View Full Version : Lebron is the goat

01-29-2023, 03:46 AM
Hearing this more & more. A lot of pundits who would've never said this now saying it. Thing is just going to increase over time because points scoring record will stand for at least two decades. Mj should've targeted that but fell short..

Spurs m8
01-29-2023, 03:49 AM
Where to even start with this low iq d1ckhead?lol

Sure thing, buddy

GOAT of turnovers

Time is not going to be kind to his legacy...

Hes up there with Duncan though...not bad

01-29-2023, 04:16 AM
It would probably be gaining way more traction if the Lakers weren't a bad team the last two years. The majority of people seem to have LeBron number 2. As a LeBron fan I'm plenty satisfied with this, I have never had any obsession with him becoming recognized as the GOAT but I know many do :lol

01-29-2023, 03:47 PM
Goat loser
Goat turnover
Goat crybaby
Goat cuck

01-29-2023, 03:48 PM
You're saying this because Kendrick Perkins said it and in that same segment both Stephen A Smith and Jaylen Rose disagreed with him

01-29-2023, 03:49 PM
You're saying this because Kendrick Perkins said it and in that same segment both Stephen A Smith and Jaylen Rose disagreed with him

Shaq said it as well.

01-29-2023, 03:51 PM
It would probably be gaining way more traction if the Lakers weren't a bad team the last two years. The majority of people seem to have LeBron number 2. As a LeBron fan I'm plenty satisfied with this, I have never had any obsession with him becoming recognized as the GOAT but I know many do :lolIt'll shift. The majority of sports journalists grew up watching Jordan and as it shifts to more people who grew up on Lebron, so will the goat conversation.

01-29-2023, 03:55 PM
It'll shift. The majority of sports journalists grew up watching Jordan and as it shifts to more people who grew up on Lebron, so will the goat conversation.

It will be what people value more. MJ had the better peak, while LeBron destroys MJ in longevity.

I agree the goat convo shifts to people who are more recent as time goes on.

Babe Ruth is probably the only guy I know that has been labeled the GOAT for like 100 years now, reason for that is because his batting numbers were out of this world compared to his competition, was at one point a dominant pitcher, & won 7 chips.

01-29-2023, 04:51 PM
It will be what people value more. MJ had the better peak, while LeBron destroys MJ in longevity.

I agree the goat convo shifts to people who are more recent as time goes on.

Babe Ruth is probably the only guy I know that has been labeled the GOAT for like 100 years now, reason for that is because his batting numbers were out of this world compared to his competition, was at one point a dominant pitcher, & won 7 chips.The growth of the talent pool, for me, is always the toughest argument. On one hand, can we really count anything before 1947? On the other hand, Babe can only play and dominate the competition that's in front of him.

I remember olympic basketball in the late 90's being an absolute joke, the dream team just thrashed everyone. Even in the 2000's, the international talent wasn't close to where it is today, where we have 4 top 5 players who are international and the next big talent to take over the league for the next 15 years is supposed to be a french kid. International players right now pushing more americans into the G-league, americans who would have had roster spots in the 90's. That has to mean something.

Spurs m8
01-29-2023, 05:10 PM
It'll shift. The majority of sports journalists grew up watching Jordan and as it shifts to more people who grew up on Lebron, so will the goat conversation.

No it won't...because he isn't actually even close, without the fake narrative

01-29-2023, 05:25 PM
The growth of the talent pool, for me, is always the toughest argument. On one hand, can we really count anything before 1947? On the other hand, Babe can only play and dominate the competition that's in front of him.

I remember olympic basketball in the late 90's being an absolute joke, the dream team just thrashed everyone. Even in the 2000's, the international talent wasn't close to where it is today, where we have 4 top 5 players who are international and the next big talent to take over the league for the next 15 years is supposed to be a french kid. International players right now pushing more americans into the G-league, americans who would have had roster spots in the 90's. That has to mean something.

There are ~120 international players on nba rosters now. More than a quarter of the league. In the mid 90s, there were 20.

This is how we know that the league now is far stronger than what Jordan faced.

A quarter of 90s starters would be bench players today. And a quarter of 90s bench players wouldn't crack a rotation today.

7 of the 29 starting SGs that Jordon had defending him would not start today. 7 of the 29 backup SGs wouldn't even any get court time.

01-29-2023, 05:27 PM
I don't have him the GOAT, but with that record you cant say Lebron doesn't have a case.

His longevity is unparalleled. Appreciate what you're watching.

01-29-2023, 05:59 PM
He has a case. Like MJ has a case. Like Kareem has a case. Like Russell has a case. You can argue for or against any of them using whatever objective or subjective measure you choose, and whatever biases and preferences you have. There are still people today who will swear that Kareem is GOAT. A small number to be sure, but its not like there weren't people saying 'Kareem' or 'Bill Russell' over the last 40 years after seeing MJ's career. Lebron has joined that conversation. Now whether you think he has a case or doesn't, fake narratives or whatever floats your boat, Lebron has enough supporters now that will consider him GOAT. He's in the conversation regardless of whether you like it, disagree with it or otherwise. Honestly, it really doesn't matter end of the day if someone's GOAT is different from yours. Its a conversation that people are honestly too emotionally vested in, like living through these athletes vicariously or something. Who honestly gives a fukk at this point? :confusedshrug:

01-29-2023, 06:16 PM
The biggest threat to jordan. He wouldn't be bashed by immature extremists 24/7 if that statement was never true.

01-29-2023, 08:16 PM
No it won't...because he isn't actually even close, without the fake narrative

You don't get it. The fake narrative will become the official narrative. This is how sports has always worked.

01-30-2023, 12:29 AM
What made me realize he finally had a legit case was when Jordan stans started sweating him harder than anyone not named Pippen. We didn't really sweat Kobe because as great as he was, he never seemed to be a legitimate threat to MJ's throne. And honestly i recall a ton of Mj fans being Lebron fans until the climb started. But whatever point it happened, I assume it's different for each person because some saw him coming alot sooner than others, these guys honed in on Lebron and are riding it out until he leaves I suppose.

01-30-2023, 12:50 AM
What made me realize he finally had a legit case was when Jordan stans started sweating him harder than anyone not named Pippen. We didn't really sweat Kobe because as great as he was, he never seemed to be a legitimate threat to MJ's throne. And honestly i recall a ton of Mj fans being Lebron fans until the climb started. But whatever point it happened, I assume it's different for each person because some saw him coming alot sooner than others, these guys honed in on Lebron and are riding it out until he leaves I suppose.I really don’t get that mentality. It’s not like any of us are personally invested in who’s the goat, it’s all just entertainment. And isn’t watching new players do some thing we haven’t seen before the pinnacle of sports entertainment? As long as enough people still care about basketball, there’s going to come a player better than Lebron and MJ. Why not just embrace it?

01-30-2023, 01:04 AM
I really don’t get that mentality. It’s not like any of us are personally invested in who’s the goat, it’s all just entertainment. And isn’t watching new players do some thing we haven’t seen before the pinnacle of sports entertainment? As long as enough people still care about basketball, there’s going to come a player better than Lebron and MJ. Why not just embrace it?

I agree entirely and I'm a fan of both guys. Just happy I got to see 2 of the best ever in real-time. Never got to see Mj in person though, missed opportunity. And when the next "it" guy comes along I'll watch and enjoy whatever he brings to the game. Does growing up watching Montana mean we can't also appreciate Mahommes?