View Full Version : Kyle Kuzma vs Spencer Dinwiddie

Nike D'Antoni
04-13-2023, 01:00 AM
Kyle Kuzma vs Spencer Dinwiddie


Kuzma addresses Dinwiddie's comments from FanDuelTV

Ok so since I’m so “famous”
let me give you all some clout. I’m usually unbothered but things on the internet but I will not allow this delusional guy to continue to talk about my teammates and I.

Here’s a thread:

1.) insecurity is loud?

The wizards & I have so much real estate on Dinshittie island. This guy got signed by a team 60ms and was traded before the following season was over. (😳)

2.) what in the world have you won in this league? Lol you’ve been bounced around like a basketball my boy.😭😭😭

3.) You can thank KD & Kyrie and the for spearheading 34 wins before the all star break (11-13 after the break) for your playoffs. 🤣🤣🤣

4.) 2nd option??? More like 2nd point guard Lol my man I watched you for two months at the end of your Wizards tenure (being the second option) average 8-4-4. Sounds good but glad you’re hooping now!

5.) and yup! I got a bag coming 🙏🏽 stop hating lol.

And last but not least!

6.) The only way you’ll ever be worth your contract is if the NBA finally gives you your wish of getting paid in crypto *check the markets* 📉

Enjoy the clicks!



Nike D'Antoni
04-13-2023, 01:01 AM
What Dinwiddie said


“You’re probably not even a third star really on a good team, because if you were the Lakers probably would have kept you.”

Spencer Dinwiddie didn’t hold back on Kyle Kuzma ��

04-13-2023, 01:44 AM
Are you ok, darling?

04-13-2023, 01:48 AM
No one asked for this beef and seems kind of forced. If this is fake social media beef I would expect it from
Kuz but I would be disappointed in Spencer Kiddie Fiddler.

04-13-2023, 06:44 AM

Full Court
04-13-2023, 06:51 AM
https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia.gq.com%2Fphotos%2F619d43880 48571eddd4ab10b%2Fmaster%2Fpass%2F259207888_458875 5407868444_1734975685078234037_n.jpeg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=915d354473d170c4bd475a2dbb5d239b81719e3636b878 8583f5278e7a20b9f1&ipo=images

04-14-2023, 03:14 PM
https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia.gq.com%2Fphotos%2F619d43880 48571eddd4ab10b%2Fmaster%2Fpass%2F259207888_458875 5407868444_1734975685078234037_n.jpeg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=915d354473d170c4bd475a2dbb5d239b81719e3636b878 8583f5278e7a20b9f1&ipo=images

Still a better basketball player than Spencer DidntWinDidHe.

04-14-2023, 03:20 PM
From what i have seen Kuzma is more about winning than Dinwiddie. I am definitely on Kuzma's side here.

Kuzma is a pretty positive guy. He isn't one to throw a lot of insults around. He plays with energy pretty consistently even when he is making a mess trying to do too much.

Dinwiddie can just disappear at times which isnt a good look for someone with legit talent. While Kuzma frequently tries to do too much, Spencer frequently looks like he is doing too little. I can see how he would rub Kuz the wrong way.

Im so nba'd out
04-14-2023, 03:46 PM
Role players gone wild