View Full Version : I honestly hate Lebron and think he represents the downfall of society

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11-03-2022, 03:58 PM
The fakery... The bullshit.. The media straight up lying about this guy and usually not even realizing it

They said he overcame stuff or faced pressure but he literally had $100 million contract and future generations completely set before he ever dribbled a basketball. He didn't have to prove himself to get generational money, nor was there pressure to win - no one gave a shit when he was lottery for his first few years with the East all-star center on his team.. Otoh, Jordan is knocked for going 1-9 during the same period - the deception goes deep because this early period where most young players lose coincided with Jordan's time without Pippen (aka couldn't win without Pippen).. So it's a layered fraud not viewable to the nascent observer.

Of course Lebron's "decision" was originally perceived as a cheat code but nowadays it basically never happened and only Durant is considered a cheat code guy.

Here's the media pretending they don't know why Iman Shumpert would say that Lebron ruined basketball:


Despite teaming up with all the best players and getting preseason favorite status 9 times, Lebron fielded whimpering underdogs that needed more help regardless of cast.. The worst part is that the media blames his teammates for the losing by saying he simply "needs more help".. They refuse to acknowledge that his worst-ever brand of basketball needs the most help - i.e. his frontcourt ball-dominance is the highest maintenance skillset ever.

Furthermore, expert jumpshooters like Curry or MJ developed single-digit rookies like Pippen/Grant/BJ into viable producers, while Lebron's ball-dominance imposes spot-up roles that stall young players - he never developed any young players into a viable producer (zero young player development in 20 years)..

By imposing spot-up roles that stall young players, Lebron lacks the teammate development, fits or brand of ball to win organically and must be a talent-based winner instead (team-hopper... all-star team strategy)

TLDR: i fear the lakers could rebound this year to contend, which lebron will falsely get credit for instead of the super-team talent that he hand-picked

11-03-2022, 04:02 PM
We know...

11-03-2022, 04:04 PM
Okay, well I love him and believe he represents the very zenith of human aspiration.

So what you wanna do?

Cuz I’m right here, bitch. Make a move.

11-03-2022, 04:17 PM
OP hates Lebron? Really? I never knew. Thanks for clarifying.

11-03-2022, 04:31 PM

Indeed Lebron is a symptom of late stage capitalism.

Never has a player been paid more money to be more fake.


Cause the plebs need a constant barrage of fake drama to distract them from the fact that society is declining for almost everyone.

11-03-2022, 04:39 PM
OP hates Lebron? Really? I never knew. Thanks for clarifying.

It isn't me - his teammates say that he ruined basketball


So everyone should hate him

Lakers Legend#32
11-03-2022, 04:56 PM
Praise Be To Bron.

11-03-2022, 05:01 PM
OP hates a very successful human being. Wonder why.

11-03-2022, 05:02 PM
3ball finally admits he hates Lebron as a person and not as a basketball player.

11-03-2022, 05:04 PM
3ball finally admits he hates Lebron as a person and not as a basketball player.

I instinctively recognized this and turned on him and other Lebron haters. I still think Lebron was a bad choice to be face of league. It should've been a more attractive and competitive player like CP3 or Kobe. Maybe that's why CP3 is in all the commercials and was president of the NBPA for eight years until CJ McCollum replaced him. Maybe he is defacto face of league.

Yeah the face of the league should have been a perpetual choke artist. This dumb JohnMax robot is broken af

11-03-2022, 05:06 PM
Putting aside the absurdity of letting a basketball player take you to the level of true hate without even being some kinda Karl Maloneish deviant or doing actual real world harm….

You and people like you are the driving force behind all this. The media doesn’t care if you love or hate anyone. The media wants you to have an opinion. That’s why every network is debate shows end to end spliced with clips to feed tomorrows debates.

Your over the top concern one way or the other is what drives the kind of trackable online impressions that decide what they cover. They know how many people react to every tweet that mentions his name and how many average seconds everyone watches of every video they post of a segment discussing him. Hating on LeBron and the attention he gets and doing so consistently on the Internet where I promise media companies are tracking everything down to how many times mentions of him appear in search results is the same kind of self defeating shit people who hate the Cowboys do.

Colin cowherd talked about this probably 15 years ago when everyone said they were sick of coverage focused on the same people. At that time I think it was the Brett Favre retirement drama and Kobe and LeBron. Peoples words say they’re sick of it but trackable engagement spikes whenever those things are mentioned.

The people you spend 30-40 thousand posts hating on the internet are literally riding a wave of your hate to more attention and riches.

Lebron James is this bird:


And you’re the bird on the bottom that hates him but is letting him use your efforts for his own gain.

LeBron and every other major star who generates massive online heat which drives engagement and tells these media companies they’re on the right track to feature them have been riding your bum ass to untold riches while you complain about the shit on your back without realizing the part you play.

If you and 20 million like you could hate internally and not feel a need to obsess about it online this world of spyware and social media would spread the love/hate around a bit more.

But no. You keep letting them know you want more and more Lebron with your actions no matter what your mouth says.

Please believe they will indulge you. They don’t even need your money directly. They just need your attention so their advertising can reach your subconscious.

Your hate is nothing but a tool to increase the reach of zip recruiter and Casper mattress ads. And business is booming.

11-03-2022, 05:37 PM
Putting aside the absurdity of letting a basketball player take you to the level of true hate without even being some kinda Karl Maloneish deviant or doing actual real world harm….

You and people like you are the driving force behind all this. The media doesn’t care if you love or hate anyone. The media wants you to have an opinion. That’s why every network is debate shows end to end spliced with clips to feed tomorrows debates.

Your over the top concern one way or the other is what drives the kind of trackable online impressions that decide what they cover. They know how many people react to every tweet that mentions his name and how many average seconds everyone watches of every video they post of a segment discussing him. Hating on LeBron and the attention he gets and doing so consistently on the Internet where I promise media companies are tracking everything down to how many times mentions of him appear in search results is the same kind of self defeating shit people who hate the Cowboys do.

Colin cowherd talked about this probably 15 years ago when everyone said they were sick of coverage focused on the same people. At that time I think it was the Brett Favre retirement drama and Kobe and LeBron. Peoples words say they’re sick of it but trackable engagement spikes whenever those things are mentioned.

The people you spend 30-40 thousand posts hating on the internet are literally riding a wave of your hate to more attention and riches.

Lebron James is this bird:


And you’re the bird on the bottom that hates him but is letting him use your efforts for his own gain.

LeBron and every other major star who generates massive online heat which drives engagement and tells these media companies they’re on the right track to feature them have been riding your bum ass to untold riches while you complain about the shit on your back without realizing the part you play.

If you and 20 million like you could hate internally and not feel a need to obsess about it online this world of spyware and social media would spread the love/hate around a bit more.

But no. You keep letting them know you want more and more Lebron with your actions no matter what your mouth says.

Please believe they will indulge you. They don’t even need your money directly. They just need your attention so their advertising can reach your subconscious.

Your hate is nothing but a tool to increase the reach of zip recruiter and Casper mattress ads. And business is booming.
I agreed with everything you said, but don't you think 3ball is in a tier of his own in this regard. Have you ever seen anyone with the obsessive dedication he's displayed for damn near a decade? There are millions of haters out there online, but he has to be unmatched, or at least in the top .01%.

11-03-2022, 05:39 PM
The fakery... The bullshit.. The media straight up lying about this guy and usually not even realizing it

They said he overcame stuff or faced pressure but he literally had $100 million contract and future generations completely set before he ever dribbled a basketball. He didn't have to prove himself to get generational money, nor was there pressure to win - no one gave a shit when he was lottery for his first few years with the East all-star center on his team.. Otoh, Jordan is knocked for going 1-9 during the same period - the deception goes deep because this early period where most young players lose coincided with Jordan's time without Pippen (aka couldn't win without Pippen).. So it's a layered fraud not viewable to the nascent observer.

Of course Lebron's "decision" was originally perceived as a cheat code but nowadays it basically never happened and only Durant is considered a cheat code guy.

Here's the media pretending they don't know why Iman Shumpert would say that Lebron ruined basketball:


Despite teaming up with all the best players and getting preseason favorite status 9 times, Lebron fielded whimpering underdogs that needed more help regardless of cast.. The worst part is that the media blames his teammates for the losing by saying he simply "needs more help".. They refuse to acknowledge that his worst-ever brand of basketball needs the most help - i.e. his frontcourt ball-dominance is the highest maintenance skillset ever.

Furthermore, expert jumpshooters like Curry or MJ developed single-digit rookies like Pippen/Grant/BJ into viable producers, while Lebron's ball-dominance imposes spot-up roles that stall young players - he never developed any young players into a viable producer (zero young player development in 20 years)..

By imposing spot-up roles that stall young players, Lebron lacks the teammate development, fits or brand of ball to win organically and must be a talent-based winner instead (team-hopper... all-star team strategy)

TLDR: i fear the lakers could rebound this year to contend, which lebron will falsely get credit for instead of the super-team talent that he hand-picked

Lebron is living rent free inside your head.

11-03-2022, 06:18 PM
I agreed with everything you said, but don't you think 3ball is in a tier of his own in this regard. Have you ever seen anyone with the obsessive dedication he's displayed for damn near a decade? There are millions of haters out there online, but he has to be unmatched, or at least in the top .01%.

Ive see haters as bad I’ve never seen one with his stamina. He’s basically the Lebron version of this Kobe hater from 03-08 or so called Knoe it all except he eventually burned out

11-03-2022, 06:25 PM
OP has some serious mental issues.

11-03-2022, 06:27 PM
Ive see haters as bad I’ve never seen one with his stamina. He’s basically the Lebron version of this Kobe hater from 03-08 or so called Knoe it all except he eventually burned out

Know-it-all wasn't nearly as bad as 3 ball. He wasn't making Kobe topics day after day after day.

He could definitely get on a roll at times but 3ball never takes a day off.

11-03-2022, 06:29 PM
Well done OP, you got the attention you wanted, and ISH got the clicks it needs to pay for the servers today.

Also, 89 Pippen.

11-03-2022, 06:34 PM
Putting aside the absurdity of letting a basketball player take you to the level of true hate without even being some kinda Karl Maloneish deviant or doing actual real world harm….

You and people like you are the driving force behind all this. The media doesn’t care if you love or hate anyone. The media wants you to have an opinion. That’s why every network is debate shows end to end spliced with clips to feed tomorrows debates.

Your over the top concern one way or the other is what drives the kind of trackable online impressions that decide what they cover. They know how many people react to every tweet that mentions his name and how many average seconds everyone watches of every video they post of a segment discussing him. Hating on LeBron and the attention he gets and doing so consistently on the Internet where I promise media companies are tracking everything down to how many times mentions of him appear in search results is the same kind of self defeating shit people who hate the Cowboys do.

Colin cowherd talked about this probably 15 years ago when everyone said they were sick of coverage focused on the same people. At that time I think it was the Brett Favre retirement drama and Kobe and LeBron. Peoples words say they’re sick of it but trackable engagement spikes whenever those things are mentioned.

The people you spend 30-40 thousand posts hating on the internet are literally riding a wave of your hate to more attention and riches.

Lebron James is this bird:


And you’re the bird on the bottom that hates him but is letting him use your efforts for his own gain.

LeBron and every other major star who generates massive online heat which drives engagement and tells these media companies they’re on the right track to feature them have been riding your bum ass to untold riches while you complain about the shit on your back without realizing the part you play.

If you and 20 million like you could hate internally and not feel a need to obsess about it online this world of spyware and social media would spread the love/hate around a bit more.

But no. You keep letting them know you want more and more Lebron with your actions no matter what your mouth says.

Please believe they will indulge you. They don’t even need your money directly. They just need your attention so their advertising can reach your subconscious.

Your hate is nothing but a tool to increase the reach of zip recruiter and Casper mattress ads. And business is booming.

Case in point, there is barely a day that goes by where Undisputed doesn't come up with a way to have a Jordan/Lebron topic. The segment could start off being about their favorite pizza topping. Hell, they've had topics about players that have N O T H I N G to do with Lebron and then Shannon will namesdrop him cause reasons.

Smook A.
11-03-2022, 07:08 PM
3ball please go outside and touch some grass for once

11-03-2022, 07:11 PM
3ball please go outside and touch some grass for once

I've seen him outside before. I don't think that will help....


Spurs m8
11-03-2022, 07:12 PM
3balls laying out straight facts


Bronies cannot handle truth

Smook A.
11-03-2022, 07:13 PM
I've seen him outside before. I don't think that will help....



11-03-2022, 07:24 PM
Okay, well I love him and believe he represents the very zenith of human aspiration.

You like someone being given everything and earning nothing?

And we all know why you like him and it ain't got shit to do with hoops.. So your opinion on this topic means little I'm afraid

11-03-2022, 07:26 PM
Putting aside the absurdity of letting a basketball player take you to the level of true hate without even being some kinda Karl Maloneish deviant or doing actual real world harm….

You and people like you are the driving force behind all this. The media doesn’t care if you love or hate anyone. The media wants you to have an opinion. That’s why every network is debate shows end to end spliced with clips to feed tomorrows debates.

Your over the top concern one way or the other is what drives the kind of trackable online impressions that decide what they cover. They know how many people react to every tweet that mentions his name and how many average seconds everyone watches of every video they post of a segment discussing him. Hating on LeBron and the attention he gets and doing so consistently on the Internet where I promise media companies are tracking everything down to how many times mentions of him appear in search results is the same kind of self defeating shit people who hate the Cowboys do.

Colin cowherd talked about this probably 15 years ago when everyone said they were sick of coverage focused on the same people. At that time I think it was the Brett Favre retirement drama and Kobe and LeBron. Peoples words say they’re sick of it but trackable engagement spikes whenever those things are mentioned.

The people you spend 30-40 thousand posts hating on the internet are literally riding a wave of your hate to more attention and riches.

Lebron James is this bird:


And you’re the bird on the bottom that hates him but is letting him use your efforts for his own gain.

LeBron and every other major star who generates massive online heat which drives engagement and tells these media companies they’re on the right track to feature them have been riding your bum ass to untold riches while you complain about the shit on your back without realizing the part you play.

If you and 20 million like you could hate internally and not feel a need to obsess about it online this world of spyware and social media would spread the love/hate around a bit more.

But no. You keep letting them know you want more and more Lebron with your actions no matter what your mouth says.

Please believe they will indulge you. They don’t even need your money directly. They just need your attention so their advertising can reach your subconscious.

Your hate is nothing but a tool to increase the reach of zip recruiter and Casper mattress ads. And business is booming.

So you're saying that the media started a fake goat debate for ratings and continues to repeat and build upon the fraud to keep making money?

You made my point

11-03-2022, 07:29 PM
You like someone being given everything and earning nothing?

And we all know why you like him and it ain't got shit to do with hoops.. So your opinion on this topic means little I'm afraid

LeBron came from a single mother in a crack house in Akron. MJ was a middle class raised with a mother and a father. Stfu about earning

11-03-2022, 07:32 PM
So you're saying that the media started a fake goat debate for ratings and continues to repeat and build upon the fraud to keep making money?

You made my point

That may be part of it. And the bitter irony is that people like you are the reason for it. Which was his main point.

Hate drives far more action within the media than anything else.

11-03-2022, 07:42 PM
That may be part of his point. And the bitter irony is that people like you are the reason for it.

The media started the fake goat debate first

Only then did I pop out the woodwork

They started a fraud and so people like me show up to point it out.. Instead of pulling back, they add to the fraud with soaring fake narratives and paid shills pushing lies.. So the mob protests more and more

Now the fraud has gotten so big that they can't stop like a ponzi scheme. This fraud is now a big part of their business.. So check your history because that's how civilizations fall - when fraud becomes the STANDARD

11-03-2022, 07:47 PM
The media started the fake goat debate first

Only then did I pop out the woodwork

They started a fraud and so people like me show up to point it out.. Instead of pulling back, they add to the fraud with soaring fake narratives and paid shills pushing lies.. So the mob protests more and more

Now the fraud has gotten so big that they can't stop like a ponzi scheme. This fraud is now a big part of their business.. So check your history because that's how civilizations fall - when fraud becomes the STANDARD

There were people hating on Lebron when he was 14 years old and started getting buzz. No one called him the GOAT then but alas..scores of people "came out of the woodwork". Because they were threatened. That's all it takes.

The hate comes from being threatened. Then the media hypes the dude up even more to feed off of your fear.

Think about it. No one goes to Skip Bayless because they want to hear some good takes.

11-03-2022, 07:54 PM
The media started the fake goat debate first

Its only a debate if you participate in it you dumbass. You and people like you made it a debate.

If there is one thing I like about Lebron is how much he triggers this bum. But if there is one silver lining here it is that people who are this obsessed with individual celebrities are getting filtered this way, thus providing an example to everyone about what you should never become in life.

11-03-2022, 07:56 PM
Op’s Facebook must show nothing but LeBron content lol

11-03-2022, 07:56 PM
There were people hating on Lebron when he was 14 years old and started getting buzz. No one called him the GOAT then but alas..scores of people "came out of the woodwork". Because they were threatened. That's all it takes.

The hate comes from being threatened. Then the media hypes the dude up even more to feed off of your fear.

Think about it. No one goes to Skip Bayless because they want to hear some good takes.

You're doing it right now - making shit up - no one knew who Lebron was at 14

I was a big Lebron fan until the fakery started

I didn't even mind "the decision" until people started forgetting that he used the cheat code and stopped looking at his achievement through that lense

People started hating Lebron after the decision - before that he was loved, even by me

So you guys are just liars and that's why China will one day take over this country - literally - the United States of China

11-03-2022, 07:58 PM
So you're saying that the media started a fake goat debate for ratings and continues to repeat and build upon the fraud to keep making money?

You made my point

And you made them right to do it. People like you who can’t just see something they disagree with and not engage like their lives depend on it are the only reason these companies can thrive with tactics normal people aren’t bothered by.

I don’t give a **** who ______ thinks is the goat. Most people don’t. Not enough to talk about it 20 thousand times at least. They need the likes of you.

11-03-2022, 08:01 PM
I feel like this thread is a coming to Jesus moment for 3ball

Real Men Wear Green
11-03-2022, 08:02 PM
I can't change this topic to make it any worse than what he actually wrote about himself.

11-03-2022, 08:11 PM
OP, you are legit deranged my guy.

We use that as an insult but in your case it's literal.

Holy shit.

11-03-2022, 08:11 PM
What a nutcase.

11-03-2022, 08:13 PM
And you made them right to do it. People like you who can’t just see something they disagree with and not engage like their lives depend on it are the only reason these companies can thrive with tactics normal people aren’t bothered by.

I don’t give a **** who ______ thinks is the goat. Most people don’t. Not enough to talk about it 20 thousand times at least. They need the likes of you.

Lebron's teammates say that he ruined the sport by colluding and he ruined real competition - so f*ck him - he got paid billions to ruin a sport for a decade for large swathes of fans...

Weak people defend fraud - lapdogs - people with low self esteem enjoy being taken for a ride and sold a bill of goods, so everyone else should sit back and do the same... And damn it - you're just an unlikeable party-pooper of you don't accept the fraud and ruining of the game.. <--- that's your argument.

I haven't watched this fake, mickey mouse shit for a decade since the decision because that's how long it's been a fraud

Otoh, there was no fake debate around Jordan

He was simply inferior to Magic and Bird until he achieved a substantive body of work that everybody agreed was superior, aka 3-peat.

He wasn't allowed to team-up with Bird/Dominique and then praised for fielding crappy, underdog teams that mostly lose.

11-03-2022, 08:15 PM
Get a life

11-03-2022, 08:18 PM
OP hates Lebron? Really? I never knew. Thanks for clarifying.

11-03-2022, 08:21 PM
You're doing it right now - making shit up - no one knew who Lebron was at 14

I was a big Lebron fan until the fakery started

I didn't even mind "the decision" until people started forgetting that he used the cheat code and stopped looking at his achievement through that lense

People started hating Lebron after the decision - before that he was loved, even by me

So you guys are just liars and that's why China will one day take over this country - literally - the United States of China

You are very deluded and very weird person.

11-03-2022, 08:27 PM
and not only is he deranged, he's dishonest and dumb as hell.

what a dumbass.

11-03-2022, 08:28 PM
got that rock-bottom IQ.

11-03-2022, 08:32 PM
and not only is he deranged, he's dishonest and dumb as hell.

what a dumbass.

You won't specify how I'm dishonest because you know that I'm not..... And you know that I've justified every assertion with EVIDENCE and historical record

11-03-2022, 08:37 PM
You won't specify how I'm dishonest because you know that I'm not..... And you know that I've justified every assertion with EVIDENCE and historical record

actually no. it's easy.

you never admit when you're wrong and you still cling to the same arguments that are proven wrong all the time. for example you still havent admit that you were wrong about scottie pippen and mo ****ing williams and you were also wrong about the delonte west anderson varejao cavs supporting cast being better than the championship ****ing bulls.

you're a ****ing clown my guy.

a sick deranged dumbass.

11-03-2022, 08:58 PM
actually no. it's easy.

you never admit when you're wrong and you still cling to the same arguments that are proven wrong all the time. for example you still havent admit that you were wrong about scottie pippen and mo ****ing williams and you were also wrong about the delonte west anderson varejao cavs supporting cast being better than the championship ****ing bulls.

you're a ****ing clown my guy.

a sick deranged dumbass.

2009 Cavs........ #3 defense
1990 Bulls...... #19 defense

The Cavs had a vastly superior defense, while Mo was superior to Pippen across the board offensively (scoring, efficiency, PER, BPM, VORP, WS/48).


it is NOT a lie... it is a FACT that Lebron started with a better team on both sides of the ball, yet Jordan still beat him to titles.. Jordan won the next year in 91', while Lebron lost as the favorite again for 2 more years (10', 11').. This was after adding Jamison/Shaq to a 66-win favorite and then forming a super-team with Wade/Bosh

11-03-2022, 08:58 PM
You are very deluded and very weird person.

Yea we were on ISH talking about high school Lebron and he had haters then:

High School Varsity
Posts: 54
(7/26/02 10:58 am)
Reply lebron
harold miner material.

Get off the wagon............he's not going to be a household name, because of image already. Can a superstar just not have tattoes anymore? America wants a jordan type image not a tattoed up freak with a wack nose.


High School Varsity Star
Posts: 88
(7/26/02 11:20 am)
Reply Re: Will Lebron James be a bust...
lebron has been so hyped up that there is really nowhere for him to go but straight or down. expectations have already been set in, and they are very very high.

NBA Starter
Posts: 598
(7/26/02 11:27 am)
Re: Will Lebron James be a bust...
Take over the league with a shoot-first mentality on a crappy team. Realises he isn't going to win championships that way after awhile, so changes his game. Basically I see him on the same par as Jerry Stackhouse.

NBA Superstar
Posts: 1416
(7/26/02 1:47 pm)
Reply hmm
My only gripe with LEBRON is that from the dunks i have seen etc. HE is not really that athletic. NOt sure if he can do well in the pros..hope he does though.

College Hoops Star
Posts: 336
(10/26/02 9:56 pm)
Reply Re: Will Lebron James be a bust...
I think he'll be a bust. All the guys that get hyped that early never live up to their expectations. Remember Schea Cotton?

College Hoops 6th man
Posts: 186
(11/1/02 5:36 pm)
Reply He ain't a bust...
But ain't no super star either...
Why can't we all just wait and see.
Member Ronnie Feilds?

Da KO King
High School Varsity Star
Posts: 80
(2/19/03 2:43 pm)
Reply Re: hmm
He will be a superstar the same way Darius Miles is a superstar. He will dunk on someone and people will say that makes him good.

Strong playground player
Posts: 40
(9/10/03 12:00 pm)
Reply Re: lebron
he will be iight not a 30pts 6 ast 6 reb guy like Kobe and T-mac now. He will be a bust as the number 1 probably but end up to be a decent 14 pts 3 ast 7 reb Lamar Odom type guy. This is just my guess.

11-03-2022, 09:00 PM
Last guy in that post was one of a number of Melo fans who were pushing the Melo>Lebron thing from them till deeeeeeep into their careers.

We had posters saying Lebron would be out of the league in 3 years after his poor shooting summer league.

Lebron had haters on here since he was at least 16.

Smook A.
11-03-2022, 09:01 PM
Yea we were on ISH talking about high school Lebron and he had haters then:

High School Varsity
Posts: 54
(7/26/02 10:58 am)
Reply lebron
harold miner material.

Get off the wagon............he's not going to be a household name, because of image already. Can a superstar just not have tattoes anymore? America wants a jordan type image not a tattoed up freak with a wack nose.


High School Varsity Star
Posts: 88
(7/26/02 11:20 am)
Reply Re: Will Lebron James be a bust...
lebron has been so hyped up that there is really nowhere for him to go but straight or down. expectations have already been set in, and they are very very high.

NBA Starter
Posts: 598
(7/26/02 11:27 am)
Re: Will Lebron James be a bust...
Take over the league with a shoot-first mentality on a crappy team. Realises he isn't going to win championships that way after awhile, so changes his game. Basically I see him on the same par as Jerry Stackhouse.

NBA Superstar
Posts: 1416
(7/26/02 1:47 pm)
Reply hmm
My only gripe with LEBRON is that from the dunks i have seen etc. HE is not really that athletic. NOt sure if he can do well in the pros..hope he does though.

College Hoops Star
Posts: 336
(10/26/02 9:56 pm)
Reply Re: Will Lebron James be a bust...
I think he'll be a bust. All the guys that get hyped that early never live up to their expectations. Remember Schea Cotton?

College Hoops 6th man
Posts: 186
(11/1/02 5:36 pm)
Reply He ain't a bust...
But ain't no super star either...
Why can't we all just wait and see.
Member Ronnie Feilds?

Da KO King
High School Varsity Star
Posts: 80
(2/19/03 2:43 pm)
Reply Re: hmm
He will be a superstar the same way Darius Miles is a superstar. He will dunk on someone and people will say that makes him good.

Strong playground player
Posts: 40
(9/10/03 12:00 pm)
Reply Re: lebron
he will be iight not a 30pts 6 ast 6 reb guy like Kobe and T-mac now. He will be a bust as the number 1 probably but end up to be a decent 14 pts 3 ast 7 reb Lamar Odom type guy. This is just my guess.

The biggest the star, the bigger the target

11-03-2022, 09:01 PM
2009 Cavs........ #3 defense
1990 Bulls...... #19 defense

The Cavs had a vastly superior defense, while Mo was superior to Pippen across the board offensively (scoring, efficiency, PER, BPM, VORP, WS/48).


it is NOT a lie... it is a FACT that Lebron started with a better team on both sides of the ball, yet Jordan still beat him to titles.. Jordan won the next year in 91', while Lebron lost as the favorite again for 2 more years (10', 11').

thats not what you said. you're lying right now.

you argued that the 2009 and 2010 cavs had more talent than the CHAMPIONSHIP bulls so the 91-93 bulls or the supporting cast of the 96-98 bulls

it was absolutely insane then and it is absolutely insane now.

and to add insult to injury you were arguing that mo williams is clearly more talented than scottie pippen.... you're ****ing retarded....

11-03-2022, 09:03 PM
Yea we were on ISH talking about high school Lebron and he had haters then:

High School Varsity
Posts: 54
(7/26/02 10:58 am)
Reply lebron
harold miner material.

Get off the wagon............he's not going to be a household name, because of image already. Can a superstar just not have tattoes anymore? America wants a jordan type image not a tattoed up freak with a wack nose.


High School Varsity Star
Posts: 88
(7/26/02 11:20 am)
Reply Re: Will Lebron James be a bust...
lebron has been so hyped up that there is really nowhere for him to go but straight or down. expectations have already been set in, and they are very very high.

NBA Starter
Posts: 598
(7/26/02 11:27 am)
Re: Will Lebron James be a bust...
Take over the league with a shoot-first mentality on a crappy team. Realises he isn't going to win championships that way after awhile, so changes his game. Basically I see him on the same par as Jerry Stackhouse.

NBA Superstar
Posts: 1416
(7/26/02 1:47 pm)
Reply hmm
My only gripe with LEBRON is that from the dunks i have seen etc. HE is not really that athletic. NOt sure if he can do well in the pros..hope he does though.

College Hoops Star
Posts: 336
(10/26/02 9:56 pm)
Reply Re: Will Lebron James be a bust...
I think he'll be a bust. All the guys that get hyped that early never live up to their expectations. Remember Schea Cotton?

College Hoops 6th man
Posts: 186
(11/1/02 5:36 pm)
Reply He ain't a bust...
But ain't no super star either...
Why can't we all just wait and see.
Member Ronnie Feilds?

Da KO King
High School Varsity Star
Posts: 80
(2/19/03 2:43 pm)
Reply Re: hmm
He will be a superstar the same way Darius Miles is a superstar. He will dunk on someone and people will say that makes him good.

Strong playground player
Posts: 40
(9/10/03 12:00 pm)
Reply Re: lebron
he will be iight not a 30pts 6 ast 6 reb guy like Kobe and T-mac now. He will be a bust as the number 1 probably but end up to be a decent 14 pts 3 ast 7 reb Lamar Odom type guy. This is just my guess.

I recognize a lot of these posters

edit: I recognize most of these posters :oldlol:

11-03-2022, 09:04 PM
Last guy in that post was one of a number of Melo fans who were pushing the Melo>Lebron thing from them till deeeeeeep into their careers.

We had posters saying Lebron would be out of the league in 3 years after his poor shooting summer league.

Lebron had haters on here since he was at least 16.

Every high school kid that tries to go pro gets hated on, so that doesn't justify a fake goat debate

And Lebron wasn't 14 then, so ShawkFactory was doing what he learned from the media - lying.. You guys are part of the fraud

11-03-2022, 09:05 PM

I've told OP to get a therapist for years but he refuses. At this point I assume he just can't afford one so he does the same retarded on ISH everyday.

11-03-2022, 09:06 PM

I've told OP to get a therapist for years but he refuses. At this point I assume he just can't afford one so he does the same retarded on ISH everyday.

they need to take his keyboard away - it's for his own good...

11-03-2022, 09:08 PM
they need to take his keyboard away - it's for his own good...

It's funny because you guys are the ones that watch the game for 3 hours, then you watch Inside or Sportscenter or both... And then you come on here to comment

I only do the latter and therefore have a life, while you guys spend entire days watching a sport that you don't understand and obviously never played

11-03-2022, 09:11 PM
It's funny because you guys are the ones that watch the game for 3 hours, then you watch Inside or Sportscenter or both... And then you come on here to comment

I only do the latter and therefore have a life, while you guys spend entire days watching a sport that you don't understand and obviously never played

We know you are THINKING about Lebron, Jordan, and the NBA all the time while not on ISH. I legit just come on here for laughs sometimes. I also have barely watched any basketball last year and NONE this year. But look at your post count compared to mine. You would DWARF everyone if we saw the post count from all the accounts you've had and websites you've been on over the last decade+.

11-03-2022, 09:13 PM
It's funny because you guys are the ones that watch the game for 3 hours, then you watch Inside or Sportscenter or both... And then you come on here to comment

I only do the latter and therefore have a life, while you guys spend entire days watching a sport that you don't understand and obviously never played


11-03-2022, 09:14 PM

He's got some kind of weird mix of OCD and narcissism for sure. OP seems like he'd really get along with Trump. OP seems like a VERY vindictive person who will hold life long grudges.

11-03-2022, 09:14 PM
there's nothing worth saying anymore... this thread speaks for itself...

11-03-2022, 09:16 PM
It's funny because you guys are the ones that watch the game for 3 hours, then you watch Inside or Sportscenter or both... And then you come on here to comment

I only do the latter and therefore have a life, while you guys spend entire days watching a sport that you don't understand and obviously never played
He HAS to be trolling :lol

11-03-2022, 09:18 PM
thats not what you said. you're lying right now.

you argued that the 2009 and 2010 cavs had more talent than the CHAMPIONSHIP bulls so the 91-93 bulls

It's a historical fact that the 09' and 10' Cavs had better defenses than the 1st three-peat Bulls and more scoring options, aka a better cast on both sides of the ball

The Bulls never had a 3rd scoring option, while the 2010 Cavs had Mo Williams at 3rd option and better team defense

11-03-2022, 09:45 PM
He HAS to be trolling :lol

I do better than anyone on this board

Women hate boring guys like you where a big part of your life is watching games for hours.. You guys NEED to do it because you aren't interesting.. I used to be like that

Full Court
11-03-2022, 09:49 PM
OP failed to mention the most egregious thing about Bronie.

The man tried to trademark Taco Tuesday.

Pause for a moment and let that sink in.

The man.






11-03-2022, 09:55 PM
3ball is playing 4d chess.

11-03-2022, 09:56 PM
Who trolls for over a decade? He’s mentally handicapped

Full Court
11-03-2022, 10:02 PM
Who trolls for over a decade? He’s mentally handicapped

Hey, I give the guy props for his tenacity.

11-03-2022, 10:08 PM
I do better than anyone on this board

Women hate boring guys like you where a big part of your life is watching games for hours.. You guys NEED to do it because you aren't interesting.. I used to be like that

Yep, definitely some narcissistic tendencies like I said in the other post. You'd get along with Trump and, ironically, you'd probably get along with Lebron really well.

11-03-2022, 10:14 PM
Yea we were on ISH talking about high school Lebron and he had haters then:

High School Varsity
Posts: 54
(7/26/02 10:58 am)
Reply lebron
harold miner material.

Get off the wagon............he's not going to be a household name, because of image already. Can a superstar just not have tattoes anymore? America wants a jordan type image not a tattoed up freak with a wack nose.


High School Varsity Star
Posts: 88
(7/26/02 11:20 am)
Reply Re: Will Lebron James be a bust...
lebron has been so hyped up that there is really nowhere for him to go but straight or down. expectations have already been set in, and they are very very high.

NBA Starter
Posts: 598
(7/26/02 11:27 am)
Re: Will Lebron James be a bust...
Take over the league with a shoot-first mentality on a crappy team. Realises he isn't going to win championships that way after awhile, so changes his game. Basically I see him on the same par as Jerry Stackhouse.

NBA Superstar
Posts: 1416
(7/26/02 1:47 pm)
Reply hmm
My only gripe with LEBRON is that from the dunks i have seen etc. HE is not really that athletic. NOt sure if he can do well in the pros..hope he does though.

College Hoops Star
Posts: 336
(10/26/02 9:56 pm)
Reply Re: Will Lebron James be a bust...
I think he'll be a bust. All the guys that get hyped that early never live up to their expectations. Remember Schea Cotton?

College Hoops 6th man
Posts: 186
(11/1/02 5:36 pm)
Reply He ain't a bust...
But ain't no super star either...
Why can't we all just wait and see.
Member Ronnie Feilds?

Da KO King
High School Varsity Star
Posts: 80
(2/19/03 2:43 pm)
Reply Re: hmm
He will be a superstar the same way Darius Miles is a superstar. He will dunk on someone and people will say that makes him good.

Strong playground player
Posts: 40
(9/10/03 12:00 pm)
Reply Re: lebron
he will be iight not a 30pts 6 ast 6 reb guy like Kobe and T-mac now. He will be a bust as the number 1 probably but end up to be a decent 14 pts 3 ast 7 reb Lamar Odom type guy. This is just my guess.

Yea dude...literally everyone is this thread was alive and conscious of what was going on then. He was junior in high school having grown men melt down because they didn’t like the attention he was getting.

And then they wonder why the media covered even further.

11-03-2022, 10:17 PM
All in all 3ball, I hope you get the mental assistance that you need. I'd suggest that you, at a bare minimum see your local health professional. This really isn't healthy.

11-03-2022, 10:29 PM
OP has some serious mental issues.

11-03-2022, 11:36 PM
Yea dude...literally everyone is this thread was alive and conscious of what was going on then. He was junior in high school having grown men melt down because they didn’t like the attention he was getting.

And then they wonder why the media covered even further.

Every athlete that "makes it out the hood" gets hated on, so that doesn't justify a fake goat debate

Are you saying that if a player gets hated on for making the league that this justifies a fake goat debate?... That's literally every player... Luka was hated on for making the league

The reality is that Lebron was completely celebrated for making the league and given 100 million before taking a single dribble - so he faced no pressure and STILL never overcame anything because he formed super-teams (cheat code)

11-03-2022, 11:38 PM
Every athlete that "makes it out the hood" gets hated on, so that doesn't justify a fake goat debate

Are you saying that if a player gets hated on for making the league that this justifies a fake goat debate?
You need to see a therapist. Seriously.

11-03-2022, 11:43 PM
You need to see a therapist. Seriously.

I'm the one that is being logical, while you guys are speaking ridiculous bullshit

Luka was hated on by everyone for making the league... People hated on Kobe and KG in the 90's for making the leap and many people were racist about it (uneducated black men, etc)

Does the standard hate that every athlete gets for "making it" justify a fake goat debate?... Obviously not, so you guys are the ridiculous ones fabricating bullshit to justify an obvious fraud. Otoh, I'm picking it apart and showing how dumb you guys are and lapdogs for the media

11-03-2022, 11:49 PM
Dude, in all seriousness, this obsession isn't healthy. You are wasting YEARS of your life being obsessed with one person who gets paid to play basketball, a children's game, do you know how illogical you sound? Being a fan is one thing, but you are on some Stan-Eminem type shit. It's scary.

I mean damn, you take it to another level. Posting the same BS everyday for YEARS without realizing nobody gives a shit.

11-03-2022, 11:50 PM
All in all 3ball, I hope you get the mental assistance that you need. I'd suggest that you, at a bare minimum see your local health professional. This really isn't healthy.

Nothing I've said itt is illogical or untrue

The only craziness is you guys being in denial and denying obvious facts.

You guys are the ones lapping up media lies - the media continues to lie because you dummies accept it!!!!... there aren't enough smart people like me to call them on it, so they continue

11-03-2022, 11:52 PM
Every athlete that "makes it out the hood" gets hated on, so that doesn't justify a fake goat debate

Are you saying that if a player gets hated on for making the league that this justifies a fake goat debate?... That's literally every player... Luka was hated on for making the league

The reality is that Lebron was completely celebrated for making the league and given 100 million before taking a single dribble - so he faced no pressure and STILL never overcame anything because he formed super-teams (cheat code)

What the **** are you talking about? :lol

Is Lebron just some dude who made it out of the hood?? He was one of the most developed and decorated high school basketball players...ever.

I swear man you should just go back to copy and pasting your same old tired arguments. Your off the cuff shit is way more unhinged and nonsensical.

11-03-2022, 11:57 PM
Dude, in all seriousness, this obsession isn't healthy. You are wasting YEARS of your life being obsessed with one person who gets paid to play basketball, a children's game, do you know how illogical you sound? Being a fan is one thing, but you are on some Stan-Eminem type shit. It's scary.

I mean damn, you take it to another level. Posting the same BS everyday for YEARS without realizing nobody gives a shit.

There's a massive charade going on where the national media has propped up a fraud and I'm the only one that sees it, while you guys are hypnotized cult crazies in denial

Btw, the reason Kyrie is out of the league now is because he soured on the media several years ago over their bullshit... The media never gave his flowers - if Pippen went to the 93' Finals and destroyed MVP Barkley, the media would worship him - infact, the media treats Pippen as of he DID do that and like there's examples of him playing better than Iggy or Wiggins (there are no such examples)... So the Lebron media fraud is to blame for a lot

11-04-2022, 12:06 AM
I'm the one that is being logical, while you guys are speaking ridiculous bullshit

Luka was hated on by everyone for making the league... People hated on Kobe and KG in the 90's for making the leap and many people were racist about it (uneducated black men, etc)

Does the standard hate that every athlete gets for "making it" justify a fake goat debate?... Obviously not, so you guys are the ridiculous ones fabricating bullshit to justify an obvious fraud. Otoh, I'm picking it apart and showing how dumb you guys are and lapdogs for the media
I’m dead serious you should see a therapist you are unwell. Trying to help you. So are others. Basketball is just a game it’s not a big deal.

11-04-2022, 12:13 AM
I’m dead serious you should see a therapist you are unwell. Trying to help you. So are others. Basketball is just a game it’s not a big deal.

If there’s anyone that knows when to seek a therapist it’s this guy

11-04-2022, 12:14 AM
I’m dead serious you should see a therapist you are unwell. Trying to help you. So are others. Basketball is just a game it’s not a big deal.

The Lebron fraud is a microcosm of our low character society that is on decline

Fraud, lies, bullshit, fakery, and a super-dumb public that understands little - a recipe for a country's downfall

11-04-2022, 12:41 AM
The Lebron fraud is a microcosm of our low character society that is on decline

Fraud, lies, bullshit, fakery, and a super-dumb public that understands little - a recipe for a country's downfall
You sound insane it’s crazy you can’t see that.

11-04-2022, 12:54 AM
You sound insane it’s crazy you can’t see that.

You sound dumb; it's unfortunate you can't see that.

It's also too bad that you guys are so shook by the things I'm saying - look at the previous responses by you guys - the truth obviously kills you guys and you're mad about it

So I'm just going to ignore your weird comments and continue having fun.. Ultimately, Lebron represents the status quo that the media upholds by blaming his teammates whenever he loses.. But the status quo is exactly what we DON'T want in society's systems, institutions and laws, so I hope you guys are right and this media charade about Lebron isn't a reflection of society.

11-04-2022, 01:01 AM
LeBron represents hard work and dedication. Hardest working athlete ever. Amazing father. Had had the biggest microscope on him since his youth with no blemishes.

Lebron represents perfection and brilliance.

Now OP is obviously trolling for attention here, and his mental illness aside... it's just poor work as his main troll point has absolutely no merit.

11-04-2022, 01:20 AM
I guess he just doesn't get that focusing their life on a sports star who will never know who you are is completely unhealthy... You are so obsessed that it emotionally impacts your day... This is so extreme that I'm inclined to believe threads like this are to get traffic up on this website... It's just nuts...

11-04-2022, 01:27 AM
LeBron represents hard work and dedication. Hardest working athlete ever. Amazing father. Had had the biggest microscope on him since his youth with no blemishes.

Shaq had all eyes on him yet he was always a good actor and didn't have a Dad either...

Bill Russell did all that too

Lots of guys do it but only Lebron gets credit for it because it's part of the fraud - his on-court performance and achievement isn't goat, so people try to make a big deal out of being a law-abiding citizen - it's actually racist, aka "wow a black guy didn't get arrested", while no other race is given a cookie for staying out of jail.

Btw, you said that Lebron had "no blemishes"... Really?.. He never did anything wrong? That's impossible... And if he's perfect off the court, then he made up for it by colluding on the court and using a cheat code to win.. He hand-picked 9 preseason favorite super-teams.

Lebron represents perfection and brilliance.

Now OP is obviously trolling for attention here, and his mental illness aside... it's just poor work as his main troll point has absolutely no merit.

No merit?

All the pressure was taken off by giving Lebron generational wealth before taking a single dribble... Then he never overcame anything because he was allowed to quit the organic journey and hand-pick super-teams.. Guys like Dirk, Giannis and MJ had to keep toiling until they figured it out and OVERCAME... Again, Lebron just formed super-teams

You're forgetting that Durant's collusion with the Warriors merely broke Lebron's collusion record - Lebron's "decision" locked the league down with 3 chips in 6 years and preseason favorite super-teams for 6 straight years (11-16').. So Lebron enjoyed the same unprecedented advantage that Durant did, except for longer - Lebron had a 6-year headstart in the colluding space.. People were happy in 2017 when Durant got to hand-pick the preseason favorite after Lebron did it for 6 years.

11-04-2022, 01:42 AM
NBA had no choice but to pick Lebron as the face of league. Jordan retired after 2002-2003. Kobe was accused of rape in summer of 2003. Shaq was entering the final stretch of his career where he was still a superstar impact player.

They made right choice. He hasn't fallen off like rest of players from his era. He hasn't embarrassed them with off field issues and can keep teammates like Kyrie in check unlike Durant who lacks leadership. Wade is promoting gay/tranny agenda so he's also a bad choice.

It doesn't matter who the league decides to promote.

It's the distorting of Lebron's career that affected other careers - Durant was about to win organically with Westbrook in 2012 but Lebron's collusion stole that chip... Durant was eventually forced to collude in 2017 but he gets unfairly knocked and his rings "don't count".. This contributed to discord, so he left the Warriors...

The effort to prop up Lebron also involved shitting on teammates like Kyrie - this caused Kyrie to start resenting the media until he went off the deep end recently.. The media never gave him credit for 2016 and treated him like a non-champion.. These are just a few ways that Lebron ruined careers and basketball, like his teammates said in the OP link.

11-04-2022, 06:55 AM
You sound dumb; it's unfortunate you can't see that.

It's also too bad that you guys are so shook by the things I'm saying - look at the previous responses by you guys - the truth obviously kills you guys and you're mad about it

So I'm just going to ignore your weird comments and continue having fun.. Ultimately, Lebron represents the status quo that the media upholds by blaming his teammates whenever he loses.. But the status quo is exactly what we DON'T want in society's systems, institutions and laws, so I hope you guys are right and this media charade about Lebron isn't a reflection of society.
Not only youre an idiot, but youre also lying to yourself. You dont give a shit about any of this, if you did, you would have gone out and participate in politics or whatever, you wouldn't have talked about every single detail of Lebron's game on a random internet board

I mean seriously this guy's problem with media stems from their coverage of Lebron. It wasn't about Lebron all along, it was about society, institutions and the rule of law... gtfo bro, youre a joke.

11-04-2022, 06:59 AM
You sound insane it’s crazy you can’t see that.

you shouldn’t be talking about insane, you seriously spent your christmas trying to search up and stalk 3balls entire family. now that is truly insane.

11-04-2022, 07:43 AM
Damn, sounds like you're finally coming to terms with how fruitless a crusade this has been 3ball. Defeated even, after all these, God knows how many thousand posts you've only fed the movement you're upset by. Give them 500k more posts about Lebron, he'll still be in the goat debate for the foreseeable future. But I honestly beleive you should focus that obsession into something more productive....

11-04-2022, 09:27 AM
you shouldn’t be talking about insane, you seriously spent your christmas trying to search up and stalk 3balls entire family. now that is truly insane.


11-04-2022, 09:28 AM
Seriously, if the mods had any real character they would ban OP cause he is clearly not well. Of course OP has refused everyone's legitimate efforts to get him some mental help so maybe the mods are happy to let OP continue to suffer day after day.

11-04-2022, 09:35 AM
OP doubling down on his insanity because of LeBron is the least surprising thing to wake up to.

OP and Kyrie should be locked in a room together.

11-04-2022, 12:47 PM
Not only youre an idiot, but youre also lying to yourself. You dont give a shit about any of this, if you did, you would have gone out and participate in politics or whatever, you wouldn't have talked about every single detail of Lebron's game on a random internet board

I mean seriously this guy's problem with media stems from their coverage of Lebron. It wasn't about Lebron all along, it was about society, institutions and the rule of law... gtfo bro, youre a joke.

How do you know that I work in politics?

Or are you saying I don't?

I do infact and have always felt strongly about and advocated for a few key issues.

Otoh, ISH is just my hobby...Talkin' shit but trying to talk some sense into people too.

I've occasionally posted about a few issues in the off-court forum.

I've also been a senior financial analyst, a high school teacher, entrepreneur, public speaker, and I currently work full-time in politics.. That's partly why I'm coming forward and saying this. I think it's important to have honesty and integrity in our media - this includes sports media.. I honestly believe that the sports media and their favoritism of certain players HURTS other players, i.e. their efforts to inflate Lebron have simultaneously degraded other players like Durant and Kyrie, which has contributed to their downfall and poor decisions.. They're rightfully resentful towards the media for mis-covering them and it's ultimately culminated in the kind of discord we see now.

11-04-2022, 12:54 PM
Had had the biggest microscope on him since his youth with no blemishes.

Shaq had all eyes on him yet he was always a good actor and didn't have a Dad either...

Bill Russell did all that too

Lots of guys do it but only Lebron gets credit for it because it's part of the fraud - his on-court performance and achievement isn't goat, so people try to make a big deal out of being a law-abiding citizen - it's actually racist, aka "wow a black guy didn't get arrested", while no other race is given a cookie for staying out of jail.

Btw, you said that Lebron had "no blemishes"... Really?.. He never did anything wrong? That's impossible... And if he's perfect off the court, then he made up for it by colluding on the court and using a cheat code to win.. He hand-picked 9 preseason favorite super-teams

Lebron represents perfection and brilliance.

Now OP is obviously trolling for attention here, and his mental illness aside... it's just poor work as his main troll point has absolutely no merit


No merit?

All the pressure was taken off by giving Lebron generational wealth before taking a single dribble... Then he never overcame anything because he was allowed to quit the organic journey and hand-pick super-teams.. Guys like Dirk, Giannis and MJ had to keep toiling until they figured it out and OVERCAME... Again, Lebron just formed super-teams

You're forgetting that Durant's collusion with the Warriors merely broke Lebron's collusion record - Lebron's "decision" locked the league down with 3 chips in 6 years and preseason favorite super-teams for 6 straight years (11-16').. So Lebron enjoyed the same unprecedented advantage that Durant did, except for longer - Lebron had a 6-year headstart in the colluding space.. People were happy in 2017 when Durant got to hand-pick the preseason favorite after Lebron did it for 6 years.

11-04-2022, 12:58 PM
It's possible that Lebron is literally the antichrist.

Full Court
11-04-2022, 05:02 PM
How do you know that I work in politics?

Or are you saying I don't?

I do infact and have always felt strongly about and advocated for a few key issues.

Otoh, ISH is just my hobby...Talkin' shit but trying to talk some sense into people too.

I've occasionally posted about a few issues in the off-court forum.

I've also been a senior financial analyst, a high school teacher, entrepreneur, public speaker, and I currently work full-time in politics.. That's partly why I'm coming forward and saying this. I think it's important to have honesty and integrity in our media - this includes sports media.. I honestly believe that the sports media and their favoritism of certain players HURTS other players, i.e. their efforts to inflate Lebron have simultaneously degraded other players like Durant and Kyrie, which has contributed to their downfall and poor decisions.. They're rightfully resentful towards the media for mis-covering them and it's ultimately culminated in the kind of discord we see now.

I didn't know 3ball worked in politics.

Run for president, bro.

11-04-2022, 05:31 PM
It's possible that Lebron is literally the antichrist.

No it is NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

11-04-2022, 06:25 PM
How do you know that I work in politics?

Or are you saying I don't?

I do infact and have always felt strongly about and advocated for a few key issues.

Otoh, ISH is just my hobby...Talkin' shit but trying to talk some sense into people too.

I've occasionally posted about a few issues in the off-court forum.

I've also been a senior financial analyst, a high school teacher, entrepreneur, public speaker, and I currently work full-time in politics.. That's partly why I'm coming forward and saying this. I think it's important to have honesty and integrity in our media - this includes sports media.. I honestly believe that the sports media and their favoritism of certain players HURTS other players, i.e. their efforts to inflate Lebron have simultaneously degraded other players like Durant and Kyrie, which has contributed to their downfall and poor decisions.. They're rightfully resentful towards the media for mis-covering them and it's ultimately culminated in the kind of discord we see now.

Dude WHO CARES if sports media favoritism hurts other players like Durant and Kyrie. Ohh they are so hurt I see. You spend an insane amount of time on this board fighting this meaningless war. If you were actually trying to contribute to social change, you would have spent a fraction the amount of time you do here, and that includes all the wasting of time on digging up statistics, arguments about how Pippen sucked (?), essays of every possible kind about anything related to Lebron. Youre not "teaching" anyone, youre just showing how obsession with celebrities is unhealthy.

Just man up and admit youre a lunatic whos obsessed with Lebron instead of trying to act as if its about a larger issue and Lebron is just the catalyst. No its not, and you know it.

11-04-2022, 06:40 PM

I've told OP to get a therapist for years but he refuses. At this point I assume he just can't afford one so he does the same retarded on ISH everyday.

11-04-2022, 06:42 PM
Dude, in all seriousness, this obsession isn't healthy. You are wasting YEARS of your life being obsessed with one person who gets paid to play basketball, a children's game, do you know how illogical you sound? Being a fan is one thing, but you are on some Stan-Eminem type shit. It's scary.

I mean damn, you take it to another level. Posting the same BS everyday for YEARS without realizing nobody gives a shit.
The saddest thing about this is op isn't the only one.

11-04-2022, 06:47 PM
Ive see haters as bad I’ve never seen one with his stamina. He’s basically the Lebron version of this Kobe hater from 03-08 or so called Knoe it all except he eventually burned out

Spurs m8
11-04-2022, 06:54 PM
3ball is everything that is right with society

11-04-2022, 07:14 PM
3ball is everything that is right with society

Bro... I dont like Lebron too. But this is beyond that. You have to be able to see how literally insane and stupid and fake this "society through the prism Lebron" thing is. Its the opposite of everything right with society. Two wrongs dont make a right.

11-04-2022, 07:26 PM
3ball is everything that is right with society

You aren’t doing him any favors normalizing this level of obsession. If you had a son who made 1700 topics on the internet about hating Aaron Rodgers repeating himself literally tens of thousands of times unable to even change the subject to other sports matters you would be rightly concerned. Being a sports fan is one thing. Talking exclusively(and through proxy side fights) about hating some guy 30-40 thousand times on multiple sites is…not something to support in friends.

If I talk exclusively(directly or indirectly) about Ja Morant , Derrick Henry, or anyone for the next 10 years I really hope you are all unanimous in telling me I’ve lost my mind and need to consider changes. Even if you also don’t like Ja or whoever don’t push me further down my rabbit hole with insincere reassurance I’m not being a weirdo.

11-04-2022, 07:35 PM
You aren’t doing him any favors normalizing this level of obsession. If you had a son who made 1700 topics on the internet about hating Aaron Rodgers repeating himself literally tens of thousands of times unable to even change the subject to other sports matters you would be rightly concerned. Being a sports fan is one thing. Talking exclusively(and through proxy side fights) about hating some guy 30-40 thousand times on multiple sites is…not something to support in friends.

If I talk exclusively(directly or indirectly) about Ja Morant , Derrick Henry, or anyone for the next 10 years I really hope you are all unanimous in telling me I’ve lost my mind and need to consider changes. Even if you also don’t like Ja or whoever don’t push me further down my rabbit hole with insincere reassurance I’m not being a weirdo.
Tbf he's probably the most obsessed LeBron poster on the forum after 3ball, hence his pathetic lapdog behavior.

11-04-2022, 08:50 PM
. If you had a son

A son?

I'm probably older than you kid and certainly have done a lot more in my life than you ever will

So maybe you're my son but I'm not yours or anyone's

So bad analogy... Most of the bums on here haven't done shit with their life - I'm fully -grown and have, so I can do what I want

Ultimately, Lebron and the media are mutherf*ckers for misreporting the league and letting other players get shitted on .. Durant's collusion with the Warriors merely broke Lebron's collusion record - Lebron's "decision" locked the league down with 3 chips in 6 years and preseason favorite super-teams for 6 straight years (11-16').. So Lebron enjoyed the same unprecedented advantage that Durant did, except for longer - Lebron had a 6-year headstart in the colluding space.. People were happy in 2017 when Durant got to hand-pick the preseason favorite after Lebron did it for 6 years.

Spurs m8
11-04-2022, 09:05 PM
You guys are blinded by your own problems with 3ball

He actually raises a lot of good points tbh

11-04-2022, 09:13 PM
A son?

I'm probably older than you kid and certainly have done a lot more in my life than you ever will

He wasn't talking to you, he was talking to Spurs m8. All these dudes who encourage your behavior know deep down you have issues, they would rather see you fall further into mental illness rather than seeking help if it means you keep bashing LeBron. They are your true enemy.

11-04-2022, 09:16 PM
But then again, Spurs m8 might not realize your issues because he himself is an obsessed lunatic.

11-04-2022, 09:24 PM
But then again, Spurs m8 might not realize your issues because he himself is an obsessed lunatic.

What a retarded bogan. :lol

Spurs m8
11-04-2022, 09:58 PM
We all know to be a bronie you obviously lack integrity in life.

So the opinion of a bronie in life really doesn't mean anything tbh

11-04-2022, 10:08 PM
Bran is a very poor human being. Aside from his gods gift, he has low iq, can barely string a sentence together, cheats on his wife, racist, and a quitter

11-04-2022, 10:17 PM
Spurs m8 couldn't stand 3ball getting all the attention

11-04-2022, 10:19 PM
You understand that "being in politics" doesn't mean sitting on your front lawn with a sign saying "LeBron is the devil", whilst on your laptop replying to people on here... Right?

11-04-2022, 11:15 PM
You understand that "being in politics" doesn't mean sitting on your front lawn with a sign saying "LeBron is the devil", whilst on your laptop replying to people on here... Right?

No, but it means busting my hump for the senatorial candidate from my state that I feel is sufficiently anti-cop.

And I love the cops but their operational model is inherently flawed in key ways that lead to a lot of problems in society and ultimately a sizable drain on the economy

11-04-2022, 11:18 PM
But then again, Spurs m8 might not realize your issues because he himself is an obsessed lunatic.

It’s kinda starting to look that way. Either also insane or just trolling. I always assumed trolling like Fultz who I assure you…hates Lebron on a personal level even if not as a player. No normal person could genuinely fail to see the issue with acting like this.

You shouldn’t need to like or dislike the subject of someone’s hate to recognize when it’s reached a weirdo point. I don’t like James Harden. If someone made 1700 topics bashing him repeating themselves it wouldn’t be hard to see they had issues.

Whole thing is weird. Some people just go crazy. It happens. Knoe used to call himself “Bringer of light” when he was Kobe’s 3ball just hating daily for years. I don’t know what it is but something about some athletes absolutely breaks people. Pretending they’re behaving rationally is just…mean almost. You don’t encourage that shit. They are real people and some do need help.

We do have a former poster who used the internet as an escape and killed herself. It did make me start seeing us as real people. I forget it at times mocking dumb people but if I think they take a serious I stop.

We are all real human beings and not all of us are ok.

Spurs m8
11-04-2022, 11:29 PM
I value integrity in life

No easy path

No fakeness

No running away when something is too hard

No ego and arrogance

No blaming others

Taking responsibility

If that's bad...then that's on you

11-04-2022, 11:35 PM
I value integrity in life

No easy path

No fakeness

No running away when something is too hard

No ego and arrogance

No blaming others

Taking responsibility

If that's bad...then that's on you

Can you not see the world outside how it reflects on Lebron? You must see it through a Lebron colored lens? I’d like to believe you’re an act a lot of the times but I’m starting to believe you may not be. I’d like to be wrong about that.

Spurs m8
11-05-2022, 12:16 AM
Can you not see the world outside how it reflects on Lebron? You must see it through a Lebron colored lens? I’d like to believe you’re an act a lot of the times but I’m starting to believe you may not be. I’d like to be wrong about that.

Kblaze...I was just listing some things I value in life...I didn't say anything about LeBron.

11-05-2022, 12:32 AM
It’s kinda starting to look that way. Either also insane or just trolling. I always assumed trolling like Fultz who I assure you…hates Lebron on a personal level even if not as a player. No normal person could genuinely fail to see the issue with acting like this.

You shouldn’t need to like or dislike the subject of someone’s hate to recognize when it’s reached a weirdo point. I don’t like James Harden. If someone made 1700 topics bashing him repeating themselves it wouldn’t be hard to see they had issues.

Whole thing is weird. Some people just go crazy. It happens. Knoe used to call himself “Bringer of light” when he was Kobe’s 3ball just hating daily for years. I don’t know what it is but something about some athletes absolutely breaks people. Pretending they’re behaving rationally is just…mean almost. You don’t encourage that shit. They are real people and some do need help.

I do not hate LeVisionary on a personal level.

I think sometimes he says things which I believe would sound foolish coming from anyone else, but I know in my heart that Lebron does not make mistakes or say things without a reason, and therefore by feigning ignorance intentionally he’s actually teaching us a deeper lesson about life itself.

LeGuidance is absolutely the hero we need, even if his ways are not understood by the everyday hoy poloy.

11-05-2022, 01:02 AM
I do not hate LeVisionary on a personal level.

I think sometimes he says things which I believe would sound foolish coming from anyone else, but I know in my heart that Lebron does not make mistakes or say things without a reason, and therefore by feigning ignorance intentionally he’s actually teaching us a deeper lesson about life itself.

LeGuidance is absolutely the hero we need, even if his ways are not understood by the everyday hoy poloy.

The funniest thing is that all the organic winners like the 21' Bucks, 11' Mavs, Spurs, Warriors - they all developed the best chemistry and brand of ball in the league.

So Lebron never learned how to win (organic) - he just knows how to run a dumb ball-dominator offense that requires super-team

What a dumbass.. never developed a single young player because he imposes spot-up roles that stall young players.. so he lacks the teammate development, fits or brand to win organically and must be a talent-based winner (team-hoppper... all-star team strategy)

11-05-2022, 01:09 AM
I value integrity in life

No easy path

No fakeness

No running away when something is too hard

No ego and arrogance

No blaming others

Taking responsibility

If that's bad...then that's on you
Whining about LeKong is obviously much more important to you than taking care of your own 'baby'. If you really have one that is. No wonder the same thing applies to op and your insolent sex buddies in this message board.

Full Court
11-05-2022, 01:12 AM
Whining about LeKong is obviously much more important to you than taking care of your own 'baby'. If you really have one that is. No wonder the same thing applies to op and your insolent sex buddies in this message board.

Coming from one of the biggest whiners on this forum.


What a dingus.

11-05-2022, 01:14 AM
See what i mean? It's already around past midnight yet lebron still effectively keeps the biggest jizzrag itb awake without too much effort. :oldlol:

Full Court
11-05-2022, 01:15 AM
https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fres.cloudinary.com%2Fteepublic%2F image%2Fprivate%2Fs--0hAi85Ay--%2Ft_Preview%2Fb_rgb%3A262c3a%2Cc_limit%2Cf_jpg%2C h_630%2Cq_90%2Cw_630%2Fv1527267497%2Fproduction%2F designs%2F2723063_0.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=961e36210b3393bcacea25024c5f5a1119c60d73c2af0d 25cd0151b6060d5f9a&ipo=images


11-05-2022, 01:16 AM
Thank you for proving my point.

Full Court
11-05-2022, 01:18 AM
https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi.imgflip.com%2F1y4rku.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=ca3e55d43f0c9ec80064ded397dec79a8f5882847be6c9 78ca099ba6f7909932&ipo=images

11-05-2022, 01:20 AM
Can't sleep because of lebron? Poor, poor jizzrag. :ohwell:

Full Court
11-05-2022, 01:21 AM
https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi.pinimg.com%2Foriginals%2Ff6%2F1 c%2F32%2Ff61c326489367c6161080e4af90fd8eb.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=92f20c29ef784eb4d4317f21f34b092b4a9a86841d91bc db63c6a16011ac7c98&ipo=images

11-05-2022, 02:16 AM
:lol (https://i.ibb.co/pzm3mYZ/IMG-20221105-132344.jpg)

11-05-2022, 08:19 AM
So Lebron never learned how to win (organic) - he just knows how to run a dumb ball-dominator offense that requires super-team

What a dumbass.. never developed a single young player because he imposes spot-up roles that stall young players.. so he lacks the teammate development, fits or brand to win organically and must be a talent-based winner (team-hoppper... all-star team strategy)
Ok lets say youre right... so let me ask then... just hear me out tho...


Full Court
11-05-2022, 09:43 AM
To be fair, OP is one of the few people on this forum who will come back and admit when he's proven wrong, such as he has done with Giannis and Curry. So if you're going to accuse him of being mentally unbalanced, a lot of you are much more so, doubling down on stupidity even when you're proven wrong over and over again.

11-05-2022, 09:51 AM
Do you think this might affect your judgement of him as a basketball player?

11-05-2022, 09:58 AM
It’s kinda starting to look that way. Either also insane or just trolling. I always assumed trolling like Fultz who I assure you…hates Lebron on a personal level even if not as a player. No normal person could genuinely fail to see the issue with acting like this.

You shouldn’t need to like or dislike the subject of someone’s hate to recognize when it’s reached a weirdo point. I don’t like James Harden. If someone made 1700 topics bashing him repeating themselves it wouldn’t be hard to see they had issues.

Whole thing is weird. Some people just go crazy. It happens. Knoe used to call himself “Bringer of light” when he was Kobe’s 3ball just hating daily for years. I don’t know what it is but something about some athletes absolutely breaks people. Pretending they’re behaving rationally is just…mean almost. You don’t encourage that shit. They are real people and some do need help.

We do have a former poster who used the internet as an escape and killed herself. It did make me start seeing us as real people. I forget it at times mocking dumb people but if I think they take a serious I stop.

Yea, guys like Spurs & fullcourt are not doing him any favors.

Full Court
11-05-2022, 10:00 AM
Yea, guys like Spurs & fullcourt are not doing him any favors.

No, it's you and your fellow Bronies who go into meltdowns every time the guy makes a thread. In fact, hardly a week goes by when one of you guys doesn't make a thread dedicated to 3ball. It's really hard for me to fathom caring so deeply about what someone posts in an internet forum.

So the guy hates Lebron....who cares? Why would that even bother you? If you disagree with his analysis, either debate him or ignore him.

11-05-2022, 10:06 AM
No, it's you and your fellow Bronies who go into meltdowns every time the guy makes a thread. In fact, hardly a week goes by when one of you guys doesn't make a thread dedicated to 3ball. It's really hard for me to fathom caring so deeply about what someone posts in an internet forum.

So the guy hates Lebron....who cares? Why would that even bother you? If you disagree with his analysis, either debate him or ignore him.

I think the only time I made a thread about 3ball was when he posted a video of his GF acting like a psycho towards a stranger in a walmart, I later regretted making that thread because I realized I was probably contributing to his issues.

What you are spurs m8 are doing is dangerous, you don't keep encouraging a guy to continue being crazy just because you don't like a player you never met.

Honor Boost
11-05-2022, 10:35 AM
You add to society's problems with your soap box whiney take. Do you think a single soul cares what you think? If so, your the problem.

11-05-2022, 11:34 AM
No, it's you and your fellow Bronies who go into meltdowns every time the guy makes a thread. In fact, hardly a week goes by when one of you guys doesn't make a thread dedicated to 3ball. It's really hard for me to fathom caring so deeply about what someone posts in an internet forum.

So the guy hates Lebron....who cares? Why would that even bother you? If you disagree with his analysis, either debate him or ignore him.

Be honest for a moment.

How many times could someone you know repeat word for word the same argument before you’d conclude something was wrong with them? 13? 110?

There would come a point where even your general agreement with the subject would turn to concern. And it wouldn’t be the thousands of times he does it.

We all catch ourselves in these endless online things and decide to walk away because it can’t possibly matter enough to make your whole day.

Imagine caring so much you make 1000 topics to talk about the same thing and will keep responding to anyone who challenges your conclusion…forever. Stopping only when you decide to start over in a fresh one about the same thing. All the while coming back when people stop responding with “thread cliffs” repeating yourself. And sometimes doing the cliffs multiple times.

We all know crazy when we see it but somehow give it a pass online when it’s just as real. Two people being crazy doesn’t make the original sane. This Lebron thing has become so tribal it’s like politics. No acknowledgment of the absolute madness on your side because you think you can paint the other side to look the same.

it’s bad enough politics but at least they’re grappling over literal control of the country. Over who gets the nuclear codes and human rights issues. The economy and freedoms.

People on the Internet are every bit as divided and tribal over Lebron ****ing James. There comes a point when anybody normal should be able to look at that behavior and see there is something wrong. And that point is way way before 1700 topics of repeating yourself and having names banned from multiple sites.

He and the guy we used to call Simon on the other side are two sides of a troublesome coin we all should be able to acknowledge. We have all caught ourselves caring too much about a stupid online argument. Living in that state forever is…dead serious…probably not healthy.

We should all be able to tell the truth about that no matter who the subject is.

If I make 1100 topics largely about James Harden I hope you all tell me I’ve lost it. Do that for me please.

11-05-2022, 11:56 AM
I agreed with everything you said, but don't you think 3ball is in a tier of his own in this regard. Have you ever seen anyone with the obsessive dedication he's displayed for damn near a decade? There are millions of haters out there online, but he has to be unmatched, or at least in the top .01%.

Kblaze is literally 3ball. How the f*ck ppl don’t see this is insane to me. They have the same writing styles, same meandering tone, both Jordan stans, both always online at the same time. this guy will write 10 paragraphs under one account and then log into the other account 5 minutes later and write another 10 paragraphs. Yes he is THAT insane.

11-05-2022, 12:03 PM

I literally just drove by a place called Lebrons in Orlando. I couldn’t see what it was selling but this is my reminded to check back on my way back north. It may have been a hardware store. Someone find it for me. I’m driving

Lakers Legend#32
11-05-2022, 12:46 PM
LeBron is good for you.

Full Court
11-05-2022, 01:22 PM
Be honest for a moment.

How many times could someone you know repeat word for word the same argument before you’d conclude something was wrong with them? 13? 110?

There would come a point where even your general agreement with the subject would turn to concern. And it wouldn’t be the thousands of times he does it.

We all catch ourselves in these endless online things and decide to walk away because it can’t possibly matter enough to make your whole day.

Imagine caring so much you make 1000 topics to talk about the same thing and will keep responding to anyone who challenges your conclusion…forever. Stopping only when you decide to start over in a fresh one about the same thing. All the while coming back when people stop responding with “thread cliffs” repeating yourself. And sometimes doing the cliffs multiple times.

We all know crazy when we see it but somehow give it a pass online when it’s just as real. Two people being crazy doesn’t make the original sane. This Lebron thing has become so tribal it’s like politics. No acknowledgment of the absolute madness on your side because you think you can paint the other side to look the same.

it’s bad enough politics but at least they’re grappling over literal control of the country. Over who gets the nuclear codes and human rights issues. The economy and freedoms.

People on the Internet are every bit as divided and tribal over Lebron ****ing James. There comes a point when anybody normal should be able to look at that behavior and see there is something wrong. And that point is way way before 1700 topics of repeating yourself and having names banned from multiple sites.

He and the guy we used to call Simon on the other side are two sides of a troublesome coin we all should be able to acknowledge. We have all caught ourselves caring too much about a stupid online argument. Living in that state forever is…dead serious…probably not healthy.

We should all be able to tell the truth about that no matter who the subject is.

If I make 1100 topics largely about James Harden I hope you all tell me I’ve lost it. Do that for me please.

But turn this around for a second.

Every one of 3ball's 10,000 threads repeating the same argument draws a decent-sized response from the same people every time. So if you're going to say that his posting is an indicator that there's something wrong with him, wouldn't the incessant replies also be an indicator that something is wrong with them too? How come one, but not the other?

11-05-2022, 01:47 PM
Thread Cliffs

In 2010, KG was a 14/7 bum post-injury and the Celtics were an old, 50-win team (33-35 year-old core).. Accordingly, the Cavs were infact the league favorite for the 2nd year running and the conference was about to be wide open for the next decade - DeRozan, Wade, Hibbert, Bosh and Lebron would presumably battle for the conference every year..

It was this perfect environment that Lebron opted for the cheat code and teamed up with the top two 1st options in the conference ( the "decision"). He literally took.3 first options from 3 teams in the conference and put them on 1 team, aka consolidated power in the conference... Then the media praised him for winning the conference a bunch with super-team when Dwight was winning it by himself.

Ultimately, Durant's collusion with the Warriors merely broke Lebron's collusion record - Lebron's "decision" locked the league down with 3 chips in 6 years and preseason favorite super-teams for 6 straight years (11-16').. So Lebron enjoyed the same unprecedented advantage that Durant did, except for longer - Lebron had a 6-year headstart in the colluding space.. People were happy in 2017 when Durant got to hand-pick the preseason favorite after Lebron did it for 6 years.

Btw, this proclivity to collude stems from a skill deficit - his frontcourt ball-dominance imposes spot-up roles that stall young players, so he lacks the teammate development, fits or brand of ball to win organically and must be a talent-based winner instead (team-hoppper.. all-star team strategy).

11-05-2022, 02:46 PM
But turn this around for a second.

Every one of 3ball's 10,000 threads repeating the same argument draws a decent-sized response from the same people every time. So if you're going to say that his posting is an indicator that there's something wrong with him, wouldn't the incessant replies also be an indicator that something is wrong with them too? How come one, but not the other?

He literally addressed your question in the post you quoted.

11-05-2022, 03:07 PM
Thread Cliffs

In 2010, KG was a 14/7 bum post-injury and the Celtics were an old, 50-win team (33-35 year-old core).. Accordingly, the Cavs were infact the league favorite for the 2nd year running and the conference was about to be wide open for the next decade - DeRozan, Wade, Hibbert, Bosh and Lebron would presumably battle for the conference every year..

It was this perfect environment that Lebron opted for the cheat code and teamed up with the top two 1st options in the conference ( the "decision"). He literally took.3 first options from 3 teams in the conference and put them on 1 team, aka consolidated power in the conference... Then the media praised him for winning the conference a bunch with super-team when Dwight was winning it by himself.

Ultimately, Durant's collusion with the Warriors merely broke Lebron's collusion record - Lebron's "decision" locked the league down with 3 chips in 6 years and preseason favorite super-teams for 6 straight years (11-16').. So Lebron enjoyed the same unprecedented advantage that Durant did, except for longer - Lebron had a 6-year headstart in the colluding space.. People were happy in 2017 when Durant got to hand-pick the preseason favorite after Lebron did it for 6 years.

Btw, this proclivity to collude stems from a skill deficit - his frontcourt ball-dominance imposes spot-up roles that stall young players, so he lacks the teammate development, fits or brand of ball to win organically and must be a talent-based winner instead (team-hoppper.. all-star team strategy).

...and that is why we need socialism.

Full Court
11-05-2022, 03:21 PM
He literally addressed your question in the post you quoted.

No, he literally didn't.

11-05-2022, 03:35 PM
...and that is why we need socialism.

There's no perfect formula for economics - only theories - all of which have merit - given different circumstances

In the case of socialism, it could make sense in the area of education - maybe that's how we do reparations - we let everyone go to the same pre school and private schools as say, Ben Shapiro's kids (same caliber schools)... Maybe make them boarding schools.. That could halt the generations of passing down suboptimal ways of thinking that began with slavery.. It isn't a perfect solution but more a framework for how to look at the issue

11-05-2022, 03:52 PM
But turn this around for a second.

Every one of 3ball's 10,000 threads repeating the same argument draws a decent-sized response from the same people every time. So if you're going to say that his posting is an indicator that there's something wrong with him, wouldn't the incessant replies also be an indicator that something is wrong with them too? How come one, but not the other?

Where is the correlation exactly?

People shouldn't entertain the illness in order not to be ill themselves?

11-05-2022, 04:06 PM
No, he literally didn't.

Here you go:

Two people being crazy doesn’t make the original sane

11-05-2022, 05:20 PM
He literally addressed your question in the post you quoted.

This right here is where the tribal shit comes in. It can’t just be as simple as yes this person is crazy. If you see someone with clear political motivation do something heinous and it gets posted online the people with similar leanings literally always lead with “What about when such and such on the other side….”.

An insane person is insane even if more than one of them exist at the same time. And the refusal to acknowledge it does nothing but push them further down the rabbit hole.

Politics make people to far divided to see that and be honest and apparently so does LeBron James somehow.

The people who hate LeBron simply refuse to acknowledge any anti-Lebron behavior is weirdo shit. I don’t think anybody believes the so-called Simon guy who made 25 alts and spammed the board and may well be this other guy now is normal. He’s a ****ing nut.

Liking or not liking Lebron shouldn’t blind anyone to such behavior being insane. But it does.

Every one of them knows if they had to make 1500+ Lebron topics and defend every one of of them when they really only have about 12-15 points to use it would drive them crazy. Youd have to be paid to do it. Nobody would behave this way without compensation.

But a select few of them will see it happen and be absolutely positive it’s freakish behavior but can’t just call it what it is because they share a tribe and simply cannot bring themselves to criticize one of their own while the other team still exists.

how sports push people that far I will never understand.

11-05-2022, 05:27 PM
Yea, guys like Spurs & fullcourt are not doing him any favors.

11-05-2022, 05:48 PM
This right here is where the tribal shit comes in. It can’t just be as simple as yes this person is crazy. If you see someone with clear political motivation do something heinous and it gets posted online the people with similar leanings literally always lead with “What about when such and such on the other side….”.

An insane person is insane even if more than one of them exist at the same time. And the refusal to acknowledge it does nothing but push them further down the rabbit hole.

Politics make people to far divided to see that and be honest and apparently so does LeBron James somehow.

The people who hate LeBron simply refuse to acknowledge any anti-Lebron behavior is weirdo shit. I don’t think anybody believes the so-called Simon guy who made 25 alts and spammed the board and may well be this other guy now is normal. He’s a ****ing nut.

Liking or not liking Lebron shouldn’t blind anyone to such behavior being insane. But it does.

Every one of them knows if they had to make 1500+ Lebron topics and defend every one of of them when they really only have about 12-15 points to use it would drive them crazy. Youd have to be paid to do it. Nobody would behave this way without compensation.

But a select few of them will see it happen and be absolutely positive it’s freakish behavior but can’t just call it what it is because they share a tribe and simply cannot bring themselves to criticize one of their own while the other team still exists.

how sports push people that far I will never understand.

I felt this way when I was a teenager maybe. Perhaps in my early 20s.

But being an adult with actual important things to be concerned about? I love sports and love discussing them, but it’s not really going to move the needle emotionally for me at this point.

Although I did immediately cry without being able to control it when the Braves won the World Series last year. My wife took an embarrassing video of it that she refused to delete.

11-05-2022, 06:48 PM
I felt this way when I was a teenager maybe. Perhaps in my early 20s.

But being an adult with actual important things to be concerned about? I love sports and love discussing them, but it’s not really going to move the needle emotionally for me at this point.

Although I did immediately cry without being able to control it when the Braves won the World Series last year. My wife took an embarrassing video of it that she refused to delete.
Not to bring up painful shit lol, but what was your reaction after 28-3? And while I know sports are (obv) trivial in the grand scheme of things, is it a loss that still bothers you?

11-05-2022, 07:51 PM
But a select few of them will see it happen and be absolutely positive it’s freakish behavior but can’t just call it what it is because they share a tribe and simply cannot bring themselves to criticize one of their own while the other team still exists.

It's a good point honestly, but this is why all kinds of variations exist in personalities, from the sociopaths to the autistic.

Within a tribal setting, a few of these different people can fulfill valuable roles. Someone having an obsessive mind about something would be the first scientist. The sociopath would be the first wartime general.

In modern society, we don't fight and kill anymore like we used to, so these types have less obvious valuable, except in business and tech.

Full Court
11-05-2022, 10:54 PM
Where is the correlation exactly?

People shouldn't entertain the illness in order not to be ill themselves?

You completely missed my point.

Half the threads on this forum are about Jordan and/or Lebron. It appears that it's been going on for years. Some of you want to write 3ball off as being mentally ill, but if that's the case then two thirds of the posters on here are mentally ill. 3ball's just a little more dedicated than some of the others.

If this is his outlet for letting out whatever it is he needs to let out, it's a pretty harmless way to do it. Same for all the rest of you too.

11-05-2022, 10:58 PM
Not to bring up painful shit lol, but what was your reaction after 28-3? And while I know sports are (obv) trivial in the grand scheme of things, is it a loss that still bothers you?

Too soon man :lol

I was at a party and after Julio made that crazy catch (best catch I’ve seen in my entire life, particularly given the circumstances) and put us in field goal range to ice the game, I went to take a piss and borderline flexed about how we just won the Super Bowl.

Full disclosure, once the events unfolded we all did adderall, smoked like 13 cigs, listened to landslide for some reason and woke up the next day at like 1:00 pm with a huge sense of loss :lol

Fvcking sucked

11-06-2022, 08:53 AM
You completely missed my point.

Half the threads on this forum are about Jordan and/or Lebron. It appears that it's been going on for years. Some of you want to write 3ball off as being mentally ill, but if that's the case then two thirds of the posters on here are mentally ill. 3ball's just a little more dedicated than some of the others.

If this is his outlet for letting out whatever it is he needs to let out, it's a pretty harmless way to do it. Same for all the rest of you too.

There aren’t 15 people who are consistently involved in those stupid topics. You are one of them but there are literally hundreds of people who won’t even post anymore due to hating the 15 of you who ruined this place making it look like everyone cares about whatever Lebron just did.

Remove 3ball and the latest “Simon” Goatest or whatever it is entirely and people like you, Spurs, Rr3 and so on who will chime in pretending good points are being made when you heard all of them 35,000 times with your bs laughing emojis as if anything you heard 44 times this week still makes you laugh and you would immediately realize most people don’t care.

Minus the nuts and those of you who don’t mind egging them on Lebron would be talked about like all the other great players. Meaning…when something notable happens. Some of you have been manipulated by the media to the extent you act like he’s the nba and then turn and be annoyed when they continue to focus on him.

It has worked entirely and absolutely ruined a few people. And you still can’t bring yourself to acknowledge the most obvious example because you yourself have been ruined to a lesser degree and can’t critique your tribe. There have been times he has five or six topics deleted on the front page at once because he’s literally repeating himself Word for Word from the previous couple days but making new topics to do it. He will get mad and make the topic again and in what he must think is a clever reverse psychology attempt include “Mode delete this topic right now!” as if whoever had been deleting them wouldn’t if he told them to.

He has more deleted topics about LeBron James than all but probably 5-6 people have made topics about anything in the last 20 years. I wish you could see the topics he goes into and repeats himself 20 times but delete and then repost some of the replies as bumps. He does that shit as much as the cliff notes. You just can’t see the deletes and modifications like I can.

But yea. Keep up the “What about….” denial of the obvious. He’s only a little different.

Full Court
11-06-2022, 09:42 AM
There aren’t 15 people who are consistently involved in those stupid topics. You are one of them but there are literally hundreds of people who won’t even post anymore due to hating the 15 of you who ruined this place making it look like everyone cares about whatever Lebron just did.

Remove 3ball and the latest “Simon” Goatest or whatever it is entirely and people like you, Spurs, Rr3 and so on who will chime in pretending good points are being made when you heard all of them 35,000 times with your bs laughing emojis as if anything you heard 44 times this week still makes you laugh and you would immediately realize most people don’t care.

Minus the nuts and those of you who don’t mind egging them on Lebron would be talked about like all the other great players. Meaning…when something notable happens. Some of you have been manipulated by the media to the extent you act like he’s the nba and then turn and be annoyed when they continue to focus on him.

It has worked entirely and absolutely ruined a few people. And you still can’t bring yourself to acknowledge the most obvious example because you yourself have been ruined to a lesser degree and can’t critique your tribe. There have been times he has five or six topics deleted on the front page at once because he’s literally repeating himself Word for Word from the previous couple days but making new topics to do it. He will get mad and make the topic again and in what he must think is a clever reverse psychology attempt include “Mode delete this topic right now!” as if whoever had been deleting them wouldn’t if he told them to.

He has more deleted topics about LeBron James than all but probably 5-6 people have made topics about anything in the last 20 years. I wish you could see the topics he goes into and repeats himself 20 times but delete and then repost some of the replies as bumps. He does that shit as much as the cliff notes. You just can’t see the deletes and modifications like I can.

But yea. Keep up the “What about….” denial of the obvious. He’s only a little different.

I see things differently from you. Most people are on here for entertainment, and they find the bantering over who's GOAT and all that crap fun - which is why they do it. And even if you take alts into consideration, I'm pretty sure there are more than 15 involved in those topics. People that don't like it don't have to engage. I just can't understand how some people can get upset over it.

And as far as the tribalism thing, I don't really agree with that either. I agree with 3ball's analaysis on most things, which is why I ....agree with him. There are other things I disagree with him on, like his deprecation of Pippen. I think Pippen was a great player. I'm not going to just agree with him on that because of "tribalism."

But whatever. :confusedshrug: I post on here because it's fun most of the time.

11-06-2022, 10:51 AM
It’s nowhere even close to most people enjoying that stupid bullshit. Last time I gave it a shot I only had to ban like 20 people and there literally was not a single topic of that type being made. And some of the 20 were alts. What happens is 3 ball and goatest(who has 20ish alts most perma banned) make the same topics and a small handful of you post in every single one making the same points and laughing at the same jokes. Well pretending to laugh. When you post this:

. Foolish GoatTits bringing up stuff rom 30 years ago to try to distract from the fact that Bronie is 0/16 from three in the last two games.


Or this

. Yeah, he only had Wade, Bosch, Love, Kyrie.... :roll:

On the Lakers, no AD no playoffs.

Truth hurts.


There is no way you or anyone is actually laughing. The same emoji of Lebron crying? Not a single person is laughing. Including you. Even if it was funny the first time(and there has not been a clever, original, or funny remark about Lebron in a decade) it definitely isn’t after 885 uses. But you post it and act like it. Sitting there without so much as a smirk on your face pretending to laugh at the same thing you didn’t laugh at last time either.

Its just such a fake ass mockery of real human behavior. I don’t know how some of you keep it up.

And I’m not going to try to spin this into some no life narrative. I’ve posted more than anybody I can think of in the last 20 years and at this very second I’m in a $1200 a night suite looking over South Beach Miami. I’m down here till thanksgiving and I’m probably buying a $90,000 truck while I’m here. I can both post and do things. I assume you can as well. For all I know you might be a US senator.

But whatever any of you are how you are entertained by

“Six rings!”

”Thats the only argument you have”

”It’s the only argument I need Shawn!”

on repeat for years is truly beyond me.

And for the record I have received joking criticism from women around me for posting at all but I’m not going to act like the shit is normal when questioned about it. If I were doing it specifically and almost exclusively about Zach Lavine(and anyone who can be used to help or hurt his status) or any individual I’d snap. I can’t pretend the same thing I read yesterday is new and my repeated remark is still clever.

In fact I’ve asked some of you how you can repeat yourselves every day so many times I might be going crazy myself. As sick as I am of trying to make you stop every 3-400 times I see it I can’t imagine being the one doing it enough to drive somewhat normal humans to ask you to stop now and then.

And as bad as the “normal” people are…..3ball and his eternal nemesis are orders of magnitude worse. It isn’t simple entertainment. It’s like those idiots standing over bridges with signs about their political foes.

It doesn’t make anyone a bad person. But thousands of topics about the same thing being unable to get it off your mind definitely makes you a weird person.

Im not so blind I can’t acknowledge I’m weird myself just being here dealing with all of you for this long and posting 150,000 times. But I can own it.

I am weird. I like basketball more than is normal and I behave weirdly as a result.

The denial some of the worst of us has is just amazing to me. I can see it in myself. But someone objectively more obsessed about a single player not only can’t see it of himself but has like minded freaks backing the idea that such behavior is normal so he doesn’t even have to take a moment to reflect?

It really is…a lot.

11-06-2022, 10:53 AM
He will be gone in 3 years

11-06-2022, 10:59 AM
Yall can hate on 3ball all you want but hes right about everything he said in op and he has sold his soul too. Im not even playing dude is gonna burn probably. Not even kidding theres some evil sh-t going on behind the scenes in this world

11-06-2022, 11:00 AM
Yall can hate on 3ball all you want but hes right about everything he said in op and he has sold his soul too. Im not even playing dude is gonna burn probably. Not even kidding theres some evil sh-t going on behind the scenes in this world

Talking about lebron sold his soul not 3ball

11-06-2022, 11:19 AM
There aren’t 15 people who are consistently involved in those stupid topics. You are one of them but there are literally hundreds of people who won’t even post anymore due to hating the 15 of you who ruined this place making it look like everyone cares about whatever Lebron just did.

Remove 3ball and the latest “Simon” Goatest or whatever it is entirely and people like you, Spurs, Rr3 and so on who will chime in pretending good points are being made when you heard all of them 35,000 times with your bs laughing emojis as if anything you heard 44 times this week still makes you laugh and you would immediately realize most people don’t care.

Minus the nuts and those of you who don’t mind egging them on Lebron would be talked about like all the other great players. Meaning…when something notable happens. Some of you have been manipulated by the media to the extent you act like he’s the nba and then turn and be annoyed when they continue to focus on him.

It has worked entirely and absolutely ruined a few people. And you still can’t bring yourself to acknowledge the most obvious example because you yourself have been ruined to a lesser degree and can’t critique your tribe. There have been times he has five or six topics deleted on the front page at once because he’s literally repeating himself Word for Word from the previous couple days but making new topics to do it. He will get mad and make the topic again and in what he must think is a clever reverse psychology attempt include “Mode delete this topic right now!” as if whoever had been deleting them wouldn’t if he told them to.

He has more deleted topics about LeBron James than all but probably 5-6 people have made topics about anything in the last 20 years. I wish you could see the topics he goes into and repeats himself 20 times but delete and then repost some of the replies as bumps. He does that shit as much as the cliff notes. You just can’t see the deletes and modifications like I can.

But yea. Keep up the “What about….” denial of the obvious. He’s only a little different.
Bro I actually contribute to the board and talk about stuff besides LeBron when I’m not responding to blatant troll threads. I also mostly stopped seriously responding to 3ball because I tried that for literally years and he just kept spamming. If you don’t want me to troll horrible trolls ****ing ban them.

11-06-2022, 11:37 AM
Of course You don’t exclusively but if we could track appearances in those topics by percentage I assume you will be somewhere in the top seven or eight. Granted its usually in some kind of mocking fashion but it is what it is. The dream scenario is normal person sees an obsessed weirdo like 3ball or “Simon” make a topic and it gets zero replies even in mocking and it’s over.

But it won’t happen.

There are thousands of bans. Not hundreds. Thousands. At some point people have to police themselves but are largely unwilling to do it.

Maybe I’ll give it one more crack but I genuinely don’t even like reading enough of those topics to identify the main problems. I feel like I shouldn’t have to on a board full of adults but I guess I do. Again.

I know 3ball. I vaguely know goatest as the recent Simon alt. I know Spurs refuses to stop. Warrior fan though he will involve himself in enough other discussions so I wouldn’t ban him. Full court is similar. A problem but not 3ball/Simon bad. You’re in all those topics. So is 1987. But neither of you are exclusive to them. There are probably 3-4 who would make a difference but 2 of the 3 I know have alts.

Id be policing this shit all day and I just…don’t feel like it. I just wanna check the board after I see Zion had a good game and see what we all have to say about it. I’ll do the legwork if I must I guess. Not like I’m doing shit. I’ve yet to put on pants today. I’m laying around for like 2 weeks. If ever I was gonna put together a ban list it’s now I guess.

11-06-2022, 11:47 AM
If you’re not gonna ban people like 3ball and Spurs m8, I think mocking them when they say batshit stuff is fair :confusedshrug:

A lot of us guys who mock 3ball actually do contribute to basketball discussions, guys like full court, “Simon” and spurs m8 literally just post about LeBron.

11-06-2022, 12:13 PM
He will be gone in 3 years
125 posts per day :biggums:

11-06-2022, 12:46 PM
If you’re not gonna ban people like 3ball and Spurs m8, I think mocking them when they say batshit stuff is fair :confusedshrug:

A lot of us guys who mock 3ball actually do contribute to basketball discussions, guys like full court, “Simon” and spurs m8 literally just post about LeBron.
Sounds like you just dont like them

11-06-2022, 01:29 PM
There aren’t 15 people who are consistently involved in those stupid topics. You are one of them but there are literally hundreds of people who won’t even post anymore due to hating the 15 of you who ruined this place making it look like everyone cares about whatever Lebron just did.

Remove 3ball and the latest “Simon” Goatest or whatever it is entirely and people like you, Spurs, Rr3 and so on who will chime in pretending good points are being made when you heard all of them 35,000 times with your bs laughing emojis as if anything you heard 44 times this week still makes you laugh and you would immediately realize most people don’t care.

Minus the nuts and those of you who don’t mind egging them on Lebron would be talked about like all the other great players. Meaning…when something notable happens. Some of you have been manipulated by the media to the extent you act like he’s the nba and then turn and be annoyed when they continue to focus on him.

It has worked entirely and absolutely ruined a few people. And you still can’t bring yourself to acknowledge the most obvious example because you yourself have been ruined to a lesser degree and can’t critique your tribe. There have been times he has five or six topics deleted on the front page at once because he’s literally repeating himself Word for Word from the previous couple days but making new topics to do it. He will get mad and make the topic again and in what he must think is a clever reverse psychology attempt include “Mode delete this topic right now!” as if whoever had been deleting them wouldn’t if he told them to.

He has more deleted topics about LeBron James than all but probably 5-6 people have made topics about anything in the last 20 years. I wish you could see the topics he goes into and repeats himself 20 times but delete and then repost some of the replies as bumps. He does that shit as much as the cliff notes. You just can’t see the deletes and modifications like I can.

But yea. Keep up the “What about….” denial of the obvious. He’s only a little different.


Full Court
11-06-2022, 02:21 PM
There is no way you or anyone is actually laughing.

On this one, I can assure you that you're wrong. I genuinely find Lebron going 0/16 in the last two games funny. And yes, I legit laughed about it. But hey, to each his own.

11-06-2022, 05:12 PM
It’s nowhere even close to most people enjoying that stupid bullshit. Last time I gave it a shot I only had to ban like 20 people and there literally was not a single topic of that type being made. And some of the 20 were alts. What happens is 3 ball and goatest(who has 20ish alts most perma banned) make the same topics and a small handful of you post in every single one making the same points and laughing at the same jokes. Well pretending to laugh. When you post this:

Or this

There is no way you or anyone is actually laughing. The same emoji of Lebron crying? Not a single person is laughing. Including you. Even if it was funny the first time(and there has not been a clever, original, or funny remark about Lebron in a decade) it definitely isn’t after 885 uses. But you post it and act like it. Sitting there without so much as a smirk on your face pretending to laugh at the same thing you didn’t laugh at last time either.

Its just such a fake ass mockery of real human behavior. I don’t know how some of you keep it up.

And I’m not going to try to spin this into some no life narrative. I’ve posted more than anybody I can think of in the last 20 years and at this very second I’m in a $1200 a night suite looking over South Beach Miami. I’m down here till thanksgiving and I’m probably buying a $90,000 truck while I’m here. I can both post and do things. I assume you can as well. For all I know you might be a US senator.

But whatever any of you are how you are entertained by

“Six rings!”

”Thats the only argument you have”

”It’s the only argument I need Shawn!”

on repeat for years is truly beyond me.

And for the record I have received joking criticism from women around me for posting at all but I’m not going to act like the shit is normal when questioned about it. If I were doing it specifically and almost exclusively about Zach Lavine(and anyone who can be used to help or hurt his status) or any individual I’d snap. I can’t pretend the same thing I read yesterday is new and my repeated remark is still clever.

In fact I’ve asked some of you how you can repeat yourselves every day so many times I might be going crazy myself. As sick as I am of trying to make you stop every 3-400 times I see it I can’t imagine being the one doing it enough to drive somewhat normal humans to ask you to stop now and then.

And as bad as the “normal” people are…..3ball and his eternal nemesis are orders of magnitude worse. It isn’t simple entertainment. It’s like those idiots standing over bridges with signs about their political foes.

It doesn’t make anyone a bad person. But thousands of topics about the same thing being unable to get it off your mind definitely makes you a weird person.

Im not so blind I can’t acknowledge I’m weird myself just being here dealing with all of you for this long and posting 150,000 times. But I can own it.

I am weird. I like basketball more than is normal and I behave weirdly as a result.

The denial some of the worst of us has is just amazing to me. I can see it in myself. But someone objectively more obsessed about a single player not only can’t see it of himself but has like minded freaks backing the idea that such behavior is normal so he doesn’t even have to take a moment to reflect?

It really is…a lot.
Truer words have never been spoken.

11-06-2022, 05:17 PM
I haven't read through the whole thread. Has OP explained yet how exactly LeBron is the " downfall of society"?

11-06-2022, 05:24 PM
Not looking good for op at all. Even mature/veteran mj fans find him to be a total disgrace itb. :oldlol:

11-06-2022, 07:17 PM
It’s nowhere even close to most people enjoying that stupid bullshit. Last time I gave it a shot I only had to ban like 20 people and there literally was not a single topic of that type being made. And some of the 20 were alts. What happens is 3 ball and goatest(who has 20ish alts most perma banned) make the same topics and a small handful of you post in every single one making the same points and laughing at the same jokes. Well pretending to laugh. When you post this:

Or this

There is no way you or anyone is actually laughing. The same emoji of Lebron crying? Not a single person is laughing. Including you. Even if it was funny the first time(and there has not been a clever, original, or funny remark about Lebron in a decade) it definitely isn’t after 885 uses. But you post it and act like it. Sitting there without so much as a smirk on your face pretending to laugh at the same thing you didn’t laugh at last time either.

Its just such a fake ass mockery of real human behavior. I don’t know how some of you keep it up.

And I’m not going to try to spin this into some no life narrative. I’ve posted more than anybody I can think of in the last 20 years and at this very second I’m in a $1200 a night suite looking over South Beach Miami. I’m down here till thanksgiving and I’m probably buying a $90,000 truck while I’m here. I can both post and do things. I assume you can as well. For all I know you might be a US senator.

But whatever any of you are how you are entertained by

“Six rings!”

”Thats the only argument you have”

”It’s the only argument I need Shawn!”

on repeat for years is truly beyond me.

And for the record I have received joking criticism from women around me for posting at all but I’m not going to act like the shit is normal when questioned about it. If I were doing it specifically and almost exclusively about Zach Lavine(and anyone who can be used to help or hurt his status) or any individual I’d snap. I can’t pretend the same thing I read yesterday is new and my repeated remark is still clever.

In fact I’ve asked some of you how you can repeat yourselves every day so many times I might be going crazy myself. As sick as I am of trying to make you stop every 3-400 times I see it I can’t imagine being the one doing it enough to drive somewhat normal humans to ask you to stop now and then.

And as bad as the “normal” people are…..3ball and his eternal nemesis are orders of magnitude worse. It isn’t simple entertainment. It’s like those idiots standing over bridges with signs about their political foes.

It doesn’t make anyone a bad person. But thousands of topics about the same thing being unable to get it off your mind definitely makes you a weird person.

Im not so blind I can’t acknowledge I’m weird myself just being here dealing with all of you for this long and posting 150,000 times. But I can own it.

I am weird. I like basketball more than is normal and I behave weirdly as a result.

The denial some of the worst of us has is just amazing to me. I can see it in myself. But someone objectively more obsessed about a single player not only can’t see it of himself but has like minded freaks backing the idea that such behavior is normal so he doesn’t even have to take a moment to reflect?

It really is…a lot.



11-06-2022, 07:35 PM
On this one, I can assure you that you're wrong. I genuinely find Lebron going 0/16 in the last two games funny. And yes, I legit laughed about it. But hey, to each his own.

Why though? The only reason you legit laughed about it (if you even did) is because you care so much about him and his fans. You’re not disproving Kblazes point at all.

Full Court
11-06-2022, 09:01 PM
Why though? The only reason you legit laughed about it (if you even did) is because you care so much about him and his fans. You’re not disproving Kblazes point at all.

Isn't that the whole point of sports though? You take a side, and you want one side to win and the other side to lose? Even though it doesn't actually affect your life in any way at all?

So yes, all of us, I suspect even you, get some kind of pleasure when things go the way we want in this sport.

If you want to sit there stone-faced as a fan, go for it.

11-06-2022, 09:22 PM
Isn't that the whole point of sports though? You take a side, and you want one side to win and the other side to lose? Even though it doesn't actually affect your life in any way at all?

So yes, all of us, I suspect even you, get some kind of pleasure when things go the way we want in this sport.

If you want to sit there stone-faced as a fan, go for it.

To a degree, sure. But it's not really about choosing sides. Again you're proving Kblazes point about the tribalism.

I'm a fan of my hometown teams and am happy if they win and get upset if they lose. But once I hit the age of like 16 I have never rooted so aggressively for the downfall of another player or team outside of my own. Even some of the most bitter rivals.

Fvck the Saints. But like...whatever. I'm not going to spend 10 years choosing to speak against them.

Full Court
11-06-2022, 10:54 PM
To a degree, sure. But it's not really about choosing sides. Again you're proving Kblazes point about the tribalism.

I'm a fan of my hometown teams and am happy if they win and get upset if they lose. But once I hit the age of like 16 I have never rooted so aggressively for the downfall of another player or team outside of my own. Even some of the most bitter rivals.

Fvck the Saints. But like...whatever. I'm not going to spend 10 years choosing to speak against them.

But in that sense, tribalism is the whole point of sports. What actual connection do I have to any of the teams that I root for? None whatsoever. You arbitrarily choose a tribe and that's your team.

Watching sports doesn't seem like any fun at all if you don't have a stake in who wins and loses. Even if that stake exists only as some sort of mental satisfaction.

So yeah, putting it like that, I guess maybe all sports fans are a little bit not right in the head lol.

11-06-2022, 11:16 PM
Hey, humans have rooted for superstar gladiators from the colosseum in Rome centuries ago and that was violent. What we have right now is child's play.

11-06-2022, 11:50 PM
Why though? The only reason you legit laughed about it (if you even did) is because you care so much about him and his fans. You’re not disproving Kblazes point at all.

It's a form of deflection. People who get caught in the wrong use laughing ad a mechanism to cope

11-07-2022, 12:02 AM
To a degree, sure. But it's not really about choosing sides. Again you're proving Kblazes point about the tribalism.

I'm a fan of my hometown teams and am happy if they win and get upset if they lose. But once I hit the age of like 16 I have never rooted so aggressively for the downfall of another player or team outside of my own. Even some of the most bitter rivals.

Fvck the Saints. But like...whatever. I'm not going to spend 10 years choosing to speak against them.

That's what I never understood about some MJ fans. What kind of person spends so much time obsessing over and deeply hoping ANYONE keeps losing? It's a terrible thing to do and not beneficial to the hater in any way whatsoever, apart from maybe letting some steam go about their own insecurities.

Full Court
11-07-2022, 12:04 AM
It's a form of deflection. People who get caught in the wrong use laughing ad a mechanism to cope

^This clown should be one to talk about coping. One of the most emotionally fragile people on here.


11-07-2022, 01:15 AM
That's what I never understood about some MJ fans. What kind of person spends so much time obsessing over and deeply hoping ANYONE keeps losing? It's a terrible thing to do and not beneficial to the hater in any way whatsoever, apart from maybe letting some steam go about their own insecurities.
Them: 'hUrR mJ iS tHe oNlY gOaT!'

Also them : *spending more time in an anonymous message board whining about another player who they think should never be the goat*


11-07-2022, 09:43 AM
^This clown should be one to talk about coping. One of the most emotionally fragile people on here.


Not really. I just take cues from you and stoop to your level and watch you unfold. Which seems to be pretty easy.
Now let's watch you abandon the argument and focus on me. Which is what you always do next. You're too predictable.

Take the cue from kblaze. You're the handful that actually cares too much

11-07-2022, 09:44 AM
Them: 'hUrR mJ iS tHe oNlY gOaT!'

Also them : *spending more time in an anonymous message board whining about another player who they think should never be the goat*


Exactly. For example watch what happens now with how easy it is to bait Full Court into acting like and obsessed fool.

11-07-2022, 10:19 AM
Not really. I just take cues from you and stoop to your level and watch you unfold. Which seems to be pretty easy.
Now let's watch you abandon the argument and focus on me. Which is what you always do next. You're too predictable.

Take the cue from kblaze. You're the handful that actually cares too much


11-07-2022, 12:44 PM
Putting aside the absurdity of letting a basketball player take you to the level of true hate without even being some kinda Karl Maloneish deviant or doing actual real world harm….

You and people like you are the driving force behind all this. The media doesn’t care if you love or hate anyone. The media wants you to have an opinion. That’s why every network is debate shows end to end spliced with clips to feed tomorrows debates.

Your over the top concern one way or the other is what drives the kind of trackable online impressions that decide what they cover. They know how many people react to every tweet that mentions his name and how many average seconds everyone watches of every video they post of a segment discussing him. Hating on LeBron and the attention he gets and doing so consistently on the Internet where I promise media companies are tracking everything down to how many times mentions of him appear in search results is the same kind of self defeating shit people who hate the Cowboys do.

Colin cowherd talked about this probably 15 years ago when everyone said they were sick of coverage focused on the same people. At that time I think it was the Brett Favre retirement drama and Kobe and LeBron. Peoples words say they’re sick of it but trackable engagement spikes whenever those things are mentioned.

The people you spend 30-40 thousand posts hating on the internet are literally riding a wave of your hate to more attention and riches.

Lebron James is this bird:


And you’re the bird on the bottom that hates him but is letting him use your efforts for his own gain.

LeBron and every other major star who generates massive online heat which drives engagement and tells these media companies they’re on the right track to feature them have been riding your bum ass to untold riches while you complain about the shit on your back without realizing the part you play.

If you and 20 million like you could hate internally and not feel a need to obsess about it online this world of spyware and social media would spread the love/hate around a bit more.

But no. You keep letting them know you want more and more Lebron with your actions no matter what your mouth says.

Please believe they will indulge you. They don’t even need your money directly. They just need your attention so their advertising can reach your subconscious.

Your hate is nothing but a tool to increase the reach of zip recruiter and Casper mattress ads. And business is booming.

Calm down bitch, nobody cares what you said etc, be gone

Full Court
11-07-2022, 06:21 PM
Not really. I just take cues from you and stoop to your level and watch you unfold. Which seems to be pretty easy.
Now let's watch you abandon the argument and focus on me. Which is what you always do next. You're too predictable.

Take the cue from kblaze. You're the handful that actually cares too much

The funny thing is that even if what you said was true, you're obviously the one who cares so deeply about it that you follow me around like a yapping puppy dog. :lol

You're FAR more obsessed and angry than even 3ball is.

11-07-2022, 06:23 PM
The funny thing is that even if what you said was true, you're obviously the one who cares so deeply about it that you follow me around like a yapping puppy dog. :lol

You're FAR more obsessed and angry than even 3ball is.
More obsessed than 3ball? Nah :lol

11-07-2022, 06:28 PM
Exactly. For example watch what happens now with how easy it is to bait Full Court into acting like and obsessed fool.

Full Court
11-07-2022, 07:06 PM
More obsessed than 3ball? Nah :lol

Oh trust me, he is. Maybe you haven't seen his post history. 3ball at least uses facts to make rational arguments.

11-07-2022, 07:24 PM
Oh trust me, he is. Maybe you haven't seen his post history. 3ball at least uses facts to make rational arguments.
You’re embarrassing yourself.

11-07-2022, 07:28 PM
You're FAR more obsessed and angry than even 3ball is.

lol, not even close.

Full Court
11-07-2022, 07:37 PM
lol, not even close.

Oh, just watch. He follows me around like a yapping puppy. A completely and utterly obsessed dingus.

Like I said, at least 3ball makes rational arguments. There's nothing remotely rational about this dude.

11-07-2022, 07:44 PM
Oh, just watch. He follows me around like a yapping puppy.

Come on bro, isn't that what you do with him as well.... along Axe? All of you guys follow each other around, obsessed with getting the last word.

And to say 3ball makes rational arguments is also lol worthy.

Full Court
11-07-2022, 07:47 PM
Come on bro, isn't that what you do with him as well.... along Axe? All of you guys follow each other around, obsessed with getting the last word.

And to say 3ball makes rational arguments is also lol worthy.

I do it for entertainment. There's no question that hateraid is clearly raging. It's hard for me to imagine getting that upset by a poster on an anonymous internet forum, but apperently there are people out there who are wired that way.

11-07-2022, 07:49 PM
Beginning to think 3ball is a mod burner account. How else do you explain a topic like this going 13 pages?

* looks at clicks *

Yup.This one is generating too many pennies.

11-07-2022, 11:22 PM



Wizards were 26-21 with the 4 seed while MJ was 1 of 3 guys averaging 25/5/5 (Kobe, Tmac, MJ) before his injury in Game 45.. Jordan was averaging 30/6/6 in 10 games before the injury.. Jordan also had 51 and 45 in b2b games

Full Court
11-07-2022, 11:49 PM



Wizards were 26-21 with the 4 seed while MJ was 1 of 3 guys averaging 25/5/5 (Kobe, Tmac, MJ) before his injury in Game 45.. Jordan also had 51 and 45 in b2b games

Jordan: greatest 38-year-old player of all time.

11-07-2022, 11:51 PM
Jordan: greatest 38-year-old player of all time.
Nah, Kareem >

Full Court
11-08-2022, 12:09 AM
Nah, Kareem >

Yeah, I'll concede that.

11-08-2022, 12:18 AM
How else do you explain a topic like this going 13 pages?

A jizzrag.

11-08-2022, 12:28 AM
Nah, Kareem >

Only because of Jordan's injury - Kareem was nowhere near this guy:


And Jordan averaged more rebounds than Kareem

Pre-injury Jordan averaged 25/6/5 in the zone era (and his numbers were ALWAYS higher in the playoffs) - he carried bums to the 4 seed - that version of MJ would've three-peated alongside Magic, Worthy, AC Green and Scott/Cooper off the bench...70 wins probably

But again, only injuries make your claim plausible

11-08-2022, 12:34 AM
Beginning to think 3ball is a mod burner account. How else do you explain a topic like this going 13 pages?

It's one of the few threads where all of us got together to discuss the psychology of an obsessed person, which is an interesting topic.

11-08-2022, 12:37 AM
Only because of Jordan's injury - Kareem was nowhere near this guy:


And Jordan averaged more rebounds than Kareem

Pre-injury Jordan averaged 25/6/5 in the zone era (and his numbers were ALWAYS higher in the playoffs) - he carried bums to the 4 seed - that version of MJ would've three-peated alongside Magic, Worthy, AC Green and Scott/Cooper off the bench...70 wins probably

But again, only injuries make your claim plausible

Kareem at 38 won FMVP, also made the All-NBA 1st Team in 1986. (his birthday is in april, so he played the '86 season at 38)

11-08-2022, 12:41 AM

Also had another game where he dropped 43 points vs Hakeem in the same season.

11-08-2022, 12:43 AM
Kareem at 38 won FMVP, also made the All-NBA 1st Team in 1986. (his birthday is in april, so he played the '86 season at 38)

Kareem didn't win FMVP in 86' and Jordan always had the most ability to win FMVP. He has 6 and the next guy has only 4 (lebron)

11-08-2022, 12:45 AM
Kareem didn't win FMVP in 86'

He won FMVP in '85 when he was 38 years old. I said in that post that his birthday was in April. So he turned 38 when the '85 playoffs started.

11-08-2022, 12:48 AM

Also had another game where he dropped 43 points vs Hakeem in the same season.

Okay and Jordan dropped 51 and 46 in b2b games... Or 44 against the Jazz or 41 against Shawn Marion

And Jordan's numbers are further enhanced by playing in the zone era (historically low league ORtg) and also facing more defensive attention (less scoring help)... Old Jordan would win titles with Magic/Worthy and company

11-08-2022, 12:49 AM
Okay and Jordan dropped 51 and 46 in b2b games... Or 44 against the Jazz or 41 against Shawn Marion

Kareem did it against Hakeem, nuff said.

11-08-2022, 12:52 AM
Okay and Jordan dropped 51 and 46 in b2b games... Or 44 against the Jazz or 41 against Shawn Marion

And Jordan's numbers are further enhanced by playing in the zone era (historically low league ORtg) and also facing more defensive attention (less scoring help)... Old Jordan would win titles with Magic/Worthy and company
You literally lose every argument you enter with 1987 Lakers lol

11-08-2022, 12:54 AM
He won FMVP in '85 when he was 38 years old. I said in that post that his birthday was in April. So he turned 38 when the '85 playoffs started.

MJ is the undisputed FMVP kingpin - it cannot be used as an argument against him - no one was anywhere near Jordan in the Finals

MJ would never lose with Magic, while Kareem lost a ton with Magic - listen to how that sounds: "Kareem lost a ton with Magic".. How can that be compared to MJ who was 6/6 with one all-star teammate?.. Kareem literally had 9 all-star teammates in his career.

11-08-2022, 12:56 AM
MJ is the undisputed FMVP kingpin - it cannot be used as an argument against him - no one was anywhere near Jordan in the Finals

MJ would never lose with Magic, while Kareem lost a ton with Magic - listen to how that sounds: "Kareem lost a ton with Magic".. How can that be compared to MJ who was 6/6 with one all-star teammate?.. Kareem literally had 9 all-star teammates in his career.
You know damn well Russell would have more if they had the award when he played.

11-08-2022, 12:56 AM
MJ is the undisputed FMVP kingpin - it cannot be used as an argument against him - no one was anywhere near Jordan in the Finals

Wtf does that have to do with with how they performed at age 38? This is what you always do, you lose/abandon an argument and bring up something completely irrelevant to the topic at hand.

11-08-2022, 01:04 AM
A jizzrag.

11-08-2022, 01:21 AM
I'll give you Kareem at 38 tho.

Only due to injury though.. Pre-injury Jordan was averaging 30/6/6 in the last 10 games before the injury - he was working himself back but got hurt/old or the smoke and liquor caught up with him

11-08-2022, 01:42 AM
When prime Kareem had to lead teams from 75-78', he was a bad leader and often won less than Wizards' Jordan... Whereas Wizard's Jordan would've won with Magic/Worthy like Kareem did

11-08-2022, 01:46 AM
When prime Kareem had to lead teams from 75-78', he was a bad leader and often won less than Wizards' Jordan... Whereas Wizard's Jordan would've won with Magic/Worthy like Kareem did

I hate lebron too, fake ass mother ****er, like all his ****ing fans in here. All you lebron fans are all uneducated mother ****ers! **** yall and **** yall families

Full Court
11-08-2022, 08:06 AM
OP does kind of have a point in this thread.

I don't agree with hating anyone. It's not healthy.

But I do perceive a general dumbing down of our society, and one of its manifestations is in how much people bought into the manufactured hype of Lebron. He's been an epic choker and a period loser througout his career. After he retires and the hype machine stop, he'll fall back to fringe top ten where he reasonably belongs.

Ne 1
11-08-2022, 09:00 AM
Wizards were 26-21 with the 4 seed while MJ was 1 of 3 guys averaging 25/5/5 (Kobe, Tmac, MJ) before his injury in Game 45.. Jordan was averaging 30/6/6 in 10 games before the injury.. Jordan also had 51 and 45 in b2b games

Lmao! The season doesn’t stop when you get injured. Doesn’t change the fact MJ spent 2 years there and won squat. In 2019, LeBron and the young Lakers were 4th seed in the West when he went down for 17 games. Went to hell after that. Don't matter they lost.

11-08-2022, 10:27 AM
Come on bro, isn't that what you do with him as well.... along Axe? All of you guys follow each other around, obsessed with getting the last word.

And to say 3ball makes rational arguments is also lol worthy.

Exactly. Lol. Except I'm not obsessing getting the last word. Denying that narcissistic fakkit is just plain hilarious.
If I'm obsessing why am I rarely on here meanwhile the dolt screams "bronie" here 24/7. Lol. He's got no self awareness. I've been on this board for 15 years and maybe 5% of it is to egg on Jordaneers like him. He spend 95% of his time hurting over Lebron Lol. He's clueless

11-08-2022, 10:29 AM
Not really. I just take cues from you and stoop to your level and watch you unfold. Which seems to be pretty easy.
Now let's watch you abandon the argument and focus on me. Which is what you always do next. You're too predictable.

Take the cue from kblaze. You're the handful that actually cares too much

He did exactly what I said he'd do. Lol now he's fumin

Full Court
11-08-2022, 05:40 PM
Swears up and down that he's not a Bronie.

Gets irrationally upset every time the term is used. :roll:

Sounds like a butthurt Bronie to me.

11-08-2022, 06:08 PM
Exactly. Lol. Except I'm not obsessing getting the last word. Denying that narcissistic fakkit is just plain hilarious.
If I'm obsessing why am I rarely on here meanwhile the dolt screams "bronie" here 24/7. Lol. He's got no self awareness. I've been on this board for 15 years and maybe 5% of it is to egg on Jordaneers like him. He spend 95% of his time hurting over Lebron Lol. He's clueless

Full Court
11-08-2022, 07:35 PM
https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fgiffiles.alphacoders.com%2F118%2F 118865.gif&f=1&nofb=1

11-11-2022, 02:05 PM

11-11-2022, 02:19 PM
lebron is the GOAT

he made the NBA fun for nearly two decades

whether you were a hater or a fan

the GOAT metric to disprove 3ball is how much time he spent talking about each player

lebron is the GOAT because he made 3ball dedicate his life to him :oldlol:

Full Court
11-11-2022, 02:20 PM
lebron is the GOAT

he made the NBA fun for nearly two decades

whether you were a hater or a fan

the GOAT metric to disprove 3ball is how much time he spent talking about each player

lebron is the GOAT because he made 3ball dedicate his life to him :oldlol:

GOAT is subjective, but you have a VERY minority opinion.

11-11-2022, 02:28 PM
GOAT is subjective, but you have a VERY minority opinion.

nah. the trajectory is going very well.

consensus will always be MJ but the lebron camp aka the high-IQ camp will be able to point to the 38k points very soon.

MJ's GOAT argument is mostly based on the perfect 6-0 record finals record, vs lebron's 4-6 finals record. the low-IQ fans dont realize that jordan never beat a single team as good as the teams lebron was routinely playing in the finals. so that 10-1 eastern confernce finals record is ALMOST comparable to the 6-0 finals record against dogshit competition.

lebron has two scalps over dynasties meanwhile jordan never beat a single team as decorated as the spurs or warriors franchises, who were BOTH at their peak during lbj's playing time.

lebron would be the all-time undisputed GOAT if he played the dogshit (relative) competition that jordan played. playing the drexler blazers in the finals islike playing the derozan lowry raptors in the finals. :oldlol:

Full Court
11-11-2022, 02:33 PM
nah. the trajectory is going very well.

consensus will always be MJ but the lebron camp aka the high-IQ camp will be able to point to the 38k points very soon.

MJ's GOAT argument is mostly based on the perfect 6-0 record finals record, vs lebron's 4-6 finals record. the low-IQ fans dont realize that jordan never beat a single team as good as the teams lebron was routinely playing in the finals. so that 10-1 eastern confernce finals record is ALMOST comparable to the 6-0 finals record against dogshit competition.

lebron has two scalps over dynasties meanwhile jordan never beat a single team as decorated as the spurs or warriors franchises, who were BOTH at their peak during lbj's playing time.

lebron would be the all-time undisputed GOAT if he played the dogshit (relative) competition that jordan played. playing the drexler blazers in the finals islike playing the derozan lowry raptors in the finals. :oldlol:

Doubtful, after he retires people will take a more realistic look at his career, and he'll drop in rankings. Similar trajectory to Kobe. Kobe used to be in GOAT discussions, but now he's not even part of that conversation.

Patrick Chewing
11-11-2022, 02:38 PM
nah. the trajectory is going very well.

consensus will always be MJ but the lebron camp aka the high-IQ camp will be able to point to the 38k points very soon.

MJ's GOAT argument is mostly based on the perfect 6-0 record finals record, vs lebron's 4-6 finals record. the low-IQ fans dont realize that jordan never beat a single team as good as the teams lebron was routinely playing in the finals. so that 10-1 eastern confernce finals record is ALMOST comparable to the 6-0 finals record against dogshit competition.

lebron has two scalps over dynasties meanwhile jordan never beat a single team as decorated as the spurs or warriors franchises, who were BOTH at their peak during lbj's playing time.

lebron would be the all-time undisputed GOAT if he played the dogshit (relative) competition that jordan played. playing the drexler blazers in the finals islike playing the derozan lowry raptors in the finals. :oldlol:


11-11-2022, 02:39 PM
nah. the trajectory is going very well.

consensus will always be MJ but the lebron camp aka the high-IQ camp will be able to point to the 38k points very soon.

MJ's GOAT argument is mostly based on the perfect 6-0 record finals record, vs lebron's 4-6 finals record. the low-IQ fans dont realize that jordan never beat a single team as good as the teams lebron was routinely playing in the finals. so that 10-1 eastern confernce finals record is ALMOST comparable to the 6-0 finals record against dogshit competition.

lebron has two scalps over dynasties meanwhile jordan never beat a single team as decorated as the spurs or warriors franchises, who were BOTH at their peak during lbj's playing time.

lebron would be the all-time undisputed GOAT if he played the dogshit (relative) competition that jordan played. playing the drexler blazers in the finals islike playing the derozan lowry raptors in the finals. :oldlol:

On the same note people talk about being subjective tend to be the most subjective. Like they don't know what the word means

Full Court
11-11-2022, 02:53 PM
On the same note people talk about being subjective tend to be the most subjective. Like they don't know what the word means

Wow, you sure sound dumb. Just how dumb are you?

11-11-2022, 03:05 PM
GOAT is subjective, but you have a VERY minority opinion.
LeBron being fringe top 10 is a MUCH more minority opinion :lol Some people actually have LeBron as GOAT, outside of this asylum you’d be lucky to find even a handful of people that would share that opinion.

Full Court
11-11-2022, 03:10 PM
LeBron being fringe top 10 is a MUCH more minority opinion :lol Some people actually have LeBron as GOAT, outside of this asylum you’d be lucky to find even a handful of people that would share that opinion.

Yes, I recognize that. I'm foresighted though, and you'll see him drop in the rankings after he retires. When it all shakes out, he's not going to be as high as #2.

Spurs m8
11-11-2022, 06:52 PM
Doubtful, after he retires people will take a more realistic look at his career, and he'll drop in rankings. Similar trajectory to Kobe. Kobe used to be in GOAT discussions, but now he's not even part of that conversation.


Time won't be kind to his legacy

11-11-2022, 07:32 PM
On the same note people talk about being subjective tend to be the most subjective. Like they don't know what the word means
The funniest thing about it is that if lebron himself is far from being the 'goat' amongst his haters, then there shouldn't be any point talking about him most of the time. But that's not clearly the case because he may be well doing something right. Apparently they are the same close-minded casual psychopaths itb who still can't accept the fact that not all individuals here have jordan as the goat.

Anyway, any violent reactions by trolls to my statement above will prove they're actually guilty about it. ;)

Full Court
11-11-2022, 07:48 PM
Bronies know deep in their hears that Lebum will never be the GOAT, yet they choose to live in denial. :confusedshrug:

Autism is an unfortunate condition people have no control over. Being a dingus, however, is a choice.

11-11-2022, 07:54 PM
Oof as usual, someone can't stop being guilty at all. :oldlol:

Pooooor jizzrag still deprived of a lotta sleep because of a 'fringe top ten player all-time'. Biggest sore loser in this site.

Full Court
11-11-2022, 07:59 PM


11-12-2022, 11:44 AM

you're a knicks fan.

shut the **** up kid.

12-03-2022, 07:24 PM
The fakery... The bullshit.. The media straight up lying about this guy and usually not even realizing it

They said he overcame stuff or faced pressure but he literally had $100 million contract and future generations completely set before he ever dribbled a basketball. He didn't have to prove himself to get generational money, nor was there pressure to win - no one gave a shit when he was lottery for his first few years with the East all-star center on his team.. Otoh, Jordan is knocked for going 1-9 during the same period - the deception goes deep because this early period where most young players lose coincided with Jordan's time without Pippen (aka couldn't win without Pippen).. So it's a layered fraud not viewable to the nascent observer.

Of course Lebron's "decision" was originally perceived as a cheat code but nowadays it basically never happened and only Durant is considered a cheat code guy.

Here's the media pretending they don't know why Iman Shumpert would say that Lebron ruined basketball:


Despite teaming up with all the best players and getting preseason favorite status 9 times, Lebron fielded whimpering underdogs that needed more help regardless of cast.. The worst part is that the media blames his teammates for the losing by saying he simply "needs more help".. They refuse to acknowledge that his worst-ever brand of basketball needs the most help - i.e. his frontcourt ball-dominance is the highest maintenance skillset ever.

Furthermore, expert jumpshooters like Curry or MJ developed single-digit rookies like Pippen/Grant/BJ into viable producers, while Lebron's ball-dominance imposes spot-up roles that stall young players - he never developed any young players into a viable producer (zero young player development in 20 years)..

By imposing spot-up roles that stall young players, Lebron lacks the teammate development, fits or brand of ball to win organically and must be a talent-based winner instead (team-hopper... all-star team strategy)

TLDR: i fear the lakers could rebound this year to contend, which lebron will falsely get credit for instead of the super-team talent that he hand-picked

You're mentally broken and I contributed towards it.

I got your entire post history wiped on twoplustwo as well. Was a lot of fun.

Full Court
12-04-2022, 12:27 AM
You're mentally broken and I contributed towards it.

I got your entire post history wiped on twoplustwo as well. Was a lot of fun.


8Balless is back for his meltdown. Lakers (and Bronie) got off to an abysmal start, and this clown was nowhere to be found. Now they win a few, and here he is. :roll:

Or maybe he disappeared because this Canadian libtard was fuming over the Republicans taking the house.


12-04-2022, 09:11 AM
Jordan's time as the goat is over, this is why 3ball had a meltdown and rage quit the forums, same as Kenny.

12-04-2022, 09:13 AM
The fakery... The bullshit.. The media straight up lying about this guy and usually not even realizing it

They said he overcame stuff or faced pressure but he literally had $100 million contract and future generations completely set before he ever dribbled a basketball. He didn't have to prove himself to get generational money, nor was there pressure to win - no one gave a shit when he was lottery for his first few years with the East all-star center on his team.. Otoh, Jordan is knocked for going 1-9 during the same period - the deception goes deep because this early period where most young players lose coincided with Jordan's time without Pippen (aka couldn't win without Pippen).. So it's a layered fraud not viewable to the nascent observer.

Of course Lebron's "decision" was originally perceived as a cheat code but nowadays it basically never happened and only Durant is considered a cheat code guy.

Here's the media pretending they don't know why Iman Shumpert would say that Lebron ruined basketball:


Despite teaming up with all the best players and getting preseason favorite status 9 times, Lebron fielded whimpering underdogs that needed more help regardless of cast.. The worst part is that the media blames his teammates for the losing by saying he simply "needs more help".. They refuse to acknowledge that his worst-ever brand of basketball needs the most help - i.e. his frontcourt ball-dominance is the highest maintenance skillset ever.

Furthermore, expert jumpshooters like Curry or MJ developed single-digit rookies like Pippen/Grant/BJ into viable producers, while Lebron's ball-dominance imposes spot-up roles that stall young players - he never developed any young players into a viable producer (zero young player development in 20 years)..

By imposing spot-up roles that stall young players, Lebron lacks the teammate development, fits or brand of ball to win organically and must be a talent-based winner instead (team-hopper... all-star team strategy)

TLDR: i fear the lakers could rebound this year to contend, which lebron will falsely get credit for instead of the super-team talent that he hand-picked

Reading this post brings me so much joy. How jordan tards feel about it and how their brains are melting over Bran overtaking Jordan.

It's over. This was the white flag post I was waiting for from 3ball.

Full Court
12-04-2022, 09:32 AM
Bronie's GOAT ship sailed when he had the mother of all chokes in 2011. And the Bronie fluffers are STILL in denial about it. :lol

12-04-2022, 09:37 AM
3ball would have stopped posting about Bron a long time ago. But he didn't.

Now he got himself banned after having a complete meltdown. He threw in the towel. He quit. He surrendered.

I broke him.

I messaged a mod on twoplustwo about 3ball's multiple accounts there, and his ENTIRE post history got wiped out. All of it. I was shocked the mods there nuked him so hard. But it was also very satisfying.

Hey Yo
12-04-2022, 10:13 AM
Full Cuck crying over his daddy being banned.

Full Court
12-04-2022, 09:38 PM
3ball would have stopped posting about Bron a long time ago. But he didn't.

Now he got himself banned after having a complete meltdown. He threw in the towel. He quit. He surrendered.

I broke him.

I messaged a mod on twoplustwo about 3ball's multiple accounts there, and his ENTIRE post history got wiped out. All of it. I was shocked the mods there nuked him so hard. But it was also very satisfying.

Congratulations on the pinnacle accomplishment of your life. :lol

I mean, what more do you even have to strive for now?

Lol. Loser.

12-04-2022, 11:11 PM
Jordan's time as the goat is over, this is why 3ball had a meltdown and rage quit the forums, same as Kenny.

Yet you seem to keep bringing Jordone up whenever Kong gets criticized. I wonder why.

12-04-2022, 11:17 PM
3ball slurpers coming in to defend his corpse.

12-04-2022, 11:18 PM
Can't be GOAT when a guy beat you head to head 3 times to 1 and has as many titles as you in less years in the league.