View Full Version : Angry Old Hoops Fan - LeExposure

Spurs m8
12-27-2022, 07:11 PM
This guy and his channel deserve its own thread here...he brings up all the truths we bring up and more.

I especially like the part where he's showing all the cheap shots LeBarry is taking at opponents to hurt them.
i will be highlighting these going forward, because LeBarry is a dirty player and bad sport.

But for now, subscribe and let's enjoy LeExposure.

Also, I welcome angry old hoops fan himself, to start posting here...a legend of youtube


Spurs m8
12-27-2022, 07:21 PM
He loves a nice crack at a players ribs, as seen below


And even just a couple of days ago on Xmas, to Luka - go to 2:35


12-27-2022, 07:25 PM
He's a Lebron hater. Posting shared views from a fellow Lebron hater is not evidence for his career being fraudulent.

Even though I know it makes you feel really really good inside.

Spurs m8
12-27-2022, 07:26 PM
It's all on video, champ

Keep enjoying your fake media and their fake narratives...they brainwashed low iq clowns like you years ago

Nba media is for the dumbest of the dumb fans

12-27-2022, 07:32 PM
It's all on video, champ

Keep enjoying your fake media and their fake narratives...they brainwashed low iq clowns like you years ago

Nba media is for the dumbest of the dumb fans


You've been ruined.

12-27-2022, 07:40 PM

You've been ruined.


Full Court
12-27-2022, 08:06 PM
Whether you love Bronie, hate Bronie, or are indifferent, you have to admit those videos are pretty good.

Spurs m8
12-27-2022, 08:38 PM
Whether you love Bronie, hate Bronie, or are indifferent, you have to admit those videos are pretty good.

The guy is hilarious

And spits so much truth that gets swept under the rug by the mainstream.

I'm sure the bronies, such as 1987, don't mean to be so daft...they're just so stupidly brainwashed