View Full Version : Kobe Bryant was obsessed with winning championships. Who in the nba is obsessed now?

Mask the Embiid
04-06-2023, 11:12 PM
Who in the nba right now is obsessed with winning rings?

Not obsessed with getting individually better (perfecting their craft)
Not going to teams to play in cities they like or call home
Not joining teams just to be “the man” or cause they offered the most money

Who is actually obsessed with winning rings currently? Every move they make is purely based on trying to win more championships?


Wow that list was short. It seems like all the ****** who win all the rings lol.

Edit I was about to put on tucker but he bolted from the bucks to get more money with Miami

04-07-2023, 06:20 AM
But tucker currently plays for your hero's team, isn't he? :confusedshrug: :oldlol:

04-07-2023, 06:40 AM
I'd say Embiid, Jokic, Giannis, Durant & CP3 are the 5 who want it the most. Paul is old and doesn't have the pressure that the other 4 do but he couldn't get out of the 2nd round during his prime, lost a potential championship to a hamstring injury and then got bounced in the Finals when his team choked in late game situations and obviously last year's series vs. Mavs has to be killing him and Booker both and they need to at least make the WCF to get over that one.

04-07-2023, 07:24 AM
Curry for sure is the guy I think about when "winning" is what matters.

Most NBA players are content being Instagram famous and making the hip-hoppedy.

Curry only plays basketball, so that's why he wins more.

04-07-2023, 05:52 PM
Curry for sure is the guy I think about when "winning" is what matters.

Most NBA players are content being Instagram famous and making the hip-hoppedy.

Curry only plays basketball, so that's why he wins more.
Lol he hasn't made the playoffs yet without klay. Well, he almost did two years ago but his team ultimately lost b2b games in the 2021 play ins (aka losers bracket).

Real Men Wear Green
04-07-2023, 06:01 PM
Curry for sure is the guy I think about when "winning" is what matters.

Most NBA players are content being Instagram famous and making the hip-hoppedy.

Curry only plays basketball, so that's why he wins more.

Only James has more ads than Curry, who has multiple TV projects that have nothing to do with basketball.

04-07-2023, 06:05 PM
Only James has more ads than Curry, who has multiple TV projects that have nothing to do with basketball.
Yeah, that was a fcking stupid reply :lol Curry's in like 2-3 commercials that air constantly during games. I honestly see him in more commercials than even LeBron.

04-07-2023, 06:35 PM
LeBron and Durant are only obsessed with championships because everyone pretended like they were huge failures until they won one.

04-07-2023, 06:37 PM
people bag on embiid for crying after being eliminated, but kobe did that too once. just shows you how bad those guys wanted it.

lebron and kd are also obsessed as evidence by their willingness to collude and cheat.

king dingo is probably the most hungry and unlike embiid he has actually won and unlike bron he did it the honest way.

04-07-2023, 08:29 PM
Jimmy Buckets keeps getting overlooked. Hungriest player to win in the entire league.

04-08-2023, 09:05 AM
Teams in a playoff chase resting starters. Everyone is doing it. They're not even pretending to care. The last month of the season teams used to go hard no matter what their playoff positioning was in order to build chemistry, send a message to potential playoff matchups and gain some momentum heading into the playoffs. Now it's just...take a break then roll the ball out there when it's time and let talent win out. It doesn't matter because half the teams were reconstructed after the trade deadline anyway. I can't take it seriously when it's clear they don't.

04-08-2023, 09:22 AM
Teams are talent-based winners now (all-star team strategy) - gone are the days where teams develop a real identity or great chemistry because of the load management and increased player movement.

Btw, it's like Lebron turned the league into a talent-based format because he knew that he has the media and Klutch connection that would get all the good players

04-08-2023, 09:51 AM
Teams are talent-based winners now (all-star team strategy) - gone are the days where teams develop a real identity or great chemistry because of the load management and increased player movement.

Btw, it's like Lebron turned the league into a talent-based format because he knew that he has the media and Klutch connection that would get all the good players

Seriously. Durant is already sitting out games for Phoenix? How many games has he played for them? 10? The Mavs clearly tanked last night. I've never seen it more blatant. It's because no one cares. There's no respect for the fans. It's probably because teams know 80% of them only look at the box scores anyway.

We went from Bird playing with a bad back to MJ playing on bad knees to Rip Hamilton playing with a broken nose to Kobe playing with fractured knee to... franchise players sitting out due to "rest". These kids need a nap every third game. We're watching the stars sit on the bench clapping on nationally televised games with playoff implications. It's become a joke.

Why anyone would pay to attend games or watch NBA League Pass these days is beyond me.

04-08-2023, 11:47 AM
Jimmy Buckets keeps getting overlooked. Hungriest player to win in the entire league.

Yeah I would go with Jimmy Butler, Klay Thompson and Lebron James. Klay is the guy who reminds me the most of Kobe personality wise but he's more focused on improving in where Kobe was weaker (differing to teammates).

04-08-2023, 11:51 AM
Can you imagine Kobe sitting out a must win game like the Mavs? The NBA is so fukked up today.

04-08-2023, 01:36 PM
Can you imagine Kobe sitting out a must win game like the Mavs? The NBA is so fukked up today.
So true. The shtick is just getting tiresome and is destroying the league.

04-08-2023, 03:13 PM
Only James has more ads than Curry, who has multiple TV projects that have nothing to do with basketball.

Didn't Curry also have a golf show? These guys are all doing anything they can get their hands on. It doesn't necessarily mean they're not serious about basketball.

Can you imagine Kobe sitting out a must win game like the Mavs? The NBA is so fukked up today.

Then why the fucc are you guys still watching it? It's a terrible product. I agree

04-08-2023, 03:22 PM
Didn't Curry also have a golf show? These guys are all doing anything they can get their hands on. It doesn't necessarily mean they're not serious about basketball.

Then why the fucc are you guys still watching it? It's a terrible product. I agree

Eh, just waiting all season for the fukkin playoffs where players actually try.