View Full Version : Is this ok? What Dame and his ilk do to shot selection?

02-07-2023, 09:32 AM

Obviously amazing to be able to do it…but not like they usually go in. They just don’t replay the misses. He did have a season he made 41% of 30+ footers but I saw a career count show he was second best all time at 34 percent or so. Trey Toung was actually at the top with 36. Steph was in the 20s having taken way more than either but that no doubt factors in a lot of downright heaves(not that theirs don’t).

Point is it doesn’t usually work. But of course nothing but layups usually work…so it just depends how you look at it.

Are the basketball gods looking down like



Or do you imagine they’re so impressed with the skills they can ignore that most of the time it’s just totally throwing away a possession?

02-07-2023, 09:36 AM
I'd be mad if I were coach but it went in so whatever. Have a smirk about it while expressing disapproval. Then trade him for Westbrook.

02-07-2023, 10:25 AM
thats hilarious

02-07-2023, 10:58 AM
The defenders literally backed away from him daring him to shoot. He wasn't hunting that shot he obviously intended to pass but the defense cut off the passing lanes. In that case i would think it is ok for Dame but not for most guys.

02-07-2023, 11:02 AM
The defender was probably 35 feet from the basket. That’s backing off?

If a guy isn’t on you at 40 feet it’s fine to shoot with 13 seconds on the shot clock if you’re Dame?

I’m just asking because what you would sanction as a coach.

If you’re open from 43 feet…shoot it?

02-07-2023, 11:09 AM
The defender was probably 35 feet from the basket. That’s backing off?

If a guy isn’t on you at 40 feet it’s fine to shoot with 13 seconds on the shot clock if you’re Dame?

I’m just asking because what you would sanction as a coach.

If you’re open from 43 feet…shoot it?

I am sure the coach knows what Dame shoots from that range. It is probably a borderline shot. But a coach will have a longer leash with Dame than with anyone else on the team. He's earned that.

There is also a message in that shot. Dame is telling the defense 'you clowns think you can't back away from me? F U'

Anyone else on the team taking that shot would probably get an earful from the coach, or a quick hook.

02-07-2023, 11:14 AM
So on your team guys with range can shoot 45 footers instead of running offense if the defender is standing at 35 feet. That’s what I wanted to know.

I wish I could get a preview of the game in 2045 after a couple more generations grow up in a world like this.

02-07-2023, 11:29 AM
So on your team guys with range can shoot 45 footers instead of running offense if the defender is standing at 35 feet. That’s what I wanted to know.

I wish I could get a preview of the game in 2045 after a couple more generations grow up in a world like this.

That's not what i said. I didn't say "guys" on my team could take that shot. I said Dame could from time to time.

Charles Barkley used to take 3s. He sucked at them. Did his coaches give him a hard time about it? I doubt it.He did it his whole career. The coach accepted it because Barkley was a great player and had a longer leash than other players.

Funny how the shot keeps getting longer :lol

02-07-2023, 11:35 AM
Dame makes shots from there at a better rate than Lebron makes regular threes.

If he makes 55 footers at 32% is it ok to take them because you look the other way when Lebron takes a normal one at 29%?

When do we put a stop to it on principle because there are better shots to be had by playing team basketball?


We allow Giannis to take 3s at 20 whatever percent because he’s a god at everything else.

That make it ok for Steph or Dame to take open 54 footers?

When does “This is stupid…” factor in for you?

How far away and at what percentage do you just say that isn’t how we play the game?

02-07-2023, 11:36 AM
what a G

dame's game is just gangster

02-07-2023, 11:36 AM
literally owns the most coldblooded shots in NBA history - and he did it in the actual playoffs

02-07-2023, 11:42 AM
Dame makes shots from there at a better rate than Lebron makes regular threes.

If he makes 55 footers at 32% is it ok to take them because you look the other way when Lebron takes a normal one at 29%?

When do we put a stop to it on principle because there are better shots to be had by playing team basketball?


We allow Giannis to take 3s at 20 whatever percent because he’s a god at everything else.

That make it ok for Steph or Dame to take open 54 footers?

When does “This is stupid…” factor in for you?

How far away and at what percentage do you just say that isn’t how we play the game?

If you want to be the coach that keeps getting on your star player from taking a bad shot from time to time, good luck with that.

To me Giannis is the one that really needs a reality check. He is taking 3 3s per game.He took more than that the last few years. He has sucked at them his whole career. He really needs to cut down on his attempts.

02-07-2023, 11:58 AM
So when these kids who emulate dame and Steph are like 30% of what’s coming out we just let shot selection die because they won’t wanna be told by an old guy that they should run offense?


Once everyone does it nobody is at a disadvantage except people who suck at it like normal threes but if you have to commit to defending literally everything past the halfcourt line…

Maybe teams station one good 50 foot shooter out there at the top and one on an elbow like 38 feet away and make defense totally impossible?

02-07-2023, 12:04 PM
So when these kids who emulate dame and Steph are like 30% of what’s coming out we just let shot selection die because they won’t wanna be told by an old guy that they should run offense?


Once everyone does it nobody is at a disadvantage except people who suck at it like normal threes but if you have to commit to defending literally everything past the halfcourt line…

Maybe teams station one good 50 foot shooter out there at the top and one on an elbow like 38 feet away and make defense totally impossible?

In the end it will come down to what works.

If teams doing this are winning, more coaches will allow it. If teams doing it arent winning, coaches will put a stop to it.

The results will decide it in the long run.

02-07-2023, 12:10 PM
When kids do that i would bench them every time. There are different rules for great NBA players vs kids.

02-07-2023, 12:17 PM
Don't see a problem in that shot after he had no other option. What I don't get is why he picked up the ball in the first place.

02-07-2023, 12:21 PM
What do you mean no other option? He picked the ball up with 17 seconds on the shot clock and there are two unguarded teammates to his right.

02-07-2023, 12:22 PM
When kids do that i would bench them every time. There are different rules for great NBA players vs kids.

When all the kids do it who do you bench?

Thats the problem the future may well face.

If that’s how they wanna play you allow it or forfeit if you don’t wanna piss them off which seems to be a concern of yourself.

02-07-2023, 12:27 PM
Be kinda like Bynum being benched for shooting a 3:

Brown yanked Andrew Bynum from the game early in the third quarter after the center badly missed a three-point shot, though Bynum appeared amused on the bench as he mimicked the form on his release. “That’s something that I thought could have taken us out of rhythm, so I took him out of the game,” Brown said.
Bynum sat out the rest of the third quarter and played only 2:50 in the fourth quarter, finishing with 11 points and five rebounds in 23 minutes. “I don’t know what was bench-worthy about it,” said Bynum, who indicated he wanted to continue taking shots from beyond the three-point arc. “I made one [Sunday] night and I missed one tonight.” Did Brown talk to him about the shot? “Not yet,” Bynum said. “I’m sure he wants to.”.

Once all the bigs wanna shoot threes you let it go or you don’t coach in the nba. What you gonna do post up 3 point specialists?

If guys decide they wanna do it I don’t know what a coach really does about it if he’s afraid of being hated by powerful players.

02-07-2023, 12:33 PM
When all the kids do it who do you bench?

Thats the problem the future may well face.

If that’s how they wanna play you allow it or forfeit if you don’t wanna piss them off which seems to be a concern of yourself.

What is this, strawman central? If all kids are taking shots from the logo then that is a problem with the coach having no control.

02-07-2023, 12:33 PM
This was hilarious, and considering the situation, even worse than Bynum


02-07-2023, 12:48 PM
What is this, strawman central? If all kids are taking shots from the logo then that is a problem with the coach having no control.

A kid shooting a single three would have been the coach having no control not that long ago. Now even in organized games you’ll see 5-6 Kidd missing crazy threes. I think it’s reached the point you either let it go or don’t be a youth coach. And those kids are coming. There’s a smaller gap between the kinda off the dribble 30 footers that now get taken by the thousands and everyone trying to spot up from 38 than from the days even a guard taking a 3 might get chewed out to what we have now.

The bulk of the transition is done. I watched Iman Shumpert take off the dribble 30 footers years ago with nobody seeming upset. Long range specialists standing 3 steps back? It’s…probably where we’re going.

02-07-2023, 04:06 PM
Lol. Classic 'what the fukk is that' shot until it goes in. I'm inclined to think it was Dame telling the defender ' don't think sagging off me from 40 feet is a good idea' when you have his kind of range. Smart basketball play over the course of the 100 plus years it's been a thing? No. Out of bounds for the current era? Not if you're Steph, Dame, Trae etc.

02-07-2023, 09:33 PM
It's Lillard and he can make that shot. Regardless, it's so crazy dudes can make these shots like it's nothing. Lillard doesn't really play team ball though, I would rather have Jrue Holiday. Even when Lillard is going off, I remember that game he had against the Nuggets when he was hitting everything he threw up... his teammates were all frozen out and couldn't do anything once he finally did pass them the ball. Regardless, he's a baller and dangerous as hell in the clutch because he can hit from anywhere.

INB4 someone trolls me about Westbrook... lol he is washed so who cares. Where da hell is brother smoke at??? @smoke117