View Full Version : Mom convicted of murder and sentenced to life for killing newborn with vegan diet

Long Duck Dong
08-30-2022, 01:15 AM

This was Florida. She probably would have been slapped on the wrist in California or New York.

Forced a vegan diet on her child after just a few months after birth who eventually died at 18 months old. 2 of her other children were malnourished and her oldest had been given to the father by the courts because of the same reason.

A person should only go vegan after they are close to adulthood. Even vegetarian children look sickly. Liberals are always talking about all natural, mother nature and all that good stuff. Well we are omnivores by nature. Not carnivores, not herbivores. We are omnivorous. Mother nature wants us to have a balanced diet of lean meat and vegetables in temperate climates. And a high fat, more carnivorous diet during winter months in cold climates. Why fight it?

08-30-2022, 01:43 AM
She's probably doing it wrong. There are a lot of vegan kids out there.

08-30-2022, 03:12 AM
She's probably doing it wrong. There are a lot of vegan kids out there.

This. OP generalizing liberals off a vague article shows he's a sheep.

08-30-2022, 03:48 AM
This. OP generalizing liberals off a vague article shows he's a sheep.
Nothing wrong with the sheep they usually come out on top in the end. The wolves are just frontrunning cowards

Long Duck Dong
08-30-2022, 04:48 PM
She's probably doing it wrong. There are a lot of vegan kids out there.

Doing it right is breast feeding. 2nd best is altered animal milk. Last is soy. If giving your kid the worst possible option for them is "doing it right" then I imagine the poor kid wants you to do it wrong. At least wait until puberty before switching them over to vegan. Even most vegetarian kids don't look healthy.

Let's be honest. All of us knew vegetarian kids growing up, and a few vegans in high school. How many of those people, especial the guys looked healthy? Not a lot in my experience.

I'm not denying going vegetarian, or even vegan has health benefits later in life for those that weren't eating a healthy omnivore diet but at least wait until your body develops into where it needs to be first.

Off the Court
08-30-2022, 05:44 PM
Doing it right is breast feeding.
Article says they were fed breast milk. Overall it reads like she completely starved them.

You should read this.

I'm not even vegan, I eat meat, but almost all studies show that vegans have a significantly longer life expectancy than omnivores on average. Some studies show it as much as 10 years on average. You say they "look" unhealthy but the reality is they are healthier on average.

Long Duck Dong
08-30-2022, 07:41 PM
Article says they were fed breast milk. Overall it reads like she completely starved them.

You should read this.

I'm not even vegan, I eat meat, but almost all studies show that vegans have a significantly longer life expectancy than omnivores on average. Some studies show it as much as 10 years on average. You say they "look" unhealthy but the reality is they are healthier on average.

Says only the toddler was fed some breast milk. The other malnourished children were on a strict vegan diet.

Going vegan is generally expensive and trendy, the people that do it are usually already health conscious and wealthy. You are going to compare that small demographic to the average Joe who eats both his meats and vegetables in an unhealthy manner? Plus how many of those vegans started their diet before puberty. I'm willing to bet almost all of them were omnivorous or at least vegetarian as children. If eating very little meat was the key to a higher life expectancy, the top 5 meat eating countries wouldn't have a life expectancy 6-7 years longer than the bottom 5 meat eating nations. Options are always good, and our bodies are designed to eat meat, especially those of us who's ancestors came from cold climates like Europeans and East Asians.

Again, my point is mainly aimed at children going vegan. Tell me in your experience were the vegan children you've met, did they look healthy to you? I bet none of them were very athletic.

08-31-2022, 12:29 AM
Doing it right is breast feeding. 2nd best is altered animal milk. Last is soy. If giving your kid the worst possible option for them is "doing it right" then I imagine the poor kid wants you to do it wrong. At least wait until puberty before switching them over to vegan. Even most vegetarian kids don't look healthy.

Let's be honest. All of us knew vegetarian kids growing up, and a few vegans in high school. How many of those people, especial the guys looked healthy? Not a lot in my experience.

I'm not denying going vegetarian, or even vegan has health benefits later in life for those that weren't eating a healthy omnivore diet but at least wait until your body develops into where it needs to be first.

I agree with breast feeding. But I can't agree with "they don't look healthy to me so they must not be."

08-31-2022, 09:19 AM
Vegans are idiots, let's be honest. A healthy diet must include meat, it's in our genes. Our ancestors millions of years ago didn't climb down from the trees to switch to meat that helped our brains grow, especially after we tamed fire, only to watch effeminate libtards think eating meat is morally wrong :facepalm

We are apex predators, top of the food chain, deal with it. A long time ago, we weren't but now we are, enjoy the spoils of our ancient ancestors victories you absolute ******s.

To the OP, that stupid lefty needs to rot in prison.

Bill Gates
08-31-2022, 10:27 AM
Liberals are always talking about all natural, mother nature and all that good stuff. Well we are omnivores by nature. Not carnivores, not herbivores. We are omnivorous. Mother nature wants us to have a balanced diet of lean meat and vegetables in temperate climates. And a high fat, more carnivorous diet during winter months in cold climates. Why fight it?
Eating meat may be natural but farming, breeding, and slaughtering millions of animals so that we can stuff our faces with cheeseburgers is no where near natural. Cows and pigs don't even exist in nature. They were bred from other animals into fat helpless creatures for humans to eat. You think mother nature intended for man made daily farm animal holocausts?

There are very few meat eaters who do it in a natural way which is eating raw fish, wild deer or boar meat, etc. and the US is loaded with overweight children raised on McDonalds.

08-31-2022, 11:27 AM
Libtards shouldnt be procreating anyways

Long Duck Dong
08-31-2022, 12:00 PM
Eating meat may be natural but farming, breeding, and slaughtering millions of animals so that we can stuff our faces with cheeseburgers is no where near natural. Cows and pigs don't even exist in nature. They were bred from other animals into fat helpless creatures for humans to eat. You think mother nature intended for man made daily farm animal holocausts?

The exact same thing could be said of the fruits and vegetables we consume. Do you really think these vegetables were the way mother nature originally designed them? There are few examples of fruits and vegetables that are close to the same now as the way they were 1000s of years ago before humans cultivated them to our needs but very, very few

There are very few meat eaters who do it in a natural way which is eating raw fish, wild deer or boar meat, etc. and the US is loaded with overweight children raised on McDonalds.

Well you are talking to one of the people that harvests and stores a lot of their meat. Not a lot of people who eat vegetables do it the natural way either. Very few grow or harvest their own. I probably grow and harvest more of my own vegetables more than 95% of all vegans.

08-31-2022, 02:09 PM
The exact same thing could be said of the fruits and vegetables we consume. Do you really think these vegetables were the way mother nature originally designed them? There are few examples of fruits and vegetables that are close to the same now as the way they were 1000s of years ago before humans cultivated them to our needs but very, very few

Well you are talking to one of the people that harvests and stores a lot of their meat. Not a lot of people who eat vegetables do it the natural way either. Very few grow or harvest their own. I probably grow and harvest more of my own vegetables more than 95% of all vegans.

That is not exact same thing. Vaguely similar? Sure.

Genetically modifying fruits/vegetables with the primary purpose being sustainability is not at all same as what goes on in the meat industry. Particularly in this country.

Having said that, the few vegans that I know are typically very conscious of the way they consume fruits and vegetables as well. Lot of farmers market trips. One has his own garden as well.

Long Duck Dong
08-31-2022, 02:36 PM
That is not exact same thing. Vaguely similar? Sure.

Genetically modifying fruits/vegetables with the primary purpose being sustainability is not at all same as what goes on in the meat industry. Particularly in this country.

It's the exact same thing for both plants and animals for human consumption. Products of selective breeding, crossbreeding and hybridization are what's almost exclusively put on our plates today. Only some vegetables and fruits are genetically modified. Animals bred for consumption are not genetically modified (to date).

08-31-2022, 02:47 PM
It's the exact same thing for both plants and animals for human consumption. Products of selective breeding, crossbreeding and hybridization are what's almost exclusively put on our plates today. Only some vegetables and fruits are genetically modified. Animals bred for consumption are not genetically modified (to date).

Yes, the core concept of artificial selection is the same. But that can branch out exponentially in terms of practical use and impact. Both on ourselves and the environment.