View Full Version : Thoughts on Steph Curry saying Brittney Griner was "wrongfully incarcerated"?

10-19-2022, 02:17 PM
Missed it, but heard he said it during the ring ceremony. Apparently it made some people upset.

10-19-2022, 02:24 PM
He has a pea brain and is pandering to black people like the weak ass sheep that he was born as.

Pathetic cuck gonna cuck.

10-19-2022, 02:52 PM
Missed it, but heard he said it during the ring ceremony. Apparently it made some people upset.

I saw it live and he's wrong. She wasn't and isn't being wrongfully detained, you can't apply U.S. law in Russia. It's the same thing as me, who is able to carry in Florida, going to New York and getting caught with a gun. My right to carry in Florida means nothing in New York. If I break New York law I'll get arrested. It's preposterous to think New York is illegally detaining me. It's my responsibility to know the laws of where I'm going.

10-19-2022, 03:17 PM
I saw it live and he's wrong. She wasn't and isn't being wrongfully detained, you can't apply U.S. law in Russia. It's the same thing as me, who is able to carry in Florida, going to New York and getting caught with a gun. My right to carry in Florida means nothing in New York. If I break New York law I'll get arrested. It's preposterous to think New York is illegally detaining me. It's my responsibility to know the laws of where I'm going.

This. I feel bad for her and don't think she deserves it but she messed around in Russia and found out.

10-19-2022, 03:31 PM
I saw it live and he's wrong. She wasn't and isn't being wrongfully detained, you can't apply U.S. law in Russia. It's the same thing as me, who is able to carry in Florida, going to New York and getting caught with a gun. My right to carry in Florida means nothing in New York. If I break New York law I'll get arrested. It's preposterous to think New York is illegally detaining me. It's my responsibility to know the laws of where I'm going.

I believe there were numerous recent examples in Russia that were highlighted after this situation started where the punishment for the same offense wasn't nearly as severe. They may be abiding by the letter of law, but based on historical practice, it is very unfair.

Xiao Yao You
10-19-2022, 03:40 PM
I believe there were numerous recent examples in Russia that were highlighted after this situation started where the punishment for the same offense wasn't nearly as severe. They may be abiding by the letter of law, but based on historical practice, it is very unfair.

You take your chances going to a country at war

10-19-2022, 03:58 PM
You take your chances going to a country at war

Sure, thats definitely true. Doesn't mean you can't say its f*cked up and have sympathy for her.

Xiao Yao You
10-19-2022, 04:11 PM
Sure, thats definitely true. Doesn't mean you can't say its f*cked up and have sympathy for her.

sure but plenty locked up in the USA for the same thing

10-19-2022, 04:12 PM
Sure, thats definitely true. Doesn't mean you can't say its f*cked up and have sympathy for her.

Nobody says it's not or they don't. It's just ... c'mon, it's Russia. What was she thinking?

10-19-2022, 05:30 PM
Nobody says it's not or they don't. It's just ... c'mon, it's Russia. What was she thinking?

Wasn't, clearly.

10-19-2022, 06:08 PM
Basically 95% of NBA players have no grasp on reality.

There are war heroes over there actually falsely imprisoned.

She’s using her black privilege. Nobody cares about the white people falsely imprisoned over there.

10-19-2022, 06:08 PM
Maybe he meant it from a moral perspective? Dunno why people make such a big deal out of EVERYTHING.

Full Court
10-19-2022, 06:41 PM
"wrongfully incarcerated" was a poor choice of words, seeing how she admitted breaking the law. Curry was parroting the State Dept though, who declared it a "wrongful incarceration" before the facts even came out.

Curry gets paid for his basketball skill though, not for his intellect or keen insight into international issues.

Real Men Wear Green
10-19-2022, 08:57 PM
Curry is talking about right and wrong, which is not the same thing as what is and isn't legal. Strange how people can criticize his intelligence but don't understand his meaning. Russian law is not about right and wrong... actually some of you criticizing Curry probably do think the Ukraine War is fine because, hey, it's legal under Russian law, right? Nevermind the fact that Russian law is whatever their dictator says it is.

10-19-2022, 09:45 PM
I think anyone with more than two brain cells and a capacity for nuance knew Curry wasn't citing Russian law here, but rather the fact that she's been detained excessively long for what is an objectively a harmless crime--and is obviously being held as a political pawn between two beefing countries--is what is meant by 'wrongful' here. But because she's a WNBA player--and because online sports communities are cesspools of single digit IQ muck--she gets hammered for it.

10-19-2022, 10:40 PM
No. The only reason Curry said anything is to pander to black people and virtue-signal, he’s learned it well from his coach.

There is nothing “immoral” about having a set of completely reasonable laws and then enforcing them. She is not “a political pawn” because nobody outside of out-of-touch celebrities care about freeing her. The rest of us citizens, who have to follow the law and can’t just pay to get out of everything, realize she got exactly what she had coming to her.

Truth is people are upset Griner is being treated fairly and think because she is a “famous” gay black lady she should have special privileges. -that’s what’s immoral, and racist. None of these famous people would give a fuhck if she was a no-name white man in the same exact situation. This shit is too easy to see right through

Real Men Wear Green
10-19-2022, 10:44 PM
No. The only reason Curry said anything is to pander to black people and virtue-signal, he’s learned it well from his coach.

There is nothing “immoral” about having a set of completely reasonable laws and then enforcing them. She is not “a political pawn” because nobody outside of out-of-touch celebrities care about freeing her. The rest of us citizens, who have to follow the law and can’t just pay to get out of everything, realize she got exactly what she had coming to her.

Truth is people are upset Griner is being treated fairly and think because she is a “famous” gay black lady she should have special privileges. -that’s what’s immoral, and racist. None of these famous people would give a fuhck if she was a no-name white man in the same exact situation. This shit is too easy to see right through

Are the people of Ukraine also getting what's coming to them? Or is it possible that Russian law is not always moral?

10-19-2022, 10:45 PM
There is nothing “immoral” about having a set of completely reasonable laws and then enforcing them.

Throwing people in jail because they have a flower in their possession is immoral.

10-19-2022, 10:51 PM
Are the people of Ukraine also getting what's coming to them? Or is it possible that Russian law is not always moral?

What does Ukrainians being slaughtered have to do with Brittany Griner sneaking illegal drugs into a foreign country? I don’t see the correlation. And is murder legal in Russia? No. Just like it’s not legal here but our military still does it as well.

Satan your morals are clearly different than Russia’s. And you don’t get to choose their morals, just like they don’t choose ours.

I don’t even get how this is a debate. Well, I do, it’s because Griner is a famous gay black woman and the people supporting believe others will admire them for doing so.

10-19-2022, 10:56 PM
How do you know that's what Steph's intentions are? Did you personally ask him?

Maybe he has actually met her before/knows her. It wouldn't exactly be surprising.

Real Men Wear Green
10-19-2022, 11:01 PM
What does Ukrainians being slaughtered have to do with Brittany Griner sneaking illegal drugs into a foreign country? I don’t see the correlation. And is murder legal in Russia? No. Just like it’s not legal here but our military still does it as well.

Satan your morals are clearly different than Russia’s. And you don’t get to choose their morals, just like they don’t choose ours.

I don’t even get how this is a debate. Well, I do, it’s because Griner is a famous gay black woman and the people supporting believe others will admire them for doing so.
Your flawed argument is that Griner punishment is justified because she broke Russian law. If that is true then Russian law is defining morality. So if Russia says that invading Ukraine is legal then it would be moral. It's stupid logic but it's what you're going with here.

And no every law in America is not moral. We have had legalized slavery, there is a reason why laws can be changed. Most people are capable of understanding that a law is not just just because it exists.

10-20-2022, 12:09 AM
Your flawed argument is that Griner punishment is justified because she broke Russian law. If that is true then Russian law is defining morality. So if Russia says that invading Ukraine is legal then it would be moral. It's stupid logic but it's what you're going with here.

And no every law in America is not moral. We have had legalized slavery, there is a reason why laws can be changed. Most people are capable of understanding that a law is not just just because it exists.

You're arguing that there's a standard or morality that exists above any country's laws (which I agree with). However, according to Russian legislation she is being correctly incarcerated. So Curry's statement is factually incorrect.

10-20-2022, 12:10 AM

Real Men Wear Green
10-20-2022, 12:49 AM
You're arguing that there's a standard or morality that exists above any country's laws (which I agree with). However, according to Russian legislation she is being correctly incarcerated. So Curry's statement is factually incorrect.

Steph Curry does not agree with the Russian law. This should be obvious. People's need to agree with a certain political stance is leading to outright idiocy.

10-20-2022, 12:55 AM
Steph Curry does not agree with the Russian law. This should be obvious. People's need to agree with a certain political stance is leading to outright idiocy.
It is obvious. But the issue is that he's stating his opinion as if it's a fact. It's his opinion that she is being wrongfully incarcerated, but the fact is she is being correctly incarcerated based on Russian legislation.

Real Men Wear Green
10-20-2022, 01:01 AM
It is obvious. But the issue is that he's stating his opinion as if it's a fact. It's his opinion that she is being wrongfully incarcerated, but the fact is she is being correctly incarcerated based on Russian legislation.

This is social/political commentary. Everyone states their opinion as fact. And anyone that has a bigger problem with Curry's opinion than they do with Griner being locked up for 9 years is an asshole. The end.

10-20-2022, 01:34 AM
I think everyone can agree that it's reasonable she gets arrested but the punishment seems too severe for most people's sense of justice.

10-20-2022, 06:37 AM
What he said is BS, but it's not like he can say something else.

With all your fake USA pride about "freedom of speech", if Steph goes out there and says that he is overjoyed that stupid bitch from WNBA has got what her junkie ass deserved, he would lose everything and get cancelled immediately. So it's not like he have a choice what to say.

10-20-2022, 06:50 AM
Hard to judge how much what happened to her is due to what's happening in Ukraine as some sort of a payback for sanctions, or whether it would've been just as same had there been no war.
But one thing is certain: Do NOT **** around when travelling abroad. It may cost you your life. Didn't Qatar already state that anyone who is caught smuggling drugs during the World Cup will be executed?

Full Court
10-20-2022, 07:44 AM
Are the people of Ukraine also getting what's coming to them? Or is it possible that Russian law is not always moral?

That's kind of a silly comparison. Federal law in the US prohibits cannabis possession too. Arresting someone for possession of illegal drugs is about as far as you can get from invading a country. So how are you going to equate saying Griner is lawfully incarcerated to approving of Russia slaughtering hundreds of thousands of people? Talk about apples and oranges...

Whether you agree with a country's laws or not, when you go there, you follow them. In the UAE, it's against the law to drink water during the day during ramadan. If you do, you get arrested. Whether you're a Muslim, or whether you approve of that or not, I would suggest abiding by it when you're in their country.

Same principle for Griner.

Real Men Wear Green
10-20-2022, 07:58 AM
That's kind of a silly comparison. Federal law in the US prohibits cannabis possession too. Arresting someone for possession of illegal drugs is about as far as you can get from invading a country. So how are you going to equate saying Griner is lawfully incarcerated to approving of Russia slaughtering hundreds of thousands of people? Talk about apples and oranges...

Whether you agree with a country's laws or not, when you go there, you follow them. In the UAE, it's against the law to drink water during the day during ramadan. If you do, you get arrested. Whether you're a Muslim, or whether you approve of that or not, I would suggest abiding by it when you're in their country.

Same principle for Griner.

Why do you need me to repeat myself? The justification for saying that Curry is wrong is Russian law. Well, under Russian law the Ukraine War is justified so that same logic says the Ukraine war is justified. This shouldn't be hard to understand. Curry did not make a statement on law. Curry said she was "wrongfully" incarcerated. His point is about the morality of the situation. Morals, the inconvenient thing people upset with the criticism of Russia for various bizarre core reasons have decided to ignore in favor of a worthless legal argument that is a million miles from the point. Yes we know how Putin justifies his tyranny. He is an asshole. You are defending his actions. What does that say about you? Your defense of an unjust law is not noble.

10-20-2022, 08:12 AM
Hard to judge how much what happened to her is due to what's happening in Ukraine as some sort of a payback for sanctions, or whether it would've been just as same had there been no war.
But one thing is certain: Do NOT **** around when travelling abroad. It may cost you your life. Didn't Qatar already state that anyone who is caught smuggling drugs during the World Cup will be executed?

lol no it isn't.

10-20-2022, 08:14 AM
What he said is BS, but it's not like he can say something else.

With all your fake USA pride about "freedom of speech", if Steph goes out there and says that he is overjoyed that stupid bitch from WNBA has got what her junkie ass deserved, he would lose everything and get cancelled immediately. So it's not like he have a choice what to say.

He's likely not an ignorant piece of shit that would think that though. Everything has to be a conspiracy of sorts to some of you guys. It's crazy.

10-20-2022, 08:15 AM
Based Steph.

10-20-2022, 11:48 AM
He has a pea brain and is pandering to black people like the weak ass sheep that he was born as.

Pathetic cuck gonna cuck.

Are you OK?

10-20-2022, 03:27 PM
On the other hand she's probably getting sweet lesbian sex with some russian chicks everyday

10-20-2022, 05:24 PM
Your flawed argument is that Griner punishment is justified because she broke Russian law. If that is true then Russian law is defining morality. So if Russia says that invading Ukraine is legal then it would be moral. It's stupid logic but it's what you're going with here.

And no every law in America is not moral. We have had legalized slavery, there is a reason why laws can be changed. Most people are capable of understanding that a law is not just just because it exists.

Laws do not equal morals.

It’s legal for me to have sex with an 18 year old but my personal morals believe differently.

This isn’t confusing at all. It has nothing to do with murder or genocide or morals.

It’s the law. You have to follow it. Case closed. Why are we talking about this?

….because she is a gay black woman and people think they will be admired for defending her. -that’s it. Everyone knows she is wrong.

Real Men Wear Green
10-20-2022, 05:38 PM
Laws do not equal morals. OK then. So we understand why Curry can correctly say that Griner is wrongfully incarcerated? Glad we cleared that up.

Full Court
10-20-2022, 05:44 PM
Why do you need me to repeat myself? The justification for saying that Curry is wrong is Russian law. Well, under Russian law the Ukraine War is justified so that same logic says the Ukraine war is justified. This shouldn't be hard to understand. Curry did not make a statement on law. Curry said she was "wrongfully" incarcerated. His point is about the morality of the situation. Morals, the inconvenient thing people upset with the criticism of Russia for various bizarre core reasons have decided to ignore in favor of a worthless legal argument that is a million miles from the point. Yes we know how Putin justifies his tyranny. He is an asshole. You are defending his actions. What does that say about you? Your defense of an unjust law is not noble.

You're missing my point. Just because you disagree with a law doesn't make it a wrongful incarceration when someone is convicted of it. Weed is still illegal in most parts of the US. That doesn't make everyone who willfully breaks the law and pays the price "wrongfully incarcerated." And yes, we're talking about legal terminology, and you have to use it in the context of the laws of the area to which it pertains. In this case, Russia.

Further, this is a matter of criminal law, which is completely separate from any legal justification Russia tries to use for its Ukraine invasion. That has nothing at all to do with criminal law.

10-20-2022, 06:27 PM
OK then. So we understand why Curry can correctly say that Griner is wrongfully incarcerated? Glad we cleared that up.

100% agreed.

Nobody said he is not allowed to say that. Did you think I said he wasn’t allowed to make a comment?

It’s just not a true comment. She’s not wrongfully incarcerated. She, in his opinion, like you said, is “immorally” incarcerated. Fantastic.

10-20-2022, 06:29 PM
Wardell has always had retarded political takes. Remember he feigned ignorance regarding the China issue.

Full Court
10-20-2022, 06:37 PM
Wardell has always had retarded political takes. Remember he feigned ignorance regarding the China issue.

Well, it's much better to admit ignorance and keep your mouth shut about it than ignorantly run your mouth about it like Lebron did.

10-20-2022, 06:55 PM
Well, it's much better to admit ignorance and keep your mouth shut about it then ignorantly run your mouth about it like Lebron did.

You just can't keep LeMao's dick out of your mouth, can't you? And it's "than" not "then", you tw at.

Full Court
10-20-2022, 06:58 PM
You just can't keep LeMao's dick out of your mouth, can't you? And it's "than" not "then", you tw at.

Doesn't take much for you to get your panties soiled, does it?


Cry it out. :lebroncry:

Real Men Wear Green
10-20-2022, 06:58 PM
You're missing my point. Just because you disagree with a law doesn't make it a wrongful incarceration when someone is convicted of it. Weed is still illegal in most parts of the US. That doesn't make everyone who willfully breaks the law and pays the price "wrongfully incarcerated." And yes, we're talking about legal terminology, and you have to use it in the context of the laws of the area to which it pertains. In this case, Russia.

Further, this is a matter of criminal law, which is completely separate from any legal justification Russia tries to use for its Ukraine invasion. That has nothing at all to do with criminal law.
So your stance is that all laws are correct regardless of what they are? When slave ran away and had their hand chopped off that was just because it was legal?

Real Men Wear Green
10-20-2022, 07:01 PM
100% agreed.

Nobody said he is not allowed to say that. Did you think I said he wasn’t allowed to make a comment?

It’s just not a true comment. She’s not wrongfully incarcerated. She, in his opinion, like you said, is “immorally” incarcerated. Fantastic.

I can't honestly say you deserve thought out responses.

Full Court
10-20-2022, 07:02 PM
So your stance is that all laws are correct regardless of what they are? When slave ran away and had their hand copied off that was just because it was legal?

Of course I don't think all laws are correct. But "wrongful incarceration" is a term that has specific connotations and ramification in terms of our foreign policy.

This is the definition: https://www.lawinsider.com/dictionary/wrongful-incarceration

I understand what Curry meant, I'm just pointing out that he incorrectly characterized it. Is her 9-year sentence unjust? Of course it is. But wrongful incarceration means that you were legally not guilty of the crime of which you were convicted. It just doesn't apply in this case. That has nothing to do with the law being moral or correct or anything else.

10-20-2022, 07:11 PM
Doesn't take much for you to get your panties soiled, does it?


Cry it out. :lebroncry:

What? You're a moron. Ignored.

Full Court
10-20-2022, 07:15 PM
What? You're a moron. Ignored.

Lol. Not that!


10-20-2022, 07:20 PM
You just can't keep LeMao's dick out of your mouth, can't you? And it's "than" not "then", you tw at.

Real Men Wear Green
10-20-2022, 07:20 PM
Of course I don't think all laws are correct. But "wrongful incarceration" is a term that has specific connotations and ramification in terms of our foreign policy.

This is the definition: https://www.lawinsider.com/dictionary/wrongful-incarceration

I understand what Curry meant, I'm just pointing out that he incorrectly characterized it. Is her 9-year sentence unjust? Of course it is. But wrongful incarceration means that you were legally not guilty of the crime of which you were convicted. It just doesn't apply in this case. That has nothing to do with the law being moral or correct or anything else.

So she was convicted of a felony? Is felony even a legal term in Russia? Your argument is pure semantics and not at all relevant to Curry's obvious point.

Full Court
10-20-2022, 07:28 PM
So she was convicted of a felony? Is felony even a legal term in Russia? Your argument is pure semantics and not at all relevant to Curry's obvious point.

Look, I get what Curry meant, and I don't care that he said it. I'm merely saying he used incorrect terminology. Which I don't see how you can argue with that, seeing how you can look up what "wrongful incarceration" means.

Real Men Wear Green
10-20-2022, 07:39 PM
Look, I get what Curry meant, and I don't care that he said it. I'm merely saying he used incorrect terminology. Which I don't see how you can argue with that, seeing how you can look up what "wrongful incarceration" means.
And this would all be very important if Curry was arguing in a court of Russian law. Assuming they even have a legal standard for wrongful incarceration... which given the nature of Putin's justice is highly doubtful.

Full Court
10-20-2022, 07:43 PM
And this would all be very important if Curry was arguing in a court of Russian law. Assuming they even have a legal standard for wrongful incarceration... which given the nature of Putin's justice is highly doubtful.

I really don't think it's very important at all. Like I said, I get what he meant, and I'm sure everyone else did too.

10-20-2022, 08:12 PM
I can't honestly say you deserve thought out responses.

Wait a minute, I just said I agreed with you 100%. I agree with you. Curry believes she is immorally detained. He’s allowed to think that. We both acknowledge she is lawfully incarcerated but in some peoples mind she is immorally/wrongfully incarcerated. What did I miss here? Why are you butt-hurt?

What’s with the weird reply?