View Full Version : If NBA players were all the same height... who would the best ones be?

08-12-2022, 10:19 AM
Say you made them all the same height, but they retain their proportional dimensions like wingspan, body mass and so on. They also each retain their equivalent athleticism, tho assume bigger guys become a bit more nimble and shorter guys lose a bit of quickness.

How do you see the resulting hierarchy?

Obviously Lebron still remains the GOAT and current BITW. Thats not debatable. But what about after that?

Do guys like Curry and Trae become unstoppable playing against competition of equal height, or are they negatively impacted by losing their quickness edge on bigger players? Are post players like Joker and Embiid still viable in a scenario where all five defenders are the same height they are?

Would Kyrie destroy the competition? Or would he still find a way to destroy his own team no matter what?

I feel like athletic, well rounded high IQ guys like Blake and Doncic would still be studs despite currently using size to their advantage at times. Guys who are consistent shooters at every level like CP3 and Leonard remain elite.

Anyway thought of this thread during the discussion of what Draymond and KD think about Carmelo. It occurred to me guys like KD and Green wouldnt even be G-League players if they didnt have the advantage of being massive humans. In fact theyre not even close to being D-1 players if every kid on the planet was the same height. Their skillsets are only “special” relative to the tiny fraction of people who exist at their height. Take height away and theyre lucky to be in the top third of basketball playing males in the US.

Anyway who comes to mind for you in terms of who gains and who loses?

08-12-2022, 12:48 PM
say you got a job...

08-12-2022, 02:22 PM

08-12-2022, 05:34 PM
I am the second person on this thread.

08-12-2022, 05:37 PM
Considering Muggsy Bogues somehow made a league in which it’s basically a requirement to be tall at 5’3, I would say he’s probably a good candidate. As is Earl Boykins. Chris Paul and Curry are also good candidates because their skills are so off the charts. Isaiah Thomas being able to score close to 30 PPG on great efficiency at his height would also make him a possible choice.

Full Court
08-12-2022, 06:44 PM
Ja Morant would be GOAT.

Kyrie would be a good pick too.

08-14-2022, 06:20 PM
Spud Webb, Mugsey Bougues, Earl Boykins and Isaiah Thomas will be the basketball Mt. Rushmore then.

08-14-2022, 06:27 PM
Spud Webb, Mugsey Bougues, Earl Boykins and Isaiah Thomas will be the basketball Mt. Rushmore then.

That's an interesting Mt. Rushmore.

But do those guys really have objectively superior shooting, handles, passing, etc. than everyone else, or is there simply an opportunity for very talented short guys to actually exploit the fact that most of the league is big? Obviously it's better to have more big guys than small guys overall, but do the small guys who do make the league actually have an advantage in some ways with their height, helping them to dribble in traffic easier etc?

Certainly the guys you named could have a chance at being among the top players in a height-adjusted league... but I dont think the fact they were short guys who succeeded means they would automatically dominate like crazy with a height adjustment.

Possible... but I dont think it's a given.

08-15-2022, 08:31 AM
Height doesn't really matter as much as you think it does

players aren't better because they're taller, they're better because they're better players

08-15-2022, 02:30 PM
Curry, Iverson, Kyrie.

08-15-2022, 03:50 PM
Derrick Rose if he doesnt get injured.