View Full Version : Who has the greater legacy, LeBron James or Muhammad Ali?

12-28-2022, 07:24 AM
Both widely regardest as one of the greatest in their sport, if not the greatest. Some say Sugar Ray Robinson is better than Ali and a lot say MJ is better than LeBron, but theres no disputing their top 2 GOAT status.

Some of Muhammad Ali's greatest accomplishments include
-Defeating George Foreman in Rumble in the Jungle
-Beating Joe Frazier in Thrilla in Manilla
-Olympic Gold medalist
-56 victories in arguable the toughest Golden era of boxing, fighting against the likes of Joe Frazier, Sonny Liston etc

Some of LeBrons best achievements
-3x Olympic medalist (2 gold)
-2nd most points ever soon to be 1st
-countless mvp awards
-overcoming a 3-1 deficit to win the finals against one of the toughest teams in history
-finals mvp many times

Who has the greater legacy? Not who do you like more, but who do you objectively view as the greater one in their respective sports

12-28-2022, 08:33 AM
Ali is usually placed outside top 5 if we're talking all time boxing greatness. There are guys like SRR, Henry Armstrong, or Sam Langford who's considered above Ali. While Lebron is widely considered in the top 2 or 3.

So in their respective sport, I think Lebron is comfortably higher.

However, it must be noted that boxing and basketball uses vastly different criteria and therefore shouldn't be compared in that way. Just like we shouldn't compare a great powerlifter to a great WNBA player.

12-28-2022, 09:56 AM
2004 bronze, lottery

2005 lottery

2006 bronze

2007 swept in finals on 35%

2008 saved by kobe for the gold and makes a movie about it

2009 spanked by Dwight Howard with home court

2010 quitting on a franchise, the decision

2011 owned by jj bare on a super team

2012 lockout title with a big 3 collusion

2013 all time worst shooting. saved by Ray allen, linked to steroid clinic

2014 all time biggest finals best down. quits on franchise

2015 another all time worst shooting performance, 2nd trip to steroid clinic, shows p*nis on tv

2016 colluded big 3. colluded suspension to draymond. saved by kyrie

2017 series swining dagger hit in your face

2018 swept in finals. soft picked for another dagger, anti-Semitic comments

2019 activating playoff move for the lottery, sells out to china

2020 bubble 5 month break davis theft no fans no parade Disney ring

2021 spanked by devin booker. accused of rape/trafficking women

2022 lottery with big 3

2023 lottery while passing Kareem with PED needle in his ass in a sloth league with no defense


12-28-2022, 10:27 AM
Ali is usually placed outside top 5 if we're talking all time boxing greatness. There are guys like SRR, Henry Armstrong, or Sam Langford who's considered above Ali. While Lebron is widely considered in the top 2 or 3.

So in their respective sport, I think Lebron is comfortably higher.

However, it must be noted that boxing and basketball uses vastly different criteria and therefore shouldn't be compared in that way. Just like we shouldn't compare a great powerlifter to a great WNBA player.

For me Boxers are generational and HW > greater than everyone else so it's Jack Johnson, Joe Louis, Rocky Marciano, Muhammad Ali, Mike Tyson

Ali's celebrity and cultural impact is greater than Lebron(and Jordan)

12-28-2022, 10:29 AM
For me Boxers are generational and HW > greater than everyone else so it's Jack Johnson, Joe Louis, Rocky Marciano, Muhammad Ali, Mike Tyson

Ali's celebrity and cultural impact is greater than Lebron(and Jordan)

How about Ali vs Michael Jackson on cultural impact and Goat status

12-28-2022, 11:04 AM
How about Ali vs Michael Jackson on cultural impact and Goat status

Oh Ali I'm a bigger fan of Prince...of that generation and style you go with Prince over Michael Jackson

Full Court
12-28-2022, 11:30 AM
Comparing LeShrivel with Ali.......:roll:

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia.tenor.com%2Fimages%2Fd5e532 0aef67829b6044fc0d079f7264%2Ftenor.gif&f=1&nofb=1

12-28-2022, 11:42 AM
For me Boxers are generational and HW > greater than everyone else so it's Jack Johnson, Joe Louis, Rocky Marciano, Muhammad Ali, Mike Tyson

Ali's celebrity and cultural impact is greater than Lebron(and Jordan)

I think OP is asking within the scope of their sport only.

12-28-2022, 04:19 PM
In the world of social media? The answer is very obvious.