time to troll

08-04-2022, 03:48 PM
Do you acknowledge that unjust laws and punishments can exist even when the people imposing them have every right to do it?

Or do you believe all laws and resulting punishments are justice?

If it’s the first….

Do you not have sympathy for injustice even when it’s avoidable?

Is injustice not enough to feel sympathy or do you not acknowledge injustice can exist in a legal system?

Just or unjust have nothing to do with being smart enough to not break them in the first place. She's an idiot for doing something illegal on foreign soil.

No, I have zero sympathy for her.

I smoke weed on the daily by the way.

08-04-2022, 03:50 PM
Damn I am certainly not rooting for her but 9 years in a Russian prison for a weed pen is a tall price to pay.

IF she serves her time, she will have plenty of time to reconsider her disdain for America.

Lakers Legend#32
08-04-2022, 04:07 PM
If you are an American celebrating another American getting sentenced to 9 years in a Russian prison for possessing cannabis oil, simply because she is being used as a political pawn by a murderous autocrat to secure the release of one of his henchmen, you might be a Republican.

Patrick Chewing
08-04-2022, 04:14 PM
RRR3 is the dumbest son of a bitch on this site. This guy talks about anarchy this and anarchy that like if it makes him cool and edgy. Just shut the **** up already.

08-04-2022, 04:17 PM
RRR3 is so mentally ill and cringy. Too bad we can’t trade him to Russia.

08-04-2022, 04:24 PM
Anarchocommunists don’t want a state you idiot. You’re thinking of Marxist-Leninists who are morons who revised Marxism for their own political agendas. But of course you’re too stupid to know the difference.

Anarchocommunists also believe individuals shouldn't have their own private property. So you tell me, who's going to go abolish it?

08-04-2022, 04:25 PM
If you are an American celebrating another American getting sentenced to 9 years in a Russian prison for possessing cannabis oil, simply because she is being used as a political pawn by a murderous autocrat to secure the release of one of his henchmen, you might be a Republican.

I have to agree with this guy

08-04-2022, 04:37 PM
Fultz, you sir are an ISH treasure

Xiao Yao You
08-04-2022, 05:07 PM
Do you acknowledge that unjust laws and punishments can exist even when the people imposing them have every right to do it?

Or do you believe all laws and resulting punishments are justice?

If it’s the first….

Do you not have sympathy for injustice even when it’s avoidable?

Is injustice not enough to feel sympathy or do you not acknowledge injustice can exist in a legal system?

I think it's ridiculous that anyone is getting locked up anywhere for pot but she's an idiot. Packed it by mistake! Yeah right. More like entitled athlete that was used to doing whatever the **** she wants

08-04-2022, 05:09 PM
If you are an American celebrating another American getting sentenced to 9 years in a Russian prison for possessing cannabis oil, simply because she is being used as a political pawn by a murderous autocrat to secure the release of one of his henchmen, you might be a Republican.

And if the same thing happened to some other athlete who happened to support Trump/anti-vaxxer/etc, Democrats would celebrate the same shit. There is nothing Americans won't turn into a cheap political football for their insipid political discourse. Americans lack empathy, and lacking empathy is a sign of low IQ

Xiao Yao You
08-04-2022, 05:15 PM
First of all you definitely did not put me on ignore, secondly I dgaf about your attention, I want you to stop being satisfied with being a below average specimen and simply ruining things for other normal men out of spite.

Just... improve yourself. Stop selfishly trying to make society into a circus freakshow just to accommodate your lack of merit and masculinity. Go to the gym, learn a few skills, attempt to meet a woman and lose your virginity.

Stop making society pay for the fact youre a complacent loser.

He can't quit you either?

08-04-2022, 05:24 PM
You kind of answered the question for yourself.

Griner hates America, not necessarily the land or the people itself, but the ideology the nation was founded on.

The land and the people are America. Liking or not liking your abstract concept of what it is in spirit is not hating it. If I love Atlanta and a great many people in it but don’t care for some of the founding principles of the state and how it impacted people over the years that doesn’t mean I hate Georgia.

A place…is the place and the people. The rest is written by the people. You are free to acknowledge those people were not always good without hating the place you live and the people you live with.

If she holds to the views of those who began kneeling to protest the anthem in the first place, she believes the nation was founded on racism and white supremacy and because of that, our institutions are poisoned by systemic racism. Because our nation's (according to this view) institutions are poisoned, it is believed that they need to be torn down and built back up in this new ideology's light.

Quite a few of those things arent up for debate. They just are. But the tear down and rebuild can only happen within the framework provided by the people who who built it. Short of war that is. Meaning the tear down you speak of is(as usual from both sides) just being dramatic with the language as a scare tactic.

As I said…whatever changes are possible would be less drastic than those that have come naturally over time.

08-04-2022, 05:29 PM
Apparently Russians asked for arms dealer Viktor Bout (Lord of War with Nicolas Cage was kind-of based on his life).

The US counter-offer was for Griner and Paul Whelan (arrested on espionage charges), but the Russians rejected the 2-for-1 deal and say they will only consider a 1-for-1 or 2-for-2 swap (maybe one more arrested russian spy)


Xiao Yao You
08-04-2022, 05:34 PM
Apparently Russians asked for arms dealer Viktor Bout (Lord of War with Nicolas Cage was kind-of based on his life).

The US counter-offer was for Griner and Paul Whelan (arrested on espionage charges), but the Russians rejected the 2-for-1 deal and say they will only consider a 1-for-1 or 2-for-2 swap (maybe one more arrested russian spy)


can't see giving up an arms dealer for a basketball player sorry.

08-04-2022, 05:47 PM

Full Court
08-04-2022, 05:49 PM
After she's free, I wonder if she'll kneel for the Russian national anthem...

08-04-2022, 05:51 PM
She hates America, kneels for the National Anthem, she's about to find out how good she really had it.

Nah she just hates the white man, plenty of good blacks and even browns in this country

08-04-2022, 05:52 PM
I think it's ridiculous that anyone is getting locked up anywhere for pot but she's an idiot. Packed it by mistake! Yeah right. More like entitled athlete that was used to doing whatever the **** she wants

she did have a doctor's note for marijuana to treat chronic pain

as for mistakes i'm pretty sure everyone that has ever lived has made them

08-04-2022, 05:52 PM
Just or unjust have nothing to do with being smart enough to not break them in the first place. She's an idiot for doing something illegal on foreign soil.

No, I have zero sympathy for her.

I smoke weed on the daily by the way.

So you acknowledge injustice can exist in the laws of a country but have no sympathy for those imprisoned.

Have you sympathy for Americans in American jails for breaking the same laws you do daily?

Is there any crime a person could technically be guilty of that you would feel bad to see them lose a decade of their lives over or is the stupidity of being caught enough for you to not care about anyone in prison?

Does everyone guilty of a crime deserve whatever the criminal punishing body that captured them decides?

Xiao Yao You
08-04-2022, 06:08 PM
she did have a doctor's note for marijuana to treat chronic pain

as for mistakes i'm pretty sure everyone that has ever lived has made them

I've made plenty of them. I wouldn't be going to Russia with illegal drugs with or without a doctor's note

08-04-2022, 06:19 PM
The land and the people are America. Liking or not liking your abstract concept of what it is in spirit is not hating it. If I love Atlanta and a great many people in it but don’t care for some of the founding principles of the state and how it impacted people over the years that doesn’t mean I hate Georgia.

A place…is the place and the people. The rest is written by the people. You are free to acknowledge those people were not always good without hating the place you live and the people you live with.

Reducing a nation to land/people and that's it is just false. There are ideologies and principles that exist as well. Griner's ilk hate America because they believe America's ideology and principles are rooted in racism which affect laws and peoples way of life without them even knowing (they call this unconscious bias) because it's knitted in the very fabric of every institution in America. It's almost seems like you're implying you can't hate ideologies, which isn't true at all. Because I certainly hate the ideology that group holds.

Quite a few of those things arent up for debate. They just are. But the tear down and rebuild can only happen within the framework provided by the people who who built it. Short of war that is. Meaning the tear down you speak of is(as usual from both sides) just being dramatic with the language as a scare tactic.

As I said…whatever changes are possible would be less drastic than those that have come naturally over time.
Not necessarily. There is certainly a shift, especially when looking at the amount of corporations going woke, in the change in ideology going on in America today. If you aren't "doing the work" (whatever the hell that means), not just saying your not a racist yourself but actively being anti-racist, and admitting you have white privilege, then you're a racist and risk getting canceled. Even math is racist to these people because it's rooted in white supremacy and colonialism. This is what's meant by tearing down and building back up society in the light of their ideology. And these people certainly did not build the America you and I had come to know up until recently.

08-04-2022, 06:21 PM
She hates America, kneels for the National Anthem, she's about to find out how good she really had it.

Ding ding ding.

08-04-2022, 06:38 PM
Who tf cares tbh.

These meaningless arguments are the exact reason government leaders intentionally draw out theater like this.

Keeps people from expecting news outlets to cover their own leaders' corruption.

08-04-2022, 06:45 PM
I've made plenty of them. I wouldn't be going to Russia with illegal drugs with or without a doctor's note

her defense was she didn't go there with them knowingly

which i'm saying isn't that hard to believe because everyone makes mistakes

that combined with her having a doctor's note makes characterizations that she's spoiled and loaded up with drugs

sound out of touch to say the least

dog whistle racism is another way some would put it

the war on drugs in general will be generally frowned upon in the future

assuming progress and humanity doesn't destroy itself and take the planet down with it

08-04-2022, 06:46 PM
Reducing a nation to land/people and that's it is just false.

Its just facts.

There are ideologies and principles that exist as well.

As decided by who?

The people.

Griner's ilk hate America because they believe America's ideology and principles are rooted in racism which affect laws and peoples way of life without them even knowing (they call this unconscious bias) because it's knitted in the very fabric of every institution in America. It's almost seems like you're implying you can't hate ideologies, which isn't true at all. Because I certainly hate the ideology that group holds.

You hating things that are kinda…facts…doesn’t have much to do with anything. You can hate it all day. They can hate you. You can both believe changes need to be made. We all think that. Doesn’t mean either of you hate America.

Not necessarily. There is certainly a shift, especially when looking at the amount of corporations going woke, in the change in ideology going on in America today. If you aren't "doing the work" (whatever the hell that means), not just saying your not a racist yourself but actively being anti-racist, and admitting you have white privilege, then you're a racist and risk getting canceled. Even math is racist to these people because it's rooted in white supremacy and colonialism. This is what's meant by tearing down and building back up society in the light of their ideology. And these people certainly did not build the America you and I had come to know up until recently.

None of which has anything to do with tearing down and rebuilding America. It’s just people saying things you don’t like and you being dramatic about what it means big picture wise. People were literally writing about the trouble makers trying to change or outright destroy America during the civil rights movement. Well before that even. They said that shit about freeing the slaves. Some of the old articles and quotes are hilarious. Famed segregationist George Wallace had speeches that could come word for word out of a current republicans mouth right down to blaming socialists in Washington, the liberal media, left wing radicals out to crush free speech and people who hate America.

Its an old and well used method.

The people saying there are problems rooted in racism have always been painted by the people saying there aren’t to be haters of America trying to change it fundamentally.

The changes made always have and always will result in this being America. Because America is a place and a people. The people change the ideologies. The most basic concepts tied to American ideologies like freedom, self determination, and democracy were obviously not legitimate considering they sprang from slave owners who not only didn’t consider all humans to be human but didn’t allow half of those they considered human to vote for their own representation.

American concepts are kinda bumper stickers. They sound nice but were never exactly taken seriously if you look at how it was all written and applied to the real world.

America was founded on staggering hypocrisy and then altered as need be for the times ever since. The continued alterations do not keep it from being America. You just might like it less.

08-04-2022, 06:51 PM
Bada Bing Bada Boom

Xiao Yao You
08-04-2022, 07:18 PM
her defense was she didn't go there with them knowingly

which i'm saying isn't that hard to believe because everyone makes mistakes

that combined with her having a doctor's note makes characterizations that she's spoiled and loaded up with drugs

sound out of touch to say the least

dog whistle racism is another way some would put it

the war on drugs in general will be generally frowned upon in the future

assuming progress and humanity doesn't destroy itself and take the planet down with it

and you have to own up to the mistakes and pay the price and not expect that the government should give up arms dealers because you're good at basketball

08-04-2022, 07:24 PM
Its just facts.

As decided by who?

The people.
No, as decided by the founding fathers. The people today did not decide what was in the Constitution or the Bill of Rights. It's the ideology and law's we abide to today as decided by America's founders. And to social justice activists, it's rooted in white supremacy.

You hating things that are kinda…facts…doesn’t have much to do with anything. You can hate it all day. They can hate you. You can both believe changes need to be made. We all think that. Doesn’t mean either of you hate America.
You're not even making sense lol. This is also a category error. I'm referring to ideology, not the people themselves. I can hate the ideology of Communist China because of the limit of children a couple can have, their persecution of religious groups, the concentration camps they run, etc. People hated Nazi Germany because of it's ideology. People hate Islamic nations because of it's ideology. Acting like it's not a reality that people can hate a country because of it's ideology silly. This is just a basic reality.

None of which has anything to do with tearing down and rebuilding America. It’s just people saying things you don’t like and you being dramatic about what it means big picture wise. People were literally writing about the trouble makers trying to change or outright destroy America during the civil rights movement. Well before that even. They said that shit about freeing the slaves. Some of the old articles and quotes are hilarious. Famed segregationist George Wallace had speeches that could come word for word out of a current republicans mouth right down to blaming socialists in Washington, the liberal media, left wing radicals out to crush free speech and people who hate America.

Its an old and well used method.

The people saying there are problems rooted in racism have always been painted by the people saying there aren’t to be haters of America trying to change it fundamentally.

The changes made always have and always will result in this being America. Because America is a place and a people. The people change the ideologies.
Lol buddy all you have to do is look around you. If you didn't have something signifying you supported BLM on your business you risked it being smashed and robbed. If you didn't have a marker supporting BLM on your profile picture it was questioned if you supported the movement. If when asked about your white privilege and you rejected you had it you were deemed a racist. You're acting like it's some boogey-man when I literally just lived it.

08-04-2022, 07:25 PM
What kind of target on your back does being the tallest prisoner entail?

08-04-2022, 07:26 PM
Based on her actions, it appears she believes the popular ideology that America is an inherently racist country that needs to be torn down and rebuilt to eliminate "white power". Seems like she hates it to me.

Wait a second, is it not an inherently racist country? Remove slavery, which is a big removal, the detest and insult of Jim Crow laws is some dreamworld, over the top comic book level shit to do to a people. And then the current political landscape pivoted off the removal of said laws. It’s a racist as shit country, in essence. There is no escaping that.

Now what you conclude after that, is another. This country is a virulently racist, amazing, shitty, warped place to be. I take it for what it is. I can enjoy living here. But I definitely make an effort in that. It’s not some inherently amazing place to be.

08-04-2022, 07:30 PM
What kind of target on your back does being the tallest prisoner entail?

Being the top lesbo sex choice of the bitches that did bank robberies for their husbands that caved their ******* in with vodka bottles for fun.

Lol god almighty how ugly a convicted Russian female criminal would be. That country is a rotten f-ckhole.

08-04-2022, 07:37 PM
Wait a second, is it not an inherently racist country? Remove slavery, which is a big removal, the detest and insult of Jim Crow laws is some dreamworld, over the top comic book level shit to do to a people. And then the current political landscape pivoted off the removal of said laws. It’s a racist as shit country, in essence. There is no escaping that.

Now what you conclude after that, is another. This country is a virulently racist, amazing, shitty, warped place to be. I take it for what it is. I can enjoy living here. But I definitely make an effort in that. It’s not some inherently amazing place to be.
If America was a racist country it wouldn't have gone to war with itself to abolish slavery, the KKK would be more than a fringe extremist group, Jim Crow laws would still exist, lynchings would still take place in the streets, water fountains would still be segregated, Affirmative Action wouldn't be a reality, etc.

08-04-2022, 07:47 PM
If you are an American celebrating another American getting sentenced to 9 years in a Russian prison for possessing cannabis oil, simply because she is being used as a political pawn by a murderous autocrat to secure the release of one of his henchmen, you might be a Republican.

I don't think anybody is celebrating her getting 9 years. I think people look at her and say why does she get special treatment by the government when there are several other Americans in Russian prisons for less. Why, when there are thousands of Americans in American prisons but somehow the government calls her to arrest illegal detention? I think people get tired of celebs and sports people always getting the special privilege. I think people say, she has been playing over there for 6 years and she knows what the rules are yet she still chooses to break them. So when you get outraged over the Americans in Americans prisons, Then I will listen to your complaint about her.

08-04-2022, 08:06 PM
For her drug possession arrest.

No matter. She'll be swapped at some point for a real criminal who we will then have to recapture later.

08-04-2022, 08:09 PM
and you have to own up to the mistakes and pay the price and not expect that the government should give up arms dealers because you're good at basketball

it's only a mistake because a lot of very misguided and even ill intentioned people have said it is

the progressive thing to do when someone is punished by regressive laws is to say they shouldn't be imprisoned

Xiao Yao You
08-04-2022, 08:18 PM
it's only a mistake because a lot of very misguided and even ill intentioned people have said it is

the progressive thing to do when someone is punished by regressive laws is to say they shouldn't be imprisoned

I already said I don't think anyone should be locked up for weed. But it is a crime in most of the world.

08-04-2022, 08:30 PM
I already said I don't think anyone should be locked up for weed. But it is a crime in most of the world.

understood but it sounds contradictory to say

she shouldn't be locked up for weed

and then say she has to pay the price for her mistake which amounts to being locked up for weed

08-04-2022, 08:32 PM
Laws are laws. Follow them or pay consequences. Not difficult.

08-04-2022, 09:01 PM
let the stupid bitch take a knee in russian prison while flying her virtue flag

wahhh it's not fair wahhhh country that I spat on come save me! wahhhhhhhh stfu dyke no one gives a fck about you

08-04-2022, 09:15 PM
. No, as decided by the founding fathers. The people today did not decide what was in the Constitution or the Bill of Rights. It's the ideology and law's we abide to today as decided by America's founders. And to social justice activists, it's rooted in white supremacy.

This part feels like the key so I’ll address it…..

You don’t think Americas founding included extreme racism and sexism that wormed it’s way into laws that corrupted the country morally and impacted some disproportionately?

The documents that allowed someone like me to have no more humanity than a horse and didn’t allow half of even the white population equal rights?

Im literally the first person in my American bloodline who didn’t have segregated schools giving me a worse education on purpose. The house I grew up in was owned by my great grandmother who lived well into my adulthood…her actual father was a slave. Women didn’t even have the right to vote when she came of age. She was a senior before the civil rights bill.

These aren’t far off figures to me. The laws of the country were openly racist and the part of it I’m in was downright proud of it. The same people who cheered the death of MLK around my mom are walking around now.

The racist history of America isn’t ancient. The students cheering George Wallace speeches at colleges in the late 60s on YouTube are 5-6 years younger than Mitch McConnell. They’re at trump rallies today. Those people didn’t vanish. They raised my generation and way too many of them and way too much of their ideology was passed down to act like racism died when a bill passed.

Racism will never die. Racism doesn’t die no matter who the main people of a country are. India is racist. China is racist. America is racist. Less openly so than most but certainly nowhere near the colorblind bs people wanna pretend it is when ignoring the impact of extended second class citizenship.

Women and all non whites have been systematically held back the extreme majority of the history of the country and you being offended by the idea that not having that disadvantage is a “privilege” is your business. You don’t have to acknowledge it but it’s how it is. I’m sure being white is a disadvantage in some countries. In those there would be a black or Asian or whatever advantage. In this country?

It wasn’t long ago you could flat out murder a black person, tell the community you did it, and not expect jail time. Nobody went to jail for my grandfathers little brother bring lynched in Orangeberg SC. Nobody gave a shit. Whites were often above the law as it related to blacks and they kept the power to themselves.

When you are in that position you factually do have an advantage when it comes to getting ahead and passing on wealth and general resources and connections. Being white in this country…and male…historically and to this day…provides an edge. The GI bill being rigged against blacks who applied to get homes alone generated a wealth disparity between the blacks left in cities and the new suburbs the white soldiers moved their families to and then could leave paid off homes. My family fought in the same war but couldn’t get a GI bill house. 4 million white soldiers could though. Think maaaaaaybe it factored into generational wealth divides?

The country has in fact many times and in many ways rigged itself towards white male control and wealth.

The native Americans got it worst. Blacks
probably second worst. Women in general may be in the same area. In whatever way you wanna rank it…it’s always been better to be a white male.

It doesn’t mean you don’t have to work and play your cards right. But it damn sure means you historically got better hands to play. What word we attach to it doesn’t matter.

08-04-2022, 09:19 PM
let the stupid bitch take a knee in russian prison while flying her virtue flag

wahhh it's not fair wahhhh country that I spat on come save me! wahhhhhhhh stfu dyke no one gives a fck about you


Xiao Yao You
08-04-2022, 09:20 PM
This part feels like the key so I’ll address it…..

You don’t think Americas founding included extreme racism and sexism that wormed it’s way into laws that corrupted the country morally and impacted some disproportionately?

The documents that allowed someone like me to have no more humanity than a horse and didn’t allow half of even the white population equal rights?

Im literally the first person in my American bloodline who didn’t have segregated schools giving me a worse education on purpose. The house I grew up in was owned by my great grandmother who lived well into my adulthood…her actual father was a slave. Women didn’t even have the right to vote when she came of age. She was a senior before the civil rights bill.

These aren’t far off figures to me. The laws of the country were openly racist and the part of it I’m in was downright proud of it. The same people who cheered the death of MLK around my mom are walking around now.

The racist history of America isn’t ancient. The students cheering George Wallace speeches at colleges in the late 60s on YouTube are 5-6 years younger than Mitch McConnell. They’re at trump rallies today. Those people didn’t vanish. They raised my generation and way too many of them and way too much of their ideology was passed down to act like racism died when a bill passed.

Racism will never die. Racism doesn’t die no matter who the main people of a country are. India is racist. China is racist. America is racist. Less openly so than most but certainly nowhere near the colorblind bs people wanna pretend it is when ignoring the impact of extended second class citizenship.

Women and all non whites have been systematically held back the extreme majority of the history of the country and you being offended by the idea that not having that disadvantage is a “privilege” is your business. You don’t have to acknowledge it but it’s how it is. I’m sure being white is a disadvantage in some countries. In those there would be a black or Asian or whatever advantage. In this country?

It wasn’t long ago you could flat out murder a black person, tell the community you did it, and not expect jail time. Nobody went to jail for my grandfathers little brother bring lynched in Orangeberg SC. Nobody gave a shit. Whites were often above the law as it related to blacks and they kept the power to themselves.

When you are in that position you factually do have an advantage when it comes to getting ahead and passing on wealth and general resources and connections. Being white in this country…and male…historically and to this day…provides an edge. The GI bill being rigged against blacks who applied to get homes alone generated a wealth disparity between the blacks left in cities and the new suburbs the whole soldiers moved their families to and then could leave paid off homes.

The country has in fact many times and in many ways rigged itself towards white male control and wealth.

The native Americans got it worst. Blacks
probably second worst. Women in general may be in the same area. In whatever way you wanna rank it…it’s always been better to be a white male.

It doesn’t mean you don’t have to work and play your cards right. But it damn sure means you historically got better hands to play. What word we attach to it doesn’t matter.

the Chinese openly hate the Japanese. They also use umbrellas so their skin doesn't get dark. They don't want to be mistaken for a minority. They prefer white foreign teachers. Probably not as bad as what goes on in India with castes

Full Court
08-04-2022, 09:30 PM
This part feels like the key so I’ll address it…..

You don’t think Americas founding included extreme racism and sexism that wormed it’s way into laws that corrupted the country morally and impacted some disproportionately?

The documents that allowed someone like me to have no more humanity than a horse and didn’t allow half of even the white population equal rights?

Im literally the first person in my American bloodline who didn’t have segregated schools giving me a worse education on purpose. The house I grew up in was owned by my great grandmother who lived well into my adulthood…her actual father was a slave. Women didn’t even have the right to vote when she came of age. She was a senior before the civil rights bill.

These aren’t far off figures to me. The laws of the country were openly racist and the part of it I’m in was downright proud of it. The same people who cheered the death of MLK around my mom are walking around now.

The racist history of America isn’t ancient. The students cheering George Wallace speeches at colleges in the late 60s on YouTube are 5-6 years younger than Mitch McConnell. They’re at trump rallies today. Those people didn’t vanish. They raised my generation and way too many of them and way too much of their ideology was passed down to act like racism died when a bill passed.

Racism will never die. Racism doesn’t die no matter who the main people of a country are. India is racist. China is racist. America is racist. Less openly so than most but certainly nowhere near the colorblind bs people wanna pretend it is when ignoring the impact of extended second class citizenship.

Women and all non whites have been systematically held back the extreme majority of the history of the country and you being offended by the idea that not having that disadvantage is a “privilege” is your business. You don’t have to acknowledge it but it’s how it is. I’m sure being white is a disadvantage in some countries. In those there would be a black or Asian or whatever advantage. In this country?

It wasn’t long ago you could flat out murder a black person, tell the community you did it, and not expect jail time. Nobody went to jail for my grandfathers little brother bring lynched in Orangeberg SC. Nobody gave a shit. Whites were often above the law as it related to blacks and they kept the power to themselves.

When you are in that position you factually do have an advantage when it comes to getting ahead and passing on wealth and general resources and connections. Being white in this country…and male…historically and to this day…provides an edge. The GI bill being rigged against blacks who applied to get homes alone generated a wealth disparity between the blacks left in cities and the new suburbs the whole soldiers moved their families to and then could leave paid off homes.

The country has in fact many times and in many ways rigged itself towards white male control and wealth.

The native Americans got it worst. Blacks
probably second worst. Women in general may be in the same area. In whatever way you wanna rank it…it’s always been better to be a white male.

It doesn’t mean you don’t have to work and play your cards right. But it damn sure means you historically got better hands to play. What word we attach to it doesn’t matter.

I don't think anyone disputes America's past racism. But I've been just about all over the world, and I can tell you that minorities today have more opportunities in America than pretty much anywhere else on earth. Racism is a horrible thing, but it's in every country on earth. And it exists with every ethnic group. There's serious racism in Japan and China. Germans are racist. There's racism in the UK. South Africa. The Middle East is full of racism. I've met Arabs who call Palestinians "dogs" and treat them worse than dogs. But they hate Jews even more. Russia? Full of racism. France, Switzerland, Australia, and everywhere else has racism. Everything you've described is in the past. With the exception of maybe some podunk towns in the middle of nowhere, there's nowhere in our country where racism has legal protection. I understand that wounds don't magically heal, but things are unquestionably a whole lot different than they were even 50 years ago.

08-04-2022, 09:39 PM
the Chinese openly hate the Japanese. They also use umbrellas so their skin doesn't get dark. They don't want to be mistaken for a minority. They prefer white foreign teachers. Probably not as bad as what goes on in India with castes

Of course. Like I said America isn’t the only one. It’s not near the worst one. But it is what it is. No point pretending. Everywhere is racist/biased towards its historically ruling class. That’s always men…it’s then whatever color the ruling class of man is. Be anything else and you’re at a disadvantage. It’s funny to me how they get it through and around laws though. The guy I’m quoting here was the ranking member of the veterans committee back in the day. This is who decided how to administer the GI bill home loans:

*talking about a bill to make harsher penalties for lynching*

.”This bill is but a play to the Negro agitator for political effect, and it will not only fail to decrease the number of lynchings, or remedy the causes thereof, but it will encourage the Negro brutes in their attacks on the defenseless white women of the Mississippi, and this great country. This legislation ought to be called ‘A bill to encourage rape.’ That will be the result if it becomes the law. It will cost the lives of innocent white women and children throughout the South, if not throughout the entire country.”

“A vast number of innocent white women are ravaged by Negroes in the South every year,” Rankin noted, “and now this evil is creeping into the North. Their time is coming; the Negroes are migrating to the North, and the day is not far distant when they will awake to a realization of the fact that they have a more serious race problem on their hands than the South has on hers.

“The Negro is not the equal of the White man, and he never will be,” Rankin continued. “It is impossible to reverse the laws of nature and lift the Negro through tens of thousands of years of civilization, education, and development, regenerate him, purge him of his weaknesses and his instincts, and endow him with Caucasian strength, traits, and characteristics, and make him the peer of the white man.”

Thats the guy…who decided my veteran grandfather couldn’t have a house but his white fellow soldiers could.

Once the blacks snuck a few through they made sure to make it a state level decision the national liberals couldn’t mandate be fair with a federal law. So the whole south got to just throw away black applications and the north simply made white only suburbs which were built entirely off GI bill money.

4+ million homes the first 10 years.

There are literally dozens of million of white people who’s grandparents got a(well earned) government backed loan to get homes they couldn’t qualify for. My people got shit and people who grew up in those homes or homes bought after later sales convince themselves there wasn’t a system in place to help them get ahead.

The millions of black families denied home ownership is hundreds of billions of dollars in wealth and resources lost to go nowhere renting and living in the cities the white people fled to build suburban America and keep us out. A whole generation of poor whites became homeowners and the generation raised in and inheriting those houses legit thinks there’s no advantage to being white in America.

They did it with the law. With downright evil old white guys like dude I quoted pulling strings to game the system against blacks because apparently we were coming to rape the white women.

And crazy thing is….he might well be less racist than the people who came before him.

Systemic racism isn’t an argument. It’s just being honest or not. It exists and it factually did help white people.

I don’t know why we can’t all acknowledge that….and that you can still work and be clever enough to beat it out. And that the natural advantage from being white doesn’t guarantee success.

Those things have nothing to do with facing the truth.

People like Rankin held the entire black race back in America and they did it systemically in ways that still impact disparity today.

Xiao Yao You
08-04-2022, 09:43 PM
I don't think anyone disputes America's past racism. But I've been just about all over the world, and I can tell you that minorities today have more opportunities in America than pretty much anywhere else on earth. Racism is a horrible thing, but it's in every country on earth. And it exists with every ethnic group. There's serious racism in Japan and China. Germans are racist. There's racism in the UK. South Africa. The Middle East is full of racism. I've met Arabs who call Palestinians "dogs" and treat them worse than dogs. But they hate Jews even more. Russia? Full of racism. France, Switzerland, Australia, and everywhere else has racism. Everything you've described is in the past. With the exception of maybe some podunk towns in the middle of nowhere, there's nowhere in our country where racism has legal protection. I understand that wounds don't magically heal, but things are unquestionably a whole lot different than they were even 50 years ago.

Germans are racist? No way! :lol

08-04-2022, 09:52 PM
This part feels like the key so I’ll address it…..

You don’t think Americas founding included extreme racism and sexism that wormed it’s way into laws that corrupted the country morally and impacted some disproportionately?

The documents that allowed someone like me to have no more humanity than a horse and didn’t allow half of even the white population equal rights?

Im literally the first person in my American bloodline who didn’t have segregated schools giving me a worse education on purpose. The house I grew up in was owned by my great grandmother who lived well into my adulthood…her actual father was a slave. Women didn’t even have the right to vote when she came of age. She was a senior before the civil rights bill.

These aren’t far off figures to me. The laws of the country were openly racist and the part of it I’m in was downright proud of it. The same people who cheered the death of MLK around my mom are walking around now.

The racist history of America isn’t ancient. The students cheering George Wallace speeches at colleges in the late 60s on YouTube are 5-6 years younger than Mitch McConnell. They’re at trump rallies today. Those people didn’t vanish. They raised my generation and way too many of them and way too much of their ideology was passed down to act like racism died when a bill passed.

Racism will never die. Racism doesn’t die no matter who the main people of a country are. India is racist. China is racist. America is racist. Less openly so than most but certainly nowhere near the colorblind bs people wanna pretend it is when ignoring the impact of extended second class citizenship.

Women and all non whites have been systematically held back the extreme majority of the history of the country and you being offended by the idea that not having that disadvantage is a “privilege” is your business. You don’t have to acknowledge it but it’s how it is. I’m sure being white is a disadvantage in some countries. In those there would be a black or Asian or whatever advantage. In this country?

It wasn’t long ago you could flat out murder a black person, tell the community you did it, and not expect jail time. Nobody went to jail for my grandfathers little brother bring lynched in Orangeberg SC. Nobody gave a shit. Whites were often above the law as it related to blacks and they kept the power to themselves.

When you are in that position you factually do have an advantage when it comes to getting ahead and passing on wealth and general resources and connections. Being white in this country…and male…historically and to this day…provides an edge. The GI bill being rigged against blacks who applied to get homes alone generated a wealth disparity between the blacks left in cities and the new suburbs the whole soldiers moved their families to and then could leave paid off homes.

The country has in fact many times and in many ways rigged itself towards white male control and wealth.

The native Americans got it worst. Blacks
probably second worst. Women in general may be in the same area. In whatever way you wanna rank it…it’s always been better to be a white male.

It doesn’t mean you don’t have to work and play your cards right. But it damn sure means you historically got better hands to play. What word we attach to it doesn’t matter.

No. To say so would mean the Founding Fathers founded the US on racist principles. Yet they were the first men on earth to create a government that was ideologically opposed to the institution of slavery which was at the time deeply ingrained into the fiber of every nation on earth. A bloody war was fought and the ideas (all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights) set forth by the founders were finally achieved and slavery was totally outlawed. They drafted the Constitution in a way that's allowed us to progress to where we are today.

08-04-2022, 09:56 PM
I love reading these old guys speech’s back when people could say what they felt.

Civil rights was "Communist-inspired," Rankin declared, and would destroy freedom in the United States, the American way of life, and "the white man's civilization throughout the world."

You know people kept thinking it and people still do today but you don’t get cheers anymore. That shit about the people calling the traditionalists racist wanting to destroy the American way of life was said then and now. The people saying it now just have to say the rest in private.

Same kinda people said anyone calling America racist was out to destroy it then and now. It doesn’t matter how racist they may be. They don’t wanna be called it. Some of George Wallace’s speeches about not being racist during calls for segregation were hilarious.

Always act like it’s liberal agitation and socialists….the left wing was always out to get the noble racists:

.Never before in the history of this nation have so many human and property rights been destroyed by a single enactment of the Congress. It is an act of tyranny. It is the assassin's knife stuck in the back of liberty.

With this assassin's knife and a blackjack in the hand of the Federal force-cult, the left-wing liberals will try to force us back into bondage. Bondage to a tyranny more brutal than that imposed by the British monarchy which claimed power to rule over the lives of our forefathers under sanction of the Divine Right of kings.

George Wallace mad at the liberals trying to get civil rights.

Those damn liberals always out to tear down America…..

08-04-2022, 10:02 PM
No. To say so would mean the Founding Fathers founded the US on racist principles. Yet they were the first men on earth to create a government that was ideologically opposed to the institution of slavery which was at the time deeply ingrained into the fiber of every nation on earth. A bloody war was fought and the ideas (all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights) set forth by the founders were finally achieved and slavery was totally outlawed. They drafted the Constitution in a way that's allowed us to progress to where we are today.
They literally owned slaves you ****ing moron. The only founding father who was remotely decent was Thomas Paine.

08-04-2022, 10:05 PM
No. To say so would mean the Founding Fathers founded the US on racist principles. Yet they were the first men on earth to create a government that was ideologically opposed to the institution of slavery which was at the time deeply ingrained into the fiber of every nation on earth. A bloody war was fought and the ideas (all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights) set forth by the founders were finally achieved and slavery was totally outlawed. They drafted the Constitution in a way that's allowed us to progress to where we are today.

The founding fathers considered me a piece of farm equipment. The most eloquent and morally superior of them still went right along with it. It was fundamentally racist. Other places also being racist doesn’t mean it isn’t.

They wrote an actual bill of rights…that would not apply to me….because of my race. They were racist.

Most were downright evil.

Morality didn’t get invented in the 1960s. Those people knew they were wrong and went along for the sake of industry. For money.

People even then spoke out because they knew right from wrong.

If you can take a baby from its mother and sell it like a bag of onions, go back and rape the mother a couple times, and beat her husband if he looks at you funny you are evil.

You can be evil and brilliant at the same time. But they knew right from wrong.

08-04-2022, 10:09 PM
They literally owned slaves you ****ing moron. The only founding father who was remotely decent was Thomas Paine.

Ever read reports on disasters or unexplained things like bad meteor showers where slavers thought it was the rapture and started going to church begging forgiveness for enslaving blacks?

Then the world doesn’t end and they get right back to business.

Those people knew it was evil then. Society just didn’t care enough at the time to inconvenience themselves. Telling lies like what’s in some of the articles of succession about only the negro can handle the tropical southern sun so crops can’t be tended by whites…..

These people were just evil.

Some of them evil and eloquent and brilliant…but evil.

08-04-2022, 10:19 PM
Ever read reports on disasters or unexplained things like bad meteor showers where slavers thought it was the rapture and started going to church begging forgiveness for enslaving blacks?

Then the world doesn’t end and they get right back to business.

Those people knew it was evil then. Society just didn’t care enough at the time to inconvenience themselves. Telling lies like what’s in some of the articles of succession about only the negro can handle the tropical southern sun so crops can’t be tended by whites…..

These people were just evil.

Some of them evil and eloquent and brilliant…but evil.
Haven’t heard of that but have heard plenty of others from my mom (she is half black and teaches African American history). Because I’m mostly white I pass for being full white but I’ve seen my mom experience racism in person and I’ve definitely received off color remarks by people who knew my heritage so it’s hilarious to deny it doesn’t exist. My grandmother and grandfather were only able to get married because they lived in New York and that was shortly before my own mother was born (I’m still in my 20s btw). This shit was recent.

08-04-2022, 10:23 PM
They literally owned slaves you ****ing moron. The only founding father who was remotely decent was Thomas Paine.

They owned slaves, and yet the ideology of their documents opposed racism and was used to end slavery and bring us to where we are today. Owning slaves didn't necessarily mean an individual was racist in those days if you know your history. But you don't, so you stay ignorant.

08-04-2022, 10:25 PM
They owned slaves, and yet the ideology of their documents opposed racism and was used to end slavery and bring us to where we are today. Owning slaves didn't necessarily mean an individual was racist in those days if you know your history. But you don't, so you stay ignorant.
I literally would have been a slave, and my mom is a professor of African American history. Who the **** do you think you’re talking to?

08-04-2022, 10:26 PM
Haven’t heard of that but have heard plenty of others from my mom (she is half black and teaches African American history). Because I’m mostly white I pass for being full white but I’ve seen my mom experience racism in person and I’ve definitely received off color remarks by people who knew my heritage so it’s hilarious to deny it doesn’t exist. My grandmother and grandfather were only able to get married because they lived in New York and that was shortly before my own mother was born (I’m still in my 20s btw). This shit was recent.

I personally have seen black people have to let whites go to the front of the line in Tennessee. And it wasn’t in the black and white days either.

My girlfriends grandpa told me everybody he knew went to what they called Klan parties back in the 70s. He made it clear he didn’t feel comfortable. But it was just what you did on Saturday. It wasn’t a rally like you imagine with everyone in robes. Sometimes nobody was in a robe and it just looked like a bonfire or a get together. Said they got too crazy for him but he meant like…drinking and cutting up. But he went. Because it’s what you did.

None of it was that long ago.

08-04-2022, 10:27 PM
Anyone with a conscience would support Griner. But a huge chunk of this board are literal fascists because the admin does absolutely nothing about it.
So you go about advocating anarchy and whine against totalitarianism yet you would love for admins here to silence or ban those you disagree with by calling them fascists, classic :oldlol:

BTW, the last thing you can call me is a fascist, I've never called on admins to ban your commie ass, so you wanna be a red, that's on you and you're free to believe in what you want to believe. You on the other hand, you're always whining and wanting people you don't agree with to get banned. The only intolerant authoritarian here is you, pal.

08-04-2022, 10:27 PM
The founding fathers considered me a piece of farm equipment. The most eloquent and morally superior of them still went right along with it. It was fundamentally racist. Other places also being racist doesn’t mean it isn’t.

They wrote an actual bill of rights…that would not apply to me….because of my race. They were racist.

Most were downright evil.

Morality didn’t get invented in the 1960s. Those people knew they were wrong and went along for the sake of industry. For money.

People even then spoke out because they knew right from wrong.

If you can take a baby from its mother and sell it like a bag of onions, go back and rape the mother a couple times, and beat her husband if he looks at you funny you are evil.

You can be evil and brilliant at the same time. But they knew right from wrong.

https://constitutioncenter.org/interactive-constitution/white-papers/the-declaration-the-constitution-and-the-bill-of-rights#:~:text=We%20hold%20these%20truths%20to,and %20the%20pursuit%20of%20Happiness.

The preamble to the Declaration of Independence contains the entire theory of American government in a single, inspiring passage:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.—That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,—That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

When Jefferson wrote the preamble, it was largely an afterthought. Why is it so important today? It captured perfectly the essence of the ideals that would eventually define the United States. “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal,” Jefferson began, in one of the most famous sentences in the English language. How could Jefferson write this at a time that he and other Founders who signed the Declaration owned slaves? The document was an expression of an ideal. In his personal conduct, Jefferson violated it. But the ideal—“that all men are created equal”—came to take on a life of its own and is now considered the most perfect embodiment of the American creed.

When Lincoln delivered the Gettysburg Address during the Civil War in November 1863, several months after the Union Army defeated Confederate forces at the Battle of Gettysburg, he took Jefferson’s language and transformed it into constitutional poetry. “Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal,” Lincoln declared. “Four score and seven years ago” refers to the year 1776, making clear that Lincoln was referring not to the Constitution but to Jefferson’s Declaration. Lincoln believed that the “principles of Jefferson are the definitions and axioms of free society,” as he wrote shortly before the anniversary of Jefferson’s birthday in 1859. Three years later, on the anniversary of George Washington’s birthday in 1861, Lincoln said in a speech at what by that time was being called “Independence Hall,” “I would rather be assassinated on this spot than to surrender” the principles of the Declaration of Independence.

It took the Civil War, the bloodiest war in American history, for Lincoln to begin to make Jefferson’s vision of equality a constitutional reality. After the war, the Declaration’s vision was embodied in the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments to the Constitution, which formally ended slavery, guaranteed all persons the “equal protection of the laws,” and gave African-American men the right to vote.

08-04-2022, 10:28 PM
I literally would have been a slave, and my mom is a professor of African American history. Who the **** do you think you’re talking to?

An ignorant anarchocommunist.

08-04-2022, 10:29 PM
They owned slaves, and yet the ideology of their documents opposed racism and was used to end slavery and bring us to where we are today. Owning slaves didn't necessarily mean an individual was racist in those days if you know your history. But you don't, so you stay ignorant.

If keeping a family to do unpaid labor on threat of death and dismemberment, denying them education, breeding them for profit, and using them for sexual favors against their will solely because of their race doesn’t make one racist….

What does?

If race based slavery and denial of rights doesn’t do it…does racism exist?

08-04-2022, 10:32 PM
If keeping a family to do unpaid labor on threat of death and dismemberment, denying them education, breeding them for profit, and using them for sexual favors against their will solely because of their race doesn’t make one racist….

What does?

If race based slavery and denial of rights doesn’t do it…does racism exist?

Show me where the founding fathers held their slaves to this condition. Cite sources please.

08-04-2022, 10:36 PM
I personally have seen black people have to let whites go to the front of the line in Tennessee. And it wasn’t in the black and white days either.

My girlfriends grandpa told me everybody he knew went to what they called Klan parties back in the 70s. He made it clear he didn’t feel comfortable. But it was just what you did on Saturday. It wasn’t a rally like you imagine with everyone in robes. Sometimes nobody was in a robe and it just looked like a bonfire or a get together. Said they got too crazy for him but he meant like…drinking and cutting up. But he went. Because it’s what you did.

None of it was that long ago.
There are literally still sundown towns as I’m sure you know. Racism is solved because we had a black racist according to the boobs on here tho.

08-04-2022, 10:37 PM
I literally would have been a slave, and my mom is a professor of African American history. Who the **** do you think you’re talking to?

lol oh the trauma of it all.

08-04-2022, 10:38 PM
So you go about advocating anarchy and whine against totalitarianism yet you would love for admins here to silence or ban those you disagree with by calling them fascists, classic :oldlol:

BTW, the last thing you can call me is a fascist, I've never called on admins to ban your commie ass, so you wanna be a red, that's on you and you're free to believe in what you want to believe. You on the other hand, you're always whining and wanting people you don't agree with to get banned. The only intolerant authoritarian here is you, pal.
It’s a private message board you idiot. If people want to be hateful they shouldn’t whine when they get punished for it. There are consequences are actions. It’s not authoritarian for you to get banned from a message board for saying nazi shit that would happen basically anywhere. Anarchy does not mean you tolerate Nazis.

08-04-2022, 10:40 PM
Show me where the founding fathers held their slaves to this condition. Cite sources please.

What did I list that’s even open to debate?

The sexual abuse? Not that it is either considering how many light skinned blacks popped up back then and that property can’t consent.

You one of those people who think slavery was a game or something?


A lot of you seem to.

I guess it’s easier coming from some backgrounds. I grew up with people who actually knew slaves…..

Ex slaves were in their 50s and 60s when my grandma was coming up. In their 30s for my great grandma. These are the people who raised me. You don’t think I heard a story or two?

08-04-2022, 10:43 PM
Anarchism is when you punish people for hurting your feelings apparently.

08-04-2022, 10:45 PM
What did I list that’s even open to debate?

The sexual abuse? Not that it is either considering how many light skinned blacks popped up back then and that property can’t consent.

You one of those people who think slavery was a game or something?


A lot of you seem to.

I guess it’s easier coming from some backgrounds. I grew up with people who actually knew slaves…..

Ex slaves were in their 50s and 60s when my grandma was coming up. In their 30s for my great grandma. These are the people who raised me. You don’t think I heard a story or two?
It’s really weird to act like this stuff isn’t well documented and widely available knowledge to anyone.

08-04-2022, 10:46 PM
Bison the nazi simp. Nazis should be a lot more than banned off message boards anyways and I’m not talking about prison (don’t believe in prison). You’re not losing rights for being banned from someone’s personal message board, it is their board they can do what they want. I just think Jeff should make better decisions. It’s his board so he can do what he wants but it’s not right IMO. If I start a message board and Nazis try to post on there I’m not being “authoritarian” for banning them I’m getting rid of racist trolls polluting my website and harassing my board members.

08-04-2022, 10:52 PM
So you go about advocating anarchy and whine against totalitarianism yet you would love for admins here to silence or ban those you disagree with by calling them fascists, classic :oldlol:

BTW, the last thing you can call me is a fascist, I've never called on admins to ban your commie ass, so you wanna be a red, that's on you and you're free to believe in what you want to believe. You on the other hand, you're always whining and wanting people you don't agree with to get banned. The only intolerant authoritarian here is you, pal.

Destroyed that basement dweller :pimp:

08-04-2022, 10:52 PM
This message is hidden because FultzNationRISE is on your meltdown list.

08-04-2022, 10:52 PM
What did I list that’s even open to debate?

The sexual abuse? Not that it is either considering how many light skinned blacks popped up back then and that property can’t consent.

You one of those people who think slavery was a game or something?


A lot of you seem to.

I guess it’s easier coming from some backgrounds. I grew up with people who actually knew slaves…..

Ex slaves were in their 50s and 60s when my grandma was coming up. In their 30s for my great grandma. These are the people who raised me. You don’t think I heard a story or two?

That the founding fathers held their slaves to that condition. I asked for sources for that claim, not a clip from the Boondocks.

08-04-2022, 10:57 PM
That the founding fathers held their slaves to that condition. I asked for sources for that claim, not a clip from the Boondocks.
First of all does it really matter what “condition” they held their slaves to? Slavery is inherently evil do you really have to be told that? Secondly google Sally Hemings and Thomas Jefferson.

08-04-2022, 11:02 PM
First of all does it really matter what “condition” they held their slaves to? Slavery is inherently evil do you really have to be told that? Secondly google Sally Hemings and Thomas Jefferson.

1) I never said it was right

2) The founding principles warred completely against slavery

3) You have no objective standard to call anything moral or immoral

08-04-2022, 11:03 PM
1) I never said it was right

2) The founding principles warred completely against slavery

3) You have no objective standard to call anything moral or immoral
How did they war completely against something if they participated in it and did nothing to end it? I’m not seeing how slavery isn’t objectively evil :confusedshrug:

08-04-2022, 11:05 PM
I literally would have been a slave, and my mom is a professor of African American history. Who the **** do you think you’re talking to?

Sucks that your mom couldn’t teach you how to not be a dipshit.

08-04-2022, 11:05 PM
How did they war completely against something if they participated in it and did nothing to end it? I’m not seeing how slavery isn’t objectively evil :confusedshrug:

Because their founding documents embodied the Declaration of Independence.

By what standard are you right and they wrong?

08-04-2022, 11:09 PM
I literally would have been a slave, and my mom is a professor of African American history. Who the **** do you think you’re talking to?


08-04-2022, 11:16 PM
It’s a private message board you idiot. If people want to be hateful they shouldn’t whine when they get punished for it. There are consequences are actions. It’s not authoritarian for you to get banned from a message board for saying nazi shit that would happen basically anywhere. Anarchy does not mean you tolerate Nazis.

So create your own message board you whiney little bitch. And the way you toss the word Nazi around tells me you haven't a clue what the word means. Go find a safe space you tranny loving soy boy cuckold.

08-04-2022, 11:20 PM
Theman93 isn’t very bright. Slave owners weren’t evil durrrr :lol. Can’t believe what I’m hearing there are even racist people who will tell you slavery was evil

08-04-2022, 11:21 PM
Because their founding documents embodied the Declaration of Independence.

By what standard are you right and they wrong?
Because like Kblaze said they only allowed those rights for certain people. That’s unfair. You’d have a point if they gave everyone those rights but they didn’t. I’m really not sure what’s controversial about this lol recognizing the reality of the founding fathers isn’t “hating America”.

08-04-2022, 11:32 PM
Theman93 isn’t very bright. Slave owners weren’t evil durrrr :lol. Can’t believe what I’m hearing there are even racist people who will tell you slavery was evil

1) I never said that

2) You still have not provided a standard to call anything evil or good

08-04-2022, 11:33 PM
Because like Kblaze said they only allowed those rights for certain people. That’s unfair. You’d have a point if they gave everyone those rights but they didn’t. I’m really not sure what’s controversial about this lol recognizing the reality of the founding fathers isn’t “hating America”.

By what standard are you calling unfair wrong?

08-04-2022, 11:35 PM

08-04-2022, 11:35 PM
I’m legitimately confused as to how you don’t think slavery is objectively bad. How is forcing other people to work for you with no pay and under punishment of death if they refuse not bad?

08-04-2022, 11:37 PM
By what standard are you calling unfair wrong?
The standard of being a normal human being? How is it far for only certain types of people to get rights?

08-04-2022, 11:39 PM
I’m legitimately confused as to how you don’t think slavery is objectively bad. How is forcing other people to work for you with no pay and under punishment of death if they refuse not bad?

I do believe it is objectively bad. I have a standard to use to call it objectively bad in the Bible. You have no standard to call it bad.

08-04-2022, 11:40 PM
The standard of being a normal human being? How is it far for only certain types of people to get rights?

By what standard are you calling it wrong for only certain types of people to get rights?

08-04-2022, 11:40 PM
I do believe it is objectively bad. I have a standard to use to call it objectively bad in the Bible. You have no standard to call it bad.
So your position is that only Christians can know the difference between right and wrong? :lol

08-04-2022, 11:41 PM
By what standard are you calling it wrong for only certain types of people to get rights?

08-04-2022, 11:42 PM
So your position is that only Christians can know the difference between right and wrong? :lol

No my position is we all know right and wrong. Unless you're a Christian you have no way to justify it because you have no objective standard for morality. Who are you to say what's right and wrong?

08-04-2022, 11:43 PM

The CCP, Nazi's and 1800 slave owners live by a different moral code than you. By what standard are they wrong and you right?

08-04-2022, 11:44 PM
russian law says she could get 5-10 years

they gave her 9

for putting medical weed in the wrong suitcase by mistake

which shouldn't even be a crime and certainly not 9 years

just to remind people of the original point here

08-04-2022, 11:45 PM
The CCP, Nazi's and 1800 slave owners live by a different moral code than you. By what standard are they wrong and you right?
Because I’m familiar with ethics. I studied philosophy in my early college days. I gave you the link. If you can use the Bible as a justification I can use ethics/moral philosophy as one too.

08-04-2022, 11:47 PM
theman93 sympathizes with psychopaths.

Typical MJ stan.

08-04-2022, 11:47 PM
Because I’m familiar with ethics. I gave you the link. If you can use the Bible as a justification I can use ethics/moral philosophy as one too.

Who's ethics? The slave owner finds it ethical to own a slave. By what standard is he wrong?

08-04-2022, 11:47 PM
The CCP, Nazi's and 1800 slave owners live by a different moral code than you. By what standard are they wrong and you right?

The standard is simple.

If youre a billionaire, you want the class beneath you to be weak, emasculated cucks.

This is rr3’s nature, so he is a natural ally to billionaires.

Whatever their agenda is, he considers it to be objective in order to have their mainstream, LCD approval. He’ll never be included in selective, exclusive groups, he needs to go wherever bottom rung outcasts and misfits are accepted.

Again, perfect prey for billionaires. The dude even said he’d **** a transvestite, just to gain billionaire approval.

Rr3 loves to prostrate himself on the ground to prove he’s worth of acceptance from billionaire controlled mainstream society.

08-04-2022, 11:54 PM
Who's ethics? The slave owner finds it ethical to own a slave. By what standard is he wrong?

This is just one branch of moral philosophy not even one I agree with. However it will serve to meet your criteria.

08-04-2022, 11:54 PM
The standard is simple.

If youre a billionaire, you want the class beneath you to be weak, emasculated cucks.

This is rr3’s nature, so he is a natural ally to billionaires.

Whatever their agenda is, he considers it to be objective in order to have their mainstream, LCD approval. He’ll never be included in selective, exclusive groups, he needs to go wherever bottom rung outcasts and misfits are accepted.

Again, perfect prey for billionaires. The dude even said he’d **** a transvestite, just to gain billionaire approval.

Rr3 loves to prostrate himself on the ground to prove he’s worth of acceptance from billionaire controlled mainstream society.

As an anarchocommunist he doesn't believe in personal property. So that sounds about right. Maybe the billionaires should steal it according to his world view which he has no justification for?

08-04-2022, 11:55 PM

This is just one branch of moral philosophy not even one I necessarily agree with. However it will serve to meet your criteria.

By what standard should the slave owner care about consequences? So what?

08-04-2022, 11:57 PM
As an anarchocommunist he doesn't believe in personal property. So that sounds about right. Maybe the billionaires should steal it according to his world view which he has no justification for?
Personal and private property are different. Anarchocommunists don’t think people don’t get to have personal items lol.

08-04-2022, 11:57 PM
By what standard should the slave owner care about consequences? So what?
The consequences of their actions are people suffering. Thus their actions are morally bad. Are you stupid?

08-04-2022, 11:58 PM
Personal and private property are different. Anarchocommunists don’t think people don’t get to have personal items lol.

Oh so I should have my home taken from me? Is stealing a good and moral thing in your world view? By what standard?

08-04-2022, 11:59 PM
The consequences of their actions are people suffering. Thus their actions are morally bad. Are you stupid?

The consequence of you posting is all of our IQs suffering.

Therefore we could just as easily accuse you of being morally bad.

Trans Man Bad!

08-04-2022, 11:59 PM
The consequences of their actions are people suffering. Thus their actions are morally bad. Are you stupid?

The slave owner finds it moral for his slave to suffer. By what standard are you calling suffering wrong when he finds it good?

08-05-2022, 12:01 AM
The consequence of you posting is all of our IQs suffering.

Therefore we could just as easily accuse you of being morally bad.

Trans Man Bad!

Exactly. Maybe now he will get it. :lol

08-05-2022, 12:02 AM
Oh so I should have my home taken from me? Is stealing a good and moral thing in your world view? By what standard?
Everyone needs a place of shelter to live. The community should help each other all find one. You’re not very smart.

08-05-2022, 12:02 AM
Staunch Jesus supporter theman93 seriously asking why suffering is wrong.

08-05-2022, 12:02 AM
Staunch Jesus supporter theman93 seriously asking why suffering is wrong.
I’m just gonna ignore him now since he’s obviously typing this in his klan robes and playing innocent.

08-05-2022, 12:03 AM
I’m just gonna ignore him now since he’s obviously typing this in his klan robes and playing innocent.


08-05-2022, 12:03 AM
Everyone needs a place of shelter to live. The community should help each other all find one. You’re not very smart.

By what standard should the community help? What if the community wants to be selfish and not help? By what standard is it wrong to be selfish?

08-05-2022, 12:04 AM
By what standard should the community help? What if the community wants to be selfish and not help? By what standard is it wrong to be selfish?

Is that you, Baller789? :oldlol:

08-05-2022, 12:04 AM
Staunch Jesus supporter theman93 seriously asking why suffering is wrong.

Nope. I know why it's wrong. I'm asking RRR3 to provide a justification for objective morality. So far he hasn't.

08-05-2022, 12:05 AM
This message is hidden because the man93 is on your braindead white supremacist list.

08-05-2022, 12:06 AM
Rr3 lost the argument and brought in an alt to back himself up :roll:

08-05-2022, 12:06 AM
I’m just gonna ignore him now since he’s obviously typing this in his klan robes and playing innocent.

Hi SATAN, still waiting for you to provide a standard by which you call anything moral or immoral. Your ethics are subjective and you have no arguments against even the nazis you hate because you have no grounds to call anything evil or good.

08-05-2022, 12:07 AM
This message is hidden because the man93 is on your braindead white supremacist list.

Is this what you do when you lose every argument? You think white supremacy is wrong but you have no justification for why. I on the other hand do.

08-05-2022, 12:12 AM
This message is hidden because the man93 is on your braindead white supremacist list.

08-05-2022, 12:15 AM
Bison the nazi simp. Nazis should be a lot more than banned off message boards anyways and I’m not talking about prison (don’t believe in prison). You’re not losing rights for being banned from someone’s personal message board, it is their board they can do what they want. I just think Jeff should make better decisions. It’s his board so he can do what he wants but it’s not right IMO. If I start a message board and Nazis try to post on there I’m not being “authoritarian” for banning them I’m getting rid of racist trolls polluting my website and harassing my board members.

Reddit is that-a-way, pal

08-05-2022, 12:16 AM
This message is pretending to be hidden by someone whose existence is pain.

08-05-2022, 12:18 AM
This message is hidden because I can't refute the man93 and have no justification to call anything evil or good.

Fixed it for you buddy. Have a good night. :)

08-05-2022, 12:19 AM
Staunch Jesus supporter theman93 seriously asking why suffering is wrong.

well the bible he references is full of god making people suffer which many would say is right because god is the standard of what is right

if god bashes your face in with a baseball bat it's good because god did it

if i do it it's wrong because god said i shouldn't

unless he commands me to which then makes it right

all of which is completely unacceptable to me not because i have an objective moral philosophy i believe in but because that's how i am

08-05-2022, 12:21 AM
Fixed it for you buddy. Have a good night. :)

I'm not RRR3 but it's quite amusing playing along. A few little back up one liners and the usual suspects are paranoid enough to think it must be an RRR3 alt. :oldlol:

08-05-2022, 12:23 AM
I'm not RRR3 but it's quite amusing playing along. A few little back up one liners and the usual suspects are paranoid enough to think it must be an RRR3 alt. :oldlol:


08-05-2022, 12:24 AM
I'm not RRR3 but it's quite amusing playing along. A few little back up one liners and the usual suspects are paranoid enough to think it must be an RRR3 alt. :oldlol:

We’ll see about that. Theres a very simple and straighforward way we can test your claim.

Is existence pain, yes or no?

08-05-2022, 12:24 AM
well the bible he references is full of god making people suffer which many would say is right because god is the standard of what is right

if god bashes your face in with a baseball bat it's good because god did it

if i do it it's wrong because god said i shouldn't

unless he commands me to which then makes it right

all of which is completely unacceptable to me not because i have an objective moral philosophy i believe in but because that's how i am

God making people suffer in the Bible is because of their wickedness. By what standard is it unacceptable for God to bring justice to the wicked?

08-05-2022, 12:25 AM
ISH is one of the last bastions of free speech. A relic from the internets wild Wild West days, where the internet’s original promise of unbridled anonymous discourse still lives. It’s funny that RRR3, like other leftists, wants to adopt this radical aesthetic yet wants to implement some type of corporate HR protocol to every corner on the internet, where one gets ‘reported’ for ‘micro aggressions’. It’s all very bog standard liberal nonsense, his politics being no different than your average establishment democrat.

08-05-2022, 12:27 AM
ISH is one of the last bastions of free speech. A relic from the internets wild Wild West days, where the internet’s original promise of unbridled anonymous discourse still lives. It’s funny that RRR3, like other leftists, wants to adopt this radical aesthetic yet wants to implement some type of corporate HR protocol to every corner on the internet, where one gets ‘reported’ for ‘micro aggressions’. It’s all very bog standard liberal nonsense, his politics being no different than your average establishment democrat.

Sounds fascist to me. What about you?

08-05-2022, 12:32 AM
I'm not RRR3 but it's quite amusing playing along. A few little back up one liners and the usual suspects are paranoid enough to think it must be an RRR3 alt. :oldlol:
I’m pretty open with who my alts are. Sigmund Freud, Elmer Fudd (banned) and Cashew24 (banned). Why anyone thinks I’d make a non parody or gimmick alt where I have completely different opinions and posting style is beyond me but then again these people are braindead.

08-05-2022, 12:34 AM
I’m pretty open with who my alts are. Sigmund Freud, Elmer Fudd (banned) and Cashew24 (banned). Why anyone thinks I’d make a non parody or gimmick alt where I have completely different opinions and posting style is beyond me but then again these people are braindead.

Don't forget your Off the Court alt. ":facepalm"

08-05-2022, 12:35 AM
He loses every argument with every poster so he’s pretending to have everyone blocked and is literally just conversing with himself :roll:

08-05-2022, 12:35 AM
Sounds fascist to me. What about you?

The spectre of fascism died along with adolf hitler. ‘Fascism’ today is a word normies use as a scare tactic to get you to vote for democrats or republicans (as evidenced in this thread)

08-05-2022, 12:36 AM
Is existence pain? Or is ignorance bliss?

08-05-2022, 12:41 AM
He loses every argument with every poster so he’s pretending to have everyone blocked and is literally just conversing with himself :roll:

RRR3/SATAN/Off the Court steps when losing an argument:

1) Throw an empty nazi, fascist, or white supremacy dig

2) Pretend to block his opponent

3) Log on alt to talk to himself


08-05-2022, 12:43 AM
This thread is fvcking hilarious :roll:

08-05-2022, 12:43 AM
RRR3/SATAN/Off the Court steps when losing an argument:

1) Throw an empty nazi, fascist, or white supremacy dig

2) Pretend to block his opponent

3) Log on alt to talk to himself


His patented formula.

08-05-2022, 12:44 AM
Isn’t Off The Court the guy who has arguments with Axe that go on for like 30 unfunny pages

08-05-2022, 12:45 AM
Isn’t Off The Court the guy who has arguments with Axe that go on for like 30 unfunny pages

That’s full court (a different rr3 alt)

08-05-2022, 12:47 AM
That’s full court (a different rr3 alt)

I been on this forum like 10 years now and i still don’t know who is who.

08-05-2022, 12:51 AM
The spectre of fascism died along with adolf hitler. ‘Fascism’ today is a word normies use as a scare tactic to get you to vote for democrats or republicans (as evidenced in this thread)

I concur :cheers:

08-05-2022, 12:56 AM
I concur :cheers:

You truly are ‘the man’ :cheers:

08-05-2022, 01:40 AM
They owned slaves, and yet the ideology of their documents opposed racism and was used to end slavery and bring us to where we are today. Owning slaves didn't necessarily mean an individual was racist in those days if you know your history. But you don't, so you stay ignorant.

Lmao this is a gem amongst gems for this poster.
I don't get involved in American politics but have to laugh at this dudes comments so far. This one took the cake

08-05-2022, 05:52 AM
God making people suffer in the Bible is because of their wickedness. By what standard is it unacceptable for God to bring justice to the wicked?

me and whoever i associate with

08-05-2022, 05:56 AM
Sounds fascist to me. What about you?


RRR3. Get help dude. You are a total mess.

08-05-2022, 06:10 AM
Is that you, Baller789? :oldlol:

08-05-2022, 06:51 AM
ISH is one of the last bastions of free speech. A relic from the internets wild Wild West days, where the internet’s original promise of unbridled anonymous discourse still lives. It’s funny that RRR3, like other leftists, wants to adopt this radical aesthetic yet wants to implement some type of corporate HR protocol to every corner on the internet, where one gets ‘reported’ for ‘micro aggressions’. It’s all very bog standard liberal nonsense, his politics being no different than your average establishment democrat.

I’m supposedly a leftist according to most conservatives here (being pro decency and all) and I’m in this topic reading one guy ask why nazis and slave owners are morally wrong while being backed up by people who tell me segregation isn’t wrong either(in a deleted post…perhaps even they thought it was too far).

I’ve not stopped anyone from doing it. Nobody is banned. I personally don’t mind seeing where people really stand. You so rarely get the unfiltered opinion in person in these discussions. I like to know what people really think. The only thing weird to me is how they lay such abhorrent shit out in plain English and legit wonder why blacks don’t vote Republican even when they are socially conservative in a lot of ways.

Whoever the conservatives/traditionalists of the day are(at times they were called democrats, then Dixiecrats as the national party abandoned the southern ones, now republicans)….they just don’t seem to care for black people. It used to be open and vile. They had to dial it back but the baseline message has remained. Liberals claiming racism, the left wing media supporting it, and how it’s just the way of America and not to be changed unless you’re a socialist trying to transform the country.

The message has been basically the same for 70 years just tempered by what the times let them say in public. I welcome it online because I know a lot of people feel the same once they are in private.

I never banned anyone for opinions. I appreciate the window into the hidden thoughts these people have that the similar sounding people around me likely keep under wraps.

08-05-2022, 08:37 AM
I’m supposedly a leftist according to most conservatives here (being pro decency and all) and I’m in this topic reading one guy ask why nazis and slave owners are morally wrong while being backed up by people who tell me segregation isn’t wrong either(in a deleted post…perhaps even they thought it was too far).

I’ve not stopped anyone from doing it. Nobody is banned. I personally don’t mind seeing where people really stand. You so rarely get the unfiltered opinion in person in these discussions. I like to know what people really think. The only thing weird to me is how they lay such abhorrent shit out in plain English and legit wonder why blacks don’t vote Republican even when they are socially conservative in a lot of ways.

Whoever the conservatives/traditionalists of the day are(at times they were called democrats, then Dixiecrats as the national party abandoned the southern ones, now republicans)….they just don’t seem to care for black people. It used to be open and vile. They had to dial it back but the baseline message has remained. Liberals claiming racism, the left wing media supporting it, and how it’s just the way of America and not to be changed unless you’re a socialist trying to transform the country.

The message has been basically the same for 70 years just tempered by what the times let them say in public. I welcome it online because I know a lot of people feel the same once they are in private.

I never banned anyone for opinions. I appreciate the window into the hidden thoughts these people have that the similar sounding people around me likely keep under wraps.

No, you’re reading me refute him on by what standard he calls anything moral or immoral. We all today acknowledge slavery is wrong, but he has no standard to justify his morality.

Patrick Chewing
08-05-2022, 10:31 AM
Isn’t Off The Court the guy who has arguments with Axe that go on for like 30 unfunny pages

OffTheCourt is the poster formerly known as MaxFly. I thought he was RRR3 for a while, but when I cornered him on being MaxFly, he admitted he was him.

RRR3 is definitely SATAN and Axe.

08-05-2022, 11:38 AM
OffTheCourt is the poster formerly known as MaxFly. I thought he was RRR3 for a while, but when I cornered him on being MaxFly, he admitted he was him.

RRR3 is definitely SATAN and Axe.

Jesus Christ, what a freaking LOSER. Means dude LITERALLY lives on this board 24/7.

I normally don't call people out like this but that guy comes across as the most angry, bitter, judgmental prick on this board.

08-05-2022, 11:44 AM
And dude is a woke, liberal? Yikes, how much more angry can a guy be?

08-05-2022, 12:35 PM
This message is hidden because the man93 is on your braindead white supremacist list.

This message is hidden because the man93 is on your braindead white supremacist list.

Patrick Chewing
08-05-2022, 12:45 PM


08-05-2022, 12:50 PM
This message is hidden because the man93 is on your braindead white supremacist list.

This message is hidden because the man93 is on your braindead white supremacist list.


He tries to deny it too but obviously RRR3 is a demonic Satanist, just look at his shirt here...Pentagram with obvious goat horns. Judgement Day will not be a very good day for him :(


08-05-2022, 12:55 PM
Burzum >>>> Pentagram

08-05-2022, 01:04 PM
Iron Maiden >

08-05-2022, 01:12 PM
OffTheCourt is the poster formerly known as MaxFly. I thought he was RRR3 for a while, but when I cornered him on being MaxFly, he admitted he was him.

RRR3 is definitely SATAN and Axe.

Axe has nearly 27k posts since opening his alt in Feb. 2020.
Satan has nearly 9k posts since April 2020.

If this is the same person he needs to get a life. Probably just sits in the basement banging away on his keyboard 24/7.

08-05-2022, 01:13 PM
Another political prisoner locked up falsely by the white man

08-05-2022, 01:36 PM
Burzum >>>> Pentagram

You're crazy

Patrick Chewing
08-05-2022, 01:42 PM
Axe has nearly 27k posts since opening his alt in Feb. 2020.
Satan has nearly 9k posts since April 2020.

If this is the same person he needs to get a life. Probably just sits in the basement banging away on his keyboard 24/7.

You're describing RRR3 to a T.

08-05-2022, 01:49 PM
Anarcho-communism? lol
Straight up trolling

The spectre of fascism died along with adolf hitler. ‘Fascism’ today is a word normies use as a scare tactic to get you to vote for democrats or republicans (as evidenced in this thread)

Lots of Fascist states have popped up after Hitler's death. Just because it gets thrown around a lot doesn't mean it isn't a threat at all. Authoritarianism of any kind is always something to be weary of. The Soviet Union may be long gone and no longer pushing communism but its ideas are still alluring for many.

08-05-2022, 02:02 PM
Anarcho-communism? lol
Straight up trolling

Lots of Fascist states have popped up after Hitler's death. Just because it gets thrown around a lot doesn't mean it isn't a threat at all. Authoritarianism of any kind is always something to be weary of. The Soviet Union may be long gone and no longer pushing communism but its ideas are still alluring for many.
It’s literally just anarchy with a sense of communal ideology.

08-05-2022, 02:21 PM
It’s literally just anarchy with a sense of communal ideology.

Setting aside the fact its a completely paradoxical oxy-moron, you personally would be way worse off anyway.

Whom do you think is protecting you?

You have no ability to defend yourself. And you arent productive enough to be valued by a group with protective resources.

Youd be dead in the water. “Communal ideology” lmao. Without a police paid to protect you, theres nobody who wouldnt just stand there and watch you get savaged by some lunatic who felt like destroying you for the sheer amusement of it. Nobody would care about your life. Just like nobody does now, the only difference is we have a legal code that deters people from ripping you apart. You want to do away with your one measure of protection?? :roll:

Anarchy is a short lived hell for the physically and mentally weak. And that means you, little girl....

08-05-2022, 02:27 PM
It’s literally just anarchy with a sense of communal ideology.


Patrick Chewing
08-05-2022, 02:32 PM
It’s literally just anarchy with a sense of communal ideology.

Anarchy = Chaos

Without a governing body to keep people in line from causing harm to others, all you end up with is chaos and disorder. Thinking that a "community" will keep law and order is downright foolish thinking.

What you have in your psyche is angst. You're not happy with the status quo, so you want to lash out.

What you think you want as a result is anarchy. But be rest assured that you will get devoured by those who seek to take advantage of others. Think of all the crime and backstabbing that takes place in modern-day society today with all its laws and moral compass. And you think that changes without hierachy? Without a governing body that is chosen to make the best decisions for the rest of us? We are not all the same. The same homeless psycho on the street is not the same as me. You are not the same as me. This equal footing and "communal ideology" is just a pipe dream because it has never existed in the history of civilization and it never will. Because it can't. You're just a dreamer. Not a realist.

08-05-2022, 02:32 PM
There is individualist anarchy and red anarchy (which includes anarchocommunism and anarchosyndicalism). Red anarchists believe in communal organization for setting up and maintaining an anarchist society.

08-05-2022, 02:39 PM
there is individualist anarchy and red anarchy (which includes anarchocommunism and anarchosyndicalism). Red anarchists believe in communal organization for setting up and maintaining an anarchist society.


08-05-2022, 03:00 PM
There is individualist anarchy and red anarchy (which includes anarchocommunism and anarchosyndicalism). Red anarchists believe in communal organization for setting up and maintaining an anarchist society.

These red anarchists believe in a communal organization that is going to set up and maintain lawlesness. So the law is lawlesness. Do you seriously not see the self-refutation here lol.

08-05-2022, 03:23 PM
Anarchy = Chaos

Without a governing body to keep people in line from causing harm to others, all you end up with is chaos and disorder. Thinking that a "community" will keep law and order is downright foolish thinking.

What you have in your psyche is angst. You're not happy with the status quo, so you want to lash out.

What you think you want as a result is anarchy. But be rest assured that you will get devoured by those who seek to take advantage of others. Think of all the crime and backstabbing that takes place in modern-day society today with all its laws and moral compass. And you think that changes without hierachy? Without a governing body that is chosen to make the best decisions for the rest of us? We are not all the same. The same homeless psycho on the street is not the same as me. You are not the same as me. This equal footing and "communal ideology" is just a pipe dream because it has never existed in the history of civilization and it never will. Because it can't. You're just a dreamer. Not a realist.


08-05-2022, 03:24 PM
There is individualist anarchy and red anarchy (which includes anarchocommunism and anarchosyndicalism). Red anarchists believe in communal organization for setting up and maintaining an anarchist society.
What about Machivellian anarchosadomasochists? Or maybe even monastic pseudocommunists?

Lots of Nazis ITT could use a clarification on these.

08-05-2022, 03:30 PM
There is individualist anarchy and red anarchy (which includes anarchocommunism and anarchosyndicalism). Red anarchists believe in communal organization for setting up and maintaining an anarchist society.

Ok but you understand that this is like...an impossible thing right?

Do you think without any sort of authoritative entity that everyone will be looking around like "we cool! you cool? NICE!" and just go about life normally?


08-05-2022, 03:33 PM
Ok but you understand that this is like...an impossible thing right?
I don’t even know if I think social democracy is possible in America so yeah. The system has been set up to prevent any real progress.

08-05-2022, 03:33 PM
What about Machivellian anarchosadomasochists? Or maybe even monastic pseudocommunists?

Lots of Nazis ITT could use a clarification on these.

Lakers Legend#32
08-05-2022, 03:34 PM
Anarchy = Chaos

Without a governing body to keep people in line from causing harm to others, all you end up with is chaos and disorder.

Remember Poopsie is the guy who supported the January 6th insurrection.

08-05-2022, 03:45 PM
I don’t even know if I think social democracy is possible in America so yeah. The system has been set up to prevent any real progress.

If by 'the system' you mean innate human genetic variance, then yes.

There's no single system that's universally good from all perspectives.

08-05-2022, 03:57 PM
Starface still desperate for my attention. The poor guy can’t stand being ignored. Here’s some attention lil guy even tho I have no idea what you said (I’m sure it was a juicy meltdown tho)

08-05-2022, 06:14 PM
Social sciences in regards to economic and political systems has flaws. Nobody has the merit to talk about it with any certainty. We can all acknowledge there are problems with America and we can work to fix them incrementally. But the moment you come in with the suggestion to tear everything down and create a Utopia with X system you have to stop and realize the extreme cost of tearing down a nation's institutions. And that's not to mention the even higher cost if its a failure. History is littered with examples of this. It's like going to war. It's a last resort.

Anyways, carry on trolling.

08-05-2022, 06:18 PM
Meltdown. Looks like i really got this weeping creep on a leash. :roll:

08-05-2022, 06:18 PM
Remember Poopsie is the guy who supported the January 6th insurrection.

08-05-2022, 06:23 PM
She hates America, kneels for the National Anthem, she's about to find out how good she really had it. why am not surprised you are a trumper? And a jordan fan.

Who cares if she kneels.

You support Russia now?

08-05-2022, 07:02 PM
a governing body that is chosen to make the best decisions for the rest of us?


08-05-2022, 07:19 PM
Rr3 has some good ideas about I believe his lack of real world experience disqualifies him from the discussion

08-05-2022, 07:46 PM
long but a good intro


08-05-2022, 09:11 PM
Of all the leftist tendencies probably the only decent one is left communism. It is closest to orthodox Marxism (Karl Marx being the GOAT economist). I will admit to having a brief and cringe Marxist Leninist phase tho. Anarchism is a joke (and probably a ploy to legalize pedophilia) but i sort of have a soft spot for AnPrims.

08-05-2022, 09:26 PM
She hates America, kneels for the National Anthem, she's about to find out how good she really had it.


08-06-2022, 02:23 AM
“I don't mean that in any disrespect to our country,” Griner continued. “My dad was in Vietnam and a law officer for 30 years. I wanted to be a cop before basketball. I do have pride for my country.”

She believes that the anthem doesn’t represent Black Americans.

“I personally don't think it belongs in sports. ... Black people didn't have rights at that point,” Griner said of the creation of the Star-Spangled Banner. “It's hard disrespecting a song that didn't even represent all Americans when it was first made

Where exactly does she hate America? Shame on her for taking a stance in this country. I wouldn’t expect a bunch of spoiled caucasians to relate. And always these fake ass my country tis of thee fake ass patriots. Gotta love it. If roles were reversed in this country guarantee you’d be a bunch of Griners. Shame on Griner for taking a social stance for black woman in this country. A country where black woman have been denied equal justice. And a tragic event where one had to lose their life at the hands of cops for it to finally have some equal justice.

But I wouldn’t expect a bunch of clowns to see it that way. You live in a country where you don’t worry about injustices. The National anthem was not written for black folks. On a board where geeks here love advanced data and digging deep. Go do that for the national anthem. But again if you did it wouldn’t apply nor affect anything about your world because you look like the people who wrote it.

But yeah she hates this country. That’s why she went to Russia to play for more money because here you just shut up and take what’s given. Yeah she’s about to find out how good she had it in a country that don’t give a damn about blacks let alone black woman. You sound like an abusive spouse telling a woman “u don’t know how good you had it here.”.

Lakers Legend#32
08-06-2022, 02:29 AM
Just admit it conservatives, you hate and want her locked up because Griner is black and a lesbian.

08-06-2022, 02:30 AM
but she packed her drugs by mistake! :facepalm

Whether she did or didn’t. Why would you want her to publicly say “yes I packed it on purpose”? If anything is facepalm worthy it’s this response.

“Her drugs”. It was 2 vape pens. 0.7 grams. You sound like a Karen right now.

08-06-2022, 02:41 AM
I think most Americans want her to serve her sentence.

Only the ignorant Americans. Any normal human being wouldn’t want anyone locked up for marijuana. Especially the amount she possessed. Whether it’s this country or others. The fact a lot of these prison systems have folks incarcerated over marijuana is mind boggling.

08-06-2022, 02:51 AM
I think it's ridiculous that anyone is getting locked up anywhere for pot but she's an idiot. Packed it by mistake! Yeah right. More like entitled athlete that was used to doing whatever the **** she wants

Why are you stuck on her saying she packed it by mistake? It’s weird and cringe. And it has less to do with her being an athlete. There’s another American who had more vape pens. Medically prescribed in America for his chronic pains that was given 14 years. He’s traveled with them before to Russia as he works as a teacher. And one time got busted for them. He’s no athlete.

Both took risks and here we are.

08-06-2022, 02:52 AM
understood but it sounds contradictory to say

she shouldn't be locked up for weed

and then say she has to pay the price for her mistake which amounts to being locked up for weed

Exactly. Not sure how one doesn’t see the contradiction in that.

08-06-2022, 03:26 AM
Wow. GOBB just completely destroyed coin24 and co. :applause:

08-06-2022, 04:44 AM
Just admit it conservatives, you hate and want her locked up because Griner is black and a lesbian.

Griner represents liberal America in a lot of ways and conservatives probably wouldn't mind locking up everyone like her and executing them. If we didn't have laws against lynching they would still lynch. I mean, they basically just tried that during the last election.

It's a scary time to be a non-white, non-conservative American.

08-06-2022, 10:40 AM
Wow. GOBB just completely destroyed coin24 and co. :applause:
They don’t care. They have no interest in actually debating. They’ll just insult him and whine some more about “wokeness” as if saying slavery was bad is “woke” :lol

08-06-2022, 10:47 AM
Griner represents liberal America in a lot of ways and conservatives probably wouldn't mind locking up everyone like her and executing them. If we didn't have laws against lynching they would still lynch. I mean, they basically just tried that during the last election.

It's a scary time to be a non-white, non-conservative American.

Have you been paying attention the last six years?

The left is just as guilty if not MORE so.

08-06-2022, 10:49 AM
They don’t care. They have no interest in actually debating. They’ll just insult him and whine some more about “wokeness” as if saying slavery was bad is “woke” :lol

It’s more about guys like you turning every discussion into accusations of slavery and Hitler because thats your one crutch to make yourself appear relevant. People are just sick of guys like you and rmwg trying to police the locker room talk so that you can make being a weak awkward scrub seem admirable instead of lame.

We see thru you, little girl.....

08-06-2022, 10:51 AM
Starface this is sad. I literally don’t read your posts. Make a friend irl.

08-06-2022, 10:53 AM
They don’t care. They have no interest in actually debating. They’ll just insult him and whine some more about “wokeness” as if saying slavery was bad is “woke” :lol

Why are you replying to yourself tittyboy:roll:

And who gives a shit what gobb is crying about now, cbf reading that long winded dribble..

But you are correct, I don’t give a rats ass about some women’s bball player in jail for weed.. not the slightest fu*k.. and why are you crying about slavery? You’re an unemployed loser virgin, stop blaming everyone else for your pathetic painful existence.

08-06-2022, 11:04 AM
Poor Simon shew. Cursed with a 55 IQ

08-06-2022, 11:11 AM
Griner represents liberal America in a lot of ways and conservatives probably wouldn't mind locking up everyone like her and executing them. If we didn't have laws against lynching they would still lynch. I mean, they basically just tried that during the last election.

It's a scary time to be a non-white, non-conservative American.

scary time rofl

if you're not white you can get free housing free food and a biden phone lul

all paid for by mostly white people.

08-06-2022, 11:18 AM
Paktass at it again

08-06-2022, 11:28 AM
scary time rofl

if you're not white you can get free housing free food and a biden phone lul

all paid for by mostly white people.

Welfare Statistics by Race for 2021

#28 43% of the people who receive welfare are white.
(Urban Institute)

White people make up the biggest chunk of welfare recipients. 24% of those who are on welfare are Hispanics, 23% are Black, while Asians and Native Americans account for 8% of all the recipients.1
#28 43% of the people who receive welfare are white.
(Urban Institute)

White people make up the biggest chunk of welfare recipients. 24% of those who are on welfare are Hispanics, 23% are Black, while Asians and Native Americans account for 8% of all the recipients.
You don't say?

08-06-2022, 11:38 AM
I don’t see how any of this is slavery lol