View Full Version : LeGhandi drops another social justice BANGER

12-01-2022, 11:33 AM
LOS ANGELES -- After answering questions about the Los Angeles Lakers' 128-109 win over the Portland Trail Blazers on Wednesday, LeBron James turned things around on the reporters in the room with a query of his own.

Why, James wanted to know, had he not been asked about a photograph that recently surfaced showing Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones, at the age of 14, peering over a crowd of white students who were attempting to block six Black students from entering the doors of North Little Rock High School in 1957?

"I got one question for you guys before you guys leave. I was thinking when I was on my way over here, I was wondering why I haven't gotten a question from you guys about the Jerry Jones photo," James said. "But when the Kyrie [Irving] thing was going on, you guys were quick to ask us questions about that."

On Nov. 5, after the Brooklyn Nets announced a suspension for James' former teammate after Irving shared a link to a documentary containing antisemitic tropes on social media, James was asked why he believed so few players around the league had commented on Irving's post and subsequent comments.

"Me personally, I don't condone any hate to any kind. To any race. To Jewish communities, to Black communities, to Asian communities. You guys know where I stand," James said at the time. "I believe what Kyrie did caused some harm to a lot of people. And he has since, over the last -- I think it was today, or yesterday -- he apologized. But he caused some harm, and I think it's unfortunate."

On Nov. 23, The Washington Post published a story examining Jones' track record of failing to hire Black coaches during his tenure owning the Cowboys. Included within the story was the black-and-white photo depicting a young Jones observing the harassment of the Black students a couple of yards in front of him.

Addressing reporters at the conclusion of his postgame news conference Wednesday, James said, "When I watch Kyrie talk and he says, 'I know who I am, but I want to keep the same energy when we're talking about my people and the things that we've been through,' and that Jerry Jones photo is one of those moments that our people, Black people, have been through in America. And I feel like as a Black man, as a Black athlete, as someone with power and a platform, when we do something wrong, or something that people don't agree with, it's on every single tabloid, every single news coverage, it's on the bottom ticker. It's asked about every single day.

"But it seems like to me that the whole Jerry Jones situation, photo -- and I know it was years and years ago and we all make mistakes, I get it -- but it seems like it's just been buried under, like, 'Oh, it happened. OK, we just move on.' And I was just kind of disappointed that I haven't received that question from you guys."

Jones, when asked about the 65-year-old photograph, told reporters last week that he was merely present as a curious onlooker and did not engage in discrimination against the Black students.

"I didn't know at the time the monumental event really that was going on," Jones said. "I'm sure glad that we're a long way from that. I am. That would remind me [to] just continue to do everything we can to not have those kinds of things happen."

James grew up in Akron, Ohio, about an hour from Cleveland where the Browns played their NFL home games, but identified as a Cowboys fan as a child, explaining as an adult that he just wanted to be associated with a winner while enduring a hardscrabble upbringing. In October, in an Instagram Live appearance with longtime friend and business partner Maverick Carter to promote "The Shop" partnering with Amazon to provide an alternate telecast for "Thursday Night Football," James explained why he had stopped rooting for the Cowboys.

"I had to sit out on the Cowboys, man," James said when asked whether he was still a Cowboys fan. "There's just a lot of things that were going on when guys were kneeling. Guys were having freedom of speech and wanting to do it in a very peaceful manner. ... The organization was like, 'If you do that around here, then you will never play for this franchise again.' I just didn't think that was appropriate."

Jones, in 2017 when many NFL players began kneeling during the national anthem in a gesture of solidarity for then-San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick's peaceful protest against police brutality, said he would not "tolerate" any of his players "disrespecting the flag."

The hero we need.

LeHaters in SHAMBLES :rockon:

12-01-2022, 11:39 AM
LeGandhi :lol

12-01-2022, 12:06 PM
When he says you guys, does he mean you white people?

When he says US does he mean black people?

Loaded words.

12-01-2022, 12:15 PM
When he says you guys, does he mean you white people?

When he says US does he mean black people?

Loaded words.

I hope you arent questioning LeUniter.

I dont want to have to put you in check.

Spurs m8
12-01-2022, 01:08 PM
Why would they ask him?

Hes a fvcking pea brain

Must have an iq of about 70 and lives in a fantasy land.

Dumb cvnt can't even type a literate sentence

12-01-2022, 01:10 PM

Bron stans proving again the obvious.

Hey Yo
12-01-2022, 01:14 PM

Bron stans proving again the obvious.

Good thing you posted that..... now everyone knows who OP was really referring to.

12-01-2022, 01:25 PM
Why would NBA reporters in LA ask him about a football owner in Dallas? :facepalm

12-01-2022, 01:31 PM
Why would NBA reporters ask him about a football owner in Dallas? :facepalm

Because Jerry was being racist when he silenced his players from taking a knee who were trying to speak out for social justice like Colin Kappernick, and Lebron cant get down with that.

And before you bring up this stupid thing, IT WAS COMPLETELY DIFFERENT


12-01-2022, 02:05 PM
Because Jerry was being racist when he silenced his players from taking a knee who were trying to speak out for social justice like Colin Kappernick, and Lebron cant get down with that.

And before you bring up this stupid thing, IT WAS COMPLETELY DIFFERENT


Lebron wasn't even talking about the Kappernick situation. He was talking about a photo from 1957. :facepalm

12-01-2022, 02:11 PM
Lebron wasn't even talking about the Kappernick situation. He was talking about a photo from 1957. :facepalm

I'm pretty sure OP bolded the words regarding the 1957 incident himself..

12-01-2022, 02:21 PM
Lebron wasn't even talking about the Kappernick situation. He was talking about a photo from 1957. :facepalm

In October, in an Instagram Live appearance with longtime friend and business partner Maverick Carter to promote "The Shop" partnering with Amazon to provide an alternate telecast for "Thursday Night Football," James explained why he had stopped rooting for the Cowboys.

"I had to sit out on the Cowboys, man," James said when asked whether he was still a Cowboys fan. "There's just a lot of things that were going on when guys were kneeling. Guys were having freedom of speech and wanting to do it in a very peaceful manner. ... The organization was like, 'If you do that around here, then you will never play for this franchise again.' I just didn't think that was appropriate."

Lebron himself spelled it out for you in plain English on instagram live.

If youre not savvy enough to follow the workings of his beautiful brain, thats your problem dickhead.

12-01-2022, 02:40 PM
Lebron himself spelled it out for you in plain English on instagram live.

If youre not savvy enough to follow the workings of his beautiful brain, thats your problem dickhead.

He was asking the press why they didn't ask him about the 1957 photo which was just released a week ago. The real question is .... why would they ask him about it?

Are you saying the press should have asked him about it because of an Instagram Live he did in October? :wtf:

Full Court
12-01-2022, 02:48 PM
Lebron is about as dumb as the Bronie fluffers on here. "Why didn't you ask me about this when you asked about Kyrie?"

Uhhhhh, duhhhhhhh, duhhhhhhhhhhhh maybe because Kyrie was your former teammate, as opposed to some owner in an entirely different sport, you moron?


12-01-2022, 02:51 PM
He was asking the press why they didn't ask him about the 1957 photo which was just released a week ago. The real question is .... why would they ask him about it?

Are you saying the press should have asked him about it because of an Instagram Live he did in October? :wtf:

Yes. :crazysam:

12-01-2022, 02:53 PM
Is he seriously wondering why he is being asked about a current event involving his former teammate as opposed to something that happened 70 years ago and has nothing to do with him? The race hustling is too much with this guy.

Full Court
12-01-2022, 02:54 PM
Yes. :crazysam:

Bro, do you like to dribble?

Because I'm 'bout to dribble your face off my knuckles.


Smook A.
12-01-2022, 02:58 PM
He has a point about the media, but I don't understand why he expected to be asked about that. It's completely unrelated to him and he has no connection to the NFL or Jerry Jones besides being a former Cowboys fan

12-01-2022, 03:00 PM
LeBron isn't supposed to have well curated and reasonable takes on society or politics. He spends all of his meaningful time mastering his craft.

This is the type of shit I like to hear from my GOAT. :rockon:

12-01-2022, 04:24 PM
The media should just start asking him about totally random stuff after every game instead of the game itself.
See that high IQ in action.

12-01-2022, 04:29 PM
The media should just start asking him about totally random stuff after every game instead of the game itself.
See that high IQ in action.

They've asked him about the Godfather movies and the Autobiography of Malcolm X before..

12-01-2022, 04:37 PM
They've asked him about the Godfather movies and the Autobiography of Malcolm X before..

Maybe, after 5 years, he finally finished his Malcolm X book and is feeling a little militant.

12-01-2022, 08:16 PM
These guys are "reporters" and there are more important things happening seemed to be the point. He's already made it clear that basketball isn't that important in the grand scheme of things.

NBA 90s
12-01-2022, 09:31 PM
The hero we need.

LeHaters in SHAMBLES :rockon:

The Jerry Jones photo was over 60 years ago and Jones was a teenager at the time. Kyrie's comments were far more recent and thus more relevant. Same with the injustices in China that LeBron has been silent about.

Also a guy who helped stoke racial tensions by putting a policeman's life in danger should not be compared to Gandhi.

12-01-2022, 09:40 PM
Bron wants to own the Cowboys.

He is playing 4D chess here.

12-01-2022, 11:58 PM
Why do I get the sense LeBron said that as an indirect way to defend Kyrie? Sure feels that way. Or at least a whataboulism.

12-02-2022, 04:34 PM
Why do I get the sense LeBron said that as an indirect way to defend Kyrie? Sure feels that way. Or at least a whataboulism.

Wow you are smart