View Full Version : this bike messenger is nuts

09-30-2022, 05:52 PM
this man rides a fixie without brakes. craziness! he's got skills though.


09-30-2022, 06:18 PM
While pretty amazing not even 1 minute in he has 2 near misses. He obviously doesn't always account for blindside hits either. Also if it's no free wheel how can't he brake with the pedals? What's the speed limit in NYC?

09-30-2022, 06:26 PM
Well, that's just a fixie. Last i checked it's still no match for somebody else's huffy bike.

09-30-2022, 06:59 PM
thats ****ing insane.

thanks for the vid.

when they did slaloms around the pylons in the tight spaces...


Patrick Chewing
09-30-2022, 09:36 PM
If that guy cut me off like that as I'm crossing the street I'm chasing his ass down and shoving that bike up his ass.

09-30-2022, 10:08 PM
interesting, no one complaining that this is illegal. interesting.

10-01-2022, 09:40 AM
YouTuber Casey Neisat does this all the time on his hoverboard. Maybe not running red lights, but he'll board between cars and stuff. I find it interesting that this is allowed? Is it such a little thing that no on reports it?

10-01-2022, 09:52 PM
No barspins no care