View Full Version : Your greatest basketball guilty pleasure? Who do you like who you know you shouldn’t?

11-28-2022, 09:28 PM
We all have those things. Something you know isn’t “good” but you like it anyway. Just rubs you right. You like the cut of its jib. You may not be able to rationally explain it but you like it even knowing it isn’t traditionally something to be praised. I’d imagine we all have a few across life. Musically especially. This may be the worst song…that I love:


Its the kind of song I can’t call “good” but if I play it for you and you can’t find the humor in “Buying you Taco Bell, but a pimp eating steak” and “No money for Mack means drama for a hoe, paramedics toting to you through the trauma center door”? We are just incompatible. You know who not to play it for but it has a really high success rate when you pick your audience despite them also agreeing…it isn’t….actually good. It’s just classic anyway. It has my support despite knowing it shouldn’t.

And in that spirit….

Patrick Beverly. Shouldnt like him. I do. I’m not hearing arguments against it.

I’ve come around on Kevin Durant. Even forgetting the moves and super team attempts his Internet personality should be enough to not like him, but when it gets right down to it? That man is a basketball junkie, and he is so polished through what is obviously an amazing work ethic. I have no choice but to respect it. I like the guy. I don’t like how he behaves all the time but I like him.

perhaps the least justifiable one?

I think…maybe…in retrospect? I might like Bruce Bowen. The dirtiest player of his arrow. An absolute scumbag, who obviously crossed the line several times with his physical defense and trying to agitate people, putting his foot under guys causing injury, and the flying kicks and all that…..

Well you know what? When I type it all out…maybe not. Maybe he’s not a guilty pleasure but…I can acknowledge that it get it. I get what he was there to do and why. And I respect his building a lane for himself. Not the most skilled but he found a way to start for a dynasty for a long time and be really key to it.

Maybe his isn’t a guilty pleasure so much as…a begrudging understanding.

How about you?

Who do you like…that is hard to justify?

Xiao Yao You
11-28-2022, 09:32 PM
I like Gobert and I've been told that I can't and that I'm nuts. Only guys that score lots of points and make ESPN highlite reels apparently

11-28-2022, 09:33 PM
Westbrook, Ben Simmons, DeMarcus Cousins and Gordon Hayward

11-28-2022, 09:35 PM
I like Gobert and I've been told that I can't and that I'm nuts. Only guys that score lots of points and make ESPN highlite reels apparently

People think it's weird when you trash his teammates.

Anyway, Bill Laimbeer. I didn't like his game or anything. It's just funny how much of a dirty player he was.

11-28-2022, 09:35 PM
DeMarcus Cousins

Him too.

11-28-2022, 09:37 PM
Pretty much everybody here liked and respected Ben Wallace in his day. But nobody was a dick about it so he never drew any animosity. Nobody ever had a bad word to say about Tony Allen. Being a defender doesn’t mean you can’t have fans and be widely beloved. Your behavior is the issue with Rudy on here not anything he did personally. I’m sure you think you’re perfectly reasonable. All unreasonable people do. There isn’t a person alive who thinks their closely held sports opinions are ridiculous. That’s part of the ridiculousness of sports fans. Not being able to see it and thinking everyone else is the problem.

11-28-2022, 09:41 PM
Jahlil Okafor

11-28-2022, 09:47 PM
Ron Artest

11-28-2022, 09:48 PM
Rudy Gobert. I will start making topics about him soon

11-28-2022, 10:07 PM
Lebron James :ohwell:


11-28-2022, 10:49 PM
I was super high on Michael Beasley for a long time. Just didn't pan out but he did have a good run in New York for awhile. Funny how when it came out that he beat Lebron One-on-One I wasn't surprised at all

Also thought that one day Trevor Ariza would turn into a Paul George but I was wrong. Still solid though

11-29-2022, 12:20 AM
I was super high on Michael Beasley for a long time. Just didn't pan out but he did have a good run in New York for awhile. Funny how when it came out that he beat Lebron One-on-One I wasn't surprised at all

Also thought that one day Trevor Ariza would turn into a Paul George but I was wrong. Still solid though

How did you think Ariza would turn into a Paul George when Ariza came way before PG did...

11-29-2022, 12:24 AM
How did you think Ariza would turn into a Paul George when Ariza came way before PG did...

Chick Stern
11-29-2022, 12:36 AM
Kyle Anderson

11-29-2022, 12:37 AM
How did you think Ariza would turn into a Paul George when Ariza came way before PG did...

He thought Ariza would turn into the type of player Paul George eventually became. Doesn't mean he had Paul George specifically in mind.

11-29-2022, 09:44 AM

11-29-2022, 10:41 AM
I absolutely loved Kirk Hinrich.

He was at times very frustrating to watch offensively, his shit would come and go, sometimes he was just a prick waiting to happen, but his annoying of offensive players and defensive intensity, is rarely talked about. For being a Kansas white boy, without insane athleticism or lengths, in his prime, in person, I watched him frustrate the living hell out of the two best shooting guards since Michael Jordan. I saw him lock up prime Kobe Bryant, and prime Dwyane Wade in a full playoff series. Absolutely loved Hinrich.

Other mentions, Tyreke Evans, I don’t get why his career flamed out, ugly as hell jumper, but a big body Benz with crazy handles I could get to the rim and finish and it was very entertaining to watch.

Jamal Crawford, and Zach Lavine. At times very entertaining players to watch, even though they provide very superficial hollow scoring, with a little impact elsewhere, especially being totally nonexistent defensively.

And nowadays, sadly, Kyrie Irving. Insane talent, but a complete headache off the court. Who might not be worth the trouble, even with all he brings to the table basketball wise.

11-29-2022, 10:47 AM
I feel like Captain Kirk isn’t a guilty pleasure. I’ve never heard of anyone having a problem with him. He was generally respected I’d say.

11-29-2022, 11:03 AM
I was super high on Michael Beasley for a long time. Just didn't pan out but he did have a good run in New York for awhile. Funny how when it came out that he beat Lebron One-on-One I wasn't surprised at all

Also thought that one day Trevor Ariza would turn into a Paul George but I was wrong. Still solid though

this isnt about players that you were wrong on though. that didnt pan out.

11-29-2022, 11:09 AM
I feel like Captain Kirk isn’t a guilty pleasure. I’ve never heard of anyone having a problem with him. He was generally respected I’d say.

So this is predicated on who other people dislike, I didn’t know there was a list or consensus ok certain players. He wasn’t universally praised and loved even locally here in Chicago during his time with the Bulls. He’s not a superstar or Hall of Famer, so my level of fandom for him, is a guilty pleasure. Or do I have to run this through you first in terms of phrasing to answer your question?

11-29-2022, 12:04 PM
List who you want I just don’t understand the guilty part of it. It’s like being a fan of Mike Conley. Did Kirk do something I don’t know about to make you feel like being a fan is kinda….wrong? He just seems a fine upstanding good but not great player. Isn’t he too likable to be a guilty pleasure? That’s what I was saying. That I don’t feel like there’s anything weird about really supporting kirk Hinrich.

11-29-2022, 06:52 PM
Ron Artest for me. Obviously a total headcase but bone-crushing defense and good offense still makes me feel I can play him 35+ minutes and he'd improve the chances of my team winning the game. Out of current players probably Kyrie.