View Full Version : LeBron came from the bottom up

11-03-2022, 07:31 PM
From a single mother in a crackhouse. To a billionaire. Earned. MJ grew up middle class. Can’t compare

11-03-2022, 07:34 PM

11-03-2022, 08:28 PM
From a single mother in a crackhouse.

Tons of athletes came from that - poverty isn't so tough if you have generational athleticism like a pro athlete does - generational athleticism and getting hundreds of millions trumps being born without a Dad

And how many dribbles in the NBA did Lebron take before he obtained generational wealth?

Zero.. So he faced zero pressure to perform

Otoh, Jordan had to win about 4 titles and prove he was better than Bird/Magic before he got any money

And Lebron was moved into the community leader's house at the age of 10 (coach's house) and fed filet mignon every night.. Then he was completely coddled by getting 100 million before entering the league and then coddled AGAIN with hand-picked super-teams...

Smook A.
11-03-2022, 09:03 PM
LeBron's story from where he started to where he is now is definitely one of the best in sports history. He deserves every penny he has

Spurs m8
11-03-2022, 09:09 PM
Wow, this cvck was so upset that 3ball called out LeDelontes childhood, that he started this thread.

This is some seriously sad shit

My god, op....get a life

11-03-2022, 09:13 PM
LeBron's story from where he started to where he is now is definitely one of the best in sports history. He deserves every penny he has

It's a worse story than any other poor athlete because other athletes that overcame poverty had to EARN IT - they weren't gifted generational wealth and $100 million before ever taking a single dribble and then allowed to hand-pick super-teams... Nor were they praised when they fielded losing underdogs with super-teams and preseason favorites

11-03-2022, 09:17 PM
OP with a big factual post.

Smook A.
11-03-2022, 09:20 PM
It's a worse story than any other poor athlete because other athletes that overcame poverty had to EARN IT - they weren't gifted generational wealth and $100 million before ever taking a single dribble and then allowed to hand-pick super-teams... Nor were they praised when they fielded losing underdogs with super-teams and preseason favorites

More than anything, that just goes to show how good LeBron was before the NBA and how hard he had to work to get the hype that was given to him. Yes, he also won the genetic lottery, but you don't get to where he is without working your ass off. Give him some props

11-03-2022, 09:54 PM
More than anything, that just goes to show how good LeBron was before the NBA and how hard he had to work to get the hype that was given to him. Yes, he also won the genetic lottery, but you don't get to where he is without working your ass off. Give him some props

He was gifted generational wealth before proving he was worth it - that's harder than NOT getting the money until you prove it

And here's another thing you numbskulls don't understand - he never earned or overcame anything because he formed super-teams!!!... He literally teamed up with the top two 1st options in his conference - that's like Joker teaming up with Curry and Booker, and then everyone saying he overcame and earned it - it's preposterous

His skillset prevents him from winning organically - his frontcourt ball-dominance imposes spot-up roles that stall young players, so he lacks the teammate development, fits and brand of ball to win organically and must be a talent-based winner (team-hopper... all-star team strategy)... He never learned how to win (organic) and only learned how to team-hop

11-04-2022, 07:16 AM
Foolish jordon extremist alts actually think it is an insult to mention that LeBron didn't grow up with a father, yet managed to accomplish basketball GOAThood. :oldlol:
Meanwhile Foolish jordon himself used his own father as gambling collateral. :facepalm

11-04-2022, 07:29 AM

Not many of us can imagine having the rags to riches story that Lebron had :rockon:

11-04-2022, 08:26 AM
What an unlikely success story Lebron has truly been. Who would have thought that a 17-18 year old being called the "Chosen One" would have had a chance at playing in the NBA? What were the chances that a highly athletic 6'8" kid would even have had a chance at succeeding?

If anything, bron has been a spoiled self-entitled pos most of his life. That is why as much physical gifts above most athletes that he had, he did not develop his skills to the fullest. Kobe, Magic, MJ, Isaiah all had more grit and competitive fire in them than Lebron ever had.