View Full Version : In 1992 there was one player on the court for each team who could shoot 3’s. In 2022

Mask the Embiid
09-23-2022, 01:52 AM
In 2022 there is one guy on the court for each team that can’t shoot 3’s…. The 2017 warriors would of mopped the floor with the 1st 3 peat team just like they would of mopped the floor with the 01 lakers and 96 bulls, 87 lakers, 86 boston, and anyone else. Just like the 2042 champions will mop the floor with the 2017 warriors….

09-23-2022, 02:32 AM
All they do nowadays in this marshmallow ass era is chuck threes and play no defense. Puzzy ass league, even the Euroleague is more physical and its full of gay Frenchies.


09-23-2022, 02:56 AM
All they do nowadays in this marshmallow ass era is chuck threes and play no defense. Puzzy ass league, even the Euroleague is more physical and its full of gay Frenchies.


Then why are you watching? Just to complain? Shut up you old fart.

09-23-2022, 04:17 AM
In general I think you are right but one off games are different.all it takes is one of those 5/30 shooting games to change the outcome

09-23-2022, 01:59 PM
All they do nowadays in this marshmallow ass era is chuck threes and play no defense. Puzzy ass league, even the Euroleague is more physical and its full of gay Frenchies.


And yet as important as the three is in today's game, and how much they practice getting the three, 2021-'22 (.354) shooters aren't a whole lot better than they were in 1991-'92 (.331).

And don't anyone try the small sample size BS argument, the league still shot nearly 17k three-pointers in '91-'92.

09-23-2022, 02:57 PM
And yet as important as the three is in today's game, and how much they practice getting the three, 2021-'22 (.354) shooters aren't a whole lot better than they were in 1991-'92 (.331).

And don't anyone try the small sample size BS argument, the league still shot nearly 17k three-pointers in '91-'92.
And they took 86k 3 pointers last season. So they shot a higher percentage on a significantly greater volume.

09-23-2022, 03:36 PM
And they took 86k 3 pointers last season. So they shot a higher percentage on a significantly greater volume.
What point was he even trying to make lmao

09-23-2022, 03:37 PM
And they took 86k 3 pointers last season. So they shot a higher percentage on a significantly greater volume.

But with more attempts come more misses. Significantly more that players are taking by passing up higher percentage 2pt shots ( shots that the increase in converted 3s merely cancels this out, does not necessarily improve on it. So no, the Warriors wouldn't 'mop' the floor with the 97 bulls.) People think we're living in a golden era of 3 point shooting, but you see a lot of chucking on any given night. Yes most guys on the floor at any given time are AT BEST average or merely competent at hitting an open 3. I don't know what game Mask the Embiid is watching where there are 8 Currys on the floor. The 2020 Lakers were a mediocre 3 point shooting team but dominated the league with paint scoring being their bread and butter.

Spurs m8
09-24-2022, 01:54 AM
I'm embarrassed for op...though when aren't I?

I remember when he used to post when he was new to bball...I see he hasn't gotten much better...

Still a racist simpleton

09-24-2022, 04:13 AM

Then why are you watching? Just to complain? Shut up you old fart.

Shane Heal doesn't like basketball as much as online petty shit. :lol

09-24-2022, 08:16 AM
In 2022 there is one guy on the court for each team that can’t shoot 3’s…. The 2017 warriors would of mopped the floor with the 1st 3 peat team just like they would of mopped the floor with the 01 lakers and 96 bulls, 87 lakers, 86 boston, and anyone else. Just like the 2042 champions will mop the floor with the 2017 warriors….

Its nowhere near that simple. What exactly would make a 2042 team outplay the warriors? How much better at shooting do you think humans get than a trip of Curry/Klay/KD? You think the bigs will automatically be better defenders/playmakers/shooters than prime Dray? That there are unrealized tactics todays math isn’t pointing out?

Unless there are four pointers to factor in the game won’t change that much. There aren’t really untapped markets for players anymore. The league is definitely gonna expand more as well. Too much money not to. Owners won’t be comfortable playing 160 million a season for a max player who might get hurt. Only way to combat that in a sport with such small rosters is to add players to teams and/or teams to the league to dilute it.

The warriors were a weird situation to begin with. An all time elite team got to add arguably a new best player because of a cap jump. It’s like the Bulls being able to add Shaq or Hakeem or the Showtime Lakers being able to add Jordan. It makes it stand out even among other goat teams.

Being able to put out a lineup where the 5th best player is last years finals mvp is pretty insane and that kinda talent isn’t overcome by the magic of 20 years passing. Sports don’t “get better” for nothing. You need actual changes to make it happen. Bigger, stronger, faster is heavily limited by evolution. It doesn’t work in a generation.

Todays kids won’t magically be stronger than well fed, well trained, super humans we have in the nba now. The guys now have an advantage over 40 years ago that won’t be as drastic as 15 years from now. What we gonna discover new vitamins? These guys are maintained near the peak of human potential, plucked from the widest pool of talent realistically available unless some countries abandon soccer, and play a mathematically optimal game.

There isn’t room for the kinda advances you suggest to offset expansion that quickly. In the 2040 guys drafted a couple months ago will still be in the league.

There are people the world just doesn’t duplicate quickly. Kids coming up might be close to Steph. But you need them to also be Klay who has made like 15 threes in a game himself….and another absolute freak like KD. Then a couple more stars….all playing together that well?

What are you picturing? Shaqs body with Birds skill set with some KD like condor playing the point like Chris Paul?

Freaks exist but you need more than 20 years for evolution to make them that common and then you gotta get too many onto one team in a league that will probably have 36 teams with 18 man rosters.

Eventually we hit a saturation point and have to let actual evolution work for a while. We have international scouts picking every tall kid in every hidden village out to see if maybe he can develop a jumper and has lateral movement.

Where do you think we find all the new players needed to make the talent pool grow by the margin it did compared to 30-40 years ago? I’m sure China is still breeding more Yao Ming’s but….enough to make a difference?

What do you actually think happens at this point to make the kids better in 12-15 years? We gonna coat their bones in metal like wolverine?

Mask the Embiid
09-24-2022, 09:09 AM
Its nowhere near that simple. What exactly would make a 2042 team outplay the warriors? How much better at shooting do you think humans get than a trip of Curry/Klay/KD? You think the bigs will automatically be better defenders/playmakers/shooters than prime Dray? That there are unrealized tactics todays math isn’t pointing out?

Unless there are four pointers to factor in the game won’t change that much. There aren’t really untapped markets for players anymore. The league is definitely gonna expand more as well. Too much money not to. Owners won’t be comfortable playing 160 million a season for a max player who might get hurt. Only way to combat that in a sport with such small rosters is to add players to teams and/or teams to the league to dilute it.

The warriors were a weird situation to begin with. An all time elite team got to add arguably a new best player because of a cap jump. It’s like the Bulls being able to add Shaq or Hakeem or the Showtime Lakers being able to add Jordan. It makes it stand out even among other goat teams.

Being able to put out a lineup where the 5th best player is last years finals mvp is pretty insane and that kinda talent isn’t overcome by the magic of 20 years passing. Sports don’t “get better” for nothing. You need actual changes to make it happen. Bigger, stronger, faster is heavily limited by evolution. It doesn’t work in a generation.

Todays kids won’t magically be stronger than well fed, well trained, super humans we have in the nba now. The guys now have an advantage over 40 years ago that won’t be as drastic as 15 years from now. What we gonna discover new vitamins? These guys are maintained near the peak of human potential, plucked from the widest pool of talent realistically available unless some countries abandon soccer, and play a mathematically optimal game.

There isn’t room for the kinda advances you suggest to offset expansion that quickly. In the 2040 guys drafted a couple months ago will still be in the league.

There are people the world just doesn’t duplicate quickly. Kids coming up might be close to Steph. But you need them to also be Klay who has made like 15 threes in a game himself….and another absolute freak like KD. Then a couple more stars….all playing together that well?

What are you picturing? Shaqs body with Birds skill set with some KD like condor playing the point like Chris Paul?

Freaks exist but you need more than 20 years for evolution to make them that common and then you gotta get too many onto one team in a league that will probably have 36 teams with 18 man rosters.

Eventually we hit a saturation point and have to let actual evolution work for a while. We have international scouts picking every tall kid in every hidden village out to see if maybe he can develop a jumper and has lateral movement.

Where do you think we find all the new players needed to make the talent pool grow by the margin it did compared to 30-40 years ago? I’m sure China is still breeding more Yao Ming’s but….enough to make a difference?

What do you actually think happens at this point to make the kids better in 12-15 years? We gonna coat their bones in metal like wolverine?
What if all 5 players can run the offense like a Luka or Lebron. So no more Jae crowders on the court. So teams can no longer load up on the best player like this


Because the guy in Jae crowder’s spot can break down the defense the same way as Booker. Or what if crowder was sitting at curry range and could make that shot at a 40% clip so you couldn’t help. So Booker would legit get to play 1 on 1. Who knows how advanced defensive rotations and everything will be in 20 years. It will certainly be more advance than they are now. For all we know 40% 3 point shooting may be below average in 20 years. So everyone in the starting 5 would be = to steph…. Who knows? Maybe the worst shooter on the court for them will shoot 3’s at the same percentage as steph does. Then what are you gonna do? When our worst shooter is better than your best shooter….

09-24-2022, 09:15 AM
1992 Warriors:

Chris Mullins - 45% on 3 attempts
Tim Hardaway - 33% on 5 attempts
Latrell Sprewell - 37% on 3 attempts

09-24-2022, 09:35 AM
What if all 5 players can run the offense like a Luka or Lebron. So no more Jae crowders on the court. So teams can no longer load up on the best player like this


Because the guy in Jae crowder’s spot can break down the defense the same way as Booker. Or what if crowder was sitting at curry range and could make that shot at a 40% clip so you couldn’t help. So Booker would legit get to play 1 on 1. Who knows how advanced defensive rotations and everything will be in 20 years. It will certainly be more advance than they are now. For all we know 40% 3 point shooting may be below average in 20 years. So everyone in the starting 5 would be = to steph…. Who knows? Maybe the worst shooter on the court for them will shoot 3’s at the same percentage as steph does. Then what are you gonna do? When our worst shooter is better than your best shooter….

So the advances you imagine are “What if” and “advanced” defenses which means precisely nothing because you can’t really conceive of it.

Different doesn’t mean better.

Shooting 3s vs not is a tactical advantage from math. There is nothing like that going forward unless they make 4s.

The game isn’t realistically changing much from here.

I guess they could loosen rules even more and literally remove dribbling violations again like the zero step but at some point the two teams wouldn’t be playing the same game.

When new moves require rule changes and ignoring violations Im not sure it’s fair to call it better players.

There isn’t much more to do within the rules and the players are too close to peak condition already.

09-24-2022, 09:40 AM
. No doubt in my mind a team from 2042 will dog any team today or the 2017 warriors. Hell the 2019 raptors, 2020 bucks, and 2021 warriors would of beat the 2018 warriors no problem

Well now I realize you aren’t being for real so I’ll leave you to argue with whoever doesn’t value their time today. Not that I’m doing shit. I’m waiting for this woman to finish a waxing and whatever a “booty facial” is but I’d still rather not spend the morning having a troll fight.

Mask the Embiid
09-24-2022, 02:42 PM
There isn’t much more to do within the rules and the players are too close to peak condition already.
I didn’t mention the rules once. I said players in the future could be much better shooters or all 5 players on the court could be much better playmakers. No more crowders or pj tuckers on the court who can only catch and shoot. So if they are not wide open it’s no reason for me to even pass them the ball because they can’t do anything with it. And the defense knows that so they load up off bums like that and recover before they can shoot If you pass to them.


you know how much easier the game would be if i had an entire team with steph's gravity....no one would ever play this stupid ass defense on booker if that is klay in crowder's spot and steph in bridge's spot. They have their fking back turned to crowder because they know he cant do shit. He wont cut... he cant take u off the dribble if u pass him the ball....he wont do shit on offense but shoot if u leave him open by mistake. Thats all he can do. he is a non factor on offense

i dare anybody to post 1 picture of KD in the post on the warriors with someone having their back turned to klay and steph.

Mask the Embiid
09-24-2022, 02:56 PM
Well now I realize you aren’t being for real so I’ll leave you to argue with whoever doesn’t value their time today. Not that I’m doing shit. I’m waiting for this woman to finish a waxing and whatever a “booty facial” is but I’d still rather not spend the morning having a troll fight.

2018 warriors were down 3-2 to the rockets with James harden in a shooting slump. They needed a historic off night by the rockets just to win. They werent even in the same ball park as the 2017 team that pretty much swept every single team they played in the playoffs. The cavs had to shoot like 70% from the field just to beat them one game

And that cavs team swept everyone they played. That was the best cavs team they had during the whole Lebron’s 2nd run

09-24-2022, 03:56 PM
In 2022 there is one guy on the court for each team that can’t shoot 3’s…. The 2017 warriors would of mopped the floor with the 1st 3 peat team just like they would of mopped the floor with the 01 lakers and 96 bulls, 87 lakers, 86 boston, and anyone else. Just like the 2042 champions will mop the floor with the 2017 warriors….

3/4 of the players that played in the 90s would not get a roster spot in their primes today.

Most people don't "learn" how to shoot 3s all of a sudden.

09-24-2022, 04:59 PM
Wonder why 1992 specifically and not involving years around 10 years earlier than that. Anyway, does this mean any bad teams today are better than any good teams back then? Because that seems doubtful even with the given circumstances.

09-24-2022, 05:35 PM
But today's players are bad at 2-pointers aside from layups, while previous eras were experts at 2-pointers

So today's era has the same deficit at 2-pointers that previous eras had at 3-pointers

The unspaced courts of previous eras required contested 2-point shot-making, while today's game spaces the floor to get threes and layups (lesser skill required) and also easier passing