View Full Version : So we're just going to Ignore that Giannis got a lot blacker?

08-16-2022, 03:59 AM

https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/9c/Giannis_Antetokounmpo_%2851915153421%29_%28cropped %29.jpg



FWIW, I will disregard these common responses:

-So, what are you implying? Is that a bad thing?!
-He is tanning more

Spurs m8
08-16-2022, 04:58 AM
You never heard of lighting, big guy?

08-16-2022, 06:43 AM
You never heard of lighting, big guy?

Except lighting is not the reason. You can look at multiple photos in the NBA and then the ones in Greece. There is no comparison. The amount of light exposure doesn't come close to explaining it.




Giannis always appeared in the NBA to be a light-skinned black guy. In truth he is a dark-skinned black guy. Just like his brother Thanassis. I always wondered why they were brothers when Thanassis was so dark and Giannis was so light. In truth, they are both the same skin tone after Giannis stopped lightening his skin.

08-16-2022, 06:46 AM
In the NBA it appeared Giannis was light-skinned compared to his brother. But since his play on Greece, you see they are the same:


08-16-2022, 07:38 AM
its called a tan, bro

08-16-2022, 07:39 AM

https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/9c/Giannis_Antetokounmpo_%2851915153421%29_%28cropped %29.jpg

lmao at the visible lighting effect on this pic :roll:

08-16-2022, 07:58 AM
lmao at the visible lighting effect on this pic :roll:

Uh-huh. The "light turned a dark-skinned black guy into a light-skinned one"....... I can see you haven't done a lot of photography.

Lighting does not have that drastic an effect. You can also see the amount of light on him when he's dark-black -- with the reflection off his sweat. Interestingly all that light doesn't magically make him a light-skinned black guy

Funny how "all that light" doesn't turn James Harden into a light-skinned black guy.


Nor did you address the photo of him next to his brother showing him lighter skinned while they are the same tone now.


But,but,but it's the lighting! The lighting turns Giannis light but kept his brother dark!

08-16-2022, 08:27 AM
its called a tan, bro

Right, a tan. The only person whose skin tone would vary that much from a tan is that glow-in-the-dark doughboy in your profile.

08-16-2022, 08:34 AM
This has to be one of the stupidest threads in the main forum I've ever seen. Why are you going to even compare Giannis and his brother together? Giannis' brother is naturally darker than he is so of course he's still going to be "kept" dark because he's naturally darker anyway.

There's three main factors... lighting in the photograph, exposure of the photo taken and being tan or not.

That first picture in the thread is mostly just exposure. All the colors are all blown out. The jersey colors are way brighter than they naturally are.

And believe it or not, people Giannis' complexion or even darker people can tan.


08-16-2022, 08:45 AM
This has to be one of the stupidest threads in the main forum I've ever seen. Why are you going to even compare Giannis and his brother together? Giannis' brother is naturally darker than he is so of course he's still going to be "kept" dark because he's naturally darker anyway.

There's three main factors... lighting in the photograph, exposure of the photo taken and being tan or not.

That first picture in the thread is mostly just exposure. All the colors are all blown out. The jersey colors are way brighter than they naturally are.

And believe it or not, people Giannis' complexion or even darker people can tan.

Uh-huh, it's the "exposure". Interesting how you couldn't explain the 2nd picture. Or the other thousands of pictures of him that show him with the same skin tone. But don't worry- I'm sure the technical details of the cameras used for those photos and the ones of him in Greece explain the difference. Those darn Greek cameras!

I'm with you on tanning. I bet he has never been exposed to sunlight for an extended period of time in the past /s . You can lob all the worthless ad-hominem you want, doesn't change anything.

08-16-2022, 08:50 AM
Uh-huh, it's the "exposure". Interesting how you couldn't explain the 2nd picture. Or the other thousands of pictures of him that show him with the same skin tone. But don't worry- I'm sure the technical details of the cameras used for those photos and the ones of him in Greece explain the difference. Those darn Greek cameras!

I'm with you on tanning. I bet he has never been exposed to sunlight for an extended period of time in the past /s . You can lob all the worthless ad-hominem you want, doesn't change anything.

Okay, why do you think he's darker then?

08-16-2022, 08:58 AM
One thing is crystal clear, Op is not black lol. Op lightskinned black people can get dark too, in my early 20s it became a seasonal thing for me. My tone got lighter in the winter, as we get older some of that sticks. It's perfectly possible giannis spent a whole summer, one of the hottest in memory outdoors. If you think he's been lightening his skin I don't agree with your conspiracy, just normal light skin black guy stuff.

08-16-2022, 11:04 AM
I love this thread.

Not only is the lighting a factor but so is the cameras white balance/color temperature. You can make all types of in camera calibrations to make your image appear warmer or cooler.

08-16-2022, 11:06 AM
just love how bdonovan is just completely bewildered by the concept of lighting and photography

08-16-2022, 11:07 AM
Bdumbnavan :yaohappy:

08-16-2022, 11:13 AM
He went from winter in Milwaukee to the Summer in Greece. He's tan.

Greece is 15-20 degrees hotter on average than Milwaukee every month of the year.

If you're black and live above the Mason Dixon Line, you should be taking some supplement for Vitamin D.

08-16-2022, 11:15 AM
Youre a weird dude OP.

08-16-2022, 11:23 AM
Op might be racist

08-16-2022, 11:27 AM
Isnt OP the guy that gives pretty analytical takes throughout games?

Wouldnt have thought he'd muster up this brainfarting shit

08-16-2022, 11:28 AM
OP, ask the mods to delete this and hope everyone forgets this ever happened

08-16-2022, 11:30 AM
I love this thread.

Not only is the lighting a factor but so is the cameras white balance/color temperature. You can make all types of in camera calibrations to make your image appear warmer or cooler.

OP when he tries on different instagram filters on a picture for the first time


08-16-2022, 11:32 AM

08-16-2022, 11:41 AM
Isnt OP the guy that gives pretty analytical takes throughout games?

Wouldnt have thought he'd muster up this brainfarting shit
His “analytical takes” are always skewed to make Curry look better.

08-16-2022, 11:57 AM
Youre a weird dude OP.

That's funny coming from you.

Mask the Embiid
08-16-2022, 12:10 PM
Sometimes I forget that people on this site never interact with black people. Then threads like this remind me. Completely clueless of how black skin even works :oldlol:

08-16-2022, 12:37 PM
op seems very interested in people's skin color

08-16-2022, 12:38 PM
its called a tan, bro

Op never left the basement

08-16-2022, 05:09 PM
Just checking to see if he got blacker since I left the thread

Im Still Ballin
08-16-2022, 06:50 PM
He alpha'd up. Upgraded. Everyone knows lightskin brothers are soft.

08-16-2022, 07:05 PM

https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/9c/Giannis_Antetokounmpo_%2851915153421%29_%28cropped %29.jpg



FWIW, I will disregard these common responses:

-So, what are you implying? Is that a bad thing?!
-He is tanning more

The first picture was taken with a high exposure, letting more light in the lens and resulting in graininess and an overall brighter picture. The second picture has been processed with HDR - high dynamic range - making it more constrasty (shadows are darker and highlights are brighter).

We can take the first picture and make it look like the second picture in photoshop or lightroom.

Full Court
08-16-2022, 10:10 PM
I'm surprised nobody's said it was because of steroids. :lol

08-16-2022, 10:29 PM
The first picture was taken with a high exposure, letting more light in the lens and resulting in graininess and an overall brighter picture. The second picture has been processed with HDR - high dynamic range - making it more constrasty (shadows are darker and highlights are brighter).

We can take the first picture and make it look like the second picture in photoshop or lightroom.

light explaining light and exposure to OP

08-16-2022, 10:31 PM
Don't listen to these haters, OP. You are clearly onto something.

08-17-2022, 07:01 AM
bump, have to get to the bottom of this

08-17-2022, 08:22 AM
Okay, why do you think he's darker then?

If I had to give a probability ratio, I'd say 33.33% likelihood- owes to him getting tanner; 66.66% likelihood- because he was skin bleaching before and stopped.

The arguments about lighting and camera exposure are irrational. You can take a look at hundreds, even thousands of photos, of Giannis on the Bucks - and he looks light skinned; and look at dozens of photos when he plays in Greece - and he is very dark. Are we to assume ALL the cameras that filmed him on the Bucks had profile X in terms of camera qualities and All the cameras that were used to photograph him in Greece have profile Y in terms of camera qualities. It's a preposterous argument. If it were simply a matter of 1 or 2 photos "Before" and 1 or 2 photos "After" - you could chalk it up to that.

As for tanning, Giannis had summers off like all other NBA players in the past. He often takes holidays in Mykonos, Greece (such as in 2020)- he is outdoors all the time. Yet he never got anywhere near as dark as he did now.

You can all doubt if you like. A year or two from now let's revisit this thread. By then he may have admitted he bleached his skin so as to avoid racism in Greece, or whatever his explanation is.

08-17-2022, 10:19 AM
Sometimes I forget that people on this site never interact with black people. Then threads like this remind me. Completely clueless of how black skin even works :oldlol:
yeah this thread definitely proves it :lol

08-17-2022, 10:20 AM
If I had to give a probability ratio, I'd say 33.33% likelihood- owes to him getting tanner; 66.66% likelihood- because he was skin bleaching before and stopped.

The arguments about lighting and camera exposure are irrational. You can take a look at hundreds, even thousands of photos, of Giannis on the Bucks - and he looks light skinned; and look at dozens of photos when he plays in Greece - and he is very dark. Are we to assume ALL the cameras that filmed him on the Bucks had profile X in terms of camera qualities and All the cameras that were used to photograph him in Greece have profile Y in terms of camera qualities. It's a preposterous argument. If it were simply a matter of 1 or 2 photos "Before" and 1 or 2 photos "After" - you could chalk it up to that.

As for tanning, Giannis had summers off like all other NBA players in the past. He often takes holidays in Mykonos, Greece (such as in 2020)- he is outdoors all the time. Yet he never got anywhere near as dark as he did now.

You can all doubt if you like. A year or two from now let's revisit this thread. By then he may have admitted he bleached his skin so as to avoid racism in Greece, or whatever his explanation is.
yep, you’re clinically insane :lol

08-17-2022, 10:21 AM
what is it about this board that attracts all of the people who need to be locked away in an asylum?

08-17-2022, 10:28 AM
If I had to give a probability ratio, I'd say 33.33% likelihood- owes to him getting tanner; 66.66% likelihood- because he was skin bleaching before and stopped.

The arguments about lighting and camera exposure are irrational. You can take a look at hundreds, even thousands of photos, of Giannis on the Bucks - and he looks light skinned; and look at dozens of photos when he plays in Greece - and he is very dark. Are we to assume ALL the cameras that filmed him on the Bucks had profile X in terms of camera qualities and All the cameras that were used to photograph him in Greece have profile Y in terms of camera qualities. It's a preposterous argument. If it were simply a matter of 1 or 2 photos "Before" and 1 or 2 photos "After" - you could chalk it up to that.

As for tanning, Giannis had summers off like all other NBA players in the past. He often takes holidays in Mykonos, Greece (such as in 2020)- he is outdoors all the time. Yet he never got anywhere near as dark as he did now.

You can all doubt if you like. A year or two from now let's revisit this thread. By then he may have admitted he bleached his skin so as to avoid racism in Greece, or whatever his explanation is.

this seems like the most logical explanation. also, he wouldn't be the first player accused of skin bleaching (collin sexton)

08-17-2022, 10:51 AM
Arena lighting + summertime makes the most sense......... but that said I'm blaming it on cornerstore dick pills. With some ridiculous name like titanium telephone pole.

08-17-2022, 11:27 AM
I'll just assume OP is trolling. Great thread.

08-18-2022, 09:46 AM
its called a tan, bro

thank you.
Stupid thread.


08-18-2022, 02:36 PM
Sometimes I forget that people on this site never interact with black people. Then threads like this remind me. Completely clueless of how black skin even works :oldlol:

OP's probably a democrat judging by his comments, he's your friend

Spurs m8
08-19-2022, 04:56 AM
what is it about this board that attracts all of the people who need to be locked away in an asylum?


05-22-2024, 04:19 PM
Except lighting is not the reason. You can look at multiple photos in the NBA and then the ones in Greece. There is no comparison. The amount of light exposure doesn't come close to explaining it.




Giannis always appeared in the NBA to be a light-skinned black guy. In truth he is a dark-skinned black guy. Just like his brother Thanassis. I always wondered why they were brothers when Thanassis was so dark and Giannis was so light. In truth, they are both the same skin tone after Giannis stopped lightening his skin.

This guy :yaohappy:

05-22-2024, 04:22 PM
Also this guy is CRAZY ignorant about genetics.

Does he think two brothers cant vary in height either??

I need to hear his theory about how 6’1 Bronny isnt Lebron’s real kid.

05-22-2024, 04:23 PM
But on a serious note he is badly disturbed and I hope he is able to find genuine help.

05-22-2024, 04:24 PM
I assume he’s spent very little real life time with Black people. I can get that much darker being at the pool for a day. I wore a black shirt grilling by the pool in Dallas once and took the shirt off and was two very different colors. It looked like I was almost painted where the shirt ended.

05-22-2024, 04:27 PM
I assume he’s spent very little real life time with Black people. I can get that much darker being at the pool for a day. I wore a black shirt grilling by the pool in Dallas once and took the shirt off and was two very different colors. It looked like I was almost painted where the shirt ended.

Im pretty sure his standing claim is that he IS black. And not in a trolling way like Alternative Account :lol But he claims hes a black professional living in Europe if I recall correctly.

The dude is literally deep-end insane.

05-22-2024, 04:35 PM
I assume he’s spent very little real life time with Black people. I can get that much darker being at the pool for a day. I wore a black shirt grilling by the pool in Dallas once and took the shirt off and was two very different colors. It looked like I was almost painted where the shirt ended.

Yeah Giannis isn't going to get much sun in the winter in Milwaukee.

OP is seriously nuts.

05-22-2024, 06:12 PM
savage bump starface, savage.

05-22-2024, 06:15 PM
Its funny how OPs "Before" and "Now" is both from 2022

05-22-2024, 07:36 PM
I don't know, here's a picture of him from yesterday and he doesn't look darker
