View Full Version : I’d like one of our many self proclaimed alphas to explain a couple things.

03-13-2023, 10:46 PM
I’ve noticed that a tremendous number of people who subscribe to the alpha\beta line of thinking believe that they themselves fall on the “alpha” side(pure coincidence Im sure). And there seems to be no shortage of them here.

I’ll avoid my tendency to take it past basketball for the moment and ask….on the court…what makes you think a player is an alpha?

The way people talk it seems like a clutch thing. Being willing to take the big shot. But I don’t know that people call say….Robert Horry an alpha.

And if it’s just a matter of who takes over scoring wise….would you say a guy like Ben Wallace wasn’t eligible but Rip Hamilton was? Bill Russell wasn’t an alpha?

Is it just force of personality? Like Kevin Garnett?


Is Haslem an alpha? You listen to people on the heat they all call him OG and I read an article when Goran was voted co captain he came out and said it’s an honor, but everybody knows the team belongs to OG. That Haslem leads them.

But he doesn’t play.

Is it just someone who bends the team to his will and desires like Lebron?


We have an awful lot of you here supposedly. Maybe it takes one to know one.

What makes an nba player an “alpha” and who are some current examples?

Full Court
03-13-2023, 10:58 PM
I don't see it as so much being clutch as not letting people punk you out.

Best example of being an alpha off the top of my head, although there are many more:


03-13-2023, 11:10 PM
I’ve noticed that a tremendous number of people who subscribe to the alpha\beta line of thinking believe that they themselves fall on the “alpha” side(pure coincidence Im sure). And there seems to be no shortage of them here.

I’ll avoid my tendency to take it past basketball for the moment and ask….on the court…what makes you think a player is an alpha?

The way people talk it seems like a clutch thing. Being willing to take the big shot. But I don’t know that people call say….Robert Horry an alpha.

And if it’s just a matter of who takes over scoring wise….would you say a guy like Ben Wallace wasn’t eligible but Rip Hamilton was? Bill Russell wasn’t an alpha?

Is it just force of personality? Like Kevin Garnett?


Is Haslem an alpha? You listen to people on the heat they all call him OG and I read an article when Goran was voted co captain he came out and said it’s an honor, but everybody knows the team belongs to OG. That Haslem leads them.

But he doesn’t play.

Is it just someone who bends the team to his will and desires like Lebron?


We have an awful lot of you here supposedly. Maybe it takes one to know one.

What makes an nba player an “alpha” and who are some current examples?

It's a simply social/group dynamic concept. The alpha is the group leader. Some team's leader others is the defensive anchor, but they're the guys who keep their teammates in check and yet motivate them and keep the team together.

Most people who talk about alphas and betas don't even know what betas are..

Im so nba'd out
03-13-2023, 11:24 PM
There are only 3 alphas in the league I can think of off the top of my head. LeBron,Embiid, and believe it or not Donovan Mitchell. An alpha is someone who comes on any teams and takes over it from their rookie season.. They are always the 1st option and no matter how hot their teammates get they will never just defer and stand in the corner. Imma use mitchell as an example. In all star games he shoot’s when he wants what he wants, in utah as a rookie he took the team as his, and on team usa he took whatever shoot he want whenever he wanted and Tatum fell in line even though they were trying to make him “the guy”. Luka turns into a bch when Kyrie starts taking over…curry set fking screens for Kevin Durant even though he knew deep down he was the better player (I’m still disgusted by this) Durant is a beta who let Kyrie control what team he played for in New York City . Kyrie let Lebron take the Cavs from him….and on and on I can keep going with why everyone else in the league is not an alpha

Bubble alphas (I just need more data on them)

Ant Edwards

Edit mitchell goes to a team with a young pg coming off an all star break out year…. O that’s nice, Idgaf it’s my team now. Idc how hot you are the last play will be ran for me…..that’s alpha…it’s only 3 of those type personalities in the entire nba

Being an alpha is rare as fk

Double Edit- Draymond was an alpha but was neurtered after “the punch”. He use to keep that entire team on a leash (outside of steph)… he’s more like a Herd dog though.. I just don’t know the word for it in sports. It’s something I guess different than an alpha. He just kept everyone in line out of fear.. like a haslem. So scratch that he’s not an alpha I guess. He’s something else. Like an enforcer but for his own teammates

On phone ignore the mistakes

03-13-2023, 11:35 PM
lol everyone in the league is an "alpha"...post above mine is retarded.

03-13-2023, 11:38 PM
i don’t know if there’s a specific criteria, it’s one of those either got it or don’t sort of things

Im so nba'd out
03-13-2023, 11:45 PM
lol everyone in the league is an "alpha"...post above mine is retarded.

Every player in the nba is an exception basketball player….everyone in the nba is not an alpha

03-13-2023, 11:47 PM
post above mine is retarded.

03-14-2023, 12:37 AM
They are always the 1st option and no matter how hot their teammates get they will never just defer and stand in the corner.

LeBron stood in the corner and deferred to Wade in the 2011 NBA finals when it looked like Wade was on his way to his second finals MVP. Alpha indeed


Im so nba'd out
03-14-2023, 12:43 AM
LeBron stood in the corner and deferred to Wade in the 2011 NBA finals when it looked like Wade was on his way to his second finals MVP. Alpha indeed



He’s the only alpha in the history of the league that had a beta moment.I can’t explain why he played like thay.. but that series knocked the last little bit of beta he had in him out. And he has never taken the backseat to a teammate again. Not bubble AD….Not game 7 Kyrie, not anyone! No matter how hot his teammates get…no matter how big of a groove they are in he won’t take the back seat and I love it. Only embiid and Mitchell can relate.

Now of course throughout history there have been other alphas (mj ect) don’t get it twisted. Even mj had a beta moment. He was playin like a role player in a team usa scrimmage and magic had to shit talk him to get him to turn into the alpha. Matter fact all these alpha dudes have had a beta moment now that I think of it…LeBron’s was just on the biggest stage

03-14-2023, 02:01 AM
so who has big dick energy

greta thunberg
kevon looney

03-14-2023, 02:07 AM
I’ve noticed that a tremendous number of people who subscribe to the alpha\beta line of thinking believe that they themselves fall on the “alpha” side(pure coincidence Im sure). And there seems to be no shortage of them here.

I’ll avoid my tendency to take it past basketball for the moment and ask….on the court…what makes you think a player is an alpha?

The way people talk it seems like a clutch thing. Being willing to take the big shot. But I don’t know that people call say….Robert Horry an alpha.

And if it’s just a matter of who takes over scoring wise….would you say a guy like Ben Wallace wasn’t eligible but Rip Hamilton was? Bill Russell wasn’t an alpha?

Is it just force of personality? Like Kevin Garnett?

Is Haslem an alpha? You listen to people on the heat they all call him OG and I read an article when Goran was voted co captain he came out and said it’s an honor, but everybody knows the team belongs to OG. That Haslem leads them.

But he doesn’t play.

Is it just someone who bends the team to his will and desires like Lebron?


We have an awful lot of you here supposedly. Maybe it takes one to know one.

What makes an nba player an “alpha” and who are some current examples?

All of those things are alpha actions but doing those doesn't necessarily makes you alpha. You've got to do those 'alpha things' consistently enough. Being Alpha is a perception after all, not an objective reality.

Robert Horry isn't afraid to do shots but he's not doing many other stuff on the court. Steve Kerr was pretty alpha when he took the last shot but he's a role player who don't do many things.

Full Court
03-14-2023, 06:55 AM
There are only 3 alphas in the league I can think of off the top of my head. LeBron,Embiid, and believe it or not Donovan Mitchell.

Hate to break it to you, but LeShrivel ain't no alpha.

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia.tenor.com%2Fimages%2Fd5e532 0aef67829b6044fc0d079f7264%2Ftenor.gif&f=1&nofb=1

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi.ytimg.com%2Fvi%2Fp2U2uWSwqsE%2F maxresdefault.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=eb68486c805970f8f3037e857322dc623d41ac6baed9c2 35bda2116edbee19b8&ipo=images

03-14-2023, 06:57 AM
alpha is a social/personality thing, has nothing to do with scoring ability.

03-14-2023, 06:59 AM
There are only 3 alphas in the league I can think of off the top of my head. LeBron,Embiid, and believe it or not Donovan Mitchell. An alpha is someone who comes on any teams and takes over it from their rookie season.. They are always the 1st option and no matter how hot their teammates get they will never just defer and stand in the corner. Imma use mitchell as an example. In all star games he shoot’s when he wants what he wants, in utah as a rookie he took the team as his, and on team usa he took whatever shoot he want whenever he wanted and Tatum fell in line even though they were trying to make him “the guy”. Luka turns into a bch when Kyrie starts taking over…curry set fking screens for Kevin Durant even though he knew deep down he was the better player (I’m still disgusted by this) Durant is a beta who let Kyrie control what team he played for in New York City . Kyrie let Lebron take the Cavs from him….and on and on I can keep going with why everyone else in the league is not an alpha

Bubble alphas (I just need more data on them)

Ant Edwards

you need more data on them but decare luka a bch for 5 games with kyrie?

in which he actually took more shots than kyrie?


we know the agenda here

Wardell Curry
03-14-2023, 08:06 AM
Jimmy Butler is an alpha. Kobe was an alpha. Jordan is an alpha. Bird is an alpha. Most dominant players throughout NBA history are/were not alphas. Most men are not alphas period.

It's a personality thing more than anything else. Someone who is constantly asserting social dominance and not submitting to anyone. There are fake alphas like Kevin Garnett.

The NBA has had a bunch of players with alpha abilities and talent but it very rarely overlaps with their actual personality. Shaq and LeBron are the most extreme examples of this in my opinion.

Wardell Curry
03-14-2023, 08:33 AM
Draymond Green is also an alpha, I do believe. I really don't think there are that many in the NBA right now.

These don't tend to be the mentally healthiest people.

Im so nba'd out
03-14-2023, 08:39 AM
you need more data on them but decare luka a bch for 5 games with kyrie?

in which he actually took more shots than kyrie?


we know the agenda here
An alpha wouldn’t play hot potato in the clutch trying to force someone else to take the last shot to keep that person happy. An alpha wouldn’t let Jason Kidd talk shit and call them out publicly then stand on the podium like a be’otch and say “he’s right”. An alpha wouldn’t let the coach call the final play for a new teammate who just arrived on the team 10 days ago over himself. I can keep going but you get the point….

03-14-2023, 11:29 AM
An alpha wouldn’t play hot potato in the clutch trying to force someone else to take the last shot to keep that person happy. An alpha wouldn’t let Jason Kidd talk shit and call them out publicly then stand on the podium like a be’otch and say “he’s right”. An alpha wouldn’t let the coach call the final play for a new teammate who just arrived on the team 10 days ago over himself. I can keep going but you get the point….

So alphas are bad teammates, who won’t admit when they’re wrong?

03-14-2023, 11:54 AM
An alpha wouldn’t play hot potato in the clutch trying to force someone else to take the last shot to keep that person happy. An alpha wouldn’t let Jason Kidd talk shit and call them out publicly then stand on the podium like a be’otch and say “he’s right”. An alpha wouldn’t let the coach call the final play for a new teammate who just arrived on the team 10 days ago over himself. I can keep going but you get the point….

You're utterly clueless. The alpha of a group wants the best outcome for the group with the least sacrifices made. If he feels the best outcome is to give others in the group important roles he will. What you want is individual glory and success, but there's no use in group dynamic rankings if you neglect the group as a whole.

Im so nba'd out
03-14-2023, 11:57 AM
So alphas are bad teammates, who won’t admit when they’re wrong?

What out of things I listed = being a bad teammate?

You're utterly clueless. The alpha of a group wants the best outcome for the group with the least sacrifices made. If he feels the best outcome is to give others in the group important roles he will. What you want is individual glory and success, but there's no use in group dynamic rankings if you neglect the group as a whole.

No, actually that’s a coach not an alpha…

03-14-2023, 12:26 PM

He’s the only alpha in the history of the league that had a beta moment.I can’t explain why he played like thay.. but that series knocked the last little bit of beta he had in him out. And he has never taken the backseat to a teammate again. Not bubble AD….Not game 7 Kyrie, not anyone! No matter how hot his teammates get…no matter how big of a groove they are in he won’t take the back seat and I love it. Only embiid and Mitchell can relate.

Now of course throughout history there have been other alphas (mj ect) don’t get it twisted. Even mj had a beta moment. He was playin like a role player in a team usa scrimmage and magic had to shit talk him to get him to turn into the alpha. Matter fact all these alpha dudes have had a beta moment now that I think of it…LeBron’s was just on the biggest stage

Once you go beta there’s no going back.

There’s probably players out there who have only done alpha things strictly. Let’s not pretend they don’t exist

03-14-2023, 01:30 PM
And he has never taken the backseat to a teammate again. Not bubble AD….Not game 7 Kyrie, not anyone! No matter how hot his teammates get…no matter how big of a groove they are in he won’t take the back seat and I love it. Only embiid and Mitchell can relate.

Now of course throughout history there have been other alphas (mj ect) don’t get it twisted. Even mj had a beta moment. He was playin like a role player in a team usa scrimmage and magic had to shit talk him to get him to turn into the alpha. Matter fact all these alpha dudes have had a beta moment now that I think of it…LeBron’s was just on the biggest stage

I wouldn't consider your interpretation of Alpha as a positive trait. There's a fine line between domineering and taking charge. And taking responsibility vs micro managing.

Im so nba'd out
03-14-2023, 02:38 PM
I wouldn't consider your interpretation of Alpha as a positive trait. There's a fine line between domineering and taking charge. And taking responsibility vs micro managing.

Never said it was a positive trait and most teammates of alphas secretly hate them. When Lebron retires we will hear the stories ….just like with Jordan

03-14-2023, 02:55 PM
laughing at all these posts...

Let me ask you if you think a beta exists in MMA ??

Come on these are professional bball players everyone of these guys could score a 100 points in a playground game of high school college players.

This forum has a lot of trash talkers, but 98% of them are beta 101.:oldlol::roll::oldlol:

03-14-2023, 02:59 PM
No, actually that’s a coach not an alpha…

As I said you don't know what alpha means. I guess you get your education from porn movies.

03-14-2023, 07:56 PM
Never said it was a positive trait and most teammates of alphas secretly hate them. When Lebron retires we will hear the stories ….just like with Jordan
Bro stfu about lebronze, they hate him because he's the biggest beta and frontrunner. The subject is "Alpha" you dork.

Full Court
03-14-2023, 09:23 PM
laughing at all these posts...

Let me ask you if you think a beta exists in MMA ??

Come on these are professional bball players everyone of these guys could score a 100 points in a playground game of high school college players.

This forum has a lot of trash talkers, but 98% of them are beta 101.:oldlol::roll::oldlol:

No, they're not all alphas.

And yes, there are pro MMA fighters who are betas. Sean O'Malley is the most obvious example of one. Skill, athleticism, and competitive drive do not necessarily equal an alpha personality, as a couple others have pointed out.

03-15-2023, 05:48 PM
On a completely related note... what percentage of men would you say really are genuine alphas, and what percentage just like to think that they are? I'm throwing the question out to the class.

03-15-2023, 05:51 PM
That feels like the kind of thing people would know is low, but not want to say because it raises a question on where they stand. I’m not sure I’ve ever heard anyone who talks about alphas and betas say that they themselves are a beta.

Full Court
03-15-2023, 06:44 PM
That feels like the kind of thing people would know is low, but not want to say because it raises a question on where they stand. I’m not sure I’ve ever heard anyone who talks about alphas and betas say that they themselves are a beta.

Being a beta generally has negative connotations for a man. So most won't admit it. But regardless of what they admit or how they see themselves, there's no hiding it. You can tell who the alphas and betas are.

Wardell Curry
03-15-2023, 06:46 PM
Being a beta generally has negative connotations for a man. So most won't admit it. But regardless of what they admit or how they see themselves, there's no hiding it. You can tell who the alphas and betas are.

Well over 90% of men are betas. It's nothing to be ashamed of.

As I said before, alpha males don't tend to be the most emotionally healthy individuals.

But there is something that needs to be said... virtually 100% of men will step up and try to at least temporarily become an alpha in certain situations.

03-15-2023, 06:47 PM
Being a beta generally has negative connotations for a man. So most won't admit it. But regardless of what they admit or how they see themselves, there's no hiding it. You can tell who the alphas and betas are.

I take it you would consider yourself an alpha then. Or would you consider that weird to say of yourself?

Full Court
03-15-2023, 06:57 PM
I take it you would consider yourself an alpha then. Or would you consider that weird to say of yourself?

I think it would be weird to proclaim what I consider myself on an anonymous internet board. But like I said, it's a personality trait that comes out sooner or later, so people can make their own judgments.

03-15-2023, 07:16 PM
See , isn’t that weird? So many people think they are alpha but know it’s lame to say so. It appears nobody thinks they’re betas, even though everyone thinks the majority of other people are. Or maybe it isn’t weird at all. Maybe it’s like how everyone thinks most of the public are idiots but nobody thinks that they are an idiot.

I think I’m just out on the whole concept. I have been a leader in ways. But I also know that my natural state is(or at least was) to be timid. I decided to try to project confidence somewhere in my teens and I eventually got so good at it I don’t know when it’s an act or being real. I live pretty much as a fraudulent outgoing center of attention type and I know….KNOW it isn’t me. People will follow me when I don’t know what I’m doing. I sound like I do I guess. I will walk up to a beautiful woman or the most powerful guy in a room and strike up a conversation just because I’m actively telling myself not to be a bitch. I’m internally crazy in ways.

I walk around, taking my steps in multiples of five and weirdo shit like that but nobody can tell I’m doing it. People look to me to make decisions and lead in my day to day and most workplaces I ever had and inside…it’s weird. I’m just such a polished bullshitter because it’s served me so well.

I know that of myself and that I’ve been called things synonymous with alpha as a concept and I wonder how many others are like me.

Are you a leader just because people think you are? Do others make you “alpha”?

I…don’t think so. If it exists it’s natural I think. I am totally unnatural. I’m walking around actively projecting the image of who I decided to be when I couldn’t get girls I liked in high school and decided to be what I needed to be to remedy that.

I feel like a lot of self proclaimed alphas have to be doing the same thing.

Im always gonna be the kid who’s crush ****ed this weird white boy in 10th grade and had me in my feelings even after all the money, women, and people who seem to love me. I just wear the cloak of the man I felt I needed to be to get her attention and I slowly morphed into what seems to be a super confident charming asshole.

But I know the truth. A lot of “alphas” must as well.

Wardell Curry
03-15-2023, 07:17 PM
I'm a beta. I'm ok with it.

03-15-2023, 07:29 PM
Relating my previous post back to basketball who in the NBA would you say strikes you as a fake alpha? I saw KG mentioned. I’m not sure. As some of the longtime posters might remember I knew Kevin Garnett when he was in Mauldin South Carolina. He went to the same high school I literally picked my niece up from a few hours ago. I didn’t like know him know him but he was around. He was intense even then. On the court. But off? He dated my cousin and he would be around their house sometimes when I was there. He was the quietest guy then. He came over once for Thanksgiving at their house. This was after he was already in the NBA. The only thing that made him stand out was his height. He sat so quietly in the corner. We all just ate and ended up watching the movie Species or maybe Species 2. He sat that quietly doing nothing. And this is pre cell phones so he wasn’t like…doing something else On his phone.

You wouldn’t even know he was there.

But on tv he seems to intense all the time and you hear stories about him with teammates like the one posted in the OP.

I’ve only seen him act like that playing basketball.

He might be an undercover lame such as myself.

Wardell Curry
03-15-2023, 08:04 PM
Relating my previous post back to basketball who in the NBA would you say strikes you as a fake alpha? I saw KG mentioned. I’m not sure. As some of the longtime posters might remember I knew Kevin Garnett when he was in Mauldin South Carolina. He went to the same high school I literally picked my niece up from a few hours ago. I didn’t like know him know him but he was around. He was intense even then. On the court. But off? He dated my cousin and he would be around their house sometimes when I was there. He was the quietest guy then. He came over once for Thanksgiving at their house. This was after he was already in the NBA. The only thing that made him stand out was his height. He sat so quietly in the corner. We all just ate and ended up watching the movie Species or maybe Species 2. He sat that quietly doing nothing. And this is pre cell phones so he wasn’t like…doing something else On his phone.

You wouldn’t even know he was there.

But on tv he seems to intense all the time and you hear stories about him with teammates like the one posted in the OP.

I’ve only seen him act like that playing basketball.

He might be an undercover lame such as myself.

You just described what I already knew. Fake alpha. Not that I care to slam him for it, I don't.

03-15-2023, 08:16 PM
Thinking of it though…being quiet in private doesn’t really mean you can’t be a leader.

The whole thing is hard to define satisfactorily. I’m not sure we even need the term.

Full Court
03-15-2023, 08:32 PM
See , isn’t that weird? So many people think they are alpha but know it’s lame to say so. It appears nobody thinks they’re betas, even though everyone thinks the majority of other people are. Or maybe it isn’t weird at all. Maybe it’s like how everyone thinks most of the public are idiots but nobody thinks that they are an idiot.

I think I’m just out on the whole concept. I have been a leader in ways. But I also know that my natural state is(or at least was) to be timid. I decided to try to project confidence somewhere in my teens and I eventually got so good at it I don’t know when it’s an act or being real. I live pretty much as a fraudulent outgoing center of attention type and I know….KNOW it isn’t me. People will follow me when I don’t know what I’m doing. I sound like I do I guess. I will walk up to a beautiful woman or the most powerful guy in a room and strike up a conversation just because I’m actively telling myself not to be a bitch. I’m internally crazy in ways.

I walk around, taking my steps in multiples of five and weirdo shit like that but nobody can tell I’m doing it. People look to me to make decisions and lead in my day to day and most workplaces I ever had and inside…it’s weird. I’m just such a polished bullshitter because it’s served me so well.

I know that of myself and that I’ve been called things synonymous with alpha as a concept and I wonder how many others are like me.

Are you a leader just because people think you are? Do others make you “alpha”?

I…don’t think so. If it exists it’s natural I think. I am totally unnatural. I’m walking around actively projecting the image of who I decided to be when I couldn’t get girls I liked in high school and decided to be what I needed to be to remedy that.

I feel like a lot of self proclaimed alphas have to be doing the same thing.

Im always gonna be the kid who’s crush ****ed this weird white boy in 10th grade and had me in my feelings even after all the money, women, and people who seem to love me. I just wear the cloak of the man I felt I needed to be to get her attention and I slowly morphed into what seems to be a super confident charming asshole.

But I know the truth. A lot of “alphas” must as well.

Interesting discussion. Here's my opinion on this, and others may disagree with me, but I look at it in a different way than you do. Whoever came up with the alpha, beta, omega, etc. personality types categorized people based on the way they interact within their social groups. That's why I said you can't hide what you are, because by definition it comes out in your social interactions. Whether you're "putting on a show" or it comes naturally is irrelevant. You're going to end up in the social hierarchy based on how others perceive you, not on how you perceive yourself or how you "really" are deep down inside.

I don't think it's fixed either. I've known people who weren't natural type A's but developed into alpha types over time.

Now if someone's a self proclaimed alpha who's putting on a show, and people aren't buying it...then they're not an alpha.

03-15-2023, 08:41 PM
It may be apocryphal, but I’m nearly sure I heard that the person who came up with that alpha beta and so on concept meant to apply it only to animals and was incredibly annoyed when people started claiming it should be applied to humans. I’ll have to look into it.

03-15-2023, 08:46 PM
What do you do with a guy like this?


I feel like people would call his behavior alpha.

But he absolutely refused to be what we traditionally consider a superstar. Didn’t seem to want it. Just went with the flow.

Is Rasheed an alpha by personality even if he insists on being a supporting player?

Full Court
03-15-2023, 09:20 PM
What do you do with a guy like this?


I feel like people would call his behavior alpha.

But he absolutely refused to be what we traditionally consider a superstar. Didn’t seem to want it. Just went with the flow.

Is Rasheed an alpha by personality even if he insists on being a supporting player?

Without knowing much about his personality, I'd say he's probably an alpha. Basketball is a game they play 2 1/2 hours every other night. Just because he's a supporting player on the court doesn't mean he is or isn't a leader.

For example, Bill Carwright was a quiet guy, but was considered a leader by everybody, and even Jordan would defer to him at times. He was a role player.

Someone else already brought up Draymond Green, and that's another good example. He's clearly a supporting player, but if you had to pick out a leader of the team, it would appear to be Green.

03-16-2023, 04:52 AM
That feels like the kind of thing people would know is low, but not want to say because it raises a question on where they stand. I’m not sure I’ve ever heard anyone who talks about alphas and betas say that they themselves are a beta.

I agree. "Yeah, we Alphas are a rare breed" would probably sum up most of them. But in my opinion there's a broad middle ground. There have been times in my life when I felt I was the most qualified, and I stepped forward and assumed control. And many more other times when I realized that someone else in the group had more knowledge, knew the people better with us better, and I just went off to push the button or turn the lever when they told me to.

1997 NBA finals. Game 6. Score tied, time running out. Jordan passes the ball to Kerr, who buries the 3. Beta move by Jordan? C'mon, you're the GOAT. You gotta take that shot! But... he passed the ball. Kerr made the shot, but imagine the fallout if he had missed.

03-16-2023, 05:28 AM
I agree. "Yeah, we Alphas are a rare breed" would probably sum up most of them. But in my opinion there's a broad middle ground. There have been times in my life when I felt I was the most qualified, and I stepped forward and assumed control. And many more other times when I realized that someone else in the group had more knowledge, knew the people better with us better, and I just went off to push the button or turn the lever when they told me to.

1997 NBA finals. Game 6. Score tied, time running out. Jordan passes the ball to Kerr, who buries the 3. Beta move by Jordan? C'mon, you're the GOAT. You gotta take that shot! But... he passed the ball. Kerr made the shot, but imagine the fallout if he had missed.

You bring up an important point which is that, beta and alpha are fluid concepts. Meaning you can be an alpha in one setting and a beta in another just based off personal abilities.

Another thing to mention is that 'alpha' in the wild is mostly characterized as a leader who uses violence and aggression as a means to gain and retain dominance within a group. The 'alpha' gene in humans has mostly been less selected for in favor of a more beta and cooperative personality. This allowed humans to form larger groups and separate themselves from other primates. As humans developed further, violence and pure physical domination was less important and things like charisma and strategic abilities were deemed important in leadership "alpha" roles.

With all that said, the real alphas in the NBA are the head coaches.

If we're talking strictly players as leaders, the ones who fit the "alpha" bill most closely in regards to charisma and verbal and tactical leadership, these current players come to mind:

Draymond Green
LeBron James
Chris Paul

There's more but not a whole lot. Its not really a common thing, because most teams are filled with a bunch of cooperating betas operating as a collective unit with no real charismatic alpha leader.

03-16-2023, 10:48 AM
It may be apocryphal, but I’m nearly sure I heard that the person who came up with that alpha beta and so on concept meant to apply it only to animals and was incredibly annoyed when people started claiming it should be applied to humans. I’ll have to look into it.

It doesn't even apply to animals. It partially applies to a certain type of animal and only when in captivity.

Either way I think there's a difference between what that guy meant and what has become colloquial usage. Otherwise we have guys arguing about it:

No, actually that’s a coach not an alpha…

As I said you don't know what alpha means. I guess you get your education from porn movies.

03-16-2023, 01:00 PM
It doesn't even apply to animals. It partially applies to a certain type of animal and only when in captivity.


Not accurate

03-16-2023, 01:23 PM
Is Steph Curry considered "alpha" or "beta" by most basketball fans?

Just wondering...

03-17-2023, 04:01 PM
Is Steph Curry considered "alpha" or "beta" by most basketball fans?

Just wondering...
A cuck.

03-17-2023, 05:19 PM

Not accurate

You could start here:

I remember researching this for an intro to socio course a while ago. From what I remember their research was only applicable to wolves in captivity. And even then there was some more nuance to it. Of course when it spreads as pop culture it gets condensed down until the nuance is lost.

03-17-2023, 08:58 PM
More men are considered Beta and Sigma than Alpha.

MJ and Kobe were Alphas. So was Shaq. Lebron is a High Beta.