View Full Version : The last time I played basketball...

07-26-2007, 04:57 PM
I got rim blocked attempting to dunk on a break away.
I got my shot ate up twice on the same play.
I got my feet taken out from under me incidentally/wind got knocked out of me
I played an average game and was winded
I had a hot streak of knocking down 4 straight 3's
I had a cold streak missing my next 5 shots
I got outmuscled going up for a rebound
I cut that same players ankles and layed them up
I thought to myself after the game ended "Am I too old to be playing?"

07-26-2007, 05:08 PM
Follow my lead and list the things that happened the last time you played basketball.

07-26-2007, 05:09 PM
I got rim blocked attempting to dunk on a break away.
I got my shot ate up twice on the same play.
I got my feet taken out from under me incidentally/wind got knocked out of me
I played an average game and was winded
I had a hot streak of knocking down 4 straight 3's
I had a cold streak missing my next 5 shots
I got outmuscled going up for a rebound
I cut that same players ankles and layed them up
I thought to myself after the game ended "Am I too old to be playing?"

Either that or you're experiencing the side effects of pregnancy...

lol nah sounds like you just need to play more often. That's how i was after i took a year long break and started playin again. You show flashes of talent but then fizzle out cuz youre not conditioned anymore. It gets better after a few games

edit: Oh and last time i played was against my 54 year old uncle and 10 year old cousin in a game of 21. I won by a lot, did some 360s and other show offy moves cuz my family was watching lol. Not a good judge of where i stand due to lack of competition

07-26-2007, 05:10 PM
After 5 mins of hooping, I turn into Kapono. My knees hurt so bad and I just hit the open J. I don't really pride into offense as much as I pride myself on my defense. If I cared about playing Basketball as much as I cared watching it, I could have been the next Bowen.

Last time I played Basketball....

I didn't drive as much as I should
I made a circus shot
I got blocked
I man handled my player defensively
I was sore

07-26-2007, 05:11 PM
Yeah no doubt, its been a minute since I ran rock. It was fun but I wasnt in basketball shape. I mean I'm on great shape/condition but for basketball? Nah.

Like I told LKizzle follow my lead and list things that happened the last time you played basketball.

07-26-2007, 05:13 PM
After 5 mins of hooping, I turn into Kapono. My knees hurt so bad and I just hit the open J. I don't really pride into offense as much as I pride myself on my defense. If I cared about playing Basketball as much as I cared watching it, I could have been the next Bowen.

Last time I played Basketball....

I didn't drive as much as I should
I made a circus shot
I got blocked
I man handled my player defensively
I was sore

Damn bruh knees sore??? Try staying off them, tell your boyfriend to stop being selfish perhaps? :confusedshrug:


But whats up with your knees? Too young homie. Maybe you're not in shape...need to do some leg excersises, lift weights with them as well.

07-26-2007, 05:14 PM
30 years ago, back in my prime...

I ripped a scrub at halfcourt, had a clear breakaway, and threw a windmill in. Clean as ice.

Then you woke up with Michael Jordan saying "Kid...Hey Kid...get my car" at the vallet for Le Chea Labeouf'.

07-26-2007, 05:15 PM
Damn bruh knees sore??? Try staying off them, tell your boyfriend to stop being selfish perhaps? :confusedshrug:


But whats up with your knees? Too young homie. Maybe you're not in shape...need to do some leg excersises, lift weights with them as well.


My doctor told me I should drink more milk. I drink two cups a day now but since age 6-17, I only drank soda(Coke, Sprite,etc). Seriously, I didn't even drink water, only water I had was in my juice and soda.

07-26-2007, 05:15 PM
I got rim blocked attempting to dunk on a break away.
I got my shot ate up twice on the same play.
I got my feet taken out from under me incidentally/wind got knocked out of me
I played an average game and was winded
I had a hot streak of knocking down 4 straight 3's
I had a cold streak missing my next 5 shots
I got outmuscled going up for a rebound
I cut that same players ankles and layed them up
I thought to myself after the game ended "Am I too old to be playing?"

My last time included:

--Being tired to death after one game
--Got stuffed by a 17 year old
--Had to guard same balling 17 year old although I am 25 pounds overweight and more than a decade older than him
--Had two nice rebounds in the paint, and two missed putbacks from a foot away
--Went about 2-8 from the field.
--Was sort of tired after shoot around

However, due to the weight gain, I stuck my fat ass in there are got some more boards. I definitely had the same question, but it is fun either way.

I'm turning into the fundamentally sound, overweight, facilitator that can surprise you with some range and a trick or two. I just pass to the young kids and then tug on my shorts for a while. You all know who I'm talking about.

07-26-2007, 05:16 PM
30 years ago, back in my prime...

I ripped a scrub at halfcourt, had a clear breakaway, and threw a windmill in. Clean as ice.

Holy crap you haven't played in 30 years??? How old are you man? (not asking in an insulting way but out of curiosity)

07-26-2007, 05:16 PM
- Before the game I told them I haven't played in about 6 months and was rusty.
- I still got picked second (reputation)
- The first 2 shots went over the backboard.
- The next one was an air ball.
- The next 3 shots all missed bad.
- I finaly drove to the basket, got ripped.
- I got him back, with 3 straight lay-ups, short jumpers.
- I bloked some big guys shot.
- I finaly made a long jumper.
- I made the final shot, a runner of the glass.

07-26-2007, 05:20 PM
9 out of 10 times when I shoot an air ball it feels good. Nice form, perfect rotation, I love the release....I'm hoppin in place holding the hand up. Its in the air...I'm hot doggin it and I gotta yell "SHORT!" :violin:

07-26-2007, 05:22 PM
Listen kid, I've been playing/watching this game before you could even walk. If you want to become a great player, you need to start with plyometric workouts. This game is won by FREAKISH ATHLETICISM. Back in my day, you could get away with being slow, unathletic, and just succeed off of pure skill. Today's game is different.

I'm pretty sure he wasn't insulting you. :confusedshrug:

07-26-2007, 05:23 PM
Listen kid, I've been playing/watching this game before you could even walk. If you want to become a great player, you need to start with plyometric workouts. This game is won by FREAKISH ATHLETICISM. Back in my day, you could get away with being slow, unathletic, and just succeed off of pure skill. Today's game is different.

Umm...i assumed as much since you haven't played in 30 years and i'm only 21.

I just asked how old you were! :wtf:

07-26-2007, 05:25 PM
The last time i played basketball, I thought I was Lebron James.

Joke..... :D :D :D

Seriously the last time i played organize basketball is 3 months ago.

Everytime i am not playing it feels like i am not hitting some easy jumpers that i use too when i am playing basketball everyday.

07-26-2007, 05:25 PM
Last time I played:
-I was limping around the court with an injury
-We were in the playoffs
-I scored a couple of points on an offensive board
-I had a couple of good rebounds and surprisingly jumped fairly high with my injury
-I played lockdown defense despite being hurt
-I could've guarded the ball better but was too slow due to injury and switched
-Didn't get as much playing time as I would've if healthy
-Team got screwed due to sh.itty scorekeepers
-Ended up going to overtime even though we should've already won the game
-I was put in on the final possesion to hit a three to win it, but other team ended up hitting game winner

07-26-2007, 05:26 PM
Played 5 on 5 at the park and:

I hit 3 3 pointers
got blocked
had a couple nice assists
had about 4 or 5 rebounds
got blocked real bad once
missed a hook shot

07-26-2007, 05:28 PM
Played 5 on 5 at the park and:

I hit 3 3 pointers
got blocked
had a couple nice assists
had about 4 or 5 rebounds
got blocked real bad once
missed a hook shot

Who shoots hook shots? Spencer Hawes that you? :oldlol:

07-26-2007, 05:29 PM
- I got blocked on a hanging lay-up attempt(Kobe-esqe minus about 3/4 of the hangtime)
- Forced a kid to kill he dribble but he then proceeded to hit a skyhook from 25 feet out
- Air balled a 3
- Hit a 3 in some kids face
- Tweaked my ankle on d
- Stripped a kid in the post
- Got ripped on a drive
- Hit a fading bank shot close to the baseline at a terrible angle
- Split a double on the pick and roll with a sick between the legs move and then proceeded to barely graze the rim on the floater i attempted

07-26-2007, 05:37 PM
I held my own offensively, byt let's just say I drastically underestimated the talent of a third-world country with no official NBA ties. (wON'T SAY WHERE i AM NOW) My cousin warned me that this guy who drove us to the park was considered one of the city's finest. I dwarfed him. I'm only 6-1, and he's like 5-9. I thaught maybe he could drive, but man, turned out this dude could RAIN three's all damn day. Seriously, I played him for the shot, tightly, and still managed to bust threes over the top of my arms.

07-26-2007, 05:59 PM
I got rim blocked attempting to dunk on a break away.
I got my shot ate up twice on the same play.
I got my feet taken out from under me incidentally/wind got knocked out of me
I played an average game and was winded
I had a hot streak of knocking down 4 straight 3's
I had a cold streak missing my next 5 shots
I got outmuscled going up for a rebound
I cut that same players ankles and layed them up
I thought to myself after the game ended "Am I too old to be playing?"

Last time I played basketball was two years ago, playing full-court indoors after only playing half court outdoors for probably two or three years. Normally, I would play with friends from work that were my height (5'10") plus or minus 3-4 inches, I think the tallest guy to play with our group was 6'4"/6'5" or so without much vert. He could dunk, but nothing spectacular, and rarely in heavy traffer. But the last time I played I was one of the three smallest people on the court, which basically had me running more like a guard than a forward. So with that in mind, I felt even more out of shape and old:

I felt that I didn't have any grip, and I had absolutely zero confidence in my surgically reconstructed knee.

I felt like I was about three steps slower.

I felt like I had no control over my vertical leap. On plays where I pushed it to try and get some height for an inside move (I haven't dunked since destroying my knee), I felt like I had a two inch vertical.. but on other plays, like a simple fast break layup, I found myself much higher than I thought I would've been. Must've been the non-destroyed left leg doing that.

I lost about two feet of range. I never was a good long range shooter, my favorite spots were always 15-18' on the baselines and elbow of the lane, and college threes around the top of the key/edges of the lane. I could hit NBA threes, but only when I had my legs, so generally I'd take a couple early in games, and people would think I had a lot of range, and from that point on they'd close hard on me and I could fake and move in for a shot I could hit more consistently. The last time I played, there was no way in hell I was hitting an NBA three. College threes took about as much effort and legs as NBA threes used to for me, and I felt like I had to put a little more arc into my mid-range shots because they were real flat.

Pivoting and attempted spins off of my right foot just never went right. All I could really do with it was drop step to a jumper/fadeaway. After the first hilariously miserable spin attempt, I wouldn't do it again, but used a half spin as a fake so that I didn't have to rely on my right leg for it. That worked twice.

I lost my Miles Simon middle-of-the-lane floater! That bummed me out more than anything. I only tried two in the game, and both were way off. After the game, I worked on it a while and it was a bit better, but it's obvious that it fell off from lack of practicing.

I really didn't rebound nearly as well as I used to, but again, I was playing full court, playing more of a guard position, and playing in amongst the trees, so I don't know how much of that was due to degradation of game ;)

Only really had two nice crossovers, one resulting in a finger roll, the other in a nice bounce pass to a teamie for a layup off of the baseline. I was on a pretty good team, so I was doing more setting up of the bigger guys than doing much on my own. I had a few nice plays and really got to enjoy playing the pick and roll with some people who actually knew how to play the pick and roll -well-. But after those two crossovers, I attempted a couple more and they -all- got picked. The dude guarding me picked up on my tendencies real quick.

I found out how it it must be like when Shaq has a mismatch. I found myself picking up a massive 6'8" guy who looked like Arvydas Sabonis. He was probably in his late 30s, early 40s, all of his shots were set shots, and all of his inside moves were hooks, but due to his height and his sheer size (he was thick, like a freakin' linebacker) it was a tough time defending them. I got stuck on him in the low post, but he caught it about 10 feet out. He backed me in and made a move towards me that slammed into me like a ton of bricks. He definitely wasn't trying to hammer me, but that's what ended up happening. I went down like Ginobili, and at first a couple people smirked because they thought I flopped, but I just wasn't prepared for the hit and went flying! When you go to guard someone in the post, and your elbow is pretty much in line with the bottom of their ass, you're in trouble.

My nicest move of the game was "skying" in for a rebound from the right baseline, landing just about under the rim, dropping one dribble and going right up for a short fade, all in one motion. My buddy Bryan laughed and yelled "Barkley!" to bust on me for it ;)

I learned real fast that my handles didn't cut it to run the point. I got picked more times than I'd care to admit. After my guy picked me a few times and I was able to bait him into going for the steal without doing anything flashy, just maintaining control, the other small dude on the other team learned real quick that if the two of them swarmed me, it resulted in a turnover. I had to pick up my dribble a few times coming down that better handles would've gotten me through.

I did one jump stop move, something I was just working on when our basketball group kinda fell apart due to the massive layoffs at our company, and dislocated my knee. It was close to the end of the first game and I was wearing my brace, so it was just a matter of popping it back into place and it was all good. I can dislocate it pretty easily, all it takes is the wrong amount of lateral pressure and it'll pop out to the left side of the joint. Bad enough that you can see the difference. It hurts like hell while it's out, but once it's back in, it calms down. It'll swell up, and later than night it certainly did, but I was able to get three more games in that day thanks to the awesome brace I picked up.

I got one block! Yay!

I got blocked at least six times throughout the four games I played. At least two were impressive, sent into the third row blocks. Not having hops anymore isn't fun.

I felt like I sweated off fifty pounds. I had to have looked like absolute hell out there. It was fun, but made me really want to get back, get in better shape and work on my game before going up there again. That was a little over two years ago, and life has since gotten in the way. Now it'll be a hell of a lot more work, but who knows. The motivation just hasn't been there. I still go out and shoot around and play a little one on one, a little 21, but nothing serious.

07-26-2007, 06:03 PM
Is it mandatory to write an essay?

07-26-2007, 06:05 PM
- it was last sunday
- in honour of tradition, i had a ciggy before and after the game with my teammates
- we lost
- in typical style, i was useless
- my blue shoes clashed with my black and red uniform
- my team played good in the first half, and horrible in the second due to a huge lack of fitness
- a guy playing on the other team quickly earned the nickname dick-lips, due to the fact that whenever he dribbled, his tongue would dig into the side of his cheek giving the impression of someone giving head.

07-26-2007, 06:07 PM
lol no offense JR but i'm really glad i wasn't one of your teachers. You just tend to go overboard sometimes with the writing.

You probably attached pieces of paper to multiple choice exams explaining why you picked each answer didn't you? haha

07-26-2007, 06:55 PM
Is it mandatory to write an essay?

Only if you're capable of expressing yourself.

Obviously, you're excused.

07-26-2007, 07:06 PM
lol no offense JR but i'm really glad i wasn't one of your teachers. You just tend to go overboard sometimes with the writing.

You probably attached pieces of paper to multiple choice exams explaining why you picked each answer didn't you? haha

Like I said in an earlier post, I tend to be rather verbose, and today was a completely dead day at work. I'm taking an extended weekend to hit the OshKosh airshow this weekend, and I pretty much didn't have a thing to do all day.

Plus, I completely wrecked my back this morning, so I was at my desk all day.

I realize that on the internet, most people try as hard as they can to abbreviate things as much as possible. This leads to a lot of miscommunication and misunderstandings that must be followed up with clarification after clarification. And of course, when you're dealing with people on the internet versus dealing with them in person, you don't have the benefit of body language, and for many people social graces. People tend to be much bigger pricks online than they are offline, simply because there's anonymity and a lack of accountability. So people get their little e-balls and try and act hardcore, when in reality they're weak little *****es. We all know how it goes, it's not new for any of us, I just prefer not to deal with such immaturity and ignorance. So, I write a lot. You can't read one of my posts and honestly say, "Umm, I don't understand what you mean, could you be more clear?"

The bright side of things is that most people, especially the above referenced immature and ignorant people, tend to be really lazy. Reading is -so- hard, isn't it? Well, those people tend to ignore my writings, or they try and insult them because they're =way= over their heads. They're really easy to deal with and knock the little e-props out from under their feet, and eventually they just ignore anything more than two lines that don't contain emoticons or "LOLZ! ZOMGWTFBBQ!" type stuff. That works for me. It's kind of like the difference between people who read literature and the people who look at pictures in magazines. The people I relate to and want to interact are the former, not the latter. Turning them off is win/win for me.

If reading my posts is just too difficult, don't read 'em. I could sit and complain about every little retard who only posts "+1" or "lol" and nothing else, but I'd like to think I'm a bit better than that. If people want to insult someone because they actually put thought and effort into what they say, all I can say is look at the source. The results always speak for themselves.

07-26-2007, 07:08 PM
- completely shut down my man to the point he stopped taking shots altogether
- hit a little fallaway teardrop off a pick
- went into the lane and hit a underhand scoop layup after drawing contact, yet didn't call the foul
- hit 2 or 3 18 foot jumpers
- stupidly drove right down the middle of the lane and got stuffed by my man, who didn't even have to jump because I was too dumb to protect the ball
- idly stood there while my man got the offensive rebound and hit the putback from like 10 feet in
- assisted my teammate on a leaning bank shot

pete's montreux
07-26-2007, 07:14 PM
- I dunked on some dude and my nuts came out of my shorts and haymakered him in the mouth

07-26-2007, 07:15 PM
At 4:03 in the afternoon on this day, July 26, 2007, I completed my first ever slam dunk

07-26-2007, 07:15 PM
At 4:03 in the afternoon on this day, July 26, 2007, I completed my first ever slam dunk

Arent you 6'5"?

07-26-2007, 07:17 PM
Arent you 6'5"?

yup. Pretty sad, eh? 6'5 and it takes an EXTRAORDINARY effort/long @ss time for me to dunk. I've been doing a lot of jump roping and leg presses. My goal was to dunk before I turned 26 in November and I did it!


07-26-2007, 07:21 PM
yup. Pretty sad, eh? 6'5 and it takes an EXTRAORDINARY effort/long @ss time for me to dunk. I've been doing a lot of jump roping and leg presses. My goal was to dunk before I turned 26 in November and I did it!


Congrats i threw down my first dunk this winter and i was so happy about it.

07-26-2007, 07:31 PM
i shot an airball
i made a game winning three
i got burned by a crossover
i made three 3s in a row
my team won 2 games in a row
my team lost a game
i rolled my ankle, not that serious
kept playing, won another game, and left.

07-26-2007, 07:41 PM
I'm still young, and so my competition isn't exactly stunning. Played against a bunch of 12-13 years olds and they were all shorter than me. The last time I played ball:

I was got a wide-open layup, made it.
Did a horribe job defensively while guarding a little girl, she fired a 3, I contested, she made it and everybody was like 'Daymun......"
Threw some good outlet passes.
Became the point guard on one possession, just jacked up a 3 and made it.

07-26-2007, 07:46 PM
I unfortunately played with guys that were all shorter than me 5'11" and no bball IQ. Only black guy and one other Philipino sick PG on my team. All other players were Japanese.
The opposing team front court was 6'4" average 18...
Needless to say we lost a close one 21 to 19. I played decent. Held my own against the 3 of them in the paint.

-Got rejected from behind a couple of times...
-Got burnt by man hitting open J's playing help D (tried to prevent an easy 3 foot shot in the post gave up a 13 foot J which here seems to be good as a lay up)...
-Blocked a few shots
-Stole the rock a few times
-Brought them out the paint dribbled passed them hit a couple of layups and short shots
-Got winded
-Only scored 8 of 21 points
-Couldnt take over the game at the end

07-26-2007, 07:57 PM
I don't understand the point of this thread...

07-26-2007, 08:19 PM
I'm out of shape at 22 years old, kinda sucks but working at a bank at the best excercise. The last time I balled I:

- Got crossed up repeatedly by an energetic 5'6-5'7 17 year old, who drove past me at will but couldnt get a lay up off without me blocking him (good thing height never leaves)
- Had the ugliest most off jumper ever (normally ugly but drops from time to time)
- Then ended up guarding my boy a 6'4 240 lb defensive end, ending up as a garbage man
- Stayed on the defensive end of the court 3/4 of the game

I got a lot of points but they where all fought for, I got them either in the post off a turnaround j or a layups, off layups, or in transition. I was too scared to try to dunk in-game because when we were shooting around I coudln't palm the ball and would lose it when I went up to try for a dunk. Doubt I could have got up high enough anyway. Stil played good D though. But the next day my whole body was sore.

07-26-2007, 08:31 PM
i played 3 games (im 28 oponent is 1 foot taller and 10 years younger) First game i lost 9 - 11 second game i won 11- 1 last game i got hammered 6 - 11
I lost 2 of the 3 games but if you count up the points i got 26 to 23 points so i feel pretty good about the games. Of course i was playing loose d but i did make sure that all inside shots were contested. My game was an outside game 3 3- 5 3s and probably 33% from the field... 2nd game i missed hardly any shots.

Over all i think i did pretty good considering my oponent... alot of my shots came from pump fake fadaways the damn kid kept fouling me every play but i didnt complain. of course i was winded and contemplated why i try to play basketball after it was over also lol.

Samurai Swoosh
07-26-2007, 09:10 PM
Well ...

- Prefaced everything with the regulars in the gym, who I used to play with on a regular basis, that I haven't hooped for 2-3 months.
- Came out struggling with my shot. Absolutely atrocious, especially for my normal standards.
- Started out handling the ball well, but when I went to my various moves and combo moves ... after I bust the first one, I'd like lose the ball on the second "blow bye" move or something. It actually was really frusterating because I could sense I had the motions down, but the fine tuning and timing with the right touch and bounce to the ball wasn't there like it used to be.
- I felt slow on lateral defense. In my mind I blamed my sneakers. Weird, yes ... But I know it was me not playing for awhile and not moving well in reality.
- Grabbed a few boards, which was about the only positive of the day.
- Had numerous errant passes which normally hit their mark.
- Couldn't get through the lanes I usually do, or continually beat my man off the dribble.

I felt horrible after playing. The worst I felt in a LONG time. I hate going out there and just being an average ball player. I wasn't near my normal playong status. Where everyone in the gym knows I can do anything on the court at anytime I feel up to it. Hell, I was having trouble playing defense. I walked away too asking "Am I too old to play this game" ... and I turn 22 on Sunday. haha

Either way, I promised myself to get back in the gym and get my routine down ... and get my skills back and re-loaded.

07-26-2007, 09:18 PM
-I was winded after 5 minutes
-Had about 8 dimes in the 11 pts my team scored
-Didn't take a jumpshot
-Only had one field goal attempt which was a layup
-We lost

07-27-2007, 12:43 AM
-I got picked third. (nice size)
-Came down on somebody's back and grazed my balls. Ouch. Anybody notice awkward s#!t like that happens when you haven't played in a while?
-Did ok on offense. Not as quick as I used to be on D. Got burned a couple of times. Once REAL bad.
-Was so winded I could see my heart beating in my chest.
-We won.
-I left before they had to hook me up to a iv.

07-27-2007, 12:50 AM
i sunk a bunch of threes and was talking **** to some asian dood and he got pissed.

07-27-2007, 01:08 AM
- I dunked on some dude and my nuts came out of my shorts and haymakered him in the mouth

:roll: :roll: :roll:

07-27-2007, 04:05 AM
I had a great time with my friends.
We didn't really keep score.
We played 3 on 3 with a sub.
Everybody played great.

07-27-2007, 04:27 AM
Who shoots hook shots? Spencer Hawes that you? :oldlol:

I wish... :roll:

07-27-2007, 04:33 AM
- Forced a kid to kill he dribble but he then proceeded to hit a skyhook from 25 feet out

:lol: I hate it when that happens, you play some great D and react to all their moves, force them to take a horrible shot... and they fluke it.

I've had some where the guy thought I was gonna block it and had his eyes closed before he released it, yet it went in

07-27-2007, 06:01 AM
gawd i cannot remember the last time i played a game of bball...nm i just did.

I beat my friend 8-6 in a game to 7 win by two.

My tres was ok but I got the majority of my points driving to the basket. The guy i played against was pretty quick so my fakes had to be top-notch to give me a decent lead. I pretty much always got my lay-ups JUST barely in to get the point. Everybody expected my friend to win b/c he was black lol. They were like, "omg you won." I said ya, he isnt awesome or anything

Kebab Stall
07-27-2007, 06:34 AM
Last time I played was only a few days ago and I play pretty regularly so I don't get that tired when playing a normal pick up game.

- Picked up my player at halfcourt, he tried to cross me over but I got the steal and then got the dunk on the break.
- Same player then burnt me the next time I tried to get the steal, he then went and scored an easy layup.
- Blocked a few shots, about 3 or 4.
- Grabbed around 10+ rebounds.
- Grabbed the defensive board, ran the full court, posted my man up and hit the turn around, fade away jumper.
- Air balled both of my 3-pointers. (I shouldn't even be shooting 3's, I should be in the paint posting guys up and grabbing boards.)
- Missed a 6-foot bank shot.
- After missing that bank shot, I made 3 bank shots in a row.

07-27-2007, 11:24 AM
i play twice a day... in the mourning i lift and do ball handling and stuff like that with my team for two hours, then at night we have open gym for two hours and we always have college alumni come play with us but i still own them. im gonna be a sophmore, 6'4'' playin varsity at a huge school(all white) but i play a 3 or 4 depending if were going big or small...coach wants me to eventually move to a 2 so i can have decent size in college

07-27-2007, 11:35 AM
- Got picked 3rd
- Swished my first three
- Airballed my next
- Hit a mid range shot
- Stole it from someone
- Got blocked
- Made another three
- Dished a nice pass
- Won

07-27-2007, 11:53 AM
I play basketball quite often--usually short, two-on-two, half-court games with my brother and friends. Sometimes we even have a referee. I won't stand for streetball antics.

I played a couple of days ago. I had a cigarette during shoot-around and another during a break between games. I do a bit of stretching, but I'm wearing blue jean shorts and a belt, as for reasons to become obvious, the outcome of the games didn't seem in doubt to me--a few easy, quick, fun games. During shoot-around, I attempt to relive the days when I could dunk--much to the amusement of others.

The last game of the day teamed me with a friend of a friend--a nice kid who could barely dribble the ball. Thus far everyone had won or lost based on which team he dragged down.

I'm not too quick, nor athletic, in addition to being kind of out of shape and a smoker, so I couldn't just blow by a couple of guys who I've tought how to play defense anyhow. They were, of course, concentrating on me and almost ignoring my teammate.

I preceded to hit 2 out of 5 3 pointers. My brother was right in my face. Another thing: the hoop we were playing with is all bent out of shape, as is the concrete court, so that makes it pretty difficult to score.

On defense, I was helpless. I was jumping back and forth trying to cover the latest man my teammate couldn't keep up with. He's crossing his legs--playing men close around the top of the key and everything else I tell him not to do.

On offense, I'm now trying to get the ball in the paint, as we only need 10 to win--so 3's are rather pointless now. I finally get the ball near the paint and the defense swarms on me. But I make this beautiful pass over the back of my head to my unguarded teammate, who I find out can make a bank shot right next to the hoop.

My brother, who's on the other team, proceeds to yell at his teammate for leaving his man completely.

So, my team is up 8-6. Then it's 8-8 beacuse defense is impossible with this teammate.

We have the ball. I do some fakes and crossover moves to the best of my ability and my brother actually falls to the ground (he later blames his shoes). I proceed to take an off-balance 15-footer. I swear that shot goes in on a normal hoop.

Nevertheless, my teammate gets the rebound and actually does a pretty good ball fake to get his man in the air. My teammate misses the putback.

So, there's no team defense on our part, so we then lose.

If I had won that game, I would have been rubbing it in their faces for years. Oh well.

Optimus Prime
07-27-2007, 12:04 PM
Last time I played basketball...

...I played against And1 Ballers at the local sports center earlier this week. We only lost by two, but we might have had a chance if I wasn't such a scrub sometimes and missed a few easy open shots and layups and made some boneheaded turnovers. I played some tight D though, as my guy didn't score (he's pretty good and is a coach in the area), and I tried to help out our good guy (who used to play at Wake Forest) with rotation D on the And1 guys. We lost, but it was closer than I ever thought it would be! :D

12-10-2012, 05:13 AM


12-10-2012, 06:05 AM
Got completely outplayed by a dude I used to talk maaaad sh1t to.

12-10-2012, 06:20 AM
At a college gym, I was playing a 5v5 full court.. had one assist and one nice layup while hanging in the air for a while,felt good, so fg 1/1, after that my teammates seem to keep deferring to me so I was like, nah take the shot you're open.. I'm only like 5'9'' light weighted with decent athleticism.

After like 2 possessions, on defense we were playing man and my teammate got beaten easily by a drive so I go there to help to distract his layup attempt and so did my teammate jumped but as he went down he got tangled with the dude who made a layup attempt and somehow my ankle got stuck between the two and I don't know who's foot was on mine but I just felt a big ass weight crushing my ankle. I heard a big ass crack and yelled, ****. It felt pretty bad compared to other ankle sprains. Got the **** outta the game and And someone brought me some ice. After like 30 min of icing, I walked for15 min to home. Just dragged my feet in pain, lol.

Lol, another ankle injury after since one in June. Usually, it takes like 2 weeks to fully recover but right now my ankle is like only 60% after 2 weeks. Been watching too many hoopmixtapes ever since lol can't wait to ****ing play.

12-10-2012, 11:29 AM
philly sucks at basketball.

12-10-2012, 11:34 AM
-blocked a big guy
-dunked on same big guy (9foot rim :D )
-hurt my pinkie, it didnt heal for 6 months
-was tired after the first game
-my whole body for a week (knees and back for another week)
-decided i'm too fukking old
-went to a bar and got drunk with other old farts

12-10-2012, 11:40 AM
I had a breakaway steal that got rejected from behind bad.
I got hot and led a team of scrubs to a come-from-behind win over a good team that always plays together...then got beat 11-0 by the next team.

12-10-2012, 12:50 PM
I got rim blocked attempting to dunk on a break away.
I got my shot ate up twice on the same play.
I got my feet taken out from under me incidentally/wind got knocked out of me
I played an average game and was winded
I had a hot streak of knocking down 4 straight 3's
I had a cold streak missing my next 5 shots
I got outmuscled going up for a rebound
I cut that same players ankles and layed them up
I thought to myself after the game ended "Am I too old to be playing?"

Happens to everyone. I might play a quick half court game here and there (or 1 on 1) and still do ok but full court is out. I am a runner so i have the stamina but just don't have the leg strength to play effectively full court. I haven't played full in maybe 5 years.

I had my time.

12-10-2012, 01:03 PM
Last time I played basketball, as a pg

I got rid of the ball to the wing very early in possessions when I should have been initiating offense

when I did initiate offense my teammates did not respond by cutting or screening, probably because I wasn't consistently doing it

my offense was limited to top of the key 3 pointers when my defender was not paying attention. Hit about 3 out of 7.

Made me free throws, missed half my layups.

We lost the game

12-10-2012, 01:46 PM
Missed both a left and right handed hookshot, but was still able to do some mean shake and bake post moves that lead to easy layups :rockon:

Oh, and got tired fast. After ten minutes or so my heart was pumping battery acid.

12-10-2012, 02:09 PM
For all those saying theyre too old, how old are you?

Im curious because im 26, but besides the occasional achy bones and muscles, i see or feel no signs of slowing down. and thats with league games twice a week.

12-10-2012, 02:14 PM
Last time I played basketball my jumper was pretty wet. First I hit 2 open jumpshots then I got hot and hit 2-3 fadeaway and stepback jumpers (like my boy J.R.Smith does :lol ).

I got a chance to win the game but I missed a game winner.:rolleyes:
My team eventually won though.

12-10-2012, 02:20 PM
The last time I played basketball I realized Im no longer one of the quicker guys out there and am turning into a spot up shooter. Im also realizing that without the speed my handles are alot weaker than I thought they were since I cant just take a couple dribbles to make a move. I still have quick hands and get alot of deflections.

12-10-2012, 04:22 PM
For all those saying theyre too old, how old are you?

Im curious because im 26, but besides the occasional achy bones and muscles, i see or feel no signs of slowing down. and thats with league games twice a week.

Of course you won't feel it at 26, especially playing only twice a week. :oldlol:

League games are lame anyway. I remember i used to play almost the whole game and wasn't even tired. Sometimes i would go play pickup after a league game.

Wait another 10 years (which i passed awhile ago) then you will understand.

12-10-2012, 04:28 PM
Of course you won't feel it at 26, especially playing only twice a week. :oldlol:

League games are lame anyway. I remember i used to play almost the whole game and wasn't even tired. Sometimes i would go play pickup after a league game.

Wait another 10 years (which i passed awhile ago) then you will understand.

thats why i wanted to see how old everyone was. Wasnt sure if it was people in their late 20's complaining the games take a toll on their body or if it was older posters. And I completely agree about league games. Every game feels like a warm up, and i always find myself wanting to go back to back games after. Thats why you can find me at the gym or parks playing pick up games 3-5 days a week. But seeing as I should have at least 10 more good years left in my legs, im not complaining.

12-10-2012, 04:35 PM
I can count on 1 hand how many times I dribbled a basketball with fingers to spare. I'll stick to video games.

12-10-2012, 05:04 PM
thats why i wanted to see how old everyone was. Wasnt sure if it was people in their late 20's complaining the games take a toll on their body or if it was older posters. And I completely agree about league games. Every game feels like a warm up, and i always find myself wanting to go back to back games after. Thats why you can find me at the gym or parks playing pick up games 3-5 days a week. But seeing as I should have at least 10 more good years left in my legs, im not complaining.

I stopped at 40 but i probably could have kept going. I just couldn't play at the level i wanted to play so i stopped. Plus i would have been sore all the time. It takes forever to recover from those routine aches when you get older.

I never had any major foot/leg injuries and I'm a runner so i lasted longer than a lot of guys. I can still beat my younger cousins 1 on 1 and they are playing college ball (Div 3).

I have seen some pretty ugly injuries happen to other guys. A major injury really takes a toll.

12-10-2012, 05:11 PM
For all those saying theyre too old, how old are you?

Im curious because im 26, but besides the occasional achy bones and muscles, i see or feel no signs of slowing down. and thats with league games twice a week.I was wondering the same thing. I'm 28 and still making it happen. I know a lot of folks my age and younger though who play the "I'm too old" card. I was curious if there were 20 year olds making that same declaration here.

I stopped at 40 but i probably could have kept going. I just couldn't play at the level i wanted to play so i stopped. Plus i would have been sore all the time. It takes forever to recover from those routine aches when you get older.

I never had any major foot/leg injuries and I'm a runner so i lasted longer than a lot of guys. I can still beat my younger cousins 1 on 1 and they are playing college ball (Div 3).

I have seen some pretty ugly injuries happen to other guys. A major injury really takes a toll.Are you still a runner? Did running take the place of basketball? I know I won't be able to play basketball like I do now until the end of time, so I've been trying to pre-plan and figure out what kind of exercise can take its place full-time once I'm through. I mountain bike, kayak, hike, etc. but I'm wondering if I could successfully turn all those into my primary physical activities instead of secondary (to basketball) as they are now.

12-10-2012, 05:42 PM
I was wondering the same thing. I'm 28 and still making it happen. I know a lot of folks my age and younger though who play the "I'm too old" card. I was curious if there were 20 year olds making that same declaration here.

Are you still a runner? Did running take the place of basketball? I know I won't be able to play basketball like I do now until the end of time, so I've been trying to pre-plan and figure out what kind of exercise can take its place full-time once I'm through. I mountain bike, kayak, hike, etc. but I'm wondering if I could successfully turn all those into my primary physical activities instead of secondary (to basketball) as they are now.

Running didn't take the place of basketball. I ran so i could play basketball. If i had stopped running i would have ended up giving up basketball much sooner. I only run 3 miles roughly 4 times a week which is enough to keep me in decent shape without putting too much stress on my knees.

Competitively my main sport is golf now lol.