View Full Version : I can’t decide if Barkley would be a hero or hated today with interviews like this.

11-03-2022, 12:19 PM
Talking about critics of his forcing Philly to let him wear retired Billy Cunninghams number for the season as a tribute to Magic Johnson who we all expected to die soon after(the reporter even says Magic isn’t dead “Yet”). You wouldn’t understand now but back then we thought Magic was gonna die in like…3 weeks. We thought he was announcing his death and pretty much having a goodbye tour. This is what Chuck had to say about fans not liking it:


People hate fakeness like Russell Wilson and others but they also don’t tend like being told someone doesn’t give a “flying ****” about their opinions so….who knows. I’d like to see some of these whiny stars play it his way though.

Old Charles interviews are like when you watch a movie from the days when they would regularly called someone a ***(I assume that’s gonna be edited so let’s say…”F word” referring to gays). It stands out to your ear now because it’s utterly eliminated from recorded society.

Hearing athletes be absolutely real is like seeing a group of people smoking indoors when you walk into a casino. You forget the world used to be like that everywhere.

11-03-2022, 12:42 PM
He is right though, talk about a complete non issue. People should have bigger things to worry about, even in the context of basketball, than somebody wearing a retired jersey for a brief period of time.

11-03-2022, 12:52 PM
I wish people would tell journos to **** off these days.

I really hate journos and honestly it is painful to have to watch these athletes sit around like domesticated poodles and pander to these idiots and yes, most journalists are dumb.

I totally get why some athletes turn into Kyrie and Ye, when forced to deal with journos. I would lose my shit in half a day of dealing with journos. They're scum of the earth.

11-03-2022, 01:29 PM
I always think it's important to keep perspective on the word 'heroes' in these kind of discussions. The real heroes in our society are the ones going out and erasing an 0-5 start to put together two straight wins against playoff opponents, through sheer will and determination despite a rookie head coach and pieces that dont fit, thereby building momentum and a foundation for success to last the remainder of the season.

Let's not get carried away calling Barkley's tribute to someone battling AIDS 'heroic.' It's nice and it's cute, but in the grand scheme it's not as impressive as what LeCertainSomeone has been accomplishing over the last week.

11-03-2022, 01:30 PM
I think I just hate when they pull that “It’s my job” shit when trying to solicit controversial answers. Not one person I’ve ever met has actually wanted to listen to an athlete answer questions about non athlete serious shit. Not at a sports event at least. It just isn’t entertaining. If I wanna see you try to catch some guy off guard for something you think is journalistically important I’d watch it on the news. I don’t need to see it on sports coverage. None of this shit is that important.

11-03-2022, 11:32 PM
At this point Kyrie might as well have gone full Barkley. If you’re suspended either way might as well say **** em and save your 6 minute explanation.

Full Court
11-04-2022, 07:01 AM
Barkley was probably one of the most hated players in the 90s, if not the very most hated. Very polarizing player. Everyone either love him or hated him. I expect he'd be the same today.

Round Mound
11-04-2022, 05:13 PM
Barkley was probably one of the most hated players in the 90s, if not the very most hated. Very polarizing player. Everyone either love him or hated him. I expect he'd be the same today.


Round Mound
11-04-2022, 09:47 PM
Barkley was probably one of the most hated players in the 90s, if not the very most hated. Very polarizing player. Everyone either love him or hated him. I expect he'd be the same today.

And that's one of the reasons why he was robbed from the 1989-90 MVP.