View Full Version : Ukrainian military embedding itself in residential areas

08-08-2022, 12:57 AM

A neutral organization whose focus is the human rights of all people around the world. Has no agenda, is simply reporting their assessment of a situation. Is now catching a lot of heat for saying something that might paint the Ukrainian military in a bad light. Even though they have also said negative things about the Russians. That's pretty incredible.

So if true, if Ukrainian forces are embedding themselves in populated residential areas, including in schools and hospitals. If that assessment is true. Such a truth can be simply shut down and allowed to continue by fake virtuous outraged from the media and virtue signalers.

Now the head of the organization in Ukraine has to resign, but more importantly, they can never say such a thing again. Thus censored. Even IF it's 100% true that they're embedding themselves in residential areas.

08-08-2022, 01:37 AM
american police do that everyday.

08-09-2022, 09:55 AM
Well that's how you win against the odds. Ex. Vietnam

You know they're less likely to shoot civilians versus uniformed soldiers because of public/world relations...

Ukraine is just taking advantage of it to survive. Unfortunately it really does put civilians at risk but that's the price you pay.

08-09-2022, 11:16 AM

08-09-2022, 11:43 AM
brief summary of this thread so far:

1st reply slay
2nd reply, the poster briefs OP on the basics of urban warfare that was covered in high school if not earlier
3rd reply, poster is too stupified to even bother replying with words

08-09-2022, 11:44 AM
brief summary of this thread so far:

1st reply slay
2nd reply, the poster briefs OP on the basics of urban warfare that even the dumbest high school student should remember
3rd reply, poster is too stupified to even bother replying with words

Have a drink you overweight coward.

08-09-2022, 09:18 PM
brief summary of this thread so far:

1st reply slay
2nd reply, the poster briefs OP on the basics of urban warfare that was covered in high school if not earlier
3rd reply, poster is too stupified to even bother replying with words

Hmm. You think the first post was a slay. I saw it as whataboutism that wasn't even specific about what it is that the police do, thus not too easy to follow.

The second post: The OP is specifically about the power of media narrative. Where something that might be critical about the current thing (http://ace.mu.nu/archives/improvedisupportthecurrentthing.jpg), can be shamed to the point where a neutral organization has to take back their neutral assessment, and one of the higher ups has to even resign. And any further talk about the negative thing, is effectively shut down. As well as any possible new negative talks, due to expected backlash. I don't know much about rawimpact, but his post, which again was not related to the main point of the OP, seems like an argument that someone like, lets say Bladefd would make to move the goal post. Soldiers embedding themselves and launching attacks from schools and residential area is something that a week ago would have been looked very down upon, a war crime, even if it's effective. But this week the goal post has been moved by many on Twitter.

The third post: :facepalm Is SATAN's thing.

The fourth post: You thinking that the first reply was a slay gives the vibe that you might be suffering from Illusory superiority bias. Or Positive illusions (https://psychology.fandom.com/wiki/Positive_illusions#Benefits_and_liabilities). Which is not a bad thing, since it gives a person confidence. But it might be best to become more aware of it.

08-12-2022, 03:39 AM
It was hilarious seeing all the libs ranting on twitter about how their once beloved amnesty international is now an irreparably corrupted Russian mouthpiece the moment they pointed out that the Ukrainian military is using civilians as human shields

08-12-2022, 05:16 PM
BTW if Trump was really a nazi, Joe Biden would be sending him weapons in Ukraine

Off the Court
08-12-2022, 06:23 PM
OP has some interesting input.

Too bad he was born with an absolutely scorching case of autism. Bummer man. :(