View Full Version : Is AD the most choking great player ever?

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12-10-2022, 11:15 AM
13/13 FT's and misses the one for the win..


I couldn't look myself in the mirror if I were him.

Full Court
12-10-2022, 01:28 PM
Lebron is, and it's not even close. Start with 2011, and we can go on from there.

Smook A.
12-10-2022, 01:33 PM
Lebron is, and it's not even close. Start with 2011, and we can go on from there.

Nah you're really reaching :oldlol: He's had more clutch moments

Full Court
12-10-2022, 01:52 PM
Nah you're really reaching :oldlol: He's had more clutch moments

Show me an all time great who's had more choke jobs than Lebron.

12-10-2022, 01:52 PM
Considering he was a massive part of a title winning team I’m gonna say no and that OP is being a reactionary moron as usual.

12-10-2022, 01:59 PM
Show me an all time great who's had more choke jobs than Lebron.

I doubt LeBron has the most, but put it in relation to his clutch jobs and he's way on the positive side.

12-10-2022, 02:01 PM
Full Retard considers it choking if LeBron doesn’t win which should let you know how great he thinks LeBron is.

Smook A.
12-10-2022, 02:04 PM
Show me an all time great who's had more choke jobs than Lebron.

Show me an all time great who lead his team to a championship after being down 3-1 in the finals

Full Court
12-10-2022, 02:05 PM
Full Retard considers it choking if LeBron doesn’t win which should let you know how great he thinks LeBron is.

You're a bona fide idiot. He misses game winners far more than he makes them. It's well known that he's Mr. Anti-clutch. But you're not known for anything resembling intellect.

Full Court
12-10-2022, 02:06 PM
I doubt LeBron has the most, but put it in relation to his clutch jobs and he's way on the positive side.

So show me an all time great who has more choke jobs then.

Full Court
12-10-2022, 02:06 PM
Show me an all time great who lead his team to a championship after being down 3-1 in the finals

Show me a time when Jordan was ever down 3-1 in the finals. :lol

Smook A.
12-10-2022, 02:09 PM
Show me a time when Jordan was ever down 3-1 in the finals. :lol

This isn't about Jordan

12-10-2022, 02:13 PM
Bran and it's not even close..

12-10-2022, 02:15 PM
Calling anyone who was a major contributor to a title the biggest choker ever is just braindead when you have guys like DeMar DeRozan who have never won shit and almost always play like shit in the playoffs to boot.

12-10-2022, 02:33 PM
Nah you're really reaching :oldlol: He's had more clutch moments
Thread that was about davis suddenly became about lekong. :roll:

12-10-2022, 02:42 PM
Outside of 2020 AD has literally never played in a game of significance, and played great that one postseason, so it’d be hard to call him the biggest choker ever on the basis of one FT, esp when LeBron’s missed clutch free throws numerous times throughout his career :lol

Anyway the answer is obviously Harden, who might legitimately be the least clutch athlete I’ve seen in any sport, with CP3, the Mailman, D-Rob & Ewing probably rounding out the top 5.

12-10-2022, 02:46 PM
Outside of 2020 AD has literally never played in a game of significance, and played great that one postseason, so it’d be hard to call him the biggest choker ever on the basis of one FT, esp when LeBron’s missed clutch free throws numerous times throughout his career :lol

Anyway the answer is obviously Harden, who might legitimately be the least clutch athlete I’ve seen in any sport, with CP3, the Mailman, D-Rob & Ewing probably rounding out the top 5.
Yikes, they said these guys played in a watered-down era.

12-10-2022, 02:50 PM
Outside of 2020 AD has literally never played in a game of significance, and played great that one postseason, so it’d be hard to call him the biggest choker ever on the basis of one FT, esp when LeBron’s missed clutch free throws numerous times throughoutg his career :lol

Anyway the answer is obviously Harden, who might legitimately be the least clutch athlete I’ve seen in any sport, with CP3, the Mailman, D-Rob & Ewing probably rounding out the top 5.
CP3 was great in the playoffs in his prime, it’s a complete myth he wasn’t. Would have beaten the warriors in 2018 too. Not sure why we care what he does when he’s washed up.

12-10-2022, 03:05 PM
Outside of 2020 AD has literally never played in a game of significance, and played great that one postseason, so it’d be hard to call him the biggest choker ever on the basis of one FT, esp when LeBron’s missed clutch free throws numerous times throughout his career :lol

Anyway the answer is obviously Harden, who might legitimately be the least clutch athlete I’ve seen in any sport, with CP3, the Mailman, D-Rob & Ewing probably rounding out the top 5.

I remember AD bricking every single shot late to lose all kinds of vital games to end the season last year. It was why the Lakers missed the playoffs.

Full Court
12-10-2022, 03:08 PM
This isn't about Jordan

Well you changed the subject. I challenged you to show me an all time great who has more choke jobs then Lebron. And it's crickets.

12-10-2022, 03:11 PM
Well you changed the subject. I challenged you to show me an all time great who has more choke jobs then Lebron. And it's crickets.

First, you need to establish what chokejobs he has.

Then we can see if you're full of it.

If you're not, it will be very easy to dismiss that claim.

12-10-2022, 03:36 PM
Well you changed the subject. I challenged you to show me an all time great who has more choke jobs then Lebron. And it's crickets.

Spurs m8
12-10-2022, 03:44 PM
Everyone knows it LeChoke

Can someone post his hit or lose stats?

Every singe time I ask, the bronies will not do it.


Full Court
12-10-2022, 05:27 PM
First, you need to establish what chokejobs he has.

Then we can see if you're full of it.

If you're not, it will be very easy to dismiss that claim.

You don't know what choking is???


12-10-2022, 07:15 PM
13/13 FT's and misses the one for the win..


I couldn't look myself in the mirror if I were him.

What did lebum do in OT tho? He didn't want any part of the ball lmao was too scared to shoot, held the ball til 4 seconds, passed it out for someone else to shoot.....he is pathetic and you are too

Full Court
12-10-2022, 08:36 PM
What did lebum do in OT tho? He didn't want any part of the ball lmao was too scared to shoot, held the ball til 4 seconds, passed it out for someone else to shoot.....he is pathetic and you are too

He did go for a layup on OT. Missed though.


12-10-2022, 10:07 PM
Why do you guys keep listing people who were the best players on multiple title teams? Makes zero sense.

12-10-2022, 10:15 PM
Easily Harden.

12-10-2022, 11:10 PM
Lebron is, and it's not even close. Start with 2011, and we can go on from there.

Start with Olympics in 2004, FIBA 2006, Losing with HCA 3 years in a row, 1 title in 11 years for franchise that drafted him.

12-11-2022, 12:52 AM

12-11-2022, 11:31 AM
You don't know what choking is???


I didn't ask you to define a chokejob, but to establish which ones LeBron has.

Go ahead, let's see how full of shit you are.

Hey Yo
12-11-2022, 11:51 AM

Crickets from Full Cuck

Full Court
12-11-2022, 12:22 PM
Crickets from Full Cuck

So dumb it doesn't even merit a response. Wilt was 16-19 in the finals. Bronie is 22-33. Show me a top 10 all time player with a finals record that abysmal.

There's a reason he earned the name LeChoker.

Hey Yo
12-11-2022, 12:27 PM
So dumb it doesn't even merit a response. Wilt was 16-19 in the finals. Bronie is 22-33. Show me a top 10 all time player with a finals record that abysmal.

There's a reason he earned the name LeChoker.

So Wilt wasn't a Finals choker?? His numbers didn't Wilt?

Full Court
12-11-2022, 12:28 PM
So Wilt wasn't a Finals choker?? His numbers didn't Wilt?

Wilt was a finals choker.

Bronie is a much worse finals choker.

Rocket science.

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fih1.redbubble.net%2Fimage.3269449 78.5261%2Fflat%2C550x550%2C075%2Cf.u5.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=7f597e6a304af400c5306bd53e1fb3a8a6a10f82aaa2a8 d1c04d48d10c188aa0&ipo=images

12-11-2022, 12:31 PM
So dumb it doesn't even merit a response. Wilt was 16-19 in the finals. Bronie is 22-33. Show me a top 10 all time player with a finals record that abysmal.
You HAVE to be trolling with this :lol I refuse to believe anyone is stupid enough to believe having half the number of titles and (nearly) half the Finals appearances is more impressive because of a better W-L record in individual Finals games.

12-11-2022, 12:32 PM

Wilt by far has the most choke jobs out of any player in the top 10.

His play routinely decreased once the playoffs rolled around and was the first player ever to blow a 3-1 series lead.

LeBron was labeled a choker after 2011, which was warranted, and the next season after he was down 3-2 in the ECF and his legacy about to be completely tarnished, he responded by doing this.


This game right here completely changed the way people viewed him, at least in the logical fan's mind.

LeBron is actually one of the best big game performers ever, people calling him a choker just exposes themselves to not knowing their history.

LeBron James in elimination games: 33.5 points, 7.5 assists, 10.7 rebounds, 49 FG%
LeBron James in game 7s: 35 points . 10 rebounds . 5.6 assists, 49 FG%

4 FMVP as well. "But, he's a choker" :lol

Full Court
12-11-2022, 12:34 PM
Wilt by far has the most choke jobs out of any player in the top 10.

His play routinely decreased once the playoffs rolled around and was the first player ever to blow a 3-1 series lead.

LeBron was labeled a choker after 2011, which was warranted, and the next season after he was down 3-2 in the ECF and his legacy about to be completely tarnished, he responded by doing this.


This game right here completely changed the way people viewed him, at least in the logical fan's mind.

LeBron is actually one of the best big game performers ever, people calling him a choker just exposes themselves to not knowing their history.

LeBron James in elimination games: 33.7 points, 7.5 assists, 10.8 rebounds, 49.1 FG%
LeBron James in game 7s: 35 points . 10 rebounds . 5.6 assists, 49 FG%

Sure, he had some incredible finals performances. But that doesn't erase his epic choke jobs. 2011 was the most egregious, but certainly not the only one. When you're comparing him to someone like Jordan, who never had an epic choke job, that matters.

12-11-2022, 12:41 PM
Sure, he had some incredible finals performances. But that doesn't erase his epic choke jobs. 2011 was the most egregious, but certainly not the only one. When you're comparing him to someone like Jordan, who never had an epic choke job, that matters.

This is what you posted yesterday...

Well you changed the subject. I challenged you to show me an all time great who has more choke jobs then Lebron. And it's crickets.

We showed you it's Wilt and now you are moving the goal posts. :lol

Hell, Kobe was a far worse playoff performer than LeBron as well, a guy some people have in the top 10-12. LeBron was also a better playoff performer than Bird, who is usually ranked in the top 10.

Full Court
12-11-2022, 12:43 PM
This is what you posted yesterday...

We showed you it's Wilt and now you are moving the goal posts. Hell, Kobe was a far worse playoff performer than LeBron as well, a guy some people have in the top 10-12.


I showed you how it's not Wilt. I can't wait for you to try to explain how a 16-19 finals record proves you're more of a choker than someone with a 22-33 finals record.


12-11-2022, 12:49 PM
I showed you how it's not Wilt. I can't wait for you to try to explain how a 16-19 finals record proves you're more of a choker than someone with a 22-33 finals record.


Wilt who made the Finals less times than LeBron & won it only 2 times is all of a sudden more impressive than a guy who's made & won the Finals more times.

Some smart logic you got there, holy shit. :oldlol:

Full Court
12-11-2022, 12:58 PM
Wilt who made the Finals less times than LeBron & won it only 2 times is all of a sudden more impressive than a guy who's made & won the Finals more times.

Some smart logic you got there, holy shit. :oldlol:

We're talking about choking here, not accomplishments and being impressive. I knew it was only a matter of time before you tried to shift the debate. :lol

Just like we were talking about players in the top 10, and you bring in Kobe, who is consensus not top 10 (although he was in the discussion for GOAT 10 years ago). There's a reason why Kobe is not top ten, good as he was.

12-11-2022, 01:03 PM
We're talking about choking here, not accomplishments and being impressive. I knew it was only a matter of time before you tried to shift the debate. :lol

Just like we were talking about players in the top 10, and you bring in Kobe, who is consensus not top 10 (although he was in the discussion for GOAT 10 years ago). There's a reason why Kobe is not top ten, good as he was.

You haven't even brought up examples of LeBron choking besides 2011.

12-11-2022, 02:28 PM
That title belong to Lebron

Lebron has yet to have any memorable moments

12-11-2022, 02:55 PM
It won't surprise me if Full Court gets ban in this forum.

Full Court
12-11-2022, 04:10 PM
It won't surprise me if Full Court gets ban in this forum.

It won't surprise me if you cry yourself to sleep next time Bronie has a bad game.

Spurs m8
12-11-2022, 05:00 PM
Still waiting for LeBarrys hit or lose stats

12-11-2022, 05:09 PM
You HAVE to be trolling with this :lol I refuse to believe anyone is stupid enough to believe having half the number of titles and (nearly) half the Finals appearances is more impressive because of a better W-L record in individual Finals games.
Haven't you heard? Losing in the first round three times in a row is a lot better than being a consecutive finals runners-up. :lol

12-11-2022, 05:22 PM
Haven't you heard? Losing in the first round three times in a row is a lot better than being a consecutive finals runners-up. :lol
As idiotic as that is, he's literally arguing that a 2-4 Finals record is better than a 4-6 one because Wilt has a slightly better individual Finals game W-L record. Absolutely retarded :lol

Full Court
12-11-2022, 05:34 PM
You haven't even brought up examples of LeBron choking besides 2011.


This is from 2012, so it doesn't even capture a fraction of his chokes.

It would take me way too much time to compile the numberous chokes throughout his 20 year career, but here's a few for good measure.




Smook A.
12-11-2022, 05:41 PM
Full Court is a such a glass half empty kind of guy :roll:

Keeps talking about LeBron's chokes, but fails to bring up all the huge clutch moments he's had with many of them coming in the PLAYOFFS




Full Court
12-11-2022, 05:43 PM
Full Court is a such a glass half empty kind of guy :roll:

Keeps talking about LeBron's chokes, but fails to bring up all the huge clutch moments he's had with many of them coming in the PLAYOFFS

Once again, you're arguing apples against oranges. MAKING clutch plays doesn't change the fact that he's also MISSED clutch plays. This shouldn't be hard to understand.

If I miss 10 game winners, but I also make 10 game winners.....I've still MISSED 10 GAME WINNERS. This thread is about chokes, not about not choking.


Smook A.
12-11-2022, 05:48 PM
Once again, you're arguing apples against oranges. MAKING clutch plays doesn't change the fact that he's also MISSED clutch plays. This shouldn't be hard to understand.

If I miss 10 game winners, but I also make 10 game winners.....I've still MISSED 10 GAME WINNERS. This thread is about chokes, not about not choking.


Who the **** hasn't missed clutch plays? :oldlol:

If you have far more choke moments than clutch moments, you're gonna be known as a notorious choker. That's not the case with LeBron. He's had many more iconic clutch moments than times where he's choked. Therefore, you saying he's the biggest choker ever for a superstar is completely untrue.

Full Court
12-11-2022, 06:25 PM
Who the **** hasn't missed clutch plays? :oldlol:

If you have far more choke moments than clutch moments, you're gonna be known as a notorious choker. That's not the case with LeBron. He's had many more iconic clutch moments than times where he's choked. Therefore, you saying he's the biggest choker ever for a superstar is completely untrue.

I'm saying he's had more choke jobs than any other all time great. I've been waiting for you to show me someone who has more. I'm still waiting.

12-11-2022, 06:48 PM

This is from 2012, so it doesn't even capture a fraction of his chokes.

It would take me way too much time to compile the numberous chokes throughout his 20 year career, but here's a few for good measure.



This dude is literally cherrypicking plays from the regular season :lol I'm sure I could dig up dozens of plays from literally every ATG failing to come through in crunch time during the regular season. You're only able to do so this easily for LeBron because his career has been played during the social media era.

And did you seriously use that Wizards play when LeBron did this on the very next possession :oldlol:


Full Court
12-11-2022, 06:51 PM
This dude is literally cherrypicking plays from the regular season :lol I'm sure I could dig up dozens of plays from literally every ATG failing to come through in crunch time during the regular season. You're only able to do so this easily for LeBron because his career has been played during the social media era.

And did you seriously use that Wizards play when LeBron did this on the very next possession :oldlol:


Cherry-picking huh. I could post over a dozen from just the last two seasons. Surprisingly, nobody's actually compiled all his choke jobs from his career. Maybe as a service to basketball fans, I'll take the time to do that at some point. :lol

12-11-2022, 07:02 PM
Cherry-picking huh. I could post over a dozen from just the last two seasons. Surprisingly, nobody's actually compiled all his choke jobs from his career. Maybe as a service to basketball fans, I'll take the time to do that at some point. :lol
What happens over the span of an 82 game season is far less consequential than what happens in the playoffs, where besides 2011 you'd have very little proof of LeBron choking, the most you could do is cherrypick a handful of games out of a 250+ game sample size. He has ATG playoff & Finals numbers, GOAT elimination & Game 7 numbers, the only player besides Jordan with 4 FMVP's, and has the most playoff GW's in history. Unfortunately, these facts disprove your biggest choker ever label :lol

12-11-2022, 07:03 PM

This is from 2012, so it doesn't even capture a fraction of his chokes.

It would take me way too much time to compile the numberous chokes throughout his 20 year career, but here's a few for good measure.




Bruh are you serious?

How is this "for good measure" ?

Do you know what good measure means?

You can find these for anyone.

To make matters worse, LeBron hit an insane game tying shot after that missed layup.

Full Court
12-11-2022, 07:04 PM
What happens over the span of an 82 game season is far less consequential than what happens in the playoffs, where besides 2011 you'd have very little proof of LeBron choking, the most you could do is cherrypick a handful of games out of a 250+ game sample size. He has ATG playoff & Finals numbers, GOAT elimination & Game 7 numbers, the only player besides Jordan with 4 FMVP's, and has the most playoff GW's in history. Unfortunately, these facts disprove your biggest choker ever label :lol

The problem with you Bronies is that you refuse to acknowledge any of his glaring flaws. Like his being a notorious choker. The regular sports media has been talking about this for well over a decade, and you guys still can't see it. Lol.

12-11-2022, 07:08 PM
The problem with you Bronies is that you refuse to acknowledge any of his glaring flaws. Like his being a notorious choker. The regular sports media has been talking about this for well over a decade, and you guys still can't see it. Lol.

They really haven't since 2012 lol.

You haven't done anything to prove your claim.

You might want to look up the numbers, but then again that would include his misses and makes, which isn't good for your assertion.

12-11-2022, 07:09 PM
The problem with you Bronies is that you refuse to acknowledge any of his glaring flaws. Like his being a notorious choker. The regular sports media has been talking about this for well over a decade, and you guys still can't see it. Lol.
My post included literal facts, yours is nothing but conjecture. You didn't even TRY to refute what I said, just brought along your decade old Skip Bayless talking points. Show examples of him being a notorious choker in the playoffs, outside of that one infamous series you wouldn't have a whole lot to go on, ESP over the past decade since he started winning titles.

12-11-2022, 07:11 PM
My post included literal facts, yours is nothing but conjecture. You didn't even TRY to refute what I said, just brought along your decade old Skip Bayless talking points. Show examples of him being a notorious choker in the playoffs, outside of that one infamous series you wouldn't have a whole lot to go on, ESP over the past decade since he started winning titles.

2010 against Boston was definitely a choke. Whether or not he did it with ulterior motives is another story.

12-11-2022, 07:11 PM
What happens over the span of an 82 game season is far less consequential than what happens in the playoffs, where besides 2011 you'd have very little proof of LeBron choking, the most you could do is cherrypick a handful of games out of a 250+ game sample size. He has ATG playoff & Finals numbers, GOAT elimination & Game 7 numbers, the only player besides Jordan with 4 FMVP's, and has the most playoff GW's in history. Unfortunately, these facts disprove your biggest choker ever label :lol

Remember when he said that the finals mvp is the 'epitome criteria of judging a goat' or something like that? Meanwhile, wilt chamberlain (who only has one finals mvp in his entire career) is a top 3 candidate on his stupid goat book. :yaohappy:

Ofc, he'll only yap at me for saying the truth afterwards.

12-11-2022, 07:12 PM
Explain how a notorious choker could possibly be the best elimination game and game 7 performer of all time.

Finals averages of nearly a triple double at 28 ppg on 48.4% FG..

Are we living in some kind of backwards world with you?

Full Court
12-11-2022, 07:13 PM

Remember when he said that the finals mvp is the 'epitome criteria of judging a goat' or something like that? Meanwhile, wilt chamberlain (who only has one finals mvp in his entire career) is a top 3 candidate on his stupid goat book. :yaohappy:

Ofc, he'll only yap at me for saying the truth afterwards.

^Dingus doesn't understand that FMVP is the pre-eminent criterion, but not the only one. When you have epic choke jobs like 2011 it knocks you down in the rankings. Apparently it takes a minimum IQ to understand this.


12-11-2022, 07:13 PM
I'm saying he's had more choke jobs than any other all time great. I've been waiting for you to show me someone who has more. I'm still waiting.

Missing a game winner is not choking.

12-11-2022, 07:16 PM
You see, i didn't even mention anything about kong's 2011 choke performance. Yet somehow the whiny jizzrag is still fixated on it to the point that he keeps on moving the goalposts, as well as robbing him tons of sleep everyday. :oldlol:

Full Court
12-11-2022, 07:23 PM
You see, i didn't even mention anything about kong's 2011 choke performance. Yet somehow the whiny jizzrag is still fixated on it to the point that he keeps on moving the goalposts, as well as robbing him tons of sleep everyday. :oldlol:

The dingus desperately wants to ignore his hero's choke jobs, but I won't let him do it. :roll:


12-11-2022, 07:26 PM
My post included literal facts, yours is nothing but conjecture. You didn't even TRY to refute what I said, just brought along your decade old Skip Bayless talking points. Show examples of him being a notorious choker in the playoffs, outside of that one infamous series you wouldn't have a whole lot to go on, ESP over the past decade since he started winning titles.

Explain how a notorious choker could possibly be the best elimination game and game 7 performer of all time.

Finals averages of nearly a triple double at 28 ppg on 48.4% FG..

Are we living in some kind of backwards world with you?
Crickets from our resident 2022 ISH redneck jizzrag. :oldlol:

Not looking good at all for the braindead forum nazi trying to convince any non-lebron hater that he isn't a top 2/3 player all-time. :bowdown:

Full Court
12-11-2022, 07:29 PM
I'll break this down to stupid level so maybe the merman role player can understand.

Water - wet
Axe - dingus
Lebron - choker

12-11-2022, 07:34 PM

Full Court
12-11-2022, 07:36 PM

^Austistic meltdown. :lol

Full Court
12-11-2022, 07:43 PM
My post included literal facts, yours is nothing but conjecture. You didn't even TRY to refute what I said, just brought along your decade old Skip Bayless talking points. Show examples of him being a notorious choker in the playoffs, outside of that one infamous series you wouldn't have a whole lot to go on, ESP over the past decade since he started winning titles.

Are you illiterate???? I've shown NUMEROUS examples in this thread. But I'll do it one more time just in case you're blind.

Here's a small sample:

Finals game 1 against the Spurs in 2007 - 14 points on 25% shooting
Game 1 against Celtics 2008 - 12 points, 2 for 18 shooting, 10 turnovers
Game 1 against Bulls 2011 - 15 points, 33% shooting
The whole 2011 finals series. Most epic choke job of all time.
Game 5 against the Celtics 2012 - 15 points on 21% shooting.

Shall I go on? There's more.

12-11-2022, 07:45 PM
Are you illiterate???? I've shown NUMEROUS examples in this thread. But I'll do it one more time just in case you're blind.

Here's a small sample:

Finals game 1 against the Spurs in 2007 - 14 points on 25% shooting
Game 1 against Celtics 2008 - 12 points, 2 for 18 shooting, 10 turnovers
Game 1 against Bulls 2011 - 15 points, 33% shooting
The whole 2011 finals series. Most epic choke job of all time.
Game 5 against the Celtics 2012 - 15 points on 21% shooting.

Shall I go on? There's more.
Exactly like I said, a literal handful of games you could find for legitimately any player in history.

12-11-2022, 07:47 PM
Are you illiterate???? I've shown NUMEROUS examples in this thread. But I'll do it one more time just in case you're blind.

Here's a small sample:

Finals game 1 against the Spurs in 2007 - 14 points on 25% shooting
Game 1 against Celtics 2008 - 12 points, 2 for 18 shooting, 10 turnovers
Game 1 against Bulls 2011 - 15 points, 33% shooting
The whole 2011 finals series. Most epic choke job of all time.
Game 5 against the Celtics 2012 - 15 points on 21% shooting.

Shall I go on? There's more.

So you're just naming examples of random bad games? People have bad games sometimes. That's not what choking is.

Full Court
12-11-2022, 07:50 PM
So you're just naming examples of random bad games? People have bad games sometimes. That's not what choking is.

Then what, pray tell, is choking?

12-11-2022, 07:50 PM
Exactly like I said, a literal handful of games you could find for legitimately any player in history.

So you're just naming examples of random bad games? People have bad games sometimes. That's not what choking is.
:roll: (https://i.ibb.co/s2TRY1L/IMG-20220906-091426.jpg)

12-11-2022, 07:50 PM
Then what, pray tell, is choking?
Wilt from 1968-70.

Hey Yo
12-11-2022, 07:54 PM
Wilt from 1968-70.

Body bagged

Full Court
12-11-2022, 07:55 PM
Calling anyone who was a major contributor to a title the biggest choker ever is just braindead when you have guys like DeMar DeRozan who have never won shit and almost always play like shit in the playoffs to boot.

Once again, you either can't read or are ignoring the actual debate. Which is ironic since you work in a library. :lol

Biggest choker among all time greats. Is DeRozan an all time great in your mind?

12-11-2022, 07:55 PM
Then what, pray tell, is choking?

It's certainly not having a poor shooting first game in a series you win 4-1 :lol

It's missing 4 FTs in a row to lose a game. Or making a series of terrible decisions in crunchtime. Or generally being thrown off your game entirely and not being able to make adjustments and letting it spiral.

Full Court
12-11-2022, 07:56 PM
Wilt from 1968-70.

Still not nearly as many choke jobs as Bronie. The truth must REALLLLYY hurt. You guys are going through mental gymnastics to try to get out of this one. Even trying to redefine what a choke job is. "It's just a bunch of bad games, not a choke job!!!!" Lol.

Full Court
12-11-2022, 07:57 PM
It's certainly not having a poor shooting first game in a series you win 4-1 :lol

It's missing 4 FTs in a row to lose a game. Or making a series of terrible decisions in crunchtime. Or generally being thrown off your game entirely and not being able to make adjustments and letting it spiral.

I talked about blowing it in crunch time, and you Bronies wanted to say that's not choking. So I posted full games. Either way, you guys lose. There's no getting out of this one. He's an EPIC choker. That's a fact.

Full Court
12-11-2022, 08:02 PM
So you're just naming examples of random bad games? People have bad games sometimes. That's not what choking is.

Here's another small sample lol.





You have no leg to stand on whatsoever. But let me guess, disappearing in the fourth quarter isn't choking either. :lol "It's just having a bad quarter."

12-11-2022, 08:16 PM
'Greatest choker ever'. Therefore, he should be forgettable but still can't manage to completely get him outta his hopeless dead brain. Pathetic. :confusedshrug: :roll:

12-11-2022, 08:18 PM
I am sure that Wilt wouldn't mind having a worse finals game W-L record if he had two extra rings.

Let's Say Wilt wins in that game seven in 1970 and is is the NBA Finals MVP.

Then Wilt wins in '73 for the repeat and third title in four years and is the NBA Finals MVP again.

Then he retires.

Now Wilt has four rings, the same as Shaq and Lebron, one-off Magic and Duncan and two behind Jordan and Kareem.

Three titles in four years after his nemesis Bill Russell retired, and three NBA Finals MVP awards (would have gotten it in 1967 if it had existed).

In this hypothetical situation.

He would probably be ranked as a top 3 player of all time over Kareem even with a worse finals W-L record

12-11-2022, 08:18 PM
I talked about blowing it in crunch time, and you Bronies wanted to say that's not choking. So I posted full games. Either way, you guys lose. There's no getting out of this one. He's an EPIC choker. That's a fact.

Missing a shot in crunchtime is not blowing it. Most guys shoot below 50% from the field in general, much less in highly contested situations.

Here's this: https://www.82games.com/gamewinningshots.htm

The NBA average on game-winning shots in this period was less that 30%. Is everybody a choker more than 70% of them time?

12-11-2022, 08:22 PM
Wilt from 1968-70.

“Billy Cunningham was out, having broken his wrist in 3 places after colliding with Knicks rookie Phil Jackson in the first round of playoffs.

Luke Jackson, who had torn a hamstring muscle in that same series, had reinjured it against the Celtics.

Wally Jones had an injured knee. Chamberlain had bruised his right big toe, the one he used to turn in the pivot.

And he was also suffering from shin splints, as he did at the end of almost every season, the result of the cumulative pounding that his immense body gave his lower legs over the course of some one hundred games. O

On top of that, he was playing with his right knee wrapped after pulling his calf muscle in the opening tip-off of game three.”

Long Time Coming by Chet Walker,p194, 203, 204, 206 wrote:

A more disastrous victory could not be imagined. Billy Cunningham broke his right wrist crashing into Phil Jackson on the first play in overtime.

He was gone for the year. Luke Jackson partially tore a hamstring and limed through the rest of the playoffs.

All-our vaunted depth was gone, not to mention our complete package of speed plus power.

We were suddenly a very mortal, very vulnerable team

We won Game 3 121-114, but Wilt tore a calf muscle and was limping badly
We were severely hampered by the loss of Luke Jackson and Bully Cunningham in the series.
They represented a lot of our diversified firepower, and their absence put much more pressure on the remaining shooters, Hal, Wali, and me.

But Wilt and Wali were limping, and I had a nagging groin pull.

With a diminished bench, gimpy starters, and our general exhaustion, it was as if the 3-1 lead was not really ours
[speaking about G7] [Wilt's] torn calf muscle and pulled thigh tendon hampered any lateral movement
All our injuries had finally caught up with us, and the Celtics' great veteran team had risen to the occasion ...

I wasn't involved in any fix during the series; I just couldn't shoot straight and was hampered by the groin pull.

Beyond the national tragedies and distractions, I had experienced a mysterious shortness of breath on and off the court that I attributed to stress.

But it recurred from time to time in Chicago with the Bulls. I never did get a reliable diagnosis until I retired and moved to California.

Five years later I found out I had a form of asthma.

Wilt: Larger than Life by Robert Cherry p189, 190, 194 wrote:

But the victory came at a high cost: in the first overtime, Cunningham, their budding star, collided with Jackson, all bony arms and elbows.

Cunningham broke his right (nonshooting) hand in three places and was out for the season.

That was 18.9 points and the best sixth man in basketball (a starter on any other club) gone from the lineup.

To add to the 76ers' woes, Luke Jackson had pulled a hamstring muscle, Hal Greer had burstitis in his knees, and, to quote Kiseda, "Wilt Chamberlain was showing his ages with sore toes and elbows and knees
[Hannum predicting a 76er win, in less than 7] was a bold statement, considering the 76ers were without Cunningham (broken right hand), Jackson was hobbled by a thigh pull, Greer's creaky joints ached and Wilt and Greer were not youngsters [though nor as Cherry notes were Boston]
Game,3 the very next night, was in Philadelphia. Wilt was being treated for numerous ailments, including a strained hamstring behind his knee, a partial tear of his right calf, and a bum toe - all of which had him limping noticeably throughout the game.

That is literally all of the core rotation guys of the 76ers playing hurt in 1968.

Johnny Green (a solid sneaky acquisition) was probably healthy, albeit not playing that much (10.5mpg in the RS, 18.3 in PO).

No offense but Philly in the state they were in had no business being in that series, and there's a small section of the internet that decides that Philly winning three (after the break for MLK's funeral, which allowed Philly to rest up) is worse than if they'd been swept, calling it a choke (and a Wilt one) without looking at the context.

12-11-2022, 08:31 PM
Wilt from 1968-70.

1970 was not a choke as it was a miracle that Wilt was even playing and his finals stats speak for themselves.

As he averaged 23PPG/24RPG/4APG on 62FG%

'69 is well known by those who care. I've discussed this, and so have others.

Wilt carries his share of the blame for his performances in games 4 and 6 but he was downright great in game seven and had the Lakers given him the ball in game three.

Instead of letting Baylor and West shoot one for 15 in the fourth quarter they most likely wrap up that series.

Full Court
12-11-2022, 08:50 PM
'Greatest choker ever'. Therefore, he should be forgettable but still can't manage to completely get him outta his hopeless dead brain. Pathetic. :confusedshrug: :roll:

This low IQ dingus might not realize that the most choking great player ever is STILL PLAYING. :roll: This clown brings a whole new level of dumbness to this board.

Or maybe he's repressing thoughts of Bronie still playing, since he's leading a super team to the lottery. AGAIN.


12-11-2022, 08:54 PM
Lmao here comes another lame ass narrative created just to justify his daily meltdowns, obsessions and narcissism about a 37 year-old athlete he desperately wants to be ridden off, folks.

And yep, he's still playing so that only means we'll continue to see the redneck jizzrag be so miserable itb. :oldlol:

12-11-2022, 08:57 PM
Looks like the forum jizzrag is getting owned again. Soggy m8 and Balless789 will be here any second now.

12-11-2022, 08:58 PM
Still not nearly as many choke jobs as Bronie. The truth must REALLLLYY hurt. You guys are going through mental gymnastics to try to get out of this one. Even trying to redefine what a choke job is. "It's just a bunch of bad games, not a choke job!!!!" Lol.

You are still not providing any examples to back up your claim, other than meaningless regular season games which can be applied to any player ever.

Full Court
12-11-2022, 09:29 PM
Lmao here comes another lame ass narrative created just to justify his daily meltdowns, obsessions and narcissism about a 37 year-old athlete he desperately wants to be ridden off, folks.

And yep, he's still playing so that only means we'll continue to see the redneck jizzrag be so miserable itb. :oldlol:

Merman meltdown. ^ :roll:

Full Court
12-11-2022, 09:29 PM
You are still not providing any examples to back up your claim, other than meaningless regular season games which can be applied to any player ever.

Try reading the thread.

Full Court
12-11-2022, 09:30 PM
Are you illiterate???? I've shown NUMEROUS examples in this thread. But I'll do it one more time just in case you're blind.

Here's a small sample:

Finals game 1 against the Spurs in 2007 - 14 points on 25% shooting
Game 1 against Celtics 2008 - 12 points, 2 for 18 shooting, 10 turnovers
Game 1 against Bulls 2011 - 15 points, 33% shooting
The whole 2011 finals series. Most epic choke job of all time.
Game 5 against the Celtics 2012 - 15 points on 21% shooting.

Shall I go on? There's more.

Quoting myself since 1987_Lakers has selective memory.

12-11-2022, 09:30 PM
Missed two FTs in a row in the fourth...

12-11-2022, 09:34 PM
Looks like the forum jizzrag is getting owned again. Soggy m8 and Balless789 will be here any second now.

Spurs m8
12-11-2022, 10:08 PM
Still waiting for LeBarrys hit or lose stats


12-11-2022, 10:25 PM
Everyone on the current Bulls roster are bigger chokers than AD. :oldlol:

Full Court
12-11-2022, 10:31 PM
Exactly like I said, a literal handful of games you could find for legitimately any player in history.

Handful of games... :roll:

I know you and the Bronies are stuck on this regardless of the evidence thrown right in your face, but for the sake of anyone reading this who actually has an open mind, here's a bigger sample, JUST from post season games.

2007 game 1 against Detroit. 10 points on 33% shooting. LOSS.
Game 2 against Detroit. 19 points on 37% shooting. LOSS.
Game 1 against the Spurs. 14 points on 25% shooting. LOSS.
2008 game 1 against Boston. 12 points and 10 turnovers on 11% shooting. 0/6 from three. LOSS.
Game 2 against Boston. 21 points on 25% shooting. LOSS.
Game 3 against Boston. 21 points on 31% shooting.
Game 4 against Boston. 21 points on 35% shooting.
2009 game 2 against Orlando. He scored 41 points, but on absolutely horrendous efficiency. 39% shooting and 1/8 from three. LOSS. Someone should have made him stop shooting.
2010 game 5 against Boston. 15 points on 21% shooting!!! LOSS. The series was tied 2-2 until that game. That Lebron choke put the Cavs down 3-2, and they went on to lose the series.
2011 game 1 against Philadelphia. 21 points on 29% shooting.
Game 5 against Philadelphia. 16 points on 39% shooting.
Game 3 against Boston. 15 points on 38% shooting. LOSS.
Game 1 against Chicago. 15 points on 33% shooting. LOSS.
Finals against Dallas. Most epic choke job of all time. Game 3, 17 points.
Game 4, 8 points on 27% shooting. LOSS.
Game 5, 17 points. LOSS.
Game 6, 21 points and 6 turnovers. LOSS.
2013 game 3 against San Antonio. 17 points on 41% shooting. LOSS.
Game 4 against San Antonio, 15 points on 33% shooting. LOSS.
Game 5 against San Antonio, 25 points on 36% shooting. LOSS.
2014 game 5 against Indiana. 7 points on 20% shooting. Whooaaaaaaaa! LOSS.
2015 game 1 against Chicago. 19 points on 41% shooting. LOSS.
Game 6 against Chicago. 15 points on 30% shooting.
Game 4 against Golden State. 20 points on 32% shooting.
2016 game 3 against Detroit. 20 points on 33% shooting.
Game 2 against Golden State. 19 points on 42% shooting. LOSS.
2017 game 3 against Boston. 11 points on 31% shooting. LOSS.
2018 game 1 against Indiana. 24 points on 41% shooting. 0% from three. LOSS.
Game 1 against Boston. 15 points on 31% shooting. LOSS.
2020 game 2 against Portland. 10 points on 36% shooting.
Game 1 against Houston. 20 points. LOSS.
Game 4 against Houston. 16 points on 41% shooting.
Game 1 against Denver. 15 points.
2021 game 1 against Phoenix. 18 points on 46% shooting. LOSS.
Game 3 against Phoenix. 21 points and 7 turnovers on 47% shooting.
Game 6 against Phoenix. 29 points on 11/26 shooting. ELIMINATION.

Just take your ethering and move on. :lol

12-11-2022, 11:17 PM
You could literally do that for every player in history with the exception of Jordan, who had his share of bad playoff games himself. Even ATG players have shitty games, this is not breaking news and honestly shouldn't come as a surprise to someone who supposedly follows basketball, or any sport for that matter.

But it's nice to see that you are so devoted to this man, you took the time to look through 20 years and 250+ worth of playoff games just to list any time he either scored below 25 or shot a low percentage :lol

Full Court
12-11-2022, 11:24 PM
You could literally do that for every player in history with the exception of Jordan, who had his share of bad playoff games himself. Even ATG players have shitty games, this is not breaking news and honestly shouldn't come as a surprise to someone who supposedly follows basketball, or any sport for that matter.

But it's nice to see that you are so devoted to this man, you took the time to look through 20 years and 250+ worth of playoff games just to list any time he either scored below 25 or shot a low percentage :lol

Yes, you could do that for every player in history. And their list wouldn't be nearly as long as Lebron's. Which is why he is

Wait for it...

the most choking great player ever.

Lol. You can't even make an intelligent argument against it.

12-11-2022, 11:33 PM
Yes, you could do that for every player in history. And their list wouldn't be nearly as long as Lebron's. Which is why he is

Wait for it...

the most choking great player ever.

Lol. You can't even make an intelligent argument against it.
I would bet good money that you could make a list that long with everybody besides possibly Jordan. If your criteria is scoring below 25 or shooting a low percentage, you could include literally Bill Russell's entire career, almost all of Duncan's & Magic's, most of Wilt's & Bird's, most of Kareem's Laker career, almost all of Shaq's post Lakers.

Full Court
12-11-2022, 11:37 PM
I would bet good money that you could make a list that long with everybody besides possibly Jordan. If your criteria is scoring below 25 or shooting a low percentage, you could include literally Bill Russell's entire career, almost all of Duncan's & Magic's, most of Wilt's & Bird's, most of Kareem's Laker career, almost all of Shaq's post Lakers.

No. You couldn't.

And the criteria is not under 25 points lol. There are plenty of games I didn't list where Bronie had under 25 points or a low shooting %. I just listed his clear-cut choke jobs. But I didn't expect you to change your mind. You Bronies have a religious-like aversion to recognizing his shortcomings.

12-11-2022, 11:44 PM
You could literally do that for every player in history with the exception of Jordan, who had his share of bad playoff games himself. Even ATG players have shitty games, this is not breaking news and honestly shouldn't come as a surprise to someone who supposedly follows basketball, or any sport for that matter.

But it's nice to see that you are so devoted to this man, you took the time to look through 20 years and 250+ worth of playoff games just to list any time he either scored below 25 or shot a low percentage :lol
Lebron has literally ruined his pathetic life with the way he scrutinizes him lmfao. I mean how insane can one be in being so sleepless everyday just because of a 'fringe top 10 player all-time' who he keeps on whining cannot win anymore. It's the ultimate definition of free real estate. He just becomes even worse as time goes on. :oldlol:

12-11-2022, 11:51 PM
The list is so damn dumb considering even if you factor in those bad playoff games by LeBron, he's still one of the best playoff performers ever. He's one of the few players ever who's play doesn't see much of a drop once the playoffs roll around.

If you want to nitpick, lets look at some Larry Bird's playoff games who's universally looked at as one of the most clutch players ever.

1980 vs Philly Game 5: 12 pts on 5/19 shooting
1981 vs Chicago Game 2: 12 pts on 5/13 shooting
1981 vs Philly Game 4: 18 pts on on 7/19 shooting
1981 vs Houson game 3: 8 pts on 3/11 shooting
1981 vs Houston game 4: 8 pts on 3/11 shooting
1981 vs Houston game 5: 12 pts on 5/16 shooting


This is only his first 2 years in the NBA, he has a handful of bad playoff games throughout his career, click the link above, despite all that, he's still was one of the most feared player ever in the clutch and I've never heard anyone label Larry Bird a choker.

What you are doing is just listing bad playoff games by LeBron, which every player in history has, and because LeBron has played more playoff games than any player in history, there is a good chance he's had more bad games than other all-time greats, but also more good games than any other all-time great.

You don't provide any thought provoking points.

12-11-2022, 11:59 PM
No. You couldn't.

And the criteria is not under 25 points lol. There are plenty of games I didn't list where Bronie had under 25 points or a low shooting %. I just listed his clear-cut choke jobs. But I didn't expect you to change your mind. You Bronies have a religious-like aversion to recognizing his shortcomings.
Yes you could, Larry Bird had 45 playoff games where he shot under 40%.

LeBron has had 47 playoff games where he shot under 40%, but he's also played 266 playoff games compared to Bird's 164 games. Which means Bird had a lower fg% at a higher rate. And Bird is known as one of the most clutch player EVER.

You are terrible at this.

12-12-2022, 12:02 AM
Yes you could, Larry Bird had 45 playoff games where he shot under 40%.

LeBron has had 47 playoff games where he shot under 40%, but he's also played 266 playoff games compared to Bird's 164 games. Which means Bird had a lower fg% at a higher rate. And Bird is known as one of the most clutch player EVER.

You are terrible at this.
And like I said, that would include literally 95% of the infamously unclutch Bull Russell's playoff career :lol

Spurs m8
12-12-2022, 12:03 AM
Honestly, I do wonder if anyone will ever top Barry in terms of being a top 10 type player and honestly just having the complete choke job gene

12-12-2022, 12:06 AM
Honestly, I do wonder if anyone will ever top Barry in terms of being a top 10 type player and honestly just having the complete choke job gene
2016 unanimous league mvp stephen curry blew a 3-1 lead in the finals with a 73-win team six years ago. 2011 kong had his own choke but wasn't a league mvp during that year, never led 3-1 in the first four games and his team had lesser than 60 wins also. Don't be so dumb, scrotum m8.

12-12-2022, 12:07 AM
Honestly, I do wonder if anyone will ever top Barry in terms of being a top 10 type player and honestly just having the complete choke job gene

Did somebody say "choke job gene"?


12-12-2022, 12:11 AM
1987_Lakers just bodybagged him. Completely annihilated that guy. If Full Court had any self awareness he'd never post here again.

12-12-2022, 12:19 AM
Yes you could, Larry Bird had 45 playoff games where he shot under 40%.

LeBron has had 47 playoff games where he shot under 40%, but he's also played 266 playoff games compared to Bird's 164 games. Which means Bird had a lower fg% at a higher rate. And Bird is known as one of the most clutch player EVER.

You are terrible at this.
His predictable stupid rebuttal later on.

'Bu-bu-but he still has a winning record in the finals!' :cry:

Basically anything just to fit his goddamn flawed agenda. :confusedshrug:

Spurs m8
12-12-2022, 12:21 AM
Got em absolutely fuming....on the daily

12-12-2022, 12:23 AM
His stupid rebuttal later on.

If so, then I would like to hear why Bird's early playoff exit in '83 is more impressive than LeBron's '17 & '18 run.

Full Court
12-12-2022, 08:34 AM
The list is so damn dumb considering even if you factor in those bad playoff games by LeBron, he's still one of the best playoff performers ever. He's one of the few players ever who's play doesn't see much of a drop once the playoffs roll around.

If you want to nitpick, lets look at some Larry Bird's playoff games who's universally looked at as one of the most clutch players ever.

1980 vs Philly Game 5: 12 pts on 5/19 shooting
1981 vs Chicago Game 2: 12 pts on 5/13 shooting
1981 vs Philly Game 4: 18 pts on on 7/19 shooting
1981 vs Houson game 3: 8 pts on 3/11 shooting
1981 vs Houston game 4: 8 pts on 3/11 shooting
1981 vs Houston game 5: 12 pts on 5/16 shooting


This is only his first 2 years in the NBA, he has a handful of bad playoff games throughout his career, click the link above, despite all that, he's still was one of the most feared player ever in the clutch and I've never heard anyone label Larry Bird a choker.

What you are doing is just listing bad playoff games by LeBron, which every player in history has, and because LeBron has played more playoff games than any player in history, there is a good chance he's had more bad games than other all-time greats, but also more good games than any other all-time great.

You don't provide any thought provoking points.

Someone has to have an inquiring mind to have thoughts provoked out of it.

Look at your list, and look at my list. They're not even comparable. :lol

Fact is, Lebron is the most choking great player in the history of the NBA. Nobodies put up a shred of evidence to suggest otherwise. It's not Bird, it's not Wilt.

I mean, the nickname LeShrivel didn't just come out of thin air. :roll:

Full Court
12-12-2022, 08:34 AM
His predictable stupid rebuttal later on.

Basically anything just to fit his goddamn flawed agenda. :confusedshrug:

Autism + anger + merman = dingus


12-12-2022, 09:59 AM
1987_Lakers just bodybagged him. Completely annihilated that guy. If Full Court had any self awareness he'd never post here again.


12-12-2022, 10:19 AM
Fact is, Lebron is the most choking great player in the history of the NBA. Nobodies put up a shred of evidence to suggest otherwise. It's not Bird, it's not Wilt.

I mean, the nickname LeShrivel didn't just come out of thin air. :roll:

No, it's not.

That's just your opinion which you have serious trouble backing up.

12-12-2022, 10:38 AM
No, it's not.

That's just your opinion which you have serious trouble backing up.

Career playoff averages.

LeBron: 29/9/7.5 on 49.5 fg%, 4 titles.
Bird: 24/10/6.5 on 47 fg%, 3 titles
Wilt: His ppg dropped from 30 ppg to 22.5 ppg in the playoffs, 2 titles

But somehow LeBron is clearly the biggest choker ever. :roll:

I already showed fullcourt that Bird had almost equal the bad shooting games as LeBron in the postseason despite LeBron playing like 100 more playoff games. At this point, he is trolling. He usually starts off debates pretty serious, but once you show him why his arguments don't hold weight, he trolls.

12-12-2022, 10:48 AM
Career playoff averages.

LeBron: 29/9/7.5 on 49.5 fg%, 4 titles.
Bird: 24/10/6.5 on 47 fg%, 3 titles
Wilt: His ppg dropped from 30 ppg to 22.5 ppg in the playoffs, 2 titles

But somehow LeBron is clearly the biggest choker ever. :roll:

I already showed fullcourt that Bird had almost equal the bad shooting games as LeBron in the postseason despite LeBron playing like 100 more playoff games. At this point, he is trolling. He usually starts off debates pretty serious, but once you show him why his arguments don't hold weight, he trolls.

He's going full "LeShRIVeL2" mode

12-12-2022, 02:01 PM
Gets butthurt by the ugly truth by yapping as usual. :oldlol:

Full Court
12-12-2022, 06:56 PM
Gets butthurt by the ugly truth by yapping as usual. :oldlol:

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi.imgflip.com%2F1y4rku.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=8e8453b5f8a76e0e53d75cd43af9d9870923e573a6fc3c 3b5ebbb353ee9107cf&ipo=images

Full Court
12-12-2022, 06:59 PM
Handful of games... :roll:

I know you and the Bronies are stuck on this regardless of the evidence thrown right in your face, but for the sake of anyone reading this who actually has an open mind, here's a bigger sample, JUST from post season games.

2007 game 1 against Detroit. 10 points on 33% shooting. LOSS.
Game 2 against Detroit. 19 points on 37% shooting. LOSS.
Game 1 against the Spurs. 14 points on 25% shooting. LOSS.
2008 game 1 against Boston. 12 points and 10 turnovers on 11% shooting. 0/6 from three. LOSS.
Game 2 against Boston. 21 points on 25% shooting. LOSS.
Game 3 against Boston. 21 points on 31% shooting.
Game 4 against Boston. 21 points on 35% shooting.
2009 game 2 against Orlando. He scored 41 points, but on absolutely horrendous efficiency. 39% shooting and 1/8 from three. LOSS. Someone should have made him stop shooting.
2010 game 5 against Boston. 15 points on 21% shooting!!! LOSS. The series was tied 2-2 until that game. That Lebron choke put the Cavs down 3-2, and they went on to lose the series.
2011 game 1 against Philadelphia. 21 points on 29% shooting.
Game 5 against Philadelphia. 16 points on 39% shooting.
Game 3 against Boston. 15 points on 38% shooting. LOSS.
Game 1 against Chicago. 15 points on 33% shooting. LOSS.
Finals against Dallas. Most epic choke job of all time. Game 3, 17 points.
Game 4, 8 points on 27% shooting. LOSS.
Game 5, 17 points. LOSS.
Game 6, 21 points and 6 turnovers. LOSS.
2013 game 3 against San Antonio. 17 points on 41% shooting. LOSS.
Game 4 against San Antonio, 15 points on 33% shooting. LOSS.
Game 5 against San Antonio, 25 points on 36% shooting. LOSS.
2014 game 5 against Indiana. 7 points on 20% shooting. Whooaaaaaaaa! LOSS.
2015 game 1 against Chicago. 19 points on 41% shooting. LOSS.
Game 6 against Chicago. 15 points on 30% shooting.
Game 4 against Golden State. 20 points on 32% shooting.
2016 game 3 against Detroit. 20 points on 33% shooting.
Game 2 against Golden State. 19 points on 42% shooting. LOSS.
2017 game 3 against Boston. 11 points on 31% shooting. LOSS.
2018 game 1 against Indiana. 24 points on 41% shooting. 0% from three. LOSS.
Game 1 against Boston. 15 points on 31% shooting. LOSS.
2020 game 2 against Portland. 10 points on 36% shooting.
Game 1 against Houston. 20 points. LOSS.
Game 4 against Houston. 16 points on 41% shooting.
Game 1 against Denver. 15 points.
2021 game 1 against Phoenix. 18 points on 46% shooting. LOSS.
Game 3 against Phoenix. 21 points and 7 turnovers on 47% shooting.
Game 6 against Phoenix. 29 points on 11/26 shooting. ELIMINATION.

Just take your ethering and move on. :lol

If you want to nitpick, lets look at some Larry Bird's playoff games who's universally looked at as one of the most clutch players ever.

1980 vs Philly Game 5: 12 pts on 5/19 shooting
1981 vs Chicago Game 2: 12 pts on 5/13 shooting
1981 vs Philly Game 4: 18 pts on on 7/19 shooting
1981 vs Houson game 3: 8 pts on 3/11 shooting
1981 vs Houston game 4: 8 pts on 3/11 shooting
1981 vs Houston game 5: 12 pts on 5/16 shooting

I already showed fullcourt that Bird had almost equal the bad shooting games as LeBron in the postseason despite LeBron playing like 100 more playoff games. At this point, he is trolling. He usually starts off debates pretty serious, but once you show him why his arguments don't hold weight, he trolls.


The only thing you've shown is that you need to learn how to count. I've challenged all you Bronies to show me someone who's choked more than Bronie, and nobody's come close. Just admit that LeShrivel is the most choking great player of all time.

12-12-2022, 07:08 PM
But it's nice to see that you are so devoted to this man, you took the time to look through 20 years and 250+ worth of playoff games just to list any time he either scored below 25 or shot a low percentage :lol
10 4

Full Court
12-12-2022, 07:16 PM
This thread smells like dingus all of a sudden.


12-12-2022, 07:17 PM
I already showed fullcourt that Bird had almost equal the bad shooting games as LeBron in the postseason despite LeBron playing like 100 more playoff games. At this point, he is trolling. He usually starts off debates pretty serious, but once you show him why his arguments don't hold weight, he trolls.
I agree with you 1987.

Full Court
12-12-2022, 07:26 PM
Bronie fluffers' low IQ and inability to put forth cogent arguments are on FULL DISPLAY in this thread. :roll:

12-12-2022, 07:30 PM
You are still not providing any examples to back up your claim, other than meaningless regular season games which can be applied to any player ever.

Full Court
12-12-2022, 07:31 PM
Handful of games... :roll:

I know you and the Bronies are stuck on this regardless of the evidence thrown right in your face, but for the sake of anyone reading this who actually has an open mind, here's a bigger sample, JUST from post season games.

2007 game 1 against Detroit. 10 points on 33% shooting. LOSS.
Game 2 against Detroit. 19 points on 37% shooting. LOSS.
Game 1 against the Spurs. 14 points on 25% shooting. LOSS.
2008 game 1 against Boston. 12 points and 10 turnovers on 11% shooting. 0/6 from three. LOSS.
Game 2 against Boston. 21 points on 25% shooting. LOSS.
Game 3 against Boston. 21 points on 31% shooting.
Game 4 against Boston. 21 points on 35% shooting.
2009 game 2 against Orlando. He scored 41 points, but on absolutely horrendous efficiency. 39% shooting and 1/8 from three. LOSS. Someone should have made him stop shooting.
2010 game 5 against Boston. 15 points on 21% shooting!!! LOSS. The series was tied 2-2 until that game. That Lebron choke put the Cavs down 3-2, and they went on to lose the series.
2011 game 1 against Philadelphia. 21 points on 29% shooting.
Game 5 against Philadelphia. 16 points on 39% shooting.
Game 3 against Boston. 15 points on 38% shooting. LOSS.
Game 1 against Chicago. 15 points on 33% shooting. LOSS.
Finals against Dallas. Most epic choke job of all time. Game 3, 17 points.
Game 4, 8 points on 27% shooting. LOSS.
Game 5, 17 points. LOSS.
Game 6, 21 points and 6 turnovers. LOSS.
2013 game 3 against San Antonio. 17 points on 41% shooting. LOSS.
Game 4 against San Antonio, 15 points on 33% shooting. LOSS.
Game 5 against San Antonio, 25 points on 36% shooting. LOSS.
2014 game 5 against Indiana. 7 points on 20% shooting. Whooaaaaaaaa! LOSS.
2015 game 1 against Chicago. 19 points on 41% shooting. LOSS.
Game 6 against Chicago. 15 points on 30% shooting.
Game 4 against Golden State. 20 points on 32% shooting.
2016 game 3 against Detroit. 20 points on 33% shooting.
Game 2 against Golden State. 19 points on 42% shooting. LOSS.
2017 game 3 against Boston. 11 points on 31% shooting. LOSS.
2018 game 1 against Indiana. 24 points on 41% shooting. 0% from three. LOSS.
Game 1 against Boston. 15 points on 31% shooting. LOSS.
2020 game 2 against Portland. 10 points on 36% shooting.
Game 1 against Houston. 20 points. LOSS.
Game 4 against Houston. 16 points on 41% shooting.
Game 1 against Denver. 15 points.
2021 game 1 against Phoenix. 18 points on 46% shooting. LOSS.
Game 3 against Phoenix. 21 points and 7 turnovers on 47% shooting.
Game 6 against Phoenix. 29 points on 11/26 shooting. ELIMINATION.

Just take your ethering and move on. :lol

If you want to nitpick, lets look at some Larry Bird's playoff games who's universally looked at as one of the most clutch players ever.

1980 vs Philly Game 5: 12 pts on 5/19 shooting
1981 vs Chicago Game 2: 12 pts on 5/13 shooting
1981 vs Philly Game 4: 18 pts on on 7/19 shooting
1981 vs Houson game 3: 8 pts on 3/11 shooting
1981 vs Houston game 4: 8 pts on 3/11 shooting
1981 vs Houston game 5: 12 pts on 5/16 shooting

I already showed fullcourt that Bird had almost equal the bad shooting games as LeBron in the postseason despite LeBron playing like 100 more playoff games. At this point, he is trolling. He usually starts off debates pretty serious, but once you show him why his arguments don't hold weight, he trolls.


The only thing you've shown is that you need to learn how to count. I've challenged all you Bronies to show me someone who's choked more than Bronie, and nobody's come close. Just admit that LeShrivel is the most choking great player of all time. Posting this again since dingus boi is trying to bury it.

12-12-2022, 07:33 PM
My post included literal facts, yours is nothing but conjecture. You didn't even TRY to refute what I said, just brought along your decade old Skip Bayless talking points. Show examples of him being a notorious choker in the playoffs, outside of that one infamous series you wouldn't have a whole lot to go on, ESP over the past decade since he started winning titles.

Full Court
12-12-2022, 07:39 PM

12-12-2022, 07:40 PM
What happens over the span of an 82 game season is far less consequential than what happens in the playoffs, where besides 2011 you'd have very little proof of LeBron choking, the most you could do is cherrypick a handful of games out of a 250+ game sample size. He has ATG playoff & Finals numbers, GOAT elimination & Game 7 numbers, the only player besides Jordan with 4 FMVP's, and has the most playoff GW's in history. Unfortunately, these facts disprove your biggest choker ever label :lol

Full Court
12-12-2022, 07:47 PM
https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi5.walmartimages.com%2Fasr%2F2fa1 03ed-434f-498e-9284-0e54d4d1931e_1.d76f875cf533aebe4c3343c42f6aa12c.jp eg%3FodnHeight%3D160%26odnWidth%3D160%26odnBg%3DFF FFFF&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=6b85769739277d63be50d7d16260ccbd743ff48ec81c3d d3b9011c9c0f0d074c&ipo=images


12-12-2022, 07:49 PM
Full Court is a such a glass half empty kind of guy :roll:

Keeps talking about LeBron's chokes, but fails to bring up all the huge clutch moments he's had with many of them coming in the PLAYOFFS




Full Court
12-12-2022, 07:58 PM
Dingus boi keeps highlighting the utter desperation of Bronie fluffers to cling to their phony narrative. :roll:

Keep it up, WD-4 zero.

12-12-2022, 07:58 PM

The only thing you've shown is that you need to learn how to count.

God, it's like you are incapable of just going to basketballreference and checking this stuff out for yourself.

Yes you could, Larry Bird had 45 playoff games where he shot under 40%.

LeBron has had 47 playoff games where he shot under 40%, but he's also played 266 playoff games compared to Bird's 164 games. Which means Bird had a lower fg% at a higher rate. And Bird is known as one of the most clutch player EVER.

You are terrible at this.


Now go through those game logs.

12-12-2022, 08:03 PM
God, it's like you are incapable of just going to basketballreference and checking this stuff out for yourself.


Now go through those game logs.

Full Court
12-12-2022, 08:11 PM
Handful of games... :roll:

I know you and the Bronies are stuck on this regardless of the evidence thrown right in your face, but for the sake of anyone reading this who actually has an open mind, here's a bigger sample, JUST from post season games.

2007 game 1 against Detroit. 10 points on 33% shooting. LOSS.
Game 2 against Detroit. 19 points on 37% shooting. LOSS.
Game 1 against the Spurs. 14 points on 25% shooting. LOSS.
2008 game 1 against Boston. 12 points and 10 turnovers on 11% shooting. 0/6 from three. LOSS.
Game 2 against Boston. 21 points on 25% shooting. LOSS.
Game 3 against Boston. 21 points on 31% shooting.
Game 4 against Boston. 21 points on 35% shooting.
2009 game 2 against Orlando. He scored 41 points, but on absolutely horrendous efficiency. 39% shooting and 1/8 from three. LOSS. Someone should have made him stop shooting.
2010 game 5 against Boston. 15 points on 21% shooting!!! LOSS. The series was tied 2-2 until that game. That Lebron choke put the Cavs down 3-2, and they went on to lose the series.
2011 game 1 against Philadelphia. 21 points on 29% shooting.
Game 5 against Philadelphia. 16 points on 39% shooting.
Game 3 against Boston. 15 points on 38% shooting. LOSS.
Game 1 against Chicago. 15 points on 33% shooting. LOSS.
Finals against Dallas. Most epic choke job of all time. Game 3, 17 points.
Game 4, 8 points on 27% shooting. LOSS.
Game 5, 17 points. LOSS.
Game 6, 21 points and 6 turnovers. LOSS.
2013 game 3 against San Antonio. 17 points on 41% shooting. LOSS.
Game 4 against San Antonio, 15 points on 33% shooting. LOSS.
Game 5 against San Antonio, 25 points on 36% shooting. LOSS.
2014 game 5 against Indiana. 7 points on 20% shooting. Whooaaaaaaaa! LOSS.
2015 game 1 against Chicago. 19 points on 41% shooting. LOSS.
Game 6 against Chicago. 15 points on 30% shooting.
Game 4 against Golden State. 20 points on 32% shooting.
2016 game 3 against Detroit. 20 points on 33% shooting.
Game 2 against Golden State. 19 points on 42% shooting. LOSS.
2017 game 3 against Boston. 11 points on 31% shooting. LOSS.
2018 game 1 against Indiana. 24 points on 41% shooting. 0% from three. LOSS.
Game 1 against Boston. 15 points on 31% shooting. LOSS.
2020 game 2 against Portland. 10 points on 36% shooting.
Game 1 against Houston. 20 points. LOSS.
Game 4 against Houston. 16 points on 41% shooting.
Game 1 against Denver. 15 points.
2021 game 1 against Phoenix. 18 points on 46% shooting. LOSS.
Game 3 against Phoenix. 21 points and 7 turnovers on 47% shooting.
Game 6 against Phoenix. 29 points on 11/26 shooting. ELIMINATION.

Just take your ethering and move on. :lol

If you want to nitpick, lets look at some Larry Bird's playoff games who's universally looked at as one of the most clutch players ever.

1980 vs Philly Game 5: 12 pts on 5/19 shooting
1981 vs Chicago Game 2: 12 pts on 5/13 shooting
1981 vs Philly Game 4: 18 pts on on 7/19 shooting
1981 vs Houson game 3: 8 pts on 3/11 shooting
1981 vs Houston game 4: 8 pts on 3/11 shooting
1981 vs Houston game 5: 12 pts on 5/16 shooting

I already showed fullcourt that Bird had almost equal the bad shooting games as LeBron in the postseason despite LeBron playing like 100 more playoff games. At this point, he is trolling. He usually starts off debates pretty serious, but once you show him why his arguments don't hold weight, he trolls.


The only thing you've shown is that you need to learn how to count. I've challenged all you Bronies to show me someone who's choked more than Bronie, and nobody's come close. Just admit that LeShrivel is the most choking great player of all time.

Full Court
12-12-2022, 08:15 PM
God, it's like you are incapable of just going to basketballreference and checking this stuff out for yourself.


Now go through those game logs.

When you're a shell of your former self because of a back injury and shouldn't even be in the league, that's just sucking, not choking. Once again, TERRIBLE argument from you. Nobody was even expecting Bird to play well in '91 and '92. Bronie had WAY more chokes than Bird. Or Wilt. It's not even close. Good try though. :applause:

12-12-2022, 08:16 PM

The only thing you've shown is that you need to learn how to count. I've challenged all you Bronies to show me someone who's choked more than Bronie, and nobody's come close. Just admit that LeShrivel is the most choking great player of all time.

Yup, got countered with facts and now you are resorting to trolling, lol.

12-12-2022, 08:21 PM
When you're a shell of your former self because of a back injury and shouldn't even be in the league, that's just sucking, not choking. Once again, TERRIBLE argument from you. Nobody was even expecting Bird to play well in '91 and '92. Bronie had WAY more chokes than Bird. Or Wilt. It's not even close. Good try though. :applause:

So someone who is averaging 20/9/7 like Bird did in those years "sucks" and "shouldn't be in the league". LOL. To be fair, I'm not calling it choking, I'm just using your dumb standards of "choking"

I find it funny how you use the bad back as an excuse, but ignore LeBron was playing injured in the '21 postseason and you still included his games on your list. It's only fair I do the same.

12-12-2022, 08:21 PM

A summary of what has happened in this derailed thread. :confusedshrug:
Oh wow, some huge impact on some stupid mongoloid's life by a 37 year-old 'fringe top 10 player all-time'. What a lame forum nazi of ish rt. :oldlol: :bowdown:

12-12-2022, 08:35 PM
Full Casual eager to show the world how insanely stupid he is again.

Full Court
12-12-2022, 08:50 PM
Yup, got countered with facts and now you are resorting to trolling, lol.

It's called obvious logic. You're trying to say that Bird had a two-year-long choke job. Lol. That just makes you look dumb. Your arguments are just getting weaker. You should just recognize when you've been beaten. :lol

The winner of the all time choker award is STILL LeShrivel.

Full Court
12-12-2022, 08:50 PM
Oh wow, some huge impact on some stupid mongoloid's life by a 37 year-old 'fringe top 10 player all-time'. What a lame forum nazi of ish rt. :oldlol: :bowdown:

Full Casual eager to show the world how insanely stupid he is again.

^Butthurt Bronie fluffers. :lol

Truth HURTS them.


12-12-2022, 09:26 PM
It's called obvious logic. You're trying to say that Bird had a two-year-long choke job. Lol. That just makes you look dumb. Your arguments are just getting weaker. You should just recognize when you've been beaten. :lol

The winner of the all time choker award is STILL LeShrivel.

Obvious logic? You said someone who averaged 20/9/7 "sucks" and "shouldn't even be in the league". :oldlol:

And I already stated that's not choking by my standards, I'm simply going by your standards, you posted a bunch of games where LeBron played bad in the postseason, I showed you Bird had an equal amount of bad games throughout his career, despite playing less postseason games, and since then you have just talked around in circles avoiding my points.

Full Court
12-12-2022, 09:29 PM
Obvious logic? You said someone who averaged 20/9/7 "sucks" and "shouldn't even be in the league". :oldlol:

And I already stated that's not choking by my standards, I'm simply going by your standards, you posted a bunch of games where LeBron played bad in the postseason, I showed you Bird had an equal amount of bad games throughout his career, despite playing less postseason games, and since then you have just talked around in circles avoiding my points.

It still wasn't an equal amount of bad games. But if you're going to count the end of Bird's career as a "choke," then I'll count Lebron's last season of leading a super team to the lottery as a choke. He was injured, Bird was injured, fair is fair.

12-12-2022, 09:34 PM
It still wasn't an equal amount of bad games. But if you're going to count the end of Bird's career as a "choke," then I'll count Lebron's last season of leading a super team to the lottery as a choke. He was injured, Bird was injured, fair is fair.

LeBron was injured in 2021 and you still listed his games that postseason.

Larry Bird had 45 playoff games where he shot under 40%.

LeBron has had 47 playoff games where he shot under 40%, but he's also played 266 playoff games compared to Bird's 164 games. Which means Bird had a lower fg% at a higher rate.

That means Bird shot under 40% in 27% of his career postseason games.
LeBron only shot under 40% in 17% of his career postseason games.

So by your own logic Bird was a bigger choker.

Full Court
12-12-2022, 09:38 PM
LeBron was injured in 2021 and you still listed his games that postseason.

Larry Bird had 45 playoff games where he shot under 40%.

LeBron has had 47 playoff games where he shot under 40%, but he's also played 266 playoff games compared to Bird's 164 games. Which means Bird had a lower fg% at a higher rate.

That means Bird shot under 40% in 27% of his career postseason games.
LeBron only shot under 40% in 17% of his career postseason games.

So by your own logic Bird was a bigger choker.

No, he was fully recovered in the 2021 playoffs. Him being injured was a fabricated narrative from Bronie fluffers to cover for his chokes.

Ohhhhh, so since Bronie has way more choke jobs than Bird, now you're going to argue PERCENTAGES. :roll: This gets better all the time.

12-12-2022, 09:46 PM
Ohhhhh, so since Bronie has way more choke jobs than Bird, now you're going to argue PERCENTAGES. :roll: This gets better all the time.

LeBron has played 100 more postseason games than Bird, it only makes sense to go by percentages. This is common sense.

The fact that Bird almost has an equal amount of bad shooting games than LeBron in the postseason despite playing 100 less games should tell you something.

12-12-2022, 09:48 PM
Career playoff averages.

LeBron: 29/9/7.5 on 49.5 fg%, 4 titles.
Bird: 24/10/6.5 on 47 fg%, 3 titles
Wilt: His ppg dropped from 30 ppg to 22.5 ppg in the playoffs, 2 titles

But somehow LeBron is clearly the biggest choker ever. :roll:

12-12-2022, 09:58 PM
Career playoff averages.

LeBron: 29/9/7.5 on 49.5 fg%, 4 titles.
Bird: 24/10/6.5 on 47 fg%, 3 titles
Wilt: His ppg dropped from 30 ppg to 22.5 ppg in the playoffs, 2 titles

But somehow LeBron is clearly the biggest choker ever. :roll:


12-12-2022, 10:26 PM
Full Casual eager to show the world how insanely stupid he is again.

He's so delusional and retarded that he seriously thinks his blatant trolling here will win him a nobel prize or something. What's even worse is that his utter insecurity keeps causing him to obsess for the last word. That's why he's wide awake all day when it comes to lebron and non-haters.

12-12-2022, 10:42 PM
No, he was fully recovered in the 2021 playoffs. Him being injured was a fabricated narrative from Bronie fluffers to cover for his chokes.

Ohhhhh, so since Bronie has way more choke jobs than Bird, now you're going to argue PERCENTAGES. :roll: This gets better all the time.

LeBron has over 100 more payoff games you dolt

Full Court
12-12-2022, 10:43 PM
LeBron has played 100 more postseason games than Bird, it only makes sense to go by percentages. This is common sense.

The fact that Bird almost has an equal amount of bad shooting games than LeBron in the postseason despite playing 100 less games should tell you something.

This is not common sense. The premise of the argument was that Lebron has had the most choke jobs of any all time great. That is a fact. You, and everyone else in this thread, have not demonstrated otherwise.

Because you can't. In typical fashion, when you can't win a debate, you simply try to argue something else. Not goona work, homie.

Full Court
12-12-2022, 10:44 PM

He's so delusional and retarded that he seriously thinks his blatant trolling here will win him a nobel prize or something. What's even worse is that his utter insecurity keeps causing him to obsess for the last word. That's why he's wide awake all day when it comes to lebron and non-haters.

Wow. Weeping dingus in a meltdown. :roll:

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fs1.ibtimes.com%2Fsites%2Fwww.ibti mes.com%2Ffiles%2Fstyles%2Ffull%2Fpublic%2F2020%2F 07%2F24%2Fautism-49822351920.png&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=960db1afaef4d0a42a439c6cbb54260de40d93faeb2476 5956bb2f09690647e7&ipo=images

Full Court
12-12-2022, 10:44 PM
LeBron has over 100 more payoff games you dolt

Which doesn't change the fact that LeShrivel has the most choke jobs of any "great" in the history of the NBA. That obviously really bothers you. Lol.

12-12-2022, 10:45 PM
This is not common sense. The premise of the argument was that Lebron has had the most choke jobs of any all time great. That is a fact. You, and everyone else in this thread, have not demonstrated otherwise.

Because you can't. In typical fashion, when you can't win a debate, you simply try to argue something else. Not goona work, homie.

When is arguing percentages EVER flawed?

Especially when comparative sample sizes vary by about 100% ?

It's like saying MJ is one of the worst scorers in NBA history cause he has the 3rd most missed shots ever (smthing like that).

You're only looking at one side of the coin and you know it. You're not THAT stupid.

12-12-2022, 10:48 PM
Handful of games... :roll:

I know you and the Bronies are stuck on this regardless of the evidence thrown right in your face, but for the sake of anyone reading this who actually has an open mind, here's a bigger sample, JUST from post season games.

2007 game 1 against Detroit. 10 points on 33% shooting. LOSS.
Game 2 against Detroit. 19 points on 37% shooting. LOSS.
Game 1 against the Spurs. 14 points on 25% shooting. LOSS.
2008 game 1 against Boston. 12 points and 10 turnovers on 11% shooting. 0/6 from three. LOSS.
Game 2 against Boston. 21 points on 25% shooting. LOSS.
Game 3 against Boston. 21 points on 31% shooting.
Game 4 against Boston. 21 points on 35% shooting.
2009 game 2 against Orlando. He scored 41 points, but on absolutely horrendous efficiency. 39% shooting and 1/8 from three. LOSS. Someone should have made him stop shooting.
2010 game 5 against Boston. 15 points on 21% shooting!!! LOSS. The series was tied 2-2 until that game. That Lebron choke put the Cavs down 3-2, and they went on to lose the series.
2011 game 1 against Philadelphia. 21 points on 29% shooting.
Game 5 against Philadelphia. 16 points on 39% shooting.
Game 3 against Boston. 15 points on 38% shooting. LOSS.
Game 1 against Chicago. 15 points on 33% shooting. LOSS.
Finals against Dallas. Most epic choke job of all time. Game 3, 17 points.
Game 4, 8 points on 27% shooting. LOSS.
Game 5, 17 points. LOSS.
Game 6, 21 points and 6 turnovers. LOSS.
2013 game 3 against San Antonio. 17 points on 41% shooting. LOSS.
Game 4 against San Antonio, 15 points on 33% shooting. LOSS.
Game 5 against San Antonio, 25 points on 36% shooting. LOSS.
2014 game 5 against Indiana. 7 points on 20% shooting. Whooaaaaaaaa! LOSS.
2015 game 1 against Chicago. 19 points on 41% shooting. LOSS.
Game 6 against Chicago. 15 points on 30% shooting.
Game 4 against Golden State. 20 points on 32% shooting.
2016 game 3 against Detroit. 20 points on 33% shooting.
Game 2 against Golden State. 19 points on 42% shooting. LOSS.
2017 game 3 against Boston. 11 points on 31% shooting. LOSS.
2018 game 1 against Indiana. 24 points on 41% shooting. 0% from three. LOSS.
Game 1 against Boston. 15 points on 31% shooting. LOSS.
2020 game 2 against Portland. 10 points on 36% shooting.
Game 1 against Houston. 20 points. LOSS.
Game 4 against Houston. 16 points on 41% shooting.
Game 1 against Denver. 15 points.
2021 game 1 against Phoenix. 18 points on 46% shooting. LOSS.
Game 3 against Phoenix. 21 points and 7 turnovers on 47% shooting.
Game 6 against Phoenix. 29 points on 11/26 shooting. ELIMINATION.

Just take your ethering and move on. :lol

Hahahahah I can't believe you wrote this shit with a straight face :roll:

Literally taking singular games out of great series'. Like you can't do that for any series ever.

Give me LeBron's chokejob series', not games. You can compile a list of games for anyone. Series' also, but at least that should show you your stupidity sooner.

When you're out here naming a handful of games over a 5-year run of maxed out playoff runs, do you not feel retarded?

12-12-2022, 10:51 PM
Hard to fathom such a low IQ tbh.

MJ is such a choker man.

Missed so many game winners! 3rd most shots ever, what a choker.

Does anyone remember Jordan missed FIFTY shots in the 1991 Finals?

How embarrassing is that?

Jordan missed 98 shots in the 1993 finals!!! So bad! Choker

<basically this dude's argument

Full Court
12-12-2022, 10:53 PM
Hahahahah I can't believe you wrote this shit with a straight face :roll:

Literally taking singular games out of great series'. Like you can't do that for any series ever.

Give me LeBron's chokejob series', not games. You can compile a list of games for anyone. Series' also, but at least that should show you your stupidity sooner.

When you're out here naming a handful of games over a 5-year run of maxed out playoff runs, do you not feel retarded?

Ohhhhhhhh, so he has to choke over an ENTIRE SERIES then for you to consider it a choke? :roll:

Bronie fluffers: "We just can't admit that LeShrivel is a choker, so we'll keep redefining "choke" so as not to count his numerous choke jobs.

And if you want to talk about series, his 2011 SERIES choke was the most epic choke job OF ALL TIME.

Ponder this deeply, and you may get closer to attaining wisdom.

12-12-2022, 11:01 PM
When is arguing percentages EVER flawed?

Especially when comparative sample sizes vary by about 100% ?

It's like saying MJ is one of the worst scorers in NBA history cause he has the 3rd most missed shots ever (smthing like that).

You're only looking at one side of the coin and you know it. You're not THAT stupid.

Not trying to sound mean, but sometimes I wonder if fullcourt is trolling or really this dense.

I've already showed him LeBron has played 100 more postseason games than Bird so it makes sense to use percentages, but it just doesn't compute with him. He's still talking around in circles.

12-12-2022, 11:04 PM
According to Full C*nt, games where LeBron played underwhelming even in series that he won count as "chokes"

What a retard :oldlol:

Full Court
12-12-2022, 11:05 PM
Not trying to sound mean, but sometimes I wonder if fullcourt is trolling or really this dense.

I've already showed him LeBron has played 100 more postseason games than Bird so it makes sense to use percentages, but it just doesn't compute with him. He's still talking around in circles.

Here's what's dense. When we're talking about something very simple, who's choked the most times, and you go to great lengths to try to spin it into not who actually has the most choke jobs. :roll: Why do you feel the need to put so much effort into damage control?

12-12-2022, 11:05 PM
Not trying to sound mean, but sometimes I wonder if fullcourt is trolling or really this dense.

I've already showed him LeBron has played 100 more postseason games than Bird so it makes sense to use percentages, but it just doesn't compute with him. He's still still talking around in circles.
He's literally braindead and obsessed to the point that he's become sleepless over a 37 year-old 'fringe top 10 player all-time'. Self-awareness and discipline are just not evident in him. It's just like seeing someone lost their sanity tbf. There's a good reason why he's the biggest forum jizzrag itb.

Full Court
12-12-2022, 11:05 PM
According to Full C*nt, games where LeBron played underwhelming even in series that he won count as "chokes"

What a retard :oldlol:

Because scoring 14 points on 15% shooting in a playoff game ISN'T a choke, right? :roll:

Bronie fluffers....

Full Court
12-12-2022, 11:06 PM
He's literally braindead and obsessed to the point that he's become sleepless over a 37 year-old 'fringe top 10 player all-time'. Self-awareness and discipline are just not evident in him. It's just like seeing someone lost their sanity tbf. There's a reason why he's the biggest forum jizzrag itb.

Autism is evident. :roll:

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.batod.org.uk%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2018%2F07%2Fautism-image-shutterstock-987x1024.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=e417c576f5e0542be6acb3caa1c94d82eb19d715df7af2 9406f55ced706deea2&ipo=images

12-12-2022, 11:08 PM
Because scoring 14 points on 15% shooting in a playoff game ISN'T a choke, right? :roll:

Bronie fluffers....

That's a game from the 2007 finals where Cavs got swept. That isn't a series LeBron won

More proof you can't read

12-12-2022, 11:08 PM
That's a game from the 2007 finals where Cavs got swept. That isn't a series LeBron won

More proof you can't read

As if they lost that series with a 3-1 lead.

12-12-2022, 11:10 PM
According to Full C*nt, any poster that disagrees with him has autism even if they make great points and back them up

There is no point in arguing with that retard :oldlol:

12-12-2022, 11:12 PM
According to Full C*nt, any poster that disagrees with him has autism even if they make great points and back them up

There is no point in arguing with that retard :oldlol:
Dude also whines about small ass things like lebron trademarking taco tuesday and his stance with china, two stuffs about him that are outside of basketball. What a whiny snowflake beta af. :lol

12-12-2022, 11:12 PM
Here's what's dense. When we're talking about something very simple, who's choked the most times, and you go to great lengths to try to spin it into not who actually has the most choke jobs. :roll: Why do you feel the need to put so much effort into damage control?

Most of the games you posted don't even count as choke jobs, they are simply bad games. One of the reasons why I used Larry Bird as an example is because he was the most clutch player of his era, but going by your own criteria, he was a choker too. And people NEVER label Bird as a choker, because he wasn't.

12-12-2022, 11:15 PM
Dude also whines about small ass things like lebron trademarking taco tuesday and his stance with china, stuff that goes beyond basketball. What a whiny snowflake beta af. :lol

That mentally challenged ****tard practically lives to hate on LeBron just like Spurs "I have a kid" m8 :oldlol:

Sad, sad, sad life

Full Court
12-12-2022, 11:17 PM
Dude also whines about small ass things like lebron trademarking taco tuesday and his stance with china, two stuffs about him that are outside of basketball. What a whiny snowflake beta af. :lol

^Dingus still melting down. :roll:

"Me hate Full Court. Me go put on merman constume and cry now. [sniffle sniffle]"

What a dingus. :lol

12-12-2022, 11:17 PM
fullcourt in the last week or so

"80's Jordan was empty stats"

"Iverson is in the top 20 ever convo"

"Kobe was in the GOAT discussion in 2010-12" (even though I showed him most fans had him borderline top 10 back then)

"LeBron is a choker"

Like, how can you have this many bad takes?:lol

Full Court
12-12-2022, 11:18 PM
Most of the games you posted don't even count as choke jobs, they are simply bad games. One of the reasons why I used Larry Bird as an example is because he was the most clutch player of his era, but going by your own criteria, he was a choker too. And people NEVER label Bird as a choker, because he wasn't.

You're right. People don't lable Bird a choke. But LeShrivel is a notorious choker. That's not just according to me, that's according to the sporting media and a broad base of fans.

"Just a bad game though!!!"

Lol. So having a GOOD game is choking then? :lol You can't make this stuff up.

12-12-2022, 11:19 PM
That mentally challenged ****tard practically lives to hate on LeBron just like Spurs "I have a kid" m8 :oldlol:

Sad, sad, sad life
Lol i wouldn't be surprised if he manages to kill himself someday, since he can't do the same damn thing to lebron judging by the enormous hate he has on him. Then again, this is the forum nazi jizzrag we are talking about. All bark and no bite. Proud to show everybody that he's a total waste of sperm who should have been aborted irl. :yaohappy:

Full Court
12-12-2022, 11:19 PM
That mentally challenged ****tard practically lives to hate on LeBron just like Spurs "I have a kid" m8 :oldlol:

Sad, sad, sad life

You sound really upset. LeShrivel being the biggest choker of all the greats really bothers you, doesn't it?

12-12-2022, 11:20 PM
^Dingus still melting down. :roll:

"Me hate Full Court. Me go put on merman constume and cry now. [sniffle sniffle]"

What a dingus. :lol

You type shit like this and call other people dingus and autistic. Get a load of this guy :oldlol:

Most cringe mf on this forum

Full Court
12-12-2022, 11:21 PM
Lol i wouldn't be surprised if he manages to kill himself someday, since he can't do the same damn thing to lebron judging by the enormous hate he has on him. Then again, this is the forum nazi jizzrag we are talking about. Proud to show everybody that he's a total waste of sperm who should have been aborted irl. :yaohappy:

What do you get when you cross an autistic dingus with a merman role player?

The dingus I just quoted. :roll:

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia.giphy.com%2Fmedia%2F12Z4v34 UXpOxR6%2Fgiphy.gif&f=1&nofb=1

12-12-2022, 11:22 PM
You sound really upset. LeShrivel being the biggest choker of all the greats really bothers you, doesn't it?

It doesn't bother me because it's not true. You can say it a million times and it still won't be true :oldlol:

12-12-2022, 11:22 PM
You type shit like this and call other people dingus and autistic. Get a load of this guy :oldlol:

Most cringe mf on this forum
So braindead that he lacks any self-awareness. Also keeps on yapping even though he's not being directly responded to anymore. :roll:

12-12-2022, 11:23 PM
Lol i wouldn't be surprised if he manages to kill himself someday, since he can't do the same damn thing to lebron judging by the enormous hate he has on him. Then again, this is the forum nazi jizzrag we are talking about. All bark and no bite. Proud to show everybody that he's a total waste of sperm who should have been aborted irl. :yaohappy:


Full Court
12-12-2022, 11:24 PM
It doesn't bother me because it's not true. You can say it a million times and it still won't be true :oldlol:

Oh, it clearly bothers you. If you didn't believe it was true, it wouldn't bother you. But you obviously know it is. :confusedshrug:

Full Court
12-12-2022, 11:24 PM
So braindead that he lacks any self-awareness. Also keeps on yapping even though he's not being directly responded to anymore. :roll:

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fimg.huffingtonpost.com%2Fasset%2F 57c449141800002100bcdc2d.jpeg%3Fcache%3Dj05i6ssb4n %26ops%3D1910_1000&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=26a504b2771dfbc6aef24ba5ed8eb6c0664c1ae4455b8f ba14c964c1f0c2086e&ipo=images

12-12-2022, 11:26 PM
It doesn't bother me because it's not true. You can say it a million times and it still won't be true :oldlol:
Jizzrag: 'hurrr, bronie fluffer, durrr!'

Also jizzrag: *gets emotionally affected by them the way lebron effortlessly robs him some precious sleep all the time*


Full Court
12-12-2022, 11:27 PM
Jizzrag: 'hurrr, bronie fluffer, durrr!'

Also jizzrag: *gets emotionally affected by them the way lebron effortlessly robs him some precious sleep all the time*


^A dingus among Bronie fluffers.

:roll: Pathetic.

12-12-2022, 11:28 PM
Bark some more jizzrag. Almost midnight and he's still on a tantrum.

12-12-2022, 11:30 PM
Oh, it clearly bothers you. If you didn't believe it was true, it wouldn't bother you. But you obviously know it is. :confusedshrug:

No. What bothers me is that you continue to pretend that LeBron is a notorious choker, even though that's been proven otherwise. In my short time observing you, I've learned that no matter what anyone says or how much information they give you to prove your statements wrong, you're not open-minded enough to ever change your opinion or admit you're wrong. For that reason I get serious narcissistic and mentally challenged vibes from you

12-12-2022, 11:31 PM
https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fimg.huffingtonpost.com%2Fasset%2F 57c449141800002100bcdc2d.jpeg%3Fcache%3Dj05i6ssb4n %26ops%3D1910_1000&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=26a504b2771dfbc6aef24ba5ed8eb6c0664c1ae4455b8f ba14c964c1f0c2086e&ipo=images

I've seen you post this 10x already. We get it, it's your favorite photo to jack off to.

Full Court
12-12-2022, 11:31 PM
Somebody's extra cranky because he ran out of vagisil. :roll:


12-12-2022, 11:31 PM
No. What bothers me is that you continue to pretend that LeBron is a notorious choker, even though that's been proven otherwise. In my short time observing you, I've learned that no matter what anyone says or how much information they give you to prove your statements wrong, you're not open-minded enough to ever admit you're wrong. For that reason I get serious narcissistic and mentally challenged vibes from you

He's very obnoxious.

12-12-2022, 11:31 PM
I've seen you post this 10x already. We get it, it's your favorite photo to jack off to.


Full Court
12-12-2022, 11:32 PM
I've seen you post this 10x already. We get it, it's your favorite photo to jack off to.

Isn't Axey-poo-poo a cute little merman dingus though?


Full Court
12-12-2022, 11:33 PM
No. What bothers me is that you continue to pretend that LeBron is a notorious choker, even though that's been proven otherwise. In my short time observing you, I've learned that no matter what anyone says or how much information they give you to prove your statements wrong, you're not open-minded enough to ever change your opinion or admit you're wrong. For that reason I get serious narcissistic and mentally challenged vibes from you

I've provided abundant proof. I call you guys Bronie fluffers because you're too closed-minded in your religious-like worship of LeShrivel that you can't see his shortcomings. But you keep on doing you. It keeps me entertained.

12-12-2022, 11:38 PM
No. What bothers me is that you continue to pretend that LeBron is a notorious choker, even though that's been proven otherwise. In my short time observing you, I've learned that no matter what anyone says or how much information they give you to prove your statements wrong, you're not open-minded enough to ever change your opinion or admit you're wrong. For that reason I get serious narcissistic and mentally challenged vibes from you

I've noticed this as well with him. I mean, I got him to admit to some things about Wilt a while back, but now he won't admit when he is obviously wrong, and alot of that is because alot of posters in this thread are viciously attacking him, lol. People tend to not admit when they are wrong when others are looking on and already laughing at the dumb things that have been said already.

12-12-2022, 11:39 PM
I've provided abundant proof. I call you guys Bronie fluffers because you're too closed-minded in your religious-like worship of LeShrivel that you can't see his shortcomings. But you keep on doing you. It keeps me entertained.

Your "proof" sucks. Cherry picking LeBron's bad games in playoff series that he still WON and labelling them as "chokes" to stack your list is so dumb. If anything, you're the one that worships him because everyday for the entire day I see you talking about LeBron. If this is what you call entertainment then you have a very boring life :oldlol:

12-12-2022, 11:41 PM
I've noticed this as well with him. I mean, I got him to admit to some things about Wilt a while back, but now he won't admit when he is obviously wrong, and alot of that is because alot of posters in this thread are viciously attacking him, lol. People tend to not admit when they are wrong when others are looking on and already laughing at the dumb things that have been said already.

When you can't even admit you're obviously wrong, that's a clear sign that your ego is fragile as ****

12-12-2022, 11:49 PM
I've seen you post this 10x already. We get it, it's your favorite photo to jack off to.


12-13-2022, 12:17 AM
Show me an all time great who's had more choke jobs than Lebron.



Full Court
12-13-2022, 08:04 AM
So 14 pages into this thread, we've firmly established three things.

LeShrivel is the chokingest player of all time. Nobody else comes close.

Axe is an autistic dingus.

SillyMouseballs is shook.

12-13-2022, 09:00 AM

:cheers: (https://i.ibb.co/gRT7hnB/IMG-20220624-103323.jpg)

12-13-2022, 05:07 PM
So 14 pages into this thread, we've firmly established three things.

Full C*nt can't ever admit when he's wrong

Full C*nt has an extremely fragile ego

Full C*nt's entertainment in life is going on ISH and talking about Bron all day, everyday

Fixed it for you, bud :cheers:

12-13-2022, 05:48 PM
Why is it always the superstar MVP caliber players next to LeBron that take so much blame from his fans? Very, very weird. Especially when it’s not a Pippen or Gasol level player.

Full Court
12-13-2022, 06:41 PM
Fixed it for you, bud :cheers:

SillyMouseballs is REALLY upset by LeShrivel being the chokingest, most anti-clutch player among the so-called "greats."


Imagine being so hurt by the truth....

12-13-2022, 07:48 PM



12-13-2022, 08:42 PM
SillyMouseballs is REALLY upset by LeShrivel being the chokingest, most anti-clutch player among the so-called "greats."


Imagine being so hurt by the truth....

"The truth" he says :roll::roll::roll:


Full Court
12-13-2022, 09:12 PM
"The truth" he says :roll::roll::roll:


^He's shook. :lol

12-13-2022, 09:19 PM
^He's shook. :lol

I'm getting more convinced you're a robot programmed to say the same things over and over :roll:

Full Court
12-13-2022, 09:26 PM
I'm getting more convinced you're a robot programmed to say the same things over and over :roll:

Whether I am or am not doesn't change the obvious fact that you're reaaaallly upset by the fact that LeShrivel is the chokingest player ever. :lol

12-13-2022, 09:33 PM
Whether I am or am not doesn't change the obvious fact that you're reaaaallly upset by the fact that LeShrivel is the chokingest player ever. :lol

1. I'm not upset

2. LeBron isn't what you claim he is

3. You proved my point again. You just say the same thing over and over. A broken robot :roll::roll:

Find new material bud

Full Court
12-13-2022, 09:35 PM
1. I'm not upset

2. LeBron isn't what you claim he is

3. You proved my point again. You just say the same thing over and over. A broken robot :roll::roll:

Find new material bud

1. You are.

2. He is, and I've proven it.

3. "Waaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"


12-14-2022, 01:42 AM

12-14-2022, 01:44 AM

:facepalm indeed.

12-14-2022, 01:45 AM
:facepalm indeed.
Even Westbrook would have hit ONE.

12-14-2022, 01:47 AM
Damn, OP a prophet.

Full Court
12-14-2022, 01:48 AM
AD and LeShrivel: the choke brothers.


12-14-2022, 02:08 AM
Even Westbrook would have hit ONE.

This team would be the worst in the league if AD wasn't the most efficient player in the league and top 5 in every advanced metric.. Bran has a top 5 player in the league on his team and can't win with him. It's sad really.

12-14-2022, 02:11 AM
This team would be the worst in the league if AD wasn't the most efficient player in the league and top 5 in every advanced metric.. Bran has a top 5 player in the league on his team and can't win with him. It's sad really.
LeBron is 38 and not that good, game is on AD aka the best player, sorry. Couldn't hit one free throw and he's like a 83% shooter from there.

12-14-2022, 02:15 AM
LeBron is 38 and not that good, game is on AD aka the best player, sorry. Couldn't hit one free throw and he's like a 83% shooter from there.

LeBron has already carried crappy teams deep into playoffs during his prime, he's proven himself. If AD is as good as Imkobe says he is, Lakers having a losing record falls on him.

12-14-2022, 02:18 AM
Bricking BOTH free throws is crazy for a guy shooting 83.2% from the line. It's not like he's Shaq in which case we all would have expected it.

12-14-2022, 02:19 AM
LeBron has already carried crappy teams deep into playoffs during his prime, he's proven himself. If AD is as good as Imkobe says he is, Lakers having a losing record falls on him.
He has cost them two games with his choking. But the team being bad is on Pelinka, it was a great team until that retard messed it up. LeBron and Westbrook aren't helping but a good coach wouldn't let them play as much as they do or play the way they do so that's on Ham.

12-14-2022, 02:29 AM
This team would be the worst in the league if AD wasn't the most efficient player in the league and top 5 in every advanced metric.. Bran has a top 5 player in the league on his team and can't win with him. It's sad really.

Kinda hard when the top 5 in every advanced metric AD chokes the game away in the final seconds. Again. :facepalm

12-14-2022, 02:41 AM
He has cost them two games with his choking. But the team being bad is on Pelinka, it was a great team until that retard messed it up. LeBron and Westbrook aren't helping but a good coach wouldn't let them play as much as they do or play the way they do so that's on Ham.

Yeah sure. And even if I gave you those two games and put it all on him, how do you explain the bottom 10 offense and the piss-poor defense when he's playing at an MVP level individually? Maybe the team around him just isn't good enough? They have an ATG big man but put 0 spacing and 0 perimeter defense around him but we're putting all of the blame on him. Lmao.

12-14-2022, 02:48 AM
all time biggest chokers ( among great players )

#1 lebron james
#2 Chris Paul
#3 James Harden
#4 Chris Webber
#5 Tracy Mcgrady
#6 Patrick Ewing
#7 Latrell Sprewell
#8 Karl Malone
#9 Dermar Derozan
#10 Russell Westbrick

i never saw wilt/west/baylor play live so i can't say them anymore. choking is something you have to witness first hand

12-14-2022, 02:48 AM
Yeah sure. And even if I gave you those two games and put it all on him, how do you explain the bottom 10 offense and the piss-poor defense when he's playing at an MVP level individually? Maybe the team around him just isn't good enough? They have an ATG big man but put 0 spacing and 0 perimeter defense around him but we're putting all of the blame on him. Lmao.
Most of the problems can be explained by Pelinka being so stupid I'm not unconvinced he's not sabotaging the team for god knows what reason. But spare me the "why are you blaming him" for AD. I remember LeBron getting blamed for losing when his best teammate was Timofey Mozgov :lol Is AD an MVP level player or isn't he? Because prime LeBron has this team in the playoffs. Prime AD apparently does not.

12-14-2022, 02:51 AM
AD isn't a choker as much as he is just inconsistent. hes been shaky as a jump shooter for a while now

12-14-2022, 02:52 AM
AD is shooting free throws at 83.2% he's pretty consistent from there. That's a choke. He'd get a pass from me if he hit 1 as missing 1 is understandable unless you're Curry level.

12-14-2022, 02:55 AM
Most of the problems can be explained by Pelinka being so stupid I'm not unconvinced he's not sabotaging the team for god knows what reason. But spare me the "why are you blaming him" for AD. I remember LeBron getting blamed for losing when his best teammate was Timofey Mozgov :lol Is AD an MVP level player or isn't he? Because prime LeBron has this team in the playoffs. Prime AD apparently does not.

Bran lost a Finals game where Mozgov had 28/12.. in a game where the Cavs would have gone up 3 - 1. Prime Bran never played on a team this bad. Even the mid-2000s Cavs at least had good perimeter defenders around him and the late 2000s teams had enough perimeter shooting to even compete with today's NBA teams. AD played on horrible ass teams in NO for the most part and you know it. Even when they made the 2nd round in 2018 there were like 5 real rotation-level players on that team and that's if you include AD.

12-14-2022, 03:00 AM
argghhhhh!!!!!! LEBRON!!!!!! :mad:
Blames LeBron losing to Warriors with Mozgov as his number 2, doesn't blame Chokethony Chokevis for losing with LeBron (who put up 33/9/9 on good efficiency if you want to just go by stats) as his number 2.


Also LeBron +10, AD -8. Yikes. Outplayed by a 38 year old chucker :yaohappy:

12-14-2022, 03:17 AM
Blames LeBron losing to Warriors with Mozgov as his number 2, doesn't blame Chokethony Chokevis for losing with LeBron (who put up 33/9/9 on good efficiency if you want to just go by stats) as his number 2.


Also LeBron +10, AD -8. Yikes. Outplayed by a 38 year old chucker :yaohappy:

Bran went 7/22 in that game and scored 0 in the 4th when it was winnable lol

Bran's +/- might have been better because of how the back-ups performed vs. the starting guards but he was not better than AD in this game. He gave free 2 pts to Smart in that 5-pt swing to make it a close game. He gave up a wide open Smart 3 that cut it to 2. He gave up the game-tying shot. He took a horrible 3-PT shot in a tie game at the end of the 4th. Crunch time happens on both ends and Bran is just a terrible crunch time player at this point in his career, not that he ever was a great one to begin with. It's just funny that Bran stans are still defending him to this degree when he's clearly not that guy anymore.

AD is 2nd in the league in RAPTOR (while Bran is barely a positive) but you want to talk about +/- and Bran outperforming him at anything at this point lol.

12-14-2022, 03:22 AM
LeBron has already carried crappy teams deep into playoffs during his prime, he's proven himself. If AD is as good as Imkobe says he is, Lakers having a losing record falls on him.

I don’t think any of them were crappy, let alone for playoffs in the East as a measuring tool.

And to be fair since 2009-2010 after the first seven years of his career, he has played on pretty stacked rosters.

12-14-2022, 03:22 AM
When LeBron was the best player on his team you blamed him for everything. If AD is really the best you should do the same. But you can't. Yeeeee-ikes.

12-14-2022, 03:37 AM
When LeBron was the best player on his team you blamed him for everything. If AD is really the best you should do the same. But you can't. Yeeeee-ikes.

Lebron played on good-great teams his entire prime. I didn't have to blame his supporting cast because the legion of Bran stans did it for me. AD was never advertised as the "GOAT" and doesn't have anyone really defending him at all. It's always about Bran and how he doesn't have enough help.

Bran has a top 5 player in the league carrying the team on both ends and he can't even play .500 basketball anymore lol. MJ won more games with Kwame Brown at 38-40 years old.

12-14-2022, 03:48 AM
LeBron won 66 and 61 games with absolute trash in 2009 and 2010. AD would have gone like 25-57 with those rosters.

You’re absolutely fuming because AD can’t cut the mustard as a number one. We’ve seen it before, could rarely make the playoffs in New Orleans either. Imagine prime Giannis missing the playoffs with Jrue Holiday lol. Would never happen.

12-14-2022, 03:49 AM
lmao@ImaKasual the biggest AD defender talking about no one defends AD before he goes on to move the goal posts. :lol

I'm pretty sure AD, LeBron, the team would still be doing well if the roster wasn't such a shit show. Pat Bev was so bad he got pulled out and never re-entered. There was a stretch where the other guards started trying to put up ridiculous shots and playing thoughtless. I thought maybe they were trying to play well in case they were getting traded but it was just terrible. No sense to what was happening. It literally looks like they can win but either don't want to or players deliberately sabotage games. The whole situation is some of the weirdest shit I've ever seen in basketball.

It's like a curse has been put on the franchise.

12-14-2022, 03:57 AM
lmao@ImaKasual the biggest AD defender talking about no one defends AD before he goes on to move the goal posts. :lol

I'm pretty sure AD, LeBron, the team would still be doing well if the roster wasn't such a shit show. Pat Bev was so bad he got pulled out and never re-entered. There was a stretch where the other guards started trying to put up ridiculous shots and playing thoughtless. I thought maybe they were trying to play well in case they were getting traded but it was just terrible. No sense to what was happening. It literally looks like they can win but either don't want to or players deliberately sabotage games. The whole situation is some of the weirdest shit I've ever seen in basketball.

It's like a curse has been put on the franchise.
Pelinka is the stupidest GM of all time. That’s really it.

But they could be better if Ham wasn’t an utter moron in late game situations. LeBron isos clearly aren’t working sack up and stop him. I’m not saying LeBron isn’t to blame but a good coach isn’t letting an ancient player who’s clearly lost a lot of his effectiveness play like that. Nor is a competent coach letting Westbrook close games, ESPECIALLY if he’s playing off ball which makes him completely useless. AD choked but the real reason they lost was Ham’s dreadful coaching. Not giving LeBron a breather in the fourth was insane, we saw a gassed LeBron hurt the team at the end of the game and Ham just sat there like a moron.

Again though all these problems are mostly irrelevant if Pelinkduh just kept the 2020 roster and added 3+D wings when necessary. He’s so stupid I honestly can’t believe it. I’m not sure you can win a ring with LeBron as your number 2 at this point given how unwilling he is to take a backseat (certainly couldn’t win as the number one) but there’s zero reason this shouldn’t be a playoff team. Pelinkduh probably struggles to open doors

Full Court
12-14-2022, 08:10 AM
When LeBron was the best player on his team you blamed him for everything. If AD is really the best you should do the same. But you can't. Yeeeee-ikes.

Everybody already knows AD's the only one capable of carrying the team to the playoffs.

It's also obvious that LeShrivel is dead weight and a choker.

12-14-2022, 08:42 AM
Fixed it for you, bud :cheers:

12-14-2022, 11:27 AM
He just wont stop bricking FT's.

This guy absolutely cannot close.

12-14-2022, 12:20 PM
He just wont stop bricking FT's.

This guy absolutely cannot close.

Only the Mavs might be a worse 4th quarter/clutch team at this point tbh.

12-14-2022, 12:32 PM
lmao@ImaKasual the biggest AD defender talking about no one defends AD before he goes on to move the goal posts. :lol

I'm pretty sure AD, LeBron, the team would still be doing well if the roster wasn't such a shit show. Pat Bev was so bad he got pulled out and never re-entered. There was a stretch where the other guards started trying to put up ridiculous shots and playing thoughtless. I thought maybe they were trying to play well in case they were getting traded but it was just terrible. No sense to what was happening. It literally looks like they can win but either don't want to or players deliberately sabotage games. The whole situation is some of the weirdest shit I've ever seen in basketball.

It's like a curse has been put on the franchise.

AD has next to no stans if you're comparing him to Bran. That's the point. He's mad at me for criticizing Bran when theres 10x as many people defending him. RRR3 is an insecure loser who doesn't understand the game at all. All he does is defend Bran and say the GM sucks for making the trades that Bran himself asked for. When confronted by facts, he shrivels and posts dumb emojis and acts like that post never existed. I'm sorry that the facts upset the Bran stans so much here but y'all need to see the truth.

12-14-2022, 12:42 PM
ImShrivelbe literally ran away when I proved to him Kuzma didn’t spot up much more on the Lakers than he does on the wizards. The absolute irony.

12-14-2022, 12:50 PM
ImShrivelbe literally ran away when I proved to him Kuzma didn’t spot up much more on the Lakers than he does on the wizards. The absolute irony.

You don't even have to know basketball or have watched any of the games to understand that he has a much bigger role on offense in Washington. I did reply and already explain how you included the games where he played without Bran in LA to make it look better.

12-14-2022, 12:53 PM
You don't even have to know basketball or have watched any of the games to understand that he has a much bigger role on offense in Washington. I did reply and already explain how you included the games where he played without Bran in LA to make it look better.

You DO have to know basketball or have watched any of the games to understand why.

12-14-2022, 12:57 PM
You DO have to know basketball or have watched any of the games to understand why.

Full Court
12-14-2022, 08:28 PM
Count AD's choke jobs. Count LeShrivel's choke jobs. AD has a mere FRACTION of the number. Bronie has more chokes than AD and Westbrick combined.

12-14-2022, 09:43 PM
All he does is defend Bran and say the GM sucks for making the trades that Bran himself asked for.

Maybe that's because you're not being honest about it.