View Full Version : Kareem at ages 35-36-37: 7.6 rebounds per game. LeBron at 35-37: 7.9 rpg

08-29-2022, 05:36 AM
This is the thing that is the most impressive about LeBron's longevity: The fact that he didn't sacrifice any aspect of his game to prolong it.
Meanwhile, early in his career Kareem was a great rebounder, and even led the league in rebounds per game one season. But as soon as he hit his mid 30s, he completely sacrificed this aspect of his game in order to avoid extra wear and tear on his body. On the other hand, at this age, the 6'8-6'9 LeBron outrebounds once league leader in rpg 7'2 Kareem, who used to be known for having GOAT longevity. :eek: :applause:
All this shows is that LeBron's already GOAT longevity is even greater than it gets credit for.

Full Court
08-29-2022, 06:54 AM
This is the thing that is the most impressive about LeBron's longevity: The fact that he didn't sacrifice any aspect of his game to prolong it.
Meanwhile, early in his career Kareem was a great rebounder, and even led the league in rebounds per game one season. But as soon as he hit his mid 30s, he completely sacrificed this aspect of his game in order to avoid extra wear and tear on his body. On the other hand, at this age, the 6'8-6'9 LeBron outrebounds once league leader in rpg 7'2 Kareem, who used to be known for having GOAT longevity. :eek: :applause:
All this shows is that LeBron's already GOAT longevity is even greater than it gets credit for.

Uh, except for defense. :lol

Which is the main reason why he led a super team to the lottery. :roll:

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia.giphy.com%2Fmedia%2F1BGPLg0 KIG7zpIwLQc%2Fgiphy.gif&f=1&nofb=1

08-29-2022, 07:06 AM


You and your alts have already trolled plenty about LeBron never being a good defender, so making fun of LeBron's defense late in his career forces you to imply that he was a good defender at one point... Which is hilarious to witness you being forced to admit. :roll:

08-29-2022, 08:35 AM
This is the thing that is the most impressive about LeBron's longevity: The fact that he didn't sacrifice any aspect of his game to prolong it.
Meanwhile, early in his career Kareem was a great rebounder, and even led the league in rebounds per game one season. But as soon as he hit his mid 30s, he completely sacrificed this aspect of his game in order to avoid extra wear and tear on his body. On the other hand, at this age, the 6'8-6'9 LeBron outrebounds once league leader in rpg 7'2 Kareem, who used to be known for having GOAT longevity. :eek: :applause:
All this shows is that LeBron's already GOAT longevity is even greater than it gets credit for.

Compare LeBron to Jordan at ages 35-36-37

It's even more lopsided.

Who the hell thinks Jordan is better than LeBron besides those stuck in group think or people nostalgic about their youth in the 90s?

08-29-2022, 08:37 AM


You and your alts have already trolled plenty about LeBron never being a good defender, so making fun of LeBron's defense late in his career forces you to imply that he was a good defender at one point... Which is hilarious to witness you being forced to admit. :roll:


LeBron has been the playoff defensive MVP for 2012/2013/2014/2015/2016/2016/2017/2018/ and arguable between him and AD in 2020.

08-29-2022, 03:51 PM
Compare LeBron to Jordan at ages 35-36-37

It's even more lopsided.

Who the hell thinks Jordan is better than LeBron besides those stuck in group think or people nostalgic about their youth in the 90s?

The stats. It's not sinking in your head that LeBron isn't even in the conversation until he gets one more ring, one more FMVP and one more MVP.

08-29-2022, 04:52 PM

08-30-2022, 04:17 AM
The stats. It's not sinking in your head that LeBron isn't even in the conversation until he gets one more ring, one more FMVP and one more MVP.

The only way jordon can be ranked equally is if he invents a time machine and goes back in time to erase his zero .500 seasons and 1-9 playoff record without The Great Scott Pippen. Then he can be ranked equally... with Kareem, that is. He would still be behind LeBron though.

08-30-2022, 04:29 AM
Uh, except for defense. :lol

Which is the main reason why he led a super team to the lottery. :roll:

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia.giphy.com%2Fmedia%2F1BGPLg0 KIG7zpIwLQc%2Fgiphy.gif&f=1&nofb=1

He didn't sacrifice defense either. He just quarterbacked the #1 defense in the league in 2021. Quarterbacked a championship defense in 2020.

08-30-2022, 11:30 PM
What bigs in the league? Lebron has lost to every legit big even with HCA. Dwight, Dirk, KG, Duncan, Draymond