View Full Version : rip shogon & chewing

12-02-2022, 04:01 PM
shogon hasn't shown his face here for months, so it's rip.

chewing hasn't been around for a few days, so it's rip.



12-02-2022, 04:51 PM
Nah, Shogun is here still, albeit barely. I miss reading what he had to say.

Chewing may be at one of the 24/7 New York McDonalds :lol

Off the Court
12-02-2022, 04:54 PM
Shogun's departure made more sense because he slowly faded away. Chewing posted hard like he always does every single day and then suddenly vanished. It is definitely possible that something bad has happened to him.

12-02-2022, 06:23 PM
Jstern's fault.

12-02-2022, 07:48 PM
RickChewing just got a new alt (Avinash) due to the embarrassment/shame of having his picture exposed.

12-02-2022, 08:06 PM
Shogon disappears when Bitcoin tanks. :lol

Probably looking after his mental health.

Chewing was arrested.

12-02-2022, 08:09 PM
What happened to fatrick?

12-02-2022, 08:16 PM
What happened to fatrick?


Off the Court
12-02-2022, 09:12 PM


12-02-2022, 09:16 PM
What happened to fatrick?

He probably got arrested for his extremist views. :lol

12-02-2022, 09:32 PM


12-02-2022, 10:43 PM
The last I heard of Shogun, (aka Olando Magic, aka Bill Russell) he was talking about how we're all addicted to ISH, whether we admit it or not. So perhaps he felt it was time to force himself to leave.

And if I remember correctly, Patrick Chewing stopped posting a day or two before he made one comment in the Joe Biden sniffs out two little fans through a window thread (http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showthread.php?508073-Joe-Biden-sniffs-out-two-little-fans-through-a-window&p=14693130&viewfull=1#post14693130).

So my guess is that he's also taking a break, but couldn't help but to call that Chick Stern a dumbass. So if I'm remembering correctly, he stopped posting, posted one more time, and then continued to not post anymore. Which means he should be ok.

But keep in mind that my memory is not what it used to be, because I could have sworn that it was Axe who he called a dumbass.

12-02-2022, 10:50 PM
Once again, four usernames mentioned in the post above me. :biggums:

12-02-2022, 11:19 PM
Once again, four usernames mentioned in the post above me. :biggums:

Who knew the "smartest woke radical leftist on ISH" could count all the way to 4? (http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showthread.php?508094-Europe-accuses-US-of-profiting-from-war&p=14694649&viewfull=1#post14694649)


Yeah, and two of them are in the freaking thread title, because the thread is about them. And how am I supposed to explain why I think Patrick Chewing is alive without mentioning that Chick Stern? How am I supposed to explain that I could be wrong, that my memory could be off without mentioning what I mentioned about you?

12-03-2022, 12:57 AM
Stop lying you nerd.

12-03-2022, 06:30 AM
Who knew the "smartest woke radical leftist on ISH" could count all the way to 4? (http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showthread.php?508094-Europe-accuses-US-of-profiting-from-war&p=14694649&viewfull=1#post14694649)


Yeah, and two of them are in the freaking thread title, because the thread is about them. And how am I supposed to explain why I think Patrick Chewing is alive without mentioning that Chick Stern? How am I supposed to explain that I could be wrong, that my memory could be off without mentioning what I mentioned about you?

Honest question: Why do your posts always read like they were done by some bot?

12-03-2022, 07:24 AM
Honest question: Why do your posts always read like they were done by some bot?

He's probably insecure about other posters here.

12-03-2022, 11:09 AM
Honest question: Why do your posts always read like they were done by some bot?

he exhibits more than a few of these...



Patrick Chewing
12-03-2022, 12:58 PM
It saddens me that the concern for my well-being extends no further than Page 1 of this thread, but it also shocks me that some of my fiercest enemies on this site have noticed my absence as well. I am very much alive and well. I am not in jail. And I am not at a McDonald's eating Big Macs. I know some of you trolls want to believe I spend my afternoons and evenings at McDonald's, but the truth of the matter is, I have a business to run and most of the time after work, I am either at the gym or with my family.

Let's make one thing absolutely clear: This board is shit. It has been shit for quite some time now. There are far too many trolls and even more Liberals who I absolutely cannot stand. It's overrun by trolls and by Liberals. So there is hardly anything to engage in anymore when these trolls and Liberals just continuously ruin threads simply because they are incapable of handling adversity. Yes, I do troll from time to time, but these guys troll 24/7. It definitely is bad for your health to engage with these people as often as I did, so I don't see myself spending as much time on this board as I used to. I recommend a lot of you try to do the same. The negativity on this board is off the charts. While my absence will please some of you, I am always here in spirit, so I don't want to give you guys the false impression that you got one over on me. But for now, I leave you guys with some encouraging words to live by....


Im Still Ballin
12-03-2022, 01:03 PM
It saddens me that the concern for my well-being extends no further than Page 1 of this thread, but it also shocks me that some of my fiercest enemies on this site have noticed my absence as well. I am very much alive and well. I am not in jail. And I am not at a McDonald's eating Big Macs. I know some of you trolls want to believe I spend my afternoons and evenings at McDonald's, but the truth of the matter is, I have a business to run and most of the time after work, I am either at the gym or with my family.

Let's make one thing absolutely clear: This board is shit. It has been shit for quite some time now. There are far too many trolls and even more Liberals who I absolutely cannot stand. It's overrun by trolls and by Liberals. So there is hardly anything to engage in anymore when these trolls and Liberals just continuously ruin threads simply because they are incapable of handling adversity. Yes, I do troll from time to time, but these guys troll 24/7. It definitely is bad for your health to engage with these people as often as I did, so I don't see myself spending as much time on this board as I used to. I recommend a lot of you try to do the same. The negativity on this board is off the charts. While my absence will please some of you, I am always here in spirit, so I don't want to give you guys the false impression that you got one over on me. But for now, I leave you guys with some encouraging words to live by....


This guy, he's a good one.

12-03-2022, 02:22 PM
This guy, he's a good one.

pat's a stand-up guy. i made this thread half jokingly, but being real i'm sure 98% of this board is all good with each other and wishes ill will on no one.

gotta say, i got a bit concerned for chewing's welfare because that's what happens when you see a routine broken.. shogon gets stressed when he comes here so his absense is understandable.

this board is toxic on the surface but underneath it's just fun, games and entertainment mayne.

with the exception of highwhey. fuc* that n199@.

12-03-2022, 08:10 PM
RR3 has defeated Patrick Chewing.

12-03-2022, 08:53 PM
It saddens me that the concern for my well-being extends no further than Page 1 of this thread, but it also shocks me that some of my fiercest enemies on this site have noticed my absence as well. I am very much alive and well. I am not in jail. And I am not at a McDonald's eating Big Macs. I know some of you trolls want to believe I spend my afternoons and evenings at McDonald's, but the truth of the matter is, I have a business to run and most of the time after work, I am either at the gym or with my family.

Let's make one thing absolutely clear: This board is shit. It has been shit for quite some time now. There are far too many trolls and even more Liberals who I absolutely cannot stand. It's overrun by trolls and by Liberals. So there is hardly anything to engage in anymore when these trolls and Liberals just continuously ruin threads simply because they are incapable of handling adversity. Yes, I do troll from time to time, but these guys troll 24/7. It definitely is bad for your health to engage with these people as often as I did, so I don't see myself spending as much time on this board as I used to. I recommend a lot of you try to do the same. The negativity on this board is off the charts. While my absence will please some of you, I am always here in spirit, so I don't want to give you guys the false impression that you got one over on me. But for now, I leave you guys with some encouraging words to live by....




Off the Court
12-03-2022, 09:42 PM
I had it around 50/50.

That Chewing died.

Looks like he's just trying to ween off his addiction.

12-03-2022, 10:33 PM
Honest question: Why do your posts always read like they were done by some bot?

It's probably the effect of having to use Google translate to translate what I want to say from my native language to English.

12-03-2022, 10:51 PM
It saddens me that the concern for my well-being extends no further than Page 1 of this thread, but it also shocks me that some of my fiercest enemies on this site have noticed my absence as well. I am very much alive and well. I am not in jail. And I am not at a McDonald's eating Big Macs. I know some of you trolls want to believe I spend my afternoons and evenings at McDonald's, but the truth of the matter is, I have a business to run and most of the time after work, I am either at the gym or with my family.

Let's make one thing absolutely clear: This board is shit. It has been shit for quite some time now. There are far too many trolls and even more Liberals who I absolutely cannot stand. It's overrun by trolls and by Liberals. So there is hardly anything to engage in anymore when these trolls and Liberals just continuously ruin threads simply because they are incapable of handling adversity. Yes, I do troll from time to time, but these guys troll 24/7. It definitely is bad for your health to engage with these people as often as I did, so I don't see myself spending as much time on this board as I used to. I recommend a lot of you try to do the same. The negativity on this board is off the charts. While my absence will please some of you, I am always here in spirit, so I don't want to give you guys the false impression that you got one over on me. But for now, I leave you guys with some encouraging words to live by....


12-03-2022, 11:26 PM
It's probably the effect of having to use Google translate to translate what I want to say from my native language to English.

Makes sense. Do you type in the whole post into google translate or just some parts?

Smook A.
12-03-2022, 11:42 PM
Let's make one thing absolutely clear: This board is shit. It has been shit for quite some time now. There are far too many trolls and even more Liberals who I absolutely cannot stand. It's overrun by trolls and by Liberals. So there is hardly anything to engage in anymore when these trolls and Liberals just continuously ruin threads simply because they are incapable of handling adversity. Yes, I do troll from time to time, but these guys troll 24/7. It definitely is bad for your health to engage with these people as often as I did, so I don't see myself spending as much time on this board as I used to. I recommend a lot of you try to do the same. The negativity on this board is off the charts. While my absence will please some of you, I am always here in spirit, so I don't want to give you guys the false impression that you got one over on me. But for now, I leave you guys with some encouraging words to live by....

Lots of truth here. The board has been this way for quite some time now, unfortunately. Nothing like it was when I first joined in 2014. If a thread isn't about LeBron or Jordan in the main forum, oftentimes there will be hardly any discussion. Especially real discussion where it's not filled with trolls. I've noticed a recent influx in new posters who just come on here just to talk shit about LeBron and they all say the same damn things. It's boring to see that every time I come on here and all that time spent debating ignorant idiots is worthless because people will forget about your post after a few days or a week, unless you make some memorable post like Pauk did with his lion essay almost a decade back.

Nowadays you just see the same 10-15 posters here and 90% of the main forum is just LeBron/Jordan. Years ago you'd see game threads get filled up, multiple interesting topics everyday in the main forum and OTC lounge, and posters just hanging out in the BTE thread. Those times were fun

12-04-2022, 05:17 AM
Btw, anybody seen thurston aka tpols around? Dude has been mia here for around five months already. :(



12-04-2022, 10:38 AM
where are those pics from and who is casey frey?

12-04-2022, 11:03 AM
Just from an old thread. Lol.

12-04-2022, 09:25 PM
It saddens me that the concern for my well-being extends no further than Page 1 of this thread, but it also shocks me that some of my fiercest enemies on this site have noticed my absence as well. I am very much alive and well. I am not in jail. And I am not at a McDonald's eating Big Macs. I know some of you trolls want to believe I spend my afternoons and evenings at McDonald's, but the truth of the matter is, I have a business to run and most of the time after work, I am either at the gym or with my family.

Let's make one thing absolutely clear: This board is shit. It has been shit for quite some time now. There are far too many trolls and even more Liberals who I absolutely cannot stand. It's overrun by trolls and by Liberals. So there is hardly anything to engage in anymore when these trolls and Liberals just continuously ruin threads simply because they are incapable of handling adversity. Yes, I do troll from time to time, but these guys troll 24/7. It definitely is bad for your health to engage with these people as often as I did, so I don't see myself spending as much time on this board as I used to. I recommend a lot of you try to do the same. The negativity on this board is off the charts. While my absence will please some of you, I am always here in spirit, so I don't want to give you guys the false impression that you got one over on me. But for now, I leave you guys with some encouraging words to live by....


You will be missed Patty

12-05-2022, 02:22 PM
The only thing this board has going for it is Pat vs RRR3, but that's usually in pats favor....that's the entertainment of it. Even better is Pat vs Highwhey....they each hold their own and give and take big bombs....but there seems to be a level of respect there.

12-05-2022, 10:40 PM
Makes sense. Do you type in the whole post into google translate or just some parts?


I always have to fix usernames. For example, Highwhey is always translated to freeway. And then it gets more complicated because other users start giving each other different names, for example someone might call Highwhey "Highweight."

So I always have to keep track of the user's names.

Btw, anybody seen thurston aka tpols around? Dude has been mia here for around five months already. :(



That's not tPols. Tpols is Asian, just like MrFonzworth, and Diamenz, Lebron23, Axe, and ISH HOF Walk on Water. In fact, there are more Asians on ISH than any other types of humans.

12-05-2022, 10:43 PM
why does it smell like aspergers in here?

12-05-2022, 10:43 PM
I see greg lying once again.

Lakers Legend#32
12-06-2022, 04:09 PM
RR3 Wins.

Poopsie Loses.

12-06-2022, 10:12 PM

I always have to fix usernames. For example, Highwhey is always translated to freeway. And then it gets more complicated because other users start giving each other different names, for example someone might call Highwhey "Highweight."

So I always have to keep track of the user's names.

That's not tPols. Tpols is Asian, just like MrFonzworth, and Diamenz, Lebron23, Axe, and ISH HOF Walk on Water. In fact, there are more Asians on ISH than any other types of humans.

How the **** do you know so much about the users on here :oldlol:

12-07-2022, 12:16 AM
RR3 has defeated Patrick Chewing.

He sure did slay that fatso

12-07-2022, 02:48 AM
How the **** do you know so much about the users on here :oldlol:

I just have that ability with race and height. For example, Shogun is 6'8" and Lebron23 is 4'11".

Lakers Legend#32
12-07-2022, 03:20 AM
It saddens me that the concern for my well-being extends no further than Page 1 of this thread, but it also shocks me that some of my fiercest enemies on this site have noticed my absence as well. I am very much alive and well. I am not in jail. And I am not at a McDonald's eating Big Macs. I know some of you trolls want to believe I spend my afternoons and evenings at McDonald's, but the truth of the matter is, I have a business to run and most of the time after work, I am either at the gym or with my family.

Let's make one thing absolutely clear: This board is shit. It has been shit for quite some time now. There are far too many trolls and even more Liberals who I absolutely cannot stand. It's overrun by trolls and by Liberals. So there is hardly anything to engage in anymore when these trolls and Liberals just continuously ruin threads simply because they are incapable of handling adversity. Yes, I do troll from time to time, but these guys troll 24/7. It definitely is bad for your health to engage with these people as often as I did, so I don't see myself spending as much time on this board as I used to. I recommend a lot of you try to do the same. The negativity on this board is off the charts. While my absence will please some of you, I am always here in spirit, so I don't want to give you guys the false impression that you got one over on me. But for now, I leave you guys with some encouraging words to live by....


Says the guy who wants all liberals killed.


Poopsie is bailing because Herschel lost and the Trump Organization was found guilty on all counts of tax fraud.

Poopsie does not own a business, it's been established he's a clerk.

He does not have a family, he is divorced.

His XXL Knicks jersey proves he does not go to the gym.

Poopsie just got tired of catching spears for Trump.

12-07-2022, 12:03 PM
How the **** do you know so much about the users on here :oldlol:

he has aspergers. look up the sypmtoms of that. he checks the boxes of quite a few of those syptoms. extreme focus on details.

Lack of interpersonal relationship skills and instincts
Often verbalizes internal thoughts that most would keep private
Appears to lack empathy
Talks excessively, especially about one specific topic
Frequently has one-sided conversations
May be unable to understand sarcasm or jokes
Lack of social skills
Loneliness and social isolation

12-07-2022, 09:02 PM
he has aspergers. look up the sypmtoms of that. he checks the boxes of quite a few of those syptoms. extreme focus on details.

Lack of interpersonal relationship skills and instincts
Often verbalizes internal thoughts that most would keep private
Appears to lack empathy
Talks excessively, especially about one specific topic
Frequently has one-sided conversations
May be unable to understand sarcasm or jokes
Lack of social skills
Loneliness and social isolation

12-08-2022, 04:45 PM
Says the guy who wants all liberals killed.


Poopsie is bailing because Herschel lost and the Trump Organization was found guilty on all counts of tax fraud.

Poopsie does not own a business, it's been established he's a clerk.

He does not have a family, he is divorced.

His XXL Knicks jersey proves he does not go to the gym.

Poopsie just got tired of catching spears for Trump.
Poopsie ran. :pimp: :hammertime:

12-09-2022, 01:50 PM
The jstern axe beef is hilarious. I come on this board just to read it lmao

12-09-2022, 02:46 PM
The jstern axe beef is hilarious. I come on this board just to read it lmao
Hey, don't be like asperger greg ffs.

Lakers Legend#32
12-09-2022, 06:19 PM
Why is Poopsie still here?

12-10-2022, 04:53 AM
The jstern axe beef is hilarious. I come on this board just to read it lmao

Yeah, it's funny because of my ability to make it funny. Axe might be the smartest woke radical leftist on ISH, beating out Jasper, but the guy seriously needs to take up Patrick Chewing's offer to help him with his insult game (http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showthread.php?506489-Should-the-Off-the-Court-and-Political-forum-be-remerged&p=14657335&viewfull=1#post14657335).

he has aspergers. look up the sypmtoms of that. he checks the boxes of quite a few of those syptoms. extreme focus on details.

Lack of interpersonal relationship skills and instincts
Often verbalizes internal thoughts that most would keep private
Appears to lack empathy
Talks excessively, especially about one specific topic
Frequently has one-sided conversations
May be unable to understand sarcasm or jokes
Lack of social skills
Loneliness and social isolation

My biggest strength in real life is my charisma. Even more so than my looks. Keep in mind that I'm the guy who dated a famous person for many years. 10 out of 10. The whole deal (http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showthread.php?479587-Why-does-Zendaya-decline-dating-Athletes&p=14383294&viewfull=1#post14383294).

I'm the poster who forced himself to stop ragging on RRR3. Even during tranny related topics. And just last week I stopped talking about Axe's obesity because he seemed hurt. And that's very difficult considering Axe. That's a great level of empathy from me. (He's more of a baby penguin in my head anyway.)

I'm very versatile, not just with my topics, but responses.

Loneliness and social isolation doesn't feel like a symptom of a condition. I hate to say it, but there have been times that people have accused you of something, and you respond by accusing that person or another person of the thing that they accused you off. And in this case, this looks like another case of you using what others have said about you (FultznationRISE, Warriorfan, etc) back to another person.

12-10-2022, 10:21 PM
Why is Poopsie still here?

He's probably testing if it's safe to post or if RRR3 is gonna absolutely obliterated him again.

12-10-2022, 10:24 PM
Yeah, it's funny because of my ability to make it funny. Axe might be the smartest woke radical leftist on ISH, beating out Jasper, but the guy seriously needs to take up Patrick Chewing's offer to help him with his insult game (http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showthread.php?506489-Should-the-Off-the-Court-and-Political-forum-be-remerged&p=14657335&viewfull=1#post14657335).

My biggest strength in real life is my charisma. Even more so than my looks. Keep in mind that I'm the guy who dated a famous person for many years. 10 out of 10. The whole deal (http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showthread.php?479587-Why-does-Zendaya-decline-dating-Athletes&p=14383294&viewfull=1#post14383294).

I'm the poster who forced himself to stop ragging on RRR3. Even during tranny related topics. And just last week I stopped talking about Axe's obesity because he seemed hurt. And that's very difficult considering Axe. That's a great level of empathy from me. (He's more of a baby penguin in my head anyway.)

I'm very versatile, not just with my topics, but responses.

Loneliness and social isolation doesn't feel like a symptom of a condition. I hate to say it, but there have been times that people have accused you of something, and you respond by accusing that person or another person of the thing that they accused you off. And in this case, this looks like another case of you using what others have said about you (FultznationRISE, Warriorfan, etc) back to another person.
Aspy-esque meltdown

12-10-2022, 11:48 PM
Yeah, it's funny because of my ability to make it funny. Axe might be the smartest woke radical leftist on ISH, beating out Jasper, but the guy seriously needs to take up Patrick Chewing's offer to help him with his insult game (http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showthread.php?506489-Should-the-Off-the-Court-and-Political-forum-be-remerged&p=14657335&viewfull=1#post14657335).

My biggest strength in real life is my charisma. Even more so than my looks. Keep in mind that I'm the guy who dated a famous person for many years. 10 out of 10. The whole deal (http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showthread.php?479587-Why-does-Zendaya-decline-dating-Athletes&p=14383294&viewfull=1#post14383294).

I'm the poster who forced himself to stop ragging on RRR3. Even during tranny related topics. And just last week I stopped talking about Axe's obesity because he seemed hurt. And that's very difficult considering Axe. That's a great level of empathy from me. (He's more of a baby penguin in my head anyway.)

I'm very versatile, not just with my topics, but responses.

Loneliness and social isolation doesn't feel like a symptom of a condition. I hate to say it, but there have been times that people have accused you of something, and you respond by accusing that person or another person of the thing that they accused you off. And in this case, this looks like another case of you using what others have said about you (FultznationRISE, Warriorfan, etc) back to another person.

can someone translate this to english? i don't speak aspergers.

Patrick Chewing
12-12-2022, 02:03 PM
Yeah, it's funny because of my ability to make it funny. Axe might be the smartest woke radical leftist on ISH, beating out Jasper, but the guy seriously needs to take up Patrick Chewing's offer to help him with his insult game (http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showthread.php?506489-Should-the-Off-the-Court-and-Political-forum-be-remerged&p=14657335&viewfull=1#post14657335).

My biggest strength in real life is my charisma. Even more so than my looks. Keep in mind that I'm the guy who dated a famous person for many years. 10 out of 10. The whole deal (http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showthread.php?479587-Why-does-Zendaya-decline-dating-Athletes&p=14383294&viewfull=1#post14383294).

I'm the poster who forced himself to stop ragging on RRR3. Even during tranny related topics. And just last week I stopped talking about Axe's obesity because he seemed hurt. And that's very difficult considering Axe. That's a great level of empathy from me. (He's more of a baby penguin in my head anyway.)

I'm very versatile, not just with my topics, but responses.

Loneliness and social isolation doesn't feel like a symptom of a condition. I hate to say it, but there have been times that people have accused you of something, and you respond by accusing that person or another person of the thing that they accused you off. And in this case, this looks like another case of you using what others have said about you (FultznationRISE, Warriorfan, etc) back to another person.

I try to help these people, and truthfully, it's the only reason I keep coming back to this place (to help people), but they still do not accept my helping hand. But that will not dissuade me from trying again and again. One of my best success stories has been Nanners. Even though Nanners is uniquely and supremely far more intelligent than Axe, SATAN, RRR3, highweight, Chick Stern, Facepalm, blade, and Off the Court combined, I'd like to think I gave him the nudge to see more clearly and look at how distinguished he is today. I am proud when I think of Nanners and his turnaround. Getting a little emotional as I type this. Excuse me....

12-12-2022, 02:06 PM
I try to help these people, and truthfully, it's the only reason I keep coming back to this place (to help people), but they still do not accept my helping hand. But that will not dissuade me from trying again and again. One of my best success stories has been Nanners. Even though Nanners is uniquely and supremely far more intelligent than Axe, SATAN, RRR3, highweight, Chick Stern, Facepalm, blade, and Off the Court combined, I'd like to think I gave him the nudge to see more clearly and look at how distinguished he is today. I am proud when I think of Nanners and his turnaround. Getting a little emotional as I type this. Excuse me....

You definitely gave me a nudge in the right direction, and I got nothing but love for you Patty

12-12-2022, 02:15 PM
I try to help these people, and truthfully, it's the only reason I keep coming back to this place (to help people), but they still do not accept my helping hand. But that will not dissuade me from trying again and again. One of my best success stories has been Nanners. Even though Nanners is uniquely and supremely far more intelligent than Axe, SATAN, RRR3, highweight, Chick Stern, Facepalm, blade, and Off the Court combined, I'd like to think I gave him the nudge to see more clearly and look at how distinguished he is today. I am proud when I think of Nanners and his turnaround. Getting a little emotional as I type this. Excuse me....
You rn:


Patrick Chewing
12-12-2022, 02:18 PM
You rn:


Real men cry and let their emotions out. Beta incel men such as yourself and RRR3 bottle that shit in and then go shoot up a school.

12-12-2022, 02:24 PM
Real men cry and let their emotions out. Beta incel men such as yourself and RRR3 bottle that shit in and then go shoot up a school.

Give RRR some credit. He'll find a tranny to bottom out to if he needs stress relief. He says all his troubles go away when he gets that creampie enema.

Patrick Chewing
12-12-2022, 02:26 PM
Give RRR some credit. He'll find a tranny to bottom out to if he needs stress relief. He says all his troubles go away when he gets that creampie enema.

https://media4.giphy.com/media/10FHR5A4cXqVrO/200w.gif?cid=6c09b952z7zedzg54lb2zeqoddr4vqyjxdj5p zqgwflxqac6&rid=200w.gif

12-12-2022, 02:31 PM
Real men cry and let their emotions out. Beta incel men such as yourself and RRR3 bottle that shit in and then go shoot up a school.
Beta incel? Dude, you let LL32 get on your nerves pretty easily. So stop with the projection, fatty.

Patrick Chewing
12-12-2022, 02:40 PM
Beta incel? Dude, you let LL32 get on your nerves pretty easily. So stop with the projection, fatty.

Yes, Beta. You = Beta

A male who buys into woke ideology. Leans left. Believes there are 1,673 genders. Believes men can become women. Lives on a message board while averaging 28 posts per day. Beta male shit.

The invitation of taking you under my wings is still out there.

12-12-2022, 02:42 PM
Not necessarily lmao. But if it makes you sleep at night, then go ahead do believe so.

12-12-2022, 03:11 PM
Give RRR some credit. He'll find a tranny to bottom out to if he needs stress relief. He says all his troubles go away when he gets that creampie enema.


Patrick Chewing
12-12-2022, 03:16 PM
You definitely gave me a nudge in the right direction, and I got nothing but love for you Patty


12-12-2022, 08:12 PM
Chewing just came out of the closet itt.

12-13-2022, 01:59 AM
Not necessarily lmao. But if it makes you sleep at night, then go ahead do believe so.

Take Patrick Chewing's offer already. You already see him as your father (http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showthread.php?506951-Is-this-good-parenting&p=14668927&viewfull=1#post14668927). Would you like to become a man or continue to grow to be like a woman?

12-13-2022, 02:01 AM
He won't give me my allowance, aspy boi. :biggums:

Lakers Legend#32
12-13-2022, 04:14 AM
Chewing just came out of the closet itt.

At the same time he said he was going to be posting here less.