View Full Version : Suns owner gets one year suspension plus fined 10mil

Hey Yo
09-13-2022, 12:35 PM
For past conduct that was deemed detrimental to the team and his employees.

Multiple uses of the N word and treating female employees like shit.

09-13-2022, 01:09 PM
For past conduct that was deemed detrimental to the team and his employees.

Multiple uses of the N word and treating female employees like shit.

Guy uses magnum condoms and believes bitches aint shit but hoes n tricks.

If we're not giving him the n!gga pass, what does it even exist for??


Long Duck Dong
09-13-2022, 01:41 PM
Bunch of woke nonsense.

He quoted or paraphrased someone using the N word. Same reason the CEO from Papa John's was forced to step down for quoting KFC's Colonel Sanders. Same reason Joe Rogan got into hot water.

And apparently made a few jokes that female employees didn't like including about their appearance plus physically intimidated some male beta employees.

Just for being a little stupid around the workplace....BAM! You gotta pay 10 million to make it all better. :lol

09-13-2022, 01:58 PM
Bunch of woke nonsense.

He quoted or paraphrased someone using the N word. Same reason the CEO from Papa John's was forced to step down for quoting KFC's Colonel Sanders. Same reason Joe Rogan got into hot water.

And apparently made a few jokes that female employees didn't like including about their appearance plus physically intimidated some male beta employees.

Just for being a little stupid around the workplace....BAM! You gotta pay 10 million to make it all better. :lol

this is a shitty take

I don’t know a lot but I remember some of the excerpts.

this dude was mega cringe and unprofessional. if you are going to be unprofessional at least be cool while doing it

he’s lucky it wasn’t worse

09-13-2022, 02:18 PM
There have been reports of him being a rude jackass from before the me too or “woke” era. He’s treated plenty of people like shit if you listen to former employees.

Not everything is as simple as someone can’t take a joke or whatever. Some people are just douchebags. Two people can both have dark or somewhat “inappropriate” senses of humor and one comes off clever and likable and the other creepy. It’s all in your personality.

Reports have often said he just has a shitty way of dealing with people. I’ve said some outlandish shit in workplaces that I could see coming off wrong if I didn’t know my audience or how to put things. Thin line between these things and I’d imagine a guy like him used to being the most powerful person in the room blurs that line often.

Amin Elhassan(espn and other places) worked there during the Nash years and has nothing but negative reports on how he treats coaches, talks to players, and meddles in everything. Said he would lie to the front office about taking care of coaches down the line only to pretend he never said it. Insult guys during contract talks and make everyone’s job harder.

Its entirely possible dude is just a dick isn’t it?

09-13-2022, 02:25 PM
There have been reports of him being a rude jackass from before the me too or “woke” era. He’s treated plenty of people like shit if you listen to former employees.

Not everything is as simple as someone can’t take a joke or whatever. Some people are just douchebags. Two people can both have dark or somewhat “inappropriate” senses of humor and one comes off clever and likable and the other creepy. It’s all in your personality.

Reports have often said he just has a shitty way of dealing with people. I’ve said some outlandish shit in workplaces that I could see coming off wrong if I didn’t know my audience or how to put things. Thin line between these things and I’d imagine a guy like him used to being the most powerful person in the room blurs that line often.

Amin Elhassan(espn and other places) worked there during the Nash years and has nothing but negative reports on how he treats coaches, talks to players, and meddles in everything. Said he would lie to the front office about taking care of coaches down the line only to pretend he never said it. Insult guys during contract talks and make everyone’s job harder.

Its entirely possible dude is just a dick isn’t it?
Yeah, you just knew people would come on here blaming this on PC or woke culture and trying to downplay what he did, but this dude's had a notorious reputation for a really long time.

09-13-2022, 02:26 PM
The Phoenix area should boycott the team. Empty arena year round.

09-13-2022, 02:29 PM
There have been reports of him being a rude jackass from before the me too or “woke” era. He’s treated plenty of people like shit if you listen to former employees.

Not everything is as simple as someone can’t take a joke or whatever. Some people are just douchebags. Two people can both have dark or somewhat “inappropriate” senses of humor and one comes off clever and likable and the other creepy. It’s all in your personality.

Reports have often said he just has a shitty way of dealing with people. I’ve said some outlandish shit in workplaces that I could see coming off wrong if I didn’t know my audience or how to put things. Thin line between these things and I’d imagine a guy like him used to being the most powerful person in the room blurs that line often.

Amin Elhassan(espn and other places) worked there during the Nash years and has nothing but negative reports on how he treats coaches, talks to players, and meddles in everything. Said he would lie to the front office about taking care of coaches down the line only to pretend he never said it. Insult guys during contract talks and make everyone’s job harder.

Its entirely possible dude is just a dick isn’t it?


But has anyone got suspended a year and fined 10 milli for being unlikable?

My only issue with the examples reported is talking about women’s appearance at work. Dudes do that thinking theyre shooting a low key shot and that the chick might respond with interest, and it’s such a misread. Let a woman do her job and if you wanna make a move, call her outside of work and see if shes feelin you.

But dudes who are OFFENDED that their boss references magnum condoms? Please. You can call it cringe by all means, and plenty of bosses are cringe. But OFFENDED?? ‘UNCOMFORTABLE??’ Thats big time beta shit. Any dude who complains about that should be really embarrassed by his own manhood.

And as far as repeating ‘n!gga‘ that some other black dude said?? I cant speak for the submissive beta white people, who are numerous, but youre not gonna tell me I cant go where someone else goes bc of my skin color. Thats how animals get domesticated, you select for the most docile and submissive ones and turn em into beasts of burden. Imagine being a soft white sheep following all the rules billionaires set for you. Rules set specifically to KEEP black people pacified under someone else’s their economic thumb. The only people winning are the billionaire boys, and everyone else is too stupid and obedient to ever notice.

I tell ya the world is just full of soft evolutionary rejects.

09-13-2022, 02:33 PM
Very clever for the NBA to put this out right when NFL starts, they are hoping this doesn't get alot of attention.

Long Duck Dong
09-13-2022, 03:06 PM
Did he do anything illegal? If being a rich douchebag entails coughing up 10mil everytime you offend someone then a lot of these team owners better get ready to pony up :lol

But the main point is the N word. Quoting someone using the N word shouldn't be a huge strike against someone. If so, just ban the word already. Keep in mind libbies, our president also has quoting someone using the N word.

Edit. I see Fultz has addressed some of these points already

09-13-2022, 05:08 PM
The fact that he’s being punished(if we even call it that considering it’s an employee of his handing it down) and not the other rich douchebags doesn’t suggest to you his behavior is different?

Every time someone is called out for shit behavior people get upset on some “Now they’re coming for everyone!” nonsense and then…they don’t come for everyone. I’m sure most of these billionaires have resentment around them and people who don’t like them. They don’t all have the accusations that cause these reactions.

Its like when conservatives complain all conservative voices are being silenced online while ignoring they are a conservative voicing their opinion online. Obviously it isn’t being conservative that gets you banned when millions of them aren’t. And obviously the “woke” era doesn’t get everyone in trouble because most….aren’t in trouble.

Stop putting the shit behavior of the relative few who face consequences on society. Can’t these people just be….assholes?

They exist. Bad people exist. People who treat others badly…exist. If it were just manufactured on everyone…everyone would have these problems.

Everyone doesn’t. Assholes do. Is that so hard to believe?

09-13-2022, 05:17 PM
The fact that he’s being punished(if we even call it that considering it’s an employee of his handing it down) and not the other rich douchebags doesn’t suggest to you his behavior is different?

Every time someone is called out for shit behavior people get upset on some “Now they’re coming for everyone!” nonsense and then…they don’t come for everyone. I’m sure most of these billionaires have resentment around them and people who don’t like them. They don’t all have the accusations that cause these reactions.

Its like when conservatives complain all conservative voices are being silenced online while ignoring they are a conservative voicing their opinion online. Obviously it isn’t being conservative that gets you banned when millions of them aren’t. And obviously the “woke” era doesn’t get everyone in trouble because most….aren’t in trouble.

Stop putting the shit behavior of the relative few who face consequences on society. Can’t these people just be….assholes?

They exist. Bad people exist. People who treat others badly…exist. If it were just manufactured on everyone…everyone would have these problems.

Everyone doesn’t. Assholes do. Is that so hard to believe?

Nobody's lauding the behavior.

If you can't admit he's being punished for this behavior simply because the complainers are black and female, you're being purposely obtuse. White guys have been dealing with douchebag bosses since workplaces existed, nobody's ever got fined/suspended like THAT.

But hey, que sera sera. Anyone who wants to own nothing and be happy, as long as they dont have to bear the enormous burden of hearing a white person rap "n!gga" when singing out his favorite song, go right ahead. Dig your own grave over your little feelings. (Not you personally, but any cuck out there that cant see the forest for the trees.)

Ehyeh asher ehyeh. "It's gonna be what it's gonna be."

09-13-2022, 06:11 PM
Nobody in workplaces gets in trouble for these things? Cut the bullshit. They may not get fined that much but they aren’t billionaires. Normal people just get fired which relatively speaking is much worse on them. I worked in HR for years. I worked HR for AT&T in the DC area when I first got here. This is 20 years ago. Men and women all the way up and down the ladder were being fired for all kinds of crass behavior and always have been. And that’s power tripping over having 13 reports and a 60K a year job not being heir to a million dollar empire or a tech bubble billionaire who’s been the richest person in the room every day since he was 26.

Think for a moment how many major sports owners there are. Between the major sports in America let’s call it 100-130 the last 20 years(teams get sold). How many faced serious discipline? Has it even been 5? I can think of 4 but let’s call it 10. You have worked in your life. You think the asshole rate is as low as 1 in 10? Of course not.

They probably ALL occasionally say something wrong or do something wrong like we all do. But guess what? Most don’t make enough of a habit of it for it to overcome the protective bubble they live in and spill out into the world and get them in trouble.

Do you think an occasional crass remark gets a billionaire to consent to a massive fine and not to show up at his own arena for a year? Everyone alive makes an occasional crass remark. The douchebags take it too far and get punished. And I promise it takes a lot more for an “Illuminati” level of rich person to get in trouble than you or I.

I personally know multiple people who got fired over mild remarks. Family friend of mine who was in the nba in the 70s I’ve mentioned before…named Clyde Mayes? He got fired when he was working retail for sexual harassment…and this was like 2007. In the real world people black, white, men, and women face consequences for the exact behavior a much smaller number of tycoons get in trouble over but the moment one does the same people are ready to defend it like they don’t know assholes exist who take it too far.

All over the world right now power tripping jerks of every race and gender are saying rude shit or taking flirting too far with a subordinate who isn’t comfortable. And most get away with it. And they aren’t billionaires with the legal team and circle of protection that comes with it.

To get punished like Sarver, Sterling, or the couple nfl guys you almost have to be downright reprehensible but every time…with little real knowledge of the situation…someone blames the woke agenda.

Like these dudes are picked out of a hat to be made an example of.

Robert Sarver does not work for Adam Silver and the nba. Robert Sarver is the nba. Silver works for him. If he and fellow owners and employees agreed he’d accept this suspension and fine it isn’t because nothing is there.

We all know douchebags. Power tripping jerks who don’t behave like decent humans. And most of them have a lot less power to trip over than billionaire team owners.

Frankly it’s shocking any of them ever get in trouble. They have to be either stupid or careless to let enough of a trail lead back to them to face consequences.

The few who do don’t need “Oh here they go again….the woke mob!” defense. We all know there is no group of 100 people in America without more than 5 absolute pieces of shit. Stop caping up for the few who despite overwhelming odds against it actually have to answer for it every few years.

09-13-2022, 06:51 PM
Nobody in workplaces gets in trouble for these things? Cut the bullshit. They may not get fined that much but they aren’t billionaires. Normal people just get fired which relatively speaking is much worse on them. I worked in HR for years. I worked HR for AT&T in the DC area when I first got here. This is 20 years ago. Men and women all the way up and down the ladder were being fired for all kinds of crass behavior and always have been. And that’s power tripping over having 13 reports and a 60K a year job not being heir to a million dollar empire or a tech bubble billionaire who’s been the richest person in the room every day since he was 26.

Think for a moment how many major sports owners there are. Between the major sports in America let’s call it 100-130 the last 20 years(teams get sold). How many faced serious discipline? Has it even been 5? I can think of 4 but let’s call it 10. You have worked in your life. You think the asshole rate is as low as 1 in 10? Of course not.

They probably ALL occasionally say something wrong or do something wrong like we all do. But guess what? Most don’t make enough of a habit of it for it to overcome the protective bubble they live in and spill out into the world and get them in trouble.

Do you think an occasional crass remark gets a billionaire to consent to a massive fine and not to show up at his own arena for a year? Everyone alive makes an occasional crass remark. The douchebags take it too far and get punished. And I promise it takes a lot more for an “Illuminati” level of rich person to get in trouble than you or I.

I personally know multiple people who got fired over mild remarks. Family friend of mine who was in the nba in the 70s I’ve mentioned before…named Clyde Mayes? He got fired when he was working retail for sexual harassment…and this was like 2007. In the real world people black, white, men, and women face consequences for the exact behavior a much smaller number of tycoons get in trouble over but the moment one does the same people are ready to defend it like they don’t know assholes exist who take it too far.

All over the world right now power tripping jerks of every race and gender are saying rude shit or taking flirting too far with a subordinate who isn’t comfortable. And most get away with it. And they aren’t billionaires with the legal team and circle of protection that comes with it.

To get punished like Sarver, Sterling, or the couple nfl guys you almost have to be downright reprehensible but every time…with little real knowledge of the situation…someone blames the woke agenda.

Like these dudes are picked out of a hat to be made an example of.

Robert Sarver does not work for Adam Silver and the nba. Robert Sarver is the nba. Silver works for him. If he and fellow owners and employees agreed he’d accept this suspension and fine it isn’t because nothing is there.

We all know douchebags. Power tripping jerks who don’t behave like decent humans. And most of them have a lot less power to trip over than billionaire team owners.

Frankly it’s shocking any of them ever get in trouble. They have to be either stupid or careless to let enough of a trail lead back to them to face consequences.

The few who do don’t need “Oh here they go again….the woke mob!” defense. We all know there is no group of 100 people in America without more than 5 absolute pieces of shit. Stop caping up for the few who despite overwhelming odds against it actually have to answer for it every few years.
give starface a break, he's never had a job. he even admitted at age 25 he was being financially supported by his parents. he's just going off what he hears on the internet.

09-13-2022, 07:22 PM
Nobody in workplaces gets in trouble for these things? Cut the bullshit. They may not get fined that much but they arenÂ’t billionaires. Normal people just get fired which relatively speaking is much worse on them. I worked in HR for years. I worked HR for AT&T in the DC area when I first got here. This is 20 years ago. Men and women all the way up and down the ladder were being fired for all kinds of crass behavior and always have been. And thatÂ’s power tripping over having 13 reports and a 60K a year job not being heir to a million dollar empire or a tech bubble billionaire whoÂ’s been the richest person in the room every day since he was 26.

Think for a moment how many major sports owners there are. Between the major sports in America letÂ’s call it 100-130 the last 20 years(teams get sold). How many faced serious discipline? Has it even been 5? I can think of 4 but letÂ’s call it 10. You have worked in your life. You think the asshole rate is as low as 1 in 10? Of course not.

They probably ALL occasionally say something wrong or do something wrong like we all do. But guess what? Most donÂ’t make enough of a habit of it for it to overcome the protective bubble they live in and spill out into the world and get them in trouble.

Do you think an occasional crass remark gets a billionaire to consent to a massive fine and not to show up at his own arena for a year? Everyone alive makes an occasional crass remark. The douchebags take it too far and get punished. And I promise it takes a lot more for an “Illuminati” level of rich person to get in trouble than you or I.

I personally know multiple people who got fired over mild remarks. Family friend of mine who was in the nba in the 70s IÂ’ve mentioned beforeÂ…named Clyde Mayes? He got fired when he was working retail for sexual harassmentÂ…and this was like 2007. In the real world people black, white, men, and women face consequences for the exact behavior a much smaller number of tycoons get in trouble over but the moment one does the same people are ready to defend it like they donÂ’t know assholes exist who take it too far.

All over the world right now power tripping jerks of every race and gender are saying rude shit or taking flirting too far with a subordinate who isnÂ’t comfortable. And most get away with it. And they arenÂ’t billionaires with the legal team and circle of protection that comes with it.

To get punished like Sarver, Sterling, or the couple nfl guys you almost have to be downright reprehensible but every timeÂ…with little real knowledge of the situationÂ…someone blames the woke agenda.

Like these dudes are picked out of a hat to be made an example of.

Robert Sarver does not work for Adam Silver and the nba. Robert Sarver is the nba. Silver works for him. If he and fellow owners and employees agreed heÂ’d accept this suspension and fine it isnÂ’t because nothing is there.

We all know douchebags. Power tripping jerks who donÂ’t behave like decent humans. And most of them have a lot less power to trip over than billionaire team owners.

Frankly itÂ’s shocking any of them ever get in trouble. They have to be either stupid or careless to let enough of a trail lead back to them to face consequences.

The few who do don’t need “Oh here they go again….the woke mob!” defense. We all know there is no group of 100 people in America without more than 5 absolute pieces of shit. Stop caping up for the few who despite overwhelming odds against it actually have to answer for it every few years.

Again, I’m not defending anything he did that was ACTUALLY improper. And I dont dispute he was a loathsome boss to be around.

But in all the reports, theyre citing his “use of the n-word in the context of repeating what a black person said” as one of the big egregious sins he committed. It’s like the first thing all of the statements and articles point out. So that leads me to believe it was a big factor, and well... that is one silly factor to suspend a guy for.

And then stuff like “zomg he boasted about needing magnum condoms.” Like yeah, I get that’s super awkward and out of place for a workplace leader to be talking about. I’m not saying it’s not weird af. But people ran to the media to complain about it? Thats embarrassing for them.

So all I’m saying is I dont see the specific examples of what warranted that much punishment. Not disputing his character flaws. So far I havent seen the comments that deserve such punishment. If someone knows em, by all means post them. If it’s because he was sexualizing women on the job, I already said in my first post that’s a no-go and if this is the stated punishment for that, then fine.

But rapping ‘nˇgga’ during a handshake and intimidating other men with references to magnum condoms? Gimme a break.

09-13-2022, 07:35 PM
Again, I’m not defending anything he did that was ACTUALLY improper. And I dont dispute he was a loathsome boss to be around.

But in all the reports, theyre citing his “use of the n-word in the context of repeating what a black person said” as one of the big egregious sins he committed. It’s like the first thing all of the statements and articles point out. So that leads me to believe it was a big factor, and well... that is one silly factor to suspend a guy for.

And then stuff like “zomg he boasted about needing magnum condoms.” Like yeah, I get that’s super awkward and out of place for a workplace leader to be talking about. I’m not saying it’s not weird af. But people ran to the media to complain about it? Thats embarrassing for them.

So all I’m saying is I dont see the specific examples of what warranted that much punishment. Not disputing his character flaws. So far I havent seen the comments that deserve such punishment. If someone knows em, by all means post them. If it’s because he was sexualizing women on the job, I already said in my first post that’s a no-go and if this is the stated punishment for that, then fine.

But rapping ‘nˇgga’ during a handshake and intimidating other men with references to magnum condoms? Gimme a break.

It sounds like he is unable to read the room and know his audience. Alluding to how big your ***** is to your co-workers, especially when you are their boss….it’s sexual harassment. It’s pretty cut and dry. If you are telling inappropriate jokes to people who obviously don’t enjoy them, and do it over and over and over. It becomes more than an annoyance, it is a form of abuse at some point. Even then a lot of the time it’s not what you say, it’s how you say it, and who you say it too. If you don’t exercise that properly you will run into problems. At home, at work, on the street. It’s not a good look. The boss acted very unprofessional repeatedly for along time. Now there are some consequences to it.

09-13-2022, 07:55 PM
It sounds like he is unable to read the room and know his audience. Alluding to how big your ***** is to your co-workers, especially when you are their boss….it’s sexual harassment. It’s pretty cut and dry. If you are telling inappropriate jokes to people who obviously don’t enjoy them, and do it over and over and over. It becomes more than an annoyance, it is a form of abuse at some point. Even then a lot of the time it’s not what you say, it’s how you say it, and who you say it too. If you don’t exercise that properly you will run into problems. At home, at work, on the street. It’s not a good look. The boss acted very unprofessional repeatedly for along time. Now there are some consequences to it.

Thats perfectly fair, but then these articles shouldnt all be leading with “he said n-word the way black people do!!!” Whats that got to do with what he was punished for? Black players in the NBA say it all the time without punishment. If thats what he was punished for then his due process amendment was violated, if not, it’s irrelevant.

And again... the articles also reference the idea that “some male employees felt physically intimidated by him.”

I mean.... :roll:

I get that it’s technically considered misconduct and the NBA has a right to intervene. But those are some soft ass boys to get in their feelings because the boss is an unintentionally hilarious creep.

And as I said, sexually harassing women at work is always gonna draw a penalty nowadays and thats fine. I just think it’s cringe the media is trying to lump the other stuff in with it.

09-13-2022, 08:10 PM
Sarver once used the N-word when trying to explain to a staffer why he preferred hiring Lindsey Hunter over Dan Majerle as head coach in 2013, according to a high-level executive who heard the remark. Hunter was a first-year Suns player development coordinator while Majerle was in his fifth year as a Suns associate head coach.

"These [N-words] need a [N-word]," Sarver told the staffer.


09-13-2022, 08:58 PM
So he’s calling his employees ******s and you blame some kinda woke agenda for it not being considered ok….

Shit like this is why so many even fiscally conservative(me) and social conservative(most older ones) black people just can’t vote for republicans. Too many times it’s made clear we aren’t on the same team.

There are so many people who could be won over by some basic ****ing decency. But even bosses calling their subordinates ******s has to get laughed off like a woke mob getting someone punished over some bullshit.

09-13-2022, 09:33 PM
So heÂ’s calling his employees ******s and you blame some kinda woke agenda for it not being considered okÂ….

Shit like this is why so many even fiscally conservative(me) and social conservative(most older ones) black people just canÂ’t vote for republicans. Too many times itÂ’s made clear we arenÂ’t on the same team.

There are so many people who could be won over by some basic ****ing decency. But even bosses calling their subordinates ******s has to get laughed off like a woke mob getting someone punished over some bullshit.

“We can use words that you cant, not even in the exact same context” is teamwork to you? Lmao. Or do you think Draymond should also be suspended a year for language?

In the original “exposé” it cites a time CJ Watson got a technical for saying ‘*****’ and Sarver was flabbergasted after the game, saying “Draymond Green runs up and down all game saying *****, how come you get a T for saying *****!?” And CJ Watson was like “omg dude you cant say that :cry:” lmao. Little pvssy ass boy. Literally got a tech for saying it himself but cried bc Sarver said it too.

I dont do the double standard thing. That shit Sarver said, “these ****** need a *****” was obviously him doing satire of how a player might word it. And it was funny. Poking fun at cultural differences is the basis of comedy. It wasnt malicious. People need to get a grip.

The “only certain people can use certain words” is no different than the idea of separate water fountains. We either have double standards or we dont. Im not bending over because black people and the central banks they dont realize are manipulating them wanna team up to make me the new cuck of society. Aint goin out like that.

09-13-2022, 10:04 PM
It’s quite obviously more than just saying the n word and talking about condoms.

It was a huge investigation talking to tons of current and former employees. It has nothing to do with liberals or the woke mob. It has to do with this guy was a dirtbag and did so many egregious things along the way that it finally caught up with him and he was investigated, and subsequently punished by the NBA.

09-13-2022, 10:09 PM
It’s quite obviously more than just saying the n word and talking about condoms.

It was a huge investigation talking to tons of current and former employees. It has nothing to do with liberals or the woke mob. It has to do with this guy was a dirtbag and did so many egregious things along the way that it finally caught up with him and he was investigated, and subsequently punished by the NBA.

Ok, but all the examples cited in the news articles are woke mob specials, so ya cant blame people for making that assumption.

I get that he overdid it and clearly had little self awareness. Im personally not saying he’s blameless. Just that it appears to be a mix of a sleazy dude AND over reactions.

09-13-2022, 10:20 PM
Yea not being able to refer to your employees as ******s without consequences is the same as segregation. Bosses should be able to speak to and about subordinates in any way they please and consequences for being a shit human are due to “cuck” society.

You internet tough guys really have it all figured out. Curious I see so many online but you sneak around talking shit in private instead of out where you can be seen defying societies standards of decency but I’m sure it’s a coincidence. You won’t be held in check I’m sure. Alphas don’t watch their mouths and behave like normal decent members of society.

09-13-2022, 10:22 PM
Ok, but all the examples cited in the news articles are woke mob specials, so ya cant blame people for making that assumption.

I get that he overdid it and clearly had little self awareness. Im personally not saying he’s blameless. Just that it appears to be a mix of a sleazy dude AND over reactions.

I think the news artlcles is the woke mob.

But the investigation and punishment is a separate thing.

09-13-2022, 10:26 PM
I think the media clearly leans one way, and caters to pc culture, so that’s why the headlines are about the n word and condoms.

I think the root of the problem is much, much deeper than that. And I believe the NBA uncovered a long history, not just one or two instances, of him behaving inappropriately. I’m glad they didn’t take the team away from him, he should be given the chance to correct his behavior and resume his position.

09-13-2022, 10:48 PM
Yea not being able to refer to your employees as ******s without consequences is the same as segregation. Bosses should be able to speak to and about subordinates in any way they please and consequences for being a shit human are due to “cuck” society.

You internet tough guys really have it all figured out. Curious I see so many online but you sneak around talking shit in private instead of out where you can be seen defying societies standards of decency but I’m sure it’s a coincidence. You won’t be held in check I’m sure. Alphas don’t watch their mouths and behave like normal decent members of society.

Brother I walk what I talk and I got the scars to prove it.

But you’re absolutely right in that most people dont.

09-14-2022, 12:17 AM
Leave it up to the same old people defending rich people's rights to be assholes. We should give rich people more tax breaks while we're at it.

Lakers Legend#32
09-14-2022, 03:58 AM
Anything that f#cks the Suns over, I'm fine with.

09-14-2022, 07:11 PM
Well here’s this. Fultz can decide if he wants to pretend to be a Lebron fan or not at the moment


09-14-2022, 07:14 PM
Thats a photoshop.

09-14-2022, 07:47 PM
There have been reports of him being a rude jackass from before the me too or “woke” era. He’s treated plenty of people like shit if you listen to former employees.

Not everything is as simple as someone can’t take a joke or whatever. Some people are just douchebags. Two people can both have dark or somewhat “inappropriate” senses of humor and one comes off clever and likable and the other creepy. It’s all in your personality.

Reports have often said he just has a shitty way of dealing with people. I’ve said some outlandish shit in workplaces that I could see coming off wrong if I didn’t know my audience or how to put things. Thin line between these things and I’d imagine a guy like him used to being the most powerful person in the room blurs that line often.

Amin Elhassan(espn and other places) worked there during the Nash years and has nothing but negative reports on how he treats coaches, talks to players, and meddles in everything. Said he would lie to the front office about taking care of coaches down the line only to pretend he never said it. Insult guys during contract talks and make everyone’s job harder.

Its entirely possible dude is just a dick isn’t it?
“woke” culture and PC culture really translates into someone being held accountable for things they’ve done for these lot :lol

****ing idiots

09-14-2022, 07:52 PM
Nobody in workplaces gets in trouble for these things? Cut the bullshit. They may not get fined that much but they aren’t billionaires. Normal people just get fired which relatively speaking is much worse on them. I worked in HR for years. I worked HR for AT&T in the DC area when I first got here. This is 20 years ago. Men and women all the way up and down the ladder were being fired for all kinds of crass behavior and always have been. And that’s power tripping over having 13 reports and a 60K a year job not being heir to a million dollar empire or a tech bubble billionaire who’s been the richest person in the room every day since he was 26.

Think for a moment how many major sports owners there are. Between the major sports in America let’s call it 100-130 the last 20 years(teams get sold). How many faced serious discipline? Has it even been 5? I can think of 4 but let’s call it 10. You have worked in your life. You think the asshole rate is as low as 1 in 10? Of course not.

They probably ALL occasionally say something wrong or do something wrong like we all do. But guess what? Most don’t make enough of a habit of it for it to overcome the protective bubble they live in and spill out into the world and get them in trouble.

Do you think an occasional crass remark gets a billionaire to consent to a massive fine and not to show up at his own arena for a year? Everyone alive makes an occasional crass remark. The douchebags take it too far and get punished. And I promise it takes a lot more for an “Illuminati” level of rich person to get in trouble than you or I.

I personally know multiple people who got fired over mild remarks. Family friend of mine who was in the nba in the 70s I’ve mentioned before…named Clyde Mayes? He got fired when he was working retail for sexual harassment…and this was like 2007. In the real world people black, white, men, and women face consequences for the exact behavior a much smaller number of tycoons get in trouble over but the moment one does the same people are ready to defend it like they don’t know assholes exist who take it too far.

All over the world right now power tripping jerks of every race and gender are saying rude shit or taking flirting too far with a subordinate who isn’t comfortable. And most get away with it. And they aren’t billionaires with the legal team and circle of protection that comes with it.

To get punished like Sarver, Sterling, or the couple nfl guys you almost have to be downright reprehensible but every time…with little real knowledge of the situation…someone blames the woke agenda.

Like these dudes are picked out of a hat to be made an example of.

Robert Sarver does not work for Adam Silver and the nba. Robert Sarver is the nba. Silver works for him. If he and fellow owners and employees agreed he’d accept this suspension and fine it isn’t because nothing is there.

We all know douchebags. Power tripping jerks who don’t behave like decent humans. And most of them have a lot less power to trip over than billionaire team owners.

Frankly it’s shocking any of them ever get in trouble. They have to be either stupid or careless to let enough of a trail lead back to them to face consequences.

The few who do don’t need “Oh here they go again….the woke mob!” defense. We all know there is no group of 100 people in America without more than 5 absolute pieces of shit. Stop caping up for the few who despite overwhelming odds against it actually have to answer for it every few years.

09-14-2022, 08:09 PM
“woke” culture and PC culture really translates into someone being held accountable for things they’ve done for these lot :lol

****ing idiots

Refers to employees as ******s on at least 5 occasions, talking about his employees wives dick sucking lips, pulling down the shorts of an employee to embarrass him in public and that isn’t half of it. He’s cussing people out, intimidating people who know they couldn’t fight back and keep their jobs, and just generally being an absolute piece of shit protected only by his status as the boss.

Of the many people I’ve seen have HR issues none of them were that egregious or widespread. Someone might say racist things…or something you can’t say to a woman…or demean subordinates….or physically intimidate someone. But all of it?

Making this guy into a “World gone woke!” poster boy just shows some people are too tied up in politics to acknowledge the obvious. Dudes a scumbag. That’s it. Drop the woke bullshit for once. Bad people occasionally have to answer for it. Not often. But it happens.

09-14-2022, 09:42 PM
anyways, suns in 4

only real suns fans know this guy is a turd bc he drafted ayturd over luka mfing doncic. :mad:

09-14-2022, 10:20 PM
Refers to employees as ******s on at least 5 occasions, talking about his employees wives dick sucking lips, pulling down the shorts of an employee to embarrass him in public and that isn’t half of it. He’s cussing people out, intimidating people who know they couldn’t fight back and keep their jobs, and just generally being an absolute piece of shit protected only by his status as the boss.

Of the many people I’ve seen have HR issues none of them were that egregious or widespread. Someone might say racist things…or something you can’t say to a woman…or demean subordinates….or physically intimidate someone. But all of it?

Making this guy into a “World gone woke!” poster boy just shows some people are too tied up in politics to acknowledge the obvious. Dudes a scumbag. That’s it. Drop the woke bullshit for once. Bad people occasionally have to answer for it. Not often. But it happens.

This is where you're losing people.

You KNOW he's sayin it with an 'a' not a hard 'er.' Same exact way countless players around the league use it. Anthony Edwards just said it in his video where he described people as 'queer ass nikkas.' You want him suspended for a year?

Playing the "only we get to use certain words" game is not a recipe for cooperation and equality. Calling out white people for completely innocuously saying "whats up my nigg-uh!" the same way blacks do is about creating a culture only black people can be a part of, WHILE SIMULTANEOUSLY demanding access to anything 'white' they choose to and cancelling anything white they feel like making noise about (kentucky derby, mt rushmore, blah blah blah).

Saying "let's share the same schools, neighborhoods, and workplaces... but only these people can say this and those people cant!" is ridiculous and not sustainable. It's time to cut the bull. Everyone is sick of this shit.

Either get over the word, or punish ANYONE who says it. Stop calling everything racist. Making phony 'racism' accusations every time someone white does something black people do every day is a quick way to set up division lines. That game is tired as PHUCK. Lotta people are over it.

09-14-2022, 10:41 PM
Im not losing anyone. Nobody who isn’t an absolute scumbag doesn’t understand these actions being punished. And I’m not out to court scumbags. Scumbags don’t change their minds anyway. Some of you are just bad people. I tend to over explain myself trying to make myself clear because I try to see the other side and how they could take what I’m saying the wrong way but not here.

I genuinely don’t think the kind of person to defend this shit is likely to be decent so I don’t worry about if you see where I’m coming from at this point.

09-14-2022, 11:01 PM
Im not losing anyone. Nobody who isn’t an absolute scumbag doesn’t understand these actions being punished. And I’m not out to court scumbags. Scumbags don’t change their minds anyway. Some of you are just bad people. I tend to over explain myself trying to make myself clear because I try to see the other side and how they could take what I’m saying the wrong way but not here.

I genuinely don’t think the kind of person to defend this shit is likely to be decent so I don’t worry about if you see where I’m coming from at this point.

The punishment for the totality of his actions is fine, but calling it racist when nothing racist happened is garbage.

If you dont like Sarver and want to see him punished heavily because he pants’d a guy, thats fine. Just say it. Dont try to make him sound more bad and more guilty by throwing “he committed acts of racism” in there. He didnt. If you believe he shouldnt be allowed to use black slang because he’s white, YOURE racist.

See how tedious that game is? “Youre racist, nah uh youre racist, omg no UR racist!!!”

Not gonna keep being cucks. And in fact this is the human problem. Society in reality is MOST harmonious thru hierarchy. One group is dominant, one group is subordinate, conflict is avoided. For a long time blacks were held down and whites were entitled, and now - understandably obviously - blacks arent tryin to see that anymore. But now THEY wanna snatch as much entitlement and privilege as they can guilt whites into accepting. “Our culture, our words, we get to do this and you dont, take down that statue, stop teaching this subject, dont wear your hair like that.”

And itll work for a little bit while a lot of loser whites still think it’s edgy and contrarian and will get them recognition, but even they wont buy it forever. We’re not gonna walk on egg shells and perpetually be painted as bigots and forced to play by two different rules forever. These problems arent going away, and having headlines like these week after week, people will eventually say enough is enough.

So if you think Sarver’s a prick, just say he’s a prick and he deserves punishment for it. Trying to punish him for “being a prick while white” is not kosher.

Oops. Was that racist to say kosher? Sarver is jewish. Someone bust out a 12 page manual and see if theres an elaborate diagram explaining if Im allowed to say that.

09-14-2022, 11:27 PM
Starface having an epic meltdown because he's not allowed to say the n word without consequences :roll: :roll: :roll: Dude probably posts on st0rmfr0nt

09-14-2022, 11:39 PM
Starface having an epic meltdown because he's not allowed to say the n word without consequences :roll: :roll: :roll: Dude probably posts on st0rmfr0nt

Sticking up for his fellow lowlife scumbags. :lol

09-14-2022, 11:59 PM
Sticking up for his fellow lowlife scumbags. :lol
Dude is probably one of the guys having an epic meltdown that they cast a black woman to play a mermaid in a children's movie marketed towards girls :yaohappy:

09-15-2022, 12:10 AM
Starface having an epic meltdown because he's not allowed to say the n word without consequences :roll: :roll: :roll: Dude probably posts on st0rmfr0nt

:roll: he’s getting ethered by kblaze

09-15-2022, 01:27 AM
Sounds more of an elitist than anything to me, who had to take one for the team (not exactly but in essense) or be forced to sell and call it a day. Lots in his position actually are likeminded but are PR conscious. He isn't, and he's paying the price.

09-15-2022, 01:30 AM
:roll: he’s getting ethered by kblaze
Another ten paragraph meltdown coming right up! :yaohappy:

09-15-2022, 06:32 AM
How this dude didn't get the Sterling treatment I dunno.
I would have had to fire dudes for much less

09-15-2022, 07:04 AM
The punishment for the totality of his actions is fine, but calling it racist when nothing racist happened is garbage.

If you dont like Sarver and want to see him punished heavily because he pants’d a guy, thats fine. Just say it. Dont try to make him sound more bad and more guilty by throwing “he committed acts of racism” in there. He didnt. If you believe he shouldnt be allowed to use black slang because he’s white, YOURE racist.

See how tedious that game is? “Youre racist, nah uh youre racist, omg no UR racist!!!”

Not gonna keep being cucks. And in fact this is the human problem. Society in reality is MOST harmonious thru hierarchy. One group is dominant, one group is subordinate, conflict is avoided. For a long time blacks were held down and whites were entitled, and now - understandably obviously - blacks arent tryin to see that anymore. But now THEY wanna snatch as much entitlement and privilege as they can guilt whites into accepting. “Our culture, our words, we get to do this and you dont, take down that statue, stop teaching this subject, dont wear your hair like that.”

And itll work for a little bit while a lot of loser whites still think it’s edgy and contrarian and will get them recognition, but even they wont buy it forever. We’re not gonna walk on egg shells and perpetually be painted as bigots and forced to play by two different rules forever. These problems arent going away, and having headlines like these week after week, people will eventually say enough is enough.

So if you think Sarver’s a prick, just say he’s a prick and he deserves punishment for it. Trying to punish him for “being a prick while white” is not kosher.

Oops. Was that racist to say kosher? Sarver is jewish. Someone bust out a 12 page manual and see if theres an elaborate diagram explaining if Im allowed to say that.

How many turtles and tortoises did you adopt after the Great Revelation?





Probably chilling in your lair like Master splinter teaching them to play ball and preparing for the revolution


09-15-2022, 07:32 AM
Why you give him time I don't get. As soon as someone uses the word cucks I'm out of that shit

09-15-2022, 07:56 AM
How many turtles and tortoises did you adopt after the Great Revelation?





Probably chilling in your lair like Master splinter teaching them to play ball and preparing for the revolution


09-15-2022, 10:10 AM
How many turtles and tortoises did you adopt after the Great Revelation?





Probably chilling in your lair like Master splinter teaching them to play ball and preparing for the revolution

Lol what. Thats a weird strawman :lol

Im asking for equal standards.

Youre asking for racism.

“Double standards = justice” does not add up logically. It’s an irrational conclusion. So to come to it demonstrates one is simply brainwashed into repeating whatever society has told them or expects them to think. In 1984 Orwell uses the example 2+2=5.

And it goes hand in hand. People who just repeat everything without understanding cannot stand up on their own or for themselves. They lean on group platitudes and norms for their support.

Youve had your brain branded with the idea that whoever doesnt agree with you is a racist enemy. You are also inherently demonstrating the bifurcated thinking I mentioned earlier. You expect me to be seeking EITHER dominance or submission. If Im not playing your race game it makes me a kl@nny. One or the other right?

Well what if I told you there are people out there - very few, but some - who are strong enough not to cling to one side or the other, and will simply stand their ground on equal standards regardless?

It’s not about using a word or not. It’s about who’s submitting to whom. Im not tryin to put anything on black people that doesnt apply to me as well. Dont do it to white people.

If you cant agree that makes sense, you must have some other aim you simply wont cop to.

09-15-2022, 10:30 AM
Your “I’m not like everybody else” act would be more thought-provoking if there weren’t about 40 million of you who’ve been using some version of the civil rights act opponents “reverse racism” argument from 60 years ago. Some terrible jackass in a hood or a little later when they stopped wearing them to avoid getting their asses kicked has been handing out a pamphlet or using the same talking points from said pamphlet on the Internet about how they aren’t racist and society is the problem all my life.

The actual Klan used to show up at the Anderson flea market decades ago and some of their arguments could be used by you and yours almost Word for Word. Even racists tend to realize it is wrong which is why so few of you accept what you are. How often do bad people see that they’re bad people? It’s easier to claim those judging your asshole ways are wrong. All the way down the morality spectrum there are people justifying it by claiming society is wrong not them.

We all acknowledge bad people exist yet somehow nobody believes they are one of them. You come off as a shitty person. Of course you don’t see it that way. Not even the Joker thinks he’s evil. The Nazis didn’t think they were evil. Bad people always think normal people are the problem and they are some kind of brilliant outsider who sees it the way it is.

So there comes a point there’s no use arguing. All I asked is how many turtles you ordered. You get a bulk price break or what?

09-15-2022, 10:44 AM
So there comes a point there’s no use arguing. All I asked is how many turtles you ordered. You get a bulk price break or what?

09-15-2022, 11:00 AM
Your “I’m not like everybody else” act would be more thought-provoking if there weren’t about 40 million of you who’ve been using some version of the civil rights act opponents “reverse racism” argument from 60 years ago. Some terrible jackass in a hood or a little later when they stopped wearing them to avoid getting their asses kicked has been handing out a pamphlet or using the same talking points from said pamphlet on the Internet about how they aren’t racist and society is the problem all my life.

The actual Klan used to show up at the Anderson flea market decades ago and some of their arguments could be used by you and yours almost Word for Word. Even racists tend to realize it is wrong which is why so few of you accept what you are. How often do bad people see that they’re bad people? It’s easier to claim those judging your asshole ways are wrong. All the way down the morality spectrum there are people justifying it by claiming society is wrong not them.

We all acknowledge bad people exist yet somehow nobody believes they are one of them. You come off as a shitty person. Of course you don’t see it that way. Not even the Joker thinks he’s evil. The Nazis didn’t think they were evil. Bad people always think normal people are the problem and they are some kind of brilliant outsider who sees it the way it is.

So there comes a point there’s no use arguing. All I asked is how many turtles you ordered. You get a bulk price break or what?

Your righteous strawmanning evidently impresses a chubby adult spazz with the perpetual brain function of a 10 year old, but it doesnt make a lot of sense to me.

Take that for what you will.

09-15-2022, 11:22 AM
What about my evaluation of who and what you are makes you think I’d want us to be on the same page?

I honestly…no online trolling…think you’re likely a bad human being. It’s…ok. I’m not calling for your arrest or any kinda punishment if it’s not impacting anyone and is largely in your head and doesn’t change how you treat people. You can be a bad person without necessarily behaving badly. If youre on that end of it I can just say have a nice day.

I have bad people in my family. A couple friends are probably bad people from an unbiased pov. But not bad to me. Shit humans exist. I think you’re likely one of them. I don’t need your agreement. If anything experience tells me shit humans think normal people are the problem so I don’t expect us to see eye to eye.

I see eye to eye with very few people like you. It’s fine. I don’t need you tossed into a wood chipper over it.

09-15-2022, 11:26 AM
What about my evaluation of who and what you are makes you think I’d want us to be on the same page?

I honestly…no online trolling…think you’re likely a bad human being. It’s…ok. I’m not calling for your arrest or any kinda punishment if it’s not impacting anyone and is largely in your head and doesn’t change how you treat people. You can be a bad person without necessarily behaving badly. If youre on that end of it I can just say have a nice day.

I have bad people in my family. A couple friends are probably bad people from an unbiased pov. But not bad to me. Shit humans exist. I think you’re likely one of them. I don’t need your agreement. If anything experience tells me shit humans think normal people are the problem so I don’t expect us to see eye to eye.

I see eye to eye with very few people like you. It’s fine. I don’t need you tossed into a wood chipper over it.


“Language double standards are silly, that wont get us anywhere.”

*kblaze’s knees buckle*

“Today I saw evil...”

Im Still Ballin
09-15-2022, 11:42 AM
:roll: :roll:

racist ****ing turtle!

Im Still Ballin
09-15-2022, 11:45 AM
that turtle reminds me of this key and peeled video


09-15-2022, 11:48 AM

“Language double standards are silly, that wont get us anywhere.”

*kblaze’s knees buckle*

“Today I saw evil...”


09-15-2022, 01:40 PM
The meltdowns continue for starface. He’s fuming :roll:

09-15-2022, 01:49 PM
The meltdowns continue for starface. He’s fuming :roll:
Gonna have to watch Tucker Carlson to calm down :oldlol:

09-15-2022, 02:06 PM

All I can tell you is my perspective is pretty substantive; informed by having learned a fair amount of things over the years. Not all of which I'm going to spell out here on ISH. Because not everyone can or is willing to understand it, and ignorance quickly turns to fear. And that's how we end up with you trying to pin erroneous labels on me to satisfy your need for understanding.

That said, I know that you do understand some of it, and it is simply in your own interest not to admit as much publicly. Fair enough.

If you wanna get to havin a real meat n potatoes, private discussion.... I sincerely welcome that, and you know where to find me (patreon.com/tofp) ;)

09-15-2022, 02:10 PM
Two spazzes who will always be on the outside are like flies buzzing around my giant brain.

For the fly, that's it's life. Whatever it's doing when it buzzes around you, thats a big deal to it. That's it's purpose. To do that.

To the person, the buzzing fly is a completely trivial, inconsequential interlude of mild annoyance. Forgettable and irrelevant in the big picture. A thing whose endeavors are of no remote significance to the human.

09-15-2022, 02:21 PM
All I can tell you is my perspective is pretty substantive; informed by having learned a fair amount of things over the years. Not all of which I'm going to spell out here on ISH. Because not everyone can or is willing to understand it, and ignorance quickly turns to fear. And that's how we end up with you trying to pin erroneous labels on me to satisfy your need for understanding.

That said, I know that you do understand some of it, and it is simply in your own interest not to admit as much publicly. Fair enough.

If you wanna get to havin a real meat n potatoes, private discussion.... I sincerely welcome that, and you know where to find me (http://patreon.com/tofp) ;)


09-15-2022, 02:26 PM
Two spazzes who will always be on the outside are like flies buzzing around my giant brain.

For the fly, that's it's life. Whatever it's doing when it buzzes around you, thats a big deal to it. That's it's purpose. To do that.

To the person, the buzzing fly is a completely trivial, inconsequential interlude of mild annoyance. Forgettable and irrelevant in the big picture. A thing whose endeavors are of no remote significance to the human.


09-15-2022, 02:37 PM

09-15-2022, 02:49 PM
There you go. Embrace the villainy. You are not the good guy in the story despite fooling yourself into believing so.


You are not the Samaritan. Just be a bad person and be real about it. Bad and authentic>bad with a bullshit coating of justification.

09-15-2022, 02:57 PM
Ah yes, 10Million is going to change a billionaires character.

Lakers Legend#32
09-15-2022, 03:10 PM
Anything that f#cks the Suns over is fine with me.

09-15-2022, 04:09 PM
Where is Mark Cuban in all this? He allowed a work place of sexual harassment, misconduct, and cover up. Why does he get a pass?

Sarver is a joke, but back when Sherif Joe was pulling his stop and check your papers profiling shtick he did bust out the Los Suns jerseys as a demonstration of support for Mexicans in Phoenix. Sherif Joe vs Robert Sarver who you got for worst person in Phoenix?

09-15-2022, 04:26 PM
Where is Mark Cuban in all this? He allowed a work place of sexual harassment, misconduct, and cover up. Why does he get a pass?

Sarver is a joke, but back when Sherif Joe was pulling his stop and check your papers profiling shtick he did bust out the Los Suns jerseys as a demonstration of support for Mexicans in Phoenix. Sherif Joe vs Robert Sarver who you got for worst person in Phoenix?

This only became a cause celebre because Sarver broke 'the cardinal rule.' Dont say *****. The other stuff might have gotten a small article and a quiet fine, but we all know the thing that really got people upset was he said "how come draymond green can say ***** and I cant say *****?"

Dan Snyder had a similar workplace culture with the Redskins and what happened? No suspension and million dollar fine, they just made him change his team name to something more politically correct.

Thats the big key. It's all about pandering. The black community has been bred like dogs to fear one thing and one thing only: "The N Word."

The fact they get separated further and further from the economic pack with each decade doesnt even seem to matter to them.

As long as nobody says N Word!

I mean ya gotta laugh at how EASY it is for the top to control the bottom like trained labradors. And their sissy white 'allies' are just as dumb. They cant see what's going on. Theyre ALL gettin played like fiddles and they keep comin back for more.

Ordinary people are extremely averse to rejecting what they've been taught, because then they might have to figure things out on their own. And that is a TERRIFYING prospect for the weak of mind. They'll just as soon live out a stable delusion they can rely on than have to do constant analysis and decision making. It's like asking someone physically frail to go hike mount everest. It's like the scariest thing they could possibly do, and they'll logically refuse. Same with people who aren't very deft of mind. They're not gonna throw out all the rules and guidelines and start thinking for themselves. It will only lead to humiliation and confusion.

And so here we are.

09-15-2022, 04:37 PM
This only became a cause celebre because Sarver broke 'the cardinal rule.' Dont say *****. The other stuff might have gotten a small article and a quiet fine, but we all know the thing that really got people upset was he said "how come draymond green can say ***** and I cant say *****?"

Dan Snyder had a similar workplace culture with the Redskins and what happened? No suspension and million dollar fine, they just made him change his team name to something more politically correct.

Thats the big key. It's all about pandering. The black community has been bred like dogs to fear one thing and one thing only: "The N Word."

The fact they get separated further and further from the economic pack with each decade doesnt even seem to matter to them.

As long as nobody says N Word!

I mean ya gotta laugh at how EASY it is for the top to control the bottom like trained labradors. And their sissy white 'allies' are just as dumb. They cant see what's going on. Theyre ALL gettin played like fiddles and they keep comin back for more.

Ordinary people are extremely averse to rejecting what they've been taught, because then they might have to figure things out on their own. And that is a TERRIFYING prospect for the weak of mind. They'll just as soon live out a stable delusion they can rely on than have to do constant analysis and decision making. It's like asking someone physically frail to go hike mount everest. It's like the scariest thing they could possibly do, and they'll logically refuse. Same with people who aren't very deft of mind. They're not gonna throw out all the rules and guidelines and start thinking for themselves. It will only lead to humiliation and confusion.

And so here we are.


09-15-2022, 04:39 PM
Oh and Snyder has been hiding in Europe on a boat for months ducking a subpoena to testify about his conduct before congress for the record.

09-15-2022, 05:22 PM
Oh and Snyder has been hiding in Europe on a boat for months ducking a subpoena to testify about his conduct before congress for the record.

Sounds like a pretty enviable ‘punishment’ to me.

09-15-2022, 05:53 PM
Two spazzes who will always be on the outside are like flies buzzing around my giant brain.

For the fly, that's it's life. Whatever it's doing when it buzzes around you, thats a big deal to it. That's it's purpose. To do that.

To the person, the buzzing fly is a completely trivial, inconsequential interlude of mild annoyance. Forgettable and irrelevant in the big picture. A thing whose endeavors are of no remote significance to the human.

:roll: you're projecting buddy, you are truly insignificant, both to ISH and the real world. you're 36 and unemployed. and now you're getting your sh1t pushed in by a forum moderator using gifs of turtles and marvel villian qoutes.

09-15-2022, 05:56 PM
Sounds like a pretty enviable ‘punishment’ to me.

Yes a billionaire under congressional investigation is still a billionaire doing billionaire things. Sarvers punishment is enviable too if we are gonna look at it that way. Paying a fine which is less than the mid level exception and being forced to watch games from a palace instead of attend them isn’t exactly cruel and unusual punishment.

09-15-2022, 09:13 PM
They might actually get his ass outta there


09-15-2022, 10:17 PM
They might actually get his ass outta there



Jeff Lyncher is next.

09-15-2022, 10:17 PM
:roll: you're projecting buddy, you are truly insignificant, both to ISH and the real world. you're 36 and unemployed. and now you're getting your sh1t pushed in by a forum moderator using gifs of turtles and marvel villian qoutes.


09-16-2022, 01:43 AM
What is the difference between magnum condoms and non-magnum condoms? I only heard magnum in refference to guns. I don't want to google it and get weird ads whrever I go, so can someone please explain.

09-16-2022, 05:16 PM
What about my evaluation of who and what you are makes you think I’d want us to be on the same page?

I honestly…no online trolling…think you’re likely a bad human being. It’s…ok. I’m not calling for your arrest or any kinda punishment if it’s not impacting anyone and is largely in your head and doesn’t change how you treat people. You can be a bad person without necessarily behaving badly. If youre on that end of it I can just say have a nice day.

I have bad people in my family. A couple friends are probably bad people from an unbiased pov. But not bad to me. Shit humans exist. I think you’re likely one of them. I don’t need your agreement. If anything experience tells me shit humans think normal people are the problem so I don’t expect us to see eye to eye.

I see eye to eye with very few people like you. It’s fine. I don’t need you tossed into a wood chipper over it.

:lol :applause:

09-16-2022, 06:47 PM
What's funny is starface isn't even saying anything remotely controversial or 'right wing', but is being called a troll by kblaze somehow. This is how far the Overton window is in favor of liberals. It is perfectly sensible, even morally correct, to not want workplace policies that allows only certain races to be punished over something. In most workplaces no one, black or white, would get away with saying the 'n word'. I get the NBA is different and you can't police what players say on the court or in practice. But its funny to me if you're around NBA players everyday like Sarver is, you are exposed to that language and so its unsurprising it becomes a part of his lexicon. Do 'anti racist' liberals ever realize what they are doing with their thought policing is that they are exceptionalizing white people, giving them some kind of extra mystical aura that somehow makes them more powerful than everyone else (when in reality we are all just humans) thus need to be policed more? Cause that's what happens when you allow words like the n word to have too much power

Im Still Ballin
09-16-2022, 08:02 PM
What's funny is starface isn't even saying anything remotely controversial or 'right wing', but is being called a troll by kblaze somehow. This is how far the Overton window is in favor of liberals. It is perfectly sensible, even morally correct, to not want workplace policies that allows only certain races to be punished over something. In most workplaces no one, black or white, would get away with saying the 'n word'. I get the NBA is different and you can't police what players say on the court or in practice. But its funny to me if you're around NBA players everyday like Sarver is, you are exposed to that language and so its unsurprising it becomes a part of his lexicon. Do 'anti racist' liberals ever realize what they are doing with their thought policing is that they are exceptionalizing white people, giving them some kind of extra mystical aura that somehow makes them more powerful than everyone else (when in reality we are all just humans) thus need to be policed more? Cause that's what happens when you allow words like the n word to have too much power

Who's the black private dick that's a sex machine to all the chicks?
You're damn right

Who is the man that would risk his neck for his brother man?
Can you dig it?

Who's the cat that won't cop out when there's danger all about?
Right on

They say this cat Shaft is a bad mother
(Shut your mouth)
But I'm talkin' 'bout Shaft
(Then we can dig it)

He's a complicated man
But no one understands him but his woman
(John Shaft)


09-16-2022, 08:22 PM
Id love to know the life some of you lead if you think merely being around black people makes a white person start calling them ******s because they might hear them say it. Every white person involved in the nba, nfl, or just say…living around black people…don’t just start doing that. Pieces of shit do. Sarver is one. And he’s one for his behavior on a number of issues.

That guy would be fired from anywhere he wasn’t the boss and most places he’d get sued as the boss. I’ve had to call people in to explain why they couldn’t write letters to women at work. This guy talking to employees about other employees wives who probably give good blowjobs, reducing multiple women to tears, screaming at people in public, telling pregnant women they can’t work there after the baby, and all kinds of shit. He’s a walking HR violation.

Guy is a scumbag across the board. The need to defend him is…a little telling.

09-16-2022, 09:43 PM
What's funny is starface isn't even saying anything remotely controversial or 'right wing', but is being called a troll by kblaze somehow. This is how far the Overton window is in favor of liberals. It is perfectly sensible, even morally correct, to not want workplace policies that allows only certain races to be punished over something. In most workplaces no one, black or white, would get away with saying the 'n word'. I get the NBA is different and you can't police what players say on the court or in practice. But its funny to me if you're around NBA players everyday like Sarver is, you are exposed to that language and so its unsurprising it becomes a part of his lexicon. Do 'anti racist' liberals ever realize what they are doing with their thought policing is that they are exceptionalizing white people, giving them some kind of extra mystical aura that somehow makes them more powerful than everyone else (when in reality we are all just humans) thus need to be policed more? Cause that's what happens when you allow words like the n word to have too much power


Whats funny is, in the old soviet union they made certain words and even LETTERS illegal. For instance jews speaking or publishing in yiddish had to omit any words of hebrew origin (maybe 15-20% of the vocabulary) bc hebrew was considered a religious language, which violated soviet anti-religion principles. So you had to basically just omit random words from your sentences, by law :lol

Also they even banned the letters in the Ukranian alphabet that werent shared in common with the Russian alphabet. So you could write things in Ukranian but it was illegal to spell them properly :lol

And ofc the endgame was always money and power. Kblaze is holding his own people down having them focus on this shit instead of real issues. And hes calling others bad people :oldlol: If human slaves of the past were around today they would be hoisting Sarver on their shoulders for paying them salaries .001% of the global population make, and they would hold a dinner in his honor with the theme of “use the word ***** all you want!”

Problem is people will never NOT complain. However good it gets, a new complaint will arise among the small minded and short sighted who just want to be heard. If Sarver wasnt in the headlines for sayin nˇgga someone else would be in the headlines for some even more trivial infraction. There’s ALWAYS a new witch to hunt.

Kblaze is sitting in the house all fat and happy while the most of em in the field are being divided and conquered over a word. He’s abandoned his people. He’s leaving them misguided and in the dark.

Bad man. Very, very bad man.

09-16-2022, 10:01 PM
Im calling you a bad person yes. If you feel bosses should be able to call their employees ******s without repercussion yes…you’re almost certainly just a bad human being. Good people don’t behave that way or feel a need to complain about it not being allowed. You’re welcome to keep it up though. I choose not to. I don’t call gays insulting names…or Hispanics…Asians…I’m not certain I’ve ever called anyone fat on a job. I wouldn’t say I’m particularly kind either. Just….try to be decent in ways that are simple and cost me nothing.

Im not looking to be a difficult or cruel person ****ing with people just because my station in life doesn’t allow them to respond the way they might like. That’s douchebag behavior. As is defending it.

09-16-2022, 10:28 PM
Id love to know the life some of you lead if you think merely being around black people makes a white person start calling them ******s because they might hear them say it. Every white person involved in the nba, nfl, or just sayÂ…living around black peopleÂ…donÂ’t just start doing that. Pieces of shit do. Sarver is one. And heÂ’s one for his behavior on a number of issues.

That guy would be fired from anywhere he wasnÂ’t the boss and most places heÂ’d get sued as the boss. IÂ’ve had to call people in to explain why they couldnÂ’t write letters to women at work. This guy talking to employees about other employees wives who probably give good blowjobs, reducing multiple women to tears, screaming at people in public, telling pregnant women they canÂ’t work there after the baby, and all kinds of shit. HeÂ’s a walking HR violation.

Guy is a scumbag across the board. The need to defend him isÂ…a little telling.

So what does that say about the people who still worked for him or supported his organization? It has been known for years that he is a scumbag, but for some reason people still applied for jobs, fans still bought merchandise and tickets, GMs, coaches, and players still signed for millions. What is actually worse someone willingly associating with a known piece of shit or some jerk off defending him on a message board? Yeah Robert Sarver is an asshole clown and should not be defended, but mofos should not work for him and support his team either. That goes for every multi millionaire billionaire scumbag out there and there are a lot of them. Somewhere down the line we are all supporting or defending bad people.

Also I’ve heard every race use the N word with an A. Puerto Ricans, Asians, Indians, Mexicans, Whites, everybody. If you’ve ever spent any time in melting pot urban areas like the Bay Area, LA, or NYC tons of the youth will say that shit with the street hip hop edge to it. Is it right? Probably not, but to act like non black people who’ve been around that culture don’t talk like that is pretty naive.

09-16-2022, 10:29 PM
Im calling you a bad person yes. If you feel bosses should be able to call their employees ******s without repercussion yes…you’re almost certainly just a bad human being. Good people don’t behave that way or feel a need to complain about it not being allowed. You’re welcome to keep it up though. I choose not to. I don’t call gays insulting names…or Hispanics…Asians…I’m not certain I’ve ever called anyone fat on a job. I wouldn’t say I’m particularly kind either. Just….try to be decent in ways that are simple and cost me nothing.

Im not looking to be a difficult or cruel person ****ing with people just because my station in life doesn’t allow them to respond the way they might like. That’s douchebag behavior. As is defending it.

It’s alright dude, I get it, youve sold out your people and want them distracted and divided for the benefit of corporate tycoons. If thats the kind of guy you are, it’s your business. You know it’s a con and you dont care. Thats fine. Are you a bad person for it? Objectively I think that would be fair to say, but again, it’s your prerogative.

09-16-2022, 10:33 PM
So what does that say about the people who still worked for him or supported his organization? It has been known for years that he is a scumbag, but for some reason people still applied for jobs, fans still bought merchandise and tickets, GMs, coaches, and players still signed for millions. What is actually worse someone willingly associating with a known piece of shit or some jerk off defending him on a message board? Yeah Robert Sarver is an asshole clown and should not be defended, but mofos should not work for him and support his team either. That goes for every multi millionaire billionaire scumbag out there and there are a lot of them. Somewhere down the line we are all supporting or defending bad people.

Also I’ve heard every race use the N word with an A. Puerto Ricans, Asians, Indians, Mexicans, Whites, everybody. If you’ve ever spent any time in melting pot urban areas like the Bay Area, LA, or NYC tons of the youth will say that shit with the street hip hop edge to it. Is it right? Probably not, but to act like non black people who’ve been around that culture don’t talk like that is pretty naive.

It’s basically Harvey Weinstein syndrome.

Nobody cares so much theyll actually give up the life theyre getting out of it, but as soon as the chance to pile on comes around with media protection? Theyre quick to take a turn putting the knife in, absolving themselves and proclaiming to be heroes and victims. Et tu Bruté?

Again, does that objectively make KBlaze a bad person for scapegoating Sarver exclusively? Yeah, it does. But thats ok.

09-16-2022, 10:34 PM
you can tell by their posts who has been in a leadership position (kblaze) and who hasn't (starface, bison, norcal).

09-16-2022, 10:48 PM
. So what does that say about the people who still worked for him or supported his organization? It has been known for years that he is a scumbag, but for some reason people still applied for jobs, fans still bought merchandise and tickets, GMs, coaches, and players still signed for millions. What is actually worse someone willingly associating with a known piece of shit or some jerk off defending him on a message board?

Defending on a message board. Everyone with a job in a business of any size has assholes above them somewhere. Only working where all people in power are good people is a good way to be homeless. Comparing having a job where a bad person is in a position of power(meaning…having a job) and defending the actions of a bad person due to not having a problem with his scumbag actions?

Yea. Easy call which is worse.

09-16-2022, 11:06 PM
you can tell by their posts who has been in a leadership position (kblaze) and who hasn't (starface, bison, norcal).
More like Kblaze has actually interacted with people of color in his life (and of course he is a POC himself) so he isn’t a socially inept weirdo who sounds like a st0rmfront poster. I’m not sure why people like starface are so obsessed with being able to say racial slurs without repercussions. Very suspicious. The argument that “but but but black people say it” is so stupid I’m almost positive they know it’s a bad argument and are just being misleading. Black people reclaimed the word as a way to “take the power back”, so to speak. Over time it just became part of their vernacular. Many minority groups do this with offensive words for them, but that doesn’t mean they’ll tolerate it if someone who’s not a member of the group used it because it’s a cultural thing and still considered a slur outside of those cultures. For instance I went to a Testament show last night and the lead singer Chuck Billy (who is Native American) used the term “redskins” when referring to his fellow indigenous people. But if starface called him that (he wouldn’t Chuck Billy is enormous and starface is a bitch, but theoretically) he’d probably get his ass kicked.

09-16-2022, 11:08 PM
Im calling you a bad person yes.


09-16-2022, 11:10 PM
Defending on a message board. Everyone with a job in a business of any size has assholes above them somewhere. Only working where all people in power are good people is a good way to be homeless. Comparing having a job where a bad person is in a position of power(meaning…having a job) and defending the actions of a bad person due to not having a problem with his scumbag actions?

Yea. Easy call which is worse.

Lol. I do lightweight appreciate your realism.

09-16-2022, 11:10 PM
More like Kblaze has actually interacted with people of color in his life (and of course he is a POC himself) so he isn’t a socially inept weirdo who sounds like a st0rmfront poster. I’m not sure why people like starface are so obsessed with being able to racial slurs without repercussions. Very suspicious. The argument that “but but but black people say it” is so stupid I’m almost positive they know it’s a bad argument and are just being misleading. Black people reclaimed the word as a show of power and reclamation. Many minority groups do this with offensive words for them. For instance I went to a Testament show last night and the lead singer Chuck Billy (who is Native American) used the term “redskins” when referring to his fellow indigenous people. But if starface called him that (he wouldn’t Chuck Billy is enormous and starface is a bitch, but theoretically) he’d probably get his ass kicked.

Testament are awesome.

09-16-2022, 11:11 PM
It’s alright dude, I get it, youve sold out your people and want them distracted and divided for the benefit of corporate tycoons. If thats the kind of guy you are, it’s your business. You know it’s a con and you dont care. Thats fine. Are you a bad person for it? Objectively I think that would be fair to say, but again, it’s your prerogative.

”No! You are!” is a tough hill to climb even for the clever and funny. You’re left to hammer an argument into the shape of the other guys and when dealing with someone hard to copy it falls flat. I’m not so much saying I’m better than you at this(though I absolutely am) as I’m saying we are different. This is like the stupid dunk contest where they had people copy dunks of the past and Jason Richardson and Steve Francis types had to copy dunks of one footed leapers and looked bad.

Stick to your little lob dunks that show off your vertical. I’m 88 Jordan leaping from the free throw. You’re:


Your hands too small and you can’t jump that far. Next year they’ll drop the gimmick and let you be you so you don’t embarrass yourself.

09-16-2022, 11:19 PM
More like Kblaze has actually interacted with people of color in his life (and of course he is a POC himself) so he isn’t a socially inept weirdo who sounds like a st0rmfront poster. I’m not sure why people like starface are so obsessed with being able to say racial slurs without repercussions. Very suspicious. The argument that “but but but black people say it” is so stupid I’m almost positive they know it’s a bad argument and are just being misleading. Black people reclaimed the word as a way to “take the power back”, so to speak. Over time it just became part of their vernacular. Many minority groups do this with offensive words for them, but that doesn’t mean they’ll tolerate it if someone who’s not a member of the group used it because it’s a cultural thing and still considered a slur outside of those cultures. For instance I went to a Testament show last night and the lead singer Chuck Billy (who is Native American) used the term “redskins” when referring to his fellow indigenous people. But if starface called him that (he wouldn’t Chuck Billy is enormous and starface is a bitch, but theoretically) he’d probably get his ass kicked.

Opposing double standards in the workplace now means you’re a neo nazi st0rmfront poster? That is such an emotional child response. And what is this reclaiming a slur as a means of taking back power? What empty liberal idealism is that? Has it yielded any real (economic) power? Also no one here is asking for the n word pass. I agree with starface about double standards and I *hate* the N word. It is an ugly word. Society would benefit if everyone black or white or whatever stopped using it.

09-16-2022, 11:20 PM
Opposing double standards in the workplace now means you’re a neo nazi st0rmfront poster? That is such an emotional child response. And what is this reclaiming a slur as a means of taking back power? What empty liberal idealism is that? Has it yielded any real (economic) power? Also no one here is asking for the n word pass. I agree with starface about double standards and I *hate* the N word. It is an ugly word. Society would benefit if everyone black or white or whatever stopped using it.


09-16-2022, 11:21 PM
More like Kblaze has actually interacted with people of color in his life (and of course he is a POC himself) so he isn’t a socially inept weirdo who sounds like a st0rmfront poster. I’m not sure why people like starface are so obsessed with being able to say racial slurs without repercussions. Very suspicious. The argument that “but but but black people say it” is so stupid I’m almost positive they know it’s a bad argument and are just being misleading. Black people reclaimed the word as a way to “take the power back”, so to speak. Over time it just became part of their vernacular. Many minority groups do this with offensive words for them, but that doesn’t mean they’ll tolerate it if someone who’s not a member of the group used it because it’s a cultural thing and still considered a slur outside of those cultures. For instance I went to a Testament show last night and the lead singer Chuck Billy (who is Native American) used the term “redskins” when referring to his fellow indigenous people. But if starface called him that (he wouldn’t Chuck Billy is enormous and starface is a bitch, but theoretically) he’d probably get his ass kicked.

The self proclaimed communist wants to divide people by race and language instead of uniting them thru class interests :lol

Can't make this stuff up.

09-16-2022, 11:24 PM
RRR3 isn’t a communist. He is a bog standard liberal. He tries to present himself as some anti establishment dissident, but his race pandering comes straight out of a corporate HR diversity and inclusion training manual.

09-16-2022, 11:26 PM
”No! You are!” is a tough hill to climb even for the clever and funny. You’re left to hammer an argument into the shape of the other guys and when dealing with someone hard to copy it falls flat. I’m not so much saying I’m better than you at this(though I absolutely am) as I’m saying we are different. This is like the stupid dunk contest where they had people copy dunks of the past and Jason Richardson and Steve Francis types had to copy dunks of one footed leapers and looked bad.

Stick to your little lob dunks that show off your vertical. I’m 88 Jordan leaping from the free throw. You’re:

Your hands too small and you can’t jump that far. Next year they’ll drop the gimmick and let you be you so you don’t embarrass yourself.

So your defense against being a bad person is to compare yourself to MJ?

Ok. If you say so. :confusedshrug:


09-16-2022, 11:28 PM
The self proclaimed communist wants to divide people by race and language instead of uniting them thru class interests :lol

Can't make this stuff up.

Exactly. Every communist understands there is no struggle but class struggle. They also understand that Marx was extremely based and redpilled, and would be aghast at how successful the left today is at helping to maintain bourgeois power through liberal globo homo hegemony.


09-16-2022, 11:35 PM
Oh I’m Not defending myself. Even if it weren’t the usual Internet tactic of accusing the other guy of what he accused you of because you can’t come up with anything better it would still be essentially the same issue I covered long ago. A bad person not seeing it because nobody thinks they are bad. When that happens they try to flip it. And I’m not arguing with Apocalypse or George Wallace and their “I’m not the problem…you are” mentality.

Villains do not realize they’re the bad guy. They try to make you out to be the bad guy. You don’t entertain that notion by mounting a defense.

Long story short I don’t think enough of your character to be bothered by your evaluation of mine nor do I think you clever enough to do anything now but tell me you feel the same about me.

But like I said…you don’t jump like me. You can’t do these dunks.

There’s a reason I’m me and you’re you.

09-16-2022, 11:37 PM
Oh I’m Not defending myself. Even if it weren’t the usual Internet tactic of accusing the other guy of what he accused you of because you can’t come up with anything better it would still be essentially the same issue I covered long ago. A bad person not seeing it because nobody thinks they are bad. When that happens they try to flip it. And I’m not arguing with Apocalypse or George Wallace and their “I’m not the problem…you are” mentality.

Villains do not realize they’re the bad guy. They try to make you out to be the bad guy. You don’t entertain that notion by mounting a defense.

Long story short I don’t think enough of your character to be bothered by your evaluation of mine nor do I think you clever enough to do anything now but tell me you feel the same about me.

But like I said…you don’t jump like me. You can’t do these dunks.

There’s a reason I’m me and you’re you.

Yeah, that's my point.

You were the first one in this thread to throw down the 'bad guy' card.

So who's really the bad guy, chico??


09-16-2022, 11:38 PM
More like Kblaze has actually interacted with people of color in his life (and of course he is a POC himself) so he isn’t a socially inept weirdo who sounds like a st0rmfront poster. I’m not sure why people like starface are so obsessed with being able to say racial slurs without repercussions. Very suspicious. The argument that “but but but black people say it” is so stupid I’m almost positive they know it’s a bad argument and are just being misleading. Black people reclaimed the word as a way to “take the power back”, so to speak. Over time it just became part of their vernacular. Many minority groups do this with offensive words for them, but that doesn’t mean they’ll tolerate it if someone who’s not a member of the group used it because it’s a cultural thing and still considered a slur outside of those cultures. For instance I went to a Testament show last night and the lead singer Chuck Billy (who is Native American) used the term “redskins” when referring to his fellow indigenous people. But if starface called him that (he wouldn’t Chuck Billy is enormous and starface is a bitch, but theoretically) he’d probably get his ass kicked.

I think it can goes both ways though. People of color haven’t really interacted with white people if they really think they are going to change every white persons minds on this subject by calling them bad people. Lol. Even some of your most liberal white folks who wouldn’t say shit in public will talk about this so called “double standard” behind closed doors. That’s why it’s a futile debate. Everyone needs to just let these words die so the next generation doesn’t have to go thru this same old song and dance because as long as they are around this shit ain’t ever going to end.

09-16-2022, 11:40 PM
FultzNaziRise catching a beatdown from Kblaze. :oldlol:

09-16-2022, 11:46 PM
Yeah, that's my point.

You were the first one in this thread to throw down the 'bad guy' card.

So who's really the bad guy, chico??

Yea people get identified as bad when they expose their low character. I don’t go around assuming everyone is bad in advance regardless of background. I know plenty of hardcore conservatives who also seem to be good people.

My girlfriends grandfather has actually attended a klan rally and raised at least one brutally racist son and has a somewhat racist wife. I do not however….think he’s a bad person. I can say with no doubt he’d never behave like Sarver nor defend his behavior.

Its case by case. Perhaps you are very different elsewhere but I don’t get that feeling. I think this is you. I’m me. Here or in person I’m who I seem to be. I think you’re like me in that. Maybe in no other way….but I believe this is you.

So I believe you’re a bad person. Just how it is.

09-16-2022, 11:54 PM
I think it can goes both ways though. People of color haven’t really interacted with white people if they really think they are going to change every white persons minds on this subject by calling them bad people..

Anyone who needs their mind changed on the matter of a boss not being allowed to call his employees racial slurs, demean women, and act like a psycho without consequence isn’t open to new information. Not absorbed through words at least. George Wallace had to get shot to realize he might have been evil.

I know changing the mind of someone like this with an internet argument isn’t possible so I’m not really looking to do it.

09-17-2022, 12:03 AM
It just comes down to common decency in public and at the workplace. We don’t need to take it any further than that. I think we could all agree you shouldn’t make anyone feel uncomfortable in a sexual or racially insensitive way. At home amongst people who don’t give a shit do whatever you want. Support and work for companies who lie, cheat, and steal, who exploit workers and the environment, just don’t be a prick in face to face interactions.


Or on message boards.

09-17-2022, 12:06 AM
Yea people get identified as bad when they expose their low character. I don’t go around assuming everyone is bad in advance regardless of background. I know plenty of hardcore conservatives who also seem to be good people.

My girlfriends grandfather has actually attended a klan rally and raised at least one brutally racist son and has a somewhat racist wife. I do not however….think he’s a bad person. I can say with no doubt he’d never behave like Sarver nor defend his behavior.

Its case by case. Perhaps you are very different elsewhere but I don’t get that feeling. I think this is you. I’m me. Here or in person I’m who I seem to be. I think you’re like me in that. Maybe in no other way….but I believe this is you.

So I believe you’re a bad person. Just how it is.



09-17-2022, 12:10 AM
It just comes down to common decency in public and at the workplace. We don’t need to take it any further than that.


09-17-2022, 12:27 AM



You are who you are. Not everyone can or will be decent. I see it as a form of necessary evil. After all it every day is a sunny day…what’s a sunny day?

09-17-2022, 01:56 AM
Saying I’m a liberal for thinking white people shouldn’t say the n word is pretty funny. I never said white people can’t say it, I said they shouldn’t. And tbh it’s just good advice because saying it as a white guy is a good way to make enemies.

09-17-2022, 01:57 AM

You are who you are. Not everyone can or will be decent. I see it as a form of necessary evil. After all it every day is a sunny day…what’s a sunny day?
Not that I disagree with starface being a shit person (because he obviously is) but how is he worse than someone who literally attended a KKK rally? Without further knowledge of his personal activities at least.

Lakers Legend#32
09-17-2022, 02:17 AM
Thank you LeBron.

09-17-2022, 07:12 AM
Not that I disagree with starface being a shit person (because he obviously is) but how is he worse than someone who literally attended a KKK rally? Without further knowledge of his personal activities at least.

The way it was explained to me it was just the default weekend summer party in late 60s South Carolina which I don’t find hard to believe. He explained that they seemed crazy to him and on top of it the parties would get totally out of control so he stopped. I know people who have told me their parents were regulars.

Also…weird as it may sound I wouldn’t necessarily say actually bring racist makes one a bad person in total. And I’m not talking Ghandi not liking Africans shit. I’m talking people I know well. For example….my grandfather. Didn’t like white people. Did he have a few white friends? Yes. But he didn’t generally like or get along with whites. He was biased against whites. He pre judged them. But…..he was born in 1919 in the deeeeep south. His baby brother got lynched in orangeburg South Carolina and nobody was held responsible. His daughter(my mom) got in trouble just stepping into a white store wanting to go pee at like 5 years old. Both of these events after fighting in WW2 on behalf of these people. How do you come out of that not being racist?

That said…whatever was in his heart? I never once saw him treat anyone of any race less than kindly. He was a Baptist heavily involved in the church and I never heard an unkind word about gays or saw him allow the disrespect of anyone without protest. The one interracial couple(white wife who’s parents disowned her over black husband) in our neighborhood and church he was incredibly supportive. They were at our house for Sunday dinner almost as much as the pastor.

He would never back an argument that it’s ok to treat people like Sarver because he was fundamentally decent despite personal issues. Fultz sees someone punished for being shit…and defends it not on some “Well he’s wrong but….” point but flatly saying the guy didn’t even do anything wrong(at least on the racial issue). His point is…that behavior is ok. Talking to and about your employees that way is not something that justifies punishment in his eyes.

Being internally racist for whatever reasons you might have…upbringing, experience, or whatever…and being ok with treating people that way?

Different things.

One is conditioning. The other is the choice of a formed person to be…a bad human being. I don’t honestly care that much if someone sees me and has a problem because I’m black. But you’re calling my kids ******s? Different story. Racism in your heart is hard to purge I’m sure.

Its easy to be decent. That’s just a decision. You back a decision to be a shit human degrading others and expecting to get away with it because of your powerful position? That’s being a bad person. What you feel inside? That’s largely your business.

09-17-2022, 07:17 AM
White americans are second class citizens.

I feel for you guys.

09-17-2022, 07:37 AM
White americans are second class citizens.

I feel for you guys.

White people were saying their rights were being trampled in favor of blacks literally 150 years ago in America. Shit like this was a common response to the civil rights act almost 100 years after that:

. July 4, 1964We come here today in deference to the memory of those stalwart patriots who on July 4, 1776, pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor to establish and defend the proposition that governments are created by the people, empowered by the people, derive their just powers from the consent of the people, and must forever remain subservient to the will of the people.

Today, 188 years later, we celebrate that occasion and find inspiration and determination and courage to preserve and protect the great principles of freedom enunciated in the Declaration of Independence. It is therefore a cruel irony that the President of the United States has only yesterday signed into law the most monstrous piece of legislation ever enacted by the United States Congress.

It is a fraud, a sham, and a hoax.

This bill will live in infamy. To sign it into law at any time is tragic. To do so upon the eve of the celebration of our independence insults the intelligence of the American people.
It dishonors the memory of countless thousands of our dead who offered up their very lives in defense of principles which this bill destroys.

Never before in the history of this nation have so many human and property rights been destroyed by a single enactment of the Congress. It is an act of tyranny. It is the assassin's knife stuck in the back of liberty.

With this assassin's knife and a blackjack in the hand of the Federal force-cult, the left-wing liberals will try to force us back into bondage. Bondage to a tyranny more brutal than that imposed by the British monarchy which claimed power to rule over the lives of our forefathers under sanction of the Divine Right of kings.
Today, this tyranny is imposed by the central government which claims the right to rule over our lives under sanction of the omnipotent black-robed despots who sit on the bench of the United States Supreme Court.

The left wing liberals have been supposedly imposing tyranny on white people by asking them to be decent forever.

Fear mongering whites have been acting like decency is making them second class citizens under the boot of some dictator all my life.

They would watch a mob beat and murder innocent black children and face no punishment then legit go home and act like black people were taking over the country.

It was ****ing stupid the first time it was said(literally during slavery) and it’s stupid now. And said by the same kind of person.

Real Men Wear Green
09-17-2022, 08:07 AM

09-17-2022, 09:41 AM
White americans are second class citizens.

I feel for you guys.
Insane comment.

09-17-2022, 09:42 AM
Guarantee starface is furious about this.

09-17-2022, 10:22 AM
Ending openly and proudly racist Jim Crow laws written during reconstruction for the express purpose of keeping blacks down Violated the constitutional rights of the white people no longer allowed to enforce them……

Let’s move away from what I would call your defense of evil and what it does or does not say about you and let me just ask a question…..

Do you ever look at your allies and not like the company?

Im Still Ballin
09-17-2022, 10:33 AM
me driving around vice city late at night


09-17-2022, 10:39 AM
The post I was replying to having been deleted(though I can still see it) I will assume that perhaps it was rethought and drop that particular matter.

09-17-2022, 10:43 AM
The post I was replying to having been deleted(though I can still see it) I will assume that perhaps it was rethought and drop that particular matter.

Not because it isnt true, just that it’s an easy target for lesser intellects to latch onto in a smear campaign.

09-17-2022, 10:57 AM
And Here I was thinking perhaps you realized you shouldn’t be defending the opponents of the civil rights act and the even more absurd people who thought any freedom granted to Black people was trampling their personal right to oppress them. My bad. I’ve been trying to leave wiggle room for you to squeeze some basic humanity and decency into your argument but you insist on naked villainy.

09-17-2022, 11:02 AM
And Here I was thinking perhaps you realized you shouldn’t be defending the opponents of the civil rights act and the even more absurd people who thought any freedom granted to Black people was trampling their personal right to oppress them. My bad. I’ve been trying to leave wiggle room for you to squeeze some basic humanity and decency into your argument but you insist on naked villainy.

No, not at all. As I said, the reason I deleted the post is because I didnt want to open up a whole new avenue of discussion when I dont have the time to defend it accordingly throughout the day. It’s Saturday and Ive got stuff to do.

But feel free to put the post back up. Ill let you and the girls have an imaginary victory picking it apart while Ill move onto my irl day. It’s not a big deal at all.

In fact people are gonna be disappointed you built it up as controversial. Ive said it a plethora of times on here and countless others have said it. It wasnt anything new. Ill say it all day. Just not all day... TOday.

09-17-2022, 11:11 AM
If I Have the guts? You’re the one who deleted it after realizing what you said. I never undelete peoples deleted posts. I figure they have their reasons. Some of you post on your alt and then delete it and repost on the names you wished. Some of you say stupid things and realize it and want to scrub it from the records. I just mentioned there was a deleted post in case someone wondered what I was replying to.

Go on about your day. I’m sure it’s about to be riveting.

09-17-2022, 11:17 AM
If I Have the guts? You’re the one who deleted it after realizing what you said. I never undelete peoples deleted posts. I figure they have their reasons. Some of you post on your alt and then delete it and repost on the names you wished. Some of you say stupid things and realize it and want to scrub it from the records. I just mentioned there was a deleted post in case someone wondered what I was replying to.

Go on about your day. I’m sure it’s about to be riveting.

No, I frequently delete posts if I decide I’m better off just moving on from a pointless discussion. My deleted post contained the same points Ive made in all the non deleted posts. I just looked at the clock and realized it was time to stop ISHing, which I’m about to do now for the weekend.

You have my full permission to repost what I said about the civil rights laws being similar to the Patriot Act in that the name is political manipulation, and taking rights out of the hands of black AND white small businesses to accept whom they want was basically just a central bank scheme to control both groups and so on.

Go ahead, post it back up if ya want. I just wont stick around to keep arguing back and forth about it. Ive got a weekend to enjoy :pimp:

09-17-2022, 11:35 AM
I know you frequently delete posts but I also know it’s not so you can move on to other things because just about 100% of the time you do what you’re doing here. Which is delete it then keep posting in the same topic. You’re probably second on ish in deleted posts after 3ball. I just ignore them unless…as just happened…they make it look like I’m just talking to the wind and not answering someone.

And enjoy your weekend. I barely can tell anymore since I quit working. Football season helps though. Gives days a purpose or at least a schedule. And I think I find myself posting more when I have something to go do. At home I’m catching up on shows or cooking or whatever.

Let me be at a supermarket though. I’ll take 40 minutes getting 10 things because I’m explaining to some 24 year old why Kareem would translate to today. Anyway…you have a nice day. Drink a beer or two. Not an IPA though. Love yourself more than that.

09-17-2022, 11:39 AM
I know you frequently delete posts but I also know it’s not so you can move on to other things because just about 100% of the time you do what you’re doing here. Which is delete it then keep posting in the same topic. You’re probably second on ish in deleted posts after 3ball. I just ignore them unless…as just happened…they make it look like I’m just talking to the wind and not answering someone.

And enjoy your weekend. I barely can tell anymore since I quit working. Football season helps though. Gives days a purpose or at least a schedule. And I think I find myself posting more when I have something to go do. At home I’m catching up on shows or cooking or whatever.

Let me be at a supermarket though. I’ll take 40 minutes getting 10 things because I’m explaining to some 24 year old why Kareem would translate to today. Anyway…you have a nice day. Drink a beer or two. Not an IPA though. Love yourself more than that.


starface is a b1tch, confirmed

09-19-2022, 08:38 AM
What do the players expect Silver to do? He is an employee of the owners.

It is pretty hard to take away someone's team. Sterling was a known racist for decades and kept his team until his girl started recording his nonsense and went public with it.

09-19-2022, 09:02 AM
And silver didn’t really do that either. The owners did. If enough sponsors turn that might do it. Pay pal already said they won’t do business with the suns. The nba timed it well though. The nfl blocks out the sun sports news wise.

09-21-2022, 02:51 AM
I know you frequently delete posts but I also know it’s not so you can move on to other things because just about 100% of the time you do what you’re doing here. Which is delete it then keep posting in the same topic. You’re probably second on ish in deleted posts after 3ball. I just ignore them unless…as just happened…they make it look like I’m just talking to the wind and not answering someone.

And enjoy your weekend. I barely can tell anymore since I quit working. Football season helps though. Gives days a purpose or at least a schedule. And I think I find myself posting more when I have something to go do. At home I’m catching up on shows or cooking or whatever.

Let me be at a supermarket though. I’ll take 40 minutes getting 10 things because I’m explaining to some 24 year old why Kareem would translate to today. Anyway…you have a nice day. Drink a beer or two. Not an IPA though. Love yourself more than that.
:lol :applause:

09-21-2022, 03:08 AM
I think it can goes both ways though. People of color haven’t really interacted with white people if they really think they are going to change every white persons minds on this subject by calling them bad people. Lol. Even some of your most liberal white folks who wouldn’t say shit in public will talk about this so called “double standard” behind closed doors. That’s why it’s a futile debate. Everyone needs to just let these words die so the next generation doesn’t have to go thru this same old song and dance because as long as they are around this shit ain’t ever going to end.or maybe the yts can simply just not say the n word

it’s really not that hard man, it’s quite literally no different how you shouldn’t call homosexuals flaggots :lol this is very far from a deep issue, i only see caucasians and europeans making a big deal out of this because they want to be able to be in control of everything and have their cake and eat it too

09-21-2022, 12:47 PM
Sarver just announced he’s putting up the suns/mercury for sale.

LeCommisioner wins AGAIN

Real Men Wear Green
09-21-2022, 01:06 PM
Sarver just announced he’s putting up the suns/mercury for sale.

LeCommisioner wins AGAIN
So he is going to be punished with 3 billion dollars?

09-21-2022, 01:27 PM
Best downside in sports.

Id say Draymond calling for the board of directors vote to make everyone get on record one way or the other was what scared them. Let enough people get behind that? Owners actually having to put their names on it and know it probably gets leaked?

You know calls were made behind the scenes. Sarver isn’t the type to back down from a fight some close to him have said. He probably knew they had the votes.

09-21-2022, 01:48 PM

Full Court
09-21-2022, 03:55 PM

Sounds like a non-apology where he's trying to come off as a victim to garner sympathy.

Lol at whining about a "current unforgiving climate." He should have tried not being a douche to begin with.

09-21-2022, 04:09 PM
Sounds like a non-apology where he's trying to come off as a victim to garner sympathy.

Lol at whining about a "current unforgiving climate." He should have tried not being a douche to begin with.

Careful what you wish for.

If five years from now people with a history of calling others dinguses are declared deserving of permanent exile, you might be singing a different tune.

This kind of public blood lust puts us all a stone’s throw from the chopping block.

09-21-2022, 04:40 PM
or maybe the yts can simply just not say the n word

it’s really not that hard man, it’s quite literally no different how you shouldn’t call homosexuals flaggots :lol this is very far from a deep issue, i only see caucasians and europeans making a big deal out of this because they want to be able to be in control of everything and have their cake and eat it too

Quite the distinction there. You made a poll on this or what? lol

09-21-2022, 04:43 PM
Careful what you wish for.

If five years from now people with a history of calling others dinguses are declared deserving of permanent exile, you might be singing a different tune.

This kind of public blood lust puts us all a stone’s throw from the chopping block.

niqqas here gonna get fired for something they posted on ISH 10 years ago :roll:

Full Court
09-21-2022, 05:24 PM
Careful what you wish for.

If five years from now people with a history of calling others dinguses are declared deserving of permanent exile, you might be singing a different tune.

This kind of public blood lust puts us all a stone’s throw from the chopping block.

I don't call my subordinates at work dinguses. It's unprofessional.

Of course, none of them are Bronies.... :lol

Lakers Legend#32
09-22-2022, 02:46 AM
"As a man of faith..."

Religion the last refuge of a scoundrel.

09-22-2022, 11:10 AM
he plans to sell the team , due to all the crap he has at himself.
reported today

09-23-2022, 08:53 PM
"If owner and player pressure didn't work, the league was planning to pull the nuclear card: Michael Jordan would be the last piece to come out and implore Slarver to sell. That would have been a deathblow for him and hugely embarrassing for a bunch of different reasons (...) Once Robert Solver knew that Jordan was looming, he capitulated."


09-23-2022, 10:19 PM
I don't call my subordinates at work dinguses. It's unprofessional.

Of course, none of them are Bronies.... :lol

He once pantsed an employee who was doing a team video for ALS and while he issued a lawyer forced apology 7 years(….) later he never so much as spoke to the guy. Just pulled the guys pants off at work because he’s the boss and the guy couldn’t do anything about it.

He’s just an utter piece of shit and even he gets defended when held responsible because too much of this world is utter shit like he is.

All punishment for scumbags is just some kinda woke mob agenda.

09-24-2022, 09:48 AM
He once pantsed an employee who was doing a team video for ALS and while he issued a lawyer forced apology 7 years(….) later he never so much as spoke to the guy. Just pulled the guys pants off at work because he’s the boss and the guy couldn’t do anything about it.

He’s just an utter piece of shit and even he gets defended when held responsible because too much of this world is utter shit like he is.

All punishment for scumbags is just some kinda woke mob agenda.

He was surely careful about who he did that to. A lot of guys would immediately beat the shit out of someone for trying that, even their boss.

09-24-2022, 09:54 AM
He should have. Whatever he’s paid can’t be more than the lawsuit could have been but the little people all imagine they can climb the ladder and don’t wanna get blackballed out of the league.

Some people just need to get punched in the face and Sarver has clearly been one for a couple decades.

09-24-2022, 09:55 AM

A piece of shit with a baseball bat. Fascinating.

09-24-2022, 10:38 AM


09-24-2022, 11:02 AM

What, he punched his own teammates and acted like a dick to everyone as a player, but then he’s allowed to own a team?

Pretty crazy. I guess at least he didnt pants a guy or say ***** the way draymond says *****.

09-24-2022, 11:08 AM
He was surely careful about who he did that to. A lot of guys would immediately beat the shit out of someone for trying that, even their boss.

Yeah the anecdote is almost guaranteed to be missing context and is just being used to pile on by people with an agenda.

If there was no established culture of such joking in the department and it was done completely out of the blue to an unsuspecting employee, there likely would have been a lawsuit and a much bigger backlash when it happened. If theres even a remote trace of context then it’s really not a big deal.

Imagine going hissy because “he pants’d a guy!!!!”

09-24-2022, 12:17 PM
Yeah the anecdote is almost guaranteed to be missing context and is just being used to pile on by people with an agenda.

If there was no established culture of such joking in the department and it was done completely out of the blue to an unsuspecting employee, there likely would have been a lawsuit and a much bigger backlash when it happened. If theres even a remote trace of context then it’s really not a big deal.

Imagine going hissy because “he pants’d a guy!!!!”

You have to be trolling at this point to not see why you can’t pull someones pants off at work. What do you gain by acting this ****ing stupid?

And for the record there’s a podcast called Basketball Illuminati run by a former suns executive(who has been saying Sarver is scum for years) who had the guy he did it to on as a guest who explained the fallout. The team had an ALS thing and part was that ice bucket challenge everyone did years ago and Sarver pulled his pants down as he did it. They cover actual in the room incidents they personally witnessed and even clear up things the report got wrong(where things happened…how). Not that I think you care enough about the things you express an opinion on to do the legwork to see if you’re right….but there are actual inside the organization people on record and anonymously explaining these things and the main guy has been clear about it for years now.

Sarver has a dozen incidents that would get any non owner fired. He’s a piece of shit. No further description is needed and nothing about his character justifies your defense.

09-24-2022, 12:33 PM
What Sarver said about the pants thing by the way:

I would like to apologize directly to David Bodzin. I remember this incident from seven years ago...This was purely on me, and it was a misguided attempt at humor.”.

Misguided attempt at humor. Pulling someone’s pants off in front of 60 people at a charity event just because you can.

The guy it happened to was literally begged by HR not to sue and had it explained that Sarver is just a shit person who does things like that but not to let him ruin his career.

09-24-2022, 12:36 PM
You have to be trolling at this point to not see why you can’t pull someones pants off at work. What do you gain by acting this ****ing stupid?

And for the record there’s a podcast called Basketball Illuminati run by a former suns executive(who has been saying Sarver is scum for years) who had the guy he did it to on as a guest who explained the fallout. The team had an ALS thing and part was that ice bucket challenge everyone did years ago and Sarver pulled his pants down as he did it. They cover actual in the room incidents they personally witnessed and even clear up things the report got wrong(where things happened…how). Not that I think you care enough about the things you express an opinion on to do the legwork to see if you’re right….but there are actual inside the organization people on record and anonymously explaining these things and the main guy has been clear about it for years now.

Sarver has a dozen incidents that would get any non owner fired. He’s a piece of shit. No further description is needed and nothing about his character justifies your defense.

I'm assuming because of the size of the deal he and you are making about this, that Sarver pants'd him with the underwear coming down too? And if that's the case, Sarver could arguably be arrested, and the lawsuit money would be huge. So why didnt that happen?

If this fuss is being made over just the trousers being pants'd, so that he stood there in his underwear?? ZERO deal. Literally zero. That shit is funny. Assuming Sarver himself can take a joke and isnt making everyone act stiff as a mannequin while he goes and picks on people. But if that's the workplace culture and Sarver pants'd him just to his boxer shorts?? Nope. Not cryin over that one.

So the question is how does the outcome end up being "guy simply holds a grudge and goes on a podcast one day to gripe about it."

Either it was a big deal and it got addressed at the time, or it wasnt a big deal.

Guy sounds like a shmuck to be running to a podcast to cry about getting PANTSD.

I know you'll try and twist this into me defending Sarver the person, even tho that's not what I'm doing. I'm going incident by incident. Why can CJ Watson and Draymond Green use language Sarver cant? Because his skin color and thats it? Not good enough for me.

A former employee is crying boo hoo about getting PANTS'D?? Nah. I'm not burning a guy at the stake over that.

I've already said discussing employees wives having oral sex is CLEARLY workplace out of bounds. So that's fine. But if youre gonna keep listing "pants'd a guy and used black people language!" as ways to build a case, sorry but it just sounds soft.

09-24-2022, 12:39 PM
Sarver may well be a shit person, I dont know anything about him except what former employees are claiming, and I'm not disputing the premise in the least.

My only point is that SOME of these examples you guys keep citing make you sound soft as hell. Thats all.

09-24-2022, 12:52 PM
So bosses should be able to pull employees pants off at work. You really are either a parody or just too far gone to take serious about anything. You’re exactly the kinda person who if the left described people would say it’s an exaggeration or that those people are just trolls trying to make conservative people look bad.

It’s best I don’t interact with you so let me see how long I can manage that.

09-24-2022, 12:53 PM
So bosses should be able to pull employees pants off at work. You really are either a parody or just too far gone to take serious about anything. You’re exactly the kinda person who if the left described people would say it’s an exaggeration and those people are just trolls.

It’s best I don’t interact with you so let me see how long I can manage that.

You listen here Kblaze and you listen good. If'n I catch you ever around these Austin parts again you had best be careful, because I will track and you down and I will pants you, boy...

09-24-2022, 12:58 PM
I mean its 2022. What kinda (caucasian) boss argues why he cant drop an n bomb lol. And the whole pantsing thing. Sounds like a circus show.

You listen here Kblaze and you listen good. If'n I catch you ever around these Austin parts again you had best be careful, because I will track and you down and I will pants you, boy...


09-24-2022, 01:22 PM
not gonna lie the pantsing thing is actually pretty funny

09-25-2022, 10:09 PM
Let’s be real though. If the Suns had won multiple championships and were not a bottom dwelling laughing stock for most a Sarvers tenure his behavior would still be getting swept under the rug and he would not be facing suspension or selling the team.

09-26-2022, 09:48 AM
He’s a piece of shit. No further description is needed and nothing about his character justifies your defense.

Yeah, but he's a team owner. haha. Now he's not a team owner because people ran a campaign against him. That's pretty wack. You don't think a bunch of these other guys are pieces of shit? You should not be able to isolate people, assassinate their character, and then make them sell their team. I felt the same way about Donald Sterling, even tho his situation was a bit crazier on so many levels. What his name was getting hand jobs at the massage parlor. It's whatever.

What this guy did was not RACIST AND SEXIST he's just a big asshole. The fact that someone can force you to sell your team for being an asshole might seem like accountability, but it definitely is a strange precedent. It's not something I like to see.

Still the line "these ****** need a *****" is an all time classic, if he really said that. I mean, like you said, his own character is defined. People could do so many things. They prol paid him to go away. But they could stop supporting the Sun, make it happen more organically. You don't want to skip a step and just allow non-criminal allegations to infringe on your rights, right?

You gotta respect people's inherent dignity and their rights even if they are a jackass. He owns the team. If his behavior causes them to lose money (has it? lol) then good on the people for 'voting with their wallets.' Beyond that, biz is biz.

Once you start justifying stuff because people are "a bad person," you could end up at genocide. He's got a lot of money, so I doubt this is going to impact him that much, but you know if people could they would lift all the money off of him, too. It's pretty insane if you think about it.


09-26-2022, 10:47 AM
You trying to get from obviously fireable and occasionally illegal behavior having consequences at work to genocide:


Charlie Sheen
09-26-2022, 03:26 PM
Chris Paul
I am of the view that the sanctions fell short in truly addressing what we can all agree was atrocious behavior. My heart goes out to all of the people that were affected.
6:18 PM · Sep 14, 2022
·Twitter for iPhone

Couple weeks late on this, but Chris had no problem taking the big money extension from Sarver. He didn't have a problem with Sterling giving him big money either. I have no problem with him taking the money... but it hollows out his call to action.

10-03-2022, 03:48 PM
How is it even possible the league just fines an owner 10 mill?


10-03-2022, 04:53 PM
You trying to get from obviously fireable and occasionally illegal behavior having consequences at work to genocide:


translation for the foreigners who don't get the cues

blaze is saying it's a stretch/reach