View Full Version : Paul George on guarding Derrick Rose: He was untouchable

04-20-2023, 11:45 AM
It was crazy matching up with him and seeing him in front of me, because I’m not going to lie, that year, bro, he was untouchable,” George said on the podcast. “He was untouchable. He looked bigger than what he was, he looked taller than what he was, he just had a stature that was bigger than what he was.

“His first step, he’s going to blow by you,” George siad. “His ability to contort his body, like he would do some sh– where he’ll start here, come back this way and finish back over here, like he just had so much sh– that he could do in the air, to the point that he was just dodging people. He was in the air dodging you, then he’ll come out and finish it. It was like he was floating. He would just float in the air.”


And people say the 2011 MVP was not merited.. smh

04-20-2023, 12:03 PM

04-20-2023, 12:39 PM


The 1 year wonder.

Makes you appreciate explosive guys who can actually stay healthy. Lebron 20 years deep in this shit.

And roses peak wasn't even great. 22ppg on below average efficiency. Yawn.

04-20-2023, 01:59 PM

The 1 year wonder.

Makes you appreciate explosive guys who can actually stay healthy. Lebron 20 years deep in this shit.

And roses peak wasn't even great. 22ppg on below average efficiency. Yawn.

One year?:biggums: He was rookie of the year and dropped 48 points in his first game of the play-offs against Rondo and the then-championship Celtics. Then, he was an all-star his second year before winning the MVP in the third. I have read many times here how D-Rose wasn't that good, the MVP was not deserved, etc. They are all lies. He played at a very, very good level for 3-4 years, before he got injured. And as a plus, check his highlights from those days, he was an incredible dunker.

04-20-2023, 02:12 PM
One year?:biggums: He was rookie of the year and dropped 48 points in his first game of the play-offs against Rondo and the then-championship Celtics. Then, he was an all-star his second year before winning the MVP in the third. I have read many times here how D-Rose wasn't that good, the MVP was not deserved, etc. They are all lies. He played at a very, very good level for 3-4 years, before he got injured. And as a plus, check his highlights from those days, he was an incredible dunker.

Peaked at 23.

I know about D Rose bud. His body couldn't handle his play style and cutting. He sacrifices longevity for a few good seasons, 1 of which is massively overrated.

Even Westbrick put together a real career despite playing wreckless.. D Rose just had a fragile mind and body.

04-20-2023, 04:35 PM

lol you are such a little midget f.aggot

Rose was looking unguardable before injuries. His first step was ridiculous and he would get into the paint at will. He also had amazing ball and body control once he got into the paint. He would football tuck it and eurostep while getting to the rack at will. I remember watching the bulls pacers series before injuries and you felt bad for the pacers, there was nothing they could do. Young CP3 was similar with his ball control and first step where he was unguardable. Derrick Rose was much more athletic as a strong finisher though.

Charlie Sheen
04-20-2023, 04:42 PM
Why do a majority view Brandon Roy differently in a what could have been more positive light? Best guess I could come up with... because people questioned why Rose sat out when he was supposed to be healthy? Roy kinda the opposite story where the game was taken from him by doctors?

04-20-2023, 04:46 PM
Rose was one of those guys that just blows you away when you watch them. He still should not have been the MVP. Sometimes guys with less talent/beauty/magic to their game impact winning more. I think at the time I had my MVP ranking as: Dwight, Durant, LeBron, then Rose.

04-20-2023, 05:20 PM
"It's hard where a guy, he's running at top speed, he can easily catch up with you," said Rose. "It's extremely hard where a 6-8 guy can easily defend you.".


04-20-2023, 05:34 PM

I will never understand scumbags making fun of some of the most exciting young players ever who suffered devastating injuries.

What is there to make fun of? All of us missing out on 5 more hours of incredible highlights? A young guy dealing with 3-5 years of rehab?

Just reveling in being an awful person? What?

Charlie Sheen
04-20-2023, 05:40 PM
I will never understand scumbags making fun of some of the most exciting young players ever who suffered devastating injuries.

What is there to make fun of? All of us missing out on 5 more hours of incredible highlights? A young guy dealing with 3-5 years of rehab?

Just reveling in being an awful person? What?

Too strong man... I agree it was in poor taste but that guy was just trying to get a rise out of the OP because he is the biggest Rose fan.

04-20-2023, 05:59 PM

What a scumbag. Remember what LeBron said man. Karma is a b1tch and she’s coming for you


04-20-2023, 06:02 PM
Too strong man... I agree it was in poor taste but that guy was just trying to get a rise out of the OP because he is the biggest Rose fan.

I don’t like how a lot of people here post. Doesn’t justify making fun of devastating injuries that just made all of our experiences as sports fans worse. Why are we always reaching for the bottom as fans? I’m always having to delete some shit about Kobe’s and his daughter passing away or mocking some injury….

Is it really asking too much to be better than that?

We can acknowledge someone got hurt or even make a remark or two in passing….but a lot of people just seem like jerks. On all kinds of subjects. I don’t get what is gained by that.

Am I weird for not thinking it’s funny watching a guy in pain grabbing his knee? Is it me?

04-20-2023, 06:28 PM
I don’t like how a lot of people here post. Doesn’t justify making fun of devastating injuries that just made all of our experiences as sports fans worse. Why are we always reaching for the bottom as fans? I’m always having to delete some shit about Kobe’s and his daughter passing away or mocking some injury….

Is it really asking too much to be better than that?

We can acknowledge someone got hurt or even make a remark or two in passing….but a lot of people just seem like jerks. On all kinds of subjects. I don’t get what is gained by that.

Am I weird for not thinking it’s funny watching a guy in pain grabbing his knee? Is it me?

Lebron23 posts like that all the time without repercussions. You allow posts like that from him to slide and next thing you know others think it’s acceptable behavior.

Charlie Sheen
04-20-2023, 06:31 PM
I don’t like how a lot of people here post. Doesn’t justify making fun of devastating injuries that just made all of our experiences as sports fans worse. Why are we always reaching for the bottom as fans? I’m always having to delete some shit about Kobe’s and his daughter passing away or mocking some injury….

Is it really asking too much to be better than that?

We can acknowledge someone got hurt or even make a remark or two in passing….but a lot of people just seem like jerks. On all kinds of subjects. I don’t get what is gained by that.

Am I weird for not thinking it’s funny watching a guy in pain grabbing his knee? Is it me?

No you are not weird. It was not funny to me either. Maybe I am the problem because I just shrug it off because I do not want to deal with these kinds of matters when I come here. As you mentioned, it is easier for me to ignore it when I am not subject to all the filth you clean up without me ever seeing it.

the bold: Probably because being a jerk is the quickest way to make a name for yourself.

04-20-2023, 06:49 PM
He was a wide eyed rookie who barely started during the regular season guarding the league mvp in the playoffs of course he would be in awe.

04-20-2023, 06:56 PM
I didn't really get into basketball until 2012 so never really got to witness MVP Rose

But even last year watching him on the Knicks he had one of the quickest first steps in the league so I can only imagine how athletic he was before his ACL

04-21-2023, 04:18 AM
I will never understand scumbags making fun of some of the most exciting young players ever who suffered devastating injuries.

What is there to make fun of? All of us missing out on 5 more hours of incredible highlights? A young guy dealing with 3-5 years of rehab?

Just reveling in being an awful person? What?

I don't understand how that doesn't warrant a ban. Get him outa here for the playoffs.

Rose was legit OP. I had no problem with him winning his MVP because he was the best player and their closer on the best team :cheers:

04-21-2023, 04:37 AM

You should have been banned with that other tard for this

04-21-2023, 04:39 AM
I will never understand scumbags making fun of some of the most exciting young players ever who suffered devastating injuries.

What is there to make fun of? All of us missing out on 5 more hours of incredible highlights? A young guy dealing with 3-5 years of rehab?

Just reveling in being an awful person? What?

Ehh you should have done it

04-21-2023, 05:11 AM
His tenure in chicago was the greatest the bulls had seen since the 90s dynasty days. Sadly, it was short-lived tho due to obvious reasons.

04-21-2023, 05:18 AM
Haha very measured response. You skirting that ban lol
Musta hurt with your distain of Jordan

04-21-2023, 05:21 AM

04-21-2023, 05:41 AM
What? That was the most unbiased reply you ever had lol.
Laughing on a hurt player is shit man

04-21-2023, 05:45 AM
Except i didn't laugh about it. I assume you are talking about another poster?

04-21-2023, 05:50 AM
Bronies are the lowest lifeform in the sports fandom universe. I am completely indifferent to their stupidity at this point.

04-21-2023, 05:56 AM
Bronies are the lowest lifeform in the sports fandom universe. I am completely indifferent to their stupidity at this point.

Perhaps not if you're writing such broad sweeping generalizations.

04-21-2023, 05:57 AM
Except i didn't laugh about it. I assume you are talking about another poster?

Nah your right .I know your a Jordan hater so I assumed you were the same with rose and being sarcastic. That's on me mate

04-21-2023, 06:03 AM
Why the hell would it matter to you if i do or don't? Lol. What i'm certain about tho is that i've been cheering for the team since bt.

That's why i made a simple take earlier, which also has very little or nothing to do with jordan.

04-21-2023, 06:10 AM
Why the hell would it matter to you if i do or don't? Lol. What i'm certain about tho is that i've been cheering for the team since bt.

That's why i made a simple take earlier, which also has very little or nothing to do with jordan.

You've been cheering for the bulls since bt?

04-21-2023, 06:12 AM
Yeah. I always feel good if they win games. Although admittedly, they're mediocre rn. That's why i don't talk about them too often nowadays.

04-21-2023, 06:17 AM
Yeah. I always feel good if they win games. Although admittedly, they're mediocre rn. That's why i don't talk about them too often nowadays.

Aye. I think your gaming me lol
As in your taking the piss lol

04-21-2023, 06:20 AM

I think it's better to go btt instead.

04-21-2023, 06:21 AM
Well it's dinner time here in Aus. I have bacon and eggs to cook

04-21-2023, 06:22 AM
It's breakfast dinner time

Real Men Wear Green
04-21-2023, 07:48 AM
Perhaps not if you're writing such broad sweeping generalizations.

So you feel some kind of pride in 1987_Lakers being a stupid piece of shit?

04-21-2023, 09:42 AM
So you feel some kind of pride in 1987_Lakers being a stupid piece of shit?

Do you have some pride for banning people when you are on your period?

04-21-2023, 09:48 AM
Do you have some pride for banning people when you are on your period?


04-21-2023, 09:52 AM
Too strong man... I agree it was in poor taste but that guy was just trying to get a rise out of the OP because he is the biggest Rose fan.

Someone who gets it. I'll admit posting the gif was overboard, but OP says the most annoying things when it comes to Rose.

To be honest, I'm the last person who should make fun of someone else for being injury prone, just the other day I got a flat tire & hurt my back while changing it with the spare on the side of the road. :lol

04-21-2023, 10:35 AM
Gets it? You think it’s hard to “get”? Nobody wonders why shitty fans cheer injuries. It being a living breathing fellow human in agony matters less than supporting their teams or agenda. They get to win. Maybe the game….maybe the argument. But that persons suffering helps them. They enjoy it and don’t mind showing it because they have no shame.

It’s not some deep thing. It’s just being awful.

Real Men Wear Green
04-21-2023, 11:18 AM
Do you have some pride for banning people when you are on your period?

You have 50 alts. The bans don't matter and everyone knows it. Feel free to go back to laughing at torn acl you worthless asshole.

04-21-2023, 11:24 AM

Why are you such a scumbag always hating?

Rose in his prime was an unreal athlete the likes of which we've never seen before or after yet all you want to do is post a picture of him hurt?

You do realize you're going to have all this stuff boomerang right back at you right?

04-21-2023, 11:34 AM
Dayum, why are bransexuals hating on DRose? Then again, they hate everyone not named Lebron and Pippen.

04-21-2023, 11:34 AM
Rose was one of those guys that just blows you away when you watch them. He still should not have been the MVP. Sometimes guys with less talent/beauty/magic to their game impact winning more. I think at the time I had my MVP ranking as: Dwight, Durant, LeBron, then Rose.
No, he was definitely MVP that year. But the rest of the post I agree with.

04-21-2023, 01:03 PM
Dayum, why are bransexuals hating on DRose? Then again, they hate everyone not named Lebron and Pippen.

Yeah they should be hyping Rose up.. he's the only true superstar/MVP-caliber player Bran faced in the EC Playoffs from 2011-2018 lol. Melo I guess is a close 2nd but they don't like him either. Bran stans need to do a better job of giving other guys not named Bran credit. They're constantly hating/downplaying his opposition while also arguing that Jordan didn't play against anybody, yet no one Bran's faced is apparently any good either. Weird.

04-21-2023, 01:18 PM
Yeah they should be hyping Rose up.. he's the only true superstar/MVP-caliber player Bran faced in the EC Playoffs from 2011-2018 lol. Melo I guess is a close 2nd but they don't like him either. Bran stans need to do a better job of giving other guys not named Bran credit. They're constantly hating/downplaying his opposition while also arguing that Jordan didn't play against anybody, yet no one Bran's faced is apparently any good either. Weird.

Facts. List of players Bron Stains absolutely despise, and it’s really peculiar

MJ, for obvious reasons being superior
Kobe, his contemporary equal footing rival
Curry, for stealing the league from him
KD, oddly for the same cowardly team hopping
Kyrie, oddly for helping LeBron win his Cleveland chip
Wade, low key because they know he had to join his team
AD, because he’s the real reason Bron won in LA

And inexplicably D-Rose. A guy LeBron himself likes and respects. The youngest MVP ever with an organically built team, without a lot of talent by his side, who Bron needed to cowardly join forces with Wade and Bosh just to get past.

That or they legitimately think LeBron should’ve got 2011 MVP even though he had a guy on his team putting up the same alpha superstar numbers. :facepalm

Why are you such a scumbag always hating?

Rose in his prime was an unreal athlete the likes of which we've never seen before or after yet all you want to do is post a picture of him hurt?

You do realize you're going to have all this stuff boomerang right back at you right?
Seriously. Also a Kobe hating “Laker Fan” :oldlol: