View Full Version : Disrespect or “Do something about it”?

08-16-2022, 08:55 AM
I’m going to post a few things in here today and ask you a simple question with this premise….

Is the play disrespectful or should the person on the receiving end just have done something to prevent it?

First…obviously…all plays could have been prevented by the other team not allowing it somehow. Be it better defense, outright violence, or whatever…but I’m talking in the abstract. If these plays are disrespectful in the mere attempt to do what happened…or if it’s a “If you don’t want them running up the score…keep up” kinda thing where it’s just the result of being better than someone even if just for a moment.

One example I’m sure I don’t actually need to post…the Shaq dunk on Chris Dudley where he shoved him out of bounds after. That is disrespect. Could it be prevented with a stop? Sure. But it’s disrespect. It’s like posing nude for porn vs nude art. Hard to say what the difference is but you know it when you see it.

A potential rule to follow might be….if it triggered a fight…would you understand?

First entry….

Demar nearly causes an international incident with an attempted 360 poster vs China up 47 points with 2 minutes left in the game:


Disrespect or “Do something about it.”?

Im torn. On one hand….don’t be trying to embarrass a guy showing your ass up 47 with a couple minutes left. On the other hand…don’t be down 47. Also heed the advice of underrated battle rapper Joel Ortiz who once said “You a light high don’t jump and become a highlight. Lose sight of your hind legs or live in hindsight”. A riff on the traditional “If you feeling froggy…leap” term from before your time. Basically…if you aren’t of the caliber needed to stop the play get out of the way…or face regret.

Now…dude did stop the play. He fouled him. But was Demar disrespecting to attempt it in the first place?

Im reminded of JRich attempting a 360 in the 4th in a 2 point game and Lebron erasing it with an obvious foul the refs didn’t call:


Possibly because of the audacity of the attempt or just because it was Lebron. But at the time it was Richardson who got clowned for even attempting it in that situation.



08-16-2022, 08:57 AM
Stromile Swift dunk on Dirk when he put his nuts on his head:


Disrespect or do something about it?

08-16-2022, 08:59 AM


08-16-2022, 09:00 AM


08-16-2022, 09:01 AM
No question which one this one is but I feel a need to post it every now and then anyway:


08-16-2022, 09:01 AM
On the other hand…don’t be down 47

They can 't help it though. They're clearly overmatched and there's absolutely nothing they can do about that..

As you said, fouling him was doing something about it. But if you're up 47 with a couple minutes left you don't need to be showing out. Not only is it disrespectful but it's also tacky.

08-16-2022, 09:20 AM
Stromile and Scottie the most disrespectful, the ones that are show boating, do something about it. Stromile would have to fight his way off the court at the park.

08-16-2022, 09:28 AM

Go to about 2:25 where Jamal shoots a late shot for 50 points. Kyrie was deeply offended. Ref had to run in and he threw the ball into the crowd.

But…disrespectful….or should he have been playing better defense?

08-16-2022, 09:36 AM
They can 't help it though. They're clearly overmatched and there's absolutely nothing they can do about that..

As you said, fouling him was doing something about it. But if you're up 47 with a couple minutes left you don't need to be showing out. Not only is it disrespectful but it's also tacky.

That’s the issue people had with dream team two. And now that I think about it nobody even calls it that anymore. But I mean the 94 team with Shaq, Kemp, Larry Johnson and all. They absolutely showed their asses. Don Nelson was embarrassed.

08-16-2022, 09:39 AM

Go to about 2:25 where Jamal shoots a late shot for 50 points. Kyrie was deeply offended. Ref had to run in and he threw the ball into the crowd.

But…disrespectful….or should he have been playing better defense?

well both

08-16-2022, 10:47 AM


This one's fine. Kemp was retaliating.

08-16-2022, 10:56 AM
There's degrees of disrespect and it does go over the line sometimes. Shaq giving an extra shove to dudley was unnecessary. And anyone who hams up it and scores in the final seconds when their team is up 20 with the game already decided deserves to get decked.

But sometimes disrespect just happens in the heat of the moment. Like Pippen nutting on Ewing and then taunting Spike...that was just a heat of the moment thing where his momentum carried him into Ewings chest before exploding on the rim. How can you not swagger after doing that? Same with Iverson crossing Lue and then fate putting Lue's corpse in front of AI to step over. Sometimes the stars just line up for iconic moments. But I will never be impressed by dudes who just ham it up, like Jamal Murray shooting that 3 at the end of the game.

08-16-2022, 11:00 AM
also not a fan of derozan trying to 360 on team china, or even vince jumping over that french dude in the olympics. The olympics is one of the few things we have in the world that embodies goodwill and diplomacy for nearly every country. that kind of shit makes me root AGAINST team USA every olympics. save it for the blacktop.

08-16-2022, 11:52 AM
also not a fan of derozan trying to 360 on team china, or even vince jumping over that french dude in the olympics. The olympics is one of the few things we have in the world that embodies goodwill and diplomacy for nearly every country. that kind of shit makes me root AGAINST team USA every olympics. save it for the blacktop.

That's like when Barkley was an ass against Angola in 1992 Olympics.

08-16-2022, 12:16 PM
also not a fan of derozan trying to 360 on team china, or even vince jumping over that french dude in the olympics. The olympics is one of the few things we have in the world that embodies goodwill and diplomacy for nearly every country. that kind of shit makes me root AGAINST team USA every olympics. save it for the blacktop.

Honestly I think Carter was surprised that Weis didn't drop down or challenge.

There was a WC playoffs game where Hakeem dunked on a already decided decisive game which caused retialition so I think being bitter at Demar's attempt is natural, but at the same time if it was me losing I wouldn't care. It doesn't make me lose less or more than before. I'd be mad at my team's performance. Not the opponent.

Pippen was pure disrepect. This was his hate for the Knicks manifesting in a dunk.

08-16-2022, 12:55 PM
also not a fan of derozan trying to 360 on team china, or even vince jumping over that french dude in the olympics. The olympics is one of the few things we have in the world that embodies goodwill and diplomacy for nearly every country. that kind of shit makes me root AGAINST team USA every olympics. save it for the blacktop.

Tf u talkin bout??

He attacked the basket and dude was in his way, so he adjusted and went over him.

It was a legit basketball play, nothing intentionally disrespectful.

08-16-2022, 01:01 PM
That’s the issue people had with dream team two. And now that I think about it nobody even calls it that anymore. But I mean the 94 team with Shaq, Kemp, Larry Johnson and all. They absolutely showed their asses. Don Nelson was embarrassed.

Yea I'm not a fan. Shaq, Kemp, Larry Johnson were born 6'10+ and can move like they do? Show some humility...you're LUCKY.

08-16-2022, 01:06 PM
I'm not bothered by hot dogging or disrespect on the court. Especially if its just a basketball play as opposed to antics and verbal stuff. But I am surprised how little people are bothered by guys making dirty players that could injure people.

08-16-2022, 01:46 PM
No question which one this one is but I feel a need to post it every now and then anyway:


I would say this is “do something about it” cause I don’t really see much wrong with it. It can’t be disrespect in a case like this cause it would’ve taken a lot more effort to not walk over him.

08-16-2022, 01:53 PM
I would say this is “do something about it” cause I don’t really see much wrong with it. It can’t be disrespect in a case like this cause it would’ve taken a lot more effort to not walk over him.


Except he didnt continue his momentum and simply walk past him, he literally stopped in his tracks so he could let his enormous Pippen dangle right over Ewing’s face.

Hey Im not saying guys who are huge like Pippen or Lebron shouldnt flex their Big Unit aka their Randy Johnson in whoevers face they feel like. Just that it was clearly intended as disrespect, not innocent miscommunication.

08-16-2022, 02:04 PM
I have no problem with Demar. He has every god given right to exercise his abilities. Don't want to get 360 dunked on.. do something about it.

08-17-2022, 01:40 AM
I’m going to post a few things in here today and ask you a simple question with this premise….

Is the play disrespectful or should the person on the receiving end just have done something to prevent it?

First…obviously…all plays could have been prevented by the other team not allowing it somehow. Be it better defense, outright violence, or whatever…but I’m talking in the abstract. If these plays are disrespectful in the mere attempt to do what happened…or if it’s a “If you don’t want them running up the score…keep up” kinda thing where it’s just the result of being better than someone even if just for a moment.

One example I’m sure I don’t actually need to post…the Shaq dunk on Chris Dudley where he shoved him out of bounds after. That is disrespect. Could it be prevented with a stop? Sure. But it’s disrespect. It’s like posing nude for porn vs nude art. Hard to say what the difference is but you know it when you see it.

A potential rule to follow might be….if it triggered a fight…would you understand?

First entry….

Demar nearly causes an international incident with an attempted 360 poster vs China up 47 points with 2 minutes left in the game:

Disrespect or “Do something about it.”?

Im torn. On one hand….don’t be trying to embarrass a guy showing your ass up 47 with a couple minutes left. On the other hand…don’t be down 47. Also heed the advice of underrated battle rapper Joel Ortiz who once said “You a light high don’t jump and become a highlight. Lose sight of your hind legs or live in hindsight”. A riff on the traditional “If you feeling froggy…leap” term from before your time. Basically…if you aren’t of the caliber needed to stop the play get out of the way…or face regret.

Now…dude did stop the play. He fouled him. But was Demar disrespecting to attempt it in the first place?

Im reminded of JRich attempting a 360 in the 4th in a 2 point game and Lebron erasing it with an obvious foul the refs didn’t call:

Possibly because of the audacity of the attempt or just because it was Lebron. But at the time it was Richardson who got clowned for even attempting it in that situation.



Clean block from Bron. His hand hit the ball first. Specifically LeBron's right thumb hit the ball first and then he made contact with Richardson. Clean play.


It is totally disrespectful for DeMar to do something like that up 47 points. He was taught better than that.

He was actually taught to never attempt a 360 dunk in a game, period.

08-17-2022, 01:47 AM
Yea I'm not a fan. Shaq, Kemp, Larry Johnson were born 6'10+ and can move like they do? Show some humility...you're LUCKY.

Larry Johnson was like 6'6

08-18-2022, 08:10 AM
On the fence. When you're up that much, it seems in bad taste. Over 40 point advantage. If you're up 10 points or something, yeah keep playing. That said, I don't feel strongly about it and disagree with sports purists who overreact when the leading team builds a further lead. End of the day, goal is to win.

DeRozan is fortunate though. You play against a team that doesn't take kindly to it and lacks ethics, they can cut your legs when you're mid-air and it can get ugly.

08-23-2022, 11:05 AM

Off the backboard up big with 2 minutes left. I’m told what KD said was along the lines of “Bro did that up 30?” and Kerr told him it wasn’t the all star game and you don’t do that up big.


Kerr explaining the situation and his feelings on disrespect vs making a name for yourself which is what Draymond implied it was and encouraged it.

08-23-2022, 11:36 AM
IMO anything that is a basketball play, is fair game. Regardless of the score. If you dont like people doing flashy dunks when theyre up big, play better or eat shit. Dont start drama after you sat there and allowed dudes to flex on you. Stop it before it happens, or **** off.

Anything thats after the whistle, like mocking gestures and so on, is personal disrespect and a dude who does it better be prepared for the consequences. Most chumps will sit there and take it anyway, but an alpha like Lebron will absolutely clap back a hundred times harder and teach you a lesson you wont never, EVER forget.

08-23-2022, 12:15 PM
From the Warriors perspective it was a dumb play, the defender was only a few feet behind. Open court sure do whatever you want but Bell definitely forced it on that one.