View Full Version : The plebs are upset Tatum took a day off for his kids birthday.

12-22-2022, 12:13 AM

Apparently “regular people” don’t have that luxury.

Seems nobody is aware of the bullshit reasons they and their coworkers have taken days off and put in time.

12-22-2022, 12:20 AM
Kyrie during his first few seasons with the nets.

Spurs m8
12-22-2022, 12:22 AM
Good on him....its early in the season of 82 games...fvck the boring reg season....enjoy ya kids bday

Dunno how you Americans have it, but we have plenty of paid leave to take off bdays and whatever else we want.

Good on him

12-22-2022, 01:59 AM
Fair reason .he was gonna have a game off eventually . Might as well make it on an important day

Real Men Wear Green
12-22-2022, 06:09 AM
I don'like it but if he was communicating with the Celtics and they OKed ït then that's not at all the same as Irving disappearing for two weeks. I do wonder why that couldn't have been planned so that Tatum could still play but in the end it's one regular season game and shouldn't cost the Celtics a playoff spot or anything like that.

12-22-2022, 07:06 AM
tatum is a cuck

12-22-2022, 10:54 AM
Good on him....its early in the season of 82 games...fvck the boring reg season....enjoy ya kids bday

Dunno how you Americans have it, but we have plenty of paid leave to take off bdays and whatever else we want.

Good on him

Oh the scenes you would have made had LeBron done this is actually laughable.

12-22-2022, 11:14 AM
Keep in mind Tatum hardly ever misses games.

12-22-2022, 11:20 AM
when a professional is paid a minimum of 50k per shot , I'd say he doesn't deserve a day off , unless he is ill.

Real Men Wear Green
12-22-2022, 11:24 AM
when a professional is paid a minimum of 50k per shot , I'd say he doesn't deserve a day off , unless he is ill.

It depends on what the deal is between him and his team. If the Celtics are ok with it its not a big deal. As a Celtic fan I would like to have seen them win but they're paying his salary if they are ok with it then that's that.

Patrick Chewing
12-22-2022, 01:44 PM
What happens if you have more children? More days off during the season?

12-22-2022, 01:54 PM
when a professional is paid a minimum of 50k per shot , I'd say he doesn't deserve a day off , unless he is ill.

What world are you from where those with the best paying jobs have the least freedom?

12-22-2022, 01:55 PM
What happens if you have more children? More days off during the season?

Players have days off because they played 32 minutes of basketball yesterday.

Your kids birthday is a better reason to me.

Spurs m8
12-22-2022, 03:09 PM
Oh the scenes you would have made had LeBron done this is actually laughable.

Tatum doesn't have a track record of quitting on his team

12-22-2022, 03:10 PM
I have no problem with this.

What would be really cool though is if Tatum (and other players who take games off) decided to start a campaign promoting load management and more personal days for every worker in society. National Ads talking about how people need to take more time off to help with mental health and production.

Instead these dudes do ads telling everyone to get up at 2am and work til they die or else you’re a failure.

Patrick Chewing
12-22-2022, 03:27 PM
I have no problem with this.

What would be really cool though is if Tatum (and other players who take games off) decided to start a campaign promoting load management and more personal days for every worker in society. National Ads talking about how people need to take more time off to help with mental health and production.

Instead these dudes do ads telling everyone to get up at 2am and work til they die or else you’re a failure.

Why have an 82-game season then? Competition and work-ethic is what got these guys to the NBA. To go against that message makes no sense whatsoever. The NBA is the hardest league to get into. If you're not getting up at 2am and training non-stop, then there's someone else who will take your place.

Real Men Wear Green
12-22-2022, 03:32 PM
They have the 82 game season to make money. There is no evidence that letting players rest hurts the NBA's ability to make money and rested players are healthier in the postseason so there is no end to load management in sight.

12-22-2022, 03:54 PM
tatum is a cuck
So are you.

12-22-2022, 05:48 PM
it sucks when you pay a premium for a ticket and the stars dont play

it is what it is

12-22-2022, 05:53 PM
Well I don't make $400k a game so

Real Men Wear Green
12-22-2022, 07:18 PM
I have no problem with this.

What would be really cool though is if Tatum (and other players who take games off) decided to start a campaign promoting load management and more personal days for every worker in society. National Ads talking about how people need to take more time off to help with mental health and production.

Instead these dudes do ads telling everyone to get up at 2am and work til they die or else you’re a failure.

It wouldn't matter if they did. You are complaining about something that is the result of people competing with each other for business in a capitalist society. A few NBA players have even taken it to the extreme of working out at odd hours, I guess that's the 2am stuff you're talking about? I don't know when Tatum wakes up but he ismost definitely one of the guys that would say to work harder if you asked him for advice on getting ahead. Don't let th he last missed game fool you Tatum's work ethic is extreme.

12-22-2022, 07:53 PM
It depends on what the deal is between him and his team. If the Celtics are ok with it its not a big deal. As a Celtic fan I would like to have seen them win but they're paying his salary if they are ok with it then that's that.

each game a star takes a day off, ticket prices should be reduced... right:confusedshrug:

12-22-2022, 07:55 PM
What world are you from where those with the best paying jobs have the least freedom?

is there not an off season ??:confusedshrug:

Or are you telling me when I buy a ticket , I am paying for his off season ?

12-22-2022, 08:06 PM
Why have an 82-game season then? Competition and work-ethic is what got these guys to the NBA. To go against that message makes no sense whatsoever. The NBA is the hardest league to get into. If you're not getting up at 2am and training non-stop, then there's someone else who will take your place.

But that’s fake. These dudes are taking days off. As the op illustrates.

12-22-2022, 08:12 PM
It wouldn't matter if they did. You are complaining about something that is the result of people competing with each other for business in a capitalist society. A few NBA players have even taken it to the extreme of working out at odd hours, I guess that's the 2am stuff you're talking about? I don't know when Tatum wakes up but he ismost definitely one of the guys that would say to work harder if you asked him for advice on getting ahead. Don't let th he last missed game fool you Tatum's work ethic is extreme.

Idk. You’d be surprised. I know mofos who get up in the early AMS to workout, take cold showers, and drink protein shakes all because a commercial or podcast told them to. A famous person telling fools to chill out at work and take care of themselves by taking more personal days off would go a long way IMO. How about National ad campaign promoting taking your kids birthday off instead of the of 50 million Gatorade work out til you die ads?

Real Men Wear Green
12-22-2022, 08:30 PM
Idk. You’d be surprised. I know mofos who get up in the early AMS to workout, take cold showers, and drink protein shakes all because a commercial or podcast told them to. A famous person telling fools to chill out at work and take care of themselves by taking more personal days off would go a long way IMO. How about National ad campaign promoting taking your kids birthday off instead of the of 50 million Gatorade work out til you die ads?

Gatorade makes money, days off don't. You are counting on celebrity to effect something that is built in to a capitalist system. The guys you see working out and chugging protein do it because they are body builder weightlifter or whoever doing it and probably also know the biological science behind these methods. They want to be strong like the guy drinking the shake. If Tatum got on an ad campaign telling people to chill and they could be just as good as him he would be lying. He may do it for enough money but it just wouldn't be true. He's trying to be the best player on the planet. He grew up idolizing Kobe. He's not going to tell young ballers that they will be as good as him through mental health days.

12-22-2022, 08:56 PM
is there not an off season ??:confusedshrug:

Or are you telling me when I buy a ticket , I am paying for his off season ?

Im telling you….he took a day from work for his kids birthday. Something I’d imagine happens at all levels of wealth but is probably exceptionally common with people who are immensely rich and will face zero repercussions for it. Which to me makes your claim that high pay means you don’t get days off seem odd.

The higher your pay the more likely you’re in a position of power which would allow you flexibility.

I’ve called out of work for way less important things than my kids birthday. Thinking rich people don’t or shouldn’t just suggests a disconnect from reality.

30 years ago you had to give up family to be an athlete. You still have to spend less time than you’d like but really…these guys are walking industries. What’s the nba gonna do? Fine them?

Their shoe deals are worth more than the nba money in cases.

Just comes down to if you feel like players should prioritize fans over themselves. I’d say absolutely everyone should put themselves and their family ahead of their jobs customers. We don’t have to like it. I wouldn’t like it if Wingstop were closed when I wanted lunch but the employees who bailed shouldn’t give a **** what I think.

Gotta stop thinking all rich people owe their industries consumers something. Doesn’t matter if a guy sells entertainment or Legos. The public pays his salary. Doesn’t mean the public has a right to everyone’s business or to regulate their personal time.

Jason Tatum doesn’t owe you shit. Your hypothetical ticket isn’t even where most of his salary is from. He’s paid off international broadcast rights which ESPN, tnt, and so on charge every cable company in the world for even if you don’t watch the channel.

Considering most of these types support multiple households and all of them no doubt have cable it’s entirely possible he pays himself more than you do.

This is like those idiots who tell police “I pay your salary!” as if cops paychecks aren’t taxed to pay their own salary too.

Individually nba players likely contribute more to the nba than you do. You try to speak for all of society when you make claims like this but as a fellow member of society…I can assure you…I don’t give a shit. My vote cancels yours out. I suspect a nationwide “Is it ok for a basketball player to miss a game for his child’s birthday?” poll would have my team way ahead.

Society is fine with it. You don’t have to be.

12-22-2022, 09:02 PM
Idk. You’d be surprised. I know mofos who get up in the early AMS to workout, take cold showers, and drink protein shakes all because a commercial or podcast told them to. A famous person telling fools to chill out at work and take care of themselves by taking more personal days off would go a long way IMO. How about National ad campaign promoting taking your kids birthday off instead of the of 50 million Gatorade work out til you die ads?
There's no money in taking days off, same reason you're not going to see any commercials for living modestly or not needing to buy so many things. It's not a coincidence they typically market expensive items and products as symbols of status and success.

12-23-2022, 12:27 AM
Im telling you…

Society is fine with it. You don’t have to be.

I get your last post , so do you get if a player wants off, he should not get paid by the franchise to take off ??

How bout when Shaq waltzed thru the season unconditioned, and waited for playoff time. If he took the whole season off, to just play the playoffs should a franchise pay him for every game he missed , cause he might win a ring for them?
Give me a break ... when I was working , and told my boss I am taking off cause my kid had a birthday ,I would be fired.
Doesn't work for the rich ... right

Media Moderator
12-23-2022, 02:06 AM

Apparently “regular people” don’t have that luxury.

Regular people no. Young executives, doctors, lawyers, high paying jobs that lead to even higher paying jobs, yes absolutely. Your mom better be dying or wife having a baby, if not there's someone else in line who's more committed that can replace your ass. Generally if you are getting paid big, are young and lots of people depend on you, then a kid's bday isn't something you can take a full day of work off for

12-23-2022, 02:11 AM
Jason "Kawhi" Tatum...

12-23-2022, 04:41 AM
I get your last post , so do you get if a player wants off, he should not get paid by the franchise to take off ??

How bout when Shaq waltzed thru the season unconditioned, and waited for playoff time. If he took the whole season off, to just play the playoffs should a franchise pay him for every game he missed , cause he might win a ring for them?
Give me a break ... when I was working , and told my boss I am taking off cause my kid had a birthday ,I would be fired.
Doesn't work for the rich ... right

You having some job that doesn’t allow personal time means the extreme vast majority who do can’t take a day off?

**** outta here. Rich, poor, and everything in between…people take days off. If people got fired for missing a day of work society would grind to a halt because we would have 90% unemployment and few would keep a job more than a year.

That 1910s abusive work till you drop bullshit is long dead. Good job or bad…you can take a day off.

12-23-2022, 04:56 AM
Regular people no. Young executives, doctors, lawyers, high paying jobs that lead to even higher paying jobs, yes absolutely. Your mom better be dying or wife having a baby, if not there's someone else in line who's more committed that can replace your ass. Generally if you are getting paid big, are young and lots of people depend on you, then a kid's bday isn't something you can take a full day of work off for

Yes. It absolutely is. Do you actually know any doctors? I do. They take days off. Lawyers…take days off. You think executives work like coal miners in the union busting era? That some
companies vp misses Tuesday and they throw their company into upheaval finding someone more hungry?

I know bankers, I’m related to lawyers and a doctor, and I’ve worked with people as varied as crackhead roofers to corporate types and company owners. Everybody takes days off. And most don’t even have to explain what it’s for.

Could be a kid could be a fire. You have personal time and comp days to burn. It’s true the more driven ones didn’t seem to rest much but there was certainly nothing preventing it. Good people on the bottom don’t lose their jobs because they missed a day on occasion and the rich people you suggest virtually never do.

Being too career minded and hungry to do it doesn’t mean you don’t have the option. I know people with unlimited personal time who never use it. But they have the choice. I think the last 15 years I never had a job I’d even have to explain myself if I missed a day. Now…would I? Probably. And give reasonable time to figure something out. But I’ve not been low enough on a totem pole that a day off was risky since the 90s. Hell not then either. I worked at Kmart back in the dark ages and we had time to take days. And it’s a lot better now that bad jobs know you’ll walk the **** out and don’t need them the way people used to.

This isn’t back in the day. You don’t ruin your life when you take a day. That isn’t generally the way it is. And it’s kinda weird seeing people almost wish it were.

Spurs m8
12-23-2022, 05:00 AM
Regular people no. Young executives, doctors, lawyers, high paying jobs that lead to even higher paying jobs, yes absolutely. Your mom better be dying or wife having a baby, if not there's someone else in line who's more committed that can replace your ass. Generally if you are getting paid big, are young and lots of people depend on you, then a kid's bday isn't something you can take a full day of work off for

Okay, now step back into the real world and share your thoughts

12-23-2022, 11:24 AM
You having some job that doesn’t allow personal time means the extreme vast majority who do can’t take a day off?

**** outta here. Rich, poor, and everything in between…people take days off. If people got fired for missing a day of work society would grind to a halt because we would have 90% unemployment and few would keep a job more than a year.

That 1910s abusive work till you drop bullshit is long dead. Good job or bad…you can take a day off.

last time I worked , and worked for 45 years 12-57 , you had to ask your boss for off, and if you did not have accumulated vacation time , you did NOT get off. (even if you had vacation time , you might not get it off)

Tatum is planning on having 10 kids. So if tatum is off 10 games and Boston losses all of them , that is ALL GOOD.

Patrick Chewing
12-23-2022, 11:40 AM
G-League guys probably saying to themselves that they have kids too, but they need to play in order to put food on the table. I guess I'm on the fence. I'm not saying it's wrong to take time off to celebrate your son's birthday, but I'm not saying it's right either. If my son's birthday fell on a weekday, I'm not calling off that day to celebrate it, I'm probably planning a big birthday party on the weekend to celebrate it instead.

12-23-2022, 11:45 AM
G-League guys probably saying to themselves that they have kids too, but they need to play in order to put food on the table. I guess I'm on the fence. I'm not saying it's wrong to take time off to celebrate your son's birthday, but I'm not saying it's right either. If my son's birthday fell on a weekday, I'm not calling off that day to celebrate it, I'm probably planning a big birthday party on the weekend to celebrate it instead.
why are you always talking about food?

12-23-2022, 11:48 AM
tatum is a cuck

Something tells me you're single and have no plans on being a father.

12-23-2022, 11:53 AM
Something tells me you're single and have no plans on being a father.


Patrick Chewing
12-23-2022, 12:09 PM
why are you always talking about food?

Why are you always eating food?

Real Men Wear Green
12-23-2022, 12:14 PM
last time I worked , and worked for 45 years 12-57 , you had to ask your boss for off, and if you did not have accumulated vacation time , you did NOT get off. (even if you had vacation time , you might not get it off)

Tatum is planning on having 10 kids. So if tatum is off 10 games and Boston losses all of them , that is ALL GOOD.

1: didn't know he was having 10 kids? He better get cracking.

2. Poor Ella Mai

3. All birthdays won't be in game days

4. In order to this without killing poor Ella Mai before he turns 35 he would need to impregnate 2 maybe even 3 different women repeatedly. Child support would be becoming a serious thing, he could still afford it but this is adding up.

5. If he is still in the NBA at 40 playing like a superstar then I would take that trade off.

12-23-2022, 01:29 PM
Im telling you….he took a day from work for his kids birthday. Something I’d imagine happens at all levels of wealth but is probably exceptionally common with people who are immensely rich and will face zero repercussions for it. Which to me makes your claim that high pay means you don’t get days off seem odd.

The higher your pay the more likely you’re in a position of power which would allow you flexibility.

I’ve called out of work for way less important things than my kids birthday. Thinking rich people don’t or shouldn’t just suggests a disconnect from reality.

30 years ago you had to give up family to be an athlete. You still have to spend less time than you’d like but really…these guys are walking industries. What’s the nba gonna do? Fine them?

Their shoe deals are worth more than the nba money in cases.

Just comes down to if you feel like players should prioritize fans over themselves. I’d say absolutely everyone should put themselves and their family ahead of their jobs customers. We don’t have to like it. I wouldn’t like it if Wingstop were closed when I wanted lunch but the employees who bailed shouldn’t give a **** what I think.

Gotta stop thinking all rich people owe their industries consumers something. Doesn’t matter if a guy sells entertainment or Legos. The public pays his salary. Doesn’t mean the public has a right to everyone’s business or to regulate their personal time.

Jason Tatum doesn’t owe you shit. Your hypothetical ticket isn’t even where most of his salary is from. He’s paid off international broadcast rights which ESPN, tnt, and so on charge every cable company in the world for even if you don’t watch the channel.

Considering most of these types support multiple households and all of them no doubt have cable it’s entirely possible he pays himself more than you do.

This is like those idiots who tell police “I pay your salary!” as if cops paychecks aren’t taxed to pay their own salary too.

Individually nba players likely contribute more to the nba than you do. You try to speak for all of society when you make claims like this but as a fellow member of society…I can assure you…I don’t give a shit. My vote cancels yours out. I suspect a nationwide “Is it ok for a basketball player to miss a game for his child’s birthday?” poll would have my team way ahead.

Society is fine with it. You don’t have to be.

I completely understand and respect tatum's decision. I would do the same in his shoes for sure. family over some random bums in the stands.

it's just the experience that sucks. you usually find out last second that the star is sitting out. AFTER paying the premium BECAUSE of them. it deflates the experience.

it is what it is. when it happens you cant even cant even sell the tickets at that point.

I've had free tickets that I felt salty about because I was supposed to see kd and westbrook and they both got injured AFTER I got the ticket. I felt ripped off and I didnt even pay for that shit. :oldlol:

If I saw westbrook I would have called him a bum from a safe distance. even though he was just injured.

I completely understand why players get annoyed with fans. :oldlol:

12-23-2022, 01:30 PM
thats why players that are always sitting dont get as much respect as warriors who always lace them up like kobe and mj.

kawhi had to rest 25% of the season to play at their level.

Real Men Wear Green
12-23-2022, 01:42 PM
I completely understand and respect tatum's decision. I would do the same in his shoes for sure. family over some random bums in the stands.

it's just the experience that sucks. you usually find out last second that the star is sitting out. AFTER paying the premium BECAUSE of them. it deflates the experience.

it is what it is. when it happens you cant even cant even sell the tickets at that point.

I've had free tickets that I felt salty about because I was supposed to see kd and westbrook and they both got injured AFTER I got the ticket. I felt ripped off and I didnt even pay for that shit. :oldlol:

If I saw westbrook I would have called him a bum from a safe distance. even though he was just injured.

I completely understand why players get annoyed with fans. :oldlol:

They can get away with it because the fans are generally in on it. The fan that saved up for one special night is pissed but generally a Celtics fan wants to see Tatum healthy and balking in the playoffs and won't care if he misses 5 to 10 games too keep his body strong. If the Celtics had beat Orlando O wouldn't care about him missing the game at all. Besides am average Tatum game isn't a can't-miss experience. He's entertaining more due to his ability to help his team won than being a highlight guy like VC or Nique. He's not Stockton-to-Malone bread and butter boring but the play of his that you remember is putting the game into overtime like he did vs LA and Cleveland. That's also why as a fan it's not going to bug us that he takes a game off. And this is the case for most players, even superstar players. A fan of the team will go home happy if the team wins regardless of who played. Just the highlight reel guys where fans come because they want to see what dunk or 30 foot shot the guy pulls off next.

12-23-2022, 02:23 PM
They can get away with it because the fans are generally in on it. The fan that saved up for one special night is pissed but generally a Celtics fan wants to see Tatum healthy and balking in the playoffs and won't care if he misses 5 to 10 games too keep his body strong. If the Celtics had beat Orlando O wouldn't care about him missing the game at all. Besides am average Tatum game isn't a can't-miss experience. He's entertaining more due to his ability to help his team won than being a highlight guy like VC or Nique. He's not Stockton-to-Malone bread and butter boring but the play of his that you remember is putting the game into overtime like he did vs LA and Cleveland. That's also why as a fan it's not going to bug us that he takes a game off. And this is the case for most players, even superstar players. A fan of the team will go home happy if the team wins regardless of who played. Just the highlight reel guys where fans come because they want to see what dunk or 30 foot shot the guy pulls off next.

for sure. real fans understand resting players for the playoffs especially now that all of the other teams do it.

my boy was the raps lakers game here a couple of weeks ago sitting a few feet behind lebron - I was supposed to be at that game but got lucky considering neither bron or AD played. he got a free ticket, I would've had to pay (for much shittier seats). I dodged that bullet and didnt buy the ticket - would have been shit outta luck because lebron was a gametime decision, resting after a back to back. and thats the only reason I would have gone.

lebron is such a cheap bastard that he was scooping free popcorn out of a cup and eating other people's popcorn the entire game while he was sitting on the bench :oldlol:

12-23-2022, 02:31 PM
He's the star, if anyone's earned it he has. That being said Tatum's drive and commitment is just short of elite tier. I doubt you'd see Kobe, Jordan or Luka doing the same thing

Real Men Wear Green
12-23-2022, 02:40 PM
He's the star, if anyone's earned it he has. That being said Tatum's drive and commitment is just short of elite tier. I doubt you'd see Kobe, Jordan or Luka doing the same thing

MJ and Bryant wouldn't. Doncic I don't know. I haven't followed his career closely enough to know how many rest days he's taken but it is a fact that he so far only has one season where he played over 70 games. Covid had created some weird seasons where in not not sure how many games he's truly missed but he has 65, 66 and 61-game seasons. That doesn't sound like a guy that is determined to play no matter what. His defense is also not something that you would see from a relentlessly driven player, in fact Tatum plays much harder than him on that end of the floor.

12-23-2022, 04:49 PM
last time I worked , and worked for 45 years 12-57 , you had to ask your boss for off, and if you did not have accumulated vacation time , you did NOT get off. (even if you had vacation time , you might not get it off)

Tatum is planning on having 10 kids. So if tatum is off 10 games and Boston losses all of them , that is ALL GOOD.

I worked from roughly age 11 until I believe April 2021. After that pre adult run when I was just doing construction odd jobs as a bit of a helper I never…literally never…failed to get a day off I wanted. Granted there was a time establishing a place I didn’t take a day for about 6 years but that was by choice and I was a bit of a worker bee at the time. I smartened up later.

I’ve always made it clear I don’t request off. I inform the job of when I won’t be there. And I’ve always been as good as or better than anybody at every job I ever worked and I like to think that played a part in me getting away with it. But I gave the same advice to others. Don’t ask. Inform.

We trade our lives for money. They can only have what we are willing to give. The more important you are the more they have to bend to make it work.

Nba players…stars especially? They are the key people in 4-5 billion dollar operations and they have union protections on top of it.

You don’t tell them they can’t have a day.

Hell my youngest niece just got her first job at Zaxbys and I’m gonna teach her two things…

Do her absolute best.


Make it clear you don’t need that job any more than they need you.

If she can’t get off to go to the family vacation this summer Id fully support her quitting. These jobs have to learn the old days are gone. They can get down or lay down.

Its a partnership not servitude.

Spurs m8
12-23-2022, 04:54 PM
last time I worked , and worked for 45 years 12-57 , you had to ask your boss for off, and if you did not have accumulated vacation time , you did NOT get off. (even if you had vacation time , you might not get it off)

Tatum is planning on having 10 kids. So if tatum is off 10 games and Boston losses all of them , that is ALL GOOD.

Lol you're being dramatic now

He took 1 day off for 1 kid and that's what we are talking about

12-23-2022, 05:24 PM
last time I worked , and worked for 45 years 12-57 , you had to ask your boss for off, and if you did not have accumulated vacation time , you did NOT get off. (even if you had vacation time , you might not get it off)

Tatum is planning on having 10 kids. So if tatum is off 10 games and Boston losses all of them , that is ALL GOOD.

This was the way it was with the best paying job I ever had. If you asked for a day off you'd better have a damn good reason. Even asking for the day off to attend your kid's birthday would piss them off depending on what time of year it was and how busy it was. During the holidays it seemed like they softened up a little. Not only that it was expected you take your work home with you at night if you wanted to leave the office at the "regular" 5pm time. It's was an effin grind. It was too much. Tbh they fired my ass.

I now make 60% as much but am much happier. Then again, maybe things have changed over there. This was preCovid, post Covid employers are much more understanding or the employees are simply lazier and employers have to deal with it. Not sure which is more true

Spurs m8
12-23-2022, 08:28 PM
This was the way it was with the best paying job I ever had. If you asked for a day off you'd better have a damn good reason. Even asking for the day off to attend your kid's birthday would piss them off depending on what time of year it was and how busy it was. During the holidays it seemed like they softened up a little. Not only that it was expected you take your work home with you at night if you wanted to leave the office at the "regular" 5pm time. It's was an effin grind. It was too much. Tbh they fired my ass.

I now make 60% as much but am much happier. Then again, maybe things have changed over there. This was preCovid, post Covid employers are much more understanding or the employees are simply lazier and employers have to deal with it. Not sure which is more true


Doesn't mean all well paying jobs are like this.

The company I work for (finance industry - billions profit each year) has a progressive and very human culture, balanced by some more dated values too...

But people are allowed days off, paid too...because we are human and it's better for engagement overall

12-24-2022, 08:34 AM
Why didn't he just bring his son with him? Fly them in?

I don't know.

His son is 5, he isn't going to remember this much anyway.

I do think it's good that parents are better now than the boomers were. There must be millions of children of boomers where their dads were not around on birthdays.

On the other hand, it might be a sign that Tatum is soft and doesn't understand the value of teaching children that commitment to the group, to the team, can be more important than almost anything.

I'm not saying Tatum is a cuck, like some are suggesting, or that he's whipped, but a lot of men who act like this are whipped and are run by their wife's emotions.

In previous years, you would not be able to trust a whipped man, but I guess times have changed.

Real Men Wear Green
12-24-2022, 10:24 AM
So...attending his son's birthday means that he may be soft or is whipped? I didn't reply to warriorfan because he's too stupid for words (please report me to me dumbass) but I will address this last post. You don't need to worry about Tatum being shipped here because he never married the mother of his son and not to get too deep into his business but has been seeing other women. I suppose I'm some odd way that is a good thing? Whatever.

12-24-2022, 10:46 AM
It's not about that, it's about how we live in a society where we now often allow emotions to overrule everything else, including loyalty, responsibility and rationality.

It's with doctors that work on christmas eve, someone has to do it, regardless of how much a kid cries at home, someone has to work on their anniversary, no matter how sad the wife gets.

That's life and we're moving away from that, into this idea that emotion has to come first and that emotional arguments override rational arguments.

It's not that it's impossible to plan around it, it's that it often becomes very expensive and much less efficient then. You can hire more muslim doctors to have someone work on Christmas, but then you'd need a prayer room and halal food etc.

Which again, this kind of thing, is really only for the privileged. The poor will need to work when they're told to work.

In the end, I'm not sure what is good and what is bad with things like this. It's obviously healthier for the kids I think, but it also creates an increasing inequality, because a feels based society only really benefits the economically safe and privileged.

Real Men Wear Green
12-24-2022, 10:56 AM
Special treatment for the privileged and wealthy is as old as human society. What would be bad is if he did this without the Celtics consent. If they are willing to let him take this day off then that's between him and them.

12-24-2022, 10:58 AM

12-24-2022, 12:35 PM
. Which again, this kind of thing, is really only for the privileged. The poor will need to work when they're told to work.

In the end, I'm not sure what is good and what is bad with things like this. It's obviously healthier for the kids I think, but it also creates an increasing inequality, because a feels based society only really benefits the economically safe and privileged.

I really need to know the world some of you inhabit because I’ve apparently never visited.

I have worked in retail. People would not come in for some nonsense reason all the time. Why do you think so many restaurants have such a long wait times and bad service these days? Even when they have staff people call out at the drop of a dime. Go speak to somebody in management, who works supervising people with low paying jobs. Every one of them will tell you that a kids birthday is nowhere near the worst reason people don’t come to work.

Sometimes you just don’t ****ing feel like it. I promise you millions of people called out of work today because it’s Christmas Eve and they don’t ****ing feel like it. It isn’t rare. You should check how many people called out of work for the Super Bowl or even the day after it. I bet 70% of Argentina didn’t go to work so they could attend the parade or recover after they won the World Cup. Poor people just say **** it, and don’t come in all the time.

Media Moderator
12-24-2022, 01:08 PM
I have worked in retail.

To anyone working in retail for anything more than a temporary fix, my sympathies are with you. Lots of work for low pay unless you're the store manager hitting all the incentives. You better be able to take a day off any time you want, I'd take a lifetime off.

12-24-2022, 02:56 PM
Gatorade makes money, days off don't. You are counting on celebrity to effect something that is built in to a capitalist system. The guys you see working out and chugging protein do it because they are body builder weightlifter or whoever doing it and probably also know the biological science behind these methods. They want to be strong like the guy drinking the shake. If Tatum got on an ad campaign telling people to chill and they could be just as good as him he would be lying. He may do it for enough money but it just wouldn't be true. He's trying to be the best player on the planet. He grew up idolizing Kobe. He's not going to tell young ballers that they will be as good as him through mental health days.

What’s crazy is the exact opposite is true. People who drink Gatorade, protein shakes and work out all day aren’t the people who are successful. It’s the peeps who take their kids birthdays off. Lol.

12-24-2022, 03:02 PM
I've always been very unreliable as a workforce, I said ****it all the time.

I also got what I deserved for it.

People with great work habits usually have good lives. People with poor work habits usually don't.

A lot of people in shit jobs have poor work habits, like I did, but those with good work habits usually work out ok, even in shit jobs.

It's a bad example to set for poorer working class people.

Working less won't get you into a nice life unless you have like 8 kids on welfare, which most men can't do (some can, but not biomen, you know).

What does it tell you when Tatum does this kind of thing? Be soft and think about your kids?

Yeah, when you've made the money. If you're not hustling like mad in your 20s, you're not gonna make it today. It's the truth.

Either hustle like mad or fire up that stream and say stupid shit for views. Those two options.

As a light skinned man, you will not find success acting like Tatum, unless you can sing, dance or shoot hoops.

It's awful but its the truth.

12-24-2022, 03:07 PM
There's no money in taking days off, same reason you're not going to see any commercials for living modestly or not needing to buy so many things. It's not a coincidence they typically market expensive items and products as symbols of status and success.

There’s money in taking days off that’s why there’s a whole vacation industry. Lol. Capitalists have their hooks in the lazy industry too. That’s why you can’t blame the state for drugs, video games, and entertainment. That’s private capitalist ventures selling shit to your kids.

The other side is work!!! work!! work!!

Where’s the in between just “take your kids birthday off” message?

12-24-2022, 03:16 PM
I really need to know the world some of you inhabit because I’ve apparently never visited.

I have worked in retail. People would not come in for some nonsense reason all the time. Why do you think so many restaurants have such a long wait times and bad service these days? Even when they have staff people call out at the drop of a dime. Go speak to somebody in management, who works supervising people with low paying jobs. Every one of them will tell you that a kids birthday is nowhere near the worst reason people don’t come to work.

Sometimes you just don’t ****ing feel like it. I promise you millions of people called out of work today because it’s Christmas Eve and they don’t ****ing feel like it. It isn’t rare. You should check how many people called out of work for the Super Bowl or even the day after it. I bet 70% of Argentina didn’t go to work so they could attend the parade or recover after they won the World Cup. Poor people just say **** it, and don’t come in all the time.

That’s what happens when the workers don’t respect where they work. Or simply put, aren’t getting paid enough to give a shit. Middle to upper middle class peeps who make enough to care don’t pull shit like that. In fact all you hear is the excuses as to why they don’t take time off. I get paid too much.


And all these instances you refer to when low income people call out for no reason? People talk shit. Co-workers, customers, management. Feelings aren’t spared. Everyone calls these peeps assholes. Lol. That’s the real world. You call out for some dumb shit working minimum wage and when you come back fools talk shit. Facts.